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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8588199 No.8588199 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /cgl/, question time. Has anybody ever been to comiket? I want to visit sometime in the coming years, but I hardly know any japanese, and I can't read a lick of it. How difficult would it be to someone like me to buy what they want, and generally navigate around?

>> No.8588632

I'm just here for Joseph Smith

>my people are calling me

>> No.8588643

Not cgl related?

>> No.8588649

it is a convention with a well-known cosplay aspect. we had a thread for it recently as well. are you new?

>> No.8588663

Indeed, not /cgl/ related, unless you're cosplaying to attend Comiket. It's better to ask on /a/ and post the link to your thread here.

>> No.8588677

are you for real

>> No.8588680


OP is asking how to get around comiket and purchase doujin, so no, it isn't cosplay related as that isn't what they are asking about.

I'd try /jp/ or /a/.

>> No.8588690

If you don't know Japanese, it could be a pain to figure out where the artists you want to buy from are located and where their lines end. If you can figure that out, buying is easy. For the popular artists, they are very organized and will have someone at the end of the line holding a sign with the artists name and a picture of the doujin cover(s) (if I remember correctly). You line up and can point to the things you want. I'd advise learning simple phrases like how much does this cost, and may I look at this. For less popular artists, there are no lines. You just walk up and buy from them. I got by with very limited Japanese.

Sage because this doesn't belong here.

>> No.8588692

>cgl/ is a board for the following:
• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings

>Conventions & gatherings

God does no one here read the sticky? This was known even before it..God am I really the only fucking old fag here?

>ask /a/ or /jp/
this has to be fucking bait, you would get laughed the fuck out.

>> No.8588697


please lurk more on /cgl/ before you post, dumb whores

>> No.8588749

I've been twice now and I really do recommend planning ahead or else you're gonna waste your time lining up with sweaty nerds. If you plan ahead, you'll be fine (make sure you bring a towel and water if you go to the summer ones, it's hell without)
It also depends what you're looking for eg Industry or Doujin stuff
For Doujins, I recommend (a month or two before) register here for a free online comiket map
Industry booths come up in the site about 3 weeks before the event.
I know no japanese so you'll be fine going around- there are some english speaking helpers/staff if you really get lost.

>> No.8588846

Try /jp/

>> No.8588913

/cgl/ is for conventioons too, so yes, this thread is acceptable.
HOWEVER, they would have more success with the doujin part of the question over on /a/ or /jp/ (in the appropriate places eg. Sadpanda thread)

>> No.8589752


IF you're trying to figure out how to do comiket cosplay, there's plenty of accounts with a google search.

In general and doujin shopping, that's a specialty /jp/ has

>> No.8589773

>talking about conventions on /a/

>> No.8589840

/jp/ is where all the doujinfags are, /y/ will give you the fujoknowledge