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File: 35 KB, 375x261, hair-musical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8616410 No.8616410 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is ded

To start off the thread:
What routine would you recommend for thick, coarse, frizzy BSL wavy hair?

>> No.8619414

polite bump

>> No.8622198

I know nothing about good hair care, only that I feel pretty isolated when I see girls with gorgeous hair complain about their hair looking like shit when it isnt anything compared to mine, I normally wear wigs these days because I know it isn't up to standard.

>How much time should I be spending on my hair?
>Are frequent hair treatments (not just cuts, but the entire package) crucial to gorgeous haie?

I don't even know where to start on decent hair care so I can wear it out natural? I have so many problems with my hair beyond improving my diet the past 4-5 years could control. Though I cant imagine it being worse than some of the people with perfect hair, as some are overweight etc.

>> No.8622202

Oh yeah, I'm the poster above. I think it helps to mention I have kinda coarse (I think), waist length, 2c type hair. Never been dyed.

>> No.8622250

Anyone got any products they use for damaged hair? I kind of want to try Olaplex but it's expensive and hard to get in the UK, any alternatives?

>> No.8622856
File: 441 KB, 960x629, 331353531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience using Arctic Fox dye? I'm considering trying it out, but I'm wondering if it's any good and how it holds up against other brands (Special Effects in particular).

>> No.8623195

Just a random observation, but I've found that the way you part your hair matters somewhat.
I used to do the usual messy middle part but my face looks so much more balanced with a side part.
Sorry if this is old news, I've just figured it out.

>> No.8623211
File: 120 KB, 400x603, front-zigzag-medium-banged-hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have some cute hairstyle tutorials for hair like in this pic? All I do anymore is wear it down plain or throw it into a sloppy bun for work.

In addition to that, if anyone wants to recommend a pink hair dye they like, I'd be happy to hear your suggestions!

>> No.8623714

I need dry shampoos recs for thin/fine hair.
I've tried Dove, Batiste, and Pillow Proof so far. All of them have made my hair greasier. I'm not expecting wonders, but I'd like to try to get through 2nd day hair for my bangs at least...Thanks

>> No.8623722

Toni and Guy do a decent one. Batiste is shite though, sorry anon.

>> No.8624130

How can I stop the top of my hair from being so thin while the bottom is really thick?

>> No.8624150

are you doing any sort of mechanical damage? Pony tails, hats, wrapping it in a towel?

I have thin hair and I've always just used cocoa powder or corn starch.

Also, maybe just try using more of the dry shampoo. When I started I was kind of timid with it and it didn't do shit.

I'm not sure what you mean? That's just normal ass straight hair with bangs. I don't think there's any real styling going on.

Definitely. I read that parting your hair opposite of the side your nose curves can make it look straighter (if that's a real problem for you, most people have at least a slightly crooked nose)

>> No.8624324
File: 10 KB, 300x300, s1312792-main-hero-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing i'll recommend for those like you and i with thick, coarse and frizzy hair is this beauty right here. Got it in the wintertime to stop my hair from making friends with everyone's nearby winter coats on the morning commute, and quickly realised it's a bit of a miracle product for the whole year for my hair type. It's not greasy or oily, but gets rid of frizz/static and makes my mane so much softer and manageable right away. Plus it smells really nice.

It's listed on the website for $31, but I recall getting it in-store for far less http://www.sephora.com/bamboo-smooth-kendi-oil-dry-oil-mist-P278004?country_switch=ca&lang=en

>> No.8624661

No, I let my hair air dry naturally. It's long, halfway down my arm/back. The top is just so flat and the bottom is sort of half curly and nice but there's too much of it. It's too unbalanced

>> No.8624678

I don't know if its available in the uk, buy I tried diksons structure fort and my hair is improving a lot. I used the third little bottle today and my hair is soft, very easy to brush and looks shinier and a bit thicker than the usual. It says you should use it once a week, but I think you can space the applications a bit if you want. You have to use it after washing your hair while its wet, and even if it isnt written on the box you should use a hair mask/conditioner after because expecially the first 2 applications can leave your hair a bit dry. The first time I used it my hair was dry and frizzy the first day but went back to normal after, and quickly started to improve!

>> No.8624763

Maybe that's the problem, people with thicker hair usually get triangle head if it's wavy. The top is weighed down by the sheer volume of it so it flattens.

>> No.8626796
File: 377 KB, 500x838, yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help. I have shoulderlength hair and I want a cut that fits my horseface. I can't figure out what my faceshape is. Any tips/recs?

>> No.8626816

Oblong, clearly.
Something medium-shortish, maybe slightly under the chin, with lots of volume on the sides, rather than the top. You don't want to make your face look longer than it is or drag it down with very long hair. Well long hair can work supposing you have enough volume but again that's harder at longer lengths. Look at the cuts that were most flattering on SJP for example
You have nice, thick, dark eyebrows. I'm jelly.

>> No.8626878

Are you crazy? Anything below chin length will make her face look longer. It should be at chin length.

>> No.8626991

I used to have really thick hair but it's thinned out considerably after some health things. Anyway, due to the thinness my hair has become quite curly whereas it used to be only slightly wavy so I sometimes straighten it. My problem is that when I straighten it my hair gets SO OILY and within hours it looks like I have dirty gross unwashed hair. If I'm going out I'll spray on a mixture of cornstarch+alcohol to the oily parts and that usually takes care of things for a couple of hours but then it gets super oily again. Why is my scalp so oily? And what can I do to stop it from getting so damn oily?

Also, my scalp is extremely flaky. It's not dandruff and obviously not a matter of dry scalp...pls advise me.

>> No.8627013

Sounds like you /do/ have a dry scalp. Your hair is overproducing oil to try to compensate for it.
If I might ask, what health issues? If it's diet/digestion related, you're probably vitamin/nutrient deficient. My hair/scalp was the same when I was anorexic, and I still have some issues due to digestive complications from that. Make sure you're eating properly, getting enough of good fatty acids, drinking a lot of water,etc.
Then, switch to washing your hair every other day and maybe look into changing your shampoo and rinse. I'm not an expert on hair are products, but organix is my favorite drugstore brand and helps my hair stay soft without getting really oily (I wash ~2/3 times per week).
If the oiliness is really bad, you might need to hold off on straightening for a bit while your scalp sorts itself out.

>> No.8627033

>Why is my scalp so oily? And what can I do to stop it from getting so damn oily?
Naturally curly haired people produce more sebum than straight haired people, because it's more difficult for it to travel down the shaft of the hair. You're probably not producing much more oil, it's just spreading more easily. Unless you're making yourself hot enough to sweat when you straighten your hair, which could be a contributing factor.

> It's not dandruff
Dandruff is just a generic term for flaky scalp, so yes it is.

>> No.8627433

Hair oil in general is a blessing for thick hair. This looks interesting tho, I might try it when I run out of jojoba oil

>> No.8627904
File: 301 KB, 550x550, [Etude_House]_NEW_Hot_Style_Bubble_Hair_Coloring_8_Colors_Pick_one!_Dye_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i somehow fucked up my hair with this, i did everything on the package and what people did in the videos. i have no idea what the fuck happend?
ill post pics when hair is dry.

>> No.8627910

Did you use the lighter colours on non-Asian hair? If so, that's probably why. Dyes targeting Asian hair have fuck loads of bleach in them. I also made the mistake of trying to lighten my hair just a bit/get rid of this weird greenish tone while I was staying in Korea once and my hair turned bright, light orange instead of the nice auburn-ish colour on the box.
I have no idea how other people use stuff like Palty.

>> No.8627929

Kek, I was asking for any ideas on how to style hair with that cut. Updos, braids, ect.

>> No.8627940

I decided just to take a chance and order some. It will probably take a little over a week to arrive, but if the thread is still around by then I can give a little review if anyone else is interested.

I've heard mostly good things, but based on what I've seen/read, about 85% of reviewers say it's really good and long-lasting, doesn't bleed, etc. but the other 15% seem to say that it washes out quickly and bleeds everywhere... Maybe it just doesn't take well to certain hair types? I guess I'll find out for myself soon enough.

>> No.8627950
File: 448 KB, 570x380, a039_zps8ae5ed84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any kuro gyaru hair ideas? especially for shoulder length hair

>> No.8627954

the stuff is meant for dark hair, which i have so idk why it didnt work. i poured the stuff in, tilted it a bit, pumped it out, but it was white at first but then changed to the colour i was dying later on, maybe i mixed it wrong? idfk.

>> No.8627959

That sounds normal ? Have you ever dyed your hair before?

>> No.8628058

yep, quite a bit of time ago so its grown out and been cut off. now my hair is just this weird light at the top and darker as it goes down a bit. so weird upside down ombre. tfw

>> No.8628063

Any reccomendations to smooth out hair and help frizz for kind of greasy hair?

>> No.8628071

How did it not work, then? Just no effect?

>> No.8628130

I'd be interested to see the pictures. Was is just the colour that got messed up or did your hair get very damaged as well?

>> No.8628166

my hair currently has treatment in it since i plan to dye it again sometime soon. if i remember to take pics once i rinse it out before putting in more ill post them here.
it made some parts lighter and some not, can't see any of the colour.

>> No.8629196

Since there are a lot of women on this board who have experimented a lot with their hair, plz tell me honestly:
How bad is bleaching for your hair, actually?

I have died my dark blonde hair light brown for years and my hair isn't in top condition.
It's slightly frizzy, not very soft and I start to get split ends about 3 weeks after I get a haircut even though I treat my hair with great care.

Light blonde hair would suit me the most and I would go to a professional to get it done since my hair isn't virgin hair at the time.
BUT how much worse would my hair be?
Is it realistic to just redye the roots afterwards, so that the majority of my hair would only need to go through the procedure once?
Is it somewhat realistic to still have long good-looking hair if you bleach it at a non-virgin starting point?

>> No.8629213

If you have coarse hair it's normal that you feel it's less pretty than other people's hair. I also have it and sucks, but there's hope!
So, you have virgin hair which is good. Stop styling it with heat if you're doing it, as it makes it look better but brings lots of damage.
Products with silicones can make yor hair look nice, it coats the strands and makes them shiny and smooth but don't overdo it. Clarify once every 2 weeks maybe.
If you shampoo, use it a bit diluted, because it can dry the ends.
Oil is your friend! I use olive oil on my ends to keep them protected from dryiness, and a mix of olive oil and coconut oil for an hour before washing my hair.
Coarse hair looks good in braids, so learn styles with them, there are lots of them on youtube. I also bun my hair to protect it and keep it contained at work. Use cute accesories too, it makes a lot of difference!
Hope that helps!

>> No.8629225

I've been dyeing my hair for about 10 years now. I have dirty blond hair that gets lighter in the sun (and in chlorine and salt water, I swam for years and that was the "natural" color of my hair).

I get highlights (bleach) put into my hair professionally every 4-6 months. When my hair dresser dyes my hair, she dyes tiny sections of it in a stripe down my hair, and on either side of my head, so that no matter what way I part my hair the highlights look uniform. So even though I'm "touching up my roots" every time I go in, she's not just painting dye onto my part.

I don't think bleach alone is going to damage your hair badly, it will be up to you to get regular trims and ensure that you don't damage it with heat or whatever.

>> No.8629259

I have a curler on the way. my thick straight hair will curl if it's the last thing I do!

>> No.8629827

I like looking on the beauty department and cute girls hairstyles for ideas. Not sure what floats your boat style wise. And as for pinks, sfx atomic pink for life

>> No.8629859
File: 16 KB, 236x354, short fringe bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a long face, does it generally look okay to have horizontal bangs? I figure it would make your face seem shorter. At the same time, I've been told it's not all that great to have blunt horizontal bangs like the ones popular in lolita if your forehead isn't large.

Basically: I have an oblong face shape, but my forehead is kind of average imo. If I want horizontal bangs of some type, what are the best options? Slightly side-wept? Horizontal bangs that are cut higher on the face like pic related? Tbh, this is kind of the cut I'd like in general.

>> No.8631682


Chin length would be good? I was always afraid it'd make my face harsh haha.

>> No.8631689

There isnt a way to quanitify damage, as it is all about how often you bleach your hair, how much you need to bleach it as well as waht else you do. The more shit, the more damage. It isnt like bleaching once will kill your hair, but you will notice more split ends and you just deal with it. Your dyed hair will obviously be more damaged than your virgin hair but dark blonde to light blonde isnt a big deal.

>> No.8632607

I'd never used any hair products aside from a cheap plastic brush, shampoo and conditioner. Today I got a tangle teezer (well, a local knockoff) and Loreal's Elvital anti-breakage spray with ceramides. So far I'm really pleased with both, if you have any other products to recommend that'd go with my hair type I'd love to hear them! I'm looking to up my hair game.

My hair's pretty much like OPs, except on the straighter side and not wavy.

>> No.8635804
File: 933 KB, 873x675, ineedhelp (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

politely bumping with my face.
What kind of color and haircut would make me look younger and cuter seagulls?
I just wanna live the dream and feel like a kawaii loli desu, as the lonely weeb i am.
Also i am 19years old if that can help.

>> No.8637423

Guys, if I'm growing my hair out, how often should I get it trimmed and how much cut off? I usually just ask for two inches off but I'm not sure if that is too much if my ultimate goal is long hair.

>> No.8639645

'just the split ends' will suffice.

>> No.8641060

bumping for interest

>> No.8641078

I used to shave off most of my hair since it suited my face better, but now I'm trying to grow it out. I bleached it about every month and a half or so because my hair grows at roughly an inch a month and I hated my roots showing through whatever dye I'd use. It's bleached currently and it's starting to feel kinda rough as it grows out, especially in the back where my head rubs against my pillow at night. It's not fried or anything else, it doesn't break off or go frizzy. It's probably 4" long now and looking pretty terrible.
Would using a ton of coconut oil help that out, or is there a different type of "healing" I need to do to sort this out?

>> No.8641112

You ideally want someone who will talk to you about how much they will cut off and how much you 'need' to cut off. And someone who isnt stupid and knows what an inch is. They will know what you mean if you tell them you are trying to grow it out, but a lot of people are shit at doing what you want unless you direct them, so be involved. Also dont go as often as they will try to sell you into doing, you dont need to get a trim that often, probably every month or every other month if you arent doing a lot to your hair otherwise.

You will never grow out your hair if you damage it from the getgo. Stop bleaching it and just let it grow out. If it isnt super damaged to the point it breaks off atm it will soon if you are bleaching every inch that grows out.

>> No.8641141

I haven't bleached it for well over a month and don't plan on doing it again.

>> No.8641169

Going to be trying Pravana in red soon. (My hair is already red, I just wanted to try a different brand this time around)
Anything different I should be expecting in comparison to other dyes?

>> No.8643070

I'm 21 and have naturally dark brown/auburn hair (around a level 4, I think), but in the past few months I've been noticing that I seem to have a few white hairs. Is this normal occurrence? Is it possible that I'm going grey prematurely? Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I did have a great uncle who was completely grey by the time he was 30.

>> No.8643521

I used to dye my hair and it damaged it slightly. Once, I had it bleached at a very good salon, it got extremely damaged. Not worth it imo. Going a little bit lighter with box dye is much healthier, at least for me

>> No.8643853

Have you been experiencing stress lately?
I had the same problem when I was about 15. When I noticed I was thinking the same thing, but once my life got less stressful I never found another grey hair.

>> No.8645951

Hey seagulls, can you please help me?
My hair is thick and coarse, really frizzy and prone to tangling. It's always been like that (right now I dye it which actually makes it a bit more manageable, but the frizz and crunch were there even when I had virgin hair), and it crunches when you roll it between your fingers. It doesn't look dry or anything, but the frizz and tangling are driving me insane.
Can you please please recommend some treatments, shampoos, conditioners, whatever?

I've also noticed my hair doesn't absorb product very well, everything I use just makes it greasy and heavy until I wash it again.

>> No.8645954

Oh yeah and I tried coconut oil, I don't use heat, wash once a week (it doesn't get greasy if I don't use conditioners or sprays), braid it before bed and sleep with a silk nightcap on. Nothing helps.

>> No.8646763
File: 202 KB, 651x791, cries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a hair cut today, and it's so awful! I just wanted my hair trimmed and to style my grown out fringe, I'm so upset. I could tell she was rushed the entire thing (wash inc.) took her like 25 mins?

Anyway, tips on growing your hair quickly?
Pic related, artist's rendition...

>> No.8646771

Brush the forehair to the sides for now to hide the asymmetrical cut.
It's just hair, it'll grow back and you won't see the haircut anymore in 3-4 weeks. It's not like a wig got hacked up irreparably.

>> No.8646901

Honestly I love your hair, I would love to get it cut like that.

>> No.8647242

something similar happened to me, even though it was my fault. I cut my fringe too short (was like 2 cm above my eyebrows). Dont think too much about it, use something to pull back the part thats too short (like cute hairpins or a headband), and if its long enough french braid it, it usually looks very cute if done well.

>> No.8647251

>2cm above eyebrows.

Ohoho, anon. The last time I did my own bangs they were 2cm long, period. It's a special kind of hell.

>> No.8647301

You already look like 13. Why would you wanna look younger?

In any case you'll need longer hair for that. But color to look younger, I'd say just go natural. Go back to whatever natural hair color you have.

>> No.8647483
File: 256 KB, 500x500, Fashion-Lolita-Halloween-Hair-Long-straight-Light-Brown-Mixed-Pink-gradient-Cosplay-Wig-Free-Shipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was recently thinking of dyeing my hair lie this, but I have darkish brown hair and I'm afraid of killing it. Do you think doing just the pink part would be that bad?

>> No.8647493

if the pink part doesn't come out the way you like, you can always trim it off without incident.

>> No.8647521

The pink part is actually an under layer thing.

>> No.8647575

Anyone can recommend good brands of hair dye to dye sections of hair black? Something that wont "destroy" the hair (atm white hair if that is any factor)

>> No.8647588

It is unlikely that dying your hair once will just kill it. You may want to try for a bit brighter of a pink because the lighter you want the more work you have to put into doing it, but otherwise you should be ok.

Dying darker doesnt destroy the hair, it is getting it lighter that does. Be careful with that choice because if you are already at white, going dark is pretty much a permanent decision. There is no way you will be able to go back to white after that. The other annoying thing will be that black fades to brown which i dont think you can avoid.

>> No.8647590

I got a couple stray white hairs when I was 19. I still get them every so often and I'm 24 now. I wouldn't stress about it.

>> No.8648232

the thing is, tried a couple years ago directions black dye and after 2 washes just faded to complete blue and bled over all the other colors, so was looking for some advice

>> No.8648275

Don't follow >>8647588's advice. White hair with black dye might end us with you getting dark hair with blue or green tones to it. What you need to do is first dye it brown, a darker shade with red pigments, then after a week of that you dye to black.

>> No.8651121
File: 109 KB, 588x369, patches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some advice. I have a hair problem like picture related. I went to the dermatologist and she only gave me some cream along with some pink liquid to put in my hair before I shampoo until I run out. I can't remember the term but it started with a D (Dermatitis Herpetiformis?) There's large flakes no matter what I use to wash it and when they peel off red patches are underneath that get irritated. They are not white but sort of brown like oatmeal. To make it worse it's on my eyebrows as well as the bridge of my nose/side of my nose.

My questions are is there anyway to get rid of this? I've read similar stories and all of them said you can 'control' but it's permanent for life? And if I can't get rid of it then would it be better to cut my hair short then? How would I managed to control this problem outside of just using cream and washing it with tea tree shampoo?

I heard rumors that this is a thyroid problems?

>> No.8651134

I'm pretty sure the pink is extensions. Just buy some clip in ones, pastel pink from dark brown is quite damaging and lots of upkeep

>> No.8651206
File: 22 KB, 279x400, sheena022-279x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do other Shorties do about thick and poofy hair? I'm no one for styling products so maybe I just need to part it differently?

>> No.8651753

Oh god, anon, I'm so sorry. If you feel comfortable, could you clean up the bangs yourself? Or a lot of places you can just walk in and get your bangs cleaned up either for free or for about $5. At the very least try to get it cleaned up, you'll feel a lot better, and then it will just grow out nicer than it will from that.

>> No.8652030
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x2000, 2015-10-05 21.13.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a hair cut tomorrow and would like any suggestions on what to do with my hair. I don't use any heat products so the disgusting dead ends from the long period of time since its last cut (~5 months).

>inb4 trims ends
That's a given

>> No.8652082

My hair is a bit similar, very thick, stiff, prone to extreme frizz and dryness. I lose A LOT of hair too which ends up tangling if I'm not careful(I make sure to finger-comb/carefully pull out all the loose hair every few days and brush thoroughly when I wash it). While I haven't mastered the art of managing this annoying-as-fuck hair type, what I've done is switched to sulfate and silicone free shampoo and conditioner. I use some L'oreal and Suave brand I found at the grocery store, just made sure it didn't have sulfate/silicone. Maybe some other brand is better, but for just trying it out and seeing what happens, the dryness and frizz in my hair has gotten better.

I also find that blow drying my hair helps make it more manageable. It makes my hair a little softer and reduces frizz, plus it gets easier to take out all the loose hair. I try to be careful and make sure to use some heat protectant with medium heat when blow drying, because I don't want to risk drying it out too much.
Hope this sort of helps, I've been trying to figure this out for years, but I'm by no means a professional.

>> No.8652096

Jesus that file size

>> No.8652118

I don't know how to reduce file sizes on my phone...

>> No.8653008

How do people find people to cut, color, and style their hair? Like i can look people up online and read their reviews all day long but in the end it is always such a gamble for me. Like most of my friends who go to salons and things regularly are white and my issue with going to a salon that a white person recommends to me is that their stylist always want to chemically straighten my hair right away (I have like 2c curls and I like them) while if I ask one of my black friends then they typically have weaves or braids and those salons want to give me a weave or braids and if I say I want to keep my hair natural but not get either of those things then they get confused, and I end up with a hair cut that I hate.

Heaven forbid I want someone to color my hair the actual color that I want.. nope I just end up having to keep it real basic there.

What do you like? What is your daily personal style? How much time to you want to spend getting ready in the morning?

>> No.8653035

Since a lot of people here have pastel/unusual hair I have a question.
Growing up, I was always taught NO unusual hair, NO unusual piercings and NO/very few visible tattoos if you ever wanted to get a job or at least get past the interview. I'm not talking like Wal mart etc I mean more like corporate jobs, anything you sit behind a desk. It doesn't seem like it would matter but I always heard it did.
Even when my bf was getting a similar job his hiring manager mom told him to replace his earring with a smaller one (its already small, not a gauge) and cut his hair (barely shoulder length)
This is my experience on the east coast and central US
Now we live in a laid back area of the west coast and I have pastel hair and am interviewing. I've been freaking out about it and pretty much all my friends have been "wtf, why would it matter"
I was still planning to get a wig but I had a surprise interview and didn't have a chance. Its a corporate managerial position. So I apologized and explained I can change my hair back to blonde if it is an issue and the guy looked at me funny and was basically like "wtf why would that even be an issue"
Is this like a regional thing???? What is going on? I'm wondering if I should even bother getting the wig now. I have another interview tomorrow.

>> No.8653039

If you ever see someone with a hairstyle you like ask them where they got it. It might be an issue with what you want but I think eventually you might get lucky and see someone walking around. Lol sorry thats my best advice.

>> No.8653075
File: 499 KB, 1158x1600, SCAN0739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done a dumb in a while... I've got some scans from the September issue of Larme I think I'll go ahead and do it. I haven't translated these ones yet.

I think it also depends on the industry that you work in and the general attitude of the town. For example my mother is a nurse in a white trash town and has her hair dyed brown and purple. She had no trouble getting work when she moved out there.my sister who also lives in that area got a nursing job recently with her magenta undercut and huge gauges.

I live in DC and DC fashion is so boring. Everyone has government jobs/want government jobs and so they keep everything conservative. And with retail workers they ask them to cover up their tattoos because it could offend customers... I kid you not one day an old white bitch complained to management that a new hire had a rose tattoo on her wrist. That same cow complained that my hair was too big (I had twisted my hair out and teased it)... so she's a cunt but that kind of thing is not that uncommon here. However at my new job (I work at a call center for a tech company now) people have all kinds of tattoos, piercings, and hair coloring, but they're not seen by the public.

I'll give that a go. I'm one of those weirdos who has no problem striking up conversations with strangers or paying them compliments on their hair, makeup, clothing, etc.

>> No.8653080

Thanks for the input on the job thing! Yeah, if you have no problems talking to people then give it a try. I found an awesome stylist I used for ~4-5 years just by asking some girl whose hair I liked/wanted. My most recent stylist I found on Yelp but that might not work as well for your situation. (I specifically searched for the color I wanted, but I'm a white person with resilient hair so that's not an issue there)

>> No.8653082
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>> No.8653091
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My hair is hella resilient. And it grows crazy fast. I just ended up cutting it extremely short last week because I literally had no idea what to do with it for a job interview and I wanted to make a good impression so I had my dad shave most of it off (I had gone without a trim for about three years so it was so meh). I look good with most hair colors, I have one of those skin tones that I can work pretty much every color. I just hate having my hair black (my natural color) because i feel like it ages me up dramatically). I've been loosing weight so my skin is looking a bit older then I would like so I want to keep my hair medium brown or lighter. I have what I would call white girl curls but I feel like just because of my skin tone people get confused by that solely.

I swear looking thru yelp reviews is always a pain for me because there is no filter by race. I think if I go into a place for some coloring (at this length about and inch and a half to two inches) my hair is just slightly wavy so I could scope of the scene without them running to a relaxer.

>> No.8653096

They are stricter on men, short hair only is a typical request. However I never had an issue with getting an office job with my bright green hair. To be safe I put it in a bun for the interviews but their attitude is just be good at your job.

>> No.8653103
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>> No.8653105

Go to a Devachan salon?

>> No.8653117
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>> No.8653134
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Last Larme scan...

I got these ones from emiiichan's blogspot they don't have watermarks.
Ohh, thank you. I just looked up salons near me that had devachan trained people and the reviews on yelp are encouraging with some great before and after shots. I am going to have to give them a go when it's time for a cut. It looks like they only allowing appoints following a consultation at all of the salons which is super encouraging. Thanks Anon!

>> No.8653214

I like low maintenance and often do braids/buns. I don't like using heat and I'm not too knowledgeable about all the different hair products out there. I use shampoo, conditioner, Marc Anthony argon oil, and some detangler.

>> No.8655412

Do you have thick hair? Like, the strands themselves are thicker than other people's hair strands? Because my hairstylist told me that on top of having dark hair, Asians have very thick hair so they need much stronger bleach than someone else with thinner hair strands and dark hair.

>> No.8655436

A lot of the places i got will cut your hair again for free if you think it's terrible. Maybe you could go back to the salon and ask them to fix it.

>> No.8655442

My problem wasn't nearly as serious as yours, but I used to get a bunch of flakes and itchiness around my hairline. I've found that my issue resolved itself after I changed my facewashing routine from liquid wash every day to only when I wash my hair, and using face pads or not washing to my hairline on the off days.
I'm sure this probably won't help your situation, but I wish you the best of luck!

>> No.8655452
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I worked at a car dealership for 7 years as a cashier and we had a company policy that you couldn't have unnatural hair colors, holes in your pants, piercings besides normal ear piercings, etc because we were in a more conservative area of the county. My coworker actually got sent home because she dyed her hair pic related color. Now I work for a therapy clinic and no one cares about your physical appearance as long as you don't look too scruffy.
I think it really depends on the type of industry you're getting in to. If you're really unsure, you could try asking someone you see while you're interviewing for the position. Receptionists are usually pretty friendly.

>> No.8655477

As a general rule, the types of places/people who have something against unnatural hair (in a professional setting) do so because their immediate thought is "Dirty punk kid."

The second that you walk in and you're a clean, polite, well-presented individual that notion is thrown out of the window and they don't care.
If your hair is clean and well-maintained, they can't really say anything anyway.

>> No.8656228
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I really want to dye my hair a copper red, but a lot of my wardrobe is dusty pink and I'm worried that it would look bad. What do you guys think? It wouldn't be bright red, but more orange-y, similar to this ETC model.

>> No.8656306

It can look good or bad depending on your skin tone. If you're not a Spring, say, it'll look crap.

I'm a natural redhead but I'm an Autumn and when I lightened my hair to a bright copper it looked like shit. So be careful!

>> No.8656310

Can I bleach my hair naturally with lemon juice/henna if my natural colour is a dark brown? I've been dyeing my hair for a long time and I've started getting itchy scalp recently.

>> No.8656311
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aight I'm going to try to not go full spam on questions.

I need some ideas on cutting/styling. I usually just wear it like on pic related, sometimes straightening while I'm at it. it's getting pretty stale. my hair can't hold a curl at all (without like half a can of hairspray), so that's mostly out. I want to learn braiding but I suck at it rn
I'm thinking of going for purple next, I know the lighting on the picture sucks but can anyone tell if it's an ok or really bad idea with my skin colour? I can prob try to find some pic with slightly less shit quality. I am nordic level pale if that helps
should I go for directions or manic panic? I'm planning on going purple -> purple plus black -> black -> either let it grow out or chop most of it off, if that affects anything.

the heart is there to cover up the fact that I'm probably becoming sick again and look shite

>> No.8657131
File: 70 KB, 600x750, d0c9d5c3b63e7d23e1ecf2c45e7785bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for achieving gyaru curls with naturally curly hair for a daily look?

I have 2b/2c type curls (jewish curly hair basically) It's very thin/fine and very frizzy and poofy. I've just started getting into himekaji. Luckily this style features a lot of curly hair... but unfortunately the only way I've ever known to tame my hair is to straighten it. Any tips on how to get my hair looking in the realm of pic related without too much heat or effort, for someone with hair that is already curly? Basically how to add volume/body to the overall shape, define the curls, and reduce frizz.

>> No.8657141

mousse/ curl definer, wrapped rag curls/ braids and slow air dry (over night) stops it from drying frizzy, at least for me, though my hair is more wavy- curly
don't brush out, detangle when wet
also apparently using oil/ not washing too often apparently helps

>> No.8657150

Do you think bantu knot curls would work? I think when I braid my hair it usually comes out kind of flat since my hair is pretty thin.

I have some L'oreal Curve it Curl Taming Cream so maybe I'll give it a try.

>> No.8657153

My hair dissolves in bleach after less than 10minutes

>> No.8657154
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Moisture, moisture, moisture. Are you using any product in your hair? If not, you should be. Try to find something specifically formulated for curly hair. If you have to blow dry it, use a diffuser (pic related)

>> No.8657156

I use products when I blow dry my hair out, but I don't know the first thing about products for air drying curly hair and defining curls without heat. I know vaguely that leave in conditioners help but I've tried a couple and none made any noticeable difference in my hair. I don't know anything about products beyond leave in conditioners either.

>> No.8657171

I just wear my hair down every day with a sweeping fringe. I shaved some off the sides because I get major triangle-head and overheat too quickly but that's it. I wash my hair extremely rarely and the ONLY thing that goes in it is coconut oil or hemp oil occasionally. Don't do dyes, bleach or heat and search and destroy splits ends/mid shaft splits every 2 months

If you want to keep your hair natural, you don't like what stylists suggests and don't know what you want, why do you even need a haircut/style? Just leave it how it is.

>> No.8657195
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Coconut oil, braid hair into two pigtails, let it out after a few minutes to the next morning for however pronounced you want the waves

>> No.8657202

>let it out after a few minutes to the next morning for however pronounced you want the waves
so I'm guessing english isn't your first language...

>> No.8657208
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>dusty pink
I think that might be the perfect shade to go with red hair, actually. It'd probably look gross any other shade. I think redheads in pink clothing really give off this kind of strawberry vibe, if that makes any sense.

The shades in pic related look really nice, for example.

>> No.8657215

As a white girl with 2c curls who also had every stylist want to straighten it (Especially BEFORE cutting, which is a huge red flag.) I gave up and have been cutting my own hair for three years.
It seems daunting at first, but you do have a lot more leeway with curls over straight hair, anyway - If you fuck up, it'll get hidden in the texture.

Stylists just have no idea how to handle curly hair these days; Even the extremely expensive ones.

>> No.8657219

It makes perfect sense to me, anon. The length of time that you leave the braids in for will dictate how pronounced the curls are in your hair.

Less time > The hair 'sets' less > Softer waves.
More time > The hair fully dries/'sets' > Very crisp, tight waves.

>> No.8657225

so you let it out after a few minutes or you let it out next morning? There's all kinds of grammar going on there.

>> No.8657230

I assumed I was having so much trouble because I live in a predominantly white city, but maybe it's a common problem. It's really amazing that you're cutting your own hair--what style are you doing?

>> No.8657234

Relax your anus, it's really not hard to understand.

>> No.8657239

you're the one who seems ruffled.

>> No.8657244

I think you all are right. My hair is very clean and professional looking, aside from the color. I went to another interview since posting this and they didn't bat an eye, but I guess I'll have to wait and see if I get invited back.

>> No.8657261

you may just be ok with a trim then if you tend to keep you hair up anyways.

I'd say keep away from dark purple if you're a pale lady. Like I'm not pale at all and I look awful with dark purple hair unless I have a tan... same with black. But if you're Nordic snow it cold have a cool goth chick vibe to it. My mother is really pale naturally and she lightens her hair to a dark brown with medium purple at the ends because straight up black is harsh against he skin and betrays her age (though she started smoking again which is making her age even more).

I want to try and grow it out again. I have a bad habit of shaving all of my hair off when I don't have a professional do anything with it for a while.

I used to have my sister cut and color it for me, but she moved out of state last month so I could look into how to cut my own hair. I think I may give one of the salons I found by looking up Devachan Salons like the one anon had mentioned. There is this one lady 100+ people have been raving about on yelp so I may give her a try when it's time for a cut.

>> No.8657438

Is it yours?
Because that was not that hard to get.

>> No.8657498

alright, thanks for your input. I'm probably consulting with a stylist or actually going to the physical store and seeing what the dye looks like next to my skin. (I'm pretty deep in the nordic snow, with a veeery slight yellowy tint? it's really only noticeable on my hands/arms, my face has a habit of turning pink and blotchy. one of these days I should post a pic on /r/coloranalysis)
I've been told black will make me look like an ana-chan but honestly I just want to try it once in my life, and I'd rather do it earlier in my life than regretting it later on

>> No.8657507

I hadn't heard of them but they should do, as long as you don't rub them around too much (if you move a lot when you sleep use a cover or something)
The main thing is drying your hair slowly in a smooth curled shape with some product

>> No.8657789

I have 3a curls. I use a cotton t-shirt to plop my hair for a few minutes until it's a bit less soaking wet, then I like to put in a leave in conditioner, a little bit of mousse near the roots, and gel finally. If I want more volume, I'll pin the roots of my hair up. I also reccomnd sunkissalba's drying method. I do that when I have more time and it makes the curls come out more uniform.

Naturallycurly has been a lifesaver for me because I grew up with straight, thin haired family that had no idea how to care for curly hair.

>> No.8659342

Can you rec me some conditioner for wavy, oily hair?

>> No.8660700

does a square face look ok with a fringe?

>> No.8662190 [DELETED] 

My hair is as long as pic related, same colour too. It's very fine and with that length it doesn't hold curls at all....... any ideas for styles for actual long hair?

>> No.8662192
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My hair is as long as pic related, same colour too. It's very fine and with that length it doesn't hold curls at all....... any ideas for styles for actual long hair? No braids though, I'm bored of them.

>> No.8662299

/r/fancyfollicles has a thread about it every once in a while iirc. just search for 'long hair styles reddit' on google or something and you should be golden

>> No.8664045

>want vkei-like hair
>naturally wavy soft hair in damp climate making straightening stop work after few hours
What can I do? Any ideas for less than perfectly straight or even wavy or curly vkei styles? Maybe something ouji.
(Sorry for weird post I'm on mobile)

>> No.8664642
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I know pic related is a wig, but is there any way I can get this kind of volume and style with thin/fine hair?

>> No.8664985
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help me anons, /fa/ blew me off in typical /fa/ permavirgin fashion. I'm cutting my hair back to a pixie in a week. What would be most kawaii? Don't care how short it is, just tired of the thick blob it has become and don't want the 3edgy5me tumblr fakeboi look or the old lady look. I'm at a loss as to what to tell my stylist to do.

>> No.8665166
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I know there are vekei stars out there who do curly/wavy hairstyles. The first guy who comes to mind is kamijo of course lmao.

>> No.8665233
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Hmmm, I was aveda trained so I don't know much about other brands, but I have heard nice things about deva curl and I am in love with aquage in general so if they have stuff for curly hair specifically, I'd go for them. You mostly want to go for something anti frizz if you live in a humid area and look for words like "definer." A lot of professional product I've seen for curls are basically really weak gels with extra oil. The higher end ones contract when they dry to further emphasize the curl pattern.

You don't need much more than a lotion and maybe a style prep though unless you're adding volume at the roots, where I like to use dry shampoo for most of my clients. Curly hair specific hairspray is silly and a waste of money if you find a hairspray with a good hold. (I love aquage transforming spray)

If you don't mind looking like a middle eastern man while you get ready in the morning, curly hair benefits a lot from a blow dryer hood. (Pic related. Buy at an ethnic hair care section or maybe at Sally beauty.)

>> No.8665314

My skin looks pink *really* easily. I turn red really easily, too. I have very light skin that is I think cold toned, but I tan a really desaturated, dirty grey. My original hair color was a strange brown that had ashy tones on top and copper tones on bottom. I'm ethnically Mediterranean White and Blackfoot Native American, if that makes a difference.

For the life of me I can't figure out a good hair color. Yellow blonde makes me a pink nightmare. Black looks okay, but is soo boring and a bit gothic. I know I need a shorter hair cut, since I have a slightly longer face, so I won't have a lot of color real estate so to speak. I tried wrapping shirts around my head to see what color would look good, and just...maybe I'm stupid, but I don't see a difference. Everything looks meh. I thought color theory wise that having red hair would make me look less red by comparison, but it sounds like that's the opposite in hair? By that logic a cyan color would be the best for my face, but that sounds odd? And I find it strange that everything recommends ashy light colors, which all look ugly to me. I look dirty when I wear white clothes, so I'd imagine I can't wear light hair colors either.

>> No.8665366
File: 28 KB, 500x491, Cute-short-hair-with-bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-Holy shit, you're gorgeous. Your face is so cute anon, wtf. What about something like pic related, long bangs + pixie cut. I always thought it was a cute and feminine.

>> No.8665403

ohmygosh thank you anon, I'm blushing so hard <3
and I will save that picture, I think that would be really cute!

>> No.8665933

Bump, I have the exact same problem

>> No.8666239

Any more ideas?

>> No.8666793

thanks for that advice! I have one and tried using it with curlers but wasn't able to get great results. I think I didn't let it dry long enough (I did 1 hr) and I would need non-velcro maybe.

>> No.8666800

oh yeah, and how would you suggest I use these products?

Say I'm using a style prep (will the aveda smooth infusion style prep smoother work?) and a lotion (something with anti-frizz and definer in the name) and a dry shampoo (anything I should look for here?)

What order/what techniques should I use to apply them? I'm guessing I should let my hair air dry a bit so it's damp but not sopping before I put the products in?

>> No.8667925

I have frizzy wavy thick hair

What shampoo/conditioners would be good for me?

>> No.8670396

Hey /cgl/, I need suggestions for scalp care.

I have a very dry scalp. And when I say dry, I mean it's dry. Scabs,crystallized puss, and blood galore. Thing is, it's very itchy, so I scratch it a lot, in turn I just got more scans and puss. This, however, is common for me so I don't pay it much mind.
However, recently I find it happening more frequently. Meaning, if I washed my hair on Sunday, it'll start getting itchy on Tuesday or Wednesday. It's getting really hard for me to keep styles in for more than a week now gulls.
For refrence, I love in a tropical area (sun beating down on me constantly), I have predominatly 4b/c with other random more delicate strands mixed in (think of one ultra straight blonde hair, and wavy 3a hairs in there randomly), and dry and oily hair.
I've recently cut out an allergen from my diet, and started taking vitamins. My diet is pretty so-so.
Also my hair routine is pretty simple:
>starting from loose out day
>loose out braids with grease or oil
>leave scalp and hair rest for a day or so (depends on when I'm going to get it done, no longer than one week though)
>On wash day I install big braids to clear out and section hair
>wash hair with warm water and sulfate free shampoo
>condition hair with regular eucalyptus based conditioner (until it runs out) and cooler/cold water
>oil hair with JBCO or reg. CO to keep in moiture and pat dry-air dry
>later on in the day I braid my hair in cornrow based styles varying from Mohawks to free fail braids-twists
>attempt to keep in for two weeks to actually try to grow my hair out
>oil, grease, or water hair if needed

Can someone help me see where I'm going wrong or give me suggestion so I can improve my scalp? It's not kawaii when dry scalp is constantly falling around you and everyone thinks youre dirty with a cute outfit going on. Plus it's starting to hurt.

I heard about ACV and Tea Tree Oil, but do those really work? I'm still in trial and error mode, sorry.

>> No.8670418

Basically with a style prep, you massage it into your damp hair before drying it.

Dry shampoo, when using it to style, I section dry hair and apply a bit to the roots in each section and work it in with a round brush and blow dryer with a concentrator nozzle. (mixed bristle is by far the best for styling I've noticed.) You can use your fingers and no blow dryer if you want curl at your roots too.

At the last part, take a small amount of the anti-frizz shine product in one hand and take some onto your fingertips to apply to the midshaft and ends of your hair.

The smooth infusion style prep is nice, but I prefer the nourishing styling cream. Dry shampoos are mostly the same thing besides aerosol vs non aerosol, unless you get a colored one (they prevent dark hair from looking greyish if you use too much of it)

>> No.8670523

Go to a dermatologist.

>> No.8670533

Oh my god...
Wash. Your hair. DAILY.
Shampoo only your scalp, condition hair.
Massage the scalp with your fingertips when washing . Just don't scratch, this can cause infections.
Use herbs-based cosmetics.
And you don't really have to follow this one: use some kind of serum or whatever that's called in English, preferably with alcohol. That shit that you massage into your skin. I know you might think that it will only cause yous skin to only be drier but... I don't know, here in Singapore it is just kinda recommend for everyone. I guess because it's a disinfectant.

>> No.8670802

>some kind of serum
It sounds like you're referring to tea tree oil. Sometimes my shampoo doesn't get rinsed out completely, so my hair stylist recommended tea tree oil to get rid of the flakes. It's also used as a disinfectant for other reasons.

Normally I would disagree with washing your hair daily as the above anon mentioned, but are you really washing your hair less often than once a week? Do you at least rinse with water sometime during the week? You don't have to use shampoo every single wash, but even just washing your hair with the shower water ought to help get rid of some flakes and built up oil.

I agree with going to a dermatologist though. Your scalp may need more than just a deep-conditioner to help.

>> No.8670807

It sounds like you are allergic to a product or something, it shouldn't be THAT itchy

>> No.8671035

I can try? My hair is pretty dense so it'll be pretty hard to only wash my scalp with shampoo.... Serum? Oil? Like tea tree oil or something? Yeah, people recommend it but as I said, I'm in trial and error mode and somethings that do wonders for the majority are shit for my hair (i.e. coconut oil, I only use it for my skin now)

>but are you really washing your hair less often than once a week? Do you at least rinse with water sometime during the week?

Actually I just stopped doing that these past two weeks. I mentioned I have 4bc hair, therefore I keep it in protective styles (braids, twists, cornrows, updos, ext), and if I wet my hair the style gets flagged out and frizzy. A one week style looking a month old basically.

But what I used to do is wet hair in the shower, apply diluted conditioner and shampoo, and rinse. After I would add an oil to the scalp & keep in moisture and move on with my day. (then the next weekend I actually wash) Works for a little while, but by later that night my scalp would be hard and dry again.

I would definitely start again after this Sunday's wash day though. This little experience I had trying not to wash was terrible.


Also yes, I recently cut out eggs from my diet (one of my little allergens). I'm going to try to go a month or two without it to see how things go. Not too sure if I have another hidden allergy I just need to get checked for though.

So far the dryness in my skin has cleared up a bit so there is that.
But I have noticed I recently bought Jamaican Black Castor Oil and my scalp is dryer than usual (my hair is perfectly fine though). I'll try again these next two weeks, and probably cut it out if I'm noticing the same thing.

>> No.8671127

Does anyone have dying tips for synthetic hair to achieve darker colours? I've recently purchased some sythetic hair extensions and want to dye the 'roots' black. I've dyed plenty of wigs before with alcohol+ink but they've all been lighter tones.

>> No.8671888

Does anyone have any advice how to add lasting volume and texture to fine, flyaway hair? I'll style my hair in the morning and it'll have gone back to how it was when I woke up in less than an hour. I currently style it in a bob with longer bits that are just below shoulder length at the front and shorter at the back, about halfway down my neck.

I've tried adding hairspray to my roots, wax, blowdrying, curling, salt spray (which currently has the highest success rate for keeping texture if I dump enough in) - the only thing I don't really do is straighten it, since my hair is straight as a rake and I don't think heat damage will help. I wash my hair every two days and it will get greasy and limp if I leave it for 3.

I live in a wet windy area (who doesn't love exposed hillsides?) so I'd prefer something that's weatherproof as possible. Feel like I'm asking the impossible here but by god does flat hair not suit me.

>> No.8673486
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Hey gulls, need some help.
My hair is currently dyed colour on the left, and my natural hair is colour on the right.
I love love love this hair colour and it makes me look so much better than my natural brown. However, I've recently developed an allergy to chemical dyes so my scalp is terribly itchy and my hair is full of dandruff.

Is there any way I can keep up the colour without using chemical dyes (for example with henna and cassia)? Or am I doomed to forever 'glossing' my boring, ugly hair? I don't want an unnatural copper red or a mahogany, I just want to keep the colour I have now.

>> No.8673514
File: 127 KB, 500x500, png_27_31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this last week and its so amazing, I ordered another bottle after I got it because its so good. I actually recommend it to everyone. I have so many problems with frizz and it manages it so well and makes it look so healthier.

Also my hair is naturally dark blonde, very thin, can't grow beyond about arm pit and prone to damage even when I don't tie it make harshly or use heat products . I want to dye is white blonde after school because the whole new hair, new time in life thing as well as, if my hair is going to look damaged all the time, I would prefer it to be a colour I actually want and like. Would it be better to dye it and then cut all my split ends off or the opposite and just generally a terrible idea?

>> No.8673694

I had hair like that in high school. Then I grew it out.
I looked 10x better once it grew out. It's really hard to have a short thick hairstyle without looking like a soccer mom or a lesbian stereotype

>> No.8673707

I think you should just ask your hairdresser

>> No.8675329

Bump for help.

>> No.8675430

I don't really have a consistent hair dresser.

>> No.8675640

What's the least hazardous way to straighten 4b/4c texture hair temporarily? (Like, if I wet my hair or something it'll just go back to normal.) Does such a method even exist?

>> No.8675724

most heat straightening techniques will go back to normal when it gets wet...
Just blow dry it or straighten it (tutorials can be found on youtube)

if you're looking for least damaging you could do a hair wrap while it's wet and sleep on it while it dries naturally. The only heat you'll need is some spot-straightening in the morning for pieces that got messed up.

>> No.8676810

You might be allergic to a product you're using on your hair/scalp. Not food or anything, but something you physically put on there.

>> No.8677279

Please help me, /cgl/.

I want to go blonde. My natural color is about a level 6 or so, and I'd like to get about to a level 8 natural-looking golden blonde. What's the most gentle way to do this? Just use a box dye? Bleach bath and toner? I'm mostly worried about touching up my roots as my hair grows, since I want it to look natural (no dark roots or demarcation lines).

>> No.8681711

You should grow it a bit and do a cute bob or something short styles make people look younger. I'm always a slut for bobs though so it might just be me.

>> No.8681719

Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.8681730

you seriously came back to the thread days later to say this?

>> No.8682268
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What haircut would match my face?
sorry for bad picture

>> No.8682458
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I have really long med brown hair with red tones. For a while I have been thinking about dying it a silver blonde. I have even gone as far as getting a consultation at a salon, but I am hesitant about actually doing it because it will take at least 3 treatments to get it the color I want. So my question is, should I just bite the bullet and color it all, or should I maybe get a balayage first and see if I can live with the color?

>> No.8682463

a lob with a fringe maybe?

>> No.8682477

Box dying at any shade of blonde is a horrible idea. If you want to color your hair, go to a professional salon and have a colorist look at it. It is worth the money to not have junky looking hair.

>> No.8682481

Then get one. Honestly I don't understand how so many of you want to do all these crazy things to your hair and don't have a hairdresser you see regularly.

>> No.8683260

Well yeah? The fact that I don't know what to do is why I'm asking. Just because I haven't had regular appointments with a hair dresser before doesn't mean I can't start now that I know that's what you should do. That's why half the people come to threads like this, to ask the basic questions they don't know where to ask otherwise.

>> No.8683557

Cut your hair before dyeing it. What's the point of dyeing the split ends if you know you're gonna chop them off anyways? It's a waste of product, time, and energy.

>> No.8683559

The obvious answer is balayage, since bleaching your entire head will inevitably fry it, no matter how slow you go. You want to make sure it's something you can live with

>> No.8683569

Some people don't know how to find a good hairdresser, and might not blindly trust their advice on all things hair.
I personally have been cutting (and dyeing, but I've never had my hair dyed in a salon) my own hair for 6+ years now, because I kept having the problem of hairdressers not fully understanding what I wanted or how to work with my hair and messing things up. Now, at the very least, if I try something new and it doesn't look how I planned, I don't waste any money.

A lot of people would rather have multiple opinions/advice on their hair than one single person's.

>> No.8683713

Well I was thinking possiblly since during it damages it and causes split ends if I cut it after it might be healthier because the end of the hair strand wouldn't have been directly effected by the bleach like if I had have cut it first. Made sense in my head but I guess that's not how it works

>> No.8683718

No, you fucking retard. Have you ever been to a stylist? You cut your hair after coloring it so you can cut off the split ends/damage you caused from the color.

>> No.8683745

Please get bangs, your forehead is big. It's cute in a way, you kind of look like an 18th century doll? But think you would really benefit from a fringe.

Do not use box color and please don't use bleach. I'm sorry to say but the best way to lighten your hair to a natural blond is through a long series of highlights. Find a salon stylist that you can trust, and try out chunky highlights, go from there. It will make it so so much easier to hide your roots, and it won't damage your hair beyond all repair.

>> No.8683779
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Would a fringe work with my type of hair?

>> No.8683826

You may find you need to blow dry or straighten a shorter fringe. But you kind of need one with your giant forehead.

What do you put in when you blowdry? There are texturing sprays that you use with heat, they're a bit sticky and have tack when they dry but I personally find them to work well for me. Wet does basically tend to kill any sort of styling, so get a decent raincoat and fluff your hair up after you get in.

What about the "taro brown" colour? Not too ashy and light, but the purple in it is basically the opposite to the yellow that doesn't suit you...

Only with heat styling and you probably won't get bangs as thick.

>> No.8683836
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I think that you're very cute, and your hair is a nice color. You can always try a very full side fringe if you don't want to go all-out with blunt bangs (even though I think blunt bangs would suit you.) And like >>8683826
said, you will need to do some minor styling in order to keep up with bangs. (Personally, I just blow dry my bangs and the rest of my hair at the root area for volume, and touch it up with a flat iron for smoothness after it's dry.)

>> No.8683875
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Here's a few things that may work for you?
I like the length of your hair, so I wouldn't change that except for a trim to keep your ends healthy. However, I might advise investing in a good glossing serum to control your frizz.

You're cute anon.

>> No.8683892
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Thanks! I was actually considering this for a long time, something like Freja

>> No.8683926

That would look really great on you! Just remember to use heat protector and deep condition your hair every couple weeks.

>> No.8684072

Alright, way to be a bitch for no reason.
If you have recently cut off the damaged ends of your hair, then bleaching isn't going to magically make the ends of your hair more damaged than the rest.
That being said, after bleaching your hair you will definitely be more prone to split ends in general, due to the damage it causes. So cutting your hair directly after coloring might extend the time before it splits again, but there's really not much of a difference from what I've experienced. Coating your hair in coconut oil and letting it sink in before hand can greatly reduce damage from bleaching.

Also, if your hair is so prone to breakage, you may have a copper or vitamin deficiency, and should probably bring that up next time you go to the doctor.

>> No.8684078

As someone who also has thick, frizzy-prone hair, I want to specify that bangs that start farther back on the head, like >>8683892 and T-Switft's here >>8683875 are what you want. Since the hair is longer, it'll frizz up somewhat less.You'll still probably want to use some sort of heat or product on them, and brush them into place when they're wet.

>> No.8684122

It is incredible how helpful you all are on this board, nothing like /fa/.
Thanks again :)

>> No.8684140

That's mostly because we aren't 18 year old sexually frustrated boys with terrible taste in fashion.

>> No.8684153

yea we're sexually frustrated 20+ year old women with terrible taste in fashion.

>> No.8684156

just the fanny makes us leagues better if you ask me

>> No.8684542

OK I'm panicking, you guys. I just plucked out a hair from my scalp and it was like 1/4 silver. I'm 22 and both of my parents started noticing greys in their late 30s... I even have extended family members who only started getting their first grey hairs in their late 50s, so I can't really find a genetic link to it. I do have hypothyroidism, which is connected to it, but I am on medication. Could this still be the cause?

>> No.8684595

Babby's first hair product question... I've been using waxx pomade the past month (my hairdresser recommended it) and I love the hold and how my hair retains its softness. But too much will easily make me look greasy. I've heard regular hair wax is the same as pomade but without the grease-like shine. Is this true? Can anyone recommend a good product?

>> No.8684815

I started getting white hair around the age of twelve. No idea what could be the cause but right now I have quite a lot of them at the back of my head.
I don't really know how to help you, just wanted to share this. But if you have light hair they won't even be noticeable.

>> No.8684826

probably just stress
gulls genuinely don't know how to relax

>> No.8684877

i know naturallycurly advises against fringe bangs for curly hair (they call it the "mall look" whatever that is) but I sometimes see curly wigs (like 3A/3B size curls) with a fringe that don't look bad - how would I go about doing that without looking awful? Or is it impossible?

For reference, my hair is about 3A/2C,

>> No.8686163
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Is Tom Hiddleston hair achievable or should I stop even trying... maybe my hair gel is just shitty

>> No.8686171
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>hair gel
bruh use pomade. anything with a good hold will work wonders

>> No.8686612

Any good conditioner replacements?
I found out I am allergic to bronopol which is a preservative in shampoo which sneaks it's way into conditioner,too. Or maybe I am allergic to something else in it also. Dunno. Either way, every one I have tried lately makes me itchy all over.

What can I use instead of conditioner?

>> No.8686629

Try organic, maybe? Or use oils on damp hair. I'd recommend jojoba oil.

>> No.8686633

Straightner and products, probably. You can try investing in a roller for your fringe so it'll curl to that instead of doing its own thing.

>> No.8686817

This might be the only time I say this unironically and with a completely straight face but go to /fa/, they'll be more helpful on this topic.

>> No.8686823


>> No.8686877

I have this doubt about silver shampoo.

I bleached my hair a really pale blonde, I applied silver shampoo when I bleached it, to achieve this tone.

Is the effect of the shampoo progressive? I mean, if I keep using it, will it eventually get even lighter or do I have to use something like Manic Panic Virgin Snow?

>> No.8687438
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I shampoo every other day and use conditioner every day. Whenever I style it I use leave-in conditioner, heat-defense spray, and a hair iron and comb to add volume. However, my hair seems to go flat even if I use hair spray. Can you please help me pick a hairstyle with the hair that I currently have?

>> No.8687848

You might be using too many silicones and it's building up, which is making it flat. Use a clarifying shampoo at least once a month, and ditch either the regular conditioner or leave in conditioner.

>> No.8688323

Silver shampoos and conditioners aren't bleach, they're purple toner. The more you wash the more it dumps the purple toner in your hair to neutralize the brass in blondes.

>> No.8688418

Thank you for your response! I'll keep using it every time I wash my hair then.