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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8604747 No.8604747 [Reply] [Original]

Mech cosplays are love.
Mech cosplays are life.

>> No.8604759
File: 330 KB, 350x525, Cosplay-mecha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you noticed cos contests are like rock paper scissors?

>mech beats pro sewing skills/details
>idol dance group beats mech
>judges' friends beat idol dance group

>> No.8604773

Too bad you can't sew your way out of a paper bag. :)

>> No.8604791
File: 260 KB, 2048x1365, 11952706_1013140338708120_7706905203317307464_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasnt going to respond to this but....

Clive sews. And well. This is a photo of his wedding. Both his outfit and his wife's dress he made.

>> No.8604799


>implying we wouldn't just make the something much cooler and dope from the paper bag.

It's like you want to be uncreative.

>> No.8604839

I don't think you've played Rock Paper Scissors.

>> No.8604858
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>> No.8604872
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>> No.8604874
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>> No.8604878
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>> No.8605167

>Rock beats scissors
>Scissors beats paper
>Paper beats rock

You wanna settle this with some ro sham balogna?

>> No.8605288


Fuckin awesome mate! OoO

>> No.8605299

heavy armor is the way. i'm planning on a G30th gundam as soon as i finish the other projects (all armored) and get some founds for it

>> No.8605370

You have 4 groups in what you said, not 3.

By your logic, it would be:

>mecha beats judge's friends
>idol dance group beats mecha
>judge's friends beat idol dance group

>> No.8608731


>> No.8609097

I does seem someone doesn't want to learn to sew and will be a kid forever :)

Get over it. Sewing is way harder than any other kind of cosplay. No wonder 90% of comissions are costumes made out of fabric, but 90% of cosplayers can do their own armor/props. This is the main reason why most of self-made fabric cosplays sucks but most self-made props/armor look decent. Literally anyone can do anything creative with other materials that are not fabric, even a 4 years old kid.

>> No.8609099

>i'm butthurt cause i can't make props but i can sew and since all my friends can do both i'm utterly useless...

>> No.8609171

>Sewing is way harder than any other kind of cosplay.

I'm a bit confused here, are we talking about clothing design, or the physical action of sewing?

>> No.8609180

I have sewn AND made armour before, armour is a cheap shortcut to making yourself seem like an impressive cosplayer.
Sewing requires hundreds of dollars in fabrics, patterns often have to be made 10 times over to get the right appearance, sewing can take hours upon hours, this shit ISN'T FUCKING EASY.
Making armour is so fucking simple I can't even believe it. Fuck you guys who say that amour is cooler or more impressive, just shows your lazy and have no skill.

>> No.8609189

Woah chill bro, go knit a skirt or something

>> No.8609196
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I'm gonna put out the simplest way to achieve a GOOD LOOKING costume in both media

To make a simple costume piece from fabric:
>Cut out pattern
>Cut out fabric
>Sew together.

To make a simple costume piece from craft foam:
>Cut out Pattern
>Cut out pieces (neatly mind you cause mostly you cant hide crappily cut armor)
>Heat form piece
>Seal Foam
>Add Contouring

>> No.8609201

you dont need darts, or gathering, or panels to get your lame looking armour to look good. and you dont just sew it together. you need to hem it, and overlock it, and an overlocking machine costs AT LEAST $600 for a good one, and good luck threading that shit up.

>> No.8609203

more like
> buy fabric in the right colour
> measure amount of fabric needed
> drape fabric on dress form
> make at least 5 toiles to get the pattern right
> cut out pattern
> sew together
> extra bits, darts, gathers etc.
> try on
> adjust
> hem
> overlock

>> No.8609226

ok fine and I'm gonna stick with foam cause I wont even get started on worbla

>Buy the right thickness of foam
>FInd a place that sells large enough pieces of foam for chestplates etc
>find the right kind and color of paint
>usually have to mix the right color of paint
>Make at least 5 paper patterns to get it right
>Cut out pattern
>Have to Glue together perfectly first time or you're fucked
>Try on
>You can rarely 'adjust' armor so if you mess up there's a higher chance you'll have to start over from scratch.
>Seal for paint
>Mix paint (and if you're lucky only need to mix one batch)
>Paint well with no streaks or drips
>Make sure the overall paint job is cohesive because mismatched pieces will look bad
>Seal Paint
>Add fasteners because the armor does need to stay on.

I'm assuming yall missed out on the 'simple' part but I'll play your game. My $100 sewing machine has an overlock stick btw
Funny thing is. i mainly make fabric costumes I've only fiddled around with armor pieces to go with them.

Also you do need darts in armor making.

>> No.8609237
File: 1.80 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are basically comparing professional quality sewing against bullshit quality props. Aren't you forgetting that bullshit quality sewing and professional quality props exist as well? It's easy to beat up on props when you only consider the entry level projects and ignore everything else.

It's also somewhat infantile to separate cosplay into ONLY sewing and not-sewing. Not-sewing would encompasses:
Painting and finishing

>Making armour is so fucking simple I can't even believe it. Fuck you guys who say that amour is cooler or more impressive, just shows your lazy and have no skill.
Look at my armor (>>8604874), you think anyone could just go and make that?

>an overlocking machine costs AT LEAST $600 for a good one
Let's not get started on the tool investment costs for any of the disciplines I've listed above.

>> No.8609259

Those hanging boobs. Dress does not give them a good shape, they just look sad.

>> No.8609335

>an overlocking machine costs AT LEAST $600 for a good one

That's cute. I'm not going to list how fucking much money I've spent on my prop making tools because it's well over $600. Not everyone makes shitty Kamui worbla armors as their props and some people actually sand and pattern their shit properly while taking care of the most time-consuming details and need to come up with solutions for the most fucked up 3D details. But you keep on believing that your sugoi sewing skills are the only things that matter because you can throw together a ballroom dress with paper mache props.

>> No.8610212

Do people actually claim YaYa is the best cosplayer ever?

Pretty sure Alodia beats her in every single way including personality.

>> No.8610260
File: 1.27 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Chaos Space Marine took home first place at the Alamo City Comic Con in San Antonio TX this year.

Really amazing work, everything you see here is handmade.

I apologize for the weird bloom, my lens was smudged and I didn't realize it until he left.

Also, /tg/ says hi.

>> No.8610271

It's cute when people think having a costume with LEDs thrown on like a Christmas tree automatically makes it a better costume, regardless if the character actually doesn't glow.

>> No.8610705

YOOOOO i saw him walking around. ACCC represent.

>> No.8612567

The text on that image is so tryhard, it hurts.

>> No.8612573

Honestly, as someone who sews and makes armor, I'd take making a full mecha over a crazy detailed ball gown any day. It's pretty obvious that the people who think it's so much harder and more impressive haven't spent a lot of time doing both. Mechas don't take as long and are much less frustrating, at least for me.

>> No.8612770
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as someone who really likes gundam I've never been a fan of cosplaying the suits. 9/10 the proportions just don't work especially cause suits generally have long legs. Plus people only ever do main gundams (even then I've never seen a Turn A) or zakus

a qt being more inventive with the cosplay is something I can get behind

>> No.8612899
File: 306 KB, 2304x3456, IMG_0366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible to get the proportions correct in almost every respect except the head provided your willing to use platforms on your feet and false biceps. It's just not easy to get around when your 8 feet tall.

>> No.8612972
File: 1.29 MB, 1731x2951, RX-178_-_Gundam_Mk-II_(AEUG_Colors)_-_Front_View.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't mean that picture. The build quality is very good but they are always just very far off. I think it'd be better just to make a huge model

Like if the same time and effort was put into making a Quattro cosplay it would be so dead on it'd be amazing, yet as much work into this and it is just obviously off