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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 238 KB, 1000x750, Dresden_Flohmarkt_Elbwiese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8595423 No.8595423 [Reply] [Original]

They can be gold mines, they can be full of shit.

Post your best/worst finds on flea markets, thrift stores, Goodwills etc. Was it that perfect jacket for your cosplay? Those fancy boots for everyday use?

>> No.8598894

Not brand, but I've found really lovely blouses that only needed a bit of tweaking to make them perfect for lolita, and I've found antiques (particularly bone and occasionally ivory) that people thought was plastic.

>> No.8599025
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This cameo brooch 1.99

>> No.8599030
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This blouse

>> No.8599049
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This OP for casual lolita 'inspired' outfits

>> No.8599055
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It's apparently a fishtail skirt but I wear it like a dress. I want to add corset lacing to wear it like a high waisted skirt or get a nice bustier to marry the bottom part to a blouse more elegantly than with a belt, so it gives the impression of an OP

>> No.8599058

Anon thats cute af

>> No.8599061

A friend of mine found a DOL AATP replica for $4 last week at a thrift store. She is not a lolita and bought it for me (bless her heart). I told her it wasn't my style and let her keep it. She was not disappointed.

>> No.8602627

Currently working on a Rin Shibuys cosplay I found a great looking cardigan. I just need to dye it and add pockets + stripes. Hope to find rest of the pieces this weekend.

>> No.8602728

Not lolita but I got a 4 foot tall Sonic the Hedgehog stuffed animal for $9 at a flea market once.

>> No.8602735

I still remember you from this one time you posted on fa like 2 years ago lol
I liked your hairstyles.

>> No.8605075

I go to "the bins" here pretty regularly and they're insane but I get such great stuff for so cheap. I go after just good fabric rather than picking through for clothing so I don't have to be in the feeding frenzy with everyone else, though sometimes there is nice clothes too. So far I've found:
a designer silk top with some minor holes and busted straps, good for making accessories and trim
>a lavender lace bolero
>an unfinished LotR cosplay and excess fabric, which I'm remaking and adding an overskirt and jacket to make a Victorian gown
>a Cherry Velvet sundress new with tags
>a pale yellow 20s style chiffon dress
>a complete designer military skirt suit with embroidered badges and bustled skirt back
>a small handful of jfash brand items and a school skirt once (we have a decent size immigrant community here)

>> No.8605122
File: 553 KB, 1280x960, 2015-08-16-15-10-58_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all of my blouses are thrifted because I find a lot of brand/bodyline ones to be either tacky or $100+. Fast fashion blouses are cheap but terrible quality. So I usually spend $10 on a used blouse from a decent quality normalfag brand or ¥500 in Japanese thrift stores.
I'm not really a fan of huge peterpan collars, so I sold mine, but I think I need to reinvest in a cute AP one now that I'm getting more into sweet lolita.
Have a slightly outdated collage of my most worn blouses, all of them are thrifted in this photo! Half are US half are JP.
I see you around and you're really cute and your coords are solid but pls invest in a $90 camera and tripod already so I can enjoy your shit more

>> No.8605130

There's like one lolita blouse in that picture.

>> No.8605142
File: 2.48 MB, 1876x2657, 20150624_175959-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still so happy I found these black oxfords at goodwill for $9 in almost mint condition. I've surprisingly had really good shoe luck at goodwill, got some super nice brown lace up ankle boot a few months before grabbing these.

>> No.8605146

Are you trolling? Please be trolling.

Those are cute as fuck.

>> No.8605148
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Not really lolita clothing, but I found this entire tea set for $25.

I've also thrifted too many vintage hats to count. Unfortunately, current thrift stores in my area are sorely lacking in loliable clothing so while i still check from time to time, it's probably not as thorough as I could be.

>> No.8605152


Well, I should correct myself. It's not really entire, as you can see it's obviously missing a teapot and probably some other elements.

Still a really good find though imo. Before I was getting single teacups and dish sets for $8-$15.

>> No.8605164
File: 924 KB, 1025x1025, 2015-09-10 01.22.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My time has come, I managed to make a tiny cosplay group with like 50% thrifted materials:

Left: vest was black corduroy fabric bleached, dyed, and painted, shoes not shown
Middle: shirt fabric, skirt fabric (white dyed red), hair flower fabric (pink painted red), a ton of the flowers on that parasol
Right: top (black, bleached and dyed), skirt, shoes not shown

I also made 5 flower garlands out of entirely second-hand flowers and stems

Good thing I'm a bit of a hoarder, I had that black corduroy for 3 years before using it! If you're thrifting and see a large, quality cut of a solid color fabric BUY IT!!

(Pic related: stars b/c idk if my group members would want me posting their faces on 4chan)

>> No.8605175

Not quite true, but 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 aren't.

>> No.8605200

Cute! I'd love a Chester, he looks so cuddly.

>> No.8605227

Fleamarkets in my area are a magnet for hipsters to sell their overpriced hipster shit. The other 50% of the vendors are shitskins who can barely speak my language and the stuff they sell are chinese made knoff-off jewelry or bags for horrendous prices, or they sell stolen bikes or jewelry. Only dumb tourists go there because it's overpriced as shit, and you will never know if you end up with a knock-off or stolen goods in the end.

I haven't come across real cheap vintage stuff there yet. There is also a thrift store in my area that also mostly sells hipster shit and the are occanssional gem will cost more than 100€, so I rather buy brand instead.

>> No.8605240

Not to whitenight myself here, but they each have their time and place. I admit that 4 has dumb sleeves and needs to be replaced but give the others a chance, mang.
You honestly never know what works until you try it on. You might be surprised.

>> No.8610899

A lot of these would work better with general Jfash than Lolita, tbh.
Good find!
These are really nice! I can't believe you paid that much for single cups/dishes though, here the going rate for something like in your pic would be between £10-15 for the whole set, teapot included. I don't think I've ever seen a single teacup sell for more than £2.50 unless it was from the 1910s or earlier.

>> No.8610908

Are you in Germany? Because I've never managed to find anything vintage and cheap at the fleamarkets there, even with my German-speaking mother. Got some great deals on antiques though. It really sucks that brand is cheaper than second hand stuff, I hope you find something good for cheap there.
On an unrelated note, it's amazing how quickly you can spot Taobao stuff online and irl once you start going through this board, I've found stuff like those novelty bags and hairclips being sold for outrageous prices at craft fairs, and people were buying them because 'you can't find this sort of thing anywhere else'.

>> No.8610968

I decorated my entire apartment through aggressive attendance of yard/garage/estate sales and the occasional trip to Goodwill. Shit's intense, man. You never know what you'll find or when. Just yesterday I replaced the ironing board I lost while moving for $5 at an estate sale. I'm such a fucking scavenger, I stg.

>> No.8610983
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I found this at a charity shop. Thinking about using it for a country co-ord.
Do you guys think it would work?

>> No.8610989

>Not to whitenight myself here, but they each have their time and place

You sound like a tool. Half of them don't work full stop if you want to wear an actual lolita outfit, nor will they look good with a lolita dress.

>> No.8612086

Definitely! Does the dress have straps?

>> No.8612228

Back when I used to be a shitty homestuck I found a nice pair of grey jeans at a Goodwill along with a cute peter pan collared blouse and pastel sweater.

Before cosplay, I only used thrift stores to find ugly christmas sweaters for themed parties.

>> No.8612315
File: 374 KB, 1288x1836, blouse and dress check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might not be strictly lolita but I think it works well enough with the dress to at least wear it to work. Needs a ribbon or bow around the neck, though.

While I was in Korea, we found these little vintage and thrift stores in some of the subway stations. THere were always a few Liz Lisa pieces in the "brand" section of the store. I've been tempted.

>> No.8612319
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not lolita but cgl related,
my best finds are an Ona Bag from goodwill value; $140, bought for; $10
and a Moonmin plate from a antique store value; ~$70, bought for; $5

>> No.8612436

It does but they're spaghetti straps

>> No.8614860
File: 422 KB, 1898x1016, thrifthaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found so many amazing items for various j-fashions from thrifting. It's become a big interest of mine in general as well.

Excuse the crappy collage

>> No.8614966


I think spaghetti a straps with a dress like that could still be cute, especially with a short sleeved Peter Pan collar blouse. Top it off with a boater and some black Mary Janes with white ankle socks and you could have something cute and casual.

>> No.8614974

I agree, I can see a lot of these looking really ita if you actually tried to make any type of coord with them. Just because it's a "nice blouse" does not mean it works with lolita, none of those have the right silhouette really.

>> No.8614993

Shit anon, I have that exact same jacket but in dusty pink, also found in the thrift store

>> No.8615020

Damn I can imagine that jacket looking great in a dusty pink. It's funny that we both found ours in a thrift store, makes me wonder where they originally came from.

>> No.8615022

looks like it would fit a petticoat so it should be fine. the print is really nice, actually. i could see this being really cute coorded with a straw hat and bag with floral accents. if it's strapless wear it with a cardigan.

>> No.8615087

I tried googling the tag and found nothing

>> No.8615111
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Almost all my shoes blouses (that I use for lolita) come from goodwill. Pictured are some boots I call my "witch shoes" cos of the pointy toe but they seriously go w everything. The blouse is Juicy Couture surprisingly enough. And the basket I bought today for $2 not even sure what I'm gonna do w it yet tbh.

Funny story tho one time I gave a handmade lolita skirt to goodwill and saw it months later in my comm's fb page, some girl was trying to pass it off as "vintage" kek

>> No.8616400


You in SC?

>> No.8619794

you actually found that cat shirt thrifting? What the fuck..

>> No.8619879
File: 664 KB, 3264x2448, gwfinds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a goodwill haul yesterday and found some Forest Girl (Can be used for it anyways) clothing
video if anyone is interested:
Please excuse my cat.

>> No.8619933

Your cat is such a fucking fat fluff, I love it

>> No.8619939

I can't believe you got a cat at the goodwill

>> No.8619992

My other one is even fatter and fluffier.

>> No.8619993

Forgot to take off the email kek

>> No.8620077

Love the bag anon!

>> No.8620083
File: 138 KB, 540x690, yovKPy21qatvego1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dress is from a flea market and shoes are from a random thrift store, I'm currently working on a otome coord.

>> No.8620086

That jacket is amazing.

>> No.8620145
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Oh anon that's adorable
I am mad jelly that you found that cat sweater while thrifting. You lucky bastard

>> No.8620173

Oh shit man, I found the same pair at a good will as well. Weird how things work.

>> No.8620184

Such cute items!
>dat cat sweater ffffuuuu such luck
It's really hard to find cute stuff in flea markets where i live (no vintage or second hand shops here), i only managed to find a pink cardigan, a frilly black bolero, a chiffon gyaru styled dress. I see sometimes mallgoth stuff like from Hell Bunny or Emily the strange.
I only thift to get knits that are for otome or lolita, the blouses i find are too normalfag to be used for any jfashion style.

>> No.8620380

There's a market near my house that sells violin and other novelty bags for $100+ CAD when they're like $30-50 on Taobao. /cgl/ has really taught me some money saving tricks and I love it.

I've found some really cute blouses, pleated skirts, and dresses at goodwill and other thrift stores.

There's a bunch of vintage stores around here as well. One always has a bunch really beautiful dresses but they're always expensive ($30+). There was another one that I really loved; the lady who ran it is a huge sweetheart and was always up to chat, had sales all the time and if you had a student card she'd give you a discount. She closed down the physical store in favour of running her shop entirely on etsy however. I'm so sad. I loved that place.

>> No.8620733

That looks good in the floor but I feel like that dress might not look good on a person.
The skirt looks like it has almost no volume to it, the only reason it appears that way in the pic is because you squished the sides in at the waist.

>> No.8620751

a-am I the only one who finds this dress butt ugly?
The coord is cute though!

>> No.8620957

totally random find this week that has nothing to do with cosplay but is nerdy so... I scored a Conkers Bad Fur Day (N64 game for those who are too young) at a thrift store for 6.00. I am proud.

>> No.8621482

I've started buying stuff from taobao/ebay to sell as craft supplies on etsy because oh my god people pay out the ass for the cheapest shit. I saw someone selling three wooden buttons for £1 or some shit. I bought 150 of the same buttons for 50p more. It's amazing what people are willing to pay when they have a nice picture to lure them in.
Also, 30 dollars for a vintage dress? How old are they? I've found ballgowns from the 30s/40s/50s that cost £15 each, and some stuff from the 1910s and earlier that cost ~£40 each. It's a shame the shop you liked closed, there's one near me with amazing antique plates that's going under (got a plate from 1787ish before it closed though, so there's that) and it sucks when you have to find somewhere else to shop. I can't blame her for picking etsy over a physical shop, the overhead costs must rack up to an insane amount compared to etsy's fees, and she'll get more sales and exposure than she would otherwise.

>> No.8621642
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Peignoirs aren't even on trend any more but I can't stop. Bought these today, 3 dollars each at Goodwill.

>> No.8623113

They look like they'd be good for cult party! I'd replace the lace, but I don't know if CPK cares as much about lace as lolita.

>> No.8624234

Nope, CPK generally doesn't care about anything quality wise haha. Really common with peignoirs and sleepwear with that kind of lace.

>> No.8629871

Wow, good job on the dyeing!

>> No.8631365
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I found this at Marshalls today, I though it was really cute

>> No.8636014

I can see it working with classic, it looks like a JetJ piece almost.

>> No.8636210

Anon tell us your thrifting secrets, what kind of shops do you go to??

>> No.8636227

you gotta go to shops in rich neighborhoods

>> No.8640355


At Goodwill outlet stores, they sell everything for $1 something a pound, so that can be a good place to pick up fabric if you're not picky about the color.