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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 203 KB, 430x600, 30-love-live-school-idol-festival-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8591505 No.8591505 [Reply] [Original]

Love Live general. Links, cosplay pictures, new cards, finding people for groups

>Going to see the movie? If so, where
>Are you cosplaying to it? What are you wearing?
>What are upcoming cons and outfits?
>Who is your best girl?

>> No.8591527

Anyone going to the NYC movie+meetup? I'm thinking of cosplaying but not sure yet!

>> No.8591542

Just saw the gathering in the group. wont be able to go to that since it's at 4pm and i am goign to the one in yonkers at 5pm

>> No.8591902


>> No.8591931


You don't need to bump, this is a slow board and it's probably going to be slower until we can start posting pictures again.

>image board
>unable to post images

>> No.8592082
File: 778 KB, 1280x597, tumblr_nt774jIVlR1tbaesyo10_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the last thread, people were discussing that fanart of the girls with different body types - I saw this one, thought it was much better, although I think Hanayo should be smaller. Thoughts?

>> No.8592102

At least they don't look like downsy men in this.
But why is Hanayo chubbier than Nozomi? I was more under the impression that she was 'asian chubby' i.e. not rail thin, and that Nozoom was more of an hourglass considering she has pretty shapely legs in the anime just naturally large boobs.

>> No.8592106
File: 38 KB, 960x540, 11207365_1622334771382009_3401874992094801793_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wedding Nozomi is all done, if you guys want pictures when I get back let me know. I finally get to be an aidoru

>> No.8592108

Living in Europe in this moment sucks a lot

>> No.8592109


>Hanayo and Nozomi are whales

Nope nope and nope. The tumblr delusion is so strong.

>> No.8592132

I feel slightly underwhelmed by the new ninja outfits. What do you guys think?

>> No.8592148

Hey so I'd like to gather some opinions!

I have a pretty good background in print design and had a discussion with another LL cosplayer recently about how glad I am that I'll be able to replicate/approximate a lot of the more unique prints. I didn't realize until then that there's kind of a market for LL prints on spoonflower, though a lot of them are pretty simple stripe/dot things so far.

So basically, would the fandom at-large be into it if I started designing some of the more complicated prints? If there's a general interest I'd be glad to see what's in demand because as much as I just enjoy creating really nice repeats for fun (or for myself/friends), I'm looking to make a little bit of money on the side while I'm finishing up my senior year of college.

>> No.8592152

The idolized version didn't look like a ninja.

>> No.8592199
File: 99 KB, 640x901, 11231913_10155623490975057_3051658407581691891_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really honestly need it. I don't have photoshop and was kind of screwed looking for prints that I wanted for LL outfits!! I could post a few that I'm planning on cosplaying if you're looking for what kind of prints I'm personally having trouble finding, I'm sure others can as well. It would be much appreciated.

>> No.8592212

eli got some big titties here

>> No.8592227
File: 59 KB, 425x599, 20185_10155449868255057_9176515177049339453_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She canonly has the second largest bazongas lol

>> No.8592229

What ninja outfits?

>> No.8592272

Glad to know! So just because these two pictures are great examples for something else I wanted to say, I'll use them.

The first one is 100% doable for me and wouldn't even take terribly long so I wouldn't mind working on any of the prints on her if you wanted the pinstripes as well as the two stripes with the stars.

The main print in the second one, while doable, would be infinitely more time consuming due to the gradient business going on in the floral. There's enough fabric there that the commission I'd make could be worth it, but it's still a little less appealing. The obi and ribbon are simple and super cute, though.

I appreciate the input, and if anyone else is interested feel free to keep posting pictures!

>> No.8592283
File: 92 KB, 511x720, 11248875_10155623490815057_1857197451558060484_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anon, glad I could help! Any other characters outfits from those same series would be extremely helpful too. You're awesome. This one mainly the print on the top part of the skirt is annoying.

>> No.8592291
File: 140 KB, 640x901, 3ad187280d4676009fbb835d31c8d086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one, just the daisy print. The sleeves would have to be handpainted probably.

>> No.8592306

I'm too lazy to compile them together in one image but here:

>> No.8592320

It's a million times better than the last one, that's for sure.

>> No.8592324

Yeah, Hanayo's barely chubby at all, but
Nozomi is pretty top-heavy, it's most evident in her wedding card.

>> No.8592335

Is it just me or is there something really off about Nozomi's legs? Either way even though I agree those 2 should be smaller it's otherwise much better IMO; though it may be subtle they still have varying body types, face shapes, and skintones without being "unrealistic" (that is, in terms of following anime logic, haha).

>> No.8592359

it's the cankles/bow legs

>> No.8592370
File: 192 KB, 640x901, 1441227462235 print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm not going to go too crazy tonight because I had class all day and I'm a little fatigued, but I did slap together a quick preview of what I have in mind for this!

I think the teal stripes could be thicker and I want to make the stars a little more vibrant (I added the transparency bc I think it looks nicer, personally) or slightly more spread apart but this is what that skirt looks like to me!

>> No.8592393

dude that already looks ten times better than anything I could have done. If you look up the prebought outfits online the color is off too so thanks.

>> No.8592396
File: 747 KB, 1138x1600, g3040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to see the movie? If so, where
Yes. Southern Hemisphere.

>Are you cosplaying to it? What are you wearing?
Probably the Kotori in her pastel roomwear, otherwise one of Kotori or Umi's casual outfits.
I'd like to make one of the dresses from the last song in the movie because they're quite simple and cute, but I feel it'd be kind of obnoxious and spoilery as it hasn't screened in the western world yet.

>What are upcoming cons and outfits?
Pic related are my plans but I'll probably only finish Kotori's outfits this year. >>8592148 I'm okay with making plaids myself, but I'd be really interested in getting the main print of Umi's kimono because not being able to find similar enough fabric is holding me back from starting... but I understand if the print is too complicated or time consuming to replicate, haha.

>Who is your best girl?
Hanayo, Kotori and Rin are my top 3, but I love them all.

I agree, especially the idolised versions are sort of disappointing, but I like a lot of the little details like the flower knots and shuriken accessories.

>> No.8592407

I swore I posted earlier but it hasn't showed up in the thread.. weird.

>Going to see the movie? If so, where
Houston, Sunday screening.
>Are you cosplaying to it? What are you wearing?
Probably just my Maki wig, at most. The only cosplay I have ready for her is way too difficult to put on for a movie.
>What are upcoming cons and outfits?
Doing Seven Lucky Gods Maki in January. I debated doing Constellation Hanayo, but I have a friend making the Honoka one and the process of doing the top looks painful.
>Who is your best girl?

>> No.8592411
File: 29 KB, 500x500, black-Michael-Miller-fabric-white-polka-dots-160890-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't exactly know the term for it, but to me it looks like the stars are meant to be regularly spaced, like polka dots. Otherwise it looks great.

>> No.8592417
File: 39 KB, 342x248, Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 6.21.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacking this from a thread I just posted because I missed this one, but does anyone have suggestions for the scallops on almost...all the outfits on llsif? I want to use a heat tool because that's what's been suggested but I don't know how to do that, and I can't face scallops for my life.

I always saw Hanayo s chubby because her entire character is based around eating starch? If she existed irl and ate like she did she would probably be about that size.

>> No.8592435

Great, I'm glad you're liking it! (Assuming this is the right anon) Besides the other stripe/star print on her hat (hat?? weird idol headpiece), did you need any of the other stripes on this one? I'm not totally bogged down in school work just yet, so I can have at least this outfit up on spoonflower within a few days. As for the other ones you posted, I just kind of need an idea of which ones you know you'd want to buy next so I could make a prioritized queue of projects for myself.

I would have to do a little creative fudging on something like that, but I don't think it's entirely out of the question. As far as the more complicated prints go, honestly I would just like a little reassurance that you (you meaning anyone that wants something more elaborate, not you specifically) would definitely buy it once it was done.

And I would keep people updated for specific requests like I did above, of course! I don't expect anyone to promise to give me money even if they aren't sure if they don't like the end product because that would be stupid.

I was thinking that it could be that kind of repeat, so thank you for backing up my suspicions haha. I'll see how that looks as well! The weird way the stars overlaid with a few of the stripes (ie they don't seem to overlap in a consistent spot each time) threw me off a little bit.

>> No.8592459

>If she existed irl and ate like she did she would probably be about that size
anon I'm sure it'd take a lot more than just rice to make someone that fat...

Anyway to answer your question the one you posted in the other thread (http://www.amazon.com/Fabric-Cutter-Sealer-Hot-Knife/dp/B00460KVRM)) I can confirm is safe to use on fabrics and pretty easy to control my friend used it to cut the lace designs on the transformed maid outfits. It's a no-brainer, you just trace the design onto the fabric (or use a heatproof stencil as a guide) and then follow it with the knife.

Also use the help thread next time.

>> No.8592460

>The weird way the stars overlaid with a few of the stripes (ie they don't seem to overlap in a consistent spot each time)
Yeah, if I'm understanding you correctly, I noticed that too. I think it's just that the stars vs. the stripes aren't the same width/don't have the same amount of space between them so it becomes irregular.

Check out the last LL thread in the archive, there was a bunch of discussion at the beginning about these.

>> No.8592466
File: 147 KB, 1591x895, IMG_20150902_160239_615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laser-anon strikes again. I've been working on laser cutting lace out of satin for LL stuff but my scallops aren't quite right, there's a lot of variation in sizes and colors and start of hte school year has kept me from experimenting more. You can get the same effect with a hot knife and stencil it will just be time consuming.

>> No.8592486

It seems a lot of people are wanting to do the wedding outfits maybe the print on the inside of the skirt would be a good idea?
For me next outfits im actually actively planning right now are the fruit maids Eli, Valentines Eli, fairy tale Nozomi, and Nozomi's summer yukata (though I may just buy this one for convenience's sake)

>> No.8592501

thank you! I'm not a 4chan regular, someone just told me to come on this board and ask so sorry for my mistakes

>> No.8592521

My friends and I are probably going to go to the maple theater in Bloomfield hills. Unfortunately, we haven't bought the tickets yet so we're going to have to go to the 10:15pm showing. We're casual cosplaying Eli, Rin, Nico, Kotori, and Hanayo

>> No.8592536

Going to the Brattle theater showing in Boston the weekend after next with a group of girls. Just wearing the school uni, nothing else is comfortable enough to sit through a movie in.

>> No.8592541

I am so fucking buttmad at people who can go to the movie, all the tickets sold out in two days in my area and I have work on monday so that's a no go for me.

>> No.8592583 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1600x1068, FB_IMG_1441239178225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witness me! Like at GARticuno or KohimeBashiri cosplay!

>> No.8592589

That's not even love live you self important cunt. Seriously gtfo with your pedo incest rape roleplay and shit. I'm sick of seeing your haggard face trying get so hard for attention

>> No.8592740


>> No.8592742

You're dedicated anon.

>> No.8592805

Anyone need 2 tickets for the Love Live! movie in Los Angeles? 10pm showing? I need to sell mine. Please email me. :)

>> No.8593084
File: 462 KB, 1536x1080, Nozomi_pure_sr314_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairy tale Nozomi
Do you mean pic related? If so I'm a different anon but I made a kinda wonky pattern based on her shirt. If you want it I can put it up on spoonflower or whatever (but no worries if it's not accurate enough - all I can see are imperfections myself)

>> No.8593307

yes yes! That's just what I've been calling it haha
thank you

>> No.8594311

Anyone going to the one at the Alamo Drafthouse at Yonkers?
I'm going to chug my beer every time Nico nico ni's

>> No.8594357

>Going to see the movie? If so, where
yonkers showing at 5
>Are you cosplaying to it? What are you wearing?
was planning practice outfit nico but i still havent even touched anything yet, might just wear the wig and call it a night
>What are upcoming cons and outfits?
nycc and snow halation. hopefully we can pull together a small group
>Who is your best girl?

I'll be going with a small group of friends.

>> No.8595011

>Going to see the movie? If so, where
Luna Leederville in Perth.
>Are you cosplaying to it? What are you wearing?
Yes, Maki. Just the standard blazer uniform. Still need to style the wig so the stand of hair from her bangs stays in place.
>What are upcoming cons and outfits?
Volunteering for an upcoming 'back-to-school' themed con, so will be wearing the same thing.
>Who is your best girl?

It's a shame that our cinemas are only giving autographed boards to the "best dressed cosplay(s)", while in other states they're handing them out to everyone who buys tickets.

>> No.8595923

How long would be too long for a dance skit? We're doing Kaguya but my friends refuse to do the official short version because they think it's too short. I'm able to edit it down to about 3.5 minutes, is that too long?

>> No.8595956

Yes. 2 minutes tops, but unless y'all are flawless that's still too long. Dance only skits are boring, no exceptions.

>> No.8596014
File: 1.74 MB, 1500x1287, Music_START_-_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone done a good cosplay of pic related? I feel like these outfits would look frumpy as hell IRL.

>> No.8596024

They are ugly as sin.

>> No.8596049

Didn't they wear these in one of the lives? I remember them being pretty ugly on real people.

>> No.8596115

If they were going for realistically accurate, how come there is only 2 body types and they aren't the right heights?

>> No.8596126

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'll try and convince them to do the short vers, thanks!

>> No.8597011
File: 558 KB, 760x992, lbmH5mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the last song outfits do you mean these? They're really cute and I was going to make Eli's when I had the time and couldn't find enough references in the end.

>> No.8597032
File: 1.82 MB, 800x1144, Nishikino.Maki.full.1899579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found Maki's, but no one else's...? I'm not even sure where this was scanned from.

>> No.8597052
File: 269 KB, 720x1013, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been kinda curious, what cards/outfits have you never/rarely seen any cosplays of?

>> No.8597055
File: 168 KB, 640x901, Gay Police (T).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm distraught that I've never seen a rainbow Eli.

>> No.8597080

Is there a place to find all of the character outfits released thus far? I wanna do some version of Umi, but I'm not sure which.

>> No.8597098

The wiki.

>> No.8597101

Love Live on Kouhi (as the other anon linked), Love-Live.Wikia has them as well, along with schoolido.lu
I prefer the last one since it has specific filters by character or set, but all 3 are good resources.

>> No.8597120
File: 256 KB, 700x350, musicstart1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon may I ask where you got the pastel Kotori one from, and how the quality is? Same if you're buying her police one.

I'm planning seven lucky gods Hanayo or Honoka this year, I love those cards. Do you have any pointers for fabric choice? All I know is that a should pick a natural one, perhaps a silk blend, for the gradient parts.

Cute, what's the name of the song?

Every event card ever.

I think with the right fabric choices they can look nice, pic related.

It's from the OVA, and the VAs wore them in one of the concerts but I can't remember how the looked.

>> No.8597123
File: 684 KB, 850x637, musicstart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closer picture of their outfits, doesn't show the nice drape of their skirts though.

>> No.8597132

Are all of your friends cosplaying?

>> No.8597287

These are nicely made and the fabric is great but it's like polishing a turd, these designs are just SO ugly.

I feel like they would be a lot better without the ruffles on the shirts, for starters.

>> No.8597603
File: 430 KB, 600x620, TB2IvRnbVXXXXc8XXXXXXXXXXXX-651522566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah those are the ones. There's some full body shots here for anyone who wants to see them early http://lovelive-sega.com/images/ll5/pc/top/asp.png but personally I didn't feel like making them without seeing the movie first.

The roomwear is from gekkou on taobao but it's sold out now (cached page is here http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:zv_38scyeOcJ:item.taobao.com/item.htm%3Fid%3D42311093296%26ns%3D1%26abbucket%3D0+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk).). I would definitely recommend it though, it's pretty accurate and the material is really soft and fleecy. There's still some floating around on the taobao secondhand sales if you want that particular one. And I'm in the process of making the police outfit now.

I completely understand wanting some reassurance that any effort you put into making prints would be compensated! If you're interested in doing some on a commission-type basis, do you have a website/e-mail I can contact you on?
Pic related is just a taobao shop's interpretation of the kimono patterns.

>> No.8598065
File: 129 KB, 928x421, Screen Shot 2015-09-06 at 12.53.58 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Print anon here, I'm back!

So first is the bad/good news, I suppose? As far as the Specially Made Borscht Eli goes, I literally just finished doing the tiny fixes I wanted to make when I found that this print was already on spoonflower.

It was definitely designed to be a circle skirt, so I'm going to hold off on ordering proofs of anything from this card unless anyone on the thread or tumblr (I'll probably make a post about wanting to make prints there too) would prefer my print to that one. Either way, pic attached is my finished version along with the grey stripe. It was easy and fun to make, so I'm not too bummed haha.

And first of all, thank you so much for that image! Things like that definitely help my process, especially for things more complicated than stripes. Most of you could probably have guessed this, but print design is 90% tracing other images until they look nicer.

Anyway, I haven't tried doing print commissions before but I'm definitely open to it! I made a side gmail account if anyone would like to get in touch with me for any reason, and you can also get to me pretty easily/quickly on twitter @FunnyGirlTM even if you just want to ask for easier prints.

>> No.8598108

Nozomi and Hanayo's legs look kind of weird, but overall this is pretty cute!

For body types in general, I think of them as being (in Trinny and Susannah terms) the following shapes based off both the art and measurements:
>Nico - Column
>Maki - Pear
>Hanayo - Bell
>Kotori - Vase
>Honoka - Skittle
>Rin - Cornet
>Nozomi - Cello
>Umi - another Column
>Eli - Hourglass

>> No.8598109
File: 587 KB, 1024x683, 81279-75595907b0f94525216ae6bb8de33442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The music start costumes are horrible there was a group at AX this year im pretty sure the Hanayo, nico and Kotori are guys

>> No.8598223
File: 66 KB, 300x300, wake me up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about that picture makes me cringe.

>> No.8598327

That Nico is so gross, he constantly refers to himself in the third person as Nico and just...gives me the heebie jeebies.

>> No.8598410

Anons, In my locality are almost FOUR groups of cosplayers/dancers of love live. My friends and I want to do one, but we don't want to be like de others. We do pretty cute cosplays and dance well. Any tips?

>> No.8598445
File: 202 KB, 330x474, lvZGyAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kidnap the cute girls from the others groups and kill the rest

>> No.8598479

Do dances/outfits that most people don't do.
You can try also tossing some acting in your videos (like re-enacting a small clip from the anime/PVs if it's relevant to the song) but I don't recommend this if you've never acted before.

>> No.8598745

This looks really neat, anon!

I like the way the stars are laid out on your pattern more than the other one.
The other one has crooked rows and also the stars are more visible on yours too.

>> No.8598778

Different anon but; I'm cosplaying this version and would love it if you could put it up on spoonflower so I could make the outfit! I'd really appreciate it!

>> No.8598807

If I ever get off my ass and cosplay from LL I'm doing rainbow Eli. I'm also distraught no one has cosplayed this outfit that I've seen

>> No.8598985
File: 113 KB, 1893x1593, tile2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I just learned you need to apparently buy a sample of your design to be allowed to make it available to the public? That seems silly. USD is just too expensive for it to be worth it so here's the tileable pattern, you can get it printed yourself if you want.

>> No.8599335

That's shit, sorry for asking I didn't know. 4chan doesn't lose image quality like fb, right? Does that mean I can save the image without any original quality loss?

>> No.8599355

No it's cool, I didn't know either. I don't think so, I mean it's at the original resolution and I don't see any sign of compression, but maybe someone else can confirm.

>> No.8599525

Thanks so much for the pattern anon! If you're still around when I get the cosplay completed, I'd show it to you.

>> No.8599569
File: 67 KB, 960x540, 11988548_1012062352160311_4889057350593606743_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just had a convention here in Australia called Animaga, there was this really cute Love Live cosplay group that performed a dance skit!
Thought you guys would appreciate it!

>> No.8599603

Their sync was good and costumes were well-coordinated (even if bought) but I was disappointed in their lack of energy and a lot of them didn't suit the characters imo.

>> No.8599717

I had a friend who was interested in doing it and asked about commissions. I would've offered but I have no idea how to do the rainbow gradients..

>> No.8599748

Please do!

>> No.8600120

If any /cgl/er's wanted a ticket to the Sunday, 4:00 PM showing to the movie in Seattle shoot me an email.

If you want to give me some money for it that would be cool, but if not I already posted on Facebook and Twitter I'd give it to someone for free so that's cool too. I just don't want it to go to waste since it's showing is sold out.

I'm going to the Saturday showing since my friend had an extra ticket. Probably going to be cosplaying Nozomi in her Winter Uniform.

>> No.8600532

They look pretty cute, good job to them for getting all 9 members and dancing in sync, even if they lacked a bit of energy. Any more photos, anon? This one is a bit difficult to judge quality from.

>> No.8600723
File: 522 KB, 2048x1365, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go :)

>> No.8600987
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, 1441677321789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shorts do you all think Honoka is wearing here? I've never really seen knit fabric shorts with pockets, but I doubt denim is what's going on here.

This Umi is so pretty.

>> No.8601001
File: 18 KB, 300x299, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not super common, but terrycloth etc shorts with pockets do exist

>> No.8601003

like those classic American Aperal shorts

>> No.8601019

Posted this in the taobao thread but figured you guys would want to see this too.

>> No.8601022

The fabric looks a little too heavy maybe? I think they overdid the pleating since the art just has a subtle ruffle.

Either way the designs are terribad. Like an OC Precure team.

>> No.8601027

Denim over leggings is unfortunately common

>> No.8601239
File: 73 KB, 720x960, 11150456_10156036644995057_8727804400866797176_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just selfies for now but yay new content for the thread at least, I had a blast

>> No.8601307

Wow, not even one of these girls are cute.

>> No.8601309

Posting these images should be a bannable offense

>> No.8601441

Oh my god please marry me, or at least send more, you look absolutely stunning!

>> No.8601442

ew seriously

>> No.8601525

>Eww, a joke on the internet with a compliment

>> No.8601537

I do apologize for the quality of the joke, I'm sick and tired. If I rephrase it as "you look like you're getting married", it'd still be bad, but maybe less cringe-y.

>> No.8601626

That Rin is adorable!!

>> No.8601644
File: 99 KB, 356x500, 16496114671_6e06eb867f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What chances do I have of getting a Snowy Mountain costume for Nozomi shipped and delivered by the end of November? I doubt a commissioner would take something on with so close a deadline, and I can't find one on eBay/aliexpress, though I haven't tried taobao. I haven't got time to make it because I'm starting a new, full-time job.

>> No.8601670

You're disgusting.

>> No.8601734

Only one showing of the LL movie in the UK, and it's in Glasgow. Fucks sake.

>> No.8601791

I think I saw you with your group at Kcon. You were adorable!!!

>> No.8602109
File: 62 KB, 704x960, 11951763_10156024107390057_6427020944911745639_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only marry Eli
Yes that was me! You should have said hi I love hugs... sad our Honoka's car broke down on the way to con though.

Sorry the lighting is terrible on this but another shot, I'm not sure my friends want to be posted here so I'm waiting for individuals

>> No.8602277

I love the way you did your eye makeup!

>> No.8602311

Did you make the gloves yourself?

>> No.8602319

Please don't fear shapewear. It would give you a much better fit. Also your wig could use some help - do you have a friend with more experience in styling wigs that could assist/give pointers?`

>> No.8602347

The wig was temporary, I hated the color anyway. Wayyyy too saturated. And I wore shapwear, but thank you. Maybe it was my garter belt cutting into my hips but I don't have much choice about that.
I made the whole thing, might remake the gloves for a better fit though.

>> No.8602359

Oh, can I ask how you make your gloves, and what material you use?

>> No.8602363

It's just four way stretch spandex from the dancewear section, pretty easy to find. I use stitch and tear on slippery fabrics like this and around curves, although the fingers are still a bit off on these for some reason.

>> No.8602376

Thanks for the info! I tried making gloves recently and they turned out terrible, so I'm planning to remake them.

>> No.8602394

Gloves just suck. And spats. I hate spats.

>> No.8602396

>manface nozomi

>> No.8602431

You guys are set for October, if I remember right.

>> No.8602445

>I only marry Eli
Thank god someone got the joke! Seriously though, absolutely amazing work, I love the details, one of the best wedding Nozomi cosplays I've seen! Be proud!

>> No.8602506

She definitely looks to have sharp features but I wouldn't go as far as manface? Chill anon.

>> No.8602722


Aquors new single preview

>> No.8602725

*Aqours, god, I hate that name

>> No.8602873

well u's was pretty dumb too

>> No.8603089

So this is how muse dies. It is a sad day.

>> No.8603164

At least they're kawaii. I don't know which one I like the best, a few stand out to me, but it's about the personality.

>> No.8603348

Still selling 2 tickets to the Los Angeles showing 10pm 9/11. Please help lol >>8592805

>> No.8603402

The dresses are so fucking terrible. Also, the song and the dance is pretty cute. I hope the next live will have cutie dress.

>> No.8603453

Full PV:

>> No.8603536

>mfw the cutest girl is a guy

>> No.8603567

wait what?! is one of them a guy? so confused

>> No.8603620

Not being salty, but it bears a strong resemblance to this one μ's song but I can't place which one..

>> No.8603656

KiRa KiRa Sensation maybe?

>> No.8603658

Yeah, right at the chorus.

>> No.8604586

We are all girls lmao

>> No.8606663


Thank you so much for this!

>> No.8606995

Screenings start tomorrow! Who's going and where?

>> No.8607024

anybody still selling tickets to Seattle screenings?

>> No.8607034

Here: >>8600120 ?

I'm going on Sunday in Houston.

>> No.8607035

already spoke to her :(

>> No.8607087

I'm going to be in New York fabric shopping anyway and now I'm wondering if there are any showings I can slip into.....

>> No.8607243
File: 114 KB, 960x640, 11949475_905015942918132_44932004421009976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8607248

Eli need to be replaced, Honoka and Umi need to fix their faces, Rin needs tights, and Nozomi needs a nicer wig, apart from that, Nico, Maki, Kotori and Hanayo are cutie pies

>> No.8607392

They're so cute but there does seem to me a problem with mega over-designing - especially with those dresses, but also the girls themselves. The first season avoided that pretty well, with perhaps the exception of Kotori's weird hairdo.

>> No.8607528
File: 676 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lzbl442PfO1qj96p1o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no screening in your shitty country

>> No.8607539

Anyone else going/cosplaying to the Fort Lauderdale screening?

>> No.8607715
File: 208 KB, 480x750, 73895725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help a dumbass out?

My Maki wig came pre-curled, but the curls flipped outward, so I was trying to re-curl them inward.
But I'm an idiot with curling irons and effectively straightened the whole wig.
I tried doing it with a round brush and a blowdryer, and that curled the ends a tiny bit, but it's still mostly straight..

What the hell am I doing wrong?

>> No.8607789

Put on the wig in water and wash it. The water makes the wig lose all the form.

>> No.8607831

i feel you

>> No.8607847

I'm trying to curl it...

>> No.8607955

Wash it and then try curling it again. Washing it will give you a clean slate.

>> No.8608029

when you curl them, hold them in the shape of the curl until it cools off, then let it go and it should hold.

>> No.8608388

Does anyone have pictures of them in their casual outfits from the movie?

>> No.8608817

A-anyone want to selfpost what they wore to the movie? And opinions on the best song + outfits?

>> No.8609161

Just watched the movie today. I wore the honokas orange/red marchig band-type outfit from the movie promo poster?

There are 3 separate songs done by the 1st 2nd and 3rd years and 3 songs done as a whole. I liked the Sunny day song which was the one I was cosplaying!

All the songs were pretty good tbh none that I hated or were bad (that's subjective though)

>> No.8609822

lol did anyone see ahripop/momosweetcosplay at the fort lauderdale showing?

>> No.8609910

>So salty about the movie showings.

Dumb question, but did they show it in Japanese with English subs? I've been wondering.

>> No.8609926

Bit of a late response, but if you're still around I might be able do do something with you, drop me an email and we can talk details

>> No.8609938

Subtitled. I loved all the English when they were in NYC. So jarring when watching Anime.

>> No.8610074

anyone have pics of a-rise sunny day outfits??

>> No.8610358
File: 581 KB, 1422x2259, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made Nico's NY performance outfit at last minute yesterday night, so I know it's pretty inaccurate, but it was really fun wearing her! left my fan at home though..
I liked all the songs, but I think the outfits they wore for sunny day were atrocious

>> No.8610375


>> No.8610451

I think they had the same person voice all the English

>> No.8610461
File: 98 KB, 593x960, nico1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were cute! just found this pic

>> No.8610497
File: 156 KB, 660x1099, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on my fb newsfeed but I think the sunny day outfit had horrible colour combos but better overall designs compared to the NY ones.

>> No.8610519
File: 217 KB, 986x1800, PicsArt_9_13_2015 2_13_04 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to finish mine but I got it done to the point of being wearable for the movie.

>tfw meet two other Nico cosplayers
>both got Nico's signature board
>I happened to have two tickets and only got Umi and Rin
>just my luck

Sorry for the horrible cropping and random socks btw

>> No.8610532

I wasn't big on the NY outfits either, but the sunny day outfits were just bad designs in all aspects imo.. The weird triangle shapes were bizzare at best, and the front "lacing" on the others was really strange and "THIS IS A COSTUME" looking

>> No.8610563
File: 149 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the movie was also Kotori's birthday I wanted to dress up pretty, so I finally got up off my ass and finished white day Kotori, pic related (sorry, haven't taken any full pictures of it yet so all I have is the picture I took sans wig when I finished the costume).

I still need to dye my wings and sew on a couple of other embellishments but I'm overall really happy with how it turned out. I changed the design a little to feel more fluffy and floaty, so running around in this was really fun, hahah! I cried so much during the movie.

>> No.8610571


>> No.8610587

I can't not call the sunny day outfits McDonald's outfits. They'd be so much cuter if they were the pastel colors all the unnamed side groups were wearing.

>> No.8610690

"Fix their faces", "replace Eli"...dude. I'm the meanest of seagulls when it comes to u's cosplays, but these girls are honestly ALL passable including Eli. You can't help your face and you definitely cannot help your skin color.

>> No.8610696

if you think that Eli is even slightly passable you are fucked in the head

>> No.8610697

It's not that she's black, it's that she is man face ugly.

>> No.8610707
File: 471 KB, 810x960, 8fda3a58920f28ecdfbb17002c2053b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any sort of ref of the ?←HEARTBEAT costumes? Scans, screenshots, fanart, or even cosplay? Does it exist?

>> No.8610717

Seconding this!!!

>> No.8610786


>> No.8610830

why not jsut dl the movie and get your own screencaps? look at pixiv? how lazy can people get.....

>> No.8610860

>tfw European
>tfw no movie for us

I'm so fucking bitter about this and seeing the movie promo screen every time I start up LLSIF is just a slap to the face knowing I'll never see it in theaters among other fans.

>> No.8610935

I was there but I don't know who those people are.

>> No.8610957

Kek check her thread on lolcow

>> No.8611009

Yeah, but it's still only showing in one cinema in Glasgow. Hardly accessible for many people. I'm not doing an 8-hour journey each way just to watch a film in the hopes they may give out the promo cards.

>> No.8611141


Looks amazing!!

>> No.8611158

Do you know if all theater showings get merchandise?

>> No.8611254

Nico's outfit is basically the same as her solo idol one from season 2 so you can get screens from there. Nozo and Eli's are just recolors.

>> No.8611298

Only LA.

>> No.8611372

wait what? merch? do you mean the boards and SR cards?

>> No.8611380

not all of them. Had a couple people say that San Diego didn't get anything, Phoenix didn't get anything, Mexico didn't get anything, one of the places has a capacity of 350 and only got 300 per screening. Call and ask if they are giving out stuff.

>> No.8611395
File: 112 KB, 512x720, 1ae1810aa7ceee5b5afff8f021f3db2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to cosplay Umi's Marine outfit
>Next convention I can go to isn't until December
>By then it'll look out of season

Should I just say fuck it and do it anyway?

>> No.8611402

I've thought about doing her white day outfit, but I don't know if I want to walk around barefoot. What did you do?

>> No.8611567

I went to the one in Bloomfield hills, it was pretty tiny but we still got boards and SR card codes. The strange thing was, no one in all 3 showings of the movie, no one got an Eli serial code but the other 8 were there. Which sucks because she's my favorite... At least I got the board

>> No.8611568

Just do it, no one cares if it's out of season. If you want to do it, go for it!

>> No.8611600
File: 29 KB, 500x500, T2EbIQXFlXXXXXXXXX-98836477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing white day Hanayo and I'm planning on wear the shoes in pic related when I'm walking around the con.
The strap is the kind with a snap under the buckle so it's really easy to take them off for photos.
You could also wear clear flip flops or sandals if you don't want to take your shoes off.

>> No.8611628

There was special movie merch. Nis had a website up till the end of august. T-shirt, passcase, some wall scrolls I think and a bunch of singles. It's on the moive website...

They only sold the merch in person at the LA screening.

>> No.8611758

I'm sorry anon!
This gives me hope though... I really hope they have some merchandise for the showing I'm going to tomorrow night.
I had called earlier today, but the staff themselves didn't even know if they were passing things out. They did give stuff out on Saturday's showing though..

>> No.8612039

Mine was giving out SR codes like candy (I got 5), but no signboards.

>> No.8612428
File: 119 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nam2wnrw3f1sel71yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a Shintaro wig (kagepro) work for a Nico genderbend?

>> No.8612429

you can probably ebay codes you don't want and buy boards that you do want

>> No.8612433

the one in that picture is just basic bitch black wig
I think you should find one with long her side pieces, so you can have the one side long and one side short that her normal hair has

>> No.8612485
File: 142 KB, 400x451, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but then this happens.

>> No.8612496
File: 88 KB, 297x400, TB1ZZ5lJpXXXXbTXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-rate.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can get that BiBi pin?

>> No.8612499

It's okay, you have a bunch of codes to sell.

Also if you know how to proxy (which you probably do if you're on cgl) then check yahoo

>> No.8612584

Okay, fine. Eli is really ugly. But I stand by the rest of what I said.

>> No.8612927

I'm going to buy a cute af Nico costume and dress my boyfriend in it, then I'm going to fuck him. I think he's into it too.

>> No.8613169

Tell him to do Nico Nico Niiii when he orgasms

He has to time it perfectly.

>> No.8613285
File: 761 KB, 500x280, NICO NICO NIII.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded, with the hand gestures and a cute ahegao.

>> No.8614262
File: 533 KB, 1000x488, wigdilemma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need opinions on Nozomi wig, please! It's a very last minute costume (their Nozomi dropped out) and I need the wig fast, so I'm limited on options. I like 2 best, I think it's the prettiest, but hmm.

>> No.8614268

i like the second one as well! you will also have more luck giving the pigtails a bit more poof like nozomis - the other wigs look too flat and sad

>> No.8614271

seconding the second one!! I like when Nozomi's hair is slightly curled.

>> No.8614404

Jumping onto this with the question if people have found amazing nozomi wigs yet? There was a discussion about this a while ago, how most wigs are too purple. I've since seen a few almost-grey ones on people, but I have no idea where they get them. w2c?

>> No.8615920

So has anyone considered cosplaying Sunshine?
>already got asked to join a Sunshine group

>> No.8615928

Bought the second one! Thank you for the help!

>> No.8615958

I already cosplayed Yohane in her school uniform.

> 3edgy5u

>> No.8616049

Get your first thirst out of here. Y'all make me sick.

>> No.8616081

Sport shorts with mock pockets. The type you get at nike that have sports lycras attached under.

>> No.8616084

No need to get so angry, anon. I've been a Love Live fan since 2012, so cosplaying these girls before an anime is out does not feel too out of place for me.

The character profiles for the Sunshine girls have been out for ages; I just wish we had some voice samples already.

>> No.8616103

I like Mari and You, but I can't decide.

Also, I bought a few days ago the Otonokizaka skirt and I want to do a cosplay with it, but the uniform version and Happy maker version didn't encourage me to do that versions. Any ideas, officials or non-officials desings?

>> No.8616123

My friend and I have the right wigs coincidentally so we might do Ruby and Dia.

>> No.8616124

I was asking out of curiosity, chill.

>> No.8618812

Pics? I think she's my favorite Sunshine so far.

>> No.8618829

Any recommendations for Maki wigs? The one I got from ghostcos is kind of weird looking. The bottom portion is pretty thin, while the top is super thick and looks like a bob.

>> No.8618838

aoi cos makes a cute one, but requires styling

>> No.8618867

I like their Maki wig (and Lovelive wigs in general), but I've heard their cap size runs super small. Is this true? My hairline is about 22.5 inches, fml.

>> No.8618873
File: 65 KB, 576x1024, CL1L9HIWsAARx6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Kotori from a facebook group ! i hope to see better pictures soon from her !

>> No.8618876

You know we are fine with self-posting right? You don't have to pretend in this thread at least.

>> No.8618913

Shhh. :O She's my friend, not me. I couldn't resist when i saw this thread. She's going to kill me if she seen this. But she doesn't like 4chan so, i should be fine. I'm myself planning to cosplay Eli. We want to do a big group that would perform in con! :) But we don't find a lot of people who wants to be in, sadly. -sorry for my bad english, i speak french-

>> No.8619064

I didn't think the wig I got was small at all. It's possible their LL wigs run small, but my group has small heads so I wouldn't be able to ask them for judgement.

The bird tuft on your friend's wig is cute. Where did she get it?

>> No.8619464
File: 147 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nf9wd4KK9N1tmrotho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone will remember, but I posted a thread or two ago saying I had been asked to be Nozomi for a group of friends, but she was one of my least favourite girls, and I was worried about being chubby, and I would like to say thank you, because I decided to go for it.
>no weight loss as of yet, but jogging, mild cardio every day and trying to learn Nozomi's dance parts has helped with my confidence
>really excited, liking Nozomi more and more, realise I do actually suit her, apart from being a bit too short
>her costumes are also normally more flattering for my body type, found more I would like to do in the future
>costume ordered and group planned
thank you anons!

>> No.8619485
File: 151 KB, 512x720, 632idolizedNozomi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't go to the movie because Canada and not in Vancouver. Did 2 Nozomi outfits for fanexpo can post if people would like to see.
Going to Halcon also doing another Nozomi outfit, stuck between 3 choices, Wedding, Magician or "Idol" light up outfit?
UUUGH I cant decide. D:

>> No.8619502
File: 491 KB, 512x720, help me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome, I'm glad it worked out so well for you!

The Wedding outfit isn't too hard, Magician isn't either (unless you mean the idolized form.. in which case, RIP), the light-up outfit looks terrifying to execute but I've seen so many people do it, so idk.

Speaking of which-- has anyone cosplayed the royal-card outfits? I considered doing Maki's but the patterns are so daunting.

>> No.8619522

I'm not going to be making them myself I have no skill in sowing D: sorry, and the Magician would be Idolized.
I was thinking to order it from Uwowo ordered from the before and their stuff is pretty nice.
Also I've found a taobao seller that sells light-up outfits where skirt actually lights up.
Maigican outfits; http://tw.taobao.com/item/520117945832.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a1z10.5-c.w4002-11233541207.86.Z9waHO
Light-up idol;

>> No.8619556

I ordered Umi's wedding dress from Ascosing and it just arrived at my taobao shopping service. Anyone want pics/review when it gets to me?

>> No.8619559

Yes please! :D

>> No.8619612

Hu, thanks for the links!

>> No.8619619

That's awesome! Have a lot of fun!

I love Nozo magician outfit, and I didn't see a lot of cosplayers doing it I think.

>> No.8620073
File: 175 KB, 705x470, Box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried making the honor scouting box that's just like in the game? I've been considering making one along with my Nozomi cosplay but I'm not sure what kind of box I should use plus I'm debating if I want to print out or buy cards and give to other Love Live cosplayers/fans.

>> No.8620076

seen some people on the llsif subreddit make one, maybe check there.

>> No.8620126

I want to make a Kleenex box holder with that.

>> No.8620127

You could put those Weiss Schwarz Love Live cards in there, maybe? Depends on your finances and all that, some are kinda expensive.

That's a cute idea though, I've never seen anyone do it.

>> No.8620128
File: 663 KB, 1129x1600, μ's.full.1687025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to have screencaps of the voice actors wearing these outfits during the concert?

>> No.8620377

If you're still here and you end up purchasing some fabric with this design, would you mind putting it up so I could use it?

>> No.8620415

Is there some reason you can't do it yourself? As far as I know you can just download that file, upload it to spoonflower and buy whatever you need.

>> No.8620421

I checked over there after I read your suggestion and I did see a post with an impressive replica of it! Thank you anon!

I never thought of using the Weiss Schwarz set but I'll definitely keep that in mind! I did find a large number of card sets on Taobao but I think they might be around the same price as a full Weiss Schwarz deck though. But thank you for the suggestion!

I thought it would be a fun thing to do since the con I'm going to is relatively small! And since my con will happen during the Eli event in November I might print off some of those cards and throw it into the mix!

>> No.8620578
File: 148 KB, 512x720, 605idolizedEli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to make the Idolized magician outfits. They look like they're right at my skill level and I can try out a few new things like metallic applique and laser lace cutting

>> No.8620910

I was looking for envelopes on Taobao (for AA bonus raffle which i never ended up doing) but the same stores sell whole sets of cards to go with it.

>> No.8621426

Really useful choice of image, anon.

How would people suggest I go about making the ghost? I feel like a plush would be easiest, but not look particularly good. Worbla over a styrofoam ball?

>> No.8621592

It would be hard to get that squishy amount of volume with a material like worbla. Carved and finished expanding foam over a styrofoam core might be a better idea if you want something solid.

>> No.8621818
File: 61 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls, how do I manage to join a group? All I want in life right now is to become a member of a LL group. I'm not picky, I'll do whatever costume. I just want weeb trash Liver friends and I want to cosplay with them. Are you in a group? How did you meet? Do you have any advice for me?

>> No.8621819

Join the Love Live FB groups. Theyre usually looking for people for certain cons and certain outfits.

>> No.8621830

I've seen those posts, but I'm bigger...I just feel like I'll either be rejected or they'll take me reluctantly but wish I wasn't there at all.

>I've already lost 20 lbs but still have way more to go.

>> No.8621836

Where are you located, anon?

>> No.8621840

Northern Virginia. Katsucon I am 100% going to so far next year.

>> No.8621846

Different anon, but maybe you could join its FB group and post asking if anyone else is cosplaying from LL and wants to form a group. Or use tags on tumblr or something. Wherever that community is at.

Personally I happened to see a post from a cosplay acquaintance saying she was cosplaying from LL with a few others, but wished they had a full group, so I just commented asking if they still needed an [insert favorite girl here]. It hasn't come together entirely yet, but it's a start.

Honestly if you really want to do it, I would just go ahead and ask even if you're not very confident. You won't get invited to join in just by sitting around and hoping.

>> No.8622024

how are you guys getting access to laser cutters? those damn scallops are so annoying that I'd rather pay for laser cut lace than try to cut it out myself with a hot knife.

>> No.8622029

I work in a makerspace at my university that has a few. I'd have to do a few tests on the shape but if I figure it out I may be able to open a commission?

>> No.8622209

I'd be interested!

On another note, where can I find the Love Live movie online? The nearest showing is 4 hours away..

>> No.8622607

honestly the quickest way to get this running is if you can upload an Illustrator, Rhino or PDF file of the lace pattern you want (outlined in RGB red only) Then I'll only have to get the material

>> No.8622639
File: 2.37 MB, 2874x3535, Lily_white_Dengeki_G's_Mag_Aug_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any cosplays of the Lily White CD art?

>> No.8622678

i second this. had to miss the movie for work and am driving myself up the wall with wanting to see it. already bitter enough that people are jacking up shikishi/SR prices.

>> No.8622682

My theater didn't even have the shikishis and I'm still salty about that..
The movie's really fun though, I recommend trying to see it or getting the BD in December.

I don't think I've ever seen subgroup-specific cosplays, now that I think about it.

>> No.8622723

yeah, i heard some people didn't even get promo stuff at theaters which is SO shitty. unfortunately, all the theaters in my state did a one night only deal with the movie so i have no way of seeing it until it's on the internet. i want to pre-order it but they only have blu-ray bundles and stuff so far, no word on DVD pre-ordering, which is frustrating.

>> No.8623014

I just feel the need to add that this image was designed with 300dpi in mind. When I uploaded it to spoonflower before it kept defaulting to 150.

>> No.8623215

I'm a total amateur, so when you say outlined in red, what does that mean?

>> No.8623223
File: 23 KB, 403x205, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like pic related.

>> No.8624047

Oh shit I didn't realise I had to create the lace pattern itself. I've never done anything like that before. Doesn't all LL cards use the same 3edged scallops, though? It's basically the same for several of the outfits I've seen with it.

>> No.8625662
File: 51 KB, 500x281, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maki anon that was not keen with the outfits that group chose from like a thread ago.

Maybe this should go in the vent thread but I have a lot of negative feelings towards my Love Live group so it is kind of related. They cannot decide on one dance anymore, though we had that sorted for a long time and we decided on the Cyber outfits a week ago that would have light up fans to match the dance.
However, I got a message today saying how three of them secretly changed the outfits so now it's Happy Maker because they do not have the money anymore. First it was disagreements over Kaguya and the outfits and now it's just frustrating how they keep changing their minds without consulting everyone in the group.

I hate how I live in a country that has no other LL groups and I think I am going to cosplay Maki alone from now on.

>> No.8625670

That sucks, anon. But maybe if you cosplay her alone, then you can start another group with more serious girls?
But you did good, the important part is having fun!

>> No.8625673
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I feel your pain anon my local LL "group" is doing gym outfits ZZZZzzz can you be anymore boring?
Doesn't help the fact I dislike more then a few girls.

>> No.8625675

Anybody else using Love Live as a reason to lose weight? I really want to cosplay Nozomi but, well, I'm pretty goddamn fat. So I'm losing weight not just for the obvious reasons, but also because just for even one day I'd love to cosplay her.
Not Nozomi because she's considered the 'chubby' idol for some reason, she's just my favorite and I feel like I can get away with being tall more cosplaying her then anyone else.

>> No.8625678

Oh, and the good part of going alone is that you can pick any outfit without caring if it goes well with the group, like event cards. You go gull!

>> No.8625690

Anything that makes you wana be healthier is good anon. I did Nozomi she's my fave girl and I am 5''3 and 120lbs, my goal is to slim down too 105-110 to cosplay Eli and Kotori.

>> No.8625694

Ohh god I'm in a similar boat.
>also cosplay Maki
>gets friend into LL, she wants to cosplay Nozomi but can't decide on an outfit
>friend pair!!
>give her suggestions, the Maki/Nozo UR pair, good Nozomi cards in general, etc.
>she settles on Happy Maker

Nothing wrong with going alone, though.

>> No.8625702
File: 1.36 MB, 768x1080, Nozomi_pure_sr314_t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applaud your taste, and good luck with your progress!!

Maybe a bit off topic but why do you like her? Only recently she really grew on me and beat away all the other top girls in my personal tier list. I can't even quite place it, she just seems so pleasant and isn't naive/"pure" which you often see with these things and often feels fake.

Also pic related is the outfit I'd love to cosplay the most

>> No.8625707

I'm in a few right now and god it's getting so stressful, but if you were in my area I would join you no problem.
I saw people posting in local groups looking for girls early on and nabbed the only characters I'm comfortable cosplaying. That and my good friends have been into it since 2012 so they automatically let me in on their plans.

WHY are 99 percent of Love Live cosplayers so god damned lazy. I have a huge pool of outfits that I can make at a high/intermediate level and every group is like 'so we're buying outfits k thnx' and... it just ends up looking sloppy.

>> No.8625763

Me too! I want to do Non-tan justice, so hopefully by February. I'm using MFP religiously.

Nozomi is my favorite partially because of how she looks, but she honestly cares about every other member of the group. There's something about her that just draws me to her. She is caring, even if a bit pervy and weird at times.

>> No.8625863
File: 72 KB, 426x599, 426px-Nozomi_pure_sr469_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of us like Nozomi because she seems the most like a friend you would actually have. Most everyone else just fits into a typical anime trope of tsundere, attention whore, hyper spazz, cat girl, stick up the ass, shy girl etc.

>> No.8625944
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Aw that outfit is adorable I love it! I at first was a big Kotori fan however I only like how Kotori looks I honestly can't stand her voice and her personality can be a bit too bland for me. As the anime went on and as I watched season 2 Nozomi became my top girl I really like her personality and her pervy side her friendship with Eli is very similar to mine with my bff.
I also highly enjoy Eli because of her Russian roots, I am also Russian :D

>> No.8626086

Anyone going to or cosplaying at the Chicago showing on Wednesday? Thinking about cosplaying but don't wanna be the only one.

>> No.8626569

To be fair, lots of groups buy so they can match. If you find 9 people who can all get fabric in/from the same place, and can all sew to a high standard, that's fantastic, but rare. Two of my friends did the season 1 opening outfit, made their own for the group, the others were a mix of bought and made, and none of the reds matched, they looked a mess.

>> No.8628690
File: 568 KB, 2048x1221, 11893807_1014399018611618_8197912716963929222_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This group is actually charging for the debut of their music video.

>> No.8628709

Even μ's didn't charge for it in the anime.

>> No.8628838

Where can i find a gallery of the cards?

>> No.8628846

not a single attractive person in this group

>> No.8628901

Read the thread, >>8597098 and >>8597101 already answered it

>> No.8629031
File: 58 KB, 960x318, 12033026_172783226390237_1648255836680902266_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look the level of the grupals in my city
I want to do more LoveLive cosplays but with this groups and more like this nearby I'm sicked.

>> No.8629034

Honoka is cute. I feel like Umi and Hanayo could be with good photography/make-up. But the fake Japanese names are terrible.

>> No.8629037

They all look like 14 so I'll give them a pass.

>> No.8629184

Probably a hella noob question but where can I get a kotori wig in the UK thats not gonna be complete ass?

>> No.8629248


>> No.8629287

oh jeez... but I really didn't think it was so rare that cosplayers could sew tbh, I'm now in two groups other than the one mentioned that are coordinating fabrics and appliques and pins/buttons and it's not that difficult.

>> No.8629303


>> No.8629310

I've been looking at them but I'm worried the colour will end up completely wrong

>> No.8629360

If you asking for a physical store you're out of luck. You would have to go to a normalfag wig store and they won't carry Kotori's weird color

>> No.8629396

Well that depends. If you go for the light-brown route, that wouldn't be too hard to find.
If you're going for that weird grey-brown sort of color, good luck.

Either way though, unless you're being extremely anal about the color, it'll probably turn up fine.

>> No.8632301

What poses/shots would people recommend for full group shots, that are flattering and don't look too weird? I'm looking obviously at official images but a lot of them look difficult to actually pull off. I'd really appreciate people who've actually been in groups.

>> No.8634188

A bit off topic but I've seen discussions about Nozomi's washi-washi and how it's translated in the game (or rather, avoided)

Apparently it bothers some people since it's basically Nozomi grabbing the boobs of the other girls. What do you guys think though? Personally I'm not bothered at all by it and I don't think it's healthy if someone is extremely bothered by some girl saying she'll grab boobs.

>> No.8634202

Personally I don't like Nozomi's boob-grabbing because you just know there are some sweaty weirdo girls/landwhales out there watching LL and thinking it's okay to go around grabbing tits, and will then do it at a con to some poor 14 year old. If it was a dude, it wouldn't be okay. That's what makes it dodgy for me.

>> No.8634281
File: 785 KB, 640x900, 1372646147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find this costume for sale?

>> No.8634401

I never understood the appeal to it, whether you see it as sexual or silly.
I mean I wouldn't even call it sexual assault, it's just a cringey behavior.

>> No.8634405

Didn't think about the irl part, but still I don't think you can really compare a same-aged female friend doing it and a dude. Neither are in the right obviously but I do consider one worse then the other.

Cringey would be a good description, I simply don't mind or even ever really thought about it. I think it's one of those things that works in anime only like how verbal ticks would also seem extremely retarded irl.

>> No.8634427

I think the key word there is "friend". I was talking about strangers at cons, not your cosplay friend, like say some Nozomi spots a Honoka they've never met before at a con and decides a boob grope is totally okay because it's in character.

>> No.8634428

Sorry for the confusion, I was a bit unclear, I meant friend in the sense that I've seen people do the "if it was a dude' comparison about Nozomi in the anime before. Not the cosplaying part.

I feel sorry for the inevitable 14 year old that will get her boobs groped by some weeb Nozomi cosplayer.

>> No.8634434

name and page?

>> No.8634500

Admittedly I used to do this same sort of thing to my friends when I was in high school. It was more of a pain inflicting thing though, like a titty twister but without going for the nips. I feel like thats what they were going for with nozomi's behavior. She always did it to coax the girls into doing something, not just to tit grab. (at least i think.. i havent watched it in a long time)

>> No.8635001

I am searching for that one pic of a kotori cosplayer. she is on a bed in a hotel room and drinks beer. someone still has it?

>> No.8635264

>tfw I went back in the archives to look but just found that Kotori with the horrifying makeup
gdi, anon

>> No.8635369
File: 304 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_no7izlyTLa1sugyzwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Nozomi always did it as a playful sort of threat or as punishment.

Here you go.

>> No.8635579

Jesus, is that her mom sitting next to her?

>> No.8635588

thank you very much!!!

>> No.8635788

Honoka is butterface

>> No.8635792

they are all fucking ugly

>> No.8636007

I feel sorry for you, anon

They all look stupid and that Minah is ridiculous

>> No.8636406

Are you new to anime? I personally didn't care because I've been watching anime forever and usually the boo-grab girl does this at a hot spring while shouting OMG MIYUKI CHAN YOUR BOOBIES GOT SO BIG OVER THE SUMMER. So by comparison Nozomi is pretty tame and I didn't really care.

>> No.8636739

anon I think you missed the point - they were trying to say that the dodgy aspect of Nozomi's behavior is that people will try to emulate it at cons with strangers, which is creepy and inappropriate.

>I've been watching anime forever
who cares

>> No.8636989

Except as batshit crazy as congoers are most of them will "glomp" before they will boob grab. And most con creep dudes are too spaghetti to get anywhere near boobs. And most girls know better than to grab a fellow girls boobs. Maybe they'll make the "grabby" hands for pics but unless someone has stories from Love Live meets gone wrong.