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8498212 No.8498212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

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You can find it all here on Australia Cosplay General 33.0

>> No.8498215

inb4 smash meetup anon

>> No.8498244

Email me at galagastorm@gmail.com for the smash meetup

>> No.8498269

Mav is back

>> No.8498279


>> No.8498317

apparently he has been going around, adding people again. Jamie had a rant about it earlier

>> No.8499222

Wow nobody cares about Mav. Please shut the fuck up about it.
He has nothing to do with cosplay.

>> No.8499313

Please don't yell at me but,
Who's Mav?

>> No.8499669

any Melbourne cosplayers that aren't hated?

>> No.8499893


There are a few players who do nothing but whine and bitch, they pretty much cover everyone.

>> No.8500022

loooooool there are heaps that don't whine or bitch, just gotta suss out their posting style on mcc

>> No.8500400

literally a no one

>> No.8500411

smash coming up in 2 weeks, starting cos now

>> No.8500419

Who is Hide and why the fuck does he spam the MCC with his stupid business ideas?

Yep literally a winey no one. search the archives if your desperate.

>> No.8500430

Why are there 2 fucking threads of this next to each other

>> No.8500434

because you bumped both of them you cocksucker

>> No.8500436

To bring that obvious attention to it. It was also like that before i even did. Eat fuck ass shit

>> No.8500444

One's about lolitas, they used our image.

>> No.8500606

because theres 4823904512809571029 american threads

>> No.8500610

I'm moving up to Brisbane soon.

Any drama up there? Who should I make friends with and who should I avoid?

>> No.8500620


>> No.8500678


>> No.8500731

What are you planning? I didn't notice how close it was because of college. Haven't even started.

>> No.8500742

I'm dressing as your mom

>> No.8500755


>> No.8500921

What are, in your opinion, Artists in the Artists Alleys at cons not really the best artists?

>> No.8500933

I dont understand what you're saying
Are you asking who we think aren't good artists in AA?
Are you saying all artists in AA aren't good?
Are you asking why some artists in AA aren't good?
Are you asking why we think artists in AA aren't good?

>> No.8501032

Do we know who is entering WCS?

>> No.8501072
File: 149 KB, 2048x1363, 10459051_307377432720119_6584432405734363937_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its these two

>> No.8501098

what is that?

>> No.8501110
File: 24 KB, 599x400, CIg1Iq3UwAAtYlX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Adelaide Supanova very big?

>> No.8501125

wait.. theyre BOTH women??

>> No.8501141

to those who dont know its Yggdra Union and a sad attempt at that

>> No.8501786

I know of three teams entering this year: ette and rai, sare and taigakun, and crazy cat and ticaju.

>> No.8501916

Oooh I know of one more

>> No.8501928

Has Ardella always been a nasty bitch or is it only just recently she's become like that?

>> No.8501941

Willing to spill or is it a secret?

>> No.8502199

maybe as she becomes less attractive she's getting more bitter

>> No.8502384

Details? She's always been lovely and positive when I've seen her post. So much that it gets annoyingly sweet.

>> No.8502477

Are you one of those cosplay in action retards who attacked her for saying that demanding cosplayers work for 4 days for free could be considered rude?

>> No.8502506

no one demanded anyone to work for 4 days for free....they asked for volunteers to dress up in cosplay and shoot a video for a persons sick partner in hospital.
Ardella started attacking the chick for asking for VOLUNTEERS saying that the chick was rude and disrespctful of cosplayers by asking for them to do it for free.
Next thing you know Ardella's going on a rant about how it would cost $2000 for her to work for fours days why would she do it for free.

FYI Ardella, that chick asked for volunteers, she did not say you had to go all 4 days, and SHE NEVER DEMANDED that people go, she just asked if anyone was avlaible and happy to volunteer to do it

Ardella just went nuts at her though...she is a nasty bitch

>> No.8502540

That's a yes, you are one of those Cosplay in Action retards. Everyone in that group is so fucking awful, it must be horrible to have someone suggest that cosplayers should be paid for their time.

>> No.8502543
File: 20 KB, 477x221, whatanastybitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow what a nasty bitch /sarcasm
good on her

>> No.8502563 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 483x565, apologies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read that whole thread and they even apologised to each other. Seems like you've just got sand in your vagina and want to badmouth someone popular.

>> No.8502570

This is obviously affecting you a lot. Maybe you should see a psychiatrist and start worrying about things that actually matter?

>> No.8502587

Go to bed Wen, you thirsty wierdo.