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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 84 KB, 400x600, Glasses 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8487633 No.8487633 [Reply] [Original]

I can't stand to wear contacts for even a few hours. Will my coords be ruined if they're not all like pic related?

I plan on taking them off for pictures and stuff, but I'm pretty much blind otherwise. They're the typical big black/tortoiseshell frames, if it matters.

>> No.8487639

I personally think glasses w/ coords are adorable, especially thicker frames or round frames.

You do you anon.

>> No.8487649

I don't think my opinion is a popular one, but IMO prescription glasses are medical equipment and really shouldn't be considered a fashion accessory/factored into someone's opinion of a coord (not going to talk about fake ones because that's a whole other can of worms). I have lazy eye, can't wear contacts, and have huge thick glasses, so I feel your pain. A lot of anons recommend wire frames, but due to the nature of my lenses, I have to go with those plastic hipster ones. I got them in light tan, though, as I think black is a bit harsh for my skintone. I'm not too bothered by peoples' complaints about my glasses; as I have no choice in my eyewear I don't see much of a point in dwelling on it. If you're self conscious, take them off or switch to wire frames if you're able. Personally, I think life is too short to let your medical issues get in the way of doing what you love. Go rock your coords, glasses or not.

>> No.8487654

I guess it depends on what kind of person you are anon.

>Do you care about someone potentially bitching at you on cgl?
If yes, just take them off for photos.

If no, then just keep doing what you're doing. I think matching glasses can +1 a coord for sure, but IMO a lot of people on here really exaggerate certain styles of glasses ruining coords.

Just remember that half the petty/nitpick things people bitch out online, rarely will anyone bitch at you to your face, if that's what you're worried about. Personally though, I just don't really care... I think I look awful without glasses (I think they proportion my face out better and make it look thinner) so I don't take them off. Maybe with certain coords I would - like, a really extravagant hime coord or something.

Currently I have clubmasters. I think they look fine with gothic imo, probably weird in sweet but like I said I just don't really care...for me, the way I see it, even though we all spend time picking out cute frames, glasses are a medical thing (something you need to see as opposed to a pair you picked up strictly because you thought they would look nice with your outfit) and therefore something I just...don't consider when looking at a coordinate, even if they may not look very nice with it (i.e. kate's thick-ass black hipster glasses with her sweet coords...I think those frames were ugly but I think people made a way bigger deal out of them then necessary)

I do think it's cute when people get certain frames to style with certain coords though...I think if you're someone who can see but is picking up a pair of glasses for a coord you better be getting glasses that fit and not hello kitty wayfarers.

On that note, even though I don't mind wearing my regular glasses, I also wear contacts and am interested in wearing those with fake glasses that match coords; anyone know of some good places that sell cheap but cute frames?

>> No.8487657

I just posted but YES, this, anon. I'm glad to hear someone else thinks this too - regardless of the fact that we pick out frames in particular, first and foremost they're medical equipment so I don't disregard someone's coordinate if their glasses don't match. Like I said in my other post, matching glasses are simply a plus, mismatching glasse for me are not inherently a minus.

>> No.8488861
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I've become increasingly unable to wear contacts and I think glasses look better than red, irritated eyes at meets so I just roll with it. My glasses are black, thick oval frames and I think they look cute when I'm wearing dark colors, but stick out when my whole outfit is pastel pink. I take them off for outfit shots if I remember to but I'm not too fussed by it.

Can we get some more inspiration pics here?

>> No.8488866
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>> No.8488872
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sorry for not lolita

I don't even really like this style of frames but it's about all I can ever find pictures of

>> No.8488875
File: 175 KB, 540x793, tumblr_nrh8qv6IC91twivzso5_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people think of glasses like these? I really like the way they look, but also feel they can be overused, and shoehorned into coords that don't really suit them.

>> No.8488976

I think they can be so adorable. Esp in this coord you posted. They remind me of like...a little witch or something. I like it.

>> No.8489069
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I like them when they fit the theme/look. I'd like to get a pair but I'm not sure where to get real prescription ones.

Pulled a bunch from facebook, not all the coords are the best but I tried to get more shapes. Commencing dump.

>> No.8489074
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>> No.8489076
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>> No.8489083

The ugliest shit I've ever seen. It's always those hipster glasses. There's no real excuse for it because circle lenses are such a staple for lolitas. The worst is when they're chunky pastel ones in sweet lolita or cat's eye glasses.

>> No.8489086
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>> No.8489090
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>> No.8489096
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>> No.8489098
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>> No.8489112

My astigmatism is absolutely awful to the point where I can't wear contacts without discomfort, and like you my prescription is too intense to work with those thin frames.
I'm looking at trying to get a translucent or pastel pair but so far not having much luck, so I'm stuck with my black hipster frames. I usually take my glasses off for photos, though.

>> No.8489114
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>> No.8489117
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>> No.8489125
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>> No.8489134
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>> No.8489140
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>> No.8489150
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last one

>> No.8489175

Same here. Awful astigamtisim, lazy eye and Fuch's distrophy (I believe it's that type but I'm not 100% sure. I was diagnosed as a kid, but my last eye visit the doctor was pretty sure that was the type I had). It causes tiny bubbles on the surface of my cornea and causes some vision issues (light sensitivity being my main issue). But it causes a severe intolerance toward contacts and I can't wear them.

My current frames that I've had entirely too long barely match anything. I'd usually take them off for photos. I don't think anyone on the internet knows I wear glasses because none of my lolita pictures except my earliest show them being worn.

I just ordered some new cute gold wire cats eyes frames that I'm really excited about. I plan on ordering some cheaper plastic pairs to wear with sweeter coords.

>> No.8489186

I had ppl tell me that my glasses don't match my coords at all. I can barely see my hands stretched out. The one time someone really bitched at me, I was barely starting lolita and my friend had to go tell off the other chick cause I was barely 13 or 14 at the time and this chick who was telling me about my glasses was like 23.

Cause of that incident, I wear my glasses only until a meet start then take them off for everything else cause I am too self conscious to wear them outside and inside the fashion. I usually hold my friend's arm to walk around because I can't see and taking pictures is hell because I can't see the camera plus I don't know if my coord looks tidy to take pictures in the moment. I might look for glasses that match my coords but pink and brown make my face look fat and my only choice are black or clear frames. But like if you need them for medical reasons, I feel like girls should stop bitching about it and just let ppl roll with it.

>> No.8489360

For me being without glasses (other than posing for pictures without them) isn't possible.
Can't wear contacts due to health reasons, and getting different frames will be fucking expensive because my eyes are shit and need special lenses put in (last time I got new lenses they cost me about 200$).
So I mostly ignore them when planning out my coord. Being pretty is nice and all but I'd rather be able to see a few centimeters away from my face than get upset about what people think about them.

>> No.8489407

Not everyone can wear contacts, anon. Some people have medical issues with them. Long as the glasses look nice, I don't have a problem with them.

>> No.8489430

I would love to see more thematic glasses. So, those opera-type glasses-on-a-stick would be lovely, monocles with pirate theme (one monacle at a time pls), librarian type thin glasses in a coord related to books... There's a lot of creative options. Also fond of the wire frames in black, brown, silver, gold, bronze, etc, and chunky frames if they match the coord perfectly. If you want one pair to match all lolita get some thin black ones l, not necessarily the full circular ones. You also don't have to get full on hipster chunky, in fact I prefer something in between where the frames are thicker than most other plastic ones but not to the extreme.

>> No.8489447
File: 126 KB, 471x800, tumblr_ng0grwQAJK1rsd1pdo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. My prescription isn't terrible, but I have very sensitive eyes and I couldn't wear contacts if I wanted to. There are cute frames, but I'm not too bothered if someone wears mismatching ones with an otherwise nice coord.

I personally have round-ish metal frames similar to pic related. I think they look really cute with lolita.

>> No.8489450

Thin black classes won't go with everything. I think it's better to get a metal color that matches the jewelry you wear the most.

>> No.8489453
File: 117 KB, 698x1144, IMG_2390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would buy flowers for.

>> No.8489506

yeah you are right I meant most lolita as opposed to all. most clothes in general I suppose

>> No.8489542
File: 225 KB, 480x800, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my real prescription glasses with lolita in mind though my mum complains I bought old lady glasses. These kind of frames though seem to be quite cheap.

>> No.8489818

I personally like going on Zenni Optical and picking out a few different pairs to match my outfits. Right now I have large, pink cats eye glasses for my more sweet coords, along with a thin, white pair with some gold detailing for more elegant dresses.

>> No.8489838

Is she eating a bowl of lace?

>> No.8489845

I think it's shaved ice?

>> No.8489847

True lolita lifestyle

>> No.8489918

If you're a girl in my comm, your glasses look good with the things you wear anyways.

>> No.8490701

Personally, I think wire frames look better than thick frames on most people, but I'm just a rando.

>> No.8490719

Wire frames give too much of a grandma look.

I have no problem with the hipster black frames (I have them myself) if they go with your outfit. If you're doing a coord that is mostly black, whatever. If you're coord is all pink, those black frames are gunna look really out of place.

Since you can get a pair of glasses for fairly cheap online, I've slowly been collecting some basic "other" colors of my wardrobe. I have some gold wire frames to go with my classic stuff (I know it's old lady, and i like it with classic) Some purple and red to go with other outfits.

I mean really they're just another accessory and most lolitas dont bat an eye at spending $40 for a headbow, so why not $40 on some cheap prescription eyeglasses?

>> No.8490724

>Wire frames give too much of a grandma look.

It's funny you say that, I think of thick frames as a grandma look. Especially cats eye glasses.

>> No.8490734

My eyes are shit, so I need glasses, and contacts are impossible. And since I'm allergic to most metals, I have to get thick plastic emo/hipster/whatever glasses so that my skin wouldn't break out. People tell me they look like shit with my coord but they can just fuck off. You do what you do and screw everyone else.

>> No.8490745

oh i hate cat eye glasses with a passion. but they dont remind me of grandmas.. they remind me of your crazy cat lady aunt.

round or square wire frame glasses just remind me of santas wife.

>> No.8490747

I like wire frames much better, but I have perfect eyesight so it doesn't matter...

>> No.8490829
File: 88 KB, 720x960, tumblr_nqzkrx44L01r8rgipo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear glasses pretty much 24/7 because I really dislike the way my face looks without them - and since I have a super round face I look ridiculous in anything but a fairly big square frame.
No one's ever said anything to me about it irl or online so it's never really bothered me, though I am interested in purchasing more frames now to mix and match with outfits.

>> No.8490834

I feel kind of the opposite. Big frames like the ones in your pic are the ones that suit me but I HATE how they look on me. I don't like the look of them on me at all with consideration to my personal style. I've only had glasses for a year but I thought maybe that would be long enough to grow to like them.

>> No.8491563

if people need wearing glasses then let them wear them.
if people wear them cause of fashion then they need to be shot

>> No.8492210
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>> No.8492217
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>> No.8492360

why? people wear contacts for fashion even if they don't need them. If people like glasses for fashion then I say go for it, as long as they don't make some big deal about other peoples' eyewear not matching their coords

>> No.8492364

As someone who wears glasses out of necessity, it makes me feel better to know that there's people who consider them fashionable

>> No.8492477

You might need a checkup to see if you're developing astigmatism. Just sayin.

>> No.8492498

> circle lens are such a staple to lolita
> being this new

>> No.8492500

this is so cute

>> No.8492506
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>> No.8492515
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This girl in briscomm has the cutest pair of glasses. I know for sure they're perscriprion and I feel like they're simple enough to match all her outfits. Pic is fresh from closet of frills

>> No.8492594

I feel like this is the answer to those who want their glasses to match with dark colours and pastels; cute wire frames or pale/ thin 'transparent' ones. They look adorable on her.
I only use mine sometimes but I have glasses in this light brown tortoiseshell colour that matches my blonde hair, I feel they go well with a lot.

>> No.8494020

I'll tell you why.
I used to be almost legally blind. I had 9 diopters in each eye and I *couldn't* live without my glasses. It was totally a handicap to me and something that coerced my lifestyle. I could only take off my glasses when I was showering or when I went to sleep. I even went to the beach/pool with glasses.
All in past tense cause I underwent lasik surgery years ago and it set me free.
So for me, having vision problems is a handicap. The person is handicapped, same as if the person needs a crutch, wheelchair, medical hoisery, etc. I find people who wear any of these out of fashion offensive to the people who *really* need that stuff to survive.
That's why.

>> No.8494068

Even as a fellow glasses-wearer I think your diatribe is obtuse. Why should people care about your personal problem when couture designers put out glasses frames? They look good for some people so why get all buttmad?

Seriously they aren't taking anything away from you and they aren't making your life harder so just chill out. Get over yourself. People wear wigs even though they aren't bald from chemotherapy. People use makeup to make themselves look different even if they don't have facial scarring. When Christian Lacroix starts designing crutches and medical hosiery and people decide those are fashionable then we might have a problem but jfc they're fucking glasses. Stop.

>> No.8494083

Diff anon, but I kinda see your point. My vision is bad but still bearable (-4 dpt), and although seeing people wear fake glasses doesn't really offend me on a personal level, it does tick me off. I'm glad people think glasses are fashionable or whatever, but wearing frames with fake lenses (or worse: no lenses) just seems so stupid.

>> No.8494089

I have glasses, but I'm kind of considering getting frames with fake lenses from taobao because I like the look but don't want to spend $200 for another pair. I'll just wear contacts with them or something

>> No.8494113

Eh, you do you. As I said, it doesn't gravely offend me, I just think it's silly. Maybe I'm just a hipster deep down.

>> No.8494120

>if people wear them cause of fashion then they need to be shot
calm down there, tumblr.

>> No.8494700

The difference is- the wheelchair faker is doing it for extra attention/pity. If you have glasses you don't need people aren't going to be scrambling to get you a magnifying glass or large print books or something to "aid" you, nobody is really going to notice. Some people have to wear tennis shoes/sneakers/athletic shoes, medically speaking, because they require the arch support. Does that make it wrong to make them a fashion even if you never take a walk? That's not the best example but there's no reason for you to be so enraged. I used to wear glasses and I looked like an idiot, contacts suit me much better personally. I respect those who do not have that choice, however.

>> No.8494961
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Zenni Optical. Enter in your prescription. The PD is the distance between your pupils in millimeters. You can get three pairs of glasses with prescription, each in a different style and color, with less than $200. You're welcome.

To contribute to the thread, here's a scan of a GLB page with glasses included in the coord. Hipster glasses seems to work well for sailor and other uniform-inspired outfits.

There were several pages on another GLB volume about how to select glasses that fit with your coord. Other than the big-ass hipster glasses on a classic girl, most of the advice seemed solid. Anybody have those scans still?

>> No.8494966

>waaaah feel bad for me
Nobody cares. Stuff it up your arse and fuck off

>> No.8494986
File: 143 KB, 525x344, Warby-Parker-psfk-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zenni is good; I like Warby Parker as well though! I tend to go to Zenni for cosplay glasses and WP for everyday wear, but that's just me. I like that they have a lot of style options and color choices that aren't as common (I wish their clear frames looked good on my face...)
They only ship to the USA though (and Canada too I think?) so I hope you live here otherwise you're sol.

>> No.8498584
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Are these any good?

>> No.8498606

Lmfao anon be careful so you dont cut yourself on your edge there

>> No.8500030
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 4153505159e040f7a899ab3f080c1420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I didn't know about Warby Parker! I'll check them out when I get my next prescription.

For lolita fashion? I personally wouldn't recommend it except for its intended use (cosplay).

Half-rim glasses with the rims on the bottom instead of the top, are found all the time in anime and manga (for ease of drawing the eyes), but very rarely in real life. Also, this pair looks kind of low-quality. Both of these factors will make me think "weeb who got into lolita but doesn't know how to fashion."

MAYBE it could work if you already had bright, tomato-red dresses (for example, Meta's apple dresses). But reds are notoriously difficult to match.

If don't have any red dresses, theoretically you could use such a pair as "a pop of color" — which is a common thing in regular fashion — but you REALLY need to know what you're doing (as in, you need to know how to dress yourself well in both regular fashion and lolita fashion). Also, you will be shit on by seagulls who either don't know or don't care about the "pop of color" concept because of their holy reverence to matchy-matchiness, so don't post photos of yourself anywhere (that includes your own facebook) unless you can take the potential heat.

For the record, I'm not discounting all nerdom-inspired glasses. Gunnar even sells a set of frames that are called "Anime" and they look okay. However, among those glasses, the selection of what could be put into lolita without throwing off the whole outfit is rather slim.

In this regard, anime-and-nerdom-inspired glasses are like cat ears: most of the time, no (and it screams weeb), but if the item looks high quality and the wearer knows exactly how to make it fit in the outfit, it MIGHT work.

If I were rich, I would splurge on the $370 Bayonetta frames, and then all the black-and-blue gothic items from MMM, Atelier-Pierrot, and John Fluevog that could possibly match. And after (very likely) failure, I'd just wear them at home and at anime conventions.

>> No.8501485
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Bless you for this thread, anon. Does anybody happen to have any other sweet coords with glasses?

I tried to find pink frames last time I got my prescription updated, but these were the closest I could get. They're a lot more of a lavender colour in good lighting though. My old frames were dark blue, so these were definitely an improvement.

>> No.8501535
File: 34 KB, 669x468, valentinoeyeglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I currently own these glasses in brown. I dress mostly in sweet/chocolate prints.If I decide to dress in something darker I also own a black pair of glasses that are close to the same style as the ones pictured. I like that cateye shaped glasses give coords a retro look, it's something different and it still fits the lolita aesthetic.