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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8540157 No.8540157 [Reply] [Original]

Is NYCC racist for not accepting this panel or is there something more to this? Thoughts?


>> No.8540170

No? Because 99% of the time black people are shit cosplayers

>> No.8540171

>According to Green, New York Comic Con often hosts a recurring panel about cosplay diversity, and it seems likely that they’ll do so again this year. However, none of the four panelists from the rejected “Black Cosplay” panel have been asked to appear, nor have they received an explanation as to why their panel got rejected.

sounds strange.

>> No.8540177

I hate these double standards man, glad it got rejected. If someone hosted a white cosplay panel people would be crying racism.
Cosplay panels should be for everyone, not just one race.

>> No.8540180

Bunch of butt-hurt bitches! Like they're the only panel that got rejected. They're not the only panel that's ever been rejected for wanting to run a panel addressing ethnic diversity and shit. If NYCC had to give a reason for every rejection, it'd take forever. Scream racism when they make you use a different entrance or some shit like that.

Sounds more like they're mainly angry that can't get a free badge now, but at least they can now scream and shout and claim they're fighting for your rights! We have four new martyrs people! Rejoice!

>> No.8540182

Well we have four cosplayers here, let's just kick off the psychologists and authors in that panel and replace them with cosplayers/burlesque performers.

>> No.8540189

This. What do people even discuss in a black cosplay panel? Judging from the OP it looks like anyone can cosplay whoever they want.

>> No.8540192

I honestly wonder what that panel would be like; would it be an actual discussion on diversity in cosplay, or something about "WE BLACK COSPLAYERS ARE ALWAYS OPPRESSED"

>> No.8540193

All of this. Panels get rejected at every. I'm black and don't give a damn that NYCC rejected it. Instead of whining that their panel got scrapped, they would be doing something productive with their lives.

In all honesty, this whole tumblr parade of black cosplayers needs to end. We're just cosplayers and nerds. Nothing special about that.

>> No.8540203

This is some "All Lives Matter" logic here.

White cosplayers don't need a race-specific panel because an overwhelming majority of Western cosplayers are white and thus the "default." They are the mainstream that everyone else is kind of compared up against, if that makes sense.

Black cosplayers, on the other hand, are much fewer and have their own unique issues to deal with as a minority/marginalized population in the cosplay community. Because there aren't as many of them, and probably for a bunch of other reasons like visibility, politics, social justice, social psychology, etc., black cosplayers have to try harder to be seen and heard, mostly by other black cosplayers. That's why they push for race-specific panels, online activism and the like.

It's less a "cosplay should only be for us oppressed people" and more a "hey if you're black and you also cosplay, come shoot the shit with us so we can talk about being black and cosplaying."

>> No.8540206

Ah the Mary Sue, let's see I'm sure Bleeding Cool and I Like Comics Too will soon pick this story up too, since they're all friends with at least Maki Roll

>> No.8540216

If people care, they can go to the Diversity panel mentioned. I went to it 2 years ago, and they had cosplay speakers who were from all ethnic backgrounds, including white, while talking to licensed therapists on the panel, how to deal with criticisms, self-imagery, and local numbers for hotlines to talk to. That seems more important than hearing self-entitled cosplayers talk about their war stories.

>> No.8540225

You are never going to have a real discussion about racism on 4chan. The only thing that's racist to most white people these days is being an open proud member of the KKK or being a non-white person calling out white people for anything. Nothing else is "racist", and the real problem with racism is being called a racist, not anything that happens to ethnic or religious minorities, ever.

>> No.8540227


How to deal with dumb comments like this:


White cosplayers don't get those remarks. So you can't claim they have the same experiences.

>> No.8540241

Maki and Chaka are known to stir up drama out of nothing because they want to stay relevant, even if it means bringing down a damn con. Don't take them seriously. This is an attention stunt.

>> No.8540257

I saw that Maki Roll AND Princess Mentality were supposed to be panelist and stopped reading. As if the 28 Days of Black Cosplay wasn't enough....

>> No.8540263

>can't do whatever they want
>wah, racist!
nobody cares, racist or not

>> No.8540264

I'm not white and honestly, unless you are being discriminated in a way that actually harms you like, say, losing your job then most of the time you can shrug it off.

Y'all need thicker skin.

>> No.8540271

... how can you browse cgl and say shit like these? 99% of cosplay is shit and we say so all the time.

>> No.8540280

>thicker skin
yeah, not gonna happen any time soon.
Just the other day I was listening to a bunch of fine ladies QQing about how the PATRIARCHY/SOCIETY is shaming them for having a roast beef vagina because porn stars all have innies. Yeah sorry you've an ugly fanny but crying about it is not gonna change anyone's mind. Mine isn't all that appealing either but I don't go crying about it.

You should see how much shit people get for having racial preferences as opposed to saying 'everyone is bootiful'.

>> No.8540284

I see why this panel was created but calling it "Black Cosplay" makes it sound discriminatory. Maybe if it was called "Diversity in Cosplay" or something of the sort, NYCC probably would be more inclined to accept it. I'm on a panel staff of another con so I know and see how and why this got rejected.

>> No.8540290

Incorrect. There are a lot of black cosplayers who are amazing, just not the four mentioned in that article.

>> No.8540294

Except there's more white lolcows getting ridiculed then there are black ones. Stop looking for muh reparations

>> No.8540295


People don't say shit like 99% of the time white people are shit cosplayers. And even if they did, it's not something that looms over white people constantly. I don't understand how you're not able to understand even the most basic things here.

>> No.8540297


I think bitching abotu stuff is fine, specially among friends - it's when you have to tell THE WHOLE WORLD about it that it's bad.

>> No.8540301

why are you so obsessed? just ignore the comments and move on

>> No.8540309

That's Maki and Chaka for you.

>> No.8540321

What do you even do at a diversivity/black cosplay panel?

>> No.8540327


Feel awkward.

>> No.8540330

There already is one with that title

>> No.8540339

Which is why the "Black Cosplay" one most likely got rejected. Diversity without being discriminatory.

>> No.8540389

Venus Noire is basically Black Nigri so that's where her likes came from.

>> No.8540482

From what I understand the people who were running the panel asked to be on the other "diversity in cosplay" panel that's happening at the con, and the person running it told them they only wanted "prominent" cosplayers.

That was a little while back I heard that though, so no idea how their story has changed since then.

>> No.8540495

That is true. The second part of that story is that since they got butthurt that they weren't considered "prominent cosplayers", they decided to take it further and attack NYCC making it seem like they never tried to help. True fucking story. Maki is on my flist.

>> No.8540507

A breakdown of last year's it seems


>> No.8540513

The are basically hoping for a pity panel or at least free passes, since I doubt most of them have passes for NYCC

>> No.8540547

They are using social media to bully this con into accepting their panel because the got offended that someone literally said that they aren't hot shit. Also, it wouldn't surprise me if the Diversity Panel panelists knows of how drama mongering those girls are and said lol no bitches you ain't hopping on our panel.

>> No.8540585

As someone who knows someone on NYCC's panel coordination staff and got confirmation, this is true. NYCC did reach out and told them that there was already a Diversity in Cosplay panel approved and that they should contact those panelists to see if they wanted in. The reason is that the two panels were way too similar and that it would make more sense to combine theirs with the DiC one (also the DiC panelists are veteran panelists for NYCC). It is not the con's fault that the DiC panelist didn't want them to participate and to outright attck NYCC and call it "racist" was out of line.

The NYCC panel coordinators has been informed of this and it looks like they will be blacklisted from ever getting a panel at the con.

>> No.8540697

I can see the next headline, Black Cosplayers Put At Bottom Of The List!

>> No.8540702

If you have to reach out to The Mary Sue then you are just an attention whore. Only radical feminists read that shit site so no one is going to take this article seriously.

>> No.8540740


Shut up! Didn't you know 4ch is for shitposting?

That actually makes sense and has too many words to cram into a headline or hashtag so nobody will repeat it.

>> No.8540743

hashtag nolivesmatter

>> No.8540751

Thanks for the info, Anon. Sounds like people are blowing things out of proportion, probably (or definitely) for attention.

>> No.8540838

Not a problem. Shame what people do to draw attention ruin to themselves but they just earned being blacklisted from ever hosting a panel at NYCC because of this.

>> No.8540853

>Diversity groups fight with each other
>Diversity groups push each other out

It's never been an easier time to be a racist. You don't even have to put on the white hoods anymore, they just kill themselves these days.

>> No.8540855

Eh, cosplay is a bit different for darker skinned people. Some colours look really, really awful with dark skin so they have to adjust if they're cosplaying light characters, and it seems like people aren't aware of the massive selection of "ambiguously tan" characters out there. Makeup is an important factor in cosplay and iirc most brands are aimed at lighter skin tones. Cameras also tend to wash out dark features. There's a lot of technical stuff involved in cosplay for people with darker skin and not a lot of resources for information.

It doesn't have to be about oppression or racial issues.

>I see why this panel was created but calling it "Black Cosplay" makes it sound discriminatory. Maybe if it was called "Diversity in Cosplay" or something of the sort,
I'm inclined to agree. A panel specifically about "black" cosplay seems a little exclusive when there's other ethnicities which share the same darker complexion issues. The Diversity panel the con already has would probably cover the same topics to a much wider audience.

There's also more white people in the hobby in general.

>> No.8540857

These girls, Maki in particular, have been known to shit on their fellow black cosplayers behind their backs. I'm glad their hypocritical panel wasn't approved.

>> No.8540866

Just because they're black is no reason to overlook their terrible costumes. People are too afraid to because it's seen as "racist" - just like this bullshit article is doing.

Their costumes are fucking horrible, if a white girl was in those, everyone would tear her to shreds.

>> No.8540890

This. As a black cosplayer myself I agree. You have a lot of PoC cosplayers who make horrible costumes and the moment they are called out on it, they call you racist and rally their white knights against you. It's not that you're a minority cosplayer, it's because your costume sucks.

>> No.8540923

>Y'all need thicker skin.


The people who need thicker skin right now are white people.
You guys lose your cool as soon as anyone brings up racism. AT FUCKING ALL.

Nevermind the people who had to and are still putting up with that shit for the past 10, 20, 50, 70 years.

omg. that. is. rich.

You guys have had to look at your part in a cycle for a total of maybe 20 years. Heh, thicker skin. I am gonna giggle about that for the rest of today.

>> No.8540931

>not white
did you even read the post you were replying to? christ, cgl is truly turning into tumblr 2.0

>> No.8540936

most of their costumes are mediocre tier (the sailor moon one looks okay? though i don't totally understand changing her hair to black when its blonde) it does sound like they're trying to bully the con into free passes or at the very least free publicity (which has clearly worked)

it sounds like they are jealous that they aren't as hot shit as they wish they were

>> No.8540942

Nah, it will be:
NYCC has a special "black list" made purposefully to stop PoC from speaking out against racism.
Stop the silencing and genocide of PoC!

>> No.8540953
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>told them they only wanted "prominent" cosplayers.
>they weren't considered "prominent cosplayers"
>not the con's fault that the DiC panelist didn't want them to participate and to outright attack NYCC and call it "racist" was out of line

If you think about that at all...
Why aren't there more prominent black cosplayers?
Why is it just Yaya, Nigiri, and Kamui?
There are a number of talented black costumers.

It's cause of the subconscious bias towards one style of beauty. The thing we are bombarded with every single day of our lives spills into our fandom.

>> No.8540966

>It doesn't have to be about oppression or racial issues.

There are factors I learned early on that differ from my white cosplay friends.

Digitial photography was VERY cool toned early on. My white friends would look great in the photo. I would look sickly. I then learned that ALL photos of me benefitted from warming up the tone.

My make up was going to wear different and behave different on camera

I was going to have trouble finding modesty tights that matched me.

Getting my natural hair under my wig was going to be a different process.


Fucking having to almost always be the brown token in a show to look as authentic as my white friends. That always sucks. But if I am going to cosplay outside my skintone I better do a really good job just so I shine as much as any white person doing the same character.

>> No.8540987

You're right. There are many plenty of black cosplayers who are talented, just not a lot who are prominent. Except maybe Knightmage and Soni Arylann who's mixed. .

>> No.8541089

Yup. They were that buttmad that they weren't considered prominent cosplays. Entitled fucks.

>> No.8541117

Soni's mixed? Since when are Puerto Rican's considered mixed? I guess if it helps to get famous, right?

>> No.8541126

Well according to Maki, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are black so....

>> No.8541129

guess that explains LUA Suicide's sudden rise, that and she gets naked for money

>> No.8541169

I've realized a lot of black cosplayers have to get naked to be noticed. Even Venus Noire has to go the Nigri route to get likes.

>> No.8541181

the Nigri route is just boobs, LUA's a Suicide Girl and strips completely

>> No.8541225


indian/brown cosplayer here

went to anime north in my first cosplay this year and was accepted wonderfully

these panels are dumb and if one gets accepted there should be one for EVERY ethnic background, INCLUDING white people

go back to tumblr

>> No.8541282

Heard that NYCC did indeed contact them to give them an alternative so they might want to have that site retract the article to avoid a slander suit from NYCC. THey RE for profit after all.

>> No.8541313

That's cool. You know your experience isn't the same as everyone else's right? You being brown and having a great time at a con doesn't suddenly nullify the need or demand for a black/poc/diversity panel at cons.

>> No.8541334

No one cares you're Indian, at least you're considered Caucasian, or maybe Latina. You don't know the struggles of the black community in cosplay.

>> No.8541355

Anyone who uses "people of color" or PoC is a racist with no idea themselves. The fucking word is based off of 1960's "colored people". How fucking dense and ignorant can you be?

Also update:
On Princess Mentality's page. Seems she deleted someones post and she is playing stupid like it never existed. I didn't get the screencap but he was pretty much outing her that her behaviour, not her skin color was more likely the deciding factor in rejecting their panel.

>> No.8541357

Black cosplayer here. I personally have never experienced racism or prejudice at a con or online and I've been in the hobby for many years now, but I DO know that it happens. Don't be ignorant because it hasn't happened to you. I know many brown cosplayers who got just as much shit.

>> No.8541359


da struggleeeeeeee

>> No.8541360

You should use white body paint. Unless you are one of those that freak out screaming black face when someone does a tanned character and makes their entire skin darker.

>> No.8541379

There are a lot of struggles for black cosplayers but what sucks is that two out of the four cosplayers mentioned in that article try to use that struggle to become more popular. One of them also made a huge stink on her FB calling J Nig racist for saying "nigga". They are taking advantage of the struggle for the likes and attention.

>> No.8541382

Did she also mention that she and her buddies twisted their story when they told Mary Sue to make that article? Cause they basically outright lied to make NYCC look like the bad guy.

>> No.8541395

That seems like a ridiculous suggestion to me. That kinda thing never looks good.

>> No.8541397

You should tell them that NYCC already knows of their stunt and that they're most likely banned from ever getting a panel there and may face a defamation suit.

>> No.8541437

The diversity panel people should have openly invited that one group of Persona 4 black cosplayers. Now that's high profile!

>> No.8541449

You would be surprised.

>> No.8541453

because its only okay if blacks call themselves niggers and niggas. Double standard for the win!

>> No.8541457

>I don't know or understand what labiaplasty is
Hi /r9k/.

>> No.8541462

People who have been denigrated by a word are the only ones allowed to use it in an attempt to regain the word for themselves, because they're the ones hurt by it they get to choose how it's used. Makes sense to me.

>> No.8541465

It's hilarious to see this cause every comment on their FB pages calling them out for this shit, they ban the person and delete the comment.

>> No.8541470

Yeah, which is why I think that we should ban the words "cracker" among anyone except white people and "yankee" among anyone except Americans.

>> No.8541504

Emailing MK, the head of NYCC events about this. He'll deal with it.

>> No.8541513
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I can't even tell what is or isn't bait anymore.

>> No.8541544

Maybe Nycc needs to

Step up

>> No.8541749

Oh you better stomp the line!

>> No.8541762

Good. Im glad they did. They probably don't want to single out a race like that and have it backlash. Better to not have one at all and to face being called 'racist' for a smart move on their part. People yelling 'Cosplay is for Everyone' and then to have a black cosplay panel? Bitch please. You aren't special snowflakes. You're a loser in a costume like everyone else, mostly cosplaying characters made in Japan, while attending a convention in America. Ffs. The person who suggested this panel must be one entitled black person. Seriously.

This 1000000x

>> No.8541811


What is reading comprehension?
A note for reading internet things. BEFORE you respond make sure the comeback you have in store is airtight.

I just read what you guys responded to and nowhere in that post do they say the person they responded to is white.

It can possibly be implied but the "you" can also be just referring to the white people they are talking about.
English 102 remedial for both of you.

>> No.8541817


The fact that you can actually say the words Cracker and Yankee and not c-word and y-word lets you know that those two words are not on the same level as the n-word.

I cannot believe I have to explain this.

also sums it up pretty well. I am glad they have the presence of mind to explain it so well.

>> No.8541823

Let's be real here, even if white people have an easier time cosplaying, nobody will reach the highest unless they're Asian.

Not because they're that good or look that much like the characters, but because yellow fever overpowers all. Even Asians themselves.

>> No.8541866

>white people don't get as offended so our racial slur isn't as bad
fuck off

>> No.8541927


Sincerely, thanks for making my point!
White people know they have the advantage so of course they aren't as offended.

You also might want to look into why calling a boy a girl is an insult. Males know they have the power. To imply that they have the status of a girl (a person with less power) is to offend them.

>> No.8541930

It's also an insult to call a girl a boy. Seriously go back to your containment site. We already know the old power tale.

>> No.8541946

back to tumblr you go

>> No.8542101

Seriously. I haven't received any direct racist remarks outside of friend circles in jokes and the occasional "cosplay X because typecasting and Y is really pale", but I got lucky; I have a friend who got discriminated against for being a black Naruto and asked why she even went to the photoshoot. These kinds of panels are important to tell people that they can cosplay without giving a fuck, but they have to approach it properly. Plus, Anime North is in Canada, Canada is just Happy People. Wtf.

This made me laugh way harder than it should.

>> No.8542108

>people who need thicker skin are white people
>you guys
>you guys
yea, reading comprehension.

>> No.8542118

I've gone to NYCC almost every year since its incarnation, and I've done panels at other East Coast conventions for years.

This is not racist at all. This panel and thus, the panelists are just no longer on par quality wise with what NYCC commands these days. Patrick Fucking Stewart had a panel last year... and these asshats think they didn't get approved because of racism? LOL.

>> No.8542138

Maki Roll and Princess Mentality are two entitled black bitches. Go to their FB pages. I mean, their names even say it. "Princess Mentality". Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

>> No.8542148

Entitled fucks are the ones who cause racism in the first place. The most hatefully racist people are poor, entitled people who are brought up to blame everyone else for their misfortunes and beg for hand outs. And i'm talking white and black, ghetto innercity blacks and poor southerners. On the opposite end of the spectrum it's entitled rich people who think that they should own everything and everyone else, especially people who are different, don't deserve anything.

The irony of it is that the middle class has the least amount of racists but get the most flack because people glaze over class issues to make things more simple for the idiotic masses. Class issues are harder to quantify but make much more sense.

>> No.8542156
File: 176 KB, 1252x820, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how entitled Chaka is. 'WAAAHH THEY SUPPOR CELEBRITIES MORE THAN BLAKC COSPLAYERS!" Shut the fuck up. Comic Cons depend on celebrity guests to bring in attendees. NYCC is for profit, meaning that they don't give a shit about your feelings. They are about making money and yes, they'd rather have the cast of Firefly there than four entitled negresses.

>> No.8542200


Might as well be a Jezebel or Kotakucosplay 'article'

>> No.8542224

If the Mary Sue says it, it's probably wrong.

They exist soley on outrage clicks, and make up shit for attention.

>> No.8542240

if those are the girls that were trying to arrange the panel in the first place I can understand why it got rejected, those cosplays are mediocre at best. Also who the fuck goes to a cosplay panel at a con?

>> No.8542245

My guess was that they must have been shitting on people who aren't black the last time they had the panel, and word got out.

Get a bunch of people of the same race together in one room, discuss racial issues, and voila. They gonna talk shit.

This is nothing new.

>> No.8542259

I actually like Maki. I've met her in person before through friends and she is a nice person.

But damn I wish she'd shut the fuck up about racism for once. She and all her fellow black friends are given tons of attention for their less-than-perfect cosplays, yet she still acts like black cosplayers are unnoticed. Like does she have any self awareness? Has she looked at her own reflection?

Really now.

>> No.8542266

Then you don't know the real Maki. She's nice in your face but will shit on you as soon as you leave. BItch has a secret FB group in which she shits on other cosplayers, other black female ones in particular. She's a horrible person who uses fake drama to get attention and to rally her knights to aid in attacking someone innocent, in this case NYCC.

>> No.8542280

Oh...well I hope she didn't shit on me. I'm just a nobody right now anyway, I barely have a following or anything.

>> No.8542357


>This is some "All Lives Matter" logic here.

Why don't you just kill yourself right now?

>> No.8542361

I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.8542432

>have black skin
>make costume
>wear costume

>> No.8542456

Sick counterargument to a well-thought-out post

>> No.8542457

We can't ever have threads like these when /pol/ is so thirsty. I wish they'd take the hint and stick to talking to girls on /soc/.

>> No.8542491

They chose the wrong con to fuck with. NYCC has a massive following and many prominent sponsors. I would be surprised if they don't revoke their badges and ban them from the con because of this.

>> No.8542496

The "all lives matter" crowd doesn't even care about people's lives. They just want black people to shut up.

Like when that teenage white kid got shot and killed by a police officer for buying weed recently, the "all lives matter" people said nothing. It was the "black lives matter" supporters (mostly black people) who were outraged and supported his family despite him being white and not black.

>inb4 "hurr go back 2 tumblr"
Don't have one, don't plan on getting one. I've just looked into this shit out of curiosity and found that I myself had the wrong idea about it. Climb out from underneath that rock of yours and actually read up on it, otherwise you sound like an ignorant dumbass.

>> No.8542502

Yeah, I've met her and her white husband before

>> No.8542505

Can't revoke a badge, if you didn't have one!

>> No.8542537

>HAHA we shot ourselves in the foot so you can't!
watch them do this and spin it that they weren't welcome any more

>> No.8542544

Pretty sure you need a badge to apply for a panel there but I could be wrong.

>> No.8542548

Her white finance is a POS too but I won't go into that. Also, she's a white boy fetishist and she has publicly spoken out against black men, saying she doesn't find them attractive and that she would never date them. She's also spoken about her "reverse slavery" fantasies she has with white men and it's gross as shit.

>> No.8542549

Nope, not a prerequisite

>> No.8542552

Diversity and shit, m'I right?

>> No.8542558

Someone as hypocritical as that does NOT need to be hosting a diversity or black cosplay panel. Holy shit.

>> No.8542559

I see nothing wrong with being more attracted to white men than other races. Most people are.

The reverse slavery shit is kinda messed up though. I'm surprised he's okay with that.

>> No.8542566

Dating preference is one thing, saying shit like, you're above dating black guys is another though

>> No.8542567

>It was the "black lives matter" supporters (mostly black people) who were outraged and supported his family despite him being white and not black.
Holy shit, honestly, I saw a lot of black people outraged over that kid's death and only one white person who was a stoner and a tumblrite who's an ally of the BLM movement upset

>> No.8542577

From what I know, three out of the four cosplayers pictured in the OP and in the article have white bfs/fiancees and I only know of Maki being the one to say she's "above" dating her own race. But that's none of my business though.

>> No.8542580

Right? People think that BLM only cares about black lives because of the name, when in reality they're against police brutality as a whole. I wish more people realized this instead of being smartasses about it.

>> No.8542583

Yeah that's stupid, especially knowing that she's the type who would flip a table if a black man said that about black women.

>> No.8542599

The hypocrisy with that girl is strong. When you've been following her twitter for over two years you see some scary shit, like her wanting a sex dungeon for white boys. Yeaaaahhhh....

>> No.8542609

I only keep her on Facebook because her bony black ass in latex turns me on...for real.

>> No.8542610

There are cuter black girls out there bruh, but whatever floats your boat.

>> No.8542617
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Nah, she's my kinda chocolate.

If she wasn't crazy I would definitely wife her.

>> No.8542627

That article, like most Mary Sue articles, is full of exaggeration and fictitious bullshit. That Jessi girl even went on the record on her twitter and said that NYCC contacted her back and said that they had the option of asking the Cosplay Diversity panelists to join in.

>> No.8542656
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Case in point. She got pissy that the other panelists rejected her and her hack friends. This whole thing was a farce.

>> No.8542669

Looool enjoy your defamation lawsuit.

>> No.8542679

It's just more racebaiting shite anyway

>> No.8542686

Oh look. Blacks causing problems again.

>> No.8542688
File: 33 KB, 640x960, 11700927_740417602733491_301894425362451865_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have real fans! Not like there's bought likes or duplicate accounts and shit!

>> No.8542696


Meh. I'd give her a 5/10.

>> No.8542725

I'd LOVE to know what conventions ever had them as guests... Inquiring minds do want to know...

>> No.8542727

Not sure if that's Maki or Lauryn Hill. Either way, one's more popular and famous than the other.

>> No.8542729

Yeah, if you look at their pages, their traffic doesn't coincide with the amount of likes they have. Definitely bought.

>> No.8542732

Wait, doesn't she work with small children? Can't she get fired for doing shit like this????

>> No.8542743

Possibly. If parents find out, it will cause a shitstorm.

>> No.8542773

Anyway to get back on topic, has NYCC made an official statement about this? I'm not expecting it since NYCC is so big that they don't give a fuck but I am wondering if someone form the con has come out to defend themselves.

>> No.8542800

They're not going to make a public statement on it and the heads of programming have been informed. These girls will most likely be blacklisted from being future panelists.

>> No.8542851

If anything, they just made it worse for black cosplayers. NYCC has always been accepting of diversity so to accuse them of this wasn't a smart idea. This is just a cosplay version of the BLM/Bernie Sanders incident.

>> No.8542862
File: 137 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you gay. You don't have to like her personality but she is one sexy slut.

No, it's Maki. She has tons of selfies with that hair.

>> No.8542896

Are we really going to bring that incident into this?

>> No.8542909

Anon, I'm a girl, so I am kind of gay. I guess I'm just used to seeing better looking black girls daily so she doesn't exactly cut it for me.

>> No.8542916

guy with a black girlfriend here, she's got a not so great face. perfect for being a slut, but she's nothing special.

>> No.8542975

Bias garabage do you tumblrinas actually take the marysue as a serious source?

>> No.8543004

This panel needs AssB

>> No.8543012

People need to stop taking things so personally. The only reason they make a stink about racism is because they're mad that people aren't giving them any attention for being "different". If someone says actual racist stuff to you, just move on. The person talking shit is the one with the real problem, not you.

Being racist is such a stupid, childish thing and most people could and would easily ignore ignorant ppl if they didn't have to mix their egos into everything. Everyone knows that stereotypes are dumb and superficial, but they still get upset, knowing that the logic behind it is retarded. We chould easily just ignore or laugh in the face of racist regimes/propaganda, but instead we get scared and egotistical and just go along with whatever. All the while, deep down, everyone with a working brain knows that it's a bunch of bullshit ideologies made up by sad ppl with shady motives.
But no, we gotta get mad!!! End racisimz!!! Muh feeelings wahhh!!
Such a huge fucking waste of time and energy.

If everyone would take their heads out of their asses for 1 sec, they'd realize that not everything is a personal attack and we wouldn't be dealing with this new age civil rights movement/sjw bullshit.

Sorry for the mini rant, I just get sick of all the freaking out about something that could be changed by simply not taking the bait.

>> No.8543033 [DELETED] 

Cucks and actually cosplay is cultural appropriation so you aren't allowed to cosplay unless you are asain
check yo privilege shitlord
Based i hope they do and they don't bow to social media pressure
k what are you doing to provide resources and information then?
Back to tumblr
Shouldn't you be prepping a bull right now?
muh oppression Olympics
you first tumblr

>> No.8543064

If a Patreon is involved I'm pretty sure the are lying for them victim bucks.

>> No.8543089

>Back to the trash heap you go

Just wanted to fix that for you.

>> No.8543112

The stages have a weight limit

>> No.8543190

I really think they are trying to bully NYCC into accepting their panel which lol they won't.

>> No.8543218

do you actually have proof of this?

>> No.8543374

Oh, it's a Mary Sue article. Don't need to read that to know it's fake.

>> No.8543405
File: 36 KB, 500x282, sowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Convention could reject the panel for a million legitimate reasons
>Act like some grave injustice has been done to you because yours is about race

This is why people begin to dislike black people. If you dont give them everything they want, they cry racism until you do.

>> No.8543478

Not the same anon, but I know Maki, to know it's a common tactic for her

>> No.8543522

I wish I had kept the screenshots of her raving in the African American Anime Fans group cause that was glorious. She left the group of her own accord but all of us in the group was really sick of her shit. She makes the rest of us black nerds and cosplayers look bad. Not to mention she thinks the "leader" of the blackk cosplayer community. I wish that Hunny Bunny, the original black cosplay queen, would come out of retirement and school her ass.

>> No.8543593

can we make an asian cosplay panel? can we make indian, white, or spanish? No because people would be offended out of their asses. I am so sick of the black trend going on and people trying to get me involved.

>> No.8543602

I'm actually really afraid this situation will affect others who genuinely want to host diversity panels. I wanted to submit a similar panel for lolitas for a con next year and now I'm scared that it will be denied because of this. They really should have just taken the rejection with grace instead of blowing it up because now cons will probably restrict or outright not allow panels like this anymore.

>> No.8543641

You probably are fine if you name your panel so it's not so "exclusive" like Diversity in Lolita or whatever instead of something such as "Black Lolitas" etc. Likewise, make sure the content truly encompasses diversity since panel titles and content are what are going to make or break it.

That and like the situation here, if your panel is the first diversity-related one submitted it has a better chance of being accepted because like NYCC most cons don't want duplicates of the same panel.

>> No.8543654


Used to know Maki, she's a big shit talker.

>> No.8544523

From what BUterflySamurai said on twitter, she's not "attacking NYCC for rejecting their panel" she "just wants to know the reason why". Um, there is already a Cosplay Diversity panel that was approved and they were told this. Why are they still fighting?

>> No.8544535

Holy shit I had to google her again but god yes she was flawless

>> No.8544542

SHE may not be, but some of them definitely are. The Venus Noire keeps posting about it on social media.

>> No.8544554

They are not helping their case. To continually post and whine about it can constitute as bullying the con and NYCC has the right to reject a panel for any reason they see fit.

>> No.8544581

Let's see pictures of your black girlfriend (or lack thereof) so we can compare.

>> No.8544586

>I would be surprised if they don't revoke their badges and ban them from the con because of this.
But anon, that would be racist!!1! And they would throw an even bigger fit.

>> No.8544645

I'm actually upset that VN got herself into this and became friends with two of the biggest attention whores out there. She's a fairly new cosplayer and it's sad to know she got corrupted by them.

>> No.8544664

Oh I know. And we have mutual friends. I was invited by the mutual a to do a cosplay group and the moment I heard her name my reaction was "nope". I am just avoiding her as best as I can since I can for see there being issues between me and her If I'm around her for an extended periods of time. I do truly miss Hunny Bunny though, she was talented so beautiful, and genuinely sweet.

>> No.8544666

I recall one of those girls shitting on a white Storm cosplayer last year....because she was a white Storm. BUT COSPLAY IS FOR EVERYONE AMIRITE?? Yeah no. I hope every con rejects their panel.

>> No.8544681

Hunny Bunny was certainly talented and accepted everyone and was super humble to boot. Maki WISHES she was as great as she was. Something tells me that if HB were to come back to the US (she's currently living in Japan) and get back into cosplaying, Maki would see her as a threat to her popularity and try to bring her down cause that's how she is.

>> No.8544690

That's if she hasn't successfully recruited Hunny Bunny to her Legion of Unfriendly Black Hotties. If that fails, she will be against her.

>> No.8544712

I can't see Hunny Bunny joining the legion though. Like girls who are in that shit are ones who already have a chip on their shoulder. Like they are the ones who talk shit about mixed girls constantly when they are in middle school and high school and attack black guys that date white women. And through fits about how no one likes them because they are black women and not because they have shit attitudes. Also it's going to be non famous cosplayerswho get roped into Maki's bullshit so they can get some of her fame.

>> No.8544739

This. Hunny Bunny is secure with herself unlike those broads which is why I can see her being disliked by the Legion. They hate black cosplayers who have high self-esteem and think for themselves because they're seen as threats. If you think for yourself and don't agree with them, you've basically started Civil War.

>> No.8544768

Good. If you're black, you're just like everyone else, which is to say you're not special. Their continued insistence on making every goddamn thing they talk about about how they're black and other black people are black, and how they're doing this because of their blackness, is really what's racist and it gets fucking old.

Great, you're black. No one else fucking cares.
Shut the fuck up and just cosplay.

>> No.8544777

So...they basically act like....black people. Good to know.

>> No.8544801

Gives me life to see /cgl/ isn't as retarded and /pol/-infected as it was a little while back.

>> No.8544808

When the 28 Days of Black Cosplay started, none of them featured mixed race cosplayers because...wait for it..."they weren't black enough".

>> No.8544855

Yeah I noticed that too. But they're "friends" with mixed races cosplayers. Okay.

>> No.8544867

That doesn't shock me at all. And how many mixed people Complained about that? My guess is not many because we're used to that shit. Like honestly my thing with people like that is they're int get it. Mixed people have to deal with racist shit (like being profiled by the police, trouble with finding jobs, not looking enough like a character) just as much as black people do... But we also have to deal with bullshit from black people... And heaven forbid if you think shit like 28 Days of Black Cosplay is stupid (because it is) then they'll throw a fit about you're "light skinned privledge". This is exactly why I told my friends I'm not doing any group that Maki is involved in because I like most mixed girls I don't keep my mouth shut about that shit.

Most of my mutual a with Maki's ass are white. She has one of my black friends or I should call her former because her ass is working my last nerve and I have been done with her for months but don't want to start a fight by telling her off for the shit she keeps talking.

>> No.8544897

I remember some tweets last year that she made about "lighter skinned black and mixed cosplayers get noticed more" and "they don't get as much shit as we do". Who is we? Light skinned and mixed black cosplayers are still black and they still get shit if not more because they're getting it from their own people. It's truly sad that she and the other "not so prominent" black cosplayers think like this.

>> No.8544921

Honestly it's just the shit I've been dealing with my whole fucking life. Hell its why my dad ended up never dating black women long because they would start talking shit about him having mixed kids and he didn't feel like listening to that shit. Hell I get to hear it from my cousins all the time too, especially even more now since I'm with a guy who's Hispanic and Asian and they are convinced I don't date black people because I'm mixed. And it turns into a whole stupid racial thing.

>> No.8544948

Take note. Maki and Chaka are engaged to white men and will eventually have mixed kids. See how hypocritical this whole thing is? This is why I hate both of them.

>> No.8544954

I saw plenty of mixed race cosplayers. Many I thought were just Puerto Rican or whatever, until they posted themselves or others with that hashtag

>> No.8544964

Of course they're married to white guys. They have to be because black men don't want to put up with their bullshit. white men are more willing to put up with this shit. Like seriously I've dated guys of a lot of backgrounds and white guys who may or may not be autistic are you're best bet. You get the benefits of their credit score, odds are they had more educational and financial opportunities, and they will honestly put up with way more bullshit from you. The only white guy who ever broke up with me did so because my political views would ruin his political career if people found out we had dated. Now I have a Epileptic Jew in Law School so I'm set. Don't get me wrong I still have my own job making 65k. But it's good to always have a backup.

>> No.8544965

>Gives me life
But it's clearly tumblr infested

>> No.8545010

For all the work the tumblr defence force does, the black community can be as racist, sexist and homophobic as the average /pol/ thread

>> No.8545305

no. let's not try and solve this problem of segregation and separation by making a panel ONLY for blacks. the cosplay panels we have already aren't ONLY for whites, maybe you moon-crickets should just fucking cosplay more and you'll see more blacks involved.

>> No.8545440

Who has actually seen real life hate for minority cosplayers? As in real life people trying to stop them or coming up to there face just to abuse them about it?

Even online it is a few idiots drowned out by everyone else

>> No.8545494

/pol/ was right again
Never i think it's just victim complexes trying to get attention or money

>> No.8545602

Everywhere I look is just like "hey mang look at these womyn in STEM, so brave!" "hey duuuude look at this, how diverse we are, black people black people". They're so focused on black people's and women's feelings they forget about the existence of other races or more important issues.

No, races shouldn't be separated at shitty cons about dressing up.
No, it won't improve nothing.
Yes, /pol/ was right again.

>> No.8545620

>wanting to help put an end to the murder of teenagers of every race = tumblr infested
I really hope you're trolling, because I didn't think it was possible for someone to be this stupid.

>> No.8545629

This just in, minorities obsessed about race. Nothing new here.

>> No.8545634

It's probably going to have the OPPOSITE effect and they'll clamor for black lolita panels to avoid another ridiculous scandal.

>> No.8545650

Plus the organizers will probably change, some old ones will step back because they don't want to deal with things like this, and new ones will be invited specifically to make copslay more inclusive and correct the dysfunctional lack of diversity. Some criticisms of the "culture" will be protected, some complaints will be ignored, and this will all become policy.

>> No.8545666

Literally nothing in the world could ever nullify the need or demand for black/poc/diversity panels in absolutely everything all the time. We know.

>> No.8545671

Blacks get what they want in America by stoking their victim complex.

No other minorities really do, just blacks.

>> No.8545693

race is a whole different animal in murrica.

however, cosplay isn't something that needs to be inundated with raceshit. if you're good you're good, if you're shit you're shit. maybe someone will shit on your skin color, but it's as likely as being shat on for being fat or ugly. it's not much a race thing here (or at least in my opinion.

>> No.8545711

and then they wonder why others look down on them. They constantly play the victim card, when times get tough. Wha I didn't get the scholarship! Waa I didn't get the job!

Guess what? Same as others, Whites, Asians, Latinos, and Blacks!

It's one thing when it's racial profiling, because then there is indeed a skewed vision at play using flaws statistics. It's another when your panel is denied when there's an established panel with a universally appealing version of the same topic, that can also includes those with different sexual preferences in addition to ethnic backgrounds, and any other possible means of discrimination.

>> No.8545792

Looks like at least two of the bitches are still bitching about their panel not getting accepted. The others have calmed down for now. All of them might want to shut up if they don't want NYCC to drop the legal hammer.

>> No.8545965

For now. Key words.

>> No.8545971

A panel like this can only lead to dividing cosplayers against one another.

We are all equal in our faggotry and love of dressing up.

>> No.8546255


>> No.8546362

What the fuck are you even talking about? Go back to tumblr.

>> No.8547042

You know that anti-SJWs are more stupid than actual SJWs, right? There's something called a middle ground where we don't whine about oppression and white cis scum 24/7 but we understand that there are big issues with our government. Police officers slaying young people for doing close to nothing being one of them.

I don't have a Tumblr. But clearly you have autism.

>> No.8547047

>You know that anti-SJWs are more stupid than actual SJWs
sorry but you're objectively wrong and/or a SJW.
No-one is more stupid than SJWs. /pol/, maybe.

>> No.8547066

/pol/ is anti-SJW. Also anyone who still thinks "go back to tumblr" is a meaningful argument.

SJWs on Tumblr are stupid, yes, but not as stupid as the people who think everyone who doesn't have /pol/-like opinions and speaks anything resembling sense is from Tumblr.

If you even read the start of this conversation, it's been said that police brutality doesn't only affect black people. Whites are getting killed too. How does defending white people make one an SJW?

>> No.8547070

no honey, that's not what anti-SJW is.

>> No.8547073

Then what is it?

>> No.8547081

anti-SJWs are idiots who get really butthurt about SJWs and argue with them on Tumblr every day (usually with blogs they use to 'expose' bullshit) despite knowing that whatever they say or do won't change the SJWs' opinion or do much of anything aside from inciting a barrage of accusations of racism/sexism/whatever directed at them.

Anti-SJWs are mostly not racist or sexist at all, just annoying.

/pol/ are just your average far-right stormfags subscribing to Hitlertastic ideologies and believers in bullshit race theories and eugenics. Most of them are obviously against SJWs, but that's not their main and only cause.

>> No.8547083

That's funny because you know it'll be full of white tumblr bitches, not actual black people.

>> No.8547164

*gasp!* oh look at his ivory finery, he wears his breastplate with honour and wields his sword with valour, for he is truly the whitest of knights.

*breaks into a jaunty rhythm upon my lute*

>> No.8547181

The idea is stupid.

Far from getting more acceptance people will act with greater hostility to identity politics being shoe horned into their fandom.

If you're black cosplay because you like cosplaying not to shatter some perceived injustice against you.

The nerd-dom is one of the most accepting fandoms in existence so don't tar huge parts of it as being bigoted.

Perhaps the largest reasons for few famous black cosplayers is the fact they make up only a very small proportion of the fandom to begin with. It's not the evil cis white man kicking poor WOC down.

Fuck identity politics.

>> No.8547306

Who goes to a large ass comic con for cosplay panels. People go to SDCC and NYCC for the GUESTS, not for cosplay. Even if they did get rejected, I doubt anyone would show up. If someone had to choose between their panel and a Firefly panel, it's obvious which one they'd choose.

>> No.8547313

Eh, it's a mixed bag. The last Firefly panel at NYCC had plenty of seats, as it was after The Walking Dead. After the TWD panel was over, people got up and left, and after the remainder of the line was let in, you still had empty seats.

Of course this panel would've been tiny anyway, probably in one of the A100 rooms, which holds like 150 people only, just enough for the black fetishists to fill up the seats.

>> No.8547336

All I need to feed my jungle fever is Gina Torres who looks better than any of those girls in the OP.

>> No.8547604

and she's confirmed for this year at NYCC!

>> No.8547894

>Actually linking themarysue
/cgl/ is worse than i though

>> No.8547918

But /pol/ is propagator number one of that garbage and /pol/faggotry infesting /v/ is one of the things killed that board's worth forever.

>> No.8548217

why are those three still considered "prominent"?
aside from what's now half made by her and half by her manlet, yaya is mostly bullshit now
nigri has always been bullshit
kamui is trying to be the new yaya, so bullshit in turn

>> No.8548225


There is no struggle, just the one you guys came up with on the same amount of lies and exaggeration as gamer gate.

>> No.8549056

>Why is it just Yaya, Nigiri, and Kamui?
They chose the quick and easy path of prominent characters with a lot of sex appeal. Then it is just about good network and a bit of luck

it is nothing to do with skin colour

>> No.8549491

Not that anon, but If you think about it, Jessica probably wouldn't be where she is today if she were a black woman. Maybe if she were half black and had light skin, but not full black.

That's because not many people find blacks attractive. I don't know what it is, but if you ask anyone who the most attractive races are in order, most will probably say black is the least attractive.

>> No.8549725

>People don't say shit like 99% of the time white people are shit cosplayers.

Actually they do, especially when comparisons with Asian cosplayers come up.

>> No.8550227

This is why the cosplayers in OP hate light skinned black or mixed raced cosplayers. They know that they would get way less shit and become more popular than them.

>> No.8550234

Thats because most dark skinned black people are ugly as fuck.
It dont matter what your skin color is, so long as you're hot and you put out you'll be famous.

>> No.8550315

open up those patrions for the oppression bux

>> No.8550425

Idk I'm an upper class white girl who has always had a thing for black rastafarian men.

As far as my racist fetisization for men goes I have to say Native American > White > Black > Hispanic > Asian > Arab

>> No.8550435

You probably have a rebellion thing, aiming for the lowest class, as stereotyped, as possible to get back at daddy or society and what they deem proper for you.

>> No.8550447
File: 32 KB, 403x403, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that the majority of my race bores me. I want kids with ethnic features.

Also I meant to put black before white in my last post. Oops.

>> No.8550471


>Yellow Fever
>Not because they look like the characters

Holy shit thank you! I've never understood the fascination with many Asian cosplayers. Most shoop their skin to look plastic, use terrible fabrics, can't into good makeup, and ruin every costume with hooker boots to gain accurate height.

Not saying all, but many, especially the Japanese and Koreans.

To be fair though, Asian cosplayers and event attendees do lose their shit over cute gaijin cosplayers. I think it's because foreigners are kind of fetish, and they worship western features a lot.

>> No.8550707
File: 44 KB, 387x375, 1298243886243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pissing thousands of years of history down the drain in a single generation

>> No.8550747

>I'm sorry that the majority of my race bores me

Probably means the majority of your race has jobs and can't go out and party every night, amirite?

>> No.8550749

you know you have to be 18 to be on 4chan

>> No.8551520

>not being attracted to white people means I'm underage
Lolwat. If you're so butthurt about me not being attracted to you, you should come up with a better insult that actually makes sense. Moron.

>> No.8552452
File: 29 KB, 600x338, 543404_503924469694151_501982449_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are reading Mary Sue? Save time, book YOUR lobotomy now!

>> No.8552581

Oooh boy. So when I was in college, my school had scholarships specifically for "urban kids" aka black kids. It was targeted towards incredibly low income families that come from urban settings, so plenty of people would apply for it, including hispanics, whites, asians, etc. because when you're low income in the city you're still poor af. Well they only gave it to black people.
The guy they gave it to made me want to murder someone. He was one of those typical throwing his blackness in your face types who commuted 15 minutes from his home. Except he rarely ever attended class, was getting high almost constantly, and flunking most of said classes, along with passing out in the communal student lounge. He thought it was too much effort to walk the 15 minutes home every day (school was in the middle of the city) so he would go up and ask random people if he could live with them. One RA (black girl) was nice enough to allow him to crash on their dorm couch, which turned into him living there for at least a month and stealing their meal cards to swipe for food. He would constantly badger everyone to buy him food and art supplies because "he was so poor and you all have money anyway" and if you didn't you were being racist. The school sent him a notice that he was flunking most of his classes, since he either didn't attend or attended high and never did his homework, and his response was that "the commute to his house every day is so exhausting that he is unable to complete his coursework."

The school gave him free dorm housing and a free meal plan that next semester. He then complained the next year about how unfair it is because his family is so poor because they are black and intercity that he can't study abroad like every other student! The school pays for him to study abroad in fucking Japan or some shit, and waives the need for him to apply with a portfolio like everyone else.

Fuck that kid.

>> No.8552584
File: 2 KB, 55x90, Dream_Burn_Heal_Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What they're trying to say is that you're more loose than a stretched out tube sock, & you have no respect for yourself or even your sexual partners, because you're amused with their skin color the same way a little girl is amused with the color of her cheap plastic attach nails. That's not even an insult, it is how you are presenting yourself by saying such stupid shit.

Here, clean yourself up

>> No.8552608

Holy shit. I bet the other black kids and poor kids really hated his ass too.

>> No.8552614

If Japs can do it to white, and white girls can have a fetish for making Daddy mad by fucking Rashawn, then I see no reason why Yellow Fever even has to be a bad thing.

>> No.8552663

What's to be sorry about, that's your preference. I was just guessing, based on the fact you first described yourself as upper class white girl. Seemed important tto you to point that out. The guys you mention an attraction to are those outside your social cricle then.

>> No.8552803

thanks for the input? who fucking asked?

>> No.8553018

Is the school up in Atlanta? Cause if so I think I might know who you might be talking about.
If not, damn this world is full of leaches.

>> No.8553044

>typical geek black woman

>> No.8553070

Tumblr LEAVE. Everywhere else is PC. FUCK your feelings.

>> No.8553075

If it was every race that #blacklivesmatter worried about then it would be changed to #alllivesmatter.

>> No.8553115

Black people are definitely targeted by the police (for good reason - but I won't go into that) and therefore are more likely to be the victims of police violence. Most of the cases you read about innocent victims are black people. Why should they include the outliers? This is some reverse pc "inclusivity" bullshit.
I'm not even an sjw but when they bitch that "a penis can be a female sex organ!!!!!111!" it's the same fucking thing as you are doing now. Statistical outliers matter, but they don't matter as much as the majority.

>> No.8553276


You can sure drop the IQ of any room!

>> No.8553280


Sounds like a personal problem

>> No.8553282

Hey. Chicks who made this and are posting about this because they are mad that their stupid panel got denied: Fuck off. Get out of 4chan. Clearly no one gives a damn that your racist panel got denied.

>> No.8553506


I'm black and fuck that kid.
Seriously, he needs to stop making life hard for himself AND he's setting the absolute worst example.

People are looking at him and assuming all black people are like that. One of the worst things about being a minority is that you may be the only example people see of your people. You get judged for your entire race while white people get to be individuals. As such his poor behavior is going to be several people's story about black folk and why they are so dumb/high/lazy/self serving/mooching/assholes.

Even when I was a teen and knew about 3% of the world I knew better than to act up in my mostly white school or at all my friend's houses. I had to be extra polite and quiet because I just knew if I did anything shitty like teens do they would chalk it up to me being the black kid.

>> No.8553511
File: 62 KB, 624x390, 10-reasons-your-health-insurance-can-send-you-to-prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black people are definitely targeted by the police (for good reason - but I won't go into that)

Actually studies have proven that white people are responsible for just as much crime. But police stop and frisk black people more so they get caught more.

Moreover, when white people are caught...they get less of a punishment.

There is no reason to target black people more other than they know they are more likely to be poor and therefore will not lawyer up. They'll pay the fine the officers say they owe because they don't have a defense. If they are too poor to pay they go right into the for profit prison system.

It's a tidy little system they got going and no one is going to stop them.

>> No.8553515

"Just as much crime"
Like in absolute numbers. Because that would cast a shockingly bad light on the black Americans.

>> No.8553519

>studies have proven
which studies

>> No.8553522

In the USA maybe, but citation or GTFO

>> No.8553524

>Blacks get what they want in America by stoking their victim complex.
>No other minorities really do, just blacks.

Nope, have you seen the new rash of asian complainers whose complaints are "My family expects too much of me, now I have to lie about college, and money, and who I am dating to please them. The lies have gotten too great." Then they go on to kill themselves or their parents.

Then we have white people who complain that people think they are racist. No, friend you yourself are probably not racist. People are complaining about the system you sit comfortably in with no regard about how it is for others. Then you go on to say...I don't see the problem here, it must not be that bad and black people are just complainers.

Furthermore no one, and I mean it...no one has had to go through the shit black people have. I'm sorry but nothing holds a candle to 400+ years of chattle slavery, 90 years of Jim Crow, 40 years of Civil rights issues, present day ongoing institutionalized racism.

I think maybe the American Indian might have the closest thing to the crap deal black people got. They got effectively wiped out and then the public make them look like the bad guy in popular media for years.

>> No.8553528

Yes, in America, they commit approximately the same amount of crime as their white counterparts.
Due to there being significantly less black people, this means that a randomly chosen black person is about 200x more likely to have committed a crime.
This is why they target black people. This is why I did not bring it up originally - I will now be called a racist for stating statistics. It's mainly due to socioeconomic standards rather than "black people are always violent".

>> No.8553529

>Nope, have you seen the new rash of asian complainers whose complaints are "My family expects too much of me, now I have to lie about college, and money, and who I am dating to please them. The lies have gotten too great." Then they go on to kill themselves or their parents.

Anon isn't talking about stroking the card for families. Anon is talking about using the card at every chance to get what they want in life and to make themselves look like victims of something when there is nothing to be a victim of in a lot of situations where people use the 'Black Card'. Ffs. Read.

>> No.8553530

It pissed me off to high hell when people say no one has gone through what black people have. You do realize in other countries even white people have been forced into internment camps, fucking burned alive.. Tons of shit. Its not just black people. The black people thing is seriously a fucking American thing.

>> No.8553546

Go to college, take some history courses. There are quite few groups through history that suffered greater. How about all the other slaves through out history? How about the Jews? How about Rome's persecution of Christians, like Nero using them for candles?

>> No.8553548
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I'm white and I admit there is plenty of racism still here in the states. I posted a pic of the the KKK with their confederate flag and said how it makes me sick and this proves that it's not just the non racist heritage shit. One of my best friends growing up was black, along with 2 Asians. There was a joke that my birthday party looked like a UN meeting because of the Black Asian Mexican Indian and Russian friends of mine. I have no problem admitting plenty of white people are racist and it saddens me. But claiming something is racist anytime someone doesn't get their way is wrong also. I think this is wrong because race shouldn't matter in cosplay. If it did it should be Asian only I would think. As someone else pointed out if white people asked for this and it got accepted it would be called racist. I would hope that any group who wanted to make it a their race only panel would also be rejected. It's just cosplay something that is supposed to be for fun. It doesn't need race politics dragged into it. I can't think of any politics that would enhance its enjoyment. But I don't even go to these events or forums other than here. Just a casual observer who likes anime and am cos-currious. Wish my Wifu would dress like that in bed but that's for another post.

>> No.8553558
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>abloobloobloo muh oppression olympics
I want yanks to open a history book at least once in their life and stop assuming that the whole world is America. Kthanks.

>> No.8553563

fuck, mang. everything should be america

>> No.8553565
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Wow. I love how you guys had to go outside of America and to ancient history find people who have suffered greater.

I don't think this was an international thread was it? I also think we were talking about the past 500 years to present day? Was someone else talking about 6 million Jews in comparison to the 60 million black people who died due to slavery?

>>8545671 mentioned america. It's common sense to understand >>8553524 was talking about America too.

Please try again.

>> No.8553575

>6 millions jews
>60 millions black people

Do some research. For fucks sake do so much research. This is in the past 500 years. You have got to be trolling. No way in hell are you saying that the Jews are the only people who have suffered as being under the 'white' category. Holy shit. In Africa they STILL sell each other to fucking tribes for shit. They have been doing this crap even longer than America has. Africa has the longest running personal slave organization in the fucking world and thats blacks trading and slaving other blacks and you think America is the worst as far as how black people get treated? Black people get treated like fucking Gods compared to how they are actually treated in Africa which is hilarious people people praise how they come from Africa. More than 50% of them have never even been to Africa.

Holy fucking shit. You are a troll if I ever saw one and yeah, maybe I fell for it, but Jesus. You think OUR slavery was bad. Picking cotton and shit. Pick up a damn book and research slavery practices in Africa and THEN compare American slavery another nation's slavery practices. This goes for fucking Egypt and, yes, the Holocaust.

>> No.8553580
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Sorry this took a sec.

First one up is drug possession.
Specifically marijuana.

I know I saw one on harder drugs as well. Might take a bit to find it.

Then there was one on per capita damage to property or livelihood that I saw forever ago. That one just talked about while black people could be responsible for stealing a $2000 TV white people could be responsible for damage in the $10,000 to 40,000 range.

I think what the graph was trying to say was that black people might do petty theft. White people would do grand larceny type stuff.

>> No.8553581

This isn't a damn numbers game. This is what people talk about when they say black people use their race cards to make themselves look so important and to get people to feel sorry for them.

Your numbers are also very off. Up to about 20 millions people died during the Holocaust and another 6 millions by the regime not during. About 12 millions slaves were in America during active slavery.

>> No.8553588


>are you saying that the Jews are the only people who have suffered as being under the 'white' category.

>In Africa they STILL sell each other to fucking tribes for shit.

>Black people get treated like fucking Gods compared to how they are actually treated in Africa

>You think OUR slavery was bad. Picking cotton and shit.

He's here. He's here. This guy is in everything ever!
He's hit all the classic hallmarks too!

Never change dude. Everyone expects you and you always show up. Never. Ever. Change.

>> No.8553592

>tfw the anon makes good points though

Anon, why are you being salty over facts? Anyone who has taken a history class should know this stuff..

>> No.8553596


and his backup has arrived as well.
Or samepost...whichever.

>> No.8553599

This whole thread just needs to go. Should be in /pol/ since that's where its headed.

>sage for off topics

>> No.8553624

>Ottoman Empire (approx. 500 years of slavery for conquered territories, whose inhabitants were and are white Europeans)
>Various famines you-know-where
can we just not

>> No.8553645

This. When I hear about black people complaining about America and how they are the worst country because of slavery, I think about other aspects of history in which a lot of races [including blacks like anon said in Africa] were treated worse than blacks in America.

>> No.8553658

You can also consider the fact that the Irish, while not slaves, were treated much worse than blacks during the same period. They were prisoners for war crimes and could be bought/sold until they finished their sentence - however Ireland was closer to the Colonies so the Irish were cheaper, therefore more disposable.

>> No.8553664

And then you have North Korea right now where if you did something wrong and were sentenced to death, your own family gets murdered as well. Every single person. If you are a worker in a factory and you get accused of something your mom, dad, wife, three daughters, pets.. All killed and that's right now.

I'm so fucking tired of hearing about how America is the worst country when our racial problems don't amount to anything any other country has had to deal with no matter what time period in America. We have our problems, but we sure as hell are far from being the worst nation as far as how we treat people. People think we have the hardest migration system? Try fucking living in Japan. It's near impossible to live there unless you marry someone or have a permanent teaching job and no, the marriage system to live there is nothing compared to how easy it is to just marry someone here, but you can still be illegal all you want.

>> No.8553713

Yeah, Asians weren't even allowed to own land in the U.S. until the 70's, I think 1974? Some states recognized it, but federally? Nope! Not until some bill from the 1920's that was targeted at limiting the ability of Asians, mainly Chinese, from owning homesand businesses, was repealed.

>> No.8553720

I agree, but I think immigration should be hard for countries like America and Japan and shit. Everyone wants to live there,

>> No.8553722
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>Everyone wants to live there,

>> No.8553725

Fun fact, Finns weren't able to own land either because people couldn't decide whether some of them were white or not.

>> No.8554138

Different anon, and I can't believe this needs to be said, but no one ever brings race into it when talking about how awful a white cosplayer is, besides the occasional obvious troll who tries to insist Asians do it better. However, because white people don't have the same history when it comes to racism, comments like that are obviously going to effect them far less negatively since it's not ingrained systematically.

>inb4 go back to Tumblr

Oh please, you /r9k/ types have the weakest skins of all. You cant even handle not getting laid without needing to hate women to feel better about it.

>inb4 I have sex with countess women 5 times a day

>> No.8554149

>not understanding how a black specific cosplay panel is different from a white one and dismissing it as a double standard

Full retard medal right here

>> No.8554175

as a black person that doesn't see the appeal of cosplay (I feel just being one of the 10 black people in a room full of crazy looking white people, I stand out enough) I respect all black cosplayers good or bad. of course even here, in nerdy culture you would have a hard time. I see panels all the time run by whites that don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.8554183

>White cosplayers don't need a race-specific panel because an overwhelming majority of Western cosplayers are white and thus the "default."

Did you ever think that being the "default" robs people of their identity? That by making whites a template around which, or around which used to orbit a supposed propositional identity divorces that identity and culture from the people who ultimately created it? That it undermines the ability of whites to be racially cohesive in relation to other, more tribal, more group orientated racial groups? That it makes your group, in opposition to every other group, non-exclusive, with all of the attendant negative externalities this brings? That, ultimately, whites do not want to be seen as default, but as a distinct racial group with their own interests, exclusive identity and aligned racial-consciousness and culture?

>> No.8554209

They should have thought of that when they made themselves the default
Don't worry anon, you can always pretend like you're 1/16th Cherokee

>> No.8554242

Why would I talk about other countries when I don't live in them or have family? Like that's a pretty stupid argument to make

>> No.8554251

Give it to yourself buddy! Maybe you should've read the rest of the comment.

>> No.8554252

You don't understand western culture and the notion of universalism.

>> No.8554255

As expected of a teenage retard special snowflake spewing Tumblr buzzwords.

>> No.8554299

>Because 99% of the time, people are shit cosplayers.

>> No.8554344

someone brought up the ottoman empire in a thread about black cosplayers wanting a panel to discuss racism in cosplay. lmaoooo