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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8558010 No.8558010 [Reply] [Original]

german convention season is almost over, we're only waiting for Connichi, FBM and MMC.
Let us talk about what we experienced, what we liked, what we didn't like and what we laughed at.

>To which conventions have you been this year? Rate them
>Did you cosplay / wear Lolita this year? If yes, tell us what you wore
>Your favorite con this year / Your least favorite and why
>Things that grind your gears and rustle your jimmies
>Any things happening in germany that are worth to note here
>(Maybe some drama?)

And as always: show us some photos (hardcore mode: selfpost!)

>> No.8558021

OP here, let me start with another thought that bothers me for a while now:
Why is it so bad to be a seagull? I feel like in germany it's a deadly sin.
Sure, this is called a place of hate and saltyness but there are also many Anons who actually help you improve, answer stupid questions and share usefull sources with everyone else.
Sometimes I even don't get serious answers or help anywhere else than on 4chan.

>> No.8558116

Couldn't attend any cons this year, but I wore my lolita stuff couple of times. It was nothing special (bodyline's flowery skirt and flowery jsk) since I started out with lolita recently and want to put some simple coords together.

I don't hear much talking about cgl, but I think people only see the bitching side and avoid to get associated with the "bad seagulls" because of that.
And same here. cgl is somehow the only place where I can get all the info I'm searching for - especially when it comes to lolita. I learned so much more in here than on other sites where it seems like most people don't even care about anything than themselves.

>> No.8558137

I guess it's considered bad because it's "evil" 4chan. Most people consider 4chan = /b/ , they don't get that there are different boards with different audiences. They don't get that we have actual helpful topics and people who really get hate here, not just a quick post in the ita thread or something like this, bring this upon themselfes.

If it wasn't for /cgl/ I wouldn't know how to use TB properly, would miss a lot of releases or generally would have no other site to discuss Lolita. Dunkelsüß is practically dead and FB gropus aren't really active either. I feel like the german community as a whole hasn't anything like a meeting point anymore like Dunkelsüß was, which is sad.

>> No.8558162

Do you mean the FB groups are full of annoying noobs who are afraid of brand whores? Because you can get a lot of discussions on FB, just not very productive ones.

Also, what's happening with the Astan Asia Days thing? People have been calling Stefan the new John Leigh.

>> No.8558276

Any of you faggots going to connichi? I'm attending.

>> No.8558311

Oh god the groups are horrible. Everyone selling offbrand, F+F and Bodyline on the sales group.

>> No.8558363

I haven't attended any cons this year save the MMC (I've friends in Berlin, which makes things easier and I really like the MMC/Animaco). I'm looking forward to it, although I hope the queue for the ones who actually have a ticket won't be as long as last year (standing for hours in the cold). And I hope there will be some nice stands with lolita stuff. Will there be an GLT?

>> No.8558603
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I talk a lot with my comm that I'm a gull. They are pretty chill about because they know I don't talk shit (friends post no friends).

I'm guessing if you seem to be a snarky and bitchy person, it's only natural if they don't like you to be a gull.

>> No.8562402

I've only been to Japantag and gamescom, if you'd even count them as cons.

Japantag was terrible, the weather was awful and I had my first encounter with hambeast weeaboos and squealing while pointing at me.

For gamescom, it's been so crowded it was almost unbearable. Don't go there in a big costume if you want to get it out in one piece!
Also, while weapon checks have been fairly...well, nonexistant in the last few years, this year they were quite strict and I almost had the staff of one of my costumes taken away. Granted, it was massive wood, so it should have been taken away, but if you can prove some easily breakable parts (ie LEDs) you should be fine.

So all in all this wasn't a particularily well cosplay-year on my terms, hope to go to more stuff next year and have another year successfully avoiding all drama and creeps.

>> No.8562527


I am, too. All three days.

>> No.8562656

>To which conventions have you been this year? Rate them:

MCC 5 / 10
wanted to see what LBM turned their new animu area into. But it was really nothing special. Just a big hall with boring stuff you see at all the cons. I don't think I will attend bookfairs anymore, as they offer nothing special for me and are just too far away. Had a good time with friends, though.

DoKomi 10/10

Best convention we have here. Had a blast again and did some awesome cosplay shootings. Lot's of fun with friends and I absolutely love the atmosphere. I hope it will stay like that even though they expand once again next year.

Animecon 7 / 10

Went to the beach, met friends, had fun. And it's not even that far for me. The fact that I had to buy stupid cow coins to get food there and those bag permits (I couldn't bring my bag with me in most rooms for no reason) were absolutely ridiculous though.

Japan Expo 4 / 10

It was huge and exciting visiting it for the first time. But now on the second time it's just huge and has a horrible, industry event like atmosphere. great if you want to buy loads of bootleg, but not for me. It was extremely hot, too, which made the whole trip very exhausting.

Animagic 3 / 10

If I didn't live close and had met friends outside, I wouldn't even bother about it. The con itself is shit, but I like to hang around with friends over the weekend.

>Did you cosplay / wear Lolita this year? If yes, tell us what you wore

I wore cosplays only on Animecon, AnimagiC, MCC and DoKomi. It was just too damn hot in France at that weekend.

>Your favorite con this year / Your least favorite and why

Best: DoKomi because of the atmosphere, a couple of awesome friends and the artist alley.

Worst: AnimagiC. Do I even have to say anything about it? Everyone knows they just keep milking the cow from convention newbies with moon like prices.


>> No.8562665

>Things that grind your gears and rustle your jimmies

Cosplayers seem to take theriselves more and more serious in a very silly way. Many seem to estimate their worth in facebook likes, which makes me want to puke.

The people have always pushed people over theirselfes for whatever reason, but it's getting out of hand lately.

It's ok we wear costumes. It's fun. But don't even think of pushing your ego too much because of it, it's downright ridiculous.

>Any things happening in germany that are worth to note here

Some small cons seem to vanish (Yukon & Contopia) next year, while the bigger ones grow and grow. Especially Dokomi seems to be on a high rise. I wonder how this will turn out next year with an additional fair hall.

Except for that, 3 or 4 comic cons will start out within the next 12 months in Germany and Austria. And it already turned into a bloodbath on social media, I wonder who will stay in the long run. I doubt all of them will make it past the first year.

>(Maybe some drama?)

Not on my side. I'm too old for that and so are most of my friends. I just find Bell's online bitching rather stupid. But it's also a little amusing.

>> No.8562675


Almost forgot: I will attend to Connichi this year and I'm already looking forward to it. It's my second 10/10 con in Germany.

>> No.8562754


Top kek. I was there only sunday this year and regret it so bad. I don't know who's still going with joy. I feel like most of the people going there just go because it's nearby them and because of ~nostalgia~.

>Japan Expo
Are the prices for the bootleg stuff at least good?

I seriously have the feeling, everyone who cosplays regulary has a facebook page and behaves like the hottest shit there. "Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had soooo much work to do but look I did this crappy armor piece with muh precious worbla today". Yeah, nobody missed you one fucking day.
Even people with barely 500 likes and maybe 10 likes on their posts talk like that.
Am I the only one thinking it is more than ridiculous for those small cosplayers to post a convention cosplay plan or where you can meet them at the convention? I even see smaller ones having business cards printed. For what?

They slowly take over the convention scene. Dokomi is getting bigger and bigger every year, now they manage the cosplay area at GamesCom and their maid café has many events.
I seriously don't know how to feel about this and if this is a bad thing that they're expanding that fast and that much.

>> No.8562778

(cont >>8562754 )

I hate GamesCom more and more. This year (at least in my eyes) it was the most crowded year. Where is this shit going? At one point they have to say "That's it. We're at the point where we can't get any bigger. Every hall is pretty much full with stuff".
I also had the feeling less cosplayers where there this year. In the main halls or on the boulevard I saw just some with more casual cosplays but not the big ass gaming cosplays I saw last year. The cosplay village was...poor. Three fucking stages and everything interesting for cosplayers stuffed into one corner.
But on the good site, I didn't saw many weebs or J-fashion people. Feels so out of place at GamesCom.

But what bothers me the most is the non existing first aid help. Gonna greentext
>I saw at least 5 girls just around the walking ways collapsing. I overheard one chat between a secrurity guard and a girl. The girl got hit by some people who ran around with army camouflage clothings and guns and passed out for a few seconds. She was shaking and crying, couldn't really speak (panic attack?).
>Her boyfriend (?) told the secrurity guy what happened and asked for a medic. The secrurity guys just stood there and said something like "no, I can't call them, she's fine, I just have to write down when and where it happened" wrote some shit down and walked away.

I couldn't really help her because I had a near-panic attack as it was so fucking crowded, once you went into that river of people you HAD to go with them or you'll fall and get clomped over.

It's just like nobody from the GamesCom learned from Love Parade.

>> No.8562788

Dokomi is really great, I'd say it's even better than connichi, but that depends on personal taste I guess.
What pisses me off about Dokomi 2016 is that it won't be on the Pfingstwochenende like it always was but two weeks earlier. It's impossible for me to go there next year. I'm double pissed since Dokomi is the only big Con I can attend since friends live near.
Sucks living in nothern germany Con wise.

>> No.8562842

>What pisses me off about Dokomi 2016 is that it won't be on the Pfingstwochenende like it always was but two weeks earlier
It really isn't? Well, damn.

>> No.8562886

I went on a Sunday and it was absolutely terrible, you couldn't really walk and for anything interesting there were hour long queues. The entire con I only carefully slowly moved around without being able to do anything. How about they either upgrade to a better and bigger convention center or sell less tickets? I'm sure this is actually a safety hazard, what if something happened. People would end up getting trampled!

>> No.8562901

Cologne trade fair is already the third biggest in Germany. They'll probably move to Hannover within the next 2-3 years, which is basically a given judging by the numbers.

>> No.8562930

They need to. As anon above said this is a safety hazard. Last time I was there was 2012 which already was crowded as fuck and that part with the escalator was terrifiyng. Everybody went slow people pushed and somewhere inbetween was someone with a small child in a buggy. Yet gamescom doesn't care and continue milikng the cashcow. Even if they wanted to move to a bigger fair, maybe they are bound by contract with cologne to stay there?

>> No.8562971

>Even if they wanted to move to a bigger fair, maybe they are bound by contract with cologne to stay there?
They probably are bound by contract, yeah.

>inbetween was someone with a small child in a buggy.
People like those need to die in a fire.

>> No.8562989

If they want to move, do you think any city wants an GamesCom?
>Trains are late because of too many people
>city even more crowded
>trash everywhere
>you need way more secrurity guards everywhere around the location (at train stations I think DB is responsible, so they have to pay them)
>people are assholes and destroy hostel and hotel rooms

It's not only a huge pile of work and needs lot of money but also a big fucking safety hazard as Anon mentioned. And this year's GamesCom was alarming safety wise.

>> No.8563007

>It's not only a huge pile of work and needs lot of money but also a big fucking safety hazard as Anon mentioned. And this year's GamesCom was alarming safety wise.
GamesCom in Leipzig, although not perfect, still was the best.

>> No.8563080

Cologne Trade Fair still has some unused halls the could potentially open up...
And I mean, I get it, you make shitloads of money, but just think about it, the tickets get more expensive each year and it still gets more crowded every year, I'd gladly pay 5 bucks more for a little less people

And yeah, first aid was a mess, luckily I had a little spot in the cosplay village to sit down while I panicked.
Also, there were definetly less cosplayers, a few good ones but not the masses of the years before...
The secuity guys were really nice this time around, but none of them had any clue about what they were doing.
Also, regarding Love Parade...damn right, I was constanly thinking about what to do if some kind of mass panic (even worse if there was a reason for that) happened...

I went on Thursday and Friday and appearantly there must've been a fuckton of normies not knowing to ASK before taking a picture but just taking random shots. I admit, I did pretty fanservicey characters on both days but I honestly wasn't used to that from the last few GCs...

>> No.8563106

Having more halls doesn't solve the problem of the overstuffed boulevard, as at one point you HAVE to go through it to go anywhere. It's just not made for that many people.

>> No.8563186
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Same here nigga, let's meet up yo. None of that hyperformal official seegull shit, just a quick chat. You cosplaying? Might be easier to see each other that way. I'll be going as Gintoki if the chinamen making my costume get their shit together.

>> No.8563274

Same here, all three days.

>> No.8564118


Hell yeah, why not?
I'm doing different cosplays on each day. Got a ticket for Friday, so maybe meeting up on Saturday or Sunday would be best. I'll be doing Butler!Rin Matsuoka on Saturday and Prussia in a dark blue historical uniform on Sunday.
Any ideas for a meeting point?

>> No.8564281

I wonder what will e the next cosplay Hype this year. My bets go on Digimon Tri and Love Live.

>> No.8564287

Oh man, finding a parking spot was absolutely terrible. We were directed to an entrance that had no indication of being an entrance, except a giant big round "no entry" sign. I was so pissed, we spent an hour trying to find a parking space because of ridiculous issues like these, how difficult is it to make big cardboard signs with a P and an arrow on it?

>> No.8564307

Maybe the park behind the kongress palais? Most cosplayers are chilling there anyway. We're bound to run into each other there, as long as there isn't anything big going on, like the opening ceremony.

>> No.8564339
File: 42 KB, 502x619, public fan shaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion about public fan shaming? I see more and more of those posts coming up, where cosplayers publicly talk bad about their fans. Sometimes even in a really disgusting way.

I find it really inapropriate. If you want to brag and bitch about those people, do it in private with your friends. But on facebook? Really? That's the place where your fans actully hang around, that you're trash talking about. Of course this is not just about Bell, this is just a recent harmless example.

>> No.8564344

>Die Story XD
Stopped reading there.

>> No.8564378


Sure, I'll keep my eyes open! I'll be chilling at the park most of the day.

>> No.8564390

Some people are just plainly stupid and if you're remotely popular, they bombard you with 10000000 questions like this. And sometimes you can't help yourself and start being so irritated that you just have to vent online. It's absolutely okay. I'm not the biggest Marino fan, but I get it. We don't have to be overly correct.

>> No.8564414

I'm pretty sure it will be more sexy League of Legends stuff again when Riot Games is at GamesCom again next year.

Otherwise...yeah. Love Live.

I was exhibitor and had to carry heavy stuff one day. I had to drive around the whole fucking tradefair area (left from Deutz station) because "no turning here!" just to drive up to the roof and park in the last fucking corner of nowhere. Maybe we even parked in the same spot because I didn't find the entrance either for about 15 minutes.

In the time she wrote that story down in rage she could've just written that girl a lenghty message with everything she can do and that she can't help her more, she have to figure out the rest. Then she wouldn't has to vent and has her peace.

Some "famous" people just don't know how to handle with some people.

>> No.8564460

Haven't been to any Cons so far this year, a friend keeps bugging me about going to Connichi but I don't even want to go there

I guess after 18 years of going to Cons I've lost the passion and interest thanks to too many people screwing me over, talking shit about me behind my back or otherwise treating me like shit

>> No.8564479

Translation please?

>> No.8564482

It's about how some girl repeatedly asked her first if she wanted to be her cosplay partner and then where to find partners and how to learn to make cosplays.

>> No.8564548

On one hand, this girl asking is acting plain stupid. It is obviously nerve wrecking. On the other hand telling her kindly off or simply not answering after a few messages would have done job as well. If you are popular you need to learn to draw tge boarder quite clear to make people stop with these things.

>> No.8564608

>I was exhibitor and had to carry heavy stuff one day. I had to drive around the whole fucking tradefair area (left from Deutz station) because "no turning here!" just to drive up to the roof and park in the last fucking corner of nowhere. Maybe we even parked in the same spot because I didn't find the entrance either for about 15 minutes.

Fellow exhibitor here. I simply showed my exhibitor pass, explained that I have a lot of stuff to carry and they just let us drive by one of the "exhibitor only" entrances and unload our stuff. Don't know if they just were nice and this wasn't allowed, but I had no problem getting through one of the non-public entrances anywhere at anytime between monday and sunday. Still, I've got the feeling that a lot of the guards don't really know what is allowed and what not and just were like "ehh...whatever, do what you want".

>> No.8566904

Anyone coming to magdeburg this weekend?

>> No.8566984

is there something special?

>> No.8566986

is anyone actually still using animexx? None of my friends does so I consider what alternative might be usefull.

>> No.8567146

I still do, but only for commincating with my comm and uploading my outfits if to have a nice gallery to link it to somebody.

>> No.8567237

she did it in private with her friends so the question is what kind of a sorry asshole of a friend you are posting it on this board? you can't have german friends it seems they are shaming you at the first possible way

>> No.8567271

what a whore. she is always complaining about people being mean in the cosplay community and she is the worst

>> No.8567275

There's a mini convention going on. It's super small though, so I wouldn't expect much, but I like meeting my friends there.

>> No.8567286

all three days here too.
I'll actually arrive in Kassel on wednesday for two days of vacation. I've wanted to explore the city a bit more ever since my first nichi in 2007. We'll also do a photo shoot at the Wilhelmshöhe. Haven't been there before, but I heard it's really nice.

>> No.8567297

well, but to be honest the girl asking her does sound like a total dumb shit. I would've been exasperated as well, but I wouldn't post it on fb.

>> No.8567308

you mean the contaku? I went the last two years but I won't go this year since there's an animexx event in my city on saturday. (I'm actually surprised someone here knows the contaku, seeing as it's so small.)

Two friends of mine and I will go to Natsucon in Prague/CZ this sunday. Kinda curious what a czech anime con will be like.

>> No.8567317

I live here, it's a really beautiful city. Go see the Herkules, Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, walk around the city and Orangerie, it's quite nice. It's also extremely convenient to have Germany's biggest con held in your city. I want to visit Dokomi, but I'm always thinking that traveling and staying at a hotel is too much of a pain in the ass, so I'll stick to connichi

>> No.8567496

Honest question though, what do you seagulls think about Marino? I know she befriends everyone and likes and faves all the stuff she sees on twitter, but what's your general opinion about her?

>> No.8567631

Anyone gonna go to Aninite next week?

Didn't get to visit any cons this year so I'm really looking forward to busting out my Decade cosplay again.

>> No.8568472

She has a really serious case of same face syndrome.

>> No.8569266

Do the contaku people want to like meet or are we too angsty

>> No.8569282
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Nigga ain't no one wanna go there of their own free will.

>> No.8569290

It's gotten lots better the past few years. The hipsters have started taking over.

>> No.8569291

There should be a lolita meet there tomorrow btw.

>> No.8570656

I already live here so jokes on you :^)

>> No.8570724

Saw a few. Pretty cute. Sad I couldn't get a picture though. Was busy with someone else ;_;

>> No.8570997
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I am.
You mean this guy? That's something for a change.

>> No.8573369

I heard that there is going to be a tea party at dokomi next year. Is this official? Does anyone have more information?

>> No.8574455
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Am I the only thinking the "no photos" thing is quite...pathetic?
She said in the comments it's because people try to steal her stuff (she uploads wips and detail photos?) and she saw this at other tables. I personally never saw such a sign at fanshop or handmade tables.

>Wasn't she the one who stole ideas and tried to sell stuff from taobao with a giant markup?
>Also kek at "my ring broke the first day" (she offered free repair tho)

>> No.8574953

it isn't uncommon at arts/crafts fairs and artist alleys in the US to have signs like that.

I can kind of understand, the few times I helped a friend with her booth at dokomi I wished people wouldn't take pics either, but only bc I looked like a sweaty mess and didn't want pictures taken.

>Wasn't she the one who stole ideas and tried to sell stuff from taobao with a giant markup?

>> No.8575228

I have went to handmade fairs before, and they usually had a no photo policy. It's understandable. Then again, those were usually high-quality and unique pieces of jewelry, not taobao rip-offs.

>> No.8575230

*I have gone, geez.

Was there? Pictures?

>> No.8575337

Naw, Decade as in Kamen Rider Decade

If you see someone with a toy belt that makes him look like a complete spazz, it's probably me.

>> No.8576461

>package needs 2 days from china to germany
>needs 3 days to get from Köln to where I live


>> No.8577173
File: 68 KB, 711x393, IMG_20150825_205844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're getting Reika as a guest yet again and now Elffi too. I am sick and tired of Reika appearing at almost every con as a guest, but whatever, she's really famous. I feel like Elffi was only invited because he's Marino's boyfriend. Also, I think he was a guest at a German con at least once? What about some NEW cosplay guests?

>> No.8577297

>biggest convention in germany
>won't credit photographer's in their posts

also what the hell is up with the cosplay competition page? so professional..

>> No.8577373

I feel like Reika, Kaname and Yuegene are the only Asian cosplayers they know.

At this point I would even take Jin instead tbh

>> No.8577402

I hope they'll invite Lalax one day, simply because I want to see her face unshooped

>> No.8578845

that's just ridiculous

Wasn't elffi attending dokomi this year? Not as an official guest but simply showing up at eurocosplay?

Why would anyone invite them when they have already been to germany so many times? There is nothing interesting about them by now.

>> No.8578874

because they are "cheap" due to being so popular as guests. one convention in europe invites them and another that is the week after does the same, meaning the second convention only has to pay for the flight within europe not a roundtrip from japan. people still like them and get excited to see them, so the broad mass wont complain. i'd love to see someone else for a change, maybe someone who can actually do a useful panel or give an interesting talk, not just judge cosplay contests and sell posters.

>> No.8579153
File: 344 KB, 960x738, 10401959_446954032130798_261991527398515139_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a thread a while ago someone posted a taobao or aliexpress link to those moon necklaces like pic related. They were about 1,78$.
But in general I have the feeling she gets a lot of "inspiration" by other artist if their stuff runs well.

>> No.8579371

That's basically why he gets invited anywhere, his costumes are pure shit and the only credit he has is that he scored a cosfamous girlfriend that neckbeards love. Also it doesn't surprise me that Calssara bitches about her fans because she's done it a million times before while trying to keep up the sweetheart public image and complaining about mean bullies of the cosplay community.

>> No.8580515


Who are foreign cosplayers that you (and others here) want to see as guests?

>> No.8580810

someone without photoshop. not f**king with a German for free flights and someone with talent.
So.. nobody?

>> No.8580943


but then again, I've never cared so much for guests at conventions anyway.

>> No.8581126

Literally nobody. I don't get why cosplayers are even guests of honor. Use that money to fly in real interesting people like voice actors, music acts, game designers/creators fucking whatever.

>> No.8581150

This. Why do cons invite fucking cosplayers as GoHs instead of actual people in the media business? I don't give a shit about a cosplayer, even if they're a "professional" (=has a billion facebook likes).

>> No.8582270

I don't care about famous cosplayers, neither germans nor foreigners. But what I care about are people who can actually show you something. So I like the idea of "cosplay guests" giving workshops or hosting panels about a topic they're good at.

I really liked the cosplayers at Role Play Convention. They live-crafted the whole weekend, had material samples to show you and they really knew what they were doing, they answered every question and gave very good advice. For me that's the idea of a good guest.

>> No.8582354

International cosplayers as judges for the German WCS preliminary have been guests at Connichi for years. The new thing is that they are beeing announced as guests of honor. I just hope the expenses for Elffi and TaeYeon are covered by WCS sponsors and do not eat away at the overall convention budget too much.

>> No.8582440

So Aninite started today.

Any past experiences/expectations?

>> No.8582857

Baby just cancelled on Astan Asia Days with no explanation why. Will we ever get a proper event with brands?

>> No.8582949

What is it about the Astan Asia Days anyways?
I keep hearing about it but don't have a clue what it is and see people bitching about it.

>> No.8583830

This is my second time there, and third con in total, too early to have a say I think.

>> No.8588216
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, 1420150100784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DHL are fucking worthless idiots I swear to god. I'm gonna get fucked by customs, easily gonna have to pay 80€ just for that shit. Other shop I bought something of equal value from sent it with UPS and it was all smooth sailing.

>> No.8588707

Friend of mine had a similar problem lately. Apparently her package was... lost along the way.

>> No.8590173

Just to let you know: UPS doesn't collect customs fees at your door. You'll get an invoice weeks later. Chances are that you'll still get fucked.

>> No.8590289

>I'm gonna get fucked by customs, easily gonna have to pay 80€
>DHL are fucking worthless idiots

That's the law man, appreciate the times you can sneek your packages past customs and deal with the times you have to pay fees like a grown-up. I'm also pissed whenever I have to pay fees, but people who think it's the fault of others that they have to pay them are just annoying.

>> No.8590620

I'm salty because I ended up shelling out about 200€ for a worthless costume. Thanks hellocosplay.

>> No.8590752

>paying 200€ for a costume from shitty chinese company
>in 2015

Next time, comission someone. At least then you know who to track down at a con if they fuck you over and dont deliver on time.

>> No.8590765
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different anon
I have no problem paying fees, of course they are stupid and it's more money after all. But you know what? I have a fucking problem paying fucking 29€ to DHL for them opening my package for Postverzollung. It's not that I wouldn't want to go to the customs office, I honestly can't. I'm working a full time job, and drive about 45min to an hour to my customs office and I'm living in a big city, not bumfuck nowhere. Even worse waiting time there is always at least an hour most of the time. It doesn't matter if you have 5 people in front of you in line or 20. I just can't make it in the opening hours so I'm pretty damn pissed about that ridiculous fee.

>> No.8590772

Where can I commission good costumes in Germany?

>> No.8590787

Animexx is usually a good way to go as cringe-y as it can be, but the Cosplay Zirkel is a good way to see who offers comissions.
You can also try contacting cosplayers with costumes you like and ask them if they take comissions. A lot of cosplayers do them on the side next to a daytime job, so you need to plan way ahead in time for cons.

>> No.8595474
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The biggest con of the year is in 2 weeks and this thread is struggling to stay alive, what the fuck niggas? Are there really so few people from here attending connichi?

>> No.8596448

I have some questions for those of you who've been to a maid café here in germany.

>What maid café did you visit? When and where?
>How was the menu and the food itself?
>What was your overall expierence?

I don't expect much from some girls who just make this for fun, but at least I expect some good service? I feel like most maids are busier with chuckling around with their friends than looking for visitors/customers.

>> No.8596548

I am going to Connichi!
I am kind of excited for the angela concert and the usual AMV stuff.
What are you planning to do at Connichi?

>> No.8596804
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I want to attend Jouji Nakata's panel. I'll probably also spend quite some time in the gameroom if they have my weeb fightan games again. Apart from that, it would be helpful if the staff finally uploaded the program to the site so I can plan ahead what I want to check out.

>> No.8597262

How is the lolita turn out at cons? Are there any photos of comms specifically in the koln/bonn area?

>> No.8597675

Is being sold out / full not a problem there?