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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8488716 No.8488716 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't had one of these in a while. You know the drill- share stories about experiences and reactions when you wear lolita in public.

>> No.8488917
File: 149 KB, 410x561, Manaharajyuku410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually impressed by the amount of people who recognize the style these days. I get a lot of "Nice coord!" and "Love your lolita outfit!" comments from random people. Of course total normies are still clueless about it, but it seems like the general nerd/Internet-savvy population has at least some exposure to J-fashion. It's pretty cool.

Here's a pic of Mana doing a bad job of blending in.

>> No.8488992

Why is Mana so perfect

>> No.8489613

"Look [son], there's living dolls over there."
That's the oddest thing I've heard in a while. Most people aren't fazed by it.

>> No.8489616


someone please turn this into a reaction image somehow

>> No.8489650

>waiting for friend at train station
>train pulls up
>happen to be standing right before a door
>group of middle-aged white men standing in the train
>they're staring, laughing, etc
>I'm staring right back
>one pulls out his hugeass phone and takes several pictures of me
>glaring at them the entire time
>trying hard not to break kawaii rorita persona (few kids are watching)
>must not make rude gestures
>tells them to stop
>pictures don't fucking stop until the train leaves

Some people have no shame.

>> No.8489685

I actually saw another lolita at the mall today! A barista at Starbucks also recognized that it was lolita, which was cool.

In general I mostly get compliments and staring, and people asking why I'm dressed up just to start a conversation. Not really any negative attention.

>> No.8489695
File: 19 KB, 400x573, me 2 mana sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gothic lolita
>will never know the feel of little kids calling me a princess
>never been called a witch by normies either

>> No.8489708

Oh man. I would have walked up to them and stuck my phone in their faces and started taking pictures right back until they were getting visibly uncomfortable.

semi related
>got a little tipsy
>wearing casual lolita
>decide to go for a walk to work off some of the booze calories
>cat called 2 times.
>time number three is a scrawny little fuck
> stop in my tracks
>confront scrawny fuck
> tirade continues
>scrawny fuck is visibly shaking
>starts stuttering, cannot handle being confronted.
>his friend is dying of laughter.
>I should drink less

That actually wasn't related at all.

>> No.8489709

>post-meetup hanging out with brolita friend
>walking down sidewalk
>a car pulls up beside us and a fat old guy rolls his window down to loudly shout "ARE YOU A DUDE? ARE YOU A GUY? YOU'RE A GUY AREN'T YOU." at my friend
>we just scurry away before things can get out of hand

Other than the usual weird normie reactions this was the only actual bad reaction I've witnessed.

>> No.8489713

"Why do you want to know? You looking?" Always makes people uncomfortable. Got accused of being a lesbian a lot in high school.

>> No.8489718

I like you, you sound badass.

>> No.8489724

Nah I only did it because it looked like I could take him in a fist fight. If he were a scary dude I would have kept walking like a pussy.

>> No.8489738

>After a small meetup at the mall heading out to wait for a bus with a newbie Lolita
>"What is this? Halloween?"Some basic bitch
>"No it's called fashion look it up"
>Continues to walk towards the bus stop
>Newbie looks at me in awe
>First time I ever managed to actually do a comeback and I feel badass.


>Photoshoot meetup
>Nice gardens but lots of tourists, most of them are nice and ask for pictures with us
>Tour walks by and everyone takes out their phones to take pictures of us
>All of the 10 people at the meetup take out their own phones and take pictures of the tourists

>> No.8489742
File: 111 KB, 483x728, Photo1404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volunteering at local school
>Jean + Tshirt because kids are little shits
>Everyone is lining up to leave Art class for the day
>"A-anon, what's that thing?"
>Kid points to my hip
>A spooky little doll I've been wearing on my belt loops for October
>Unhook it so the crowding kids can get a better look
>"What is it Anon?" "Are you a witch Anon?" "Y-your not gonna curse us, right?"
>Art teacher is smiling
>"This is Mr Feathers, I made him and he gives me good luck. He's like a voodoo doll."
>One of the smaller kids looks like he's gone full panic
>"Are you telling the truth?"
>"I would never say anything without honesty"
>Kids stop screwing around in art class for a few weeks.

About a month later
>Small kid again
>"Anon, where did your voodoo thing go?"
>"Oh, a raven took it from me"

polite sage for semi-off topic.

>> No.8489757

Harassing strangers is so not rori. I lol'd

>> No.8489773

Most lolitas i know wouldn't even do that. Good job for standing up for yourself

>> No.8489787

A couple things that happened to me yesterday.

>Waiting for a ferry after a meetup
>Wearing sweet sax coord
>Start boarding the ferry
>Hear a lady behind me say "Excuse me?"
>Turn around
>Starts saying things like "What time is it? and "Am I late?"
>Sufficiently confused, think she's talking about the ferry we were boarding
>Reply saying "No?"
>She walks away
>Realize soon after she was making an Alice reference at me

Other thing was just some kid loudly asking his mum multiple times "why was I dressed like a doll?"

>> No.8489925

Do normie lolita actually know the term coord? I want to compliment lone lolita but I'm scared they won't know what the fuck a coord is.

>> No.8489941

What do you mean normie lolita? I thought "coord" was just general, well known lolita vocab?

>> No.8489951 [DELETED] 

One day I was in the city center and I was waiting to cross the street, wearing a black Lolita skirt and Liz Lisa blouse, normal thigh high socks and heels so pretty casual. Then these trades men walk behind me and are laughing and one says to the other "yo dude i'd fuck her, looks like some japanese shit man". Fuck that scared me so much bc I'm only 15, I can't even imagine wearing a full coord in public...

>> No.8489958
File: 204 KB, 329x444, 1401794031470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm only 15

>> No.8489962

I've had that happen to me, I just cover my face or flip them off.
I've turned around a few times as well

>guy with huge ass camera trying to take photos of me while eating a fucking huge ass taco
>covered my face or made the weirdest faces I could make
>he finally took a hint

>> No.8489963

>'mommy! look! Strawberry shortcake!'
>'are you in a play?'
>'will you take a photo with my daughter?'
>'I wish more young people dressed like you, not like a slut!'
I was stunned by the last one, she was a tiny little elderly lady with a smoothie

>> No.8489966

Like of they don't go on 4chan because I thought coord was a seagull slang.

>> No.8489977

>Be back in housing unit after long day at my internship.
>In serious need of supper
>Housing cafeteria shared with some highschool campers.
>Be in sax dress and braided hair
>Get a dinner roll and slightly overhear camper dude in line behind me say "Dorothy"
>Halfway to a table but stop in tracks
>Make an about face and beeline back to the line
>Hear "Oooh"
>Forgot butter and jelly for my bread
>Obtain goods and happily head back to table
>Hear "Hey HEY, Where you going?!" fading in the distance
>Only realized he was talking about me after the first bite
>Doesn't matter, had jelly

I don't know why I didn't get it at the Dorothy bit, but, nothing came of it and I never even saw his face.

>> No.8489982

Maybe you're the normie then. Don't know why you would be scared to explain what it's simply short for.

>> No.8489987

It's a general lolita term.

>> No.8489996

I don't get it, is 15 too young to be in the city with my grandmother?????

>> No.8489998

cgl is for 18+

>> No.8490275
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normie? lolita? that's an oxymoron

>> No.8493900

A question:
Back before you wore lolita yourself, would you have/had you ever approached a lolita you passed on the street?

I always wonder what compels people to talk to strangers.

>> No.8493915

My friends told me this story a while back,
>they know lolita through me but we live in a big city with lot of other lolitas running around
>they see a girl and her friend both dressed up in lolita
>they go over and say "wow you're so kawaii!"
>one girl goes "why would you say that?"
>"Uh... we just thought you were cute"
>"Yeah but WHY would you say kawaii then? Ugh"
>both girls walk away
>my friends are baffled and ask me later if they said it wrong or something
I was pissing myself laughing. I could totally imagine some snobby cunts getting all huffy about people trying to compliment them. God damn.

>> No.8493916

Nah, but I usually nod and smile at them. Except I saw one at work one time on a plane - I clean planes. I felt like I had to say something to her bc my coworkers didn't seem to get why she was all dressed up. I told her I liked her coord and she got it.

>> No.8493928

I like old people. 70+
Especially the post stroke folks, they're so blunt <3

>> No.8493933

Don't say 'co-ord' say coordinate like a normal person.

>> No.8493936

If I hadn't been driving both times I would have. There would have been much spaghetti, but I really wouldn't have been able to help myself.

>> No.8494073

I actually went to school with a lolita back in my normie days. If I had the social skills then that I do now, I would've complimented her but it's too late for that. Haven't seen her since freshman year.

>> No.8494311

Yes, when I was just starting to look into lolita I saw someone on the bus and complimented her outfit, and on closer look I realized her dress was brand. I got all excited, she told me about the local comm (which I didn't know existed at the time) and that's how I was able to join. Good stuff.

>> No.8494351

I've found that normie reactions vary depending on where you live. I grew up in a tiny town with a bunch of hicks, so wearing lolita back at home got me lots of weird stares and questions and ostracism, but no one would ever dare yell a thing at you because that's rude and not Christian.
But when I moved for college, I went to a very liberal university well known for its hippy ideals, and wearing lolita on campus and around town was like a dream. It's how I met my best friends, got lots of free drinks became good friends with a number of professors, and met the love of my life. I would get stopped on the esplanade explain myself to eager ears and people would make a point of sitting near me on the bus just so they could talk to me, which was simultaneously sweet and confusing and terrifying having come from a quiet town where you didn't look passersby in the eye. I've managed to refer a lot of people to my state's comm just through school and hosted a few meetups.
My favorite thing was this very sweet Muslim girl who passed by every day while I waited for a class to start. She called me "little lolita" and always had a compliment for me. She could never stop to talk because she was in a hurry to a class herself, but she always made my day.