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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8573171 No.8573171[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So this shit happened:

Taking bets on when we'll have our first anime con massacre

>> No.8573192

There was that anon on /b/ who used to post pictures of con attendees taken though their rifle's sight.

So probably not long.

>> No.8573193

Sometime next year I guess; but I doubt it'll be by a con goer. Maybe a religious nut or something

>> No.8573240

With the amount of awkwardness, autism, and prevalence of obvious social outcasts I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet

>> No.8573279

I'm shocked how you can be so calm about this. Here in Europe we wouldn't even consider that something like this could happen.

>ib4 Russia is mentioned

>> No.8573293

This sort of thing's almost a yearly occurrence in clapistan, so the calmness doesn't surprise me.

>> No.8573303

they're being edgy by showing off how much they know and how little they care.

>> No.8573326

I am honestly amazed there hasn't been some shooting at a con. Maybe everyone else's autism cancels their's out so they can't do it

It's more like daily you hear that some idiot tried to bring a gun into somewhere

>> No.8573337

After seeing the furries get gassed, I figured people would skip the small arms and go right to bombs and fire.

>> No.8573341
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>anime con
It's a tournament about video games

>> No.8573378

also amazed no one has done it yet but humanity functions on the fact that most people are inherently good.

I have over a dozen firearms but shooting up a place has never crossed my mind.

a rifle scope is basically a fancy telescope

>> No.8573399

Last time someone was so angry with the cosplay community they threatened to have a shoot out but ended up too ashamed of their tantrum afterwards they just kissed everyone's ass instead. That's what happens. They're less socially inept than even nerds because no one sane will tolerate them.

>> No.8573413

Yes, but in the pictures it was attached to a rifle. (Hopefully airsoft, but still quite sinister.)

>> No.8573417

These things follow a cultural trend. If you look at school shootings in countries with low crime rates you see a pattern where one psycho's rampage inspires the next like a series of dominoes

So yeah a series of con shootings might be in our future.

>> No.8573443

>shitty DPMS Oracle
>870 Express

I feel like this sorta validates my assumption that there hasn't been a shooting at a con yet because guns are expensive, and the sort of aspie who'd specifically target an anime convention can't afford them since they can't get jobs to begin with.

Hopefully things stay that way. The absolute last thing I want is to be even more ostracized from cosplay circles for being the one person in the group who collects guns.

>> No.8573478

A hipoint shooting 9mm is going to be just as bad as anything else shooting 9mm

Be the gun guy. That's my apparent role in California. No one gives a shit.

>> No.8573495

True, but how many jobless autists do you know of who can even cough up that much money in one go?

On the bright side, I've noticed cons in recent years stepping up armed security. There were quite a few armed SAPD officers strolling around at San Japan this year; this particular incident will probably make that sort of thing more common nationwide.

>> No.8573585

I would think having to talk to people is the bigger hurdle. Maybe something about the 4473 (if from store/depending on state if private).

I can just imagine the exchange between buyer and seller

What kind?
What's it for?
Well you've got your 9mm here..
Son, something seems wrong...

>> No.8573655

What NEET is going to waste money on guns and ammo when they can be buying figurines and merch instead?

>> No.8573664

A neet that wants to kill a bunch of people obviously.

>> No.8573690
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>> No.8573695

a neet who wants the gun his waifu uses

thanks to imfdb they can look up things from the comfort of their computers

>> No.8573698

So basically you have to watch out inbetween seasons

>> No.8573716

I know, right? I started buying stuff on AmiAmi about two years ago. Coincidentally, the super expensive rifle project I've been working on more or less completely stalled out around the same time.

>> No.8573717

But inbetween seasons theres NEW shows to wait for.

And most of the time, 2nd or 3rd seasons of shows you like that you defiantly have to see.

>> No.8573721

I did the opposite. I rarely buy anything minus figmas. No scales have really hit the spot for me minus one or two

just spent 1k on optics this weekend

>> No.8573783

We already had a righteous gas attack at a furry convention

>> No.8573813

In between seasons is when I get caught up on old anime/manga

>> No.8573918
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Aaaaand of course the older one is a deathfat who'll never grow up or amount to anything, and the younger one an obvious "bullying victim". Is there tumblr fanart about the younger one in some yaoi? If we're going to do gun control, we should take guns away from people who can't hold down a job first.

>> No.8573922

well, they played Pokemon in the "Master" tier so it's not like they weren't already one foot in nerd hell

>> No.8573923
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fat acceptance leads to mass shootings at kids' events.

>> No.8573925

We know it's separate but they are similar type events that draw a similar crowd

>> No.8573931
File: 43 KB, 562x434, go be fat somewhere else.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is we need to start shooting fat people before they shoot us.

I'm down for a size war.

>> No.8573933


When normalfags get threats, Muslims be like
>pls don't be Muslim

When we get threats, fat nerds be like
>pls don't be a fatty

>> No.8573935

Too bad. If the fattie decided to lose weight it looks like he might be datable looks-wise.

The kid on the left looks like a closeted faggot, no wonder he wanted to turn Columbine 2.0

>Taking bets on when we'll have our first anime con massacre

I'm honestly surprised it's not happening more often. Too much nerd guilt? Not enough "high school bully" stereotypes to target at these gatherings? Plenty of socially stunted, psychotic /b/fags haunt these conventions so I really have to wonder how there aren't more...

>> No.8573938

Honestly the thing that kinda scares me is, depending on your state and "league" (club basically), players operate like a close community. If you need x Pokemon for your team or y trading card the people who you see a lot will support you in that. I've had people give me car rides through multiple states, feed me, teach me how to play. The time I played Pokemon as a kid was a great experience. But no matter what we looked out for the little kids, because at the end of the day it was kind of their game. So an event like this is especially scary because of the kids. I agree with the other anon about the domino effect, however, another attack or attempt may occur soon.

>> No.8573987

Fat dudes can absorb recoil better because of their marshmallow bodies.

>> No.8574088

because you're a eurofag

>> No.8574096

That doesn't stop any GG faggot

>> No.8574099

>video games

This is a pokemon CARD tournament.

>> No.8574193

since the attack didn't succeed it'll probably get swept under the rug

>> No.8574217

It's the close communities that cause the most hate

>> No.8574251

eyyyyyyyyy. Looks like I'm gonna be up all night adding some secure concealed carry pouches/concealed holster holders to my cosplays for PAX. Got that license, don't gotta say nothing to nobody.

>> No.8574255

You may want to check local regs and building codes before you go through the effort. I've got a Texas CHL but I can't carry to half the cons I go to because they've got Penal Code 30.06 signs posted at the venue (basically prohibits legal concealed carry even with a license).

>> No.8574262

Doesn't that only apply in private locales though? It seems like (from 30 seconds of google) that the convention center in Seattle is a public building.

>> No.8574265

Varies from state to state, I assume, but in Texas there's various signs I've seen at both public and private buildings that prohibit legal carry. 30.06 is just the one I generally watch out for since it's the one that pops up the most.

>> No.8574326

Same. I think about it all the time. I'm honestly surprised no one has ever attacked someone like Nigri at a con with the amount of ragey/asperger riddled fan boys out there. Either over some fake gamer gurl shit or maybe just the frustration of not getting laid, ect. Scary to think about.

>> No.8574346

I'm from Boston and honestly it's just super fucked up to me. Like, think of how many children were there? Plus security at AB has been super amped up since the bombing, so I wonder how crazy it'll get now.

>> No.8574355

honesty if someone says their going to do it then it all talk. every year at SDCC someone always claims their either going to commit suicide at it or shoot up the place but like every year no one does. if someone is really dedicated to doing what their going to do then its going to happen without you knowing. your just left with flight or fight when it goes down and you got to choose the right one.

>> No.8574379

it'll just be security theater as usual. if the airport security isn't worth a flying fuck then a convention center's security isn't either. disneyland isn't much for that matter. if someone wanted to bomb or shoot up the happiest place on earth it would be easy. they barely check your bags and they don't check your person at all.