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8577964 No.8577964 [Reply] [Original]

Mentioned in the jfashion prediction thread
>what is Vintage / Retro Lolita?
>next big lolita trend?
> Is it a sub-style?
>tips / inspiration
>photos please

>> No.8577966
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>> No.8577974
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getting the ball rolling

>> No.8577978
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>> No.8577981
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>> No.8577986
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>> No.8578002

My thoughts on retro/vintage lolita

Lolita that gives a retro or vintage vibe, harkens back to some time between the 20s-60s (70s and 80s as well?)

Often incorporates actual vintage pieces (I love this)

Full sized hats or fascinators are often worn. Also Gloves, belts, furs, and cardigans.

More "normal" heels and bags incoporated

Can give a pin-up or rockabilly vibe but not necessary.

I think it might become more and more common as lolitas generally get older as it is generally more mature looking and a bit more understated.

It seems to often get lumped in with otome or rockabilly. I think if it's got the lolita shape and feeling it can be both.

>> No.8578006
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>> No.8578009
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>> No.8578010
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>> No.8578015
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>> No.8578019
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>> No.8578023
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>> No.8578026
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>> No.8578027
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>> No.8578031
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>> No.8578033
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>> No.8578038
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>> No.8578039
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>> No.8578040
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>> No.8578044
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>> No.8578046
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>> No.8578047
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>> No.8578049
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>> No.8578052
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>> No.8578053
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>> No.8578056
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>> No.8578062
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>> No.8578072
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Retro inspired lolita tumblr. I don't agree with everything she posts but I do love the incorporation of vintage manga illustrations. I want to look like a Macoto drawing.

>> No.8578297

Not sure why, but when I look at this photo the Totoro theme plays in my head.

>> No.8578360

This is nice but

>that filename

>> No.8578451

Dior's "new look" is what you should be googling.

>> No.8578567

i hate her derpy just farted face-smile

>> No.8578822

There is nothing lolita about this.

>> No.8578830

I don't think it is an own substyle as it is basicly how Casual Lolita should look at Classsic instead of those itas that everything non-print lolita casual.

>> No.8578833

I like how she and her cat match.

>> No.8578844

Thanks Anon!

Now I want to spend all my time making retro stuff like this though. Sigh.

>> No.8578929
File: 361 KB, 2000x2000, 11004539_396354413877149_594825500756547110_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any more Cinema Doll coords?

>> No.8578940

You're blind if you think there is NOTHING Lolita about this.

>> No.8578946
File: 457 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n79h2hgRXz1rex23do1_r2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a few.

>> No.8578950
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For >>8578929

>> No.8578952
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>> No.8578953
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>> No.8578956
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>> No.8578958
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>> No.8578960
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>> No.8578963
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>> No.8578964
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>> No.8578968
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>> No.8578969
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>> No.8579024

This girl always reminds me of Kimberly J. Brown in Halloweentown.

>> No.8579058

Fanny is so lovely.

My thoughts on retro lolita:
- looks more like "normal clothes", 20s-60s aesthethic with novelty prints
- flat headwear, lots of hats
- victory rolls, pincurls and similar hairstyles
- overall classy/mature
- pearl jewelry and cameos
- fur and gloves
- heels instead of flats

Not sure if it's the next big thing, I doubt it somehow. But I really like it.

>> No.8579070

>It seems to often get lumped in with otome
That's because it is otome. There's no such thing as vintage lolita. Every single coord posted in this thread is otome-kei. Seriously just go to the otome thread here and look at how the same photos are posted.

FannyRosie defines her style as otome. Why would anyone think she's anything but that?

>> No.8579073

Nothing against this girl personally, she dresses nice and I don't know anything about her, but you know how some people's faces just makes you inexplicably angry? Hers does that to me.

>> No.8579076
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>> No.8579083

Not necessarily! Otome does not require a petticoat - not even a skirt (shorts/pants/miniskirt instead). And often no blouse under a jsk.

>> No.8579088
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>> No.8579094
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>> No.8579098
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Otome-kei is much more playful than vintage/retro lolita. It utilises more colors and does not necessarily follow the rules of lolita the way retro lolita does with colors and silhouette. Otome kei also doesn't have to be color coordinated, so long as it looks aesthetically good. It's more about a playful, zany feeling than even the most retro lolita is.

Retro lolita is still within the realm of lolita, and utilises the same silhouette, albeit a bit less exaggerated than the other substyles. The colors also tend to be more muted, or at least coordinated.

>> No.8579101

It doesn't require a petticoat but many people wear otome with a petticoat because it makes the dresses fuller. I very rarely see shorts or no blouse with otome. If that's how you define the style, you're a bit off base.

>> No.8579104

Not every otome coord uses non-matching zany colors. It's an option but not a necessity. It's color popping that's a hallmark of otome, something most of the coords posted here do.

>> No.8579116

I think I'll give coords actually using vintage items a pass on being called "vintage lolita" but the rest just looks like shades of classic to me. No need to give it a new name.

>> No.8579246

What would a hat like this be called? A boater? I've been wanting to get one, but could use some good search terms.

>> No.8579289

As a matter of strictly personal preference, I don't like vintage lolita on the principle that retro looks modernise what's supposed to be a neo-victorian style. That said, I love 99% of what fanny wears.

>> No.8579304

I'm not sure this will be a big lolita trend, it's not really OTT in fact it's often more toned down. Of course some prefer simpler coords, but the really big trends seem to be more OTT in some way or another.

That said, this is my preferred way to wear lolita. My normal non-lolita look is 50s/early 60s inspired so bringing some of the same elements into lolita makes it feel cohesive and like I have a strong personal style, less like a costume. Some of those features:

- vintage style hat or fascinator, or vintage hairstyle (sometimes with hair flowers)

-vintage style shoes (BAIT makes some colorful ones good for lolita) and purses

-fur stoles, gloves, as others have mentioned. Cardigans are also useful if you're going more casual than fancy.

-sailor themes work well for a kind of rockabilly look, or cherry prints. A lot of lolita coats and jackets have kind of a vintage feel already so those are good pieces to build around also.

Since some of those things are already common in classic lolita so sometimes the line is blurry between retro lolita and just toned down classic/ otome. Like some of fanny rosie's coords (love her btw! Huge inspiration). I think in sweet or with bolder colors (I wear a lot of aatp) it's more obvious as "retro styled lolita" than in that nebulous vintage/classic/otome area.

>> No.8579314
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>> No.8579316
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>> No.8579387

>>That's because it is otome. There's no such thing as vintage lolita. Every single coord posted in this thread is otome-kei. Seriously just go to the otome thread here and look at how the same photos are posted. FannyRosie defines her style as otome. Why would anyone think she's anything but that?

EXACTLY. stop trying to invent new substyles of lolita -that are already other styles-

>> No.8579390

>>I think I'll give coords actually using vintage items a pass on being called "vintage lolita" but the rest just looks like shades of classic to me. No need to give it a new name.

exactly. this thread reminds me of desperate fashion reporters trying to take other styles and say they're "the new thing", give it a different name, when people have been doing it for years

>> No.8579394
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>> No.8579399


She actually doesn't anymore because she got shit for it. She doesn't even define herself as Lolita anymore because people kept complaining she doesn't 'look' Lolita when in fact she's just toned down and doesn't wear fifty stars and flowers on her head.

Just as a note, I once self posted an otome coord in a self post thread once and got slammed for it being too matchy. I pointed out Fanny was also matchy and got a la classic seagull style piled on that it wasn't otome.

I realize cgl is not a hive mind but it's so frustrating to get very different stories on what styles are supposed to be.

>tfw I just want toned down Lolita to be a thing again instead of 'omg that doesn't look lolita'

>> No.8579402
File: 151 KB, 640x640, nntbgl9W7R1qahsqho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting vintage-ish French Cafe coords? Preferably in the pink colorway.

>> No.8579403
File: 38 KB, 629x480, French-50s-Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doirs New Look

If you're going to make some dresses try looking for patterns inspired by these from the 60's.

>> No.8579488

This x1000. It makes me think of how desperate people were to shoehorn "bittersweet" in.

>> No.8579687

Yes, thank you, I was going to say this earlier, glad someone did. You're better off going true vintage and not this forced in between nonsense.

>> No.8579699

Straw boater hat should do it.

>> No.8579701


>> No.8582614
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>> No.8582619

Came here to post thisa Drop that underskirt and it's A+ retro lolita.

>> No.8582626
File: 146 KB, 500x686, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F84a21d2423a9348da61a70ac3c82d2b5%2Ftumblr_mhvprmvLFW1rsndm1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8582789

Stop giving a shit what anon on cgl thinks of your outfit? You will never be able to please or pacify them, there will always be salt.

>> No.8582799

Is this the girl with the yellow cardigan? I think that outfit is more retro than this.

>> No.8583131

Not even close

>> No.8583281

this is otome

>> No.8583329
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>> No.8583928

No, most of these outfits are not otome kei, fanny Rosie generally doesn't wear otome kei, I am sick to death of people confusing the otome kei style with classic lolita, casual lolita, mori, dolly kei, cult party kei, gyaru and all genres of j-fash. Otome kei is extremely distinctive and only a few outfits posted here are otome, most aren't. What I'm seeing here is just classic lolita styled in a vintage way and they aren't showing the hallmark characteristics of an otome outfit. That is all.

>> No.8583997

That veil somehow bothers me, it looks a bit out of place, the rest of her coord is beautiful though.
On the other hands I'm not a fan of veils in general, just for practical reasons. Having some cloth hanging into my face and blocking my vision doesn't sound good to me.

>> No.8584136

Isn't this just Otome?

I don't see anything Lolita about this.

>> No.8584148

>classic lolita styled in a vintage way

>classic lolita styled in a classic way

Most of this thread is mostly just generic classic lolita, no need to re-label it as "vintage"

>> No.8584606

This coord is darling. The accessories do make this feel particularly vintage to me, especially the collar of the blouse and the simple little heels.

I think there is something to be said for coords which have a particularly vintage feel to them whether because they harken back to a specific lesser-used era or have a lot of actual vintage items that work well with the coord, but you're right that most of the posts in this thread are just plain ol' classic lolita, or otome.

>> No.8584613

Sage for doublepost but to go into more detail, I think the difference to me is coords that look like an adult woman from a bygone era would wear them, vs coords that have the more nostalgic doll-like appearance that's more like a fantasy version of period fashion that a lot of classic lolita has, and lacks some of the modern flair to it. Hope that makes sense.

>> No.8584623

I agree. These "vintage" outfits aren't typically how people style classic Lolita. It is still classic lolita, they're just taking some inspiration from 1920s-1960s fashion. I don't think this thread is trying to suggest that it's a sub style, they just want to see some classic lolita styled this way instead of how it usually is.

>> No.8584630

This is normal classic lolita and I don't think it belongs in this thread.

This is very obviously taking inspiration from around the 1940s.

>> No.8584632

This is gorgeous!

>> No.8589344
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>> No.8589949

ITT: lolita coord + pillbox hat with a veil or beret = omg so vintage so retro!!!1! new lolita style guyz!!2!

>> No.8590764

OP is kinda retarded to even suggest this would be a substyle but confirmed equally retarded for not reading the discussion at all before posting