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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 18 KB, 316x445, GirlandDogReading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8560286 No.8560286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite animal /cgl?
And what pets do you think would look better with lolita and other jstyles?

>> No.8560337

pets are not fashion accessories.

My favourite animals are cats, but I keep them far away from my jfash.

>> No.8560340

I like rats, but they would screech and pee all over my brand.

Someone in the meetups thread posted that someone brought their rat to a meet. Anyone have deets on this?

>> No.8560346

>pets are not fashion accessories.

>> No.8560350

That was me who posted that
I got it wrong, it was a cockroach

>> No.8560354

I once knew a dude who trained his pet rats to give him a little nibble when they needed to poop or pee so he could hold them over the toilet. Still, though, animals are stinky and hairy. I love my cat but only really cuddle her when I'm not wearing anything worth $500 and up.

>> No.8560359

A cockroach? KEKEKEK

>> No.8560361

I have 2 dogs
I don't care what they look good with, I have them because I love them.
If you don't want hair on your clothes don't get a pet.

>> No.8560375
File: 103 KB, 500x546, no fun seagull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8560381

>>pets are not fashion accessories.

Exactly. I mean, I saw this one photoset of a aristocratic coord and a Doberman Pinscher that looked fantastic as they both complimented eachother, but I think it was her dog, or it was a photo for a magazine.

Alternatively, this thread could be if lolita and other jstyles were animals what would they be c: !?

>> No.8560386
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found it - turns out to be a photographer who likes making fantasy images through models and photo manips.

>> No.8560388
File: 35 KB, 378x500, 1335539193351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That dog wistfully staring out in the distance, wishing for freedom and chicken.

>What is lint roller

>> No.8560392
File: 308 KB, 1205x1205, IMG_20150815_155400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these....but I can't imagine they'd be very good for lolita since they chew everything in sight

>> No.8560396

>What is lint roller
>implying you can get all the hair out with only a lint roller
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.8560397

I would like to have a sphynx cat because hair won't be a huge issue and they could match my coord.

>> No.8560412

Been here since 2007/8 so no. Also if you are retarded enough to allow such a vast amount of pet hair to get on your clothes in the first place that a lint roller can't solve the issue that's your problem. I have a big fluffy as fuck dog that moults all year round and my Jfash clothes are kept way the hell away from him, practically hermetically sealed and I don't let him anywhere near me when wearing my best. He is also trained to never jump up on people. Any time a bit of hair does happen to get on my clothes I break out the lint roller.

TDLR; use common sense

>> No.8560414

they still have claws. animals and expensive dresses can never mix.

>> No.8560415

I like giant dogs, the bigger the better. My two huge fluffy dogs are up to my hips almost, i love them because they can knock me over with their love and scare off people who don't like Lolita (you'd be suprised how little people want to fuck with you when you have dogs that can rip their throats out). I love my guard dogs, they may not be "kawaii" little rats who can't scare a mouse but I feel like they fit my aesthetic well

>> No.8560424
File: 413 KB, 1024x768, SAM_0122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite dogs are the dogs I have now: chihuahua, pitbull, and siberian husky. It's an odd combination and I'm sure in terms of photos they'd work for various styles and coords. Like I don't let my husky near any dress because he sheds so much, but if I'm posing for a photo it'd be cute to have him in it.

pic related: it's my husky

>> No.8560452

>TDLR; use common sense
>i-i'm so an oldfag guys!
At least do it right

>> No.8560460

You have a beautiful husky!
I think the bottom line is don't purchase an animal just to be a fashion accessory or force an already owned pet into any situations such as wearing lolita accessories or items or posing for photographs which would cause it distress or discomfort. I don't think there's anything wrong with the following however; already own a pet, it's well trained so won't ruin your lolita, it is happy to pose for photos, it may even be happy with wearing certain items (my dog has a big broad head and is happy to sit and pose with a hat on) it may have colours/features that compliment a coord you are wearing in a photo, such as the photo posted earlier with the Dobies. I just wouldn't overdo it and make a pet into a permanent novelty kawaii lolita accessory.

>> No.8560462
File: 128 KB, 700x525, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fancy goldfish are my life.

>> No.8560463

Do you at least train your dogs not to jump on people? I used to love the idea of big dogs but ever since I've started jogging I've been knocked over by strange dogs' "love" too many times to count, twisted my ankle several times and even got concussed twice. Now I'm terrified of them.

>> No.8560468
File: 151 KB, 648x472, 4Ia1rp78axo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What is your favourite animal /cgl?

And then also skunks, ferrets, goats & sheep, chameleons, snakes, rats, and deer/stags

>> No.8560471

Yes, they only jump up at you on command. I know a lot of people are cautious of big dogs but mine are very well behaved

>> No.8560473

ew i hate those things

>> No.8560490
File: 1.29 MB, 3264x1836, 20150701_152445_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww. They're so cute! I like a lot of animals. It's hard to think if I have a favorite. I love cats and miss owning one(hope to adopt one when we move to a proper place) and I love jellyfish. Though I love going to the aquarium in general.

Right now I just have my little dog Lucy. She's the kind of dog that would look cute when she's all cleaned up and groomed. I've never brought her to a meet up, since I'd hate for her to accidently snag somebody's tights. She's super friendly to people too.

Might be fun to do a photo shoot some day. She's getting a bit old. So not sure how much longer I'll have her.

>> No.8560504

Investing in reusable lint rollers/brushes are a must. I also store my main garments in zip-up garment bags. It has been doing wonders!

>> No.8560505

Thanks, that's awesome. Too many people underestimate how much damage big dogs can do and go "aww my widdle babbu wouldn't hurt anyone he's just a big teddy bear" even when I'm lying right there on the ground after their widdle babbu knocked me to the pavement. Well-trained big dogs are great, though.

>> No.8560520

God I feel ya, it frustrates me when people don't train their dogs. If you get a dog you're obligated to train it, any animal really. My big babies are babies to me cause I'm used to it but if they jumped at my friend shed be knocked the fuck out, I train my dogs not to harass people because it's basic decency. When I get knocked over by other people's dogs and get hurt I'm livid because the owner makes their dog everyone else's problem.

>> No.8560524

I used to own ferrets! They are awesome pets. I kept my burando far away from them, cause of the smell

>> No.8560540

My sister killed my gerbil while pet sitting it a few months back. Still sad.

>> No.8560545

Sorry to hear that anon, I'm bit of a gerbil addict, had gerbils for 17 years on and off.

>> No.8560547

Ew those things look gross though. I'd be afraid to touch it.

>> No.8560559
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These are my little ones. Both corgis.

I kind of want to dress them up in J-fash rather than using them as props.

>> No.8560621

I have too much cats (outside my home), now all i need is a little cute pom dog. But still.... no cute pom puppy available yet.
I used to be an hamster fan, want some of them again. Of the miniature types (Campbell hamsters).
>mfw no lolita hamster print yet