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8559167 No.8559167 [Reply] [Original]

My best friend and I are in the process of making a new lolita website that will be up sometime by the end of 2015. We're already very far into it, and I wanted a input on what you guys want to see.

What it will include so far...
This is the primary point of the site. It will have a similar listing format to LM, but you can also post trades and ads for what you're looking to buy, too. The site will take like 3% of each sale to help cover hosting costs each year. The sales will also be archived with a search engine so that you can easily find past sales of a given item. It will be regularly maintained and well moderated.

This is the part I'm most excited about. Users will have a wishlist where they can specify their level of desire for the item and how much they're willing to pay. You also choose whether or not you actively looking to buy it at a given time, and the items get put in a section of the sales part of the site for active wishlist items. The items you're not actively looking for aren't published there and are only in your private wishlist that only you can see. This is a little different from WTB ads because those can be fairly broad and are for more immediate searches.



>Personal Profile
It will also serve as a social network for those who wish to participate in that component, so users will have their own profile page. It will mostly be lolita related, like listing your favorite brands, styles, pieces, etc. You can friend people, upload lolita-related pictures, post blog entries, and customize your page's skin. Users who only want to use it as a BST can just ignore this part.

There will be an organized user submitted gallery for lolita related images. Anything from drawing to photoshoots. There will also be a section of the gallery dedicated to worn pictures.

You can also choose of one of several style themes for the site skin.

Thoughts, suggestions?

>> No.8559172

I almost forgot. There will also be an instant messenger to make communication regarding sales more convenient, but you can use it socially as well.

>> No.8559173

How are you expecting to pay for all of this image hosting?

Are you going to enforce a 'lolitas only' rule such as requiring people to upload a coord shot, how are you going to police such a rule if you are a popular site?

Will you allow for the to be a box you can tick when you upload a coord, so that people can see immediately if you are open to crit or not?

>> No.8559176

I love the idea! Would the worn pictures be something you could search by print?

>> No.8559184

>How are you expecting to pay for all of this image hosting?
We're both splitting it. We're well aware of the cost, we've been serious about this for a while and it's not that crazy of an expense for either of us. We both really want a site like this and it's just as much for us as the rest of the community.

>Are you going to enforce a 'lolitas only' rule such as requiring people to upload a coord shot, how are you going to police such a rule if you are a popular site?
You don't have to prove you're a lolita to join, but any public content will have to be lolita related. Things like fairy-kei coords that feature Angelic Pretty would be allowed in the gallery under appropriate tags. There's a lot of people in other fashions who buy stuff from the lolita brands, so I wouldn't want to exclude non-lolitas from the BST. This is something I'm flexible on if people want to throw in their two cents on the subject.

>Will you allow for the to be a box you can tick when you upload a coord, so that people can see immediately if you are open to crit or not?
That is a really good idea and will be definitely be done.

>> No.8559190

This sounds great! Difficult, but worth it.
To build on this, I think some form of tag system for prints and brands would definitely help. Even if no "worn section" existed, a user could search for a dress they like and still find the worn pictures in its tag.

>> No.8559191

Indeed. They will be tagged by series and brand.

>> No.8559197

Not sure how realistic my ideas are, but still..

> Coord collage area
Kind of like Polyvore is, where you can cut out white areas and stick things on a nice background.

> Lolita related captchas
For example if it's image based you need to choose 3 OPs, or choose 2 strawberry prints. That might filter out some people from posting until they read basic FAQs

> Experience points systems
Users can give points to other users who give good advise so people who are newer to the fashion know who's just talking bullshit such as "Lolita has no rules you r all beautiful~ <3 "
Make the number of points you can give out a day limited so things don't go crazy and people actually think about who they give points to.

>> No.8559206

I use somewhat similar sites for other things, and I think you have a great idea.

One of the big things that can get really annoying is dealing with people who are not particularly trustworthy- they waste your time with no intention of really buying, they fail to meet/pay for the item, or they're just generally rude, and the same can sometimes be said for the seller.

Having a healthy feedback system for users would be a very good thing to have, in my opinion, especially if it becomes popular.

>> No.8559216

>This is something I'm flexible on if people want to throw in their two cents on the subject.
I just worry a lot, as in our comm we get a lot of general anime fans who would never come to a meet joining our facebook group. The admin is lenient because "what if they are just getting started in the fashion!" but it means that we have a lot of wall spam about brony events and anime that isn't relevant, and dumb picture comments like "you are beautiful and so original" on coord photos from spaghettiboys.
I like the idea of having to either contribute a coord photo or something, but I understand that approving all of that takes time.

>> No.8559226

Perhaps a verification filter of some sort? That could allow to screen any non-verified contact easily.

>> No.8559227

>Thoughts, suggestions?
have categories for aristocrat and ouji (NOT "kodona," please for the love of god use the right term). they are sibling styles to lolita and use many of the same items and brands.

>> No.8559230

This sounds way too good to be true to be honest. As much as I'd like it to work out, I'm not really getting my hopes up.

>> No.8559369

most would rather continue to use something free (LM) to sell their stuff. to encourage activity, the 3%fee should be waived once a weekly forum post limit or picture upload is reached.

obviously mods should prevent spam posting

>> No.8559379

not OP but my boyfriend and i had a discussion with a friend and we came to the conclusion that making a website that caters to lolita isnt worth it, given its low population and few transactions. even with a 3% fee, it doesnt justify website maintenance. props if you decide to do it.

>> No.8559403

Too many negative comments. I would love to use a site like that, I've always wanted a site for lolitas, I think it would be popular if it's promoted correctly. Good luck Anon! I hope you succed!

>> No.8559406

As much as I adore this idea, I don't think it would work. Most people are too lazy to use anything besides FB and LM.

>> No.8559408

I like all these ideas a lot, especially the captcha and points system. Anyone have suggestions for cute member level titles?

I'd be down to wave the fee for users who contribute a lot of content and have been using the site for a while. It could coincide with the points system an earlier anon was talking about.

We're too far into it and there's no reason to jump ship, though I understand your skepticism. Glad to see you like the idea, though.

Also guys, we've been having a lot of trouble deciding the name. We have a list of possibilities, but none we're over the moon about. I'd love to hear any ideas you guys might have.

>> No.8559415

Have you guys considered making a worn section or some way to search prints to see it worn? Maybe kind of like a look book feature in a gallery that makes things searchable?

But I would be awesome to have this kind of website.

>> No.8559416

A lot of people thought people would be too lazy to even use LM as opposed to Facebook or egl_comm_sales, but it took off in the end. And people were really excited about Lacebook, the only reason it floundered was because it shot itself in the foot by making itself too exclusive for too long. I think this has a shot, especially since OP seems to be putting actual thought into it beyond "Hey guys what if we had a website just for lolitas!!!!".

>> No.8559419

Not necessarily true, people were dying to join Lacebook when it started. LM didn't become popular overnight, and many people take issue with the way the site is being moderated and handled in general. It wouldn't hurt for this anon and her friend to at least test the waters.

>> No.8559425

Oh yeah, I also wanted to consult you guy on protection from scammers. Obviously as a sales website, that will be essentially our top priority. I was considering having rules that help avoid it, like mandating sellers ship with tracking, but then I realized that a lot of people probably wouldn't be okay with that. Is that a reasonable rule, or is it stepping on toes too much? I also just thought of having a page for newer people dedicated to the different ways people scam in the lolita community, so that they can identify red flags and do what they can to protect themselves. It would cover 101 shit like never to pay as a gift, as well as describing some of the more elaborate scams. Obviously, this page would also include a list of known scammers.

>> No.8559428

Sorry i worded that horribly. I meant to say on the gallery and or worn section will there be like a way to tag items/list what they are and then be searchable within others coords?

>> No.8559430

Top tier level title
Mana-sama's angel
(Don't take me seriously)

>> No.8559432

Making rules for people to only sell things with tracking, not as a gift, etc, is a nice idea, but I can't see how you'd actually enforce it. The only thing it does is cover your ass in the event someone gets scammed after breaking a rule, which I guess is good on your end. A list of guidelines would definitely be great, though, and would you feasibly be able to IP ban people? I know there's a lot of ways of getting around that, but it's worth a go, especially for the less bright scammers.

>> No.8559433

>Also guys, we've been having a lot of trouble deciding the name. We have a list of possibilities, but none we're over the moon about. I'd love to hear any ideas you guys might have.

given the focus on the fashion, something that explicitly references the clothing aspect would be appropriate.

>Lolita Closet
>EGL Closet
>Alice's Closet
>Lolita Bazaar

i would avoid "lace" (to keep it separate from Lacemarket and Lacebook).

>> No.8559439

Yeah, that's going to be one of the subsections of the gallery. We're also going to encourage people to post details about the pieces, as well as when they bought it and how much they paid if they're comfortable sharing that.

>> No.8559454
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>>Alice's Closet

>> No.8559468

I mean it's kinda a hassle but requiring proof photots to include your user name would be good? Like a piece of paper in at least one of your photos that says "[site name]: [username]" since a lot of scamming os done with stolen photos

>> No.8559478

Yeah, I second this. There's a lot of people dissatisfied with our current sales options, ourselves included, hence why we're making this site. LM is extremely glitchy and the moderation is lacking to say the least, plus you can only sell, not trade or post WTBs. The LJ sales comm isn't as active as it used to be and you have to have your posts approved, and a lot of girls don't use the FB at all and many that do really don't like it. Plus, this is going to have a lot more than just the BST.
Don't tempt me, anon.
Yeah, I guess it would be pretty hard to enforce, but I feel like having a rule against it and explaining why would discourage most people from doing it who otherwise would. Yeah, we'll be able to ban by IP address. We're also going to ban any accounts made by known scammers.
I'm very much in love with Alice's Closet. That's definitely a finalist.

>> No.8559485

The only thing keeping me from liking Alice's Closet is that we already have Alice Fururun and Tokyo Alice. I like Lolita Bazaar more.

>> No.8559487

I feel like if you're already taking a picture of the item (which we will obviously require your own photos of) then writing down your screen name isn't asking that much. We'll definitely be requiring this.

>> No.8559493

Casual Lolita
Street Snap Regular
Brand Whore
Sew Sweet
Misako's Favorite
Poster the Stars Shine Bright
Angelic Poster
Metamorphose Temps de Poster
Poster and the Pirates
PixyTeri Tier
Kawaii Motherfucker
Mana Banana Sama
and the ultimate title
Isaki Takashi Pajama Rama Sama

>> No.8559506
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>and the ultimate title
>Isaki Takashi Pajama Rama Sama
My sides were not ready.

That's without doubt going to be the Admin title.

>> No.8559517


>Momoko's Closet
>Rococo Closet

i can't let go of "closet" lol

>> No.8559526

Queen's Closet?

>> No.8559555

I like Momoko's closet.

This is good, except it's the name of like ten different businesses and would make finding the site difficult considering Yelp is probably going to pop up before a lolita site.

>> No.8559613

I like the idea, I've always wanted a site that caters to almost any aspect of the lolita community. what would be on the homepage though? maybe updates on big events, new designs by mayor brands, most popular topics on the forum, newest pics? maybe add a section for the life stylers, like room inspiration, sewing tutorials etc? or maybe those last two can be put in the forum too ofcourse. as for the name I think Alice's Closet or Rococo Closet sound nice. but don't use lolita in the title, might give creepers the wrong idea. maybe for the fees idea, I think 3 percent is decent, but only for items above a certain value, because a fee on a 5 dollar items sounds a bit silly. I really like it that you guys are so into it, but I guess it's gonna be hard to moderate everything, so trying to get a handful of mods from different timezones could be an idea and don't flake out like the LM owner. I'm really looking forward to the site!

>> No.8559637

I like Alice's Closet. EGL is out of date, lolita will just attract pedos and weebs, and lace anything is cringe.

>> No.8559658

the XP idea sounds nice, and maybe next to limiting people giving out points, maybe also limit the amount a person can get (per day). or give people points when they actively participate in the community. or combine that with points and titles. like showing the amount of points people have gotten as in appreciation and the title for how often someone posted in the forum, posted a pic etc. (makes me think about how league of legends goes about it, getting points for being friendly and helpful from other players after a match and getting titles and ranks depending on how often you play). with that, if someone does something offensive, maybe punish them by taking off points, but only after a mod reviewed the case ofcourse. and to enforce positive behavior, a reward option might be a thing? like if you get a specific amount of points or get a new rank, you receive a neat avatar or 'kawaii medal' to show off in the forums and on your profile.

>> No.8559672

I'm not sure if someone said this already and I missed it, but I think it would be a good idea to limit how many times a person can post per day/week/hour, just so we don't get people who are all "omg fashun!!!!11!! lolita is sooo kawaiii look at my coordsuuu" spamming.

>> No.8559685

Don't put lolita in the name, trust me.

Also Lacebook's ultimate downfall was because it was very slow. If you have something as image-based as lolita, you need a website that can keep up.

Gambatte programmer-chans! I hope this is successful!

>> No.8559736

More titles
>Alice's Pocket
>White Carousel
>Frill Bazar
>Lovely Wardrobe
>Enchanted Wardrobe
>Petticoat Parlor

I tried avoiding the usual words that go with a lolita theme

>> No.8559743

This all sounds similar to gaia to me. anyone get that feeling?

>> No.8559746

A "Make an offer" option would be great. Just like ebay you could set a minimum limit to automatically reject offers that are too low. And very importantly this would make it so the price things are effectively sold for are actually visible later. On LM you often have people purchasing an item for the listed price but only paying the seller what was agreed on by PM.

>> No.8559753

>enchanted wardrobe
>anything pocket
love these ideas anon, nice work

>> No.8559807

Agreed, it'd be really nice to have some sections for room inspo, sewing, and lolita-related updates.

>> No.8559816

>Frill Bazar
>Petticoat Parlour

>> No.8559844

Like a lolita captcha or what? I'm sorry you're being vague.
I'm sorry but the way you are focusing on names and being a pushover with the 3% charge, I don't feel like you've done anything like this before. It would be great if we could have a site like this, but unless you're willing to really study why similar attempts fail, and all without any thanks from the userbase, I don't think it's that realistic.

>> No.8559845

I love the idea, but I think it needs to be focused down. I think using a forum+sales on the same account would be great, but once you start adding the coord-sharing and news into it, it seems kind of messy. But at the same time, the lolita fashion community really needs a main-pieces-worn archive, so...
I think that it should be restricted to lolita fashion only. And there should be a mod that checks upon application that you actually participate in the fashion. There's plenty of places where people who "identify as a lolita but can't afford it yet" can go for help, there should be one website that's at least somewhat free of noob questions. And if that's stated, it shouldn't be a problem.
I just hope you both have some experience so it's not slow and jank like lacemarket.

>> No.8559846

I think it's a bit far. Maybe post a guide to good buying/selling, but how would you even enforce a rule like that?
I also think that instead of rewriting pages on what Lolita is you should link to other sites, like fyeahlolita, the new guidebook tumblr, etc.
I personally would prefer to not have to move sales sites again (and having another one will honestly only add to the sales mess IMO) but LM is a mess atm. If you create a sales section, please allow other feedback (from egl and LM) to be linked/confirmed/transferred whatever. I was really happy that LM did this. Also maybe look at other sales sites and add their known scammers to any blacklist that you create.
Honestly I think it would be best to have slightly smaller goals and do them really thoroughly before letting people join than having a lot of features that might be unpolished and will just suck up time and money (via hosting and whatnot). You can always add features later
I also like the point system idea.

>> No.8560489

I really like how everything sounds so far but I really think it should be strict to lolita fashion because the last thing we need is more noobs and special snowflakes flocking to the site and being offended when we mention that what they are wearing is 'not lolita/needs to be improved' and then lashing out by imposing boycotts or slander against a seller.

We all know the clusterfuck that RuffleChat and ClosetofFrills has become, I'd be leery if that was then coupled with shops, because we have also seen the slanderous 'reviews' on LaceMarket from vendetta-chans.

>> No.8560610

Furthering the wishlist - would pay cash money to get notifications if something on my private or public wishlist is listed within the specified price range

>> No.8560643

I can see that, but the things it has in common with Gaia aren't really unique to it.

Now that you mention it, though, I know this might be kind of out there and really difficult, but I'd love some kind of custom lolita avatar thing similar to Gaia, but way cuter like poupéegirl. You could earn points by posting and getting good feedback and use them to buy virtual burando.

>> No.8560660


>> No.8560677

>I also think that instead of rewriting pages on what Lolita is you should link to other sites, like fyeahlolita, the new guidebook tumblr, etc.
Also, if the site is too newbie friendly, it will be filled with itas. It should cater more toward the people already solidly in the fashion.

>> No.8560686

To be honest, a lot of lolitas wont use your site for sales. I'll probably register, but if I see something for sale that I'm interested in I'll contact the seller and ask to do a private sale on a free site to save us the 3%. I get that it's a very costly thing to take on, but most lolitas are pretty cheap outside of the fashion, and wouldn't be willing to pay for that service when there are tons of free alternatives.

>> No.8560703

>I'll probably register, but if I see something for sale that I'm interested in I'll contact the seller and ask to do a private sale on a free site to save us the 3%.
As douchey as this is, a lot of people would probably do it. You'd think $9 to help the site on a $300 dress wouldn't be asking that much, but lolitas are surprisingly cheap in a lot of ways and as much as the other sites have their issues, they are still free. There's probably other better ways for the site to make money. Maybe a donations link, with little presents or site perks for donors?

>> No.8560704

Alice's Closet is an adorable name, and fitting since this year is 150 years since the first book was originally published!

>> No.8560707

Yeah I mean I'm not that cheap, but if I'm selling a dress it's because I really need the money. After reductions and everything, I'm not really willing to give up an extra 3% that I don't have to. I'd definitely be willing to donate when I'm not stressed for cash enough to sell brand though.

Also I vote for Momoko's Closet. I think that's super cute.

>> No.8560709

>save us the 3%
Sites that charge a percentage of the sale only charge the seller, they don't double charge and make the buyer pay up too.

I think people like you would be in the minority, honestly.

>> No.8560728


>> No.8560756

There are several successful jp flea market apps that you should look at: Mercari and Fril (layer caters more towards women). Get a good graphic designer familiar with the girly cute aesthetic to help design parts of the site. Were you the UX person who posted the wire frame a few threads ago? Try contacting them and seeing about using their work if you're not.

>> No.8560815

What's the backend going to be like? What platforms are you using?

>> No.8560870

these sound almost engrish. i love them.

>> No.8560882

I second this.

>> No.8560890

slow and steady wins the race in website building, in many cases. you should be fine if you dont overstep your pace

>> No.8560900

Petticoat Parlor sounds kawaii af

>> No.8560902

I second this

>> No.8560906

Not really familiar with any of those styles, what's kodona and why can't it be used?

>> No.8560914

Most of the skepticism seems to boil down to the lolita community not being terribly big, why not expand the site to cater to j-fash in general?

As for the 3% fee, why not do a subscription deal instead to unlock extra features like no ads and such?

>> No.8561007

Not that anon, but this reminded me: what about coords that aren't quite Lolita, but use brand pieces? And Otome?

>> No.8561015 [DELETED] 

read the thread.

>> No.8561020

otome isn't featured in the GLBs or lolita sewing mooks the same way boystyle is, to my knowledge. but if it uses a lot of the same stuff from the same brands as lolita it might be relevant enough.

>> No.8561029

Will you have a mobile version of the site? Or, even better, an app?

>> No.8561032
File: 569 KB, 1000x1000, ouji vs lolita vs aristo copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"kodona" is a misnomer for "ouji," aka "prince style." the western lolita community adopted it after a misunderstood interview with a musician, in which he used a portmanteau of "child" and "adult" (kodomo + otona) to describe his personal style. in another thread an anon linked to an interview with i think a fairy kei designer who also used "kodona" to describe herself. it is not an actual fashion.

basically, no Japanese brand or fashionista has ever used "kodona" to describe ouji. it has been referred to as "boy style" and i even saw a scan of Kera or GLB that called it "boy lolita," but it is typically just called "ouji" in Japanese alt fashion mags and coord sharing sites.

chart related shows the relationship between lolita, ouji, and aristocrat.

>> No.8561112

agreed, Alice's Closet is lovely, it's also not going to get tired like a bad pun or some other 'seemed like a good idea at the time' name. Also second the thoughts here >>8559637

Momoko's closet is also pretty cute.

>> No.8561118

Frill Bazar is another good one, sound’s almost like a genuine glorious nippon site (in a good way, not too weeby).

'Pocket' sounds iffy to me, as in borderline sexual, I'd avoid it just to be safe.

>I took a gander at Alice's pocket - woof!

>> No.8561127

IMO Alice's Closet is too basic and bland

>> No.8561242

Perhaps this is asking too much but it'd be really nice if the site was mobile-friendly. Its just so much more convenient to be able to upload photos from a phone instead of loading them onto a computer, especially for worn pictures.

>> No.8561294

I LOVE Alice's Wardrobe and Enchanted Wardrobe. I hope you'll pick one or the other for the name.

>> No.8561295

Sorry, that should say Alice's Closet and Enchanted Wardrobe.

>> No.8561296

I agree. Momoko's Closet is cuter because it's more relevant to lolita fashion without using the actual word, plus Japanese and I'm a weeb so...

Also Petticoat Parlor sounds too "Old West" to me, like Petticoat Junction or whatever. And like >>8561118 said, "pocket" is kinda weirdly sexual, too.

And anything "bazaar" sounds too... complicated. Keep it simple and memorable.
I think Momoko's Closet is the best...

>> No.8561297

do you have a repository where I can look at what you're doing?

>> No.8561405

Having premium users, like who get notifications or are able to use other special features would be another way to get around this. I'd much rather pay so much per year or whatever than per transaction, since I'm already paying PP fees. If the forums get busy, even something like no captcha would be nice enough for me to throw down money.

>> No.8561410

Agree that momoko's closet is the best name so far. Please don't name it Alice; the name is like an ita magnet. Also Bazaar implies that it's mostly a sales site when really it's a lolita sns

>> No.8561862

I like Momoko's Closet better, but technically Alice is more lolita related. The bell shaped design of modern lolita was inspired by Alice, the initial brands that started it did that intentionally. That's part of why Wonderland is the single biggest theme in lolita. It's not just that lolitas like Alice, she's actually a more major influence on the fashion than a lot of people realize.

>> No.8561998

We see Alice stuff everywhere. I'd like to see something a little less repetitive.
Momoko's Closet or Enchanted Wardrobe are my favorites.

>> No.8562045

Enchanted Wardrobe sounds so Disney Princess, which is an aesthetic I like to see kept far, far away from lolita. Plus it has an unfortunate acronym- EW. Count this as another vote for Momoko's Closet.

>> No.8562086

>Ruffle Mania
>Vêtements Royale

>> No.8562251

agreed. Lolita Bazaar sounds kind of like a lolita speakeasy in 18th century Paris, with a cabaret and a closed off opium den section.

okay ignore me, but I love the idea of Lolita Bazaar

>> No.8562256
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Frill Exchange.

>> No.8562276

Not too far removed for us poorfags looking at the currency exchange rates all day erry day. I like it!

Still, Momoko's Closet and Petticoat Parlor remain as my favourites. Esp MC since I like MC over PP (PP is forever etched in my mind as a political party, or short for Paypal which may lead to confusion in rare occasions) and is very easy to remember/translate for non-English speaking comms.

>> No.8562321

After sleeping on it, Momoko's Closet is still doing it for me. It's a good name man.

>has the connection to lolita fashion without the 'lolita' stigma
>subtle-ish weeb reference but not full weeb
>not too childish or princessy/kawaii uggu etc
>doesn’t get tired or annoying over time

It's pretty much perfect.

>> No.8562330

>pee pee

It'll become a horrible in-joke that never dies and becomes less funny as it slowly picks away at your soul. My vote it a 'no'.

>> No.8563302

After watching KamiKaze Girls, Momoko's Closet is a good name for the reason >>8562321 pointed out. I hope that itas or newbies don't invade this site like how they did with the fashion and FB groups. It's getting tiring and a new place for just lolitas who know what they are doing and been in the fashion for a good while need this.

Also does anyone think here if word does get out about this and new newbies/itas want to join but can't will scream "omg bullies don't let me in the secret club ; ____ ; !!!"

>> No.8563355

OP here, sorry I didn't reply yesterday. I'll respond after I read the replies I haven't later.

Thank you so much for all the feedback and suggestions guys. I'm even more excited about doing this than I was before.

>> No.8563398

Overall this sounds to good to be true. I don't think it will happen to have such a site, which isn't glitchy or shitty moderated.Still my hope is not gone.

I like the EXP idea yet, somehow it might be discouraging people who might have a good, solid advice from posting if they don't have lots of EXP.

This. The 3% fee will lead to people not using the sales part of the site. Already have PP fees is enough, and overall is charging fee that easy technically? I remember that there was a either technical or legal problem to do so.
Premium Membership is a better thing to do

As for the name Alice's Closet would be my favorite.

>> No.8564042

what if there was an option to keep credit from sales on the site to use for purchases later on? that way, the money being held could be used for keeping the site up until it was spent?

>> No.8564095

Definitely would not trust some random site with my cash money. Please stick with Paypal.

>> No.8564155

>Momoko's Closet
Seconding this! It sounds like it would be easily searchable, and the points that >>8562321 and >>8562276 and >>8561410 bring up just double it.

I like the sound of Alice's Closet, but Momoko is a lot less used, probably easier to search. Also, she can just be the unofficial mascot (idk if you could actually use her on the main site considering copyright issues).

Have you considered something to feature comms, maybe? Maybe people could put their comm on their account / profile, and they could opt in or out for notifications or something. Or maybe something similar to tumblr's tagging system in terms of how tracking tags doesn't necessarily show up in your notifications / activity, but you can still see when there are updates, and check at your leisure. It would be a lot less annoying than getting direct notifications every time someone posts, like on facebook.

But I agree that you can always add features later, so start with a solid base to work off of.

>> No.8564163


> I only let old lolitaslike me who have been in the fashion for more than 10 years

and then the site will die.

Newbies will always come, people who does not know and have por common sense will always come. The only you can do is rely on good mods.

>> No.8564167

I don't agree with the 3%

Why would I use the sales system if I already can use LM, FB or anything else?

Premium or keep asking for donations. Maybe a kick starter, or doing advertisement.
Maybe sell advertisement for indie crafts.

Premium could include more possibilities for setting a very pretty profile page, having space to advertise your own pages, etc. eFamous Lolitas would pay it, just look at DeviantArt.

>> No.8564184

I would like to vote for Brand Whore

>> No.8564192

It's less that I want only old lolitas in the site but more like I don't want it to be over run by newbies asking stupid questions that can be answered by google. If someone knew genuinely wants to join and make an effort to follow the basic rules, not be "muh special snowflake feels! I am a lolita at heart!"like it is now, welcome to the club. Others here have stated this issue is a problem various times and even in other threads. A lot of us lolitas who know what we are doing just want a less clusterfucked and less noobs in the site.

A way to prevent a lot of noobs is to do a small lolita quiz that is simple that ppl do for fun on quizzlet and other sites that can have questions like "Name this AP print, when did this print come out, what are the main rules in lolita, what brand released this print,etc" like questions ppl actually interested in the fashion would know.

>> No.8564216

I have a few questions on the more technical side of the website. How is the website being designed and built, do either you or your friend have a web design background that will help you in building and administrating this website? Are you familiar with SEO or web marketing in order to promote your website or traditional marketing to build your brand image? Are you willing and able to write pages upon pages of articles consistently and to a deadline? Writing content is one of the things about blogging or running a website that people get tired of really quick.

>> No.8565259

This. I really want a make an offer button on LM.

A better way to remove bids from a buyer you don't want to sell to (bad feedback, etc) would be great. Maybe blocking certain buyers from buying from you even.

Also confirming paypal address exists (via paypal) would help prevent fake buyers hiking the price or outbidding themselves on another account to avoid bad feedback.

Mobile-friendly yes. I hate LM for this. Just browsing on a phone is terrible.

>> No.8565330

>alice's closet pls

>> No.8566919

How about Alice's Wardrobe or Momoko's Wardrobe? Wardrobe just sounds fancier to me, but I guess it doesn't roll off the tongue like closet.

>> No.8566999

Why would OP need to be constantly writing articles? It seems like the content would be mostly forum posts and user posted photos.

>> No.8568968

If there's a way to effectively search for coords by print I will definitely use this site. Library of coords yes please.

>> No.8570908

The website should let anyone in but there should be a reporting option for people who start drama or who post things that aren't lolita. To be like a red flag to the mods