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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 583 KB, 681x1024, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8569734 No.8569734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

old one is autosaging >>8561771

>> No.8569748

Oh, come on, it doesn't look that bad. Since she's there, she could at least try to make the most of it and have a little fun (although, I know that making the most of a situation and not immediately shutting down when things are even a little off is more of a guy skill).

>> No.8569749

I'm more confused than disgusted.

>> No.8569766
File: 41 KB, 405x540, 11883862_1035833429760256_1769559751691236823_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8569781

This is a cringe thread OP not "Pity-the-fool" thread

>> No.8569809

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8569819

100% dead serious, actually.
Most every woman I've ever known, if a situation is even a little not like what they envisioned, they'll shut down and nope the fuck out of there.

>> No.8569821

You should get to know other women besides your mother then

>> No.8569829
File: 38 KB, 300x300, 1438749818876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should get to know your mother, eh? Heh heh heh.

>> No.8569850

Story behind this?

>> No.8569854

if I was at something pic related, I would nope the fuck out of there asap.

>> No.8569861

im guessing local mlp meet up

>> No.8569864

Desperate, are we?

>> No.8569866

Well ya know showing up to the gathering expecting to talk about your favorite show and find gross fat hairy men talking about many to fuck the ponies would most most people nope right the fuck out of there

>> No.8569878

daily reminder that this is a thing...

can't wait to see this fail miserably.


>> No.8569896

Yikes, do us all a favor and stay away from women in general.

>> No.8569916

Holy fuck how narcissistic can she get

>> No.8569920
File: 24 KB, 680x383, Y5tOCNa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boyfriend found this video and said he had to show it to me.

This is just horrible.


>> No.8569931

I feel like while the tutorial is legit, everything else is just playing tongue in cheek with it.

>> No.8569956


>> No.8569960

Like anyone would actually seriously decorate firearms like that

>> No.8569969

People definitely do, but it's very niche. I'm not a gun person.
And legit as in, it was an actual tutorial that required effort and is one that could be used(if a person actually wanted to do that), as opposed to just making a joke out of it or being complete regretsy tier shit with no quality at all.

>> No.8570015

I could vomit

>> No.8570022

What's with girls who try to have loli voices being really breathe-y? Is it really that exhausting to speak in a higher pitch?

>> No.8570024

i think they think it's seductive? i don't know

>> No.8570029

I assume since she's trying to sound like she's five and five year olds can't string together long sentences?

>> No.8570041

This is epic. How can anyone not like it?
And I don't even do guns.

>> No.8570066

Is this a joke? $50 just for a 15 minute Skype call with her? Does she think her time is worth $200/hour? She is either a narcissist and/or deprived of attention.

I can't believe $12,500 is the goal. That's a lot of money for something so frivolous. I cry myself to sleep sometimes because of financial issues that that amount of money would solve. I have to choose between school expenses or doc visits/medicine. Her closet is probably worth as much as their goal, if not more. Yet she's asking for donations? If I and others like me don't ask, little miss spoiled princess sure as hell shouldn't. Seriously, fuck her.

>> No.8570113

lol 0 dollars raised

>> No.8570119
File: 10 KB, 354x352, 86e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>due to her perception of physical and psychological issues, such as, respectively, chronic illness and diminished self-esteem, believes she cannot function in the world when not dressed in Lolita.

>> No.8570144
File: 26 KB, 284x468, Screenshot (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is embarrassing I can't even kek. How can someone be so full of themselves to this extent? Like you're a lolita on the internet, why would someone pay for your autograph?

Also how much you wanna bet that she'll mention us big bad meanies on the /cgl/ that she totally doesn't post on?

>> No.8570153
File: 17 KB, 480x269, 1439819495947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pay her $10 to punch her in the face

>> No.8570157

Better than "anxiety dogs" I guess.

>> No.8570162
File: 49 KB, 600x342, 1439276285165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like he got bad grades for not using enough commas as a child, and is now determined to never miss an opportunity to use one.

>> No.8570171


>> No.8570179

Ugh man, I wanted to believe it was about the fashion, but this is different. I defended this documentary, and I'm a little disappointed by the description on this. I'll still wait for the actual doc before giving my final word but dang.

>> No.8570190

Have you not seen the Hello Kitty pink ones? it's a (rare) thing.

>> No.8570200
File: 279 KB, 700x1050, IMG_20150822_021838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to cosplay Papi from Monster Musume
>Google cosplays to get inspiration for legs
>Find this.

>> No.8570218

>$50 to talk to her for 15 minutes
>$100 for her to show you how to do eye makeup
>$175 to watch her do full makeup
>$300 to watch her eat some tea and sweets over Skype
>$500 to watch her eat and drink and then show you her wardrobe over Skype!!
>$1000 and she will buy you your own coord!

I can't even what is this

>> No.8570220

I kinda want to donate a dollar.

>> No.8570223

I doubt that she had control over this, maybe she is under contract?

>> No.8570226

Oh hi there Kate

>> No.8570232

>1000 and she will buy you your own coord
I want to know what the coord will look like. Is it bodyline, brand, what?

>> No.8570237

>mfw I know the exact location of the exact convention center this was taken in

>> No.8570239

I know someone who is trying to get an anxiety dog, and she definitely friggin' needs it. I hate going out in public with her, but she's my husband's good friend's fiance, so I have to sometimes. She has reallllly bad emotional outbursts, and she gives zero fucks that she's out in public. She squeals when you bring up things she likes such as My Little Pony or Sailor Moon (and she's pushing 30 and has her own Chibi-Usa like OC, she likes Chibi-Usa because she likes ageplay and this is something she loudly declared in public at a restaurant). Once at a restaurant she started talking about how she's frustrated with being on disability and started crying and squished her styrofoam cup of soda and sent it splashing across the restaurant floor.

If a dog can curb this behavior then PLEASE, powers that be, let her have her fucking anxiety dog.

>> No.8570242

Hey I'm working on one too. Don't bother looking for any further examples I've yet to see anyone do any of crabman's girls right. You're better off looking for other harpy characters for inspiration. I've been looking at several Medli cosplays from Wind Waker for tips on how to do the wings so far.

>> No.8570243

Most likely a full bodyline coord.

>> No.8570248

The whole video looks like a troll to me. I asked a friend of mine who knows a lot about guns, and apparently the firearm they "lolified" is a highly sought after and very rare gun that is worth $20,000 each. Not only do they have two but they made one pink, so I don't think the tutorial was serious.

The fact that they:
a) painted up the wood of a 20k gun (troll on the gun community) and
b) parodied the lolita community and used a chess chocolate skirt as a rag to clean up grime and grease (a troll on the lolita community)

That's reason for me to believe it was a parody/joke/troll on the respective communities.

I personally think the parodying was pretty funny, but I don't think a second of it was meant to be serious.

>> No.8570250

Girl worked as community manager or something similar for chucklefish.
Can't remember context for that particular image.

>> No.8570267


>> No.8570299

Looks more like a Tigr, which is easier to get an import, and the furniture isn't a restricted thing. Still pretty much meant to troll both communities.
Then again I think that channel has the same person in cosplay making an M16A1, pretty sure they go by Flandre.

>> No.8570316

Can we... can we hear more stories of this lady? She sounds like a total cringe factory, and I am hungry for second-hand embarrassment.

>> No.8570322
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-22-01-15-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keked so hard

>> No.8570324

Don't knock it. They really do help. Also most people with anxiety don't make assess out of themselves.
It sounds more like your friend has no social awareness

>> No.8570327

Oh of course it is a joke. What I want to know is how much money went into that troll...

nah sweetie you are asian you are oppressed. when you try to look white with your makeup it's because evil whitey has convinced you that this is the only way you can be pretty. :^)

>> No.8570350
File: 226 KB, 517x919, 2015-08-22_01.36.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to the winner who will make an ass of herself again goes to...... Isaki!!!!!!

>> No.8570351

>things lolitas say to other lolitas

This would imply she has other lolitas (let alone friends in general) to talk too.

>> No.8570352

well that's why she had to ask a group of non-friends.
I DARE someone to write "you are stupid and you have chlamydia" in the comments.

>> No.8570355

Someone please do this. You will forever be in our hearts.

>> No.8570362

My friend is encouraging me to say it but man, shit it will hurt me in my comm but this is too glorious not to do it.

>> No.8570364

Oh fuck
Someone has to do it
Or make a reference to the clap

>> No.8570365
File: 13 KB, 466x61, forever in our hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8570366

Although you should say "you are a coward with chlamydia" because this is what she originally said.

>> No.8570369


>> No.8570370

Thank you Victor.

>> No.8570371
File: 96 KB, 400x222, tumblr_ncjw0zdROw1stdwwoo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was typing it until someone beat me to the punch. Thank you Victor for your comment

>> No.8570373

The hero we need.

>> No.8570374
File: 24 KB, 450x234, REAL SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit it's gonna go down!

>> No.8570375

someone please keep on this and post the caps

>> No.8570377

Anon, I am the one taking all the caps and never erasing. Forever will live on

>> No.8570386

Top fucking kek maaaan. I can't wait to see the shit storm

>> No.8570402

I can't wait.

>> No.8570405

Those are definitely SVDs anon

>> No.8570419

Dayum victor!! Big ass balls...nice....I cat wait to read re tomorrow! Some one screen cap EVERYTHING...cannot miss this

>> No.8570428

>$175 to watch her do her makeup
>$300 to watch her eat and drink
>$500 to watch her eat and drink and show you her clothes
Girl just sign up for MFC already, damn. You might actually get some of that money as long as you do it topless.

>> No.8570474
File: 64 KB, 556x589, lol so you deleted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she responded and right when I tried to comment, she deleted. Couldn't take the truth

>> No.8570514

She blocked me on fb because I liked Victor's comment top kek.

>> No.8570516

she blocked me because I liked victor's post kek!

>> No.8570518

Same anon but blocked me cause I said top kek

>> No.8570521 [DELETED] 
File: 431 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8570526

Lol she truly the real coward if she blocked us like an angry child.
>kek my sides

>> No.8570527
File: 399 KB, 599x657, suna_wishes_he_was_elsewhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, I got blocked for the same reason.

>> No.8570564

Can someone not blocked make sure if she deleted or not deleted the post? Also caps if its still up om rufflechat and if you can view it

>> No.8570565

What a hero!

>> No.8570571

one of my favorite boystylers

a gentlemandoesnotgiveanyfucks

>> No.8570572
File: 51 KB, 494x324, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not deleted yet..

>> No.8570577
File: 9 KB, 259x194, 1434889477061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accuses people of having chlamydia out of nowhere
>"I don't start crap"
>freaks the fuck out when someone makes a parody of her crazy ranting
>"don't get on the web if you can't handle it"
She might be one of the most oblivious people I've ever seen and she just keeps on truckin'

>> No.8570585

Why is she still ranting about "anonymous" when this is literally happening over Facebook. Where nobody is anonymous. (Unless they are using a fake name like isaki or w/e)

>> No.8570592

What's wrong with those legs?

>> No.8570630

>I'm not afraid of death
>People don't see me as human

I thought this was a lolita documentary not a bad British sci-fi drama.

>> No.8570654

maybe someone should tell her that if she can't handle it then she shouldn't have blocked us all lolol what a hypocrite!

>> No.8570657

i'm planning to donate $5 comment solely for making a comment what should I write

>> No.8570666

Hey Victor, if you're still in the thread, tell her that she sure can handle it by blocking people who liked a comment. If she could handle it then why did she block
>>8570526 ? kek

>> No.8570686

God this is stupid. Sounds like they already filmed it and wasted a bunch of money
>Kate went to Japan to become a kawaii ambassador and kiss ass until someone noticed her!!!
So why are they trying to raise money after the fact? God damn this is stupid.
Not to mention the directors awful writing style. Someone needs to take his commas away jfc
>top Kek at online bullying
>top sad that it probably won't show that she's been caught "bullying" herself on here

>> No.8570712
File: 236 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-22-09-11-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh im sure its just these wascally lolitas being dramatic
>Its probably not that ba-
>Oh well thats...
>Huh....well why would i want to watch her drink tea as a reward?

What on earth....

>> No.8570716

lol she might not even get that if she drinks tea naked

>> No.8570720


Im just shocked at the arrogance shehas to think that this is an appropriate reward for donating five hunnit clams. I mean, as a guy, if she were at a bar and told me for a 60 dollar drink she would reward me by talking to me about how her socks were annoying, there would just be a scoff and me blowing her off. But $500.00 and she shows off her clothes and sends you a box of cookies? Cmon now.

>> No.8570735
File: 13 KB, 500x332, TOpkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8570737

With her cries about bullying and the inevitable (hell, current) backlash this thing is getting I'm kind of worried that this will reflect badly on the lolita community as a whole, painting us as a big group of bullies who hate on this poor chronically ill girl for no reason to the point that she had to go and make a documentary about it. Like you said, there's no way they're going to touch upon her selfposting and shit stirring whatsoever and will probably just paint her as a pure, innocent victim of mean girl bullies.

I just hope that the people dumb enough to want to donate money to her are too poor to afford any of this shit.

>> No.8570756

The Tigr is an SVD, they were imported with "sporting" furniture. People swap out the furniture from the crappy looking import furniture to the military furniture all the time. In the video, they used the unwanted import furniture and painted it, and based on the pictures at the end, it looks like he has a lot of spare parts and spare military furniture sets

>> No.8570769

I didn't even know Kate was chronically ill? What does she have, anyway?

>> No.8570773

Something that affects her stomach/bowels. It's probably why she kicked up such a stink over that one anon poop post where others would have just brushed it off; poopin is a very sensitive matter to her.

>> No.8570777

Oh, right, now I remember. Thanks!

>> No.8570779

Kate plz

>> No.8570786
File: 955 KB, 360x360, 1430997991278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kicking up a -stink-
>Poop posts

God i love you Lolitas. Never change

>> No.8570799
File: 24 KB, 193x205, carlita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ur kate

I felt sort of bad writing that but then I didn't.

>> No.8570804

My first thought is that it's all replicas. Certainly when she's wiping down the gun after using the grease, it really doesn't look like anything's coming off, but it could be the camera quality.

>> No.8570833

>This idea, arguably introduced into the cultural imagination by way of the well-known Vladimir Nabokov novel, Lolita (1955), about a sexually precocious young girl, and subsequent film

If I wasn't going to see this before I sure as hell ain't seeing it now

>> No.8570838
File: 36 KB, 934x138, Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 11.50.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these two should do a skype chat with each other for their next video and QQ about how everyone is weak anon bullies
>and charge each other $500 for it

>> No.8570850

Good to know Jillian is down with someone accusing someone else of having chlamydia.

>> No.8570879

...you're kidding right?

>> No.8570889


>> No.8570890

Anon, I've seen you post this pic in every cring/bad themed thread. I'm starting to rule out vendetta

>> No.8570929

Control F'd a comma and as of right now:
There are 103 commas in this thread, and 125 on the kickstarter page.

>> No.8570932

>>8570162 here

thank you for doing that

>> No.8570940 [DELETED] 

Did she actually delete it or can we just not see the post anymore because we all liked the comment?

Is there anyone here who DIDN'T like the post that can check for us?

>> No.8570946
File: 33 KB, 456x253, viclay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spit out my tea

>> No.8570951

it's still going on. sorry you can't see, i don't have time to cap right now.

victor isn't blocked though which is weird.

also another person repeated the comment he made.

>> No.8570952

i follow his tumblr mostly for the sass. secondly for his fantastic wardrobe posts.

victor keep being you

>> No.8570953

I'm laughing so hard holy Fuck

>> No.8570958

What's his tumblr? I need more.

>> No.8570960

Is it supposed to have this weird spotty blur on the legs or is it just not loading all the way for me?

>> No.8570961

This page is destroying my love of appositives.

>> No.8570965

Oh I get it, it's badly shooped.

Goddamn I feel way better about my abilities.

>> No.8570974

well considering they have
$40,000 of guns on screen

the person on the left is wearing the complete aatp lrrh behind the tent coord, which is a new release (not that there are many aatp replicas to begin with), so she's defiantly wearing brand. the chess chocolate dress they used as a rag could be a replica, but with all kind of money, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they just used the real skirt

>> No.8570980


>> No.8570986

My boyfriend nopes out of anything remotely boring, gets ragely pissed at anyone who is a bit annoying and becomes an aloof cock, and never wants to try anything new because "it'll suck/be boring."

That's why men are always desperate for the manic pixie dream girl.

4/10 for making me reply.

>> No.8571001
File: 145 KB, 540x720, feeding the gulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snap snap snap
I know I liked this dude for a reason

>> No.8571016

did anyone else like this post then get blocked by isaki? cause I'm pretty sure that just happened to me lol

>> No.8571019

wow I'm a dope, just read the cap, I thought it was just his initial comment about isaki. carry on

>> No.8571033

Yeah. Pretty sure she's blocking everyone liking the ~meanie comments~

>> No.8571044

I think I got blocked

>> No.8571090


>> No.8571097

10/10 would watch and laugh. And pray that Carly makes a parody.

>> No.8571104

he knows what we want

>> No.8571106


>> No.8571111
File: 45 KB, 487x410, drag her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few more comments I thought were worth sharing

>> No.8571117

Lol, these two are in my comm and have invited us to shoot guns at their house for a meetup. I think it's pretty cool.

>> No.8571138

My heart can't take this .

Hurts when people say constructive things and you can't blame a 'faceless' group for looking like an idiot.

>> No.8571150

for the people that got blocked, can anyone post the entire thread or have all of Isaki and victor's exchanges been posted?

>> No.8571160

I used to laugh at her, but now I can't fucking stand her anymore. I actually have her blocked on FB now.

>> No.8571174

All of us who got blocked can't even see the post anymore so someone without a block has to post caps.

>> No.8571179
File: 53 KB, 470x483, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy your watermelon :)
>It's a pizza but thanks

Holy shit

>> No.8571185

I would post caps, but I got blocked as well

I'm missing it all

>> No.8571190

she hasn't said anything else. >>8571111
is p much it.

i know y'all are thirsty but not much is happening sorry

>> No.8571194

Flandre and Mugi-chan
yes people do it. might make others mad but if they're never going to sell it in the future then they make it theirs.
hes a tripfag on /k/ and is indeed named Flandre. he own 3 SVDs plus the one he painted and 3 or 4 part kits that are missing a few parts. I don't know how much he makes or what he does. tho I believe he was quite serious and even if he didn't mean it he can always refinish the stock and hand guards. its not the worst thing I've seen some one do with an SVD.

>> No.8571196


>> No.8571203
File: 411 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8571205

Actually, fuck this. I'm unblocking her just so I can see the cringe.

>> No.8571208

this is hard to read.

>> No.8571209

Thank you for this and I'm loving that victor has 60 likes on his post already. Does this mean she's going to block 60 people?

>> No.8571210
File: 385 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571213

I'm surprised none of the mods has jumped in yet, especially considering the fact that one of them is definitely in the same comm as Isaki.

>> No.8571215

I'm on my phone and I'm lazy so that's the best I can do, sorry

>> No.8571220

This picture is perfect.
This man is perfect.
I think I am in love.

>> No.8571249

It's funnier if no one donates than if you donate any amount just to make a lame joke.
They can delete/deny the comment, you get no lulz and their balance is no longer a beautiful $0

>> No.8571254

honestly the video idea itself wouldn't be that bad if she just went with the ones that are like "Dont pee on my dress!" But then again "shit X say" usually go the rude route.

>> No.8571268
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x2690, PhotoGrid_1440274172706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wears dress
>reattaches tag
Unless she somehow has 2 of these?

>> No.8571277

I bet she never removes the tags and just hides them with her cardigans and such. Pretty skeezy

>> No.8571282

...that's what I said...

'for the people that got blocked' meaning, can someone post caps, for those of us who got blocked and therefore cannot see it lol...

>> No.8571288

When I worked retail we used to have ladies buy fancy dresses, tuck the tags in to wear them for the one-off event they needed them for and then try to return them. Some even straight up told us that's what they had done.

>> No.8571305

I'm gonna fucking lose it if Isaki replies to one more person with "oh you must have not seen my video"... As if you're so famous that it's a shock that people don't watch your shitty mallgoth drivel?

>> No.8571306

Yeah I agree. This chick sounds Aspie.

>> No.8571309

> White knights: "You're just so jeeeeeealous because she's more successful than you!!"
> Isaki: "You must not have seen my video"

Get out.

>> No.8571321

This was an ep of Desperate Housewives, except one woman pulled the tag off the other's suit out of spite so she couldnt return it. That'd make some nice lolita greentext story.

>> No.8571323

Oh god. She is from the Toronto comm.

>> No.8571327

Nah, she's only visiting us from the States.

>> No.8571333


Don't you guys have a no return policy for fancy dresses? I'm an Eurofag and in my country you're not allowed to return any fancy dress (basically to avoid what you just said).

>> No.8571338

HA!! I just liked Victors comment not even a few seconds ago and I am auto blocked! This is awesome. means she is watching the thread like a hawk.

>> No.8571339

As someone with a professionally diagnosed severe anxiety disorder (Generalized Anxiety Disorder & social anxiety), this behavior is not indicative of anxiety. It sounds more like she's on the autism spectrum, probably Asperger's. If she's squishing and throwing stuff, it sounds just like the tantrums some aspies get.

My "outbursts" are panic attacks. Having them is embarrassing and I do everything I can not to have one in public (hiding in the bathroom, etc.) I am afraid to have attention on me, so the last thing I'd ever do is squeal in public or act out of the norm. For me, (social) anxiety is feeling like you're being watched in public even when you logically know it's not true. It's worrying so much, you now have digestive issues. Your fight or flight instincts are all fucked up. It's hyperventilating and crying uncontrollably when trying to drive on an interstate or getting lost while driving.

People who claim they have anxiety and milk the system of resources are the ones who screw it up for people who actually need them. This bitch doesn't need a dog, she'd probably terrorize the poor thing.

>> No.8571343

>She has reallllly bad emotional outbursts, and she gives zero fucks that she's out in public
yeeeeah that's not anxiety pal.
people with anxiety are generally very self-conscious and always fear what others may think of them.

i know because I've had it since I was 12.

>> No.8571345

>getting lost while driving.
i have the hardest time not going into full panic mode when this happens. i've done some dangerous, reckless shit and i've sobbed and screamed and generally lost my mind, as if the world was ending or as if i was about to die. it was only recently that i realized it was some kind of panic attack.

i try to stay calm when lost now, but the feelings and terror that come up can still get really overwhelming. it's stupid because i like driving and am normally a conscientious and level-headed driver.

>> No.8571349

Nope. In the US most store have ridiculously lax return policies. Some places will take back stuff that is worn or they didn't even sell...

And even places with more strict return policies will bend then frequently if people fuss.

>> No.8571352

I've had this happen to me too when I worked in retail! And unfortunately we had to take the return by policy but one time a lady returned a dress that stunk like BO.

>> No.8571361

Did you meet her? What's she like in person?

>> No.8571370


Maybe she's having fun sitting there people-watching.

If I were there, I would probably react the same way.

>> No.8571379

Haha quick clarification, by fancy dress I meant "formal"-ish, not costume. Generally yes, most costume shops in the states won't take returns on costumery especially around halloween.

>> No.8571380

I completely relate to this, thank you for being able to explain it.

>> No.8571387

Yep, as long as their was no discernable damage we had to take it back even if they told us what they were doing. We would not have taken one back that reeked tho.

>> No.8571395

I kinda liked her before, she seemed cute and she looks good in lolita.
But she is so full of herself, it's disgusting.

>> No.8571398


I know someone with an anxiety dog. He's a Newfoundland mix and he's huge. He doesn't seem to help her though. She still throws tantrums and gets mad if people don't behave exactly how she wants them to. She likes taking her dog out in public and taking him to places like comic book stores so she can make a big deal about him being a "service animal" if any of the employees say anything to her about having this huge 200lb dog in the store. She's in her early 30's and she's really into cosplaying and going to conventions. Her husband gets mad at her because she spends all of her money on her hobbies and she expects him to pay for everything. They had to get a roommate to help pay the bills because she doesn't help with anything. She likes to go to random places (Walmart, Dollar General, etc.) in some of her horror-themed costumes because she enjoys freaking people out.

>> No.8571401

looks like the modsare here now taking control of the situation. Looks like isaki has blocked anyone who liked any comments calling her out on her bullshit. The post is still up though. Does that mean she just blocked 70 people??
I would have liked the posts but I'd rather be able to see and watch all the drama which couldn't be done if I got blocked by her

Flandre is pretty well known on /k/ and is a gunsmith. He specifically stated on /k/ that that video and the m16 video were done in jest on the thread he made about it on /k/

I worked in retail for two years, and you have no idea how many times people would do this. I knew what they were doing but our return policy basically allowed them to get away with it. I suppose it's true for most major retail outlets.

>> No.8571408

Doesn't sound like she has anxiety, just another aspie like in the post you quoted.

I figured anxiety dogs are to help with panic attacks. Why are these people getting them if they don't need them?

>> No.8571411


With all of the attention-seeking behavior, this could fit too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder

>> No.8571415

My nephew has an anxiety dog. Outwardly he seems like a perfectly normal kid, understands social mores, behavior etc, but has wicked panic attacks seemingly out of nowhere. The dog registered when his breathing quickens and nudges him with her nose/licks him. He focuses on petting the dog while she comforts him, panic attack averted. It's pretty awesome to watch tbh. Other than helping keep calm/avoid panic i'm not sure why anxious people would have them.

>> No.8571416


Well guys, you can view her wardrobe FOR FREE!

Why pay $500 when you can see it for yourself on her youtube?

>> No.8571420

Most of the time they aren't actual therapy dogs they just get the vest so they can bring them into public places and planes without having to pay for for pet transport.

>> No.8571422

I'm not a dog person, but as someone with panic disorder, that kind of repetition distraction like petting an animal or counting is soothing and can help stop a panic attack, so that logically makes sense to me too.

>> No.8571424

When I want a dress REAL bad I ask my SS to get it but also try to buy it online, so theoretically I could end up with 2. But very unlikely.

>> No.8571426
File: 318 KB, 1280x1280, 2015-08-22-15-45-03_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here. Caption it as you please.

>> No.8571432

>Why are these people getting them if they don't need them?
Because these are the same people who romanticise disability without recognising the impact that that has on people who actually need assistance. They see someone with a service animal and think "COOL! I WANT ONE!" instead of considering why that person would need one (service dogs also are often granted to people with PTSD for similar reasons to people with severe anxiety; the focus required to take care of/pay attention to another living being takes your mind away from the stimuli that is upsetting).

TL;DR: People who don't actually need a service animal but try to get one anyway are attentionwhores and think getting a free pet is cool.

>> No.8571435


Oh yeah, I meant formal-ish clothes as well, as in the stuff you'd wear to a wedding. But thanks for the info, I didn't know how that worked in America!

>> No.8571443

Well that much is obvious, I just don't get how they get approval for it. Don't you need something from a doctor to get a service dog?

>> No.8571447

Yeah I was blocked too for commenting. Must suck to be that angry.

>> No.8571449

Has anyone called her out on this? That's pretty scammy imo.

>> No.8571450

Technically, to get a properly certified one. Yes. BUT. What >>8571420 is also a likely possibility. There are heaps of shops on Etsy that have patches, vests, and so forth for sprucing up your service animal. There's a good chance they could pick up a mutt and pretend, if their application got rejected.

Also, while there are registries in most countries for service dogs, I don't think there's one for cats (even though they are being used much more frequently now, especially for kids on the autism spectrum), so that's another way to claim you have a service animal, whether you went through the proper channels or not.

>> No.8571452
File: 106 KB, 846x290, notnwt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not ok. You can't list it as NWT if you wore it. That's scamming. Someone should report this...

>> No.8571460

And looking into it further...

Service dogs do not require doctors' approval. Only a $59 registration fee. An emotional support dog requires a doctors' note.

I find that odd. Given that the definition of a service dog requires that they be trained to assist you with your disability, while the emotional support dog does not have to have any training.

But there you go.

>> No.8571461

She doesn't own two of them she just keeps the tags on. I'm in her comm and I've never really liked her and this slightly fuels my dislike

>> No.8571468

She said once during a fashion show that she has diabetes.

>> No.8571471

Thanks for looking into it!

Still pisses me off, though.

>> No.8571472

this is so perfect

>> No.8571478

Oh, me too. It's gross.

And further research indicates that because you can hire a service to register the dog for you, you can flub it really easily. You can train the animal yourself (meaning, plenty of room for abuse there), and some sites don't appear to even ask for proof of diagnosis for emotional support animals.

So if you already have a dog, you can register it. It's hard to get a properly trained/already registered animal, but you can cheat the system pretty easily from the sound of things.

>> No.8571480

"salt! e-whoring! and everything awful! these are the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little lolitas"

>> No.8571484

The secrets thread is gone already. I think the biggest cringe on this board are our janitors.

>> No.8571486

You make it sound like avoiding a panic attack isn't a good reason to have one?
Also it's be proven that animals are therapeutic and help lessen anxiety and depression. It also gives a sense of responsibility and like "something needs you" which a lot of people with mental health issues struggle with

>> No.8571488


Another reason that some people get their pets registered as service animals to get around the "no pets" rule that a lot of landlords have for their rental properties. You can tell a tenant that they can't have a pet, but you can't make someone get rid of a documented service animal because of the laws protecting people with disabilities.

>> No.8571492
File: 460 KB, 1280x1280, 2015-08-22-15-53-45_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8571495

I think NWT is fine if you only tried it on (After all anything you'd buy from the store has likely been tried on), but full out wearing it for a whole day isn't 'NWT'

>> No.8571500

That's exactly what I'm saying though. If you wear it it's not new, having tags isn't the same as new with tags. Having tags on something you wore is "Used, with tags attached", which is something shady.

>> No.8571501

Wtf this girl is in my comm and she is a business owner too. This is really unprofessional and needs to be called out for honestly.

>> No.8571502

I wasn't knocking it. I was responding to a disparaging post that implied anxiety dogs are silly and showed an example where someone I know is trying to get one and she could really, really use it. I have anxiety myself, I've had two panic attacks within the last three days and I feel another one coming on after finding out some shit, but it's being tempered by anger at the moment. I also use animals to help with my anxiety even though animal cuddles give me hives, though I doubt I'll ever get a service animal to take places with me. If I need to fly or something I will get as drunk as I can manage first.

I don't know if I have stories, I try so hard to block the things she does out. She makes fanart that's on par with a child's. She thinks she can be a professional writer even though she can hardly write even normal sentences. She dresses up like her OC in public, complete with pigtails.

>> No.8571510

Is it just me or is the report button on lacemarket missing now? I can see the red "x" but i can't click it and there's no "report" next to it either...

>> No.8571518

If I recall tho, ADA service dogs *must* be able to complete certain tasks in order to be registered. When my sister was looking into service animals (before opting for an emotional support dog) all the trained service dogs were literally like $20,000 and NOT covered by insurance.

>> No.8571522

please move the apostrophe

>> No.8571524

Yeah, see >>8571478

One of the services I checked says "you can train the dog yourself". So I have to wonder how many people tick that option, and then cheat the training somehow. Like, do the dogs have to perform a test the way you do a driving exam? Obviously getting a dog that is already trained has some kind of failsafe in place, but the sites I'm finding make me wonder if people are cheating the system, because the application process seems to go no further than providing an affidavit.

>> No.8571528

I'm not sure how I made it sound like that wasn't a good reason to have one, I specifically said it was pretty awesome. Not all anxious people have panic attacks though. I'm not sure how a support animal would help people like those mentioned above who are more socially unaware and not panicky.

>> No.8571529

I thought it might just be me, but no, I can't see it either.

>> No.8571541
File: 234 KB, 500x340, arthur laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit