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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8584940 No.8584940 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread saged

Talk about the latest news, covers, performances and more from the gaijin idol and odottemita scene.

Bonus questions:
>Does your area have any gaijin idols/odottemita dancers (besides yourself)?
>What makes a good gaijin idol/odottemita dancer?
>What method do you use to learn a dance or song?
>Any advice you would tell someone if they want to be a gaijin idol/odottemita dancer?
>Extra: Would you rather perform solo or with a group?

>> No.8584952
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How do people feel about Angel Heats?

>> No.8584964

What is odottemita?
I love the "kawaii" dancing and I'd really like to try it, does that have something to do with it?
And where are tutorials/videos of the dances for me to learn? Is it ok to follow other peoples or do I have to dance my own?

pls spoonfeed me

>> No.8584968

Odottemita literally means "I tried dancing (it)"
So it has come to colloquially refer to the whole dancing community and the dancing itself

>> No.8584976

Well, that is what I'd like to do - try dancing.
What are some easy dances to do?
They look adorable.

>> No.8584984

Odottemita is a tag that started on Nico Nico Douga and it means "i tried to dance". There are tutorials but the majority of odottemita dancers learn through other odottemita covers by mirroring the video and following the steps as best as they can (hence "i tried to dance"). You don't nessecary /need/ to dance to follow other odottemita dancers but it's a very fun hobby nonetheless.

If you do decide to post covers, please be sure to practice, have decent quality camera or recording devicd, and dress properly meaning no kawaii uguu mismatched clothes. There are many simple dances you can start out on. Good luck, anon!

>> No.8584987

I suggest trying First Kiss by Hatsune Miku. Vocaloid songs are the most basic and popular dances in the odottemita tag and very good to start out on.

>> No.8585155

They look really cringey just from this picture.

>> No.8585356

Anyone wanna shoot some deets about the 2une debut concert at Liberty City? How was the overall performance and will they be uploading the full performance on their youtube?

>> No.8585485
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I'm biased because I already love Sneko and Uno, but I thought it was a lot of fun and really successful! They performed well together even though it was their first time working together, and the crowd got super into it, especially during their singles. Their autograph session went really well too, so much that they ran out of time during the official session so they had to continue during the Q&A. I don't know if LCAC will be uploading the performance or not, but I know it was filmed. I tried filming for Sneko, but her camera ran out of memory halfway through.

>> No.8585498

I don't know what went through their mind that they think this is acceptable...


>> No.8585512

I don't like it that they're wearing their glasses, I wish they'd take them off and put more effort into their makeup. It looks like they put a good amount of effort into thinking up content for their video, but the little visual stuff, lighting, and editing could have been better. However, I do like their "subunit" same and Alice's catchphrase.

>> No.8586491

I want to start a Odottemita dance/idol group. Anyone want to give me advice?

>> No.8586892


>> No.8587052

sloppy dances. only thing they have going for them is their outfits which ONE member makes for everyone

>> No.8587599

I liked it better when it was 2008 where everyone was dancing on the streets having a good time letting loose.

Now all I see is staged bullshit and costume crap.

>> No.8587605
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I took this sloppy picture.
Congrats Jyuke.

>> No.8588500


Anyone have full details? Also, is it me or the title seems.. overdramatic?

>> No.8588506

God. They made it sound like they died or something.

>> No.8588556

Who told you that? AFAIK they all make their own. I think Hanyaan can confirm this.

>> No.8589226

DTP proves once again how cringy they are. Overdramatic titles to announce the leave of 3 members. Even a simple "graduation" title would have been acceptable. When will they learn?

>> No.8589268

Of course we have to make it as emotional as possible. I mean, do you really care that one fedora and two members from a cringey bunch of wannabes left?

>> No.8589314

Do it, it's a great way to work out if nothing else. It's super embarrassing to put your video onto the you tube or whatever (even though no one well watch them), but it's nevertheless fun to occasionally meet up with other dancers and flash mob somewhere... But it is a pretty esoteric hobby if you're living in the western world, especially if you don't live in a city like L.A., so your mileage may vary.

>> No.8589322

Obviously YOU shits do enough to post a reply in a thread about it lmfao

There's a reason behind everything it seems.

>> No.8589359

People really don't care about these said members leaving. We just wanna know why their announcement title had to be so over-emotional and dramatic. A word like "somber" is usually associated with death. A simple member graduation title like what >>8589226 would have been acceptable and less questioned. Otherwise, who gives a shit?

>> No.8589369

Maybe it was supposed to be click bait

>> No.8589439

> My area
Ventura, California

> any other weeb dancers
Not to knowledge... But then again, I do it exclusively for exercise so haven't really looked

> What makes a good gaijin idol
Lol, not going to happen. Abandon your delusions of grandeur, and instead go into it just to get fit and have fun (and if you're a guy, acquire a dark secret that no one must ever know)

> How I learn new songs
I pick a set of five to ten new songs and cite dance through them all two of three times. I don't worry about not getting everything right the first time, instead focus on getting through. I repeat this daily and trust to repetition to get me to a point where I can tweak minor movements to get the choreography exactly right

> advice
Don't quit your day job; do dance only for fun and be patient.

> solo or in group
Either is fine, but because I live in the middle of nowhere, where the favorite pastime is surfing, I don't have much choice in the matter.

>> No.8589803

Why are these people mentioned in every thread!?

Can we have one thread without bullshit gossip and drama?

Why can't you fucking ladies talk about dancing for once!?

>> No.8589991

Awww look, it's one of their fans grasping at straws.

>> No.8589992

>American Idol threads with no bullshit gossip

With groups with ichigokitty in them, you really think that's even possible? Lolno.

>> No.8590055

Ichigokitty is too old to be posing as a ~~kawaii idoru~~ and looks it too.

She needs to do something age-appropriate because this is just embarrassing.

>> No.8590411

Welcome to 4chan, newfag

>> No.8590446
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Ugh, yes. Her face is unfortunate.

>> No.8590473

She looks like she gained weight there.

Also looks like she shooped the corners of her mouth.

>> No.8590947

There's something about white girls trying to be Japanese idols that's just so...ugh. Like you couldn't be any more of a weeaboo if you tried.

>> No.8591073

Other options open to the white girl
1. Lean in and become an abrasive career bitch

2. Become an ultra conservative married housewife and after joining the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints

3. Embrace "sexual liberation" and freely have sex with random strangers on tinder and wonder why all guys are jerks

4. Work a go nowhere job in a do nothing town and engage in feel nothing activities and just hope for meaning to fall out of the sky and into your life

5. (Not available to white girls, if attempted, you will be labelled cringe worthy) learn to dance in cosplay, then put videos of yourself on the internet and occasionally go to cons and meet various interesting people some of whom you can work with to mutually launch all your collective careers in something you actually like and enjoy.

>> No.8591404

I just want ONE thread, ONE thread about DANCING!

>> No.8591953

If you're 20+ years old and the only thing you enjoy in life is dancing badly to J-pop music, then you have problems. If it's something you plan to do as a career, you should see a doctor for your autism.

There's a reason why people make fun of PT for wanting to be a Japanese idol.

>> No.8591964
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> finally cool enough outside to wear lolita today
> can't wear it because I have marching band rehearsal today

Fuck a duck.

>> No.8591968

Shit, I thought this was the feels thread.

>> No.8591975

Will someone please explain to me why on earth people give a damn what makes other people happy?

> In b4 welcome to 4chan, white knight, and/or newfag

I just don't understand why people judge others who are doing a hobby that makes them happy (on a board dedicated to obscure hobbies) (?)

Also, why is it such a horrid thing to want to be an idol when you're not Japanese or in Japan? I do not think I've seen one positive thing said about western idols/groups what have you since these threads started.

>> No.8591980

Cultural appropriation

>> No.8591995

Because the thing about idols is that they are supposed to be cute. Nobody thinks ugly, aging white women are cute (i.e. Ichigokitty). And I'm not just hating on white people. It's cringey when ugly Asians do it too.

It's also extremely weeb-ish, moreso than claiming to be part Japanese or wanting to teach English in Japan because you love anime and pocky.

It's possible to like idols without trying to become one. Most of these western wannabes can't even sing or dance. No matter what you do it's a recipe for cringe and should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.8591999

It's not even cultural appropriation. Just being a massive weeb, which is far worse.

>> No.8592001

Oh u.

Because there's not really an environment for it in the west. In Japan, an idol has a pretty strict life that's run by her manager(s). In addition to doing cute dances and songs, she has to do TV/variety shows, run a carefully edited and pristine (as in, "I am totally a virgin with no interest in men, please project your feelings onto me") blog, do handshaking events, take voice acting jobs, collaborate with other artists, etc. "Western idols" just see the cute dances and songs and want that for themselves, so they put out some mediocre choreography and meh-tier singing.

Of course some are pretty good but they just aren't ever going to be a "thing" here like they are in Japan, and the fact that they seem to genuinely want that (as in, they think it's attainable for them, at all) makes them look delusional at worst, naive at best. Anon was saying that if it's the ONLY thing in life you enjoy at an age where you should be mostly self-sufficient, you are probably suffering under some kind of delusion. And really, they're right. Keep it as a hobby, but understand that's very likely all it will ever be. (Oh, and even if you succeed, remember idols have a very short shelf life: they're expected to "retire" before 30, usually.)

>> No.8592012

>where you should be mostly self-sufficient, you are probably suffering under some kind of delusion. And really, they're right. Keep it as a hobby, but understand that's very likely all it will ever be. (Oh, and even if you

Question anon here! This actually explains a lot ... thank you!

So what do you take from instances of Beckii Cruel and the Cruel Angels ordeal? Do you suppose that the idol culture in the West comes primarily from seeing that and giving them false hope?

>> No.8592025

What do you all think of all the cosplay groups popping up in the West that emulate anime idols (like Love Live) ?

Should they be judged on the same scale as other idol groups for talent as well as expectations??

>> No.8592066

Technically, yes.

They are portraying an idol and idol image. The image should come as close as possible including rehearsed songs/dances. Especially if competing in cosplay competitions as a skit. I mean, accuracy of a cosplay competition so might as well hold it to the standards.

>> No.8592104


All the girls post legit sewing progress pictures on their accounts, and have other costumes outside of group ones to show their skill, you can troll better than that anon.

Certain members really have the dances down, but coordination as a whole is usually lacking (once they got rid of the Haruka they improved a lot though). They also all look 30+ and have unfortunate faces ,so I guess they look pretty jarring when you compare them to the idols they're trying to cosplay.

>> No.8592861

>idols in Japan have short shelf life

Yes, that's true... But the odottemita people are more similar to video game streamers / let's play video makers than they are to members of akb48 or whatever. As in, folks who put on dorky cosplay and cover their favorite choreography on jewtube or nico are more in it as a fun side project to meet like minded people, than in it to be rich and famous.

While I totally agree with you that being an idol is chasing a pipe dream (especially in the west), doing odottemita is entirely about having fun, meeting people, and having more to do in your fancy coords than just standing still and posing.

Also, you have no idea how much fun dance battles and flash mobs are compared to just drinking and eating in a hotel room.

>> No.8593118

I agree with some points of both of you.

I agree that you should do what you enjoy, like listening and dancing to Jpop in private, but it's cringe as fuck if white people do it in public and upload it online, especially if they aren't as thin and cute as real japaroo idols.

>> No.8593507

So is that to say that it's cringey when larger people cosplay or someone who doesn't fit the lolita aesthetiques wear Lolita?

I'm just trying to relate this back and understand. Is that basically the same thing?

>> No.8593562


I totally agree, and that's what I really like about the odottemita community, it's really fun. However, I think what people might be pointing out and/or conflating is the fact that a lot of Western "odottemita" girls seem to be chasing the idol dream through their online dancing/singing activities. So in that sense, they're not really doing odottemita in the way you described, and as it should be, but rather they are dancing online as a way to become an idol, and that's what people take issue with.

>> No.8593600
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"Venus, what's good?"

>> No.8594655

In part yes, larger people aren't as cute and look bad doing something that was meant for cute and small girls.

But don't get it wrong, you can still do it and have a group of friends to do it and have fun doing it.

>> No.8596395

Is Ichigokitty anorexic?

Something about the way her knee is sticking out of her leg looks unnatural.

>> No.8597199

Heart Shot Project announced new members and that they will be having a dance gathering at Anime USA

Will anyone be attending?


>> No.8597204

At least there's now one upside to me not attending this year.

>> No.8597208

Any anon gulls / namefags brave enough to post a video of him / her dancing on here? Wear some sort of face hiding shame mask if you must.

>> No.8600991
