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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8601460 No.8601460 [Reply] [Original]

It's been long enough, time to begin the saga once again

>Ireland General

You know the drill: Irish cosplay, lolita, conventions and goss. Go!

>> No.8601757

So mcm was the other week, guessing by the dead thread it was just a thing

>> No.8601953

A month til Otaku/KhaosCon II

>> No.8602055


Is it the same place as last year? Heard the con consisted of two rooms last year

>> No.8602069

Mate of mine went and said it was absolutely shite. Didn't have a chat in depth about it, though
Can't wait for the trainwreck and more active generals surrounding it again

>> No.8602342

it wasn't too bad but that being said Everything was pretty expensive and a lot of it was knock off crap and at one point I saw a bunch of weebs dancing together in a group pretending to be cats or some shit

>> No.8603432

Looks like the next proper thing to come up is Eirtakon then, no interest in "Name to be confirmed Con"

>> No.8603440

I wonder if some more benders from the committee blow another gasket and shitpost on here for all to see again.

>> No.8603451

That happened before? No wonder people don't talk about it or take it seriously.

What were they complaining about?

>> No.8603455

Some lad who was on the committee made a big song and dance about leaving it, then his former committee members got on here and went on about how much of a burden he was and how he should kill himself. Whether or not he was a faggot was irrelevant (I don't know) but it was the height of unprofessionalism for Ireland's largest con to have eejits in their ranks mouthing off here about someone they'd parted ways with

>> No.8603461

Can't see how you can recover after something like that.

>> No.8603462

Fortunately for Eirtakon, most Irish people don't even know what /cgl/ is or that we'd had Irish generals here in the first place, unless explicitly directed here by someone else, like how Amy King posted here that one time about how everyone/people in the Irish rori comm are obsessed with her.

>> No.8603529

who's amy king?

>> No.8603542
File: 40 KB, 471x448, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ireland's ambassador to the world of cosplay.


>> No.8603596

I forgot about that. That was something

>> No.8603637

The comments on that video are something, as well

>> No.8603786

So much cringe

>> No.8603861

jesus that's cringy

>> No.8603868

It says a lot about how far this country has to go on the world stage of cosplay/Japanese stuff in general

>Christmas cake
>doesn't make her own costumes
>calls anime 'cartoons'

Based Amy

>> No.8605231


>> No.8605613

So Eirtakon will be good this year, right?


>> No.8605647

absolute crap last year. such a waste of money

>> No.8605867

I had no problem with it, was a little lack luster but it was still better then other cons I've been to recently.

>> No.8605928

Yeah, last year was pretty disappointing. It's still grand for meeting friends and buying loads of shite though.

>> No.8605934

Has anyone any coords planned for anything, got any new dresses, got exciting stuff in the mail? I'm a poorfag now due to going back to college, allow me to live vicariously through you.

>> No.8605956

Fapping to plugsuit Lori.

>> No.8606068

why did they have to have the ugliest, overweight girls to come on the show and talk

>> No.8606072

it took me about a half an hour to see everything there was to see and I spent most of my money just buying a ticket to get in.

>> No.8606078

At least the third girl, to her credit, says she makes every single one of her own cosplays and has never bought one, which is more than Christmas Cake can say
>not getting pissed and going to anime screenings

The cocktail panel was a highlight for me, too. I wanted to go to the whiskey tasting one as well but I had to leave early. Would highly recommend if it's on again. I wanted to go to that Miku concert too but never bothered when the time came, though judging from the reactions I don't think I missed much.

>> No.8606096

Any noticed that they've suddenly become a one day con but haven't announced that or mentioned it anywhere? The dates have mysteriously changed from the 17-18th to now just the 17th. Think we might finally see it die this time?

>> No.8607693


I saw all that last year and there was never any proof that it was an Eirtakon committee member - in fact, some posters (likely just the same one) just kept replying to the guy who left telling him he was an idiot and all that and next thing you know everyone on this board was saying it was Eirtakon committee.

I dunno, I just don't believe it was them. I think they had better things to be doing like running their con at the time.

>> No.8607951

There were numerous references to how the staff members were actively browsing the threads and to specific things they said to the lad who walked out. Most of it happened here


I highly doubt it was all one big elaborate ruse.

>> No.8607966

I've never been to a Con and really want to go to one, what ones are coming up? What are they like / what goes on at them? Which are the best / bigger ones?

Only problem I have is I have no one to go with so I'd probably just be standing around by myself. -_- Would that make it (more) awful.

>> No.8607975

Eirtakon is the next big one coming up, I guess?

>What are they like / what goes on at them?

Check the timetable on the website to see what kind of events are going down. Generally there's events like tabletop gaming/videogame tournaments, anime screenings, trading halls/artist alley to buy shit, panels with people discussing different topics (like say lolita 101 or how to do something specific related to cosplay), drinking in the pub downstairs past 11 and special events, which included stuff like cosplay blind date, a Hatsune Miku mini-concert yoke and cocktail/whiskey drinking panels last year.

Nearly everything's better with friends but if you show up in a half-decent cosplay, it'll be easier for you to approach total strangers (or for them to approach you) and hang out. Ditto for that in regards to the games room, a lot of people just sit next to people they don't know and just talk to eachother while playing vidya.

>> No.8607998


Thank you. It sounds like fun. I wouldn't be approaching anyone, I'm too shy. Maybe hanging around the video games or anime screenings would be best for me and if I cosplayed in public I'd just feel stupid.

What sort of numbers are at these things? I hate crowded or packed venues. Are the people who usually go to Cons neckbeard types?

>> No.8608013

If you're not going to approach anyone, hate crowded venues and feel embarrassed about cosplaying in public, I don't think you're going to get a lot out of a convention like Eirtakon to be honest.

It'll attract a couple thousand, easily. People come from all over the country to go to it. Neckbeards and socially awkward people unfortunately come with the territory, you'll be seeing quite a few.

>> No.8608063

If I went alone is there anyway I could do the pub quiz, do you know?

And thanks, your help is most appreciated. : )

>> No.8608067


Just re-read the whole thing and it's seriously just one person saying calling out another person as being on the Eirtakon committee when all they did was make a comment about that guy who left (and since that guy was treating attendees like shit left right and centre on social media in the run up to the con I do believe there would be many more people than just committee members glad to see the back of him). Basically it could've been anyone.

Anyway speaking of social media I've had some quite positive experiences with them this year. Sent a few queries at different times and got very quick and helpful responses. I sent a query last year and basically got told to fuck off by yer man that stormed out. So I'm glad they've sorted that out anyway.

>> No.8608071

Just join in at someone's table. You could do it on your own but if they run out of space they might ask you to join another table anyway. But seriously, everyone is always very relaxed at cons and open and friendly so I don't think you'll have too much bother chatting to people, even at a bigger con like Eirtakon.

>> No.8608073

That would be fine, I'd imagine. Or like >>8608071
said, you could just join someone else.
What were your queries about this year?

>> No.8608128

My God why is /cgl/ and the whole con scene so catty and bitchy?

>> No.8608131

Because it's populated nearly entirely by women.

>> No.8608180

Just some stuff about bringing some family members along who need some specific requirements. They were very helpful and accommodating so positive experience my end anyway.

>> No.8609145

So it looks like Eirtakon is going with a three floor layout again. Can't wait to see stairways get completely blocked again because some girl wanted to make an overly large cosplay

>> No.8609153

They didn't have the full 3 floors before so their main stuff (events, traders) should still be on the 5th floor like last year which will hopefully help with the traffic. Hopefully they've got some new ways to get to the 4th floor too though. But if the main hall is still on the 5th floor at least it should be grand.

>> No.8609154

Look for that one team that always wins, then sit down, shut up and supply pints to the three alcoholics.

That's how you win the Eirtakon pub quiz. And the Nom-Con pub quiz. And the Kaizokukon pub quiz. And the Anime Dublin pub quiz....

The No-Life Kings of Ireland.

>> No.8610909


>> No.8610928

They had three floors when they first went to Croke Park. It was a mess. There was only one set of stairs to move between them and they would get blocked easily with large cosplays and staff moving stuff. Most of the time you had to squeeze into lifts just to get to one floor.