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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8593135 No.8593135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

shit is going down on twitter and I love it

>> No.8593150

wtf is happening

>> No.8593154

JNig got called out for racist comments by Jenni

>> No.8593155

Nigri vs. MF

>my money is on Nigri #teamNigri

>> No.8593156

I just figured it all out. MF is obnoxious, sure, but JNig's idiotic "love and peace every 1 ^_^" is just as bad. Jesus.

>> No.8593157

They're both shitty people but MF actually makes a solid point.

>> No.8593159

do cosplayers ever stop with their fucking drama jfc

>> No.8593161

Caps? don't feel like digging through everyone's fifteen different social media accounts

>> No.8593162

lolcow has caps

>> No.8593163

All I see is entitled Asian American BAWWing about racism she never experienced.
>post links to 'angry woc united'
>"ok i have shit to do & idc about all these nasty men on my feed telling me racism against white people is real lol"

How does she make a solid point again?

>> No.8593164

thanks salt sister

>> No.8593168

To be fair, MF didn't really "make" the point, she just referenced something Jnig did. She's right in that Jnig's comment was a tad racist but of course her mistake was being pigheaded as fuck about it and needlessly pissing people off.

Great job, instead of teaching the idiot white people something, you just made them hate you and turn a blind eye to anything that could've been remotely productive.

>> No.8593169

>turn a blind eye to anyone that isnt kissing your ass

>> No.8593171

What did Jessica do?

>> No.8593172

What exactly did Jessica say? I can't seem to find it in the caps (unless I'm blind)

>> No.8593175
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If you mean the racist thing they're talking about pic related

>> No.8593176
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>> No.8593178

JNigs posted a cap about MostFlogged talking shit about her and Jessica said she was disappointed with her and then MF suddenly pulled out some receipts of Jessica "appropriating asian culture" or some shit and MF is trying to make a mole hill into a mountain. Looks like MF is trying to distract everyone and paint Jessica as the villain here.

>> No.8593179

Jessica found out that Jenni was publicly shit talking her on Twitter. Someone sent her a screencap. She sent out a tweet to Jenni calling her out and Jenni responded with WELL YOU'RE RACIST.

>> No.8593180
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It all started with this.

It's a huge shit-fest and they're both fucking stupid for publicizing it.

>> No.8593181

I didn't see why this was racist until I said FRAHWUR out loud and stated laughing.

I thought she was trying be cute and weeby with like ~nyan but it makes sense.

She's a two-faced bitch anyway so I ain't even curr. Glad her bullshit is catching up to her.

>> No.8593182

lol no. Jessica recently promoted MF since she bought her supergirl costume, all the while MF was openly shit talking her on twitter. Someone sent the tweets to jessica and MF got called out. MF then tried to claim opPRESSION!! Ur racist!!!

jenni, what's good

>> No.8593184
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Oh man which one of Jenni's little brown nosing fans started this thread?
The drama started when Jessica called out MF for being a rude, shit talking bitch on her public Twitter with thousands of followers. Jessica had recently purchased one of Jenni's costumes and applauded her/gave her a shout out.
The talk about race is a total redirect by MF because she knows that her behavior can't be justified.

>> No.8593185

Not typically one to defend Jessica but Jenni literally pulled the race card out of nowhere. No one was talking about this, it has nothing to do with anything. Yeah Jessica has done some shitty things in the past but right now we're talking about the shitty thing Jenni has done and she's trying to act like a victim here to get out of it.

>> No.8593186

This thread will be gone soon so please check out lolcow.farm if you want to continue gossip. There's threads on both Jnig and MF.

>> No.8593187

THat's true.

But seriously why does JNig care so much. Oh no, someone talked shit about me on the internet, life is so hard i'm so sad and disappointed like. Seriously, who the fuck cares, for every hater she has like sixty thousand drooling guys to ride her dick.

And if she's racist, ok, apologize and move on. Holy shit she had a chance to show she wasn't a fuckin child and she blew it and now we got two whiny children having a slapfight on the internet.

>> No.8593192

This goes a little beyond some random person on the internet talking shit about her. Jessica bought a cosplay from Jenni and was praising/promoting her then Jenni turned around and said a bunch of nasty things about Jessica at the same time behind her back.

>> No.8593194
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I hate them both so here I am

>> No.8593196
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>> No.8593197

Aren't you a little young to be on 4chan?

>> No.8593199

holy shit jessica stop tweeting jesus christ

>> No.8593201

isn't mf like way less known than jnig...aren't jnigs millions of sad boys gonna gang up on mf

>> No.8593203

they have been

>> No.8593205

she can hold her own. She's been urging them to educate themselves and laughing about reverse racism.

>> No.8593210

i don't understand anything mf is saying at this point

>> No.8593214

They are just as efame hungry so it's their fault for talking shit publicly too. I didn't know they were so catty about bought cosplays though damn. Losing respect fast for these overrated camwhores. To be fair though Jnig doesn't owe anyone anything. Cosplay is a fucking hobby. They're just being salty bitches. It always gets that way whenever someone more successful makes more money. Trying to mock her isn't the way to bring her down, do it with talent. Jealousy just pushes people away.

>> No.8593215
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I tried to cap it but it's all fucking EVERYWHERE at this point

Sorry it's not all in order gulls but what the fuck ever, you get the point.

>> No.8593217

The caption to Jessica's photo wasn't perfectly PC true, but to go as far as to say that she was yellow facing and being overtly racist is reaching for Neptune.

Jenni make issues out of absolutely nothing because its the only way she knows how to stay relevant.

>> No.8593218

Yeah, she's trying to distract away from the fact that she was shit talking her in the first place

>> No.8593221

gross, a sjw

>> No.8593223

she's grasping at straws and trying to play the "BUT JESSICA IS A RACIST!!!" game to detract from the fact that she was the one starting shit and she can't defend herself.

Not that jnig isn't wrong for the whole "creamy delicate asian" thing but that's old news and mf is literally just playing the "IM SO OFFENDED AND IM GOING ON A TIRADE CUZ IM OFFENDED AND NOT BECAUSE I GOT CAUGHT STARTING SHIT"

>> No.8593225

And when MF is still losing the argument she tops it off with "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE, GOODNIGHT! BOOHOO WHITE MAN TEARS. GIVE ME YOUR MONEY TUMBLR!"

>> No.8593229


>> No.8593232

I thought the PMX tea party was next weekend but with how all my cosplayer friends are going on, you'd think it was happening right the fuck now.

>> No.8593233
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>> No.8593236

Omfg.... People in America think everything is racist and is cultural appropriation. Omfg... She isn't even being serious.

>> No.8593238

It's fucking America. We were founded on racism.

>> No.8593241

Holy shit... When did MF turn into a 12 year old tumblr girl? Jnigs thing was a joke. You have got to be kidding me. Ill take Jnig over this bitch for basically sleeping her way to being noticed and hanging around 'the right people' and kissing ass in order to get shoutouts and promote herself.

>> No.8593242
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I normally hate Jnig but I think she's trying to protect her business from this crazy bitch and was more than polite. These spolied camwhores are really scary when they don't think they're getting enough attention, it makes photogs not want to work with that knowing she could go on the deep end even after buying her shit and being nice. It's never enough for them.

>> No.8593244

MF is like a god on tumblr, didn't you know? Her whole "company" is based on tumblr shit.

>> No.8593245

Yeah.. With everything Jnig does, I at least know she honestly doesn't sleep around. She does provocative cosplay which is a whole other debate and she has claimed to have made stuff before, but Id be lying if I wanted to feel special and didn't say I lied about making something before. I'm not as huge as her, but she has even had the balls to retract her mistakes publicly and people know about it. She was even hired on honest terms for promotional stuff with LPC which is how she became relevant anyways. MF is just another leech to fame and is doing all she can to stay in the spotlight. I like that Jessica isn't taking this seriously. MF is on a rampage and she doesn't know how to come back from it. Girl needs serious mental help.

>> No.8593246

what do you mean 'turned in to'? She always has been. she's so quick to turn the victim card and throw the race card in the air. half of her arguments are because she's 'so offended' but will shit talk other people?

never mentally graduated grade school

>> No.8593247

Actually... why DID Jnig post all of that so publicly? Even if it's hard, let's pretend for a second that they're capable of being rational adults. So MF says some shit. Why was Jnig's first response to rt her publicly instead of DMing her and saying yo wtf are you doin

>> No.8593250

I don't see why she shouldn't. If I bought something from someone and did them a favor on multiple social medias and talked about this cosplayer and how good they are and then they turned around and talked all this shit? Fuck yeah I would blast their bitch ass in a passive aggressive way. It wasn't even in a BAD way. All she said was 'LEL' and then MF went fucking nuts.

>> No.8593252

Didn't Jenni defend Jessi Pridemore's blackface Utena costume?

>> No.8593253
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Because DRAMA

>> No.8593254

'sup Jenni. If you found Jessica's actions problematic, the mature thing to do is civilly explain to her what the issue is, not be a complete cunt after she pimps out your stuff then randomly bring up old shit out of nowhere as your weak excuse that you're overreacting to anyway.

>> No.8593256

if you openly talk shit on someone, why not fuckin drag the bitch?

>> No.8593257

LOL at taki and PP making all these weird tweets kissing Jenni's ass. Those girls are so desperate and will do anything to ride those coat tails

>> No.8593259

What she MF even going on about? Jessica DOES know how to make stuff and I've seen her doing a lot more handmade things lately which I honestly love seeing. Transitioning from commissions to making stuff yourself can be difficult and I think Jessica is doing pretty fucking good. MF has a serious tuck up her ass or something. She's batshit nuts.

>> No.8593260

I think she did and IIRC Jenni tweeted about wanting to do the girl from Diebuster but wanting paint

>> No.8593261

B-because maybe... they're... mature adults?

I can't even say that with a straight face.

>> No.8593262

Not sure if I should laugh or be insulted. Why would I want to be the slut of NYC?

>> No.8593263

You're thinking Saboten, MF is going to be at Saboten peddling her weeb shit. Not sure if Jessica is going but it's in Phoenix which is Jessica's hometown area.

>> No.8593265

Sure can dish it out but can't take it herself. I like when they get confronted for their shit, she wanted to talk shit well now she has the fucking floor, and of course she back pedals the fuck out of the conversation like the coward she is. I'll never work with that cunt. Bitches like this are as much as a problem for the community as any other harasser. If you can't take the heat then don't fucking burn bridges down. That simple.

>> No.8593266

This. MF was publicly talking trash, Jess publicly called her out. Unlike MF she didn't make shit up, just let the caps speak for themselves and voice her disappointment, while MF continued to be a total bitch.

>> No.8593267
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haha I was wondering where those two were in all this
It's the only way for them to stay relevant as well

>> No.8593269

Because they're both fucking insane attention whores.

Yes MF made some shitty comments. Because she's an insane attention whore. Jnig screencapped and posted them publicly for attention.

And then MF explained she has no love for Jessica because Jnig is racist, and of course Jnig doesn't know how to look better by saying "you're right, I fucked up" and instead has to try to look better with bizarre passive aggressive "I hope your HEART HEALS" comments.

God they're both insufferable morons with shitty personalities. Whoever wins, we all lose.

>> No.8593273

Are you kidding? This is the best stupid shit I've seen all year.

>> No.8593276

My favorite part of all this is how Jenni uses that Twitter business shit, not just personal. Talk about professional.

>> No.8593277


Legitimately surprised too. She uses her private twitter to bash people so why didn't she just shit on her there?

Oh wait. That's right.

She wanted to publicly start shit and it backfired.

>> No.8593284

I love how she's freaking out about JNig "bullying" her because she posted this to her Twitter when shes the one who made this shit public to begin with.
>She uses her private twitter to bash people so why didn't she just shit on her there?
This is a thing she does?

>> No.8593288

MF fucked up. You know any of us would have done the same. Always screencap that shit. Fuck the "good ethics" bs the bitch asked for it. We expect more from "the professionals" So yes she should get called out. That's what happens when you fuck up while trying to run a business. The customer is not at fault for sharing bad experiences they've had to endure with them. That's ass backwards, MF should apologize for her rude ass self. I'm disappointed.

>> No.8593294

Yep this is a well known fact but I've heard she deleted her private twitter. Which is funny considering how that didn't stop her from finding more drama

>> No.8593296

JNig pimped out Jenni's store and met her IRL, apparently. It's more personal than some random anon calling her a slut.

>> No.8593309

Not that anon but I do have to add that I find it really weird that Jnig expected something for... saying thank you?? She is like "I made a huge deal over being super grateful and you did NOTHING!" uhh because if you're grateful you're not supposed to expect shit in return? I dunno, that was weird to me.

>> No.8593314

She didn't expect anything other than to not be publicly shit talked. Not weird at all.
Common decency to someone she did business with and did a free shout out not to be an ass.

>> No.8593325

I think that's because you took it wrong. It came of to me like "I did all this shit for you and now one of my fans have pointed out that you're talking shit publicly behind my back, why would you do this? I thought we were cool when I bought your fucking shit and promoted your good deeds now you turn around and spread rumors?" which I would be completely concerned about too, and I'll let your fucking fans know it too. They deserve to know when their idol they're paying, is being a little shit.

>> No.8593333

It read to me like she meant a "thank you" or "glad you liked it!" as opposed to public shit talking, not anything that's not just simple courtesy.

>> No.8593335

Heyyyy could we start at the top and get a play-by-play. Completely lost here!

>> No.8593338

She wasn't expecting anything. She promoted her for christ sake. MF is just a fucking bitch and being catty after Jnig got her a bunch of followers for saying thank you for the cosplay. You don't turn around to someone who just promoted you and uptalked you and in return talk so much bullshit about them. Thats just so backwards. MF is garbage. Ill take Jnig any day over MF's ass.

>> No.8593340

just read the thread. especially >>8593215

jnig is nasty but when you put her next to mf she doesn't look so bad.

>> No.8593348

Has anyone said anything to Skye about how this might hurt ATS business? Taobao resell drama aside, MF going off like this can't be good for business.

>> No.8593350

Ahh okay it read really oddly to me, like she was saying MF owed her for the promo she never asked for. I mean the shit Jnig has said about "creamy Asian skin" is really creepy and racist but had literally nothing to do with MF's shit talk so yeah it really does come across as MF panicking about getting caught trash talking.

This fight is like watching two trailer park sluts wrestle in a dirt road.

>> No.8593355

Can save time and give them both a shovel so they can bash each other's heads in?

>> No.8593356

Yeah, I'm very curious what she thinks about this. This seriously can (And probably will) hurt their store.

>> No.8593358

god has spoken

>> No.8593360

Go Jessica!

>> No.8593363
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What in the everloving fuck does 'What's good?' mean?

>I'm not basic enough a bitch to understand.

>> No.8593364

Since she started sucking maki hinds tit

>> No.8593365
File: 236 KB, 500x230, yes yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go Jessica!

>> No.8593369

Nicki Minaj called out Miley during the VMAs then turned it over to her by saying "what's good?"

>> No.8593373

How am I not surprised that two notorious back-stabby bitches are associated with one another?

>> No.8593379

Mature adults do this all the time. See Yelp. Reviews matter, and MF blew it.

>> No.8593385

So many JNig fuckbois in this thread. So many.

I fucking hate MF, but JNig is a pissbaby. They both represent that part of the cosplay community that makes it stink.

>> No.8593401

"Omg so hard being white"
"Jesus Christ I hate niggers"
This is mf

>> No.8593402

God, reading this made me cringe. MF is grasping at straws. JNig isn't even reacting, yet she keeps on trying to desperately start something. I seriously hate Nigri but it's so fucking obvious that the ratchet bitch MF is pulling the racist card to get away with getting caught talking shit about her.


JNig is a whore who ruins cosplay, but damn MF is disgusting. When you make JNig look good, you know you're doing something horribly wrong.

>> No.8593403
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>mostflogged being better than anyone about anything

>> No.8593405

Always hate when people go full tumblr

Must be Jessie Cuntmore's influence