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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 9 KB, 247x224, AWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8521876 No.8521876 [Reply] [Original]

AWA thread!

>What are you cosplay?
>What guests are you hoping they bring?

Little less than two months to go

>> No.8524958

I'm considering it, is it worth it?

>> No.8524989

Only if you like old men who ask 14 year olds to make out in cosplay

>> No.8525029

Any word about the fashion show?

>> No.8526553

This will be my first time attending a big con. Is it normal for them to confirm guests late?

>> No.8526572

Not sure what the other anon is talking about; I've been going for 5 years now, and it's always been a fun con. I'd say the size is comparable to Momocon, but the programming is a bit different (more J-fashion stuff, for starters). I've yet to be disappointed, so I'd say go for it! As for myself, I'm hoping to have 2 new cosplays ready for it, with the possibility of entering one in the costume contest just for fun.

>> No.8526576


With AWA yeah

>> No.8527121

>more J-fashion stuff, for starters
Uhh no. I thought everyone knew that Andrea killed the Jfashion programming at AWA.

>> No.8528032

Compared to momocon AWA still has more j fashion programming. There's still a fashion show this year but it's not lolita related which is good.

>> No.8528051

she did?

>> No.8528093

A giant mascot pear.

>> No.8528168


I've been considering going to AWA. Last time I've gone to any con was, maybe, three years ago with friends and I've had fun there, but I'll be going alone this time, if I go at all. The reason I want to go is I get some vacation time every two months and normally I don't do anything at all but I want to actually do something and my work period ends two days before AWA.

Could you tell me what kind of stuff happens at AWA and if it's the kind of place one could have fun at by themselves? They really seem more like social gatherings, a thing to do with friends so any solo experiences could help. I'm not planning on cosplaying at all. Just chillin' for fun before finishing my vacation up further East.

>> No.8528715

Just google Andrea Atlanta lolita drama.

>> No.8528729

There's always panels (maybe make some new friends there, even), video gaming, tabletop gaming, the manga library...

I'll be honest though, I've mostly grown out of doing conventions much. I go every year to AWA as crew now. Help set up, help people with technical issues during the show, chill out in Tech Ops, and still generally get to see the panels I'm interested in and meet up with friends I don't see often. (Fuck, I don't see them much /during/ con either, they're always running around doing three thousand different cosplays)

>> No.8530088

I'm not too outgoing so how well do you think a sign saying "i have no friends here, be mine?" Or "will accompany people for friendship" would work? Also lets assume I'm maybe a 7 so i don't have any sort of ew factor when people see me.

>> No.8531322

I really dislike how they changed AWA's website this year. It's impossible to find anything and for an out of stater like me, it's ridiculous how they deleted public transportation and helpful guides from their "How to get to AWA" guide and instead simply made it a "Hey, we assume everyone's coming by plane. Here's our code. Don't ask us how to get here from anywhere but the airport" thing.

>> No.8531327

That's just gonna make you come off as kind of a creep. Just cosplay and talk to people at photo meet ups or go to panels/gaming rooms and chat with people there or even wait in line for an event. I met a lot of people that turned out to be future friends just by talking to the people around me in line or by cosplaying the same series.

>> No.8531471

I heard the fashion show was gonna consist entirely of a brand called Galaxy-something.

>> No.8531587

>not knowing galaxxxy
fucking pleb

>> No.8532411

As far as I know, the main transit option if you're coming from outside the Cobb County area is to take the #12 bus on MARTA. It departs from the Midtown rail station and it ends at the CCT transfer station that is behind the mall that is across the street from the convention.

If you're coming by car, I'd suggest the Waze app, just search for the address for the Cobb Galleria. It uses crowdsourced traffic info to help potentially route you around major accidents and such.

>> No.8532502

i mean i would be your friend
it would be fun to have more people to hang out with. we should meet up
that probably sounds creepy.
everything sounds creepy online.
Who wants to have a cgl meet?

>> No.8532601

Yeah, I ended up taking a cab from Midtown to the hotel last year because when I arrived due to a delay that got me to Atlanta way after the last bus for the night. Took the bus on the way back though.

>> No.8532746

Should have ubered

>> No.8532941

AWA is only fun when you're on drugs

>> No.8533103

Funs over.

>> No.8533387

Eh, it was my first time in Atlanta and considering it was past midnight, I hopped in the first cab I could instead of waiting around and having to figure out a brand new app (we don't have Uber anywhere near me in my state) and by then I just wanted to get to my hotel.

>> No.8533392

A seagull meet might actually be fun. Once the event gets closer we should figure something out.

>> No.8533442

Dude, Galaxxxy is a shit-tier clothing line.

>> No.8533512

It's very obvious you're not even familiar with them. Don't be salty anon.

>> No.8534965


what are some of you guys cosplay lineups?

>> No.8535324

Fate/Stay Night: Emiya Shirou
Gintama: Katsura Kotarou
And hopefully Gakuto from Prison School if my friends go through with the group cosplay.

>> No.8535668

Krul Tepes
Ririchiyo Shirakiin
Slave Morgiana

Unfortunately the friends that are going aren't cosplaying, neither will my boyfriend.

But yay one of them has a nice camera and is taking pictures, i'm trying to convince her to go as ash for Seraph on the day i'm krul because we are built similar and close heights but she doesn't wear dresses or wigs for some reason.

>> No.8535671

Me!!! This is my first con, I have been to music festivals and raves but it's so different. I need some more friends.

>> No.8535682

I am thinking about going. I went completely alone last year and actually had a decent time, but I spent way too much money (particularly at the Baby booth).

What are the lolita events like this year? So far I haven't really heard anything, which is sad.

>> No.8535697

Black Rose-.hack//link
Nico- Love Live Wonderful Rush
Inaho- Aldnoah.Zero
Kija- Yona of the Dawn
Akane- Psycho Pass
Yukken- Terra Battle

Super excited for AWA. It's my home con

>> No.8535700

generic chinadress wearer #163
Kido Tsubomi
Hatsune Miku Senbonzakura ver.

>inb4 vocaloid trash
I don't want it to die. ;_;

>> No.8535737

waaa~ love black rose, I hope I see you!

>> No.8535754
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If anyone sees me, come say hey. I'm shy as hell irl though.

>> No.8535756

we have a giant group Friday evening/night!

>> No.8535792

Someone go as miketsukami so we can get a picture

>> No.8536160

>Fate/Stay Night: Emiya Shirou
good shit, anon.

>> No.8536171

I have 3 versions of saber, so what day for emiya??

>> No.8537052

Are my Momo Hotline pals here

>> No.8537105
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I'll be there working the con store, it's kind of boring but all my friends also staff it and they're flexible with which hours I want to work to visit the panels I like. My only gripe this year is that it's the same weekend as the kpop event I'm going to so I get to miss out on the saturday night partying :(

will be going as pic related if the last piece arrives in time.

>> No.8537148
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Escha Malier from Atelier Shallie on Saturday. If anyone else is cosplaying from the atelier series we should meet up.

>> No.8537333

yasssss i wanna model

>> No.8538348
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Thanks, anon.
I'm doing both Friday and Saturday. One day I'm doing the UBW anime Shirou version now that my gf bought the jacket (Sehai bless her) and I'm doing pic related another day. Either way, I'll be cosplaying him the day of the group photoshoot.

>> No.8540665

cool i didn't ask for your opinion

>> No.8541000

Wasn't my opinion, it's a fact.

>> No.8541455


I love AWA and I've gone almost every year since 2010


* End of the Con season so the weather is slightly cooler

* Cobb Galleria center has a nice outdoors area for photos

* Generally the craftsmanship contest has some really legit entrants (yaya usually judges or emcees)

* Mall nearby for cheap food

* Con hotel rooms are pretty cheap relative to Dragoncon and Momocon

* Parking is free


* Not much to do on Thursday evening or Sunday

* If you're not at the Renaissance Waverly getting from room to con or back is a pain in the ass.

* Parking is limited af. Get there Thursday afternoon and don't move your car all weekend

* Rules are getting kinda out of hand. Typically teens get in trouble by homestucking the pool, breaking an expensive marble ledge, stepping into the fountains, or getting wasted in hotel rooms and the con has to up the nazi-ism each year.

Overall it's a fun time and not stressful. Perfect for the last big con of the season for most people in the area.

>> No.8541832

a fact that you're a faggot?

>> No.8541883

Can't forget the food trucks too! They're more expensive, but there's always something new and exciting each year, so I can at least get something different from Subway or Chinese food.
I really miss the year where they had the crepe stand and the Chik-fil-a pop-up. That shit was tight.

>> No.8542850

Parking has never been a problem for me. I can roll in at like 12 or 1 on a Saturday and theres usually a few spots in the parking garage

>> No.8543978

If you see any of those email dps@awa-con.com to get them banned, thx

(If you get someone arrested, they'll be in jail until Monday, since the police don't process on the weekend!)

>> No.8543983


That's stupid. I've seen people planning this on the FB group and they all seemed to be seriously mentally ill autists - do you want to be those people?

Dress like any casual event, go to some panels or cosplay gatherings, take some pictures of randoms, play tabletop games.

That's because public transit is useless to get to AWA. 45 min bus ride, best case. Take Uber and be done with it.


There should be more stuff Thursday, don't know about Sunday.

>> No.8544656


Was it Momo or AWA where there were food trucks inside the Dealers room? that was really cool.

I remember the crepes were in the hallway just outside the dealers room. How did they get that gig? They must be getting rich off of all the weebs because whenever I passed by they were always working on a crepe. 20 minute wait minimum because its's so popular.

>> No.8544715
File: 72 KB, 600x338, 600px-Upotte_L85A1_title_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be cosplaying L85 from Upotte! I'll have the whole plate carrier and airsoft thing as well. I'm pretty excited for it because this is a character I've wanted to cosplay for a while plus I usually cosplay Touhou characters so it'll be different from my usual thing. Also I need an opinion is it gross to wear the same cosplay two days in a row? I have several Lolita outfits I'm planning on wearing as well but I'm honestly more excited about my cosplay because I can wear Lolita all the time. I can't decide what day I should wear my cosplay on and I was thinking maybe I'd wear it for both Friday and Saturday.

>> No.8545549

So is there going to be another meet up this year? Are these usually planned well in advance or closer to the con?

>> No.8545699

That was AWA! Momo's had some outside before if memory serves me correct but didn't this year ofc.
More like why didn't they come back? I can't imagine how much money they must have made.

>> No.8545962


>> No.8546187

I'd be down for a /cgl/ awa meet

>> No.8546267
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>assuming that second anon was me
Nice try. :^)

I'm more of a cosplay person than a J-fash person. I have no reason to be salty that I don't know about blah blah brand. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That being said, I took a look at Galaxxxy Rocks and it seems kinda meh to me. I'd prefer to see another lolita fashion show like last year.

>> No.8546402

Like I said you're not even familiar with them. I'd rather not see yet another lolita brand, it gets boring seeing the same thing every year, variety is good.

Apparently last years lolita fashion was a wreck behind the scenes so maybe AWA needs a break from that.

>> No.8546428

All thanks to a certain brolita

>> No.8547084


>> No.8548052

how would we organize a meet?

>> No.8548848

its usually held at the fountains outside the waverly

>> No.8550889
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I only have one: Shintaro Kisaragi
I was going to bring a second cosplay outfit but I'm traveling light, since this is going to be my first out of state con. The only con I've been to is AX so I'm expecting this to be on par if not better than AX.

>tfw I'll be alone for the first two days

>> No.8550917

ya know what i mean
and bump

>> No.8550924

Aye, I cosplayed Shintaro and went to AX too. Have you been to the KagePro gatherings there? I was the Shintaro with sandwich this year and the one that brought the Cokes the year before.

>> No.8550937


AWA has about 1/5 the people of AX, far less industry presence, and most of them are not nearly as good looking as Californians. But maybe you just wanted to hang out?

>> No.8551008

Hahaha, I wouldn't exactly try to compare AWA to AX. AX is one of the biggest anime cons in the nation and nowhere near the level that AWA is. Don't get me wrong, AWA is great fun and somewhat sizeable, but holy shit I certainly wouldn't compare the two. They're just not the same.

>> No.8551010

Haven't been to any gatherings before, I just watched KagePro during the summer and got really into it.

It looked interesting plus I'm meeting some friends there too.

>> No.8551097

>Comparing medium sized local con, to one of the biggest anime cons in the United States.

Lower your expectations anon lol.

>> No.8555531


>> No.8557047

Talking about fun and content, not size you asswipe

>> No.8559642

So how do you guys feel knowing that your registration money is going towards sending one of the media pr staffers girlfriends to Japan without even getting to vote? Rather then getting actual decent guests.

>> No.8559703


>> No.8559897

>medium local con
Anime Weekend Atlanta - 20,311 paid attendees in 2014 = is the 8th largest anime con in the US.

>> No.8562389

>Anime Expo
90000+ attendance
So yes AWA is a medium sized con.

>> No.8563873

advice from a local: take the CCT #10 (art center in atlanta to cumberland mall). It's a much shorter ride (20 minutes usually), and they use the marta card/accept marta transfers.


the only catch is they don't run on sunday like marta does.

>> No.8564061

two bands confirmed:
heidi and universe

>> No.8564715

Anon that previous anon was responding to, I actually took MARTA on Sunday and got the hotel shuttle to take me to the bus stop and they kept telling me "The bus doesn't run on Sunday. Are you sure you know what you're doing?" and the driver stopped me before I could get off and handed me his card for "if the bus doesn't show up" and about that time the MARTA showed up behind the shuttle. Talk about good timing because he really thought I was crazy.

>> No.8565795

I kind of want to apply to be in the fashion show are they going to have indie brands again like last year? The application goes towards the indie brands too right? I don't really wear anything other than Lolita and I think it would be fun just to model one of the indie brands or something as long as its not like that one train wreck indie brand last year. You know the one. Of course I would not complain if I was asked to do Galaxxxy but I don't think i would get picked for that. What would be the best thing to wear in the pictures?

>> No.8565801

Oh god does anyone have pictures from that trainwreck from last year?

>> No.8565802

If you want to wear lolita for the fashion show, your application photos should have you wearing, well, lolita. Kind of an obvious answer, don't you think?
You should also include a picture or two of you wearing plain street clothes too, so they can see your body type better. A pair of skinny jeans and a nice fitting t shirt would be good.

>> No.8565816

Okay! Thank you very much!!

>> No.8569317

I heard it was terrible

>> No.8573414


>> No.8574019

New singing cosplay with trip to Japan announced.....place your bets on who is going to win.

>I may be going back to Japan earlier then I thought tee-hee

>> No.8574681

There is no indie fashion show this year. Just Galaxxxy.

>> No.8577636

So what is the point of the karaoke contest if they are letting staffers in the contest, especially ones that have been to Japan 5 times in the last 2 years, including just recently on the attendees dime?

>> No.8580118


AWA didn't spend a cent on that then and it won't now.

>> No.8580208

It had their name plastered all over it. So who did pay for it?

>> No.8580228


Japan, of course. Free publicity is the best kind.

>> No.8580575

LOL yeah sure. Japan just happened to pick the most toxic shit talking wannabe idol in Georgia and slapped Anime Weekend Atlanta on it.

Calling bullshit.

>> No.8580736

Their name being on it doesn't prove anything. Stop trying to shit stir and make assumptions with no facts.

Honestly you can probably ask one of the higher up staff about it.

>> No.8581979

Second year going and I'm really excited to have my own room with my s/o this time, along with some close friends. I have two cosplays planned and I wish I could fit in my Shokugeki no Souma cosplay but I wouldn't even be able to get a wig shipped in time so I'll save it for a later con.

>> No.8582231

Not the anon that you are whiteknighting against, but why do I have this intense feeling that I know you. You have this distinct "I'm always right" tone to your posts.

>> No.8582274

You probably don't know me, I barely have friends especially in the cosplay scene.

>> No.8582282

I also only responded to that anon once, I just don't like people who try to start shit with rumors.

>> No.8582299

You sound like a guy that gets NTRed on a near monthly basis

>> No.8582397

Been going since 2009, Second year as a vendor this year.
Between the fire-alarm last year and MomoCon blowing it out of the park this year, they've got some work to do.

Thursday was so obviously tacked on that you might as well skip it though.

>> No.8582637

that's everyone on cgl babe.

>> No.8583258

>momocon blowing it out of the park
>didn't even sell one half of their hotel block
>had a fire alarm too

Merriman/Stuckey has arrived.

>> No.8584379

"Im always right tone" is synonymous with /cgl/

>> No.8584451

Welcome to the internet.

>> No.8584476

I stayed at the host hotel and I don't recall a fire alarm going off?
Also they don't have to sell their whole block to be killing it; ticket sales matter more.

>> No.8589189

Three weeks left, how are those cosplays coming along guys?

>> No.8589199

Just need to buy a pair of tights and dye a dress and I'm all set.

>tfw you think you're forgetting something and realize you haven't bought a pass yet
Also need to shell out $20 for 4chan pass cause my phone's banned from posting? Gonna be bored as hell on the travel without it.

>> No.8589390

AWA is going down the drain this year. No Lolita events, shitty guests with bs translator that claims she's a hafu or some shit, crap vendor, shit maid cafe, shit everything. I fucking hate my comm for ruining the entire con

>> No.8589432

>shitty guests

And here I thought people liked the Kato*Fuku announcement.

>> No.8589465

> shit maid cafe
Ok yeah I gotta agree. I saw a lot of cute maid outfits on attendees and kept mistaking them for maid cafe staff until I saw an official maid advertising the cafe. The uniform seriously looked like a hotel cleaning lady. I was pretty shocked since I'd never been to AWA before and fully expected Anime USA tier maids at the least.

>> No.8589493

Do we know if btssb is gonna be a dealer this year?

>> No.8589505

Nope. They obliterated all Lolita related things, except for that dinky panel

>> No.8589522

why they do that?

>> No.8589545

Because they think Lolita isn't bringing any profit to AWA, even though quarter of AWA goers are Lolita.

Don't diss Miya. She's legit fluent in Japanese, hard-working and a sweetheart.

>> No.8589586

hey man, my panel's gonna be good i swear ):

>> No.8589590

I'm a firm believer that they will get done eventually.

>> No.8589623

Wtf am i going for if not for Lolita? :/ now i gotta wear slutty pika costume. Thanks alot. (jk)

>> No.8589634

you need to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.8589645
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>> No.8589648

Don't start this shit again.

>> No.8589663 [DELETED] 

What shit? It's true. That bitch seriously need to stop sleeping around AWA. We've never heard of her before and she's just shitting all over the comm.

>> No.8589672
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>> No.8589677

Don't say things you can't prove. If you can prove it, then we'll talk. There are a lot of accusations about her, and no proof of her doing anything.

>> No.8589749 [DELETED] 

She literally come to the meets either dressed like an ita or a slut.

>> No.8589767

>Confirmed for shit taste.
Anon, why so salty? It's okay, let it all out.

>> No.8589777 [DELETED] 

Whiteknighting much?
Miya is a weeb that managed to fake her way into Lolita comm and AWA staffing

>> No.8589793

Nah, just an anon tired of ATL Comm shitting up threads with her.
Also, for my future knowledge, how does one fake their way into a comm? Sleep with the mods?

>> No.8589810

It's not really a secret that she's a fucking liar. We just put up with her because mods are too much of a pussy to kick her out.

>> No.8589814

que? she's cute af what are you talking about. unless i'm thinking about a different miya?

seriously this, like...quit shitting up this thread and talk about the fucking con and your plans, not your vendetta hard on.

>> No.8590017

I'm pretty hype for them, Fhana, and Daisuke Sakaguchi. Eir Aoi is eh, since it's my third time seeing her, but I'm still down for going to her concert.

>> No.8590064

doesn't atlanta have a huge lolita community? why would AWA do this?

>> No.8590144

Just got into Lolita this year.
AWA has basically zero lolita events and no vendors.
Y u do dis AWA?

>> No.8590146

That's a total lie. She created the fashion track and made sure there were a dozen panels, the BTSSB tea and BTSSB fashion show. It was wonderful. Best Tea and fashion show ever. The AWA Leadership cancelled the Fashion track because of the small size of the J-Fashion community and because the drama of the Lolita community is out of proportion to the size of the community. There is no Tea this year and no Lolita programming. All the haters are just jealous.

>> No.8590216

no its not, cunt.

>> No.8590217

AAHH i need to finish making this ravivo for my husband its gonna suck ;a;

>> No.8590676

why the salt lmao

>> No.8590677
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all im eating rn

>> No.8590698
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like literally, why are you so mad
it would be really cool if you didn't act like a child and explained why you're so mad because i don't even know you nor do i really interact with the comm. relax.

>> No.8590712

Created a fashion track that ended up alienating everyone who she considered to be "working under her", including BtSSB. I'll never forget her sitting in the front row of the fashion show while all of volunteers scrambled to get shit together backstage and then leaving afterwards to go have lunch with her girlfriends while the guests of honor cleaned up. No one I know would ever work with her again. There are a lot of people who I would thank for making last year as good as it was and those people put ego aside and worked their asses off before AND during con. You can bet Andrea is not included on that list.

>> No.8590767

agreeing with this. I've heard of horror stories from last year's events both online and irl. Most people that were actually involved in the planning/organizing/working of the events had a lot of bad things to say about Andrea's attitude. I was pretty surprised, since she was always really kind to me.

>> No.8591090

>MomoCon blowing it out of the park

Were we even at the same con?

>the fire-alarm last year

This was a royal nightmare. Was in the main hotel and the fire alarm went off at like 2 am. A lot of people were at the rave, I think, but I was up in our room. The only thing that made it bearable was a drunk DIO.

>> No.8591563 [DELETED] 

There's only one Miya in Atlanta Lolita comm I'm talking about. I can't believe she brainfucked everyone at the comm to the point that they can't see how much of a cunt she is.

Don't give in to her stupidity seriously.

>> No.8591579

there's a "Miyako" as well, maybe I was confused.
She dresses very well though so your claim of "she's ita!" kind of screams vendetta tbh.
I've only interacted with her a couple times and she was very nice. She's sassy but I like that. Not over the top sugary sweet like some other girls, who come off as fake to me.
If she's sort of weeby, I didn't notice. Seemed like a normal girl to me. You just sound really salty, anon.
Maybe if you actually pointed out specific bad things she's done, I wouldn't be so suspicious. Can't just be all "ugh she's a CUNT i hate her ):< " without telling us why you have a hate boner for her in the first place.

>> No.8591623

Are you fucking shitting me? Momocon was rank, it was boring and there was nothing to do after 10. Child Friendly and full of normies, fuck that.

>> No.8591635


It's a "family friendly maid cafe". Since the events director runs it and he's a dad-aged guy, he's too nice to fire the staff who put no effort into making their costumes. It's the South though so it's natural everyone is poor and fat.


If you want more, send in some staff applications…!

>> No.8591638

why the fuck would Japan some pasty faced nobody to travel to Japan and sing in an idol showcase, why wouldn't...I don't know, the fucking convention she was representing pay for her?

>> No.8591640 [DELETED] 

What's up Holly, I recognize your longwinded ass responses any day.

>> No.8591654

Calm your salty butt down anon. I'm not even the person who's trying to argue that the trip was paid for by Japan. I'm just pointing out that you're just making up assumptions and stirring up shit. If you actually gave a shit about the issue you would take it to con staff and ask them directly.

>> No.8591656


Why would an event run by Haneda Airport not buy people flights? I should think they get a discount.

>> No.8591677

I'm starting to cram a lot of last minute cosplays together. I'm so thankful for Taobao since school is keeping me busy.
But I'm still doing Shirou and Katsura. Yato for Sunday. But now I want to do Kurokiba from Shokugeki no Soma, Ginoza from Psycho Pass, and Philip from Kamen Rider W.

>> No.8591710

>asking AWA staff questions about circle jerk public media staff and their unusually high budget
>Just getting a bunch of bullshit answers, look at media relations staff list, realize it's a bunch of liberal sjws.

I tried. The answer I got didn't even make sense. They told me it was based on her blossoming "idol career" and best representative for the convention to the upcoming guests.

So what I translated that as:
We sent her to lick a bunch of studios managers asses since she would perk their pseudo-pedo interests and get them to send people under contract with their studio.

>> No.8591730

Do you assume everyone that defend Miya as Holly? A while ago you accused Holly for posting vendetta threads about Miya. Fuck off

>> No.8591731

Are you fucking kidding.
Holly's been in a hospital you dickwit

>> No.8591733 [DELETED] 

I'm guessing any post that's eager to call out Holly is Stephanie or Kia. They are salty and desperate atm because Holly and Miya's lolcow thread got moved for pure vendetta.

>> No.8591737 [DELETED] 

>Miya sleeping with one of the mods
I'd like to see that.

>> No.8591837

Still you think they'd at least do better than baggy black dresses with a plain white waist apron. Even my home con where they had everyone supply their own since it's attendee-run looked better and the majority of them just got those ebay kawaii generic ones.

>> No.8591839

> kamen rider
Bruh. I swear AWA is the only con I've been to where I saw a henshin belt at least once an hour. Been wanting an Ankh hand for ages but damn that price.

>> No.8591863

God I wish I could have my Alice cosplay done for AWA but there's no way. Sucks that I stick to Florida cons the rest of the year too.

>> No.8591869

My gf recently just got me into Kamen Rider and I'm pretty hyped to cosplay it. Coincidentally, I'm almost done with OOOs. If you ever get that hand, I'll get some flashy underwear and pair up with you as Eiji.

Sorry to hear that anon. My gf and I might have plans to go to Holiday Matsuri, and we might do Souma and Tadokoro. Hopefully we can see you there!

>> No.8591871

Well shit, I should definitely have it done by then. Today just gets better and better while I plan for that con, I swear. I hope to see you too, anon. Also if you're cosplaying Shirou at AWA I'll be doing Fate all weekend so make sure you at least stop by the shoot on Saturday!

>> No.8591889

I'll hold you to that promise, anon. Kamen-buddy of mine keeps trying to talk me into cosplaying Ankh but I'm nervous about using my own hair since it's impossible to wig in that style. Gotta lose 10 pounds too. AWA 2016 goal.

This year I'm only doing a lolita coord and Sadako from The Ring.

>> No.8591920

lmao not holly but thanks anyway

>> No.8591927

We should all meet and get a group shot.

>> No.8591932

I'll be there for sure. Which character are you cosplaying?

Yeah, I see what you mean. That hairstyle is really hard to pull off.

>> No.8591936

I'll be casual Saber on Friday and Ilya in her dress of heaven on Saturday for the shoot. My friend and I may do Tiger Dojo Taiga and Ilya on Sunday but I'm not sure yet and I need to find my shorts and socks for it before the con hits anyway.

>> No.8591955

Is your friend the one doing a Fate panel at AWA?

>> No.8591959

She doesn't run the general Type-Moon panel but I believe she's doing one specifically about the Grail War and mythology this year, so technically yes.

>> No.8591966

Awesome, I met her at the last Momocon while I was in Shirou too. But yeah, can't wait to see you two there.

>> No.8591974

Oh okay, yeah, she was at Momocon. Awesome, I can't wait either.

>> No.8592090

I'll be rocking Casual Saber too, twin powers activate!

>> No.8592153

I've only had positive interactions with her. I know she's with Holly which is a huge negative against her but I'm curious to know what she's done to make you so salty anon.

>> No.8592534 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 600x754, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the people on lolcow disagree with you. Give it with that salt enema, anon, or cite examples.

>> No.8593045

can you be any more samefag?

>> No.8593153 [DELETED] 

I don't know, can you?

>> No.8593390

I'll be so pissed if Miya was getting picked on by some salty group of Lolitas just because she hangs with Holly and Sacha.

Holly and she isn't even a clique, she is even capable of showing up at meets on her own, hang out with her other friends and do her own shit.

I'm just assuming they are just jealous because they can't get any attention from her.

>> No.8593407

Why does AWA always have to be included in petty lolita drama. Can we talk about the con?

>> No.8593455

Because Atlanta is the new drama capital. You all want to be cosfamous have your own shows, idol groups or YouTube let's play wannabes. You all shit talk each other.

You reap what you sow.

>> No.8593457
File: 45 KB, 848x480, HorribleSubs-Love-Live-S2-04-480p.mkv_snapshot_15.12_2014.05.02_20.33.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, who hurt you?

>> No.8593465

...still better than HLC

>> No.8593561

Anyone know when the list of approved panels will go up? I want to see what's good this year.

>> No.8593567

I hope soon. Didn't Dragon Con's just get put up like a week before?

I needa know what I'm gonna do.

>> No.8593590

This is my problem as well. I like to at least figure out what panels I want to see ahead of time so I can plan around photoshoots and stuff.

>> No.8593815

Can anybody point me in the direction of where the photoshoots list is at?

>> No.8593855


>> No.8593860

Holy shit does Homestuck really need a photoshoot every day?

>> No.8593867

Weird. I thought there'd be more gatherings.

>> No.8593927

a lot more gatherings get posted up closer to the con

>> No.8593957 [DELETED] 

No one actually. I got tired of the catiness and incessant shit talking. It was really hard to just sit there and watchave these people act like best frienda, when five minutes before, they were calling each other a bunch of dirty sluts and showing pictures they snuck of each other's rooms and bathrooms claiming how dirty they were. It's like, I'm getting the fuck out of this before they turn on me next. Likely already have but I ducked into irrelevance and dodged the bullet.

>> No.8594071

That's a lie.
Cuz you're on CGL

>> No.8594482 [DELETED] 

Because here I can watch and not be targeted because some basic bitch got bored with her usual whipping boy and decided to train her sights on me because "omgawd, her ass is slightly bigger then mine, she's totally trying to fuck my boyfriend, what a slut"

>> No.8594619

I blame tradition on that.
I actually ran them a few times at AWA and Momo a couple years ago (I've since stopped caring about HS lol). We needed to do it everyday back then because of how ridiculously huge the fandom was back then. The Saturday shoot alone had more than 175 attendees. Friday/Sunday usually had around 40-50 too.
Nowadays I don't see the point though, since the fandom has died down considerably. I saw maybe 5-10 HS cosplayers at Momo this year at most.

>> No.8594632


Florida has infinite amounts of drama (tiny cons every weekend started as revenge cons against each other), but it's Florida so nobody else cares.

>> No.8596025

Yeah but key is no one cares. Georgia they will slit your throat.

>> No.8598231

Was it stated when applicants would hear back from the model call?

>> No.8599151

Nope, we'll probably hear something in the next few weeks.

>> No.8599172

OR you could check the website or Facebook because frankly, we aren't going to tell your lazy ass on here.

If you weren't told by now, you were rejected.

>> No.8600984

You guys make me worried to wear lolita. I wanted to take a cosplay break so I planned on packing a few coords, but I don't want to get flack from Atlanta. I'm from out of state.

>> No.8601008

I doubt you'll get any flack, especially if no one knows you.

>> No.8601091

Miya's the current target for the ATL Lolita's to bully now. Don't worry, no ones going to give you any flack as long as you ignore the shit out of her.

>> No.8601274

More like it's just one or two really salty vendetta-chans. Most people are fine with her as far as I can tell.
Nut up and do it. As long as you don't look like a train wreck or act like an asshole no one's gonna care. I stay low profile for personal reasons, but it's not because I'm scared of the comm.

>> No.8601495
File: 156 KB, 239x299, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not doing anythign Anime related this year. I may pull out the giant Super Saiyan hair I made from those old promotional Saiyan hair from many years back, but I may be retiring that soon. Running out of extras to keep patching it.

I will wear what I was supposed to wear during Dragon*con. I made a Peacekeeper outfit from the show Farscape. I ended up not being able to go to Dragon*con this year, and don't want it to go to waste.

Attached is the hair in question. That was like 5 years ago, and I've brought it ever year since for the hell of it.

>> No.8601674

HA! This guy brings that hair every year It's like 6 feet tall.

>> No.8601683

Another out of stater here, anon. You'll be fine! I'm wearing a coord as well and wore Jfashion last year and got stopped for pictures in it and no one seemed to care. Half expected to show up /cgl/ cause one outfit was one of those Meta sailor outfit knock-offs I got from Taobao (wasn't wearing it as lolita though and saw a bunch of them during the weekend anyway) but pics never surfaced so yeah, don't worry about getting beat up in a dark corner by a lolita gang or ending up here in an ita thread.

>> No.8601686

Anyone know some good photographers attending?

>> No.8601733

Dude just wear what you want. I'm wearing lolita Sunday and if I get any drama then so be it.

>> No.8601798

I'm only really known in my state because I know a lot of girls. But I don't consider myself popular and I hope it stays that way, lol. Should just take >>8601733's attitude and throw caution to the wind.

What's the dish on this girl? Everything I hear seems all over the place.

But no I'm not scared of them, I'm just worried I'm going to have to deal with drama. It gets tiresome, you know?

Imagining a bunch of Lolita beating up a new kid in the alley to steal their brand, thanks for that. But that's reassuring. I'm confident in my coording skills, I was mostly just worried about dealing with nonsense. But I think I'll go for it... might replan a coord or two though.

>> No.8601913

Miya is innocent. She's bullied by the mods and elite groups in the comm because she dress well but is nice to everyone and encourage ita/noobs to stay in the comm to improve.

Also they are jealous that she's Japanese. That's seriously it.

>> No.8601947

Dude, they kicked her out of Lolita panel at dragoncon because she wasn't a "traditional Lolita". She was twinning twinkle journey with another girl and she was the best dressed in the fashion show.

Everyone's fine with her but I know Victoria and her elite followers couldn't stand her ass for some reason.

>> No.8602133 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 960x960, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't best dressed and her coord was questionable for the fashion show. I doubt it's the mods or 'elite' group. She was irrelevant until some vendetta chan or possibly Miya herself started shit posting everywhere.

>> No.8602140

Dude that wasn't the fashion show coord. She twinned twinkle journey

>> No.8603919

>bullied by the mods and elite groups
Our current moderators are all really nice people. Also I don't think we have "elite groups" within the comm either. At least no one comes to mind. So this comment really confuses me.

>> No.8603925

>Example of the mod that's burying the problem under the rug.

I dunno man, they got some tight clique of mods and their friends in the center circle.

Also, tell us more about the rigged mod election please? lolcow thread got deleted and we are dying to hear about that

>> No.8603953

Because I'm sick of this, and I hope a mod is reading, here is the post admitting to kicking her out:
This panel was run by just 3 or 4 people. One of the panel members hates both Holly and Miya, so draw your own conclusions.
Can we talk about something else now?

>> No.8603960

Who else still hasn't gotten anything done or even remotely ready to be packed? I've entered the minor panic stage.

>> No.8604088

Some cosplays I ordered off Taobao might not make it in time for the con, so I might be short 2 cosplays. I was planning 6 total, so I got 4 as back up. I'll be bummed though if I don't get to do those characters since they're the ones I want to do the most.

>> No.8604135

An AWA classic.

>> No.8604139

I've made one thing. I am in panic mode too.

>> No.8604164

Can someone explain to me why people bring more than three cosplays to a con? It seems so excessive and time-consuming, not to mention tiring to change in and out of costumes so much. I know one of my friends is bringing almost ten and I just can't imagine dealing with that...

>> No.8604180

>almost ten
Okay no, that's too much, but I can see bringing four or five in case you get too hot or exhausted wearing a more elaborate one but you don't want to normie it up the rest of the day.

Hell, I'm getting on a train in Atlanta Thursday morning and debating wandering around the convention while I wait for my roomie to show up in cosplay.

Just debating the merits of being in costume plus dragging my small rolling bag behind me. I've got a Hogwarts uniform and thought about getting a brown suitcase cover for it and painting it to look like a school trunk since I'll have a few hours to kill before my friend's plane arrives and we can check in.

>> No.8604205

Honestly 3 of them were new, and one is for a group meet I wanted to go to. It's tedious, yes, but I feel it's worth for being in those cosplays since it may or may not be my last con until next summer. I might just not even do the old cosplays I plan on bringing.

>> No.8604206

It's four days.

I also like bringing multiples because sometimes wearing one outfit is tiring and tedious and another one might be easier and more comfortable to walk around in (giant armor set vs sports jersey). And also out of town friends who want cute cosplay selfies with me, I don't mind the extra hour of changing and lunch to wear something else with them.

Sometimes you don't even wear all of them. I brought seven to my last con and only wore five, one was themed PJs so all I did was wash my face and go to bed the first day.

>> No.8604345

I never really got to pull this off until recently since I stocked up some more comfortable simple cosplays, but it makes sense. You want to change out of the costume you've been in all day and don't want to walk around without cosplaying, so why not change into another one?

I'll usually plan ahead to have more than one outfit for a character, so I can change from an elaborate main outfit to, say, their casual outfit at night.

Also, specific photoshoots and the fact that this is probably the end of this year's con season for most people so they want to make the most of it.

>> No.8604585

Except where on the website or the Facebook does it say that the applicants were notified?

>> No.8605108

The Boulder

>> No.8605132

it's always so awesome to see kamen rider belts at the con, last year a little kid got super hype to see my bf's W belt. neither of us are cosplaying but we'll probably end up wearing our belts at some point bc we're hoping to snag a Gaim one this year, and I'll be bringing my Zeronos.

>> No.8605143

My email. Go find the notification yourself in the fb group. You spergs wanted just a fb group rather then a "whiiiine, message boards are too hard to navigate, whiiiiine"

Now you have to deal with your announcements scrolling by without you even seeing them.

>> No.8605147

Atlanta is full of attention whores and thirsty as fuck photgraphers. They need as much material to change into to keep them fresh for the 1 hour of fame.

>> No.8605188

It's not stated on the FB group or page if models were chosen please take your burning vagina elsewhere.

>> No.8605191

Awww, someone's salty she didn't get picked. It's kay, ugly girls can sit in the audience for free.

>> No.8605291

Different anon but holy shit, the first one just asked a question and you came with a serious attitude. Anon I think you need to sit down and get your Sandy vag checked.

If a shitty attitude like that is in the fashion show, I guess I'll skip it, thanks for the warning :)

>> No.8605294

Is there a cosplay orgy this year?

>> No.8605309

Room 334 2 am Saturday, I'll be the girl with boob loaf.

>> No.8605314

cool. how many so far? who are you cosplaying?

>> No.8605316

I hope the naive fools fall for this bait and I pity anyone in room 334

>> No.8605318

That's Georgia in general. Don't come at all.

>> No.8605323
File: 105 KB, 774x1032, best_sakura_haruno_cosplay_by_verakitty-d7jg41o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 9, mostly dudes?? Idfk. I'm cosplaying my super favorite character, Sakura Chan from Naruto. It's the bestest anime ever!!!! Here's a preview pic.

>> No.8605325


>> No.8605329


>> No.8605333

No lie, when I went last year I fully expected Yaya Han to be the biggest attention whore there... I saw her for five seconds on Sunday. The one person I saw over and over again whoring it up without fail despite what time it was? That Victoria Secret's angel cosplayer with her instagram info on a sign.

>> No.8605335
File: 71 KB, 500x617, qu4sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8605336

I forgot about that chick . She caused a huge stink on the FB groups. Did she even have a badge?

>> No.8605339

Plane ticket already booked. I'm only going for folks I like, and Higedriver. Georgia can burn.

>> No.8605341

OP here and yeah, now that you mention it I remember there being something brought up about her not having a badge but I don't remember if it was ever confirmed or not . She was at DragonCon too, same outfit, same sign.

>> No.8605354

Thank you!

>> No.8605371


>> No.8605413

Is YawnYawn going to be there this year?

>> No.8605742

So yeah, meet up on Friday?

>> No.8605938

No, go have your touhou circlejerk somewhere else.

>> No.8606763

No but for real, how did you know that was actually what I had planned?

>> No.8606799

Bullshit. The mod crew is openly bitchy elitist and rude. They all think they are hot shit but no one actually likes them at all

>> No.8607023

she stayed only in the hotel lobby area after it opened to the public. No one ever saw her with a badge and she was never in any of the badge-only areas. She honestly never left the hotel lobby.
She wore high heels, large feather wings and an ordinary underwear and bra set from VS. She wasnt dressed as one of the runway costumes or anything. She was only there to get attention.
I remember last year about how all these girl rose up on her side and said that they were going to do a huge VS runway group, which every one told them was fine, but just wearing an underwear set from a VS sale bin was the problem. Lots of butt hurt

>> No.8607387
File: 221 KB, 934x1920, 1441090749851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gonna do a /cgl/ meet up this year?

>> No.8607475

Because it's nothing but touhoufags that show up to the meet up every year.

>> No.8607491

I'd love to join a circle jerk!

>> No.8607502

Hoping she won't be back because yeah, walking around in just panties and a bra is an issue.

>inb4 but people swear swimsuits!!

>> No.8608031

You jealous that she got more likes then you? They are just empty likes from a bunch of betas like the skinny loser that was following her around holding her sign. Nothing to worry about, just let her be.

>> No.8608384

Not jealous at all. I mean, I wouldn't even care if she bought a weekend pass and wore that around but how sad do you have to be to show up to a convention, change in a bathroom stall into lingerie, and then stand in a hotel lobby all day because you're basically crashing a con to advertise your Instagram?

>> No.8608860

So who's excited to meet some voice actor's dog? Why is that a thing?

>> No.8608869

you had me at "dog" tbh. i could give less of a shit about VAs in anime. dogs are way more important.

>> No.8609096
File: 125 KB, 640x480, b234649ccf3c41431dd9fa4c2616b6fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the other person. I won't even know who the VA is but I'll happily wait in line to meet their dog, especially if they have on accessories that look like cosplay.

>> No.8609620

Won't be cosplaying much this weekend because I'll be in the Artist Alley. I'll be selling my poros, kuribohs, bath bombs, and dice bags like I was at Momocon.

>> No.8609624

If you have time to wander around Atlanta I would recommend checking out some of the fabric stores instead such as Gail K Fabrics and Fine Fabrics. (Fine fabrics has these amazing scissors that are much better than ginghers and you should pick up a pair, they have a nice silicone grip too).

>> No.8609921
File: 303 KB, 580x434, arashi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds neat but I think it would be wasted on me because I barely know how to sew.

>> No.8610232

Holly shut the fuck up. you were not the best dressed at the fucking fashion show.

The people who kicked them out of the panel not only hate Holly but they hate Amber too, so this isn't some big conspiracy against. People dislike you because you make a scene, you get loud in public and sing randomly for no reason. You draw unwarranted attention towards our group despite the fact that we already look like retarded toddlers to people in the south. Also you're a fucking liar, and you have claimed that everyone and their mom has raped you. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8610258

What day do you plan on doing Gakuto if you go through with it?

This is actually my first time I've been on cgl but I'll be cosplaying Haruka Nanase and maybe Kiyoshi Fujino.

pls no bully if you see me

>> No.8610454

yikes, chill out.

>> No.8610557

soooo when's Galaxxxy announcing their models?

>> No.8610601

I'm actually going to beat the crap out of you when I find your "pls no bully" spergshit ass

>> No.8610877

I decided to go from Gakuto to Kiyoshi since another friend that wanted to join us fits Gakuto more than I do, but we'll be doing the group cosplay on Friday. I won't be in it all day, but I know they'll still be doing it then and Saturday.

>> No.8611287

Amen. Awa nees to fckin stop bein a lazy ass

>> No.8611542

They will announce them in the schedule. If you want a hint, your favorite naked wannabe uguu idol got picked.

>> No.8611715
File: 30 KB, 510x353, egotrip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, who was this about?

>> No.8611840

Chill, Holly wasn't kicked out, Miya was and Holly just happened to tag along

>> No.8611851

When's the schedule coming out? I really wish fashion show model applicants could get some sort of update so we can adjust plans accordingly. If I know I'm not getting accepted I don't have to spend so much on hotel

>> No.8611876

I thought it was about Richard at first but I realize he probably wouldn't be "jealous".

>> No.8611994

>Tells people to not talk shit about her
>Talks loads of shit
>Proof in >>8611876 trying to name drop
>Guy is not even on her friends list nor talks to her or her circle of friends. Would not have information posted on her page to talk shit about her
>Someone still leaking her personal Facebook posts onto 4chan

Ironic Hayley strikes again. Her biggest enemies are the people closest to her. That entire clique is a bunch of backstabbers and shit talkers.

Who wants to place bets she "wins" cosplay karaoke?

>> No.8612167

Loves to help anyone perform in japan, but keeps going to Japan for free and on gofundmes. Yup, real support right there gais.

>> No.8612209
File: 111 KB, 707x989, FB_IMG_1442201533489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know, but I find it hilarious she is doing a backup performance with Sara as they shit talk each other so badly behind close doors.

>> No.8612219

Wait, why is an Italian band coming to a Japanese convention?

>> No.8612257

Swittx is dancing? Didn't she fail the Dansu to Pantsu audition with a really lazy cover of Toluthin Antenna? Why have someone like that doing backup dancing?

>> No.8612261

She sure did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bCU5lk3rIk

>> No.8612420

Check the AWA staff list. I'm sure you will find the connection.

>> No.8612425

Alright, who is she fucking? There is no fucking way this girl is getting free trips to Japan based on her "singing"


This is an embarrassment which can only be topped by the guest announcement for a voice actors dog. Really awa, really?

>> No.8612580

You leave the dog out of this. We'll happily take the dog.

>> No.8612657

That fucking tart. She shits up DragonCon as well. Seems like for 3 years running.

>> No.8612726

What kind of bath bombs?

>> No.8612746

I'm selling ones shaped like rupees for 3 dollars and ones shaped like D20 with a smaller random dice inside of it (ranges from D3 to D20) for 5. The scents I currently have are blood orange, pink grapefruit, and lemongrass. I'm hoping after this con to make different shapes of bath bombs as well as more scents.

>> No.8612817

This sounds lovely, I hope to find you Friday or Saturday!

>> No.8612853
File: 58 KB, 540x960, 11988197_716203468486150_5458620131583481422_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and a friend decided to but cheapo buckets and crudely glue craft foam on the for our costumes. They will also be filled with candy. We're going to be Classic Rosalina and Daisy Friday so if you see us, come get some free candy.

>> No.8613086

Thanks! Hope you see you there! The D20 ones are pretty big so you can probably break it in half and use one half for one bath. Unfortunately I didn't get the e-mail about table placements otherwise I would tell you about where I am located.

>> No.8613129

so is there a cgl meet?

>> No.8613143

Yes. It's the touhou orgy. Check Craigslist.

>> No.8613150
File: 30 KB, 119x261, XY_Beauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if I can pull this off though

>> No.8613262

It's cool to hand out Halloween candy at AWA? I wanted to do that for my witch outfit but I wasn't sure if it was close enough to Halloween to do it without seeming weird.

>> No.8613392
File: 637 KB, 742x960, 12022354_10153532831297649_8581012488631110795_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy then

>> No.8613396
File: 359 KB, 742x960, 12027168_10153532831287649_2268950980266017483_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8613482

What's that?

>> No.8613574

Are the dealers better than Dragoncon?

Like would they have Overlord merch?

Any other reason to go to this shit?

>> No.8613615

If you are looking for a reason this late.....no, no reason to go. You can't even find one on your own

>> No.8613618

daily reminder that I go to cons and grab girls asses and even sometimes their tits on crowded hallways and have been doing this for a long time and never been caught

eat shit seagulls, your bodies exist for me to play with

>> No.8613623


Well I guess your right.

It's just who the hell cares about dub voice actors or listens to dubs period? Who wants to listen lip synching b-list weaboo bands? Who wants to play 10 year old video games you already have at home? Who wants to watch anime in a video room that you've already watched?

Putting on a costume or going to the dealers room is pretty much all there is to this shit.

Since anime has stopped being moe 24/7 lately I've been watching more of it and kinda been feeling the urge to weeb out a bit.

>> No.8613656

Another streaming site like Crunchyrokk

>> No.8613660

Ah, okay. Thanks for letting me know since I had never heard of it before.

>> No.8613676

Uhhh, you're getting your cons confused. That's Anime Expo drama from several years ago.

>> No.8613706

please grab mine

>> No.8613780

Well if they let you and run to blogs after the con rather then tell security, not much we can do nor should we care if they are going to be a part of the problem.

>> No.8613991


Thanks! Looks like I'm at table 1059 then.
Hope to see you there. My boyfriend will be running the booth friday morning but I will be there in the afternoon.

>> No.8614024

>overlord merch
>a show that isn't popular in the west
>not just going on amiami or whatever instead

>> No.8614025

4chan is an 18+ website, young man. don't you have homework to do?

>> No.8614088

Schedule still not out?

>> No.8614240

...I love bath bombs, I want those

>> No.8614735
