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8561071 No.8561071[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What is your comm like
>Latest Drama and gossip
>Will you be going to Regalia
>Anything related

>> No.8561266

UK is the best.

>> No.8561326


Just the hijab lolita stuff. Someone won't let it drop and has to make a point of saying it was her idea first.

Fuck that noise. Last years event was a dissapointment.

Been thinking of approaching some of the anime cons that always try and fail with lolita, to offer to help with that part of a con as they always flop.

>> No.8561364
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This is a joke, right?

Anyway, I've never been to a lolita event before. I bought a silver ticket for regalia, got my train tickets, have my outfit which makes me feel under dressed. What should I be expecting from Regalia? Honestly I was hoping they'd have more I guess panels isn't the right word, but presentations. I mean yeah, there's the fashion show, but it would have been interesting to have had a tea tasting session or some other sort of fun lifestyle activity.

I feel like all Regalia is being made out to be is some huge lolita social gathering where you can buy stuff and watch people parade on a make-shift catwalk in Innocent World and whatever other garbage indie fashions they embarrassingly throw up there i comparison.

I wouldn't have minded so much if I was part of a community and was meeting up with friends, but god, it just seems like an expensive shopping trip so far.

>> No.8562193

Lmao it wasn't a joke. Kyra, Michaela and Pippa are amazing organisers and they cause 0 drama. We get some shit stirrers, but our full blown drama isn't even full blown. We keep things private when they need to be kept private.

Granted I am biased because I've never been part of any other comm and I have no time for that Northern drama, which in my opinion really isn't drama and is just some bored members trying to spark something.

But yeah, imho UK comm is the best.

Also wtf were you expecting Regalia to be? A full blown convention? Trust me when I say you'll be kept busy all day. There's so much shit going on this year it's unbelievable. The thing that angers me about what you've posted is that you're judging it before anything has happened. You've never been to a Tea Party Club event before, so what are you going by?

Regalia is going to be a lolita social gathering where you can buy stuff and watch people parade on a make-shift catwalk. There's also a raffle, a photo booth, and a q+a with brand designers and more. If that's not what you want they why did you buy a ticket?

Seriously you have nothing to complain about yet, so just wait until the 5th Septemeber and if it blows then you can post shit about it.

>> No.8562670

whats this about bloodmyer and some award? how did I manage to miss this?

>> No.8562685

>Meet the world's first Hijab Lolita!
>Kill me

>> No.8562712

>You've never been to a Tea Party Club event before, so what are you going by?
I'm going by the reviews of the previous ones that were mostly a flop. I'd like an event that keeps you occupied, a fashion show and q+a isn't going to last all day and the event is on for quite a while. It's not gonna take me 6+ hours or whatever to get around all the stalls. The only reason people stay is to see the results of the raffle at the end. If you think a photo booth is gonna save the event, nah. You're wrong.

I'm like 99% sure you're one of the organisers.

>> No.8563051

Having been to Revelry last year and getting the IW announcement on the Sunday, I and I think a lot of other people were all amped up for Regalia. I was also there for that hellish ticket scramble in the first hour where the site crashed.

I got a silver ticket last year and this year and have to say, I'm happy with what the extra cash gets you - a little bit of TPC and burando swag and I'm happy! Also the tote bags are great for the shopping portion of the day.

I'm not happy at the lack of tea party tickets available for the Sunday though. For me that's a huge part of the weekend and especially with IW's involvement I was keen to go. Luck of the draw I guess, depending on what people had in their carts when the server crashed. But Revelry was good fun last year, though I agree the day can start to feel a bit long with all the gaps in the schedule. Make up for it by socialising with the other guests, that's my advice!

>> No.8564593

If I have limited funds, is there even any point in buying a ticket to this years Regalia? I know I can always wait till next year when I'm in a better financial situation, but dang it, Innocent world is my favourite burando and I know I'd kick myself for missing it.

>> No.8564633

They give out awards at Regalia?

>> No.8564649

I'm going to tally how many people are wearing that fugly dress...

>> No.8565069

ugh - she is in my community now. For our meet in Dec she is doing awards with categories like best dressed golden heart miss congeniality. i dont like the idea of competition in my community. best part bloodmyer/anni is the only person who is allowed to make meet ups so the golden heart where you vote for the person who has made the most contributions to the community will go to her. she didnt ask any of us about this just announced it and now i feel awks

>> No.8565125

I've been to several events by tpc and while I wasn't 100% satisfied (let's be real, no event on earyh will be) and they kept having ticket sales issues every year, but your post made me angry like >>8562193 because you're being very unfair.

The past events had less activities and I didn't even have enough time to watch the shows, see all the stalls, talk to all the girls I wanted to talk to and take photos. Like anon above said, it's a social gathering & shopping event. People spend their time shopping AND talk/catch up with others. If they don't know anyone beforehand, they simply go talk to others and make friends.

YOu don't sound like a fan of IW nor any of the indie brands, I thought I'd ask why didn't you get bronze ticket to cut your regalia time by a whole hour, then realised you're probably better off sray at home and go on instagram.

Sorry for the angry rant but no one is going to spoonfeed you lolita friends. Go talk to people.

>> No.8566031

I don't even want lolita friends.

>> No.8566160

Wow I can't believe there's someone like you actually in the NW comm. Your cunt is just filled with salt, anon-chan. Anni is the only one who has actually put time, effort and money into meets since she came back and restarted the comm 8 months ago, which was badly run and barely functioning. She makes sure everything is running smoothly and always tries to make it a good experience for everyone who goes to meets. All the other members sit around doing fuck all, so you have 4 months to pull your weight and actually help out if you're so desperate for a shitty award which most members see as an acknowledgement of Anni'd hard work. You're either one of the people who doesn't even attend the meets, one of the girls who just shows up and doesn't need to do anything, or either of the other two admins who do barely anything. Get it through your brain, Anni is the only person who actually does anything with the comm. No one's stopped you from doing anything before this, so shut your whore mouth and stop complaining.

>> No.8566216

Holy shit Bloodmyer, go home. How can you not realise you are way too notorious at this point to plausibly have a whiteknight like this?

>> No.8566223

Buy a ticket off somebody else, a lot of people are selling bronze tickets at reduced prices now.

>> No.8566388

surely you know which community your in NW is not NE there completely different counties you daft bugger.

Any way Bloodmyer hasn't changed at all, still attention seeking and shit stirring. competitions and awards just end up causing trouble within groups so why bother.

>> No.8566540

Not bloodmeyer. I only know her from my comm, what has she done?

> acting like you've never made a mistake
Yes I meant NE. How is she attention seeking? But you have a point, it's fairly obvious who'll be chosen for some of the other awards.

>> No.8566595

I agree that she's done a lot for the comm and it was a disaster beforehand. Most of us do appreciate all that she's done and there was even discussion of doing something nice to thank her. The problem I have is that she's created these awards with what seems to be no discussion when one is very obviously only applicable to her. Her motive there is so transparent it's annoying.

>> No.8566630

If any of you are her close friend rather than just someone who would feel out of place doing so, I recommend suggesting to her to drop that award or announce that she herself is not eligible for it since she invented it.

If you explain that it looks completely obvious that she set it up, she might agree and back off. It'll save everyone some trouble.

>> No.8566875

I've already been asked where my hijab is...

>> No.8566889

what if normalfags start thinking lolita is a muslim thing, holy shit

>> No.8566891

It's already holy shit

>> No.8566902

What *hasn't* she done? She's the funkyfunkyusopp of the north.

>> No.8566943

I've gone to every one of these teaparties and I've modeled in two of them which was pretty fun. I've applied again for this year but I've gained weight due to some stress so I don't know if I'll get picked for anything.

There's definitely some aspects that I think are 'eh' but overall most of the events are quite fun. For the past couple of years I've been working weekends so I actually don't get to go to meets often so I enjoy having one big main meet to attend. If you're not there to socialize and shop then I don't know why you'd even bother buying a ticket.

Anyone have any plans of what they are wearing?

>> No.8566981

Bloodmeyer was kicked out of old community for a whole range of things all linking to her constant lieing. She lied to people who thought were close friends, lied about her dyslexia, about disabilities, religion, jobs, being a lolita since she was 5 because her grandma dressed her in it. I was very surprised when she was added to our community again as she was banned until the new mods took it over because of her history. >>8566540
The community is more active, but at what cost. Am I the only one who is bothered that she is the only one who can organise meets. Then these awards came up and I'm just so worried

>> No.8567222

Wait, ne? That's my old common, wtf happened?like, I think I only met her once, but she just seemed quiet.

>> No.8567226

Kek at the girl on the regalia page saying we should have a meet at Dismaland.

Yeah I think we should all go to a exhibition about the horrors of capitalism in lolita and make it a social gathering.

>> No.8567229

>Kyra, Michaela and Pippa are amazing organisers and they cause 0 drama.
Isn't Kyra friends with that Laelette character?

>> No.8567239

Nice, I was planning on going.

>> No.8567249

Who are people to watch out for in the UK communities?

>> No.8567298

People would probably tell you Raine/funkyfunkyusopp but afaik she's left lolita entirely. Bloodmyer. Apparently Laelette Romanov.

>> No.8567399

a lot of the UK girls are friends with her. its just a few Scottish girls who heard things through the grapevine that hate her the original girls involved with all that shit want it dropped so they can move on too.

Other then bloodmyer, there was the hello kitty whale, pringle & milky fawns stalker but they seem to have disappeared too

>> No.8567453

>that Laelette character
I'm 90% sure that people would move on from this if she just issued an apology. Everybody acts badly as a teenager, the only problem is pretending that it never happened.

>> No.8567696

Why are a lot of the UK girls friends with a bullying cunt like Lauren? That makes them just as bad by association.

>> No.8567709

If you can afford to buy whilst you're there, do it, if you won't even be able to buy from innocent world whilst there then don't torture yourself by going.

>> No.8567766

literally who

>> No.8567770

I think they mean laelette?

>> No.8567771

Where did you read the events were a flop? I've read some criticisms of them, sure, but absolutely nothing on the scale of, say, Anime Matsuri or that Austen and the Abbey fiasco from a few years ago.

Sell your ticket to someone who will actually appreciate the event. I hope I don't meet you there.

>> No.8567772

we can tell m8

>> No.8567780

I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds this dress gross. The skirt length is just...why.

>> No.8567818

Who's hello kitty whale

>> No.8567820


was that not that mental girl from the manchester (maybe?) comm who wore hello kitty bedsheets dresses and said everybody was bullying her but it turned out she was just making it up

>> No.8567828

part 1: >>/cgl/thread/7777821
part 2: https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/7790162

>> No.8567836


Oh Mary.

>> No.8567926

Why why oh why would you bring this up again hwen it had just been got over?

>> No.8568623

What is melodrama.

>> No.8568732

Any comms in Gloucestershire? (or Bath/Bristol)

>> No.8568914

Am I blind?
I cannot see anything hello kitty in that picture.

>> No.8569070

It's in the video, a girl wearing a dress made of hello kitty bedsheets. The funny stuff is that the girl came on and went apeshit.

>> No.8569334

o dont bring that up again

>> No.8569546

How is the Scottish comm these days? I used to hear a lot of good things but lately I've been hearing some negative stuff.

>> No.8569547

I think generally speaking the UK is a good place to be a lolita as the comms are pretty chill (well, you never really hear of any big drama blowups so I assume most people are chill. They are in my comm at least).

If there is any new UK drama I'm unaware of it.

I'm going to Regalia but I'm not particularly hyped for it. I think the novelty of these big events has worn off a bit for me. Perhaps a bit of a controversial comment but I find a lot of the European lolitas who travel in for the UK events ruin the atmosphere a bit e.g. chucking and snatching clothes at the bring and buy, barging people out of the way, giving people dirty looks, looking angry if you so much as say hi... I thought it was just me but a lot of my friends experienced similar things at past events. Maybe a cultural thing?
Still, I'm looking forward to chatting to friends I don't get to see very often and doing a bit of shopping.

>> No.8569550

What do you mean, cultural thing? Europe is a continent (that you're technically a part of), it's not all one culture.

>> No.8569571

fuck off and stop shitting up the thred>>8569070

>> No.8569656

I've found the same, a lot of the European lolitas can have pretty shitty attitudes.

>> No.8569674

I'm in the northwest, in Liverpool, what close by comfy meets are there?

>> No.8569917

I'm in Manchester, try joining CLAM. I don't want to out myself on here :(

>> No.8570150

Well, everyone hates the brits.

>> No.8570326

I see hello kitty whale is here now.

>> No.8570329

I take it none of you people saying this have ever actually lived in a European country? Because you're sounding like typical xenophobic chavs right now. Go live somewhere else for a while and find out what those Europeans are *really* like. I can tell you, having experienced both, the Germans are a hell of a lot more mature and less up themselves than your average British regional comm.

>> No.8570341

Bosses of regalia?!

>> No.8570342

Lauren will burn one day.

>> No.8570344

I'm in Liverpool also, as the Manchester anon said, please join C.L.A.M.

>> No.8570356

Lauren who ?

>> No.8570357

Sorry, I mean a lot of the European lolitas at the UK events. They can be exceedingly judgy and a group of them have laughed at my friend at an event and made her cry, albeit her self esteem was pretty low at the time, but they really were being horrid.

Most of the time though they'll look you up and down and give you a dirty look though.

I really didn't mean a lot of the European lolitas in general, sorry.

>> No.8570359

Kyra didn't cause the Laelette drama though, so what is your point anon?

>> No.8570360

I sense this is a drama llama claiming she's abusive.

>> No.8570368

First let me clarify that I'm not an organiser, I'm just someone who knows what they're buying a ticket for.

I've heard a lot more positive reviews than negative. In fact, the only negative things I've heard about it was here on cgl, and they were mostly bitchy side comments.

I'm really just failing to understand why you bought a ticket, when it sounds like you don't even want to go.

Also the photo booth isn't going to save the event, because the event doesn't need saving. You're delirious if you think it does.

>> No.8570378

I wonder why.

>> No.8570381

Lauren is her real name. Laelette Romanov is an alias she used to weedle back into the community easier.

As an earlier anon said, if she'd apologised, it'd be fine. A lot of people are asshats in their teenage years, but she didn't apologise, and proved that she's never really changed her attitude, and that's what bothers a lot of people.

>> No.8570384
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>> No.8570385
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>> No.8570388

She white knighted her on Rufflechat and Rufflechat uncensored. Knowing nothing about the drama happening.

>> No.8570390

No, by the time she white knighted her, Lauren already had talked her into believing she was the victim of bullies.

>> No.8570409

I'm so confused as to how anyone could actually believe Lauren, though. You either have to be very new or very stupid. People have been saying, with increasing frequency, since she came back under the fake name, that she's trouble, and it was no secret that she'd been banned from communities.

>> No.8570440

She now posts on BtB that she had to close her store over the COF drama. Pile of shit. She went bankrupt months before.

>> No.8570441

But anon, how will we get free bloomers at our events if we don't pretend she's lovelies?
She really needs to just apologise so this can be laid to rest, I'm so bored of it now.

>> No.8570446

How do you go bankrupt from selling bloomers?

>> No.8570449

Same. While I want her to get her just desserts, it's been going on so long at this stage that an apology and her dropping the fake name would be more than enough, but judging from her comments on btb I don't think it's ever going to happen. She's stubborn as all hell, and just as insufferable as when she tried bitching to me about her comm when we were younger.

Oh? Deets? Also there was a comment (I suspect it was her trying to garner sympathy) saying that she'd left the fashion too, can anyone confirm or deny? I'm not sure if she'd stop wearing something that she poured so much of her time into that easily.

>> No.8570451

By not selling them, I guess. I remember her either dropping out of college or choosing sewing over it, getting super serious, renting a studio outside of her house, so if she had bills to pay just to keep the place running it's easy to see how it would've collapsed if nobody was buying.

>> No.8570455

She just lies.
Shop still open ( online)
Events planned ( two)
Still a member of CoF ( mod rights gone)

>> No.8570457

I'm still failing to see how this means she caused drama.

>> No.8570462

I suppose it was just a bit thoughtless of her to defend someone when she didn't understand the situation. I'm sure she's not actually a bad person, just misunderstood the situation.

>> No.8570464

That's what I am saying.

>> No.8570468

She became part of the drama by jumping into it without even thinking. If a group of people gets mad about somebody and points out that the person in question isn't an angel?! I stay far away from it and surely don't run yo white Knight them.

>> No.8570505

That's fair enough, but the initial replier was trying to make it seem as though Kyra was a big part of the drama.

Also, and I truly am sorry to pick this apart even more, but I think she fully understood the situation, and in fact, I think she knew more than many people, including every here as she is the leader of the UK comm, and so she really needs to know exactly what is going on and if she needs to take any action. Also she's a mature adult and she's got a good head on her shoulders, so I trust that she knows what she's talking about.

>> No.8570515

Surely she knows well that she's friends with Lauren, though? And surely someone in her position should be aware of any troublemakers and steer clear?

>> No.8570519

>She became part of the drama by jumping into it without even thinking
With that logic, so did many of the people who decided to vigorously attack Laelette/Lauren when they didn't really know what was going on. In fact we're all part of the drama!

Sorry, but that doesn't make you part of the drama, it just makes you part of the audience of the drama.

>> No.8570520

>Kyra is the leader of events in London and so she knows more about what's happening in Scotland than the locals do
Referendum-level shit right here

Moving on, does anyone think London will get a pop up shop like Paris did?

>> No.8570528


>> No.8570542

She's probably well aware of Lauren's past and was cautious with L's side of the story.

She's friends with Lauren, the same way she's friends with many people in the comm. She probably talks to her now and again, but they're not close like her and Michaela are. I'm speculating though, so this could not be true.

What I do know is that Lauren told Kyra her side of the story, and felt that what Lauren said must have rang somewhat true as Kyra then defended her.

I also know that some members of the Leeds comm can confirm that the initial girl to get banned from CoF was partaking in some form of bullying, and I've heard that Fahr was too, but I don't know for sure that Fahr was.

Anyway, either Kyra made a really bad decision, which is pretty unheard of for her, or Lauren's story had some truth to it.

>> No.8570545

>Referendum-level shit right here
I kekked

I seriously hope so.

>> No.8570552

Fahr was invited back into CoF with 7 others who had been banned for no reason. I know on good authority that she doesn't know Lauren or any of the drama around her.

>> No.8570553

That's good to hear.

>> No.8570554

I fear Lauren truly made a mistake with the whole thing. Reacted out of panic.

She should have publicly apologised.

>> No.8570556

Panicked about what though? That a girl she gave a hard time to was in a post in her group?

>> No.8570558

So it was just a problem with the initially banned girl and Laelette then. Do you know if Laelette ever apologised to them via pm?

>> No.8570567

I don't know. I think so?

>> No.8570568

That girl was invited back into CoF too. Seem she didn't do anything wrong, just like the others.

>> No.8570569

Her group... Lauren never owned CoF and now she is nothing important in the comm anymore. Next time she hopefully thinks twice.

>> No.8570570

Apologies, for some reason I thought she was involved in the founding of the group.

>> No.8570574

I thought she created it too.

>> No.8570581

A legend she likes to tell. If it were true she wouldn't hv been degraded so easily to a normal member

>> No.8570583

I did think it was a bit odd. Did she lie about the mentor group too or did she actually found that too?

>> No.8570619

She didn't.

>> No.8570620

As expected, I guess. She's a much bigger liar than I'd previously thought then.

>> No.8570639

Is there a way to know how successful the Paris one was? I doubt AP would try London without great success in Paris.

She never explicitly apologised for the cof thing, as far as I know she never apologised for the other stuff either or it would have been mentioned before. Maybe she thinks it will go away faster if she ignores it all.

>> No.8570846


What are CLAM meets like?

>> No.8570858

Weeby as shit. They always do the same things and they really enjoy shouting at 'normies.'

>> No.8570863

We had a casual meet on Wednesday in Manchester where we went for lunch at Richmond tea rooms, did a bit of shopping and then went to a cafe and played some get to know you type games to break the ice because a lot of people who came were new/first meet etc. There was 13 people, which is a huge meet for us because it's a tiny comm.

>> No.8570884

Can someone give me a quick rundown of what Lauren/Laelette did?

>> No.8570888

Anon, when did you go to a meet? Since it became CLAM it's never been like that.

>> No.8570894

2013 and i'm still bitter because some bitch threatened to set me on fire because my dress was the real version of her replica.

>> No.8570906

Is there much drama? I'm worried about being disliked or anything, whats their opinion of /cgl/?

>> No.8570907

Oh my gosh! Wow. Okay. Well I apologise on behalf of that person in 2013, what a psycho. I don't really know what to say, that's so extreme! Theyre probably not in the comm now. But I can promise you the meets aren't like that any more.

>> No.8570909

A lot of them seem to think that CGL is full of meanie bullies, but they do try and steer clear of drama now. Prior to the comm reboot, it was full of absolute crazies though, so I'm not surprised by >>8570894 at all

>> No.8570910

I'm not sure of the general opinion of cgl, it's not really talked about.

>> No.8570911

I'll avoid mentioning it then, I sent a join application and messaged an admin so they know I'm in Liverpool since I don't have it on my page. I'm guessing they think the same of BTB as they do CGL?

>> No.8570920

Honestly since the reboot nobody talks about either, I don't think there's a ban on it it's just not mentioned.

>> No.8570924

Do I have to pay to attend meetups? Where abouts are the meets generally located and what do you do at them?

>> No.8570928

It depends where you are to be honest. Past meets have been in Liverpool, Manchester and Chester because quite a few members live between those three. In the past we've gone for afternoon tea, we meet up at local cons, one time we got our tea leaves read and saw a psychic that was pretty fun. I don't think we do anything wildly out of the box. Sometimes we play board games and card games and stuff?

>> No.8570930

Oh weve been to the usual gallery/museum/aquarium type things too.

>> No.8570935

Did you guys attend MCM Manchester? I met lots of lolitas both days.

>> No.8570938

We did! I was only there on the Saturday, I think some other girls went on Sunday. Lots of people came from Leeds and Sheffield two, so you could have met people from any of those comms.

>> No.8570944

Are they nice? I'd like to join

>> No.8570948
File: 1.37 MB, 960x969, mcmmanclolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of these you? the top left ones were really nice, the others were too, but seemed a lot more shy.

>> No.8570962

Nope, none of these are me but I know all of them apart from the two in sweet on the top left. Only one of them, the girl in the black and white, is from CLAM. The rest are Leeds/Sheffield.

>> No.8570969

aw sucks I didn't spot you, you sound super nice! If I make it to once of the meets we'll have to say hi!

>> No.8570973

Thanks anon! The north west has a pretty rubbish rep because of the past comm, as the other anon said but hopefully we're on the up and up from here.

>> No.8570977

What happened with the past con if you don't mind me asking? I've not been into lolita long, and don't have much of a chance to get into it due to my other hobbies (which tend to be twice as costly as lolita).

>> No.8570998

Honestly I only know half the story as I've been told by other people. About 2 years ago there was some drama involving various people, which was brought up again for some reason and caused a huge shit storm on btb TWO YEARS LATER.
The comm was passed on to new mods just before the drama resurfaced so they basically went fuck this and started a whole new comm and it's been pretty chill since then. Honestly I hope answering this doesn't bring it all back up because I moved from the old comm and I can't be bothered with drama and people only started coming to meets when they thought it had passed.

>> No.8571026

Hm, oh I forgot to ask, what's the general age range at the comm?

>> No.8571051

Dunno who they are but I gotta say the lolis in a meet at Newcastle city centre a few weeks ago looked really good. Was in normal fag clothes but you guys looked awesome!

>> No.8571064

I don't know. 18-25ish?

>> No.8571074

Is there harsh age limit rules? My friend who wants to come with me is 15.

>> No.8571075

The low down is that as first anon said, She was kicked out of many comms for making a lot of serious things up. The old mods for the NE left, the person left in charge decided to unban her, make her the mod then abandoned the group too. We used to have regular nice meets at gallerys and events, now its all cheap ita themed meets with angels demons vampires and these new awards are just the icing on the cake.

>> No.8571080

There is no age limit, we had some younger girls but they split off and made their own junior comm because we insisted they should have an adult supervising with them.

>> No.8571089

That sounds like it would be awful.

>> No.8571093

LOL maybe it's good you are not a part of any Lolita comm because you seem like a bitch

>> No.8571102 [DELETED] 

Why are you bringing that up I wouldn't of done it if you weren't giggle giggle giggle about your stupid 'buranod'

>> No.8571103 [DELETED] 

*'burando' as I know you'll run to correct me because it's all you care about bully brand bitch

>> No.8571109

The marshmallow girl in squirrel party and chess chocolate chan are really cute

>> No.8571113

seeing comms getting ready to shoot this years calendar. Anyone here going to be in it?

>> No.8571114


No drama in Bristol/bath comm. Most of the drama queens moved away or stopped going to meets, so our comm it's pretty chill right now

>> No.8571115

What the fuck did I just read

>> No.8571118 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't of done it but you could of shut up about your milky planet

>> No.8571120

Well, that's creepy.

>> No.8571133

Yeah we think it's a bad idea but kids will be kids I guess.

>> No.8571135

Are they edgy itas?

>> No.8571147


People do now

>> No.8571265

>tfw burando does not print your flag in a dress, always

>> No.8571298

>that befuddled doctor
I'm so sorry, Europe

>> No.8571299
File: 3 KB, 139x150, 1430708465105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw burando thinks the UK is rori

>> No.8571307

I would be so turned off if a brand turned my country's flag into a dress print.

>> No.8571315

Snaggle Tooth Carnival

>> No.8571317

Snaggle Tooth Carnival, the next hot print.

>> No.8571593

Are there any problem girls or itas? And are there any furries and cosplayers?

>> No.8571619

The last meet was the first time we had any itas with like cat ears etc., but they were really polite and nice girls who didn't do anything that itas might like screaming, being inappropriate with dresses etc. I think every comm has itas though? A few girls also cosplay but they come to meets in proper loli. As far as I know no furries? Ive never asked!

>> No.8571648

I'm really scared I'll get picked on for having a fursuit, I know lots of people misunderstand what it is. I just noticed one of the admins has the same last name as an ICT staff member in my old highschool, and I remember the staff member saying her daughter was interested in lolita and cosplay, I wonder if they're Nadina.

>> No.8571654

As long as you're not wearing it to meetups or talking about it constantly, I can't see why people would even know about it.

>> No.8571657

Nah I don't talk about it when I'm not at furmeets, but my icon is my fursuit so that'd tip a few people off.

>> No.8571712

change your icon then or make a lolita specific facebook?
furries normally get grouped with the weebs so if you want a chance at making friends etc. i'd make a new account

>> No.8571740 [DELETED] 

So that excuses setting someone on fire?

>> No.8571823 [DELETED] 

i wasnt setting you on fire i was setting milky planet on fire and you didn't actually go on fire so shut up and stop talking about it.

>> No.8571831 [DELETED] 

Anon, file charges against the girl threatening to set you alight for the lulz.

>> No.8571928 [DELETED] 

>you didn't actually go on fire so shut up and stop talking about it
Oh okay that's alright then

>> No.8571996 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure whats worse, your morals, your logic or your grammar.

>> No.8572540

Whatever happened to the trans kid she took under her wing? I remember she lent him that horrible dead sheep twin tail wig for NemaCon

>> No.8572541

You in the East Anglia comm by any chance?

>> No.8572567

A friend of mine went to the wednesday meet with their partner and friends, and couldn't praise it better! she gg CLAM. I'd be interested in joining but I'm a photographer, not a lolita. Does the group accept requests from photographers?

>> No.8572613

takes terrible care of his/her dresses, sells them overpriced, is nice but loud and obnixious

>> No.8572851

Sounds like they haven't changed a bit. How bad are the dresses they sold?

>> No.8572878

Message one of the admins?

>> No.8572892

Thank god. Any FB links?

>> No.8572894

Is there a Hastings/Brighton comm?

>> No.8573157

Lauren created Closet of Frills. It was her idea and she started it from scratch.

>> No.8573158

Yes, you were correct. Lauren founded Cof.

>> No.8573165

Yeah, she just decided to walk away from it, and the other mods eventually took it upon themselves to remove her admin status

>> No.8573167

yes, she did. I was there when she started the whole thing

>> No.8573169

Can you give me some details about the other lies she's told, please? I'm not aware of any. She's a decent person.

>> No.8573179

In the 7 years I've been her friend, and at the many meets and events we've been to, I never witnessed her bullying anyone. In private, or publicly. This whole bully persona that she has is complete bullshit. She's actually a good person

>> No.8573180



>> No.8573181 [DELETED] 

I hope you burn, bitch

>> No.8573184

banned from 1 single community, back in 2011

>> No.8573189

She didn't post that on Btb. That would have been me. You fucking cunt. She didn't go bankrupt. She simply had enough of being part of this toxic community, and a fashion which thrives on negativity.

>> No.8573197

She didn't lie. The shop and her brand are closed. Permanently. Not because she ran out of money, or there was any lack of interest. She was invited to at least 5 different events to trade there this year, but turned them all down. She has no events planned now, as she is no longer involved in the fashion. If she is still a member of Cof, it makes no difference. She won't be using it again.

>> No.8573202

Was there ever any drama? I heard SW was pretty chill.

>> No.8573203

Obviously, dickhead

>> No.8573209

Oh wow! You must be a genius to have spotted that I wrote all those comments! You get a special prize

>> No.8573210

What drama has there ever been in Bristol/bath?

>> No.8573228 [DELETED] 

So like, are you fucking her or what? Pussy game must be ridiculous to make you come here and whiteknight this hard. Stop embarrassing yourself, if you were any kind of decent friend to her you wouldn't come here and add fuel to the fire.

>> No.8573232

What makes you think she went bankrupt? In December she won an award fro small business of the year in the town where she lives and was given the opportunity to open a physical store, but turned it down. She was awarded grants from the Scottish Business Enterprise, but declined them. I've seen the emails she got from event organisers in Spain, Finnland, etc, asking her if she's like to have a stand there. She turned them all down. I know that she still receives 4 or 5 messages a week from people asking her for commissions, and she tells them all that she has quit. Her brand was doing well, and she was making reasonable money from it, considering she was only 19 and had never ran a business before.

>> No.8573239 [DELETED] 

How am I embarrassing myself by telling cunts like you to shut the fuck up with your lies and bullshit? You should stop speaking shit and keep your mouth closed. I don't feel embarrassed for sticking up for my friend and setting a few bitches straight

>> No.8573241 [DELETED] 

so a decent friend would let a cunt like you write whatever nasty shit you can make up about about someone and not say anything..? That's not what friends do

>> No.8573251 [DELETED] 

Okay, first off, stop pretending it's more than one person doing this, that's just pathetic. Secondly, I don't know shit about Lauren, I have not been contributing to all the shit-talking about her, I don't care either way. But you are acting like a fucking twelve year old, and nobody needs to know anything about the situation to see that. If I found out one of my 'friends' had acted like this, I would stop talking to them out of sheer embarassment. Do you really think ANYONE needs a thread who comes in screaming and flinging shit like mummy just turned her cartoons off? God, you must be some kind of unbearable autistic landwhale to not see what's wrong with this behaviour. Like I said, don't know Lauren at all and I don't know much about her, but I feel pretty bad for her having someone like you around.

>> No.8573259

*needs a friend

>> No.8573264

I'm just sick of sacks of shit like you, running their mouth off, talking like they're an authority on the lives people they know nothing about. Spreading vicious lies isn't right. You've got nothing better to do with your time than spend it putting other people down? Seek help.

>> No.8573270

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that somebody who samefags this hard can't read either. This shit makes me so glad I got out of the lolita community, it attracts the absolute worst retards sometimes...

>> No.8573271

I'm not pretending to be more than one person! I made that clear already. If you know shit about her, then leave it alone and stop contributing to the nastiness

>> No.8573272

So you just decided you had to reply to the same post three times? Have you taken your meds?

>> No.8573280 [DELETED] 

Ok, so in the space of 2 comments you've called me unbearable, an autistic landwhale, and a retard, all because I stood up for a friend. You say you're sorry for her having a friend like me. Well it'd be better than having a friend like you! You sound like a real nasty piece of work.

>> No.8573283 [DELETED] 

Am I only allowed to reply once, like? You what?!

>> No.8573306 [DELETED] 

I'm sure she told you that! Kek

>> No.8573308 [DELETED] 

Yeah, she did, because it's true. Like I said, I was there when she created it!

>> No.8573312 [DELETED] 

I think I'd better screencap your posts and ask a mutual friend to send them to Lauren. This is some proper yandere shit, you are an actual mentalist. Poor girl :/

>> No.8573314 [DELETED] 

Brilliant. You are just retarded. She took it up from somebody else, now she became Unbareable and was kicked from her mod position like the count deserved!

>> No.8573318 [DELETED] 

Oh boohooo!

>> No.8573320


Why does it feel like you're replying to yourself...?

>> No.8573323

She usually wears them 10+ times and never gets them drycleaned. Others aren't too bad quality they're just unpopular brand pieces and bodyline that have been scalped and sold on to cosplayers and newbies.

>> No.8573471

I think there was something like 3 or 4 years ago, but I don't know details.... One Lolita who was involved in it/knows what was all about, has moved to Oxford now.

In last three years there was literally no drama here! Like I said most shit stirring people moved out, some stopped coming to meets. Not even sure if they are still into Lolita.
The rest of us are cool with everyone, open to newbies and we try to help whoever needs it.

>> No.8573725

Why are you so aggressive and angry all the time?

>> No.8573743

Which comm is this? I'm looking for a nice comm in the SW.

>> No.8573907
File: 23 KB, 250x182, tumblr_mzzxzpxgy31tpt0tio1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.8574076



>> No.8574169

If you're referring to Raine, that was 6 years ago so it's basically ancient history at this point. After she was kicked out, the comm has been drama free ever since.

>> No.8574283

Bristol, Bath, South West in general
Join us anon!

>> No.8574291

Yes it was her! I forgot her name.
I joined the comm long after that drama so I don't know any details

>> No.8574362
File: 157 KB, 832x802, Firey Planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp that was a wild ride.

>> No.8574434

What the absolute fuck.

>> No.8574458

She got kicked out of Oxford too (although as far as I know she hadn't actually done anything at that point, Oxford is just a bizarre shitty comm all round) and as far as I know she doesn't do lolita at all any more.

>> No.8574465

Not true, she pulled all sorts of bullshit with the Oxford comm too. The Oxford comm hasn't had any problems since.

>> No.8574468

New to thread but couldn't carry on reading this. I understand Lauren has history. However, the people who bullied her, also bullied many other scotlolis. Sin threatened to punch one in the face if she ever saw her at a meet again. and now Sin is pretending to be sweetness and light? I don't think so

>> No.8574469

What events does she have planned

>> No.8574472

Yes Fahr knows. Sin knows so Fahr knows as they are close and Sin has it out for Lauren. Everyone knows this

>> No.8574473

CLAM wasn't a thing in 2013 sshhhh now

>> No.8574475

What are you talking about. The only Leed/Sheffield are the ones in the bottom picture

>> No.8574477


Lol, I have no idea where you got that idea; I haven't even met her and was happy to let her go about doing whatever it was she was doing. I had literally zero interest in her until she started spouting shit about me. And yeah, I have been lurking because I knew her defence force would show up to tell everybody I'm the devil and I ate her firstborn child in front of her etc.

>> No.8574478

Like what? I don't remember her actually doing anything. Sure, she bitched about people constantly in private, but she certainly wasn't making secrets or posting shit on here- easy enough to tell because she writes like a four year old.

>> No.8574485

Actually she did post people on here and she even admitted to somebody that she did it (not knowing this info would get back to us). Maybe you didn't see it. She also tried to turn members against each other in the early days of the group but you would have to ask those girls about it. She would send aggressive messages to people and made inappropriate comments to an underage member of the group.

>> No.8574486

Who is fire-chan? Like who was she?

>> No.8574492

Yeah, this sounds like standard Oxford bullshit to me. I'm no friend of Raine's, I know full well what kind of person she is, but she hadn't done shit in Oxford for years when she was banned. I don't think she had even gone to a meet in months. If you want someone out of the comm because you personally don't like them, that's on you, but the least they could do would have been to be honest about that, rather than ban her out of the blue and claim she'd been doing shit on here. As I said, not hard to tell if Raine's behind something, becuz she typs lyk dis.

>> No.8574502

She didn't do anything in the last year she was in the community because she didn't attend a meet. So of course there wasn't going to be much drama. Most of the comm said the reason Raine got kicked out was because the atmosphere became unbearable, so as far as I know it was better to kick her out than for everybody (including Raine) to be miserable. I agree the situation wasn't handled that great but what I do know is the group hasn't had any issues since Raine left. My point is that just because the group had problems with Raine (who had history with other comms) it doesn't mean that others will. We are pretty happy with how the comm is at the moment so perhaps we all just need to move on. As for the person who told us about her posting on here, she has left the group now so I don't know what is going on there.

>> No.8574504 [DELETED] 

Go drink bleach and die. You piece of shit don't deserve to live, go kill yourself. You're so fat and ugly and disgusting people around you want to push you in front of a car every day.

And no, I'm not Sin, but the girl's been bullied enough by Lauren, leave her alone. This has gone far enough.

And in case you think it's Sin or Fahr samefagging, I can show you proof salty vendetta-chan. You're probably Laelette samefagging since you're a cunt and literally no one likes you and the other Scottish bitches who lick your ass.

Please do everyone a favour and just die.

>> No.8574506

simmer down

>> No.8574507

I agree that if one person is causing awkwardness in the comm, it's better for them to leave/be removed, but it needs to be handled better than what actually happened- someone who had personal beef with her became an admin of the facebook page, banned Raine immediately because wow some people can't handle the tiniest taste of Facebook power I guess, and then the other people in charge went oh well, we don't like her anyway. I would be very interested to know who that admin was, I have my suspicions, and one of the potential candidates is a hell of a lot more of a problem child than Raine ever was when it comes to unwarranted aggression and vendettas.

>> No.8574509


Yo man I appreciate the gesture, but it doesn't do anybody any favours to defend people by telling them to go drink bleach and stuff. They're just gonna keep telling lies, don't give them any more fuel.

>> No.8574511

This is exactly what I was trying to tell that mental samefag yesterday. You can definitely go too far when it comes to whiteknighting.

>> No.8574513


Incorrect. One of the current admins banned her

>> No.8574517

Well, I don't know who is and is not an admin of the group currently, I have no involvement with it, but I know that is what I was told by one of the admins at the time.

>> No.8574525

tsk tsk Nicki, your salt is showing

>> No.8574545

Who even is Nicki?

>> No.8574573

It's ok, are you still able to prove you aren't sin or Fahr now you have deleted your comment

>> No.8574583

The fuck? I have nothing to do with any of this, I just wanted to know who Nicki was. Get over yourself.

>> No.8574743

There been two, the first one was a disaster until the ban, then got alright, then left loli to become a furry and returned to being a train wreck, the second ditched them when they realized they were ita as fuck and is doing okay now.

Not sure if your talking about blood or the first trans girl, but accurately describes both, In an old Hyper Japan thread someone described the foul funk coming off them in disturbingly accurate detail.

>> No.8574748

>I have my suspicions
>one of the potential candidates

Sorry to interrupt your investigation, Sherlock, but I think it's time for you to move on and find peace.

>> No.8574752

Is the mod of South West Facebook page, who moved to Oxford? I'm guessing it's her

>> No.8574775


That would be me and no I did not become an Oxford admin and ban anyone. I have never been made an admin.

>> No.8574824

You're right I messed up, the other girls are from Cardiff, I think. I realised that after I posted.

>> No.8574908

I meant the first girl, I never bought anything from blood so I wouldn't know.

>> No.8574912

Won't somebody think of the sandwiches?!?

>> No.8574935

Jesus christ, there was a manchester comm before that. She said she was talking pre-reboot

>> No.8574988

I am! should be fun we got a month that has a lot of possibilities

>> No.8575003

Well why dont you check your facts before spouting them as truth anon?

>> No.8575075

Best post in this thread

>> No.8575494

You appreciated that gesture?! You people sicken me. Always talking about this or that person being a bully. Take a look at yourselves. You're monsters.

>> No.8575515

Ye wot m8?

>> No.8575576

You are really doing my head in. Shut the fuck up you dumb cunt, you're only making things worse for Lauren.