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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8536941 No.8536941 [Reply] [Original]

How does cgl feel about the price of used costumes? When selling your pre worn costumes, how do you calculate your asking price?

Pic related, saw some argument on tumblr claiming this set (dress/gloves/stockings) were way overpriced, got me wondering how cgl priced theirs.

>> No.8537002

If it's brand new, 1.25(Materials + accessories + wig + etc) = what I charge. Anything can be taken out of the equation if they don't want a certain part. Sometimes I'll go up to 1.50(cost) if the outfit is particularly elaborate. If it's an old cosplay, I just sell it for material + accessory cost to break even.

That cosplay should not be $200. Maybe $100 at the most.

>> No.8537013

Depends oh how nicely made it is on top of material costs. I knock it down if the zipper is janky or bows have to be safety pinned on etc.

I do think people overcharged for used wigs a lot. If its an Arda, epic or known decent brand and mostly unused that's one thing but random eBay wigs should not be pushing $30-40

>> No.8537026

I think it's a relatively fair price but you can't neglect the cost of all the food it will take to get fat enough to wear it.

>> No.8537093
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Uh considering the dress on the right was originally offered for 150 but ended up going for 200 anyway, yeah that seems a bit...steep..

>> No.8537108


I calculate it based on the materials cost and then labor. Though if I did a shit job with it, I'll sell it pretty much only for material costs. I've been told I charge less compared to what most people do but - it's not a new item and I generally just want to make up for what I spent on it.

200 dollars on a Me!Me!Me! dress seems ridiculous unless she's selling everything.

>> No.8537119

I get rid of stuff because I want it gone, so I price it to move. I'd give stuff away for free, except you get the craigslist effect where people waste your time and flake out in mass numbers. Asking $20-$60 is more likely to get follow through. Plus everything I make is custom fitted, so the potential buyer pool is pretty small and mostly limited to short torsoed women with DDs.

>> No.8537127

I know this feel.

I occasionally will offload armor I make since its big as fuck, and while its cool to have my house look like an armory, I just have too little room to do it effectively.

I usually have to let it go for way less then its worth (labor wise). Which leads people to try and commission me for sets for fractions of what they would cost and then cite the craigslist or facebook posting.

So its almost easier to just bin it, which is a shame. But such is life on the Cl. Easier to just dump it then give it to some cheap cunt.

>> No.8537131

i haven't sold a costume yet but i have a len kagamine and a Homura costume i want to get rid of so bad but i'd like cash for it. i feel like unless i sell it to a friend it'll never work though (i don't think i'll sell that len wig though, its gaudy and babbys first cosplay worthy)

>> No.8537144

That cosplay seems pretty overpriced because

1- materials couldn't have cost that much
2- the sewing looks wonky around the waist of the dress
3- it's inaccurate to boot

>> No.8537152

I do the same, which is why I like to keep receipts and records of what I buy for costumes for awhile afterwards.

>> No.8537230

If it's a costume I bought, I usually sell a little less than what I bought it for. If it's a costume I made, I look up how much it's going for on ebay, and then choose a price depending on how popular the cosplay is. A popular cosplay can be sold for more than the ebay price.

>> No.8537354

A lot of my cosplays include normalfag clothes so I usually wear bits and pieces out and about. Generally I just end up selling specific items rather than full cosplays. Wigs go for 10€ - 30€ depending on style, quality, brand etc. Wigs styled for specific characters go for more even if they're often harder to sell than something generic. I try and sell things at cons with a attenee's market because then I can raise prices a little and trust people will buy on impulse and without being savvy on shopping online.

>> No.8537588
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someone is salty

>> No.8537597

Is it just me or have the price of Disney costumes soared since "princess parties" took off? Especially wigs. I can understand a lot of money for Rapunzel wigs, or like Merida or Jasmine, but things like Tinkerbell, Ariel or Snow White are just not that complicated. I bought my Sleeping Beauty wig off eBay for $15, styled the bangs in about ten minutes, and got loads of compliments on it, but people are selling ones for $150+. Kudos to you if you can make that kind of money, but I don't really understand it. Same goes for shiny satin princess costumes.

>> No.8537679

Do a giveaway? You can get some promotion out of it

>> No.8537695

TOP kek

>> No.8537891
File: 90 KB, 577x1024, who pays $70 for cotton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does she and her friend takisiski overcharge for their costumes a lot? Her friend has since took down her post about the Lapis dress she was selling for $200 (which was also inaccurate) and everytime someone questions the price they pull out the "Yeah well this fabric was $10 a yard and I had it shipped from across the country and also the thread I used was made from diamonds."

And as soon as anyone says anything all of their friends rush to their aid to whiteknight. Pic related

>> No.8537896

Damn she is salty.

>> No.8537900
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>extremely skilled seamstress

>> No.8537912
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>> No.8537918

...I should really raise my prices.

>> No.8537923
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Her twitter is always so amusing after someone says somethin

>> No.8537932

She needs to learn to budget and look for deals instead of pissing money away if she can't make a decent simple costume for $70, or find one for sale for that much. And Lapis IS a simple costume.

>> No.8537951
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Literally all she has to do is go to Joann or Hancock and she'll be able to find the same fabric or something very similar for a cheaper price, plus theres coupons. Why would you drop so much money buying fabric from the New York fashion district when you live in California. "My costumes are expensive bc I have to buy so much for them to ship it to me" That's not an excuse to upcharge the costume unless all the fabric is gonna be used in said costume.

>> No.8537964

Why did she handsew the dress? There aren't any complicated stitched that machines can't handle for Lapis, does she not have a sewing machine? If she can invest all that money in buying fabric from the other side of the country, how come she can't buy a cheap sewing machine? I swear, some people.

>> No.8537971

This was about the Mememe dress, you have to dig through takisiski's twitter for the fit over people complaining about her Lapis dress price. Tayla hand sewed fabric over a bra for her striped bra and panties though. If she handsewed that entire dress I would be very concerned.

>> No.8537974

When I sell its because I've outgrown the costume, or just don't think I'll wear it again. I usually price things at cost of materials only. I'm not going to make someone pay for the labor on a costume I made for myself and then wore several times.

If I made something specifically to sell I'd probably charge minimum wage for labor, since I don't think I'm that amazing and I lack some tools for professional finish (like a serger)

>> No.8537977 [DELETED] 

This should be 100 tops including the wig and shoes. It's not even nicely made, the waist is doing weird stuff. The rest looks pretty good.

I basically give my stuff away after it's done for at or under material cost (30 or 40 bucks for a full simple costume) because while my stuff looks pretty good on the outside the construction is not the greatest.

On a related note I will be forever salty about this awful buyer who bought from me once. The item in question was a hand made costume for $30 plus postage (with the flaws carefully spelled out).

When it arrived she proceeded to tell me how awful it is and how she literally couldn't wear it. She even admitted to having read the listing and seeing the flaws but still bought it anyway. She accused me of using bad materials (mind you she was trying to sell some paper thin see through cotton Chinese made mass produced crap costumes of her own and mine were made of the nicer type of joAnn knit which cost me 12 bucks a yard.) I was floored. She also pissed and moaned about how expensive it was, (yes, a complete costume including custom shoes for 45 bucks shipped) just to give you an idea of what type of person I was dealing with. In the end I had no choice but to refund as I highly suspected she would just open a dispute against me and/or tank my feedback. She wanted her $ back, and sadly I had to give it to her. I kept the postage money though. She was really happy in the end.

My friends think she did it on purpose and scammed me. I really have no idea, she maybe was just really stupid. All I can say is let the seller beware of selling to people online who expect $200 quality for under $50 bucks. I am forever afraid to sell things to people now, this stupid experience really upset me.

>> No.8537980

That's why you don't sell things for so cheap, you get all the cheap assholes.

>> No.8537982

>paying any money for clothes a girl begged to be cummed on wearing
>let alone $200

>> No.8538004

You don't need a serger for professional finish. People these days equate professional with factory made, which is such bullshit. The point of sergers is to replace nicer and more elegant finishing techniques (rolled or invisible hem, french seams, etc) with ones which are cheaper and easier to mass produce. If you're hand making a single costume and have the time, it's so much nicer to use a fancier finish. Especially true for historical costumes where sergers don't even make sense.

>> No.8538022

She's too impulsive and too stupid to do that anon. She's the kind of dumb person that's so frustrating because they think they're the Only Smart Person and everyone else is just an idiot. She's able to do a lot of cosplay shit through sketchy means and not because she knows how to budget or makes a lot of money.

>> No.8538038

This is a big thing. I got an Anna coronation dress from taobao for around $80 before shipping and generally see the same exact dress sold for $200. Made me feel good when someone I really dislike bought it at that price.

>> No.8538072

$70 total materials cost for Lapis is not totally outrageous if you're using very nice materials. I'd take a small step down in terms of cost per yard, but that dress would still clock in around $50 for materials. This girl is a nitwit but thinking the materials for a "simple" costume should automatically be very cheap is part of the problem.

>> No.8538091

I'm aware of that but the kids I'm trying to sell to aren't...

>> No.8538108

Or to sew stretchy fabrics. There are also times when the reduced bulk of an overlock finish is preferable to Hong Kong or french seams. Back in the day, people simply pinked the edges of fabric instead. Ready to wear is not couture, and the considerations for wearability are different.

>> No.8538210

If the costume was made out of, say, swimsuit material like that one anon's, then I could see it being a little more expensive, but even then.. Not $200.

>> No.8538245

I only sell the costumes that I've bought in the first place because I don't feel that my craftsmanship is on a level worthy of asking for money for something I've made. If I'm selling a relatively new costume, I might charge 1/2 of what I originally bought it for, and for an old costume, 1/3 to 1/4.

>> No.8538311

>$10 a yard
Here in Sweden that is very cheap for fabric... Regular cotton costs about $8 a yard

>> No.8538347

What type of cotton though

>> No.8538545

We need some more info on that

>> No.8538634

That's not expensive in the US, either. People are just used to crap. I work with some decent fabrics that are in the $8 range and things like polyester chiffon are cheap, but generally good fabric is $10/yd and up.

>> No.8538829

>buying costumes
get out

>> No.8538842

where the fuck is she buying her fabric from? mood? i bought ribbon from there once and shipping was like $50 on $14 of ribbon. this bitch needs to learn to shop local.

>> No.8538893

Reading an old thread on the farms, apparently PsychedelicPaprika is a scammer? Anyone got a story on that or is it she just charges waaaayy too much money for these costumes?

>> No.8538921

Local options in a lot of places are crap. Fabric.com has much better stuff than Joanns or Hancocks.

>> No.8538951

If she were selling EVERYTHING, I could see 200. Dress and gloves and stockings only? Nah.

>> No.8538996

Agreed. I live in a super small city and all we have is Joanns. Most of what they stock is for the fleece and quilt crowd. I end up getting most of my fabric from Fabric.com and a few other places online.

But still, budgeting, finding coupons, and waiting for sales is what a huge part of the cosplay community sucks at. That's how we get people bragging about spending $200+ on simple costumes.

>> No.8539001

her twitter name was CUM ON MEMEME!

>> No.8539007

A lot of people have anonymously said that they've never gotten what they've paid for but haven't said anything because they fear white knights or being socially ostracized.

Also I think that potatorose recently vague tweeted about PP doing this to her.

>> No.8539033
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ty anon you made my day.

>> No.8539057

>budgeting, finding coupons, and waiting for sales is what a huge part of the cosplay community sucks at.

Eh, if you're not shopping at Joanns, none of this is really applicable. Fabrics don't really go on sale, there aren't coupons, you may not want to wait or make multiple trips to save a few dollars, and if you're going to be spending hours making something it's not crazy to buy the nicer fabric or better matching material. And if you're doing commissions, you can't really factor materials cost based on coupons or catching a sale.

>> No.8539071

Maybe because I'm on the smaller side, but I usually only buy a max of 3 yards of a fabric for a costume, and I usually only need a yard and a half. Then there are notions like a zipper as well, but they usually don't equal too much more.
Hypothetical: If I were to cosplay Lapis, I'd probably buy 2 yards of the light blue and half a yard of the dark blue. I wouldn't line it because I'd want it to be as light and flowy as possible. If I use $15/yard materials, that'd be about $37.50 before tax, about $40 afterwards. Then two colors of thread and a long zipper would equal maybe another $10. $50 altogether. I would never spend that much though, because I'd use a 40% off coupon on the large cut of fabric, making it go down from $30 to $18. I probably wouldn't use a $15/yard fabric in the first place though, more likely $8-$12 for Lapis. If she lives in California then I'm sure she has a real fabric store with options near her and doesn't need to get it shipped in from somewhere else.

>> No.8539106

I line dresses for improved drape and wear and there are only two fabrics worth buying at Joann's so I would not be using a 40% off coupon for materials. $50 in materials for a fully finished dress is pretty normal for people who make everyday clothing. If you make your cosplay like everyday clothing... well, it costs the same.

>> No.8539119

>Buying an outfit that was worn and captioned with the title "Cum on Me!Me!Me!"

>> No.8539128

Do you think that's what the person we're discussing did? Or do you think she pissed away her money on stupid, unnecessary shit without getting a trade-off in quality?

>> No.8539148

Uh, not sure why you think budgeting is irrelevant. Budgeting is pretty essential regardless of where you shop or what you're making if you want to stay on track. I mean budgeting as in setting aside funds or knowing a limit of spending per paycheck for cosplay so as to not leave yourself short when you need to pay for things required for maintaining life such as rent, food, utilities etc. If you're still a kid living at home, completely different story. But everyone should know what their limit is per paycheck or month and plan accordingly. Maybe it means you save up a bit more to buy all that fabric at once. Maybe it means you buy some stuff this week, get paid, buy the rest next week.

For the other tips, perhaps I should've said everyone's mileage may vary because everyone is different.

Coupons and sales happen at places other than Joanns or Hancock Fabrics. It depends where you shop and what you need. Fabric.com does sales though it can depend on what you need vs what they put on sale and they sometimes have coupons too (though they are far less frequent than they used to be and you have to dig for them.) Some places have coupons and discounts if you sign up for their newsletters so it's worth reading their information on their sites and even social networking pages like FB and Twitter. Fashion Fabrics Club and Denver Fabrics do this amongst other sites.Some of my favorite trim shops have twitter-only coupons that work on their site. Again, the places I mentioned are more general but some people can find what they need so it seemed worth mentioning the fact that you can find ways to get discounts.

As far as commissions, I never gave quotes based on thinking there'd be sales or coupons because you're right, you never know AND half the time I gave quotes, clients would take their sweet-ass time getting back to me because they are teens/early 20 somethings. So much time could elapse that pricing can change.

>> No.8539175

Fabric.com is actually having a sale right now, I'm working my way through seeing if there's anything that'd work for cosplays I have planned.

>> No.8539519

regular broadcloth. You can't get anything under $6 a yard in Sweden unless it's on sale

>> No.8539568
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Nasty ass hoe trying to sell her used stanky ass panties for $200 sssshhhiiiiitttt bitch you ain't misako

>> No.8539613
File: 112 KB, 600x799, A1BA35DE-0AF8-4DA2-B274-4FCC152CEDDA_zpskkszhgaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$200 for Sora shoes. He has the rest of his Sora cosplay for sale for $300 but I guess it's decent enough to justify that much after haggling down. But for these? Fuck no.


>> No.8539915

I don't think budgeting is "irrelevant." I've been sewing for a very long time, and have enough experience to know that things tend to cost what they cost when you're trying to match colors, prints, or textures to a pre-existing design and aren't willing to cut corners. Cost has really only ever been relevant or a decision when considering very high end fabrics (yes, polyester chiffon is cheaper than silk) or when I am sewing regular clothing and can pick up nice fabrics on clearance and match fabric to project rather than the other way around.

>> No.8541293


>> No.8542448

not to mention you have to have the same fucked up proportions as she does in order to fit in it.
i think she said her measurements are like 38-26-40 or something and she's barely 5'4"

>> No.8542449

I think this was just before she started leeching off of MF and actually kind of learned how to sew and im also pretty sure this was for a comission. poor thing.

>> No.8542460

Does anyone still have the link to that post or was it deleted? I've seen screenshots but I want to see the logicless desperation with my own eyes.

>> No.8542463

>fucked up proportions


>> No.8542518

>it's not a new item and I generally just want to make up for what I spent on it.

this. most people are greedy and trying to flip for profit, which is ridiculous.

>> No.8542578


not the person you quoted but while those proportions are far from fucked up, they are relatively unusual

however if those are the supposed proportions of the girl in OP picture then they are clearly not true, or at least the waist measurement isn't.

>> No.8542714

oh hey that's me. Yeah this was a commission and honestly I considered her to be a decent seamstress when I saw the commission post, so there's no excuse for this crap bag I received. Definitely before she and MF were close but she still looked like she had SOME skills. or so I thought.

>> No.8542747
File: 12 KB, 295x119, yeasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sorry I said they were fucked up because they don't look true.
i have seen her in person and she is very much a meatball.

>> No.8542813

She wears a waist cincher with a lot of cosplays, so that is probably what she's basing it off of.

>> No.8542925

here is the commission post I saw at the time btw

>> No.8543838

Broadcloth is like $3/yd at Joann's

>> No.8543871


Can you read?

>> No.8543923
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>> No.8543927
File: 81 KB, 960x640, 11870911_975248699163995_3529809947434879793_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$250 and this could be yoooooooours!

>> No.8543936

No one has a problem with buying costumes, just with people claiming that they made them, It's not a big deal.

>> No.8545064

who would want to wear any cosplay worn by this gremlin

>> No.8545074

>former bnf homestucks still bring drama wherever they go
the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.8547023

So half of her examples were shitty cell phone selfies? No offence anon, but with those examples she doesn't look skilled enough to handle much of anything. Sorry you got screwed.

>> No.8547549

>Posting PsychedelicPaprika in OP Pic


>> No.8547584

>former bnf homestucks
Nah they were pretty tier at best

>> No.8548346

PP is complaining on twitter how poor she is now. That's what happens when you don't try to be smart with the cost of your costume and go to several expensive California cons in close timeframes within each other while being unemployed.

>> No.8548360

I've also commissioned from her pretty recently, and received a shit quality cosplay. You're not alone. PsychedelicPaprika offered no refund or apology even when she missed her deadline.

>> No.8548368

I'm curious anon, how much did you pay?

>> No.8548377


>> No.8548443


>> No.8548494

lmao also hilarious because then that's followed by a pic of her going out to eat. not to mention i've heard rumors of her having seriously sticky fingers

also curious

>> No.8548501
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>not to mention i've heard rumors of her having seriously sticky fingers


>> No.8548514

Details on that sticky fingers thing but she literally tweeted something like "I'm so poor people buy me things"

The whole culture of "uwu I'm cute buy me stuff for no good reason", makes me really uncomfortable. I feel bad when people get me gifts on my birthday.

>> No.8548534

I feel this way too. Part of it comes from a long history of guys trying to buy my affection/ "I bought you a gift, you're obligated to like me." I won't accept gifts anymore except from family and close friends, and even then I usually feel really guilty.

>> No.8548574

I think mine just stemmed from pure guilt of someone going out of their way to spend money on me. So when I see cosplayers link their amazon wishlist, have donation buttons on their page for no good reason (especially when theyre still going to cons), and be like "omg fans buy me stuff"/ not acknowledge when someone does buy them stuff, it makes me cringe a bit. Especially the latter because that's just rude.

>> No.8548779

how does that homura outfit look? im interested if you're willing to sell it!!!

>> No.8548783

I had a wishlist for a while because so may of my cosplay friends had them and I had people asking if I had one, so I made one, but after I got stuff I felt really guilty. I took it down after a few months. I don't know how people can just accept free shit without feeling some sort of guilt.

>> No.8548789

I think a lot of cosplayers (at least the ones popular on tumblr and instagram) grew up super spoiled so they just expect this shit

>> No.8548801
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For an extra $150 he'll even repair them for you!

>> No.8548805

Thats... So shitty. It also wouldn't cost that much to repair.. What an asshole.

Well, I personally grew up in a super rich family, having houses in other states for vacations. I think it has more to do with people who never had much finally realizing that they CAN have this stuff if they play their cards right. To be honest.. Ive had poor friends take advantage of people like this a lot and it bothers me. I was used by a friend who wasn't in such good graces as me financially and it took a while for me to realize it and break ties with her.

Spoiling your kids a lot of the time has nothing to do with how they perceive things. I was spoiled, but I never asked for the things given to me and even now, as I am older, I still don't ask for stuff. I prefer to do it all on my own, make my own money, and get what I need for myself. I think thats easier for rich kids than with people who never had much because once you realize how to work out a system to get stuff you've never had, THEN you become spoiled.

I really hope that makes sense. Im not the best at explaining things. : /

>> No.8548818

I used to have some mutual friends with her a few years back and as a result, I've hung around her at cons, as well as at meets since she was in my cosplay comm, so I've seen my share of things. I've literally seen her steal merch in the dealers room at a con right in front of me when vendors weren't looking, so I can confirm that the rumors are true.

>> No.8548872

yikes. everything about this is shitty.

>> No.8548889

Will upload pictures in the morning. Stay tuned.

>> No.8548971
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nothing too specific, as i said just rumours about her shoplifting a lot

a lot of my friends and i have wishlists and we'll sometimes surprise each other if we have some spare cash and we'll use them for birthdays/christmas. i feel bad whenever it isn't used like this

>mfw anon confirms

>> No.8548988

I'd buy the costume only to sniff the panties and dress up a hooked with the outfit

Oh wait $200 bucks for a cum rag fuck that

>> No.8549979

she's not even cute either.

still interested in this, i'm counting on you, anon.

>> No.8550039


woops! just uploaded 'em to another thread.

>> No.8550063
File: 219 KB, 791x310, 1401671689184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god, i just saw it in the other thread and i'm so sorry about everything. you would think she would have gotten her shit together after the madoka commission, but i guess some things never change. shame, because the fabric looks really cozy.

>> No.8550201

Eeeeey fellow Nordics!

In Finland a regular cotton can be over 12$. I'm always salty for USA and their fabric prizes.

>> No.8550246

>Tayla's sewing being this shitty
>charging money for that awful thing
>charging $200 for her mememe dress thats probably just as bad

Jesus fucking christ I want to sell my old cosplays but hesitate because I think they'd get pissed at something being 1/4 a centimeter off

>> No.8550485

Did anyone notice in the right picture it looks like her nipple was smeared out and she was wearing a barbell when you zoom all the way in?

>> No.8550646

Barbell? Do you mean the weights anon?

>> No.8550930

Anon means barbelle as in the jewelry that goes in piercings. And yeah I see what you mean. Kind of looks like it.

>> No.8554783

Just to let you guys know, there's a thread on the farms for PP.

>> No.8554857

Vendetta thread? Vendetta thread.

>> No.8554962

It was a discussion on how people feel about the price of used cosplay. Paprika only became super relevant to the thread because she charges a lot for her used costumes and as >>8550039 pointed out, her sewing is really bad.
Although the comments on her body are irrelevant to this discussion.

>> No.8555853
File: 9 KB, 223x200, 1352336042411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that cosplays as Me!Me!Me! really doesn't understand the source material, but I guess that's nothing new to cosplay

>> No.8556085

nah. I have mine pierced and it would be in totally the wrong spot on her if that's true. plus with how tight the bra and dress are you shouldn't be able to see any kind of piercing through them

>> No.8556713

Agreed. Tbh her measurements/body type is similar to mine and if she had a 26 inch waist she would look way thinner at the waist.

>> No.8556741

While most of them probably don't, I don't see how cosplaying her means that someone doesn't understand the source material? That doesn't make sense.

>> No.8557430
File: 722 KB, 658x598, aot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's selling this for $90

>> No.8557533

This is really impressive if not horribly awful.

>> No.8558222

Like I appreciate it took a lot of time to hand embroider all that, but that's... not what they should have done. It doesn't look good.

>> No.8558246

should have put that on a blanket or quilt or some shit. not on something for cosplay.

>> No.8559471

I've been off of cgl for too long, where exactly is 'the farms'?

>> No.8559811

lolcow farm

>> No.8559864

I'm disgusted with myself for finding the pic on the right kind of hot

In any case $200 for a Me!Me!Me! dress? That shit better have Jesus' hair woven into the fabric goddamn

>> No.8559868

cool, the cosplayer in the picture is here.

>> No.8561190

oh hi PsychedelicPaprika