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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.99 MB, 2201x3200, fanexpo 2015 map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8538991 No.8538991 [Reply] [Original]

I just saw the fan expo map and it looks like this year they're finally spreading out to both buildings instead of cramming everything into the north building. Will this finally be the year they don't overcrowd the place and turn away badge holders while still selling to new arrivals?

>> No.8539053

They've done for a few years. Where have you been, anon?

>> No.8539138

I've been not attending it. You mean all the overcrowding stories are already based on them using the whole MTCC? ugh.

>> No.8541496

I'll be attending for the first time. Any seagulls going?

>> No.8542952

I'm going to be a volunteer. Dunno where I'll be yet though otherwise I'd tell you to come say hi.

>> No.8543063

>Pizza Pizza

>> No.8543076

I Live in ontario and have never been to any sort of convention , would fan expo be a good one to get my foot wet?

>> No.8543381

If you're really into comics, sure. It's mainly comic books, sci-fi, etc.
It'll be good to go now as opposed to after other conventions, because FanEx really isn't good unless you're really into comics as I said.
Just don't go Saturday. Seriously. It's a madhouse.

>> No.8544266

It's not even so much about comics anymore as it is about comic-based or scifi movies and tv shows, plus actor autographs and photo ops.

Are you going to post some behind the scenes gossip after the con?

>> No.8545557
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Ahhh... the Subway Premium Recharge Lounge.

>> No.8547230

fan expo is tooo expensive
i'll probably be just be hanging around roundhouse with friends

>> No.8547254

Here's something not many people have noticed: Fan Expo is under new ownership. From the beginning, Fan Expo was owned by Hobbystar, which was basically just Aman Gupta and temp workers he hired seasonally.

Now it's owned and run by Informa PLC, which appears to be a big British conglomerate that has a number of interests, but the Global Exhibitions Division alone took in £250m in 2014.

So the optimistic view is that it's being running by a multi-million dollar company with tons of experience, instead of literally one guy running it out of his basement.

The pessimistic view is that it's their first year of Fan Expo and their prior experience is industry trade shows like "World of Concrete". So it could be a gigantic clusterfuck. We'll have to wait and see.

>> No.8547424

Iirc they bought the show either before or during the 2013 con. There have been some good changes (scrapping the waste of space SPORTZ section & getting guests that are actually relevant).

Problem is that the old Hobbystar people are hanging around like turds that won't flush. The sooner a fucking piano gets dropped on James Armstrong's big shiny veiny bald head, the better.

>> No.8547650

you could always check out one of the various shows that go on that weekend. there's nerd noise, kawaii bass, and probably more. gotta be 19+ though

>> No.8547661

What's wrong with James Armstrong?

>> No.8547702

exactly this. it's still being *run* by the same people, even if others are the ones taking in the $.

>> No.8547729

I can if you want to. I'm hoping nothing too, too bad happens, though.

>> No.8547771

is it possible to lobby this con? i'm thinking of going but i don't want to buy a ticket to attend the panels, shop, etc

>> No.8547834

No, sorry. Everyone hangs out across the street at the park to "lobby"con it. You need a ticket just to enter the building.

>> No.8548246

There's a reason people hate this con so much and it's because it sucks money out of everyone. If they charge normal attendees to pay to attend certain panels, you can bet they won't let someone come in to stand around and waste their time.

>> No.8548877

Please understand that the London company who own this show and the one in Dallas now is a money- hungry publishing company who's soul interest is milking fans dry every way they can. They do not care about the fans or the guests. Everything is just $$$ to them. I personally would not go to any of their events.

>> No.8549382

Well, yeah, you've just described every company on Earth. Maybe you should go live in a cave.

But look at it this way: they must be doing something right, or the fans wouldn't be there and the guests wouldn't be there. I've seen guests complain about other cons and never go back, but they seem to like Fan Expo.

And what are the alternatives? Ad Astra is gone, Toronto Trek is gone, Anime North is fine if you're just into anime, but what about the rest of fandom?

>> No.8552477

Rude af to people who work with him and has some anger issues overall.

>> No.8553616

I personally like Fan Expo and have been going for several years! This con get a lot of hate probably because it's crowded, pricey and not solely about anime/cosplay. They've done some sketchy dick moves too. Since I like anime, gaming and sci fi, it's just more fun, in terms of content, then AN.

I simply go and I don't buy any upgrades, auto/photo ops and spend money in the dealers room/ AA

>> No.8554253

Maybe now that there's a larger, arms length company running it, we can get a different event up and running without Aman throwing a massive bitchfit.

>> No.8556053

I can't believe how far that bastard would go to sabotage shit. Glad anon pointed out the change, now we need to get rid of the few individuals left.

>> No.8559609

Yes, and on Saturdays, where it's always lines to get in no matter what. Only non-crowded days are Thrusday (guaranteed relatively almost no one there) and usually Friday.

>> No.8559623

I don't know, they keep pricing tickets based on incentive. Thursday being cheapest and Saturday now being more expenisve then ever (but it'll still be crowded because people will still pay).

>> No.8560615

Keep not attending. This show is still shit.

>> No.8560752

The only time I've actually heard about Fan Expo turning away people was in 2010. I was there and it was crowded a fuck but I didn't experience being kept out because I didn't leave the building after I'd got in. It's a very crowded con but the attendance cap gets brought up every time we talk about fan expo and i only remember them doing that once. And them subsequently apologising for it.

I don't understand how it's so popular, it tastes like fucking cardboard

>> No.8562238

Pretty much every year there's a huge line to the con after the ticket area at some point. There's no cap but they don't let more people in till some more people leave. This varies throughout the day when you want to go to the larger building/area. There's often a chance of a half-hour or more line to get in even though you're technically already in the con.

>> No.8562669

The preliminary schedule is out:

I have to say, this year, communication with fans has improved!
They announced a bunch of cancellations and actually went to social media to respond to people AND are doing a bunch a free giveaways to make up for it.
Maybe it's a step in the right direction?

>> No.8562796

Since you don't know, most of the staff emails are still @hobbystar.

>> No.8562919
File: 29 KB, 400x230, D6BOp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying Fan Ex loves to pass "GO" and collect 200$?

>> No.8563337

Preliminary schedule is up and the lolita events are spread thin across all 4 days. I would have bought a Sunday pass if they kept all the lolita events on one day, but now I won't buy one at all.

>> No.8563629


LOL. "Cosplay Q&A with Yaya Han"
I am now accepting dares.

>> No.8563693

Meh, the lolita stuff all on one day just ended up having half the community in the 101 panel, preaching to the choir. Maybe some actual newbies will make it this time.

>> No.8564463

You should not go to FE just for one thing, anon. This con might not be for you. It's gonna be crowded anyways.

>> No.8564568

ask her how much her implants cost!?

>> No.8564570

ask her why she keeps doing her makeup like a drag queen

>> No.8564639

slip $5 in between her breasts and ask for a lap dance

>> No.8564869

Ask her what it was like when she was relevant

>> No.8564956

I'm excited to see they are starting to seriously consider tabletop gaming in their panel discussions.
They've had quite a lot of tabletop stuff, but it always seems low priority to the organizers.

>> No.8565523

True. I go for a few reasons: the cosplay, the shopping, photo ops with hot actresses, and to hit on Morgan Hoffman.

>> No.8565712

This time Kawaii Bass is an All Ages event. The cover is 5$ for people who are over 19 and 10$ for anyone underage.

>> No.8566386

Also, I wish more ppl were willing to try new stuff at this con. I've helped a lot of first timers at this con, over the years, but this piece of advice always falls on deaf ears.

>> No.8566428

when's the best time to get there? noon? this is our first year and we're going sat only (maybe sunday if we like sat) but we have no idea if we should arrive early, or on time, ect.

>> No.8566434

stupid question:
it says the masq is at 8pm but the site says the con goes until 7pm. pls explain.

>> No.8566580

I haven't attended it in a few yrs, but in general it's best to attend this con as early as possible. The later it gets, the more crowded and awkward it becomes to navigate the con. Also, bring something to eat or plan to buy something at the building.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE LEAVE THE BUILDING! Fanexpo is really scummy about continuing to sell passes even though the building is at full capacity and refuse entry to those who left the building and already have passes. I've seen and heard of people who left the building to go get lunch or whatever, and were refused entry for over an hr before being let back inside even though they already have passes.

>> No.8566722

This just ensures that nothing runs at the same time as the masquerade as they boast about it being their big event. It is dumb to leave an hour between since there have been times security ushers you out because the con "closes" at 7.

>> No.8566729

>DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE LEAVE THE BUILDING! Fanexpo is really scummy about continuing to sell passes even though the building is at full capacity and refuse entry to those who left the building and already have passes
I must have been lucky, then. I went on Sunday last year and was in and out like nobody's business.

>> No.8566743

I go every year so my advice might be helpful.
If you're only going Saturday, get there early. There will be two types of people you are contending with, those who already bought tickets and are heading inside to line up for panels or dealer room and people who are buying tickets. With this in mind, 8:30am/9am would be ideal to get at FE to lineup and if you can do earlier it will be better. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS PIECE OF ADVICE. You have been warned about how brutal the lines will be. Box office/ con floor open at 10 so by the time you get your ticket, you will be competing with a lot of people.

Make your schedule and download the Guidebook app before you get there. You don't want to waste any time. FE does oversell tickets, but I've only seen a lockout in 2010 when they have only one side of the building. Bring food but the optimal time to leave the con for anything is 2-3. If you eat off grounds head out that time because when you come back 5-6 you will notice everyone else is leaving and the con will be less crowded.

>> No.8568514

Is there any information on Nolan North? When he is signing or when his photo ops are?

>> No.8568711

Ask her what Judy Stephen's/DJ Judy's dick tastes like

>> No.8568776

I guess I could ask what the fuck ever happened to her 'action figure'.

>> No.8568869
File: 136 KB, 247x520, 1424558458575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a large blown up poster of this pic. Introduce yourself as a "big fan" and ask if she could sign it during the Q&A session. XD

>> No.8570669

Add least the have more panels on cosplay this year. I'd rather have more content than less.

>> No.8570823
File: 164 KB, 960x1231, nervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> a half dozen of my co-workers are going to the con to volunteer
> keep getting hyped up and saying how awesome it'll be
> I don't want to hurt them by telling the truth
> but also don't want to disappoint them by letting them go in blindly

>> No.8570844
File: 48 KB, 353x400, fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Fan Expo.

Hoping to pick up a new ceiling fan, mines the fucking 2014 pleb version from last year.


>> No.8570872
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>> No.8571151

>want to go to fan expo
>no friends to go with
>scared i'll run into classmates who hate me

it's okay, i'll just spend another day in my room.

>> No.8571261

It's such a huge convention.... I have a hard time even finding ppl I do want to see.

>> No.8572158

I'm guessing there's a reason 90% of the volunteers are first-timers. I also got stuck in the kids room and they made it a point to tell us that we have to make sure adults leave with the same number of kids they came with. I'm hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. At least cute kid costumes, right?

>> No.8573176

Also got stuck in the kids room. Sounds like it's gonna be either easy as hell or boring as shit.

>> No.8573428

Were you at the orientation last weekend?

>> No.8574066

Yeah. We're you there?

>> No.8574157

Yes I was. I won one of the goodie bags.

>> No.8574386

Yup, but that usually only happens on Saturday, when it's by far the most crowded day.
I'd recommend going Friday if it's first time, half as many people as on Saturday. For Saturday: GET THERE EARLY even if you alraedy have a ticket!

>> No.8575711

my friend runs the kids room. it's one of the most calm rooms in the whole event, believe it or not haha. i poked my head in last year and i't just so quiet compared to the con floor. you'll be helping kids with crafts and bingo i guess.

>> No.8575812

Well that's a relief. I hear too many stories of irresponsible parents from friends I just automatically assumed the worst. Man oh man, I really hope there's going to be kids in costumes. Too bad you can't take pictures on duty, but I guess I can always drop in later and take them then.

>> No.8575951

I love kids and crafts so it's a win-win for me.
Probably gonna be a kid or two in costume so extra cute stuff.

>> No.8576564

Let us know how it goes!

>> No.8576899

>TOM FELTON is added to the lineup
Final Schedule, Floor Plan and Photo Op Schedule released

>> No.8577831

Christan Slater added to the lineup, along with a Mr. Robot screening.
Mr. Robot is an awesome show, it's a pity Showcase decided to wait so long to air it.

>> No.8578357
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>friends all bailed on Fan Ex
>going alone now

>> No.8578739

>get all the swag
>take all the pics
>have all the fun
>brag on facebook
watch them ball that they didn't go.

>> No.8580514

I looked it up! It looks pretty interesting.

>> No.8580520

And, even then... so you see them. So what? They have their own schedules and agendas, and so do you.

Just fucking go.

>> No.8581283

Not only that, there so much going on that you might see them and avoid them before they even see you! With crowd and shit in the dealers room. Honestly, I've done this to people if I don't want to deal with them.

>> No.8581992

I got dragged into this by my high school buddy but I have no interest in comics sci-fi etc., how do I enjoy myself?

>> No.8582362

If you're a guy, check out hot girls in cosplay. If you're a girl, check out hot guys in cosplay.

>> No.8582453

Damn I couldn't of said that better myself.

>> No.8582841
File: 61 KB, 638x343, 1294926874-wrench-bioshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard the con staff are very particular about the kinds of props you bring into the con, would they turn me away for bringing a metal pipe wrench? And if so, would it be too risky trying to smuggle it in?

pic related

>> No.8582851

I'm pretty sure that's not allowed.

>> No.8582971

reconstruct it in a lighter material.
If it can be used as a weapon in "Clue", it's not con legal

>> No.8583152

Like anon above said, make a prop version. Anyway, I don't think you want to lug the real thing around a con all day.

Failing that, you could get a toy version. Check the Home Depot aisle at Toys R Us. (And don't try the reverse; there's no Toys R Us aisle at Home Depot. :P )

>> No.8583178

Then why are you here? Do you at least have an interest in anime?

>> No.8583665

I'll be working at booth 514 the entire con

>> No.8583938 [DELETED] 


I'm retarded and have the craftsmanship of a 2 year old.

I'm going to try getting away with an aluminum one. It's extremely light, so hopefully I can fool the con staff if I don't just sneak it in altogether.

>> No.8583962

How do you get dragged to this? Did you get a free ticket?

>> No.8584255

probably got asked to go and was too beta to say no.

>> No.8584334

You and Tyler are attending Fan Expo right? If so, take pics and post them in the thread!

>> No.8584716

I'm attending by myself but I'll take pics if I remember.

I'm going to be lobbying the con most of the time so if anyone wants to come drink, my room will always be open.

>> No.8585036

If anyone who is going alone, or doesn't want to go because of being alone, want to meet up feel free to join me and my small group. I'm probably going to be the only one dressed up as usual though.

Going on Sunday

>> No.8585908
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Rupert Grint has been added
>FE: now we can charge for a panel again! hooray!

>> No.8587114

How much anime stuff is at Fan Expo? If I go as Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke will people give a shit?

>> No.8587165

There's anime fans, but it's not the main attraction. Granted I think cosplay-wise it's a pretty big group.

>> No.8587429

People will recognize it

>> No.8589232

Are there any official or unofficial photoshoots planned? What are the popular characters/titles at fanexpo?

>> No.8589259
File: 110 KB, 799x525, artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks pretty fun. Anyone want to do a /cgl/ bridge crew on Saturday morning?

>> No.8589319

What time? I'll be coming as a Bell.

>> No.8589437

Earlier is probably better for less lineups. 10 or 11am? We can name the ship the USS Seagull.


>> No.8589535

USS Seagull sounds good, or we can do something Kancolle related.

Speaking of meetups, who else is going all 4 days?

>> No.8590842

Advice for buying tickets on Thursday?

>> No.8590969

have cash? seriously....what do you want us to say?

>> No.8590973

me, but too busy with volunteering.

>> No.8591454

What booth are you gonna be at?

>> No.8591848

Line starts forming around noon, but the ticket booths won't open till 5 ish. Schedule accordingly. Also the line will be long, have cash because the cash line is shorter than the pre-paid and debit/credit lines.

>> No.8592948

Is anyone coming tomorrow?

>> No.8593071

Going as Kaori Miyazono and my boyfriend as Kousei from shigatsu wa kimi no uso on Friday. Only going on Friday. If I feel like changing my cosplay part-way, I might be Hawke from DA2.

There to mostly buy from from the AA and to chase Troy Baker to sign my copy of Vesperia. Maybe Kari wahlgren for my blood+ wallscroll.

Anyone in the AA here? If you have fire emblem stuff, I'll prolly dump some money onto you.

>> No.8593549

/tg/ here.
Have you guys seen vendors sell 40k stuff here?
Im going tomorrow

>> No.8593581

I would assume there's gonna be more 40k stuff here since it has some Western stuff like comics and sci fi. I saw 40k in Anime North so there has to be some here.

>> No.8593626

Thanks. Any ideas where to look?

>> No.8593639

Go to the fan expo site, find the list of dealers, then find the dealer on the site map. The aisles tend to group dealers together, so there's some for comic books, some for anime, some for horror, etc.

>> No.8593810 [DELETED] 

What station do I got off from if I take the subway from kipling station? Where do I walk then afterwords?

>> No.8594137
File: 314 KB, 1403x1310, father and son Space Marines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about going tonight just to buy my ticket and avoid a longer line on Friday, but then I thought that I'll probably get in faster tomorrow in the ticket buying line than the wristband line. Thoughts?

I never saw much 40k stuff for sale (or much cosplay of it) in past years. Does the Dueling Grounds have a table this year? They might have some stuff. If you're American, you realize that Toronto has a Games Workshop store, right?

>> No.8594160
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>mfw finishing a last minute cosplay


>Tabletop Miniature wargaming is alive and well! From Battletech to the latest edition of Heroclix, you will find it all in the massive gaming room at Fan Expo Canada. Warhammer and Star Wars X-Wing seem to be of huge interest this year and will be well represented with National Championships being held over the big weekend.

>> No.8594222
File: 504 KB, 1090x1599, I want go get off the ride cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need a full weekend pass to watch the masquerade, or just to compete in it?

>> No.8594225


> not dressing her as an Adepta Sororitas

>> No.8594349

Anyone coming tomorrow Friday?

>> No.8594428

"Can you make me a Space Marine costume, too, daddy?"

>> No.8594460
File: 249 KB, 250x300, 1392863262183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you keep giving the deluxe badge people the runaround for their shirts because everyone keeps sending them back to the South building
No, stop, they can't get it here, you're making me feel really bad for doing this.

>> No.8594466

Not a regular on /cgl/ but Ive gone to the past two fan expos so I thought I'd share my experiences with other people going for the first time.

I honestly just like going for the experience and to see/buy/receive some cool stuff. In all essence I think it's a very mainstream convention, so if you're just the least bit inclined to go because you like Batman or video games, or SciFi or horror movies, you'll find tons of stuff to see.

The first year I went we went on Sunday and it was totally fine in terms of crowds, last year we went on a Saturday and it was ass to ball congestion everywhere. You had to squeeze through crowds unless you were in the halls between showrooms. So unless you're going to see a guest or something, go tomorrow or Sunday.

In terms of lines, both years I bought my tickets at the gate at around 10-11am. The line was like 30-45 minutes maybe. I didn't think it was a big deal.

For food and drinks, its pretty muc h overpriced pizza pizza or there's like a sausage cart that we went to instead. The food court I think is in a weird position but if you can't find a seat there you can just sit in the hallways with the cosplayer people, which was awesome. In terms of drinks, last year like every drink machine was suspiciously sold out so I'd bring water otherwise you have to buy a $7 vitamin water at the food court.

This is embarassing but the first year we went we didn't actually know there were two buildings, so if you're going for the first time make sure you go follow crowds to the next building.

We never did and I don't know why you would, but don't leave the building. Like other people have said there have line ups outside waiting for people to leave.

Personally I liked the game exhibitors and artist alley the best. Section is pretty cool too but it's mostly gothy tattoo artists for some reason.

Also enter contests cause we won an iPad the first year.

>> No.8594525

There's some official Warhammer booth but seems like they're just there to get people into it and explain what it's about. Didn't seem like they actually sold stuff, just had models behind glass cases.

>> No.8594562

I'll be going as Jack from Bioshock, mostly just there for the AA and to try out new vidya.

>> No.8594579

Hope someone got hot pics of the sluty Vampirella literally sticking out her barely covered ass for photos at her spot at artist alley.

>> No.8594583

I went today wearing my ghetto Steve Rogers (grey shirt, khakis, blue leather jacket, and my shield backpack). No goddamn Winter Soldiers or Black Widows to take pictures with.

Tomorrow is Star Wars toys, Mr. Robot with Christian Slater, probably some autograph sessions.

The cosplay has been mediocre so far, but I guess the best stuff shows up on Saturday.

>> No.8594594

Isn't that Vera Baby? There'll be plenty of pictures for you, I guarantee.

>> No.8594682

Does Riot have a booth with free stuff again this year?

>> No.8594684

I saw a single black widow. But that's it

I fucking wish, the most I got was a beta key for rainbow six and some pins from battleborn (which I would not play if there's too long a line (20 peopleish))

>> No.8594884
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anyone planning to go to this?

>> No.8594955

Not from what I could tell. They're not on the list of exhibitors and I didn't see them anywhere on the floor. I was pretty bummed about that.

>> No.8595162
File: 110 KB, 1200x795, Star Trek bunnies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we decide on a specific time for USS Seagull's adventures in Artemis?

I nominate myself captain. Here's our uniform.

>> No.8595223

>want to go early for panels
>wake up at 8 and all ready with cosplay
>cousin who I'm carpooling with and staying over with says he has to do some stuff
>he does paperwork
>works out
>other shit
>it's now fucking 1
>missed all my panels
>my friends are having fun without me

Fuck I'm so fucking mad right now. I'm sitting my ass here doing nothing and bored as shit. Fucking normie shit is wasting me time.

>> No.8595233

>Eb throwing out Splatoon shirts in a huge crowd
Why can't they just sell them ass shit fucking.

>> No.8595333

>now they're giving away DaS 2 posters
I'm not complaining

>> No.8595362

>forgot camera
>find other people cosplaying from the same game
>cant take pics


>> No.8595372
File: 99 KB, 960x720, 11935076_10155962880920487_5448417774709335644_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked for a nice view at the delta and I got this instead. I was going to host a party tonight in my room but you need to have a key to use the elevator so it might be a pain to get to my room.

>> No.8595526

I'll come up if you let me in. Tomorrow probably

>> No.8595565

Tomorrow I will be in the royal york so it will be easier for people to come.

>> No.8595607

You asked for a nice view and they gave you a north-facing room?

>> No.8595691

Yup but they did move me from floor 21 to 33

>> No.8595734

I just got back from today's.

Please post pics of you so I can know if you're one of the chicks who made me tight in pants.


>> No.8595737

Btw was in south almost all day.

If you were one of the harleys I saw definitely fapped, even the bearded dude.


>> No.8595788

Shame. The south usually gets a good view of the bay. though maybe in that case it's just looking at condos.

>> No.8595807

I was hoping for either a south or west view, but either way I still got a nice room.

>> No.8595825
File: 57 KB, 697x1136, 1441414097213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cosplay of the day

Next to the FFX crew

>> No.8595857

people are still doing that?

>> No.8595865


In 2025 is bane going to be the most original cosplay?

>> No.8595906

what the fuck... ?

>> No.8595942

>at least four people with Sims gems
>can't tell if it's supposed to be an actual costume or just a cute accessory

>> No.8595949

Lesson learned: never carpool with normies when going to a convention. Especially if it's not your car.

>> No.8595951

How early do you have to line up on Saturday to buy tickets?

>> No.8596003


Come around 11 or after noon and you can usually get in a hell of a lot quicker than showing up first thing and lining up. That's worked for me for about 4 years now.

>> No.8596028

By that time wouldn't there be a lineup just to get in the building?

>> No.8596030


I've never waited longer than 15 minutes. Maybe I've been unnaturally lucky.

>> No.8596035

I'll take your advice then and aim for 11. I'll come back and bitch on this thread if it doesn't work!

How does 12 noon sound?

>> No.8596040
File: 510 KB, 1604x1626, IMG_1303a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Mad Max cosplay was coolest I saw on Friday, also probably one the best gender change cosplays I've seen. Give me likes and click for an extra pic here:

>> No.8596041

>I'll come back and bitch on this thread if it doesn't work!

And I'll be right here with you.

>> No.8596059

>this is my first time on 4chan

>> No.8596062
File: 3.36 MB, 4128x2322, 20150905_001047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all your mates laughed
>bought it anyways

>> No.8596147

Is that a butt mousepad? Nice.

>> No.8596168

I hate to admit how much it invigorates me mid game.

Sad day

>> No.8596185


I have to know

>> No.8596189

Enter hall E south building and it will be the first stall on left

>> No.8596375

Imorten Jane?

>> No.8596571
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It looks like some local stores are taking advantage of the bad reputation of fan expo.

>> No.8596797

I'm staying at the Royal York tonight if anyone wants to drink.

>> No.8596815

what time and hotel #?

>> No.8596831

any time after 8 will be good and 11-109

>> No.8597041

In my room now, so how many seagulls want to meet up?

>> No.8597060

Me, i'm like in the lobby

>> No.8597073

What do seagulls do at meets? I've been going to Fan Ex for three years but never considered going to a meet.

>> No.8597089
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My sister got to ask Mads a question at his panel and I'm 550 miles away not at Fan Expo.

>> No.8597126


>> No.8597189

drink alcohol, read hentai, circle jerk, etc. you know the fun stuff?

>> No.8597191

> tfw you'll never meet Mads ;_;

>> No.8597218
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 11997465_10101177583332081_666793968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to say thanks to these anons for giving advice on the wrench. It turned out shit but that's better than buying an aluminum version and hoping it fools security like I had originally planned to do. Had a good time, would definitely go again.

>> No.8597285
File: 742 KB, 1942x1500, IMG_1287a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, aside from the Mad Max stuff posted above, these punk Moonies were the only neat cosplay I saw during Thrusday, Friday. Probably the lowest percent of cosplaying I've ever seen at any con. Hopefully, people who went on Saturday saw a lot more.
Few more pics on my thing: xtwos.tumblr.com

>> No.8597427

did anyone else go to the Anime According to AMVs panel on friday?

There were a few autists trying way too hard to be funny, but it overall was pretty good

>> No.8598627

see you all at kawaii bass tonight :))

>> No.8598667


> punk version of anything
> neat

get better taste.

>> No.8598691

mousepad twins m8 <3

>> No.8599064

there were way too many literal retards and 'MUH DISABILITY' fags. as well as morbidly obese and sweaty people.

Shit con, also normies go home. 2/10

>> No.8599112

>Obese woman in a scooter
>keeps trying to go full speed in the DR
>visibly angry when people cut her off
It was pretty funny to watch, though I have no idea what she was expecting.

>> No.8599154


Don't forget that on retard with the Wendigo suit who kept blocking the aisle's in Artist Alley.


>> No.8599170
File: 2.83 MB, 4128x2322, 20150905_180413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone catch the SPESS MEHREENS too? They were badass.

Anyway, Fan Expo was pretty normie, but fun with friends.

>> No.8599640

Plus, idiot parents with baby carriages. Jesus, just wait a few years. The noise and confusion are scaring the hell out of the kid, anyway.

>> No.8599655

A couple years ago at MTAC the Daleks decided to take a stroll through artist alley. Those aisles are narrow enough as it is so whenever they passed, everyone had to stop and practically sit on the artist tables. They proceeded to ziz-zag down every AA aisle
I hate those fucking Daleks

>> No.8599922

they did that this year too. bulky costumes like those shouldn't even be allowed in the dealers area.

>> No.8599925

they aren't really costumes, more like RC props

here, I filmed this at con G a couple years ago, and it perfectly illustrates my point

>> No.8600061


Agreed. The Daleks should stay in the same area these guys >>8599170

>> No.8600460

Sooo, where's the sluty pics? It seems like her booth in Artist Alley changed into some jewellery seller on Friday.

>> No.8600585

Did anyone see her fuckin Wednesday Addams "cosplay"?

>> No.8600644
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get a ton of photos but I snapped a few cute Lolitas.

>> No.8600646
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid phone

>> No.8600701

That dress is my dream dress. ALways has been, always will be.

She has a facebook page. Try looking there.

>> No.8600705
File: 12 KB, 485x157, sds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone else see this mess lol

>> No.8600968

Why don't we all take this chance to share our favorite / least favorite memories from the con?

>with a few friends on Friday
>looking at something
>see a shorter dude holding a body pillow
>it has Mia from Monster Musume on it
>we laugh a little
>he starts to leave
>I yell "he bro, nice taste!"
>he turns around with a huge genuine smile and says thanks
>based as fuck

>walk into a panel and find seats
>talking to friends about whatever
>one turns and says "hey anon, isn't that..."
>pointing ahead two rows
>holy fuck it's body pillow guy
>he fucking devoted a seat to his body pillow
>friend wants to get one for himself but is too beta to ask him where he got it
>tap Body pillow guy on the shoulder
>he fucking recognized me
>ask him where he got it
>he tells me, gives me a high five and I sit back down

Fucking coolest guy I met all convention

>> No.8601119
File: 427 KB, 1253x2048, 11872225_682434131892016_2577622901407219576_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone check this out?

>> No.8601315

that is EXACTLY what i'm referring to when I said 'muh disability'.

I had more fun in the park.

>> No.8601602

That's not disability. That's just a sense of entitlement.

>> No.8601979

literally to the bone. she was crying because they asked her to sit somewhere appropriate and that meant she'd miss her fucking photo. because a photo is obviously more important than health!!!

>> No.8602115

I bought the Archer one. Boobs are just fake asses.

>> No.8602497

there was an archer one??? got a pic of it?

>> No.8603606

Who is James Armstrong and why is he important?

>> No.8603610

If you go for a one day ticket and go saturday you had BETTER see the main masqurade or else while the $60 is fracking high it is some what esier to swallow a little seeing the masqurade. Otherwise carry nothing but a light small bag for water/snacks and sneak in the back.

>> No.8603615

Bring your own food. The portions are small and the prices are rip off high here. I packed a lunch and dinner and cooked dinner there. No I did not cook in the hall way as security would have went ape on me. To anyone that smelled italian sausages in the bathroom I was cooking it with a mini propane stove in the stall and cooked pasta and put my own dehydrated pasta sauce into a cup and wrapped a spare shirt around it to insulate it. Packed up my cooking gear and 13mins later the sauce rehydrated well. Stir and enjoyed hot fresh pasta with ital sausage and cheeze as some poeple sitting beside me in the hall was waffing it asking how my food was hot in a cup. I stayed mum on that :D

>> No.8603619

It has always been a tradition that the masqurade never starts on time. :D But it was good. Forgot anyone remember how many entries there was max? IIRC the few years back they had like 80 entries but I could be wrong.

>> No.8603623

wtf am I reading, are you a wizard or something?

This year I think it was ~40 entries, including the no-shows.

>> No.8608317

So, did anyone see themselves on 'Innerspace' this week? They had a couple of segments devoted to cosplay.

I saw myself drinking at the after party, but the less said about that, the better.

>> No.8608855

lol, I want you as my survival buddy during a zombie apocalypse.

>> No.8609137

seriously you were operating a propane flame inside of a bathroom?

>> No.8610520


> getting mad at someone who is literally a sex worker for doing sexy things

I know its supposed to be a family friendly con but examine your priorities a little.

>> No.8611671

Decided to watch the masquerade on YouTube since I had to leave early on the Saturday. Holy shit that Oyasumi Punpun cosplay was unnerving. Seeing it at 2am, definitely had to sleep with the lights on