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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8533631 No.8533631 [Reply] [Original]

New General, old one below

(other thread is for online comms i think)

>> No.8533640
File: 76 KB, 480x719, coordisnap-48317-2002217-127dc60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


question: has anyone noticed different trends in lolita coords from region to region? if you have physically travelled to another country or continent, did you notice a significant difference in lolitas there?

>> No.8533679

There is already a LG thread... now there are 3. Get it together cgl

>> No.8533682

I know this question gets asked all the time, but how long does it usually take innocent world to respond after you send an order form?

>> No.8533684

Hot countries : Peignoirs and shit
Cold countries : Coats
Religious countries : H I J A B S

>> No.8533691

the last one autosaged. on this board, when a thread is at 300 replies it stops being bumped to the top when people respond. this means it sinks lower and lower and eventually disappears.

the other one was called Lolit General but the OP clearly meant it to be for online comms, which is obvious if you read OP's intro and the post that follows it.

shit is gotten quite together.

>> No.8533693

Right now it seems to take them 3 weeks or longer.

>> No.8533705

that is almost Lockshop level of customer service.

>> No.8533716

What's the difference between Jane Marple and Jane Marple Dans Le Salon? Is it like Baby and AatP?

>> No.8533737

That kind of sucks but at least I'll have plenty of money saved up by then. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8533740

http://egl.livejournal.com/14237189.html mentions the Dans label being marketed toward an older clientele, being a bit larger, etc.

>> No.8533818

so AP is already rereleasing Dolly Cat, Luminous Sanctuary and Castle Mirage. fuck yeah, scalpers be beat. for now, anyway.

>tfw now you're deciding between Dolly Cat and another AP dress around the same price, fuck.
>but my birthday is also coming up, so hmm...
I wonder how long it will be until these rereleases happen. apparently there's no dates yet?

>> No.8533850

Dolly Cat for the win, anon.

Also, general question: How long does it take you to get ready when you're going full OTT mode? And do you need to touch up your wig, headdress, makeup, props, and all that more often? I can spend an hour or more getting ready in a regular, pre-planned coord, and I do touch-ups every couple hours, but I'm planning my first OTT coord for a fancy meet and wonder how much more maintenance they usually are.

>> No.8533874

DLS is JM's mom who doesn't want to dress too young. JM is otome/cute, DLS is vaguely boho. There are exceptions (I have a gorgeous Dans le Salon otome style coat) but generally DLS will be older in style with looser, larger cuts.

>> No.8533905

What other AP dress are you wanting?

And also, I will get that goddamn Dolly Cat headbow

>> No.8533915

It takes me about 2-2 1/2 hours when I'm doing OTT. I usually check up on how I'm looking every few hours, more if it's hot or I'm moving around a lot more outdoors. I think it honestly depends on what style or how many elements you have going on. If it's just a ton of accessories, checking the placement of them throughout the day and the usual. If you're doing something really elaborate you may want to make sure that shit is secured and you'll want to check it often.

>> No.8533925

I'm really, really slow at doing makeup (I don't use it very often), so it usually takes me about an hour to 90 minutes to get ready normally. For OTT, it's about two hours, and I constantly touch my head to make sure I didn't lose half of my accessories or the weight hasn't shifted my wig. Pin everything on like your life depends on it.

>> No.8533955

I'm jelly tbh
>tfw regular classic lolita and styling my natural hair alone takes almost 2 hours

I guess I should just give in a get a wig at this point.

>> No.8533960

i'm not typically an ap fan, but i'm in love with dollycat. what are my chances of getting something in the re-release? It seems ridiculously popular, should I give up and go for it 2nd hand later?

>> No.8533976

Does anyone else feel like Lolita, as a subculture, has been reduced to a flavour-of-the-month-print popularity contest? I also feel like brands have way too much influence over us. No matter what shit AP throws out, it'll be bought up.

Don't get me wrong, I love AP, and I own a lot of brand clothing, but I just miss there being a lot of handmade or small brand in the scene. A subculture is surely dictated by the followers, not by clothing companies?

>> No.8534008

not really. for some people, yes, but not everyone cares. i don't know many names of prints, myself. i care when a coord looks good and when i have positive or constructive interactions with people.

for someone addicted to the fame or attention, though, it might be as you describe.

>> No.8534010

Yes, yes and yes. I agree 100%. The sad thing is those days I was a student with no fashion sense, now I can afford the fashion there aren't many non brand release discussions around. It's very difficult to find people just to talk about small things like what you said.

I feel that majority of the girls refuse to even talk about lifestyle because 'it's just clothes' 'you wear what you want k' etc. I don't know where to find people that treat lolita as a special fashion and soul(? OK i just couldn't think of another word on top of my head, you know what I mean, I hope) package.

>> No.8534014

We've had this discussion before, but yes, I often feel this way. I wish that there were more design innovations in lolita. I'd love to see laser cut designs and use of texture in lolita.

Are you me? I really hate wearing wigs (which is kind of why I gave up cosplay), but even with my hair cut short, it's time consuming to get it curled and doesn't want to stay up long.

>> No.8534031

urgh those feels. Wig wearers, consider yourself lucky, never will you have to contend with a bad hair day right when you have a meetup.

>> No.8534044

every day is a bad hair day for me, so i wear wigs. different stylists throughout the years have been frustrated over how poorly my hair will hold a style... so i keep it short and wear wigs.

>> No.8534050

50% of japanese lolitas don't wear petticoats, and i didn't see a single one wearing a wig.

>> No.8534051

I know this is very vague, but hopefully some gulls can help me out.

I'm trying to find an accessory shop, a specific one. I remember it catering to sweet lolita and fairy-kei sort styles. I distinctly remember them selling a lot of really cute, really neat bear accesssories. Bears as cookie earrings, bears as brooches, and also some very cute fuzzy bat-type clips and stuff. It's in my head that they're based in Eastern Europe somewhere, and that they were either on storenvy or etsy. I remember their stuff looking very well-made and neatly presented, but after that it's a blank.

I'm honestly going crazy because I remember them being easy to find, so maybe they've closed down? I guess it's worth asking here anyway.

>> No.8534053

Really? Was this in summer or just in general?

>> No.8534062

yes, agreed. its a little sad to see that AP prints are only popular within the first few months of their release and are only driven up by hype not actually people LOVING the item. wearing last year's release even though it looks much better can't compete with last months release.

>> No.8534065

i was in 70-75 degree weather. early summer, like it wasnt hot yet? almost late spring.

>> No.8534068


>> No.8534075

to be fair, at least 50% of Western lolitas don't do those things either.

>> No.8534076
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Bless your heart anon. No matter what I searched I just couldn't find it or remember the name!

>> No.8534083


Really? I went in summer and it was more like a lot of dresses from axes femme, ankh rouge or similar that had a sort of frilly lolita aesthetic, but weren't actually lolita. That, or outright otome. The actual lolitas buyin stuff in La Foret or Amerimura still dolled up with petticoat.

Real hair is indeed more common though.

>> No.8534143
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>mfw waiting to hear back from Lockshop


>mfw the captcha is "select all bananas"

>> No.8534147

As an oldfag its all buy buy buy and very silly looking to me. I think people are scared to post anything online other than cookie cutter coords for fear of getting ripped apart.

>> No.8534169

they are also afraid of sharing content for fear not enough people will notice. all the talk about going back to LJ, or sharing simpler coords, is usually paired with, "l can't do that because nobody else will do it or care."

there is a lot dependence on others in general.

>> No.8534188

I'm guessing one print will be rereleased this weekend since there was no news on what print is coming out for this week. And Dolly Cat's colors are so hideous, especially Sax. I sold the black and lavender JSKs I bought because the background colors clashed with the print too much.

>> No.8534196
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x1836, 20150805_133031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the handmade thread is dead and gone. So question time. Picked this up to us as a border on either a dress or jsk. I'm thinking black dress, but should I do black lace/ruffle with grey or white accents, or stick to mostly just all black?

The other option I'm thinking is maybe a dark grey dress with black accents and lace.

I think a black dress would be easier to work with, but maybe the grey would be more visually interesting?

>> No.8534200
File: 35 KB, 269x200, 200_s (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, please help.

I just received a velveteen dress in the mail that is 10+ years old. It looked to be in pristine condition. I tried it on and put my arms up to put a collar on.. when a part of the sleeve suddenly rips. It looks like it was the fabric gave way and not threads. I assure you I am not a ham planet. In fact it's quite loose on me.

I ordered it from Wunderwelt.. there probably isn't much hope for asking for a partial refund when they didn't send it like that?

>> No.8534203

I feel you anons. I have ass long hair and curling it takes about 1 1/2 hours. My hair looks pretty neat when properly styled BUT I live in a windy coastal area and about 10 minutes after leaving my house my hair ends up looking like a huge mess and after a few more hours at a meet it envolves into a birds nest. It really sucks, because many outfit shots are being ruined by this. I used to hate wigs, but I'm getting more and more considerate with the years passing...

>> No.8534214

Has anyone bought from Miss Danger Shop yet? Kind of hard to find reviews with a name like that.

>> No.8534223

Posted this in the dumb questions thread, but I want to try asking here too..

How do you reserve items from Baby that are by e-mail only? I tried messaging them my reservation via contact us/inquiries page, but I think I found the "right" e-mail address which is order@babyssb.co.jp. Can I e-mail them to try to clear up what I did, or have I fucked up and blacklisted myself?

>> No.8534224

Unfortunately not I'm afraid, what dress was it? If you post pics I might be able to help, are you handy with sewing? It's possible you may be able to take it to get fixed at an alteration shop.

>> No.8534225

Picture of the damage? If it just ripped at the seam, you should be able to fix it.
And yeah, no chance of a refund, I'm afraid.

>> No.8534257
File: 355 KB, 775x519, DSC_0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks kind anons.. Here's a pic. So sad..

>> No.8534285

If you really want a wig with a store that has decent response time, Lolita Collective has some LS wigs up on their webshop!

>> No.8534289

This may be a terrible idea but maybe you could do a black dress and use a very sheer white/grey chiffon overlay to simulate a mist hanging over the graveyard?

>> No.8534293

I'm thinking about ordering Custom House shoes, but the reviews I've found so far are at least a few years old. I'm also curious about how well their products hold up over time.

>> No.8534298

This happened to a Jane Marple dress of mine that I bought NWT a year ago. I wore the dress a lot though, also washed it a lot. But still, there is a risk to brand of all ages.

I guess it has to do with thinning of the fibers of the fabric due to wear, storage, aging or cleaning, until only a sligh stretch causes them to rip. Even if the dress "seems" like new on first glance, it might not be in perfect condition at all.

The fabric looks kind of thinned out in your picture, indeed. Did wunderwelt describe it as in perfect condition? Maybe if you write them and explain nicely what happened they might be up for a refund. And if not, they at least should be made aware to check their items more carefully before describing it as new.

>> No.8534299

I take about 3 to 4 hours to go OTT since I use my real hair and take forever with make-up. I usually pre-plan all of my coords out with accessories and a week before the meet, I test out my hairstyle with all the accessories to see if I look OTT enough, if I should take out something or add in more things.

When I am doing touch ups, oil blotting paper is a miracle since it wipes off sweat, oils from makeup or even a bit of dirt that must of gone to contact with you. Also tip, nails make a huge difference with going OTT so maybe if you can, do something cute that matches your coord.

>> No.8534303

Damn, that does look like the fabric is torn around the corners.
You can still try carefully easing it in and sewing the hole shut per hand, since the tear doesn't seem to be too deep. Have a seamstress or tailor look over it if you're not confident in your sewing though. It definitely looks fixable!

>> No.8534347

I ordered on July 21st, got aback invoice July 28th, and they shipped last night. This was just for a blouse. I think larger orders are taking longer due to them having to wrangle up stock, especially if sale items are involved.

>> No.8534353

***an, not aback. Stupid phone

>> No.8534408

Thanks anon. You are a sweetheart. Somehow the whole situation at first left me feeling really confused. I'd never rip a piece of clothing like this in my life. My next thought was that I was fat or something and caused it to rip..

Is velveteen more prone to this kind of damage? Was it not a good idea to buy such an old velveteen piece? I have some very old Meta velveteen pieces I'd like, but maybe not..

To be fair, Wunderwelt did not describe it in perfect condition. But it honestly doesn't have a worn feeling to it at all. I have some newer velveteen pieces only released a couple of years ago and they definitely feel worn.

Really appreciate the response, anon. I was starting to feel a bit hopeless about it being repairable. I'm glad to hear it can be fixed.

>> No.8534490

People only did handmade because getting Brand was hard as fuck

>> No.8534498

I disagree-every well dressed lolita I saw wore a petticoat, and about 50% wore a wig. This was in 80ish degree weather with humidity

>> No.8534514


if you (or any other) anons visit Japan again, would it be too rude to ask for pictures of lolitas there? if you are in lolita yourself, perhaps a selfie together?

>> No.8534519
File: 123 KB, 600x600, 20150814_shinjuku1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for noob question, but how do I buy this? Do I need an SS for in store purchase? If so, any recommendations that don't have ridiculous fees?

I'm not familiar with baby's releases so I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.8534548

I asked one girl for a picture in La Foret since I really liked her coord, she seemed a little confused at first but was very nice about posing with me. I felt a little too awkward to ask anyone else after that because I think people would probably be too polite to turn the gaijin tourist down (even though I was in lolita) lol.
My friend however would ask just about every girl in a seifuku for a picture though and those high school girls fucking loved it, I would literally take 50 pictures while my friend asked them for different poses.This was in Harajuku so maybe it's something about the type of girl who shops there...

>> No.8534553

I see a difference in style than trends in other countries for lolita coords. Even though we are all in the same fashion, a Japanese lolita coord vs a Western lolita coord that you find usually on CGL look completely different. Not in the sense of the way lolita looks but likethe vibe of it? I don't know how to put it in words but if you would put a pic side by side, you can tell it's lolita but it just looks so different.

>> No.8534578

Does anyone have experience with how well AP's prints on velvet hold up over time? I just got my first one, and it's a super heavy printing with sparkly ink, and I'm afraid to have it sit up against other dresses in my closet in fear that it might rub off or fade over time.

>> No.8534583


Oh man I love this fabric and that idea. Anon please post final results.

>> No.8534605
File: 51 KB, 600x900, 4044bfd174b00c60f96d07f585489974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question!! I am a newer lolita and I was curious if these shoes would be alright in a coord? I only ask because the royal blue color is the exact match of the accent color on the JSK and the handbag. I know that Manolos are not lolita specific at all but since I already own these and they have a "classic" appeal to them would they be able to work? Thanks so much!

>> No.8534606

I wish people would stop saying this

I'm not a super old-fag, but I've been following lolita fashion on /cgl/ and in Kera since 2011. The following has definitely changed. When I first discovered it, I wanted to revamp my life to be 100% kawaii, but I was teenager-poor and had to ask my dad to buy stuff for me online. There was like a lot of focus on everything being pink and sparkly and eating cute desserts and generall being the fabled lifestyle lolita.
Now, there's a lot of lolitas who are normalfag as fuck, and that's kind of sad. I feel like the worst of them are all trying to be efamous, they're obsessed with new releases, they go ott as all fuck to tea parties, then wear hollister on the weekends.
They're both kind of sad. I feel like all the girls who longed so hard to be "lifestyle lolitas" and acted like lolita fashion was a club were only looking for some sort of identity. And t was really fake and weeby. And now, a lot of people say "it's just clothes!" and they're totally right. But it does ruin some of the magic that the community once had.

>> No.8534608

I'd say yes if your coord had that same royal blue in it and had a regal feel. I can see those working well with some Juliette et Justine pieces.

>> No.8534622

I'll try. I picked it up at Joanns. It's 9.99 a yard. Loved it as soon as I saw it.

>> No.8534633

PMX says they just sent out the first round of model selections, any gulls get chosen? I've gotten nothing and am feeling ugly and rejected and want to feel happy for my fellow seagulls.

>> No.8534644

The print looks really gothic, I love it. I really can't wait to see the finished result.

>> No.8534664

The coord has the exact same blue in both the pattern on the JK, the handbag, and the hat I would like to incorporate into it. It does have a regal feel but also a fantasy and whimsy element to it also. The main colors on the JSK is ivory so I thought royal blue would give it a nice pop.

>> No.8534668

Then I say go for it! If you can, post a coord pic with it all because I'm really intrigued and would like to see how it all works together. It sounds like it could be really nice.

>> No.8534703

I bought this fabric with the same intention.. I just never got around to making it.

>> No.8534724
File: 136 KB, 720x807, Screenshot_2015-08-05-18-39-40~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you still have it. Do it! Make that dress anon. We can share in our love of pretty graveyard fabric.

I'm gonna get some of this fabric later and make some bows with it. Not even to really coord, I just want some cute bows. I'm gonna make some to send to my out of state friend who's a big Halloween nerd like me.

>> No.8534731

where on earth did you pick this fabric up at? I must have it

>> No.8534805

If you go onto Joanns website and search Halloween fabric. You can find it. It's listed as Holiday Inspirations Fabric-Scary Night.

>> No.8534808

Oh man. Thank you so much.

>> No.8534816

No problem. I love it too and I'd love to see what people would make with it. I've got a jsk I'm making right now. This one I'm messing with sizing an ideas so the next ones I make come out nicer.

>> No.8534894
File: 40 KB, 374x500, 11811381_928562243877660_3809606273978379798_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this?

I thought Sweet Cream was a bodyline specific print, but I guess it's just generic printed fabric.

This version looks much cuter in my opinion, and I'd rather buy taobao band than BL anyday

>> No.8534908

I can't quite read the watermark.

>> No.8534918

Magic Tea Party

>> No.8534921


>> No.8534929

ugh Kate this is not a real documentary, more like a fucking art film with lots of staging instead... (hoping she eventually leaves the fashion and goes towards tumblrfag fashion that she's wearing lately) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWjq4uYDh8g

>> No.8534933

you could easily buy bodylines and add the extra ruffles on the bottom tho and get basically the same thing for probably cheaper

>> No.8534942
File: 302 KB, 700x1200, blsweetcrram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the BL one would need more work than new ruffles to look as nice. They're both $53 usd (without the yen trick)

>> No.8534943

Any idea what AP will release this weekend? hope it's dolly cat cause my wallet needs a rest. I don't think AP has ever really re-released three prints, especially if they were all released this year.

>> No.8534978 [DELETED] 



>> No.8534980

has she finally cut the bangs??

>> No.8534997


I think Soft Cream *is* Bodyline-specific. It came from that era when they had some artists working with them to make sweet prints (same era as the waffles and rose jewellery print). Although it is possible that the artist retained rights to the print and decided to sell it to Magic Tea Party?

I don't know whether to facepalm at someone copying Bodyline instead of brand, lol at someone replicating Bodyline, who themselves did replicas of IW, AP and other people's designs, or buy one because this looks heaps better than Bodyline's version.

>> No.8534999

>examines why Kate, due to her perception of the physical and psychological challenges she faces, believes she cannot function in the world when not dressed in Lolita.

I really prefer Kate when she had her glasses. Just from pics, its like she did a whole 180 in personality when stopped wearing those glasses.
Idk but that trailer was a bunch of crock.

>> No.8535023

> believes she cannot function in the world when not dressed in Lolita.

.. what? I mean lolita helped me out of a really dark hole in my life but she can't function when not dressed in it? Come on..

>> No.8535025

>Kate confirmed for autism

>> No.8535031

Soft cream is a commercially available print. So is the nautical fabric MTP has right now.

>I know someone who works with the factory and bought some myself.

>> No.8535078

Im excited to get that damn hair bow in like three colours. Holy fuck

>> No.8535116

This trailer is so terrible holy shit.

>> No.8535123

not even epileptic, but that last minute of flashing lights made me want to stab someone

>> No.8535196

Damn I really need to vent! I brought a vampire requiem in black for 450ish right, described as "In perfect condition" I get it and the boning is warped to the shape of someones massive fucking boobloaf. Not to mention the boning had started to come through....she gave me a 90 dollar refund but still I can't stop seething when I look at that dress. Stop saying your dresses are in perfect condition or never worn if the boning is fucking bent! She just replied with a "Oh yeah unfortunately thats common with aatp boned pieces..."

>> No.8535202

>Oh yeah unfortunately thats common with aatp boned pieces...
more like "That's common in dresses worn by fat girls who can't really fit into them". Did you at least leave negative feedback? Stuff like this is unacceptable.

>> No.8535207
File: 772 KB, 750x1227, TB2Cn6.eXXXXXaAXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!1775268996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excite !

>> No.8535208


I got mine in two business days ish.

I just got a paypal invoice though, no real e-mail thanking me.

I hope they get my mucha stuff. I had to sacrifice my dream dress to get this dream item, ugh.

>> No.8535212

I left neutral feedback, with a long description of the dresses condition... She left positive feedback but wasn't really honest "Had a problem with the buyer, was resolved with a partial refund!" Yeah unfortunately I seem to have a problem buying second hand and paying above retail for pieces people have claimed are perfect condition.....When they are completely worn out....

>> No.8535214

>Forever hoping that some better indie brand picks up that unicorn print and makes it likeable

>> No.8535224


Huh. Thanks for the correction.

Any ideas where to get fabric like this? does the factory have an online shop or something?

>> No.8535251


>never worn
>bent boning started to poke through

Yeaahhhh that right there is pretty dishonest. Especially with boning, which does bend to fit the wearer, this kind of shit is really important to be honest about in any transaction. You have my sympathies, anon. I hope the refund at least makes the price worth it.

>> No.8535262

I saw that Baby released the Miranda jsk (for the fifth time?) and I wonder if the quality have gotten better. I've heard some bad stories about them using cheap plastic boning.

I'm worried that even with the sale that it wouldn't be worth buying, even if it's one of my dream dresses.

>> No.8535270

name and shame the bitch

>> No.8535271

I wish that buying online wasn't such a risk. I really need a bow that matches my Innocent World jsk - Merry Rose in wine/bordeaux. There are bordeaux colored headbows for sale (and only a handful of them left), but the color on my monitor looks really light in comparison to the jsk. Any advice here?

>> No.8535309

This is so embarrassing. Is she completely unaware of how bad this is?

>> No.8535434

does the yen trick still work? I thought I had heard some reports that yen-tricked orders outside of Japan get cancelled.

>> No.8535436

So? Even if she did confirm herself as an Autistic, it isn't anything to be fucking embarrassed for. Dull the edge a little.

>> No.8535438

Uhh it still does

>> No.8535469
File: 977 KB, 1069x652, Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 4.29.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a coord pic for you anon...just some ideas I had floating around to play off the blue in the skirt and try to incorporate the Manolos...I was initially thinking of the Electric Circus JSK but I think I am more partial to the skirt now! I know this is more regal than circus but just something about this print has a more whimsy feel which i think works with the filigree style. This is all just initial planning, totally open for crit!

>> No.8535481

Does someone know if Axes Femme shoes run true to size?
my feet measure 24,0cm with socks on, and most of the time brand shoes in 23,5cm are a tad too small and 24,5cm too big, so I'm on the fence between Size M and L. What shoe size do you gulls recommend me?

>> No.8535503
File: 90 KB, 640x472, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that splotchy and uneven foundation
>that awfully applied makeup

>> No.8535505

I've found that only IW Bordeaux matches IW Bordeaux. Theirs is a bit more purpley, while most other brands and off brand is much more red. Good luck!

>> No.8535528

>Needing to cake foundation on that heavily.
>That broken, choppy hair.

I wonder if a lot of lolitas need to wear such heavy makeup/wigs only because the constant use of heavy makeup/wigs has damaged their skin/hair? Like some kind of awful circle of hell?

>> No.8535557

Why is she rubbing it in like that? Foundation is not moisturizer

>> No.8535559

Oh! It like that one. Where did you get it?

>> No.8535565

I don't think wigs damage hair?

Kate might just be horrifying under all that makeup; you can't help how you were born and all

>> No.8535566

Most Axes shoes run small so I would say L. Hopefully the shoes you want follow that pattern.

>> No.8535569

god what a punish she must be to be around. i just imagine her sitting at the table at a meet doing those stupid hand gestures and sad faces.

>> No.8535572

Not the anon you were responding to, but that rip looks like the under arm seam? Keep in mind that body sweat can work to break down material over time, even if you are good about cleaning an item. That's probably what weakened the fabric there, and it can happen on any dress really. Not really surprising given the age of the garment.
Fortunately for you, any profession seamstress or alterations person should be able to mend that with little problem.

>> No.8535573

Always get the bigger size. You can use insoles to make shoes smaller, but you can never make it bigger if it's too small.

>> No.8535591

Seriously what the fuck people are gonna think Lolitas are all edgy bitches trying to hide behind their clothes or something now. Its just a fucking fashion.

>> No.8535624

Puppet Circus JSK in black sold for about $100 on Tokyo Alice, wow. Congrats to whoever got it. http://item.rakuten.co.jp/tokyoalice/a86145/

>> No.8535654

why the fuck are they talking about what comes after death in a lolita "documentary"
this looks so stupid

>> No.8535678

I'll bet whoever got it will put it up for auction soon, unless it's their dream dress or something.

>> No.8535736

Someone in Japan probably got it. There would be too much of a delay in finding an SS to get it since TokyoAlice doesn't do intl. orders anymore (of if they do, then it's via email).

>> No.8535746

Does anyone know if requests made to chibitenshi for an AP release is going to carry over to the rerelease? I just got the dress I wanted and I'd really rather not have to end up with two of them.

>> No.8535786

I'm guessing that shes referring to the habit of dyeing/bleaching hair

>> No.8535812

I saw that and almost didn't believe it myself, someone's year just got made.

>> No.8535831

No, she takes new requests for rereleases.

>> No.8535839
File: 55 KB, 391x500, TB1OBXFIVXXXXXhXFXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found another Bodyline one

>> No.8535845

>>8535025 I never pegged her for Autism but it would make sense.
I always thought she had a weird personality disorder where she needed to be attention.

>> No.8535852
File: 764 KB, 307x173, 28k0f37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soft Cream
>only available in pink
I'll never find one in black.

>> No.8535857

The e-fame and networking is out of control. I have lolita friends who straight up admit they don't like other lolitas but have them on facebook and like their shit. (Needless to say I don't trust them one bit.)

>> No.8535861

what size?

>> No.8535867

$90 refund is not worth hating your dress. Cuz now you are stuck with it and can't resell it for what you paid.

You should quickly ask if you can just return it. Also, wow, fatty bitch unaware of her own fat damage. That's sad.

>> No.8535880

How often do the closet child blogs update the availability of their items? I want a dress that one of them posted a week ago that still isn't marked as sold out. Since it -was- posted a week ago, I'm wondering if there's a chance that it isn't available anymore after all. Please help, I don't want to inconvenience a shopping service.

>> No.8535887

It's just because the online versus irl dynamics of a community are so different... the fashion its still pretty niche and so the communities end up being tight knit and word gets out if you're an antisocial bitch/sperg/have a vendetta against another girl. So everyone ends up playing nicey-nice with girls they don't like in order to maintain their rep and other relationships in the comm. They go online to vent - perhaps a little more viciously than they would if they were able to completely shun the person they disliked.
Its a cycle but what can you do. I'm friends with a lot of other lolitas on FB, and even if I dislike a few I'm willing to act friendly in order to stay good friends with everyone else.

>> No.8535888

depends on the store, but generally i would not count on it being there if it's a popular item. if it hasn't been updated within 48hrs i would not use that as valid info

>> No.8535891

i refuse to add / befriend other lolitas unless we'd get along well outside of the fashion.

I've met some cool lolitas before, but i'm still not sure i'd feel comfortable being personal with anyone who is serious in the fashion though- just because i've seen a turnover in attitude over the stupidest things.

>> No.8535903

Oh my good, who does she think she is? I never really disliked Kate before I saw this. Jesus she's so thirsty for fame... And she is usually so Anti Bullying<332 #lace Everyone is beatifull<3 and now she's suddenly so edgy talking about death and walking down grave yards?

This should be posted in the cringe thread

Exactly my thought too, wtf

>> No.8535909

This is so not true. I have two jsk's from IW, both bordeaux, non prints, the first one is more dark purple and the other is more red. Totally not the same colour.

>> No.8535922

wow, she looks actually pretty without that hair and makeup. What a waste.

>> No.8535931

If it's been there for a week it very likely isn't a popular release and chances are pretty good it's available.

>> No.8535932

I thought so, thanks!

>> No.8535946

Just ask the SS. I don't think they go back and update items after a few days.

>> No.8535951

She's really going down the lolcow path. I always felt a little bad for her because people were always shitting on everything she did, but damn.

>> No.8535959

What are you talking about? It says they do overseas right there. Hopefully whoever scored it bought it for keeps and not for scalping.

>> No.8535963

WHY is Dolly Cat so popular? I thought Whimsical Vanilla chan looked a lot cuter honestly. Is Vanilla-chan harder to buy these days or do you think Dolly Cat looks better? I just wonder..

>> No.8535972

I think she's mentioned having alopecia, so she can't really help her hair.

This is pretty awful. Her voice-over really weirds me out. Like she's trying to think of something ~deep~ to say about lolita and death, etc. but it just comes out as weird half-baked Livejournal-tier rambling. Also, I guess her recent CoF cemetery posts were from shoots for this promo.

>> No.8535987

Depends on the store. Harajuku doesn't update their blogs if it's sold or not for example. The two SS that I use would call first if they still have the item though so there isn't any inconvenience to them.

>> No.8535989

>weird half-baked Livejournal-tier rambling
Now that you mention it, she does remind me of a scene queen back in the myspace days.

>> No.8536004

I just want a bunch of people to make vlogs about themselves not being anything special.

"Yeah I'm a 27 year old woman with a job and no kids. I got into the fashion 7 years ago because I thought it was cute. I don't have any mental illnesses. I like drinking with my friends who also wear this shit. We take dumb pictures together, and then go home and take all this shit off and sleep. Next day we look on facebook and tumblr and smile because we were cute and had fun."

Why can't anyone who is outspoken about this shit just be normal?

>> No.8536010

why don't you vlog?

you can answer your own question pretty much.

>> No.8536011

choose one

honestly, i'm pretty adamant with my ideas and i speak up when i see things i disagree with, but no one pays attention to people like that because we don't spam our lives on the internet/demand attention.

>> No.8536032

Normal people don't whore themselves out for attention on the Internet, which is what you have to do to become a known vlogger.
Either that, or create really good content, which most vloggers don't (even the big ones), because someone sitting in front of a camera talking is generally boring unless you're really funny or have something important to say.

>> No.8536035

It's possible to be outspoken and passionate about this fashion without giving the fashion a bad look. I think anyone that would be a vlogger or whatever is of course looking for attention (otherwise, why make it). But it doesn't have have to be such a fake fucking persona.

I would love to see videos about dresses people score, or the handmade stuff they make, their makeup, putting together coords, or just cool videos of meetups.

I don't want to see those fake-ass videos of "Oh I support #LACE!" "I am going to stand up to all these BULLIES!" like man, you're wearing some clothes and some people aren't going to like you and that's fine. But they use these things to leverage some more popularity and it's those videos that people see of lolitas.

I'm more of an admirer of lolita these days. I have a handful of dresses in my closets and I don't wear it as much lately. I'd be a terrible person for the job.

Though I have been thinking about making a youtube channel for some of the handmade things I used to make. But that requires more time than I'm willing to dedicate

>> No.8536080

okay now I wanted to view this with an open mind but HOLY FUCK WHY DOES SHE SOUND LIKE SHE DOESNT KNOW WHAT SHE'S SAYING???

also it basically begins with 'welcome to my twisted mind'

>> No.8536097



>> No.8536098

>"I don't have any mental illnesses."
>"Why can't anyone who is outspoken about this shit just be normal?"
>tfw has a mental illness
thanks anon, now i feel like shit
>at least i'm not "outspoken about this shit"

>> No.8536101 [DELETED] 

Kate already has a lolcow thread.


>> No.8536106

> I just miss there being a lot of handmade or small brand in the scene

I feel like maybe there's less handmade these days but with the rise of taobao, there have never been more small lolita-centric brands on the market.

I also feel like the "isn't Lolita just a flavor of the month print style" thing has been a complaint from girls since at least 2010 or so. It's just that those dresses (Toy Parade, Milky Planet etc) are less popular now, but they were huge fucking deals at the time.

>> No.8536112

Ay sorry, didn't mean to make you feel bad.

>> No.8536118

The cheapness and ease of ordering from taobao these days makes it harder for handmade people to even make a profit.

I can make a headdress and maybe charge 40 dollars for it, but you can probably find the same or better AND cheaper at ciciwork

>> No.8536120

agreed. The cut of vanilla-chan's OP is so cute, and now the only OPs ap comes out with are either sailor cuts, that ugly princess sleeved one or the one with small sheer chiffon sleeves.

>> No.8536121

I do think people like to show off more in Harajuku in general. Also were you and your friend asking the girls in Japanese or in English? I feel like Japanese lolitas would probably respond better to the question being asked in Japanese, but I've never thought to ask or take pictures there.

>> No.8536127

From the sounds of your dress and the fact you're going with classic, I think these should work just fine. They have a very rococo feel to them to me. Also, I love royal blue in lolita way to go anon

I love this idea too.

>> No.8536131

consumerism at its finest.

>> No.8536139

It's not so much people who just happen to have a mental illness, as people who claim to have one and then wear it like a badge of honor in the most obnoxious special-snowflake ways possible. Like trying to shoehorn it into every conversation topic, fishing for sympathy, money, etc and basically doing anything and everything for attention. Nobody wants to read all that crap.

>> No.8536143

Wow, the construction on this looks much nicer than the bodyline one. What's the price on it? BL is so expensive these days anyway.

Jesus christ, this is ridiculous. Although Kate's face is actually pretty cute outside of makeup, she should change up her contouring and go with a more natural look.

Also this is a TRAILER? Jesus christ. How long is the official film? And if she's going to the trouble to get all this staging, why not hire a decent director of photography or cinematographer, also the lighting sucks.

>> No.8536145

yo kate you have time to spend making an amaaaazing documentary about your ~twisted mind~ but where's the LACE video that you promised us?

>> No.8536152

I've thought about it and it honestly comes down to laziness on my part. I'm about average with coordinating skills, my wardrobes is a pretty even split between taobao/BL/brand, and my opinions on things are pretty mild and non controversial.

I've thought about starting a blog just to see where it goes, but when I actually sat down to format it, it ended up being more work than I figured it would be worth.

Plus, I'm so boring that I doubt people would read my blog regardless

>> No.8536157
File: 3.65 MB, 294x524, 1421054814649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least we have our reasonably conclusive proof that she started it to feed her own ego and gather e-fame. Not that anyone had much of a doubt.

>> No.8536158

What would a LACE video even be? A lot of heart hand signs and "Bullies r mean"?

>> No.8536161

You can always have a seamstress remove the plastic boning and add metal and extra lining, if it's a dress you really love. I haven't heard anything about the re-release but I know some girls do that to a lot of Baby and AatP pieces.

Holy shit I love this, anon. It's really different and mature in its own way.

I think it's hard to find an undamaged Vanilla-chan at this point, although I do prefer it to Dolly Cat myself too.

>> No.8536168

They always use plastic boning.

>> No.8536177

>I'm not a doll! Don't call me a doll!!
>second half of trailer is just her trying so hard to look like some sort of animated BJD
Seriously, her little posing/pouting rituals are beyond embarrassing. She looks like a malfunctioning animatronic character.

>> No.8536213

This was expressed way better than what I was trying to say originally. I don't mind if people have a mental illness in lolita, but i don't like when people make it the centerpiece of everything.

>> No.8536218

it was meant to be an 'introductory video'
I guess LACE is well and truly down the shitter (both metaphorically & literally)

>> No.8536254
File: 900 KB, 854x480, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire video

>> No.8536258
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1_000000001435006_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any predictions when Excentrique will release one of their black vests again? I really want a black one but I can't wait any longer and am considering pic related.

>> No.8536269

Holy shit that's a beautiful coord.

>> No.8536293

I asked the one in lolita in english, my friend has a little japanese under her belt so that's what she would use. Either way everyone was super nice about it, even though it could definitely be a potential awkward situation since they are just normal people after all.

>> No.8536295

I just watched this to my boyfriend, who is an huge sympathiser for ~edgy desu~ types, and he nearly choked laughing.
Kate, please fucking stop, this is embarrassing for yourself and the whole community.

>> No.8536298

>watched this to
I'm not okay today, wow. Showed this to*

>> No.8536324

you dont need a shopping service for closet child. Just order the dress, if it's not in stock the money will be refunded to your paypal account in a couple of days. They will also send you an email.

>> No.8536335

Anon, they were talking about the CC blogs. You definitely need an in store shopping service for that.

>> No.8536351

I always loved Miranda but it's 2-3 cm too small for me to fit properly (my bust is the garment max). So sad... I would love them to release a just-slightly larger version with an 88-90cm bust.

>> No.8536356

ohh, I thought OP meant just regular CC.

>> No.8536392

She can afford a burando wardobe and vlog about her melodrama but can't even trim bangs properly. GIRL, GO TO A STYLIST

>> No.8536397

I decided to play a video in the background featuring poop noises. It made watching 'Sweet Rebel' more enjoyable.

>> No.8536403


>> No.8536407

top fucking kek

>> No.8536419

she does go to a stylist for some of her wigs
I don't know if she gets the straight bangs one trimmed there though

>> No.8536496
File: 44 KB, 485x373, lovelylol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one who finds lovely lor's breakup with her bf fucking magical


she's kind of a jackass it turns out

>> No.8536511

that's sneaky but I love it
nah I get that the guy was just trying to be opportunistic but after a breakup is the worst time to start sliming someone

It's like someone's pet dying and going up to them saying 'HERE'S A NEW KITTY, FORGET ABOUT THE OLD ONE.'

>> No.8536514

why the fuck is she using >greentext on facebook?

does she use 4chan or is this just becoming a normal thing?

>> No.8536522

also screenshots or it didn't happen. i would google using the text of her supposed post to Craigslist to see if she's an asshole or just full of shit, but typing all that out is not worth the effort.

anyone with access to her page who wants to copy/paste the text, be my guest

>> No.8536523

yeah, but you don't take the phone number of the person offering you a replacement kitty and post it on craigslist asking for dick pics

tbh i'm just really grossed out with her behavior in general
it's like she's suddenly a 13 year old experiencing babby's first breakup

>> No.8536537

In Bodyline size? 2L since I'm 4cm too big in the bust for a M.

>> No.8536540

I saw this. Fucking hell.

>> No.8536541

>Bodyline? More like wasted potential

>> No.8536548

Fuck sorry I only have the S I'd have sold it to you if I had your size since it doesn't suit my style.
Try the bodyline sales group on FB, good luck.

>> No.8536553

Thanks anon. The S size is still available on the website and some days I've been tempted to wear a binder and buy it out of desperation but I know it would be too short even if it did fit.

>this close to begging Yanners for a restock

>> No.8536594

I know how you feel. All the dresses I want are in a size M or larger and I fit the measurements of a S. What about getting a S and adding ruffles/underskirt to add length? Having to wear a binder every time you want to wear it would be annoying though, I really hope you can find it in your size soon.

While you're begging Yanners to restock, tell him to stock some S jsks (I need L387 in EVERY color and maybe 2 white ones, so I can cover one in blood for guro and shit).

>> No.8536607

that's the new normal

>> No.8536611

M is up on Lacemarket for $25 and $25 international shipping from France.


>> No.8536624

kinda a dumb question, but what's the best resources for print images? for like backgrounds or wallpapers? I'm making some stickers (for personal use, not to sell) and Im not sure where to look.

>> No.8536630

True, the best way to deal with people trying to chat you up is if you just ignore/block
I wasn't saying I supported her actions, but if he sent her an unsolicited dickpic then I'd be for it (get what you give etc)
I really hope she begins to mature over this, as I know she's depressed but broadcasting all of this just makes her seem foolish, and I know she's not.

Breakups suck.

>> No.8536658

more caps please, this is hilarious.

Is it just me or are all the e-fame lolitas exploding right now?
>lor is bitter and salty over everything
>cadney has horrible depression
>kate and her edgy desu doc
>pixielocks quit and then her mom started to white knight her
etc etc etc.

>> No.8536662

Can you put more caps? I just want to see how dramatic she is being now. Is it true that she wrote on a status how she can't look at friend's relationship statuses, and have to "suppress my anger to not write nasty comments on couple's pics from ppl I know and see"

>> No.8536668

All e-famous girls are coming out with some mental illness, being edgy or doing something stupid to get attention. And sadly a lot of ppl will go tumblr on them and try to cuddle them with their "support of love"

>> No.8536679

Good fucking riddance. Hopefully they'll all fade out of popularity and someone good will come along or rise up for actually being well-dressed and a pleasant person to read/listen to.
I like how Peachie doesn't make a deal out of her issue at all, she mentioned it once and just gets on with it. I know people give her shit for being a bit of a Bodyline-chan and her OTT babyface makeup, but she's honestly much more stable than most other efamous lolitas and much less grating to listen to.

>> No.8536696

Jillian's mom in the ring too now? when did this happen?

>> No.8536709

You two are obviously kill joys. Dude if you just had a break up, you'd be fucking hateful too. Don't act like you're better, we all deal with shit in different ways.
Anyways I agree with >>8536511, that shit was cash. It would've been really primo with screenshots though. Learn to have fun guys, this isn't going to ruin his life, he's just going to get dick pics. You guys act like you've never seen a dick before.

>> No.8536713

idk man, if he dropped dick pics i'd say it's deserved and funny. but he was just being an idiot with poor timing, no need to spam his number on craigslist

>> No.8536720


>> No.8536722

This. Everybody on /cgl/ and Facebook comms keeps saying "No no, you definitely need to charge more! There's no way that that is fair for your time and work!" but realistically, there's no way to start up with hand-made unless you can compete with Taobao prices.

How the hell did places like PepFox get to the point of charging $220 for a teaspoon-printed potato sack?

>> No.8536734
File: 985 KB, 500x265, 1435874160340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw soon they will be too old to pull this shit and will resort to having children to get attention by proxy

>> No.8536736

Actually it was more like
>"Struggling to refrain from commenting super negative things on coupley photos on my ig feed"
>"Getting all of this support is great but it also sorta hurts. All these people love me, why can't you"

I am far too lazy to cap any of this stuff but there are a few girls who are calling her out for >>8536496 on her status.

>> No.8536740

It's...not like that at all anon.
What he said was "youre vulnerable and I'm horny, let me get an easy fuck out of you." He's attracted to her vulnerability, he doesn't actually want to make her "forget her ex".

>> No.8536748

come on anon, just give us the goods. I keep hearing about how mopey and dramatic she is, I think we're all curious to see it first hand since she normally has a really bubbly persona.

>> No.8536750

Man, offtopic but this reminds me of the man who got arrested for posing as his ex wife on craigslist and making a post about how she has a hyper realistic rape fantasy and wanting a guy to break into her house and to not stop no matter what she says - of course the poor clueless sod who did so got arrested, too. Internet revenge is fucking scary man. I'd rather have nudes posted any day.

>> No.8536781

I was thinking of removing the boning and just wearing a black bolero over it. I still love the print and the 90$ helped me buy guilty meltin sweets town a couple of days after. Either that or I can turn it into a skirt?

>> No.8536784

Maybe you can replace the boning with steel instead? and maybe line the dress in the process. It's a lot of extra work though.

>> No.8536787

I think Lor just removed the post. I can't get back to the comments anymore

>> No.8536789

To be fair, given her writing style she probably saw that it'd been posted here.

Lor, if you're reading this, I hope you're doing okay, but pulling this shit makes you look silly. I've done it myself after breakups and felt like an idiot afterwards. Don't be one of those post-breakup attention-seekers.

>> No.8536794

Thanks for the link anon! I've got a trip next month though that all my money is going towards so I can't justify buying a dress right now (especially if I'm not here to get it) but I'm definitely bookmarking it.

>> No.8536796

A couple of people were already giving her shit about it too which made me really sad.
There was this two people in particular who were annoying as fuck when replying to other people who were supporting Lor.
Mainly taking the defense of the guy who wanted to get with her.

>> No.8537118

>taking the time to kick a poor girl when she's already down and probably at her lowest
you're a sad person, anon.

>> No.8537120

no one was taking the defense of the dick who dmed her, just that they were sad she stooped so low and was acting so proud of herself.

also, she unfriended anyone who openly disagreed with her actions.

i kind of looked up to her for her before this, but it just seems like she's an insecure brat. good riddance.

>> No.8537121

She's being an asshole in public. Of course she's going to get negative attention.

>> No.8537125

I fucking love this holy shit

>> No.8537164

There was this chick who was very up for the fuckboi. Saying how she was so mean and how the guy just wanted a relationship or something like that.

>> No.8537170

Does anyone know of a non-bodyline chocoberry? I feel like I might have seen one but can't remember the brand

>> No.8537182

a taobao indie brand called white moon

>> No.8537199

Anyone who breaks into someone's house for a "rape fantasy" without negotiating first is not a "poor sod"

>> No.8537240
File: 36 KB, 545x407, xAYWZTo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one overcome with glee? :D

>> No.8537243

>December 16, 2014

who the fuck is this anyway?

>> No.8537244

is this that rosaire person? all i know about her is from the getoffegl posts, but that isn't much

>> No.8537248

Yes it's rosaire :) kicked out of grorious Nippon~

>> No.8537255

Man, she really had no life outside of being a weeb.

>> No.8537256

>being "overcome with glee :D" at people's lives taking turns for the worse

>> No.8537259

it's called schadenfreude

>> No.8537262

She had the chance to leave when all her health problems started when her father offered to buy her a plane ticket back but she refused and went on to scam a load of poor girls. She got what she deserved.

>> No.8537297

Given how much money she scammed out of people I feel like her poor planning has finally caught up with her

>> No.8537300

Anybody got updates since then?

>> No.8537302

Still homeless, still whining about not being served with disability on a silver platter, still whining about having to work, ad nauseum

>> No.8537330

no gtfo my country

>> No.8537346


>> No.8537353

God damn it, Lor. Breakups suck, but she's been absolutely insufferable posting on all her social media about how love is a lie and men will break your heart and how great her abs are. Keep that shit private. Talk to a friend or something, write your ex an angry letter and burn it with all of his pictures.

>> No.8537357

no, not otome, i saw girls in full aatp not wearing pettis. i think it's because its crowded and more polite.

people itt getting salty like I'm insulting japanese girls. it's true.

>> No.8537361

I feel really weird about the popularity of wigs these days - Especially when so many people consider them a necessity.

Wigs will never, EVER look natural. They can look good, even amazing, but never natural. As a result they make lolita look like a costume, especially to normies.

>> No.8537363

she's allowed to post about it on her personal fb if she wants to. you don't have to read it

>> No.8537365

It isn't on her private Facebook, though.. It's on a public "People and Figures" page.

>> No.8537367

Actually, it appears to be on both.

>> No.8537371

A Facebook with 700+ friends is not private.

>> No.8537378

I said personal, not private. That's what the damn things are for. To post about your personal life.

>> No.8537379

I am aware of this, I never stated he wanted to get into a relationship with her.
'I'll make you forget your ex' isn't exactly the beginnings of a new relationship

>> No.8537395

You don't air out your dirty laundry on facebook and act like a jackass where everyone can see it. "Personal" doesn't mean you should post everything on there.

>> No.8537409
File: 30 KB, 220x339, 9780141322643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of that transformation scene in their convention

>> No.8537461

Oh. So nothing new, then.

>> No.8537468
File: 79 KB, 640x360, spongebobexcited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw waiting for secrets about this

>> No.8537514

Yes yes. Natural ones aren't too bad, especially the ones that actually LOOK natural and not shiny and plasticy.

I wish people weren't afraid to use their own hair with Lolita. It makes it more of a fashion.

>> No.8537539

Bitch deserves to be deported. She scammed me, and many others.
You are not the only one overcome with glee, anon.
This is karma biting her whale sized ass.

>> No.8537552

There's not enough karma in the world to be big enough to bite something that fucking fat. Even then it wouldn't want to bite something so ugly.

>> No.8537554

Why was the image deleted and if this was posted back in 2014 then why is it only being discovered now?

>> No.8537555

I guess the janitor got to it. I saw it on lolcow.

>> No.8537562

>Wigs will never, EVER look natural.
Good wigs look like hair, so yes, they look natural. If everyone is wearing the same three lockshop/GLW wigs, of course it won't look natural because everyone knows which wig it is.

>> No.8537569

To make them look natural they's need to be special made wigs, like those for cancer patients. On pictures a good fashion wig might look natural, but in person the reflection isn't quite right, they tangle unnaturally and they don't 'flow' naturally when you move or when it's windy.

>> No.8537651

I'm mainly talking about human hair wigs, they're pricy but not special made, everyone can buy them. There's also high quality synthetic wigs that look very natural in person to the point where people not overly familiar with wigs won't be able to tell.

>> No.8537825

Getting on disability can take years, and with her 'invisible' health problems she may never actually be granted it.
She's going to wind up living out of a shopping cart or something.

>> No.8537853

I'm late, what did the image say/depict?

>> No.8537854

This is an awesome mature take on a circus coord, I like the Manolos with it because they look something a beautiful ringmaster would wear! If that makes sense. Keep at it anon, would love to see this worn!

>> No.8537937

Check the archives.

>> No.8537961

I did and I can't find it.

>> No.8538007

Does Wunderwelt ever lower their prices or have sales? I've been eyeing a JSK there for about a month that seems overpriced. I don't mind waiting if it means I get a better deal, especially since it's an old and unpopular print and I'm probably the only person who wants the thing.

>> No.8538011

https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/S8533631#p8537240 You need to learn how to use the archives, then. You copy the post number and paste that into the "View Post" field.

>> No.8538015

You didn't, because it's right there when you search the post number.

>> No.8538020

I've never seen them have a sale, but I've only been following their site for about 9 months or so.

How badly do you want it? If it's not a dream dress, I'd wait.

>> No.8538032

I want it to collect a set. I've bought this JSK in 3 out of 4 colorways so far, but I paid between 6500 yen to 10K yen for each. This one's almost 13K. I have the money for it and completing the set would be so damn satisfying, but I don't want to overpay for that satisfaction.

>> No.8538062

So I've been admiring lolita fashion for many years now and I'm feeling more and more confident about diving in, but there's one problem.

I'm probably moving in about 6 months, though I have absolutely no idea where to. Given that there's a good chance I won't be in this area anymore past then, I'm not sure it's worth the effort and heartbreak of making all these new friends and then immediately having to move away. At the same time I've had some weird drama with a girl who I know is a part of the community, and while this animosity could probably be solved relatively easily (it boils down to a particularly venomous person in a semi-related community spreading rumors, and this girl was just kind of young and so reacted really childishly to it) again, I'm not really sure it's worth the drama getting into this community if I'm just going to move away.

Thoughts? I'm feeling really impatient to start on this hobby, but I can't justify spending the time or money without a community to get involved with.

>> No.8538080

stop being a drama llama and be a little more patient. wait until you move and get a fresh start with a new comm.

>> No.8538086

I agree with the other anon, just hold your horses. Plus it's a pain to move, let alone with the added stress of worrying whether your lolita goods will be damaged in transit.

>> No.8538089

>stop being a drama llama
Sometimes bad drama happens to good people. The best you can do is deal with it in a mature way, but that doesn't always mean people won't still dislike you.

>> No.8538132

Thinking about getting a binder because I'm tired of my cow tits being the only reason why I barely fit into my dream dresses. I don't look terrible in them and I can breathe just fine, so I'm still hesitating because I'm afraid of losing too much shape. Then again, maybe that's not even an issue at my size.

>> No.8538155

I think a binder wouldn't help so much as an overbust corset would. It doesn't have to be tight or hugely restrictive, but it'd shape your bust to better fit some things.

It doesn't work for everyone, but if your budget allows, it might be worth a try?

>> No.8538178

Thank you, I did put in the number of the post but for some reason it didn't work for me.

Well golly jee wizz anon, I just wanted to laugh at her. I did try to figure it out but couldn't.

In any case, I am so happy she is banned from Japan for 7 years. Serves her right. I hope she doesn't qualify for disability either because she is just a scammer, in sales and with trying to get it in the first place.

>> No.8538260

I think sometimes they discount individual items but I've never seen an all out sale event on their page. It might have to do with how popular the item or brand is in Japan- it could be more valuable overseas.

>> No.8538328

I've thought about making a vlog for cooking and recipes and the like while wearing frills, since I wear them quite regularly when I go out. But I don't want to talk extensively about my clothes, if at all. I feel like a lot of people still treat lolita like it's a costume, wearing it to only cons or meetups and the like. I just want to present it as something that's normal, something that doesn't need to be talked about endlessly by everyone who wears it.
I don't know if anybody, lolita or not, would watch it, though. It'd probably end up being pretty weeby, and I'm super awkward so it might just be uncomfortable to watch.

>> No.8538373

I think it would just be a normal cooking channel, where you happen to wear lolita.

I actually like the idea of making an unrelated channel and just wear lolita without talking too much about it, but I think you'd just get a bunch of confused normalfags asking why you're dressed like that.

>> No.8538378
File: 9 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be horrible of me to wear some of my lolita blouses/ cutsews underneath sleeveless dresses like pic related? I almost never go without my shoulders covered and for some reason I have a few of these, and I'd like to get some wear out of them, but I don't know if that'd be really frowned upon or not.

>> No.8538401


Sorry but the chances of somebody having both fibromyalgia and CFS (wasn't CFS proven not to exist and was usually a misdiagnosis of either ME or another chronic pain disorder?) seem pretty low...

>> No.8538403

You mean casually, not lolita? Who the fuck cares, anon.

>> No.8538438

..no? No one cares, unless you tag it lolita.

>> No.8538450

okay thank you! I was scared someone would yell at me for tarnishing burando.

>> No.8538496

Has anyone bought from Fururun before? I bought a dress on there and wanted it sent to my Tenso address (I hate customs) but I chose the paypal payment option... I haven't gotten an invoice or anything from them though.

>> No.8538520

Anyone here gonna participate in Pixielocks' fashion contest thing? It sounds cute but I feel like the whole 'theres no rules in fashion do whatever makes you happy ((((:' thing might cause a lot of troll submissions to be sent in.


>> No.8538529


and that same person also being into an extremely niche fashion with a high proportion of participants claiming to have invisible illnesses. i don't buy it.

>> No.8538536

If they sent you a confirmation email, you have to write back to them saying that all the information is correct before they'll send you the invoice. Other than that, they're slow as balls as replying so give it a couple days before sending them an email.

>> No.8538543

What does /cgl/ think of replica bags/boots?

>> No.8538557

We did that play at my college last year and never before have I seen so much caked on makeup. Not just on the witches even, the mean boy's mom too. I played the boy/mouse, it was so much fun.
sage for not contributing

>> No.8538560

Her prizes are so lame. It just doesn't seem worthwhile.

>> No.8538583

I guess it depends. imo it's hard for anyone to claim copyright on a heart and bow bag

>> No.8538663

you know that if you don't take pictures and post them on the internet, no one will ever know, right?

>> No.8538724

Is the catalog messed up for anyone else?

>> No.8538824

New thread >>8538822

>> No.8538899

I kind of want to do this, but I feel like I'd never be able to show my face on /cgl/ again bc jillian

/cgl/'s opinion of me is sadly more important to me than a bag of handmade stuff kek