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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8486336 No.8486336 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a feels thread?

>F+F Silent Hill was my dream dress
>Couldn't buy it since I am a poorfag
>Now it is out of stock

>> No.8486342

>dream dress on auction
>sigh and ignore it because it'll be gone in a day and I can't afford it anyway
>nobody buys it, it's just there tempting me

>> No.8486352
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>> No.8486353

We cant.

>inb4 ban

The moderator doesnt like these and its bullshit.

>tfw you have tons of photos taken at a con of you
>tfw 4 weeks and still no photos online

>> No.8486373


Depersonalization Disorder or some quack bullshit of the like.


>> No.8486374 [DELETED] 

>tfw the janitors are salty cunts.

>> No.8486383

>Depersonalization Disorder
No such thing. Depersonalisation is a form of a panic attack, not a mental disorder.

>> No.8486426
File: 60 KB, 203x200, nyeh squidward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long greentext, sorry.

>have genetic cystic acne all my life
>my acne is relatively small in size but I have a lot of red spots and scarring
>spots all over my body
>never seen a clear day since I was 12 years old
>have to wear cakeface foundation just to look like I have normal skin and not sick
>had no access to a dermatologist within a 2 hour drive
>I literally had to take a half of a day just to get skin assistance
>when I did go all they would do for me is put me on antibiotics which is dangerous along with stupid topicals
>oh and they didn't work

>move to a new state where parents moved
>I recently graduated, currently unemployed but in the process of training for a job
>mom retired, stepdad was unemployed for awhile
>was on their healthplan
>our premium was only $375 for all of us a month

>go to this skincare practice which was only an 8 minute drive away
>extractions and peels were all somehow covered by my insurance with no copay
>at home I would have paid a spa $80+
>the dermatologist recommends accutane
>I'm so happy
>do the pregnancy tests
>I'm cleared
>go to get the monthly lab which was $325, but $75 with my insurance
>finally, my insurance has to authorize my accutane prescription with the dermatologist
>I wait for days

>the dermatologist called me back yesterday
>my insurance had been terminated and they denied my claim
>inform parents about it
>they acted surprised
>apparently they had been on the insurance exchange getting new insurance for this state
>my stepdad is now employed
>makes $40k/yr
>since he is now employed our insurance premium is no longer $375/month, but $1000/month
>we can't afford that

I woke up today without health insurance. I had to call off everything about the accutane because it would have been $600+ a month without insurance including labs. I'm depressed/disappointed. All I can do now is apply for my own insurance if I get this job, which will be weeks, minimally.

>> No.8486431

Sorry anon. I hate insurance companies

>> No.8486438

Insurance in Murrica is terrible.
The least I can say is that I'm not urgently sick.
I worry more about my parents, who have been chain smokers for years, are overweight, and are over 50.

>> No.8486505

>>tfw you have tons of photos taken at a con of you
>>tfw 4 weeks and still no photos online
Are you me? I was an idiot at the last con I went to and didn't take any photos, but a good few people stopped me and asked for photos. Haven't seen a single one.

>> No.8486521

Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder is in the DSM-5, and is classified as a dissociative disorder. It's a legit but rare disorder.

>> No.8486522
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>someone messages me about a parka i've been looking months for, in my preferred colorway too
>super excited so we decide on a price, wait for them to get shipping quote
>2 weeks later, no shipping quote and ask them if they were still willing to sell it
>read message, no reply
>been almost a month or so, figured they didn't want to sell it anymore so i get really bummed out.

Same exact thing happened to me with a Colorful Ribbons JSK and just a week or so ago with the sax Jewelry Jelly headbow.

why the fuck would you message me saying you'd be willing to sell your items to me and then ignore me for weeks when i agree to a price and ask for the cost of shipping?? I'm more annoyed at this than anything. If you don't want to sell it to me because I live overseas, that's fine, just let me know- I won't be mad. but holy shit i've been getting my hopes up a lot for nothing.

>> No.8486526 [DELETED] 
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if the caretaker bans me for this post i will LITERALLY kill myself

>> No.8486527

My feel is that I like to exclusively make posts that are ON TOPIC and are about Cosplay & EGL tbh lads ngl tbf smh

>> No.8486528


> In my 30s
> House share with a 65 year old cougar
> She likes to sleep around with all the guys my age. Whatever, man.
> Starts telling me I should take advantage of my youth and go get laid
> I don't want to get laid.
> I know what happens, nothing changes
> You don't gain anything, just temporary gratification.
> I'm liberated and a closet pervert
> But I don't need to shag the town just because I can doesn't mean I have to.
> Brands and yahoo auction is all I need right now.
> Please leave me alone, seasoned cougar.

>> No.8486537

Yeah. Tumblr will suddenly make this not rare.

>> No.8486541

This shit is why I'm fucking mystified when anyone can defend America's healthcare system. It doesn't. Fucking. Work. Every other civilized country doesn't have to deal with this crap there's no excuse. "oh but my tax money might go to doctors for freeloaders who don't deserve it" I bet you're pissed about having to pay for road repair on roads you don't use, too.

>> No.8486542

Ive never found anything in my life which makes me as happy as cosplay do, ive been thinking about doing it for years but im so lonley and dont want to do it myself, i dont have any friends since people think im a dork.
Fuck i just want to cosplay and be happy for once

>> No.8486548

This. I'll admit I'm a bit pissed when I hear about teenagers abusing our healthcare system to get titjobs (it has happened), but overall I don't really mind paying extra taxes if it means everyone will stay relatively healthy.
I just think finally legalising abortion is a more pressing matter than gays and trannies getting hitched, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.8486551

Apparently it's not that uncommon to experience depersonalization or derealization at least once in your life (usually as a response to extremely stressful situations), but having the full-blown chronic disorder is rare. Don't tell tumblr that though, they'll be hypochondriacs about it.

>still salty about tumblr re-appropriating "trigger" from "something that causes serious PTSD flashbacks" to "anything that makes me uncomfortable"

>> No.8486554
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>"oh but my tax money might go to doctors for freeloaders who don't deserve it"

What retarded pigshit American said this to you or where did you hear it from?
>their faces when the willfully unemployed welfare freeloaders are already getting tax-funded health insurance a la state medicaid
Popping out a few babies they can't afford also helps, but still, they're already getting theirs. No informed American would say the poor have it bad, because they don't if they're smart enough to know their resources.

The people who are just above the poverty line and middle class who are working hard are the ones who pay the hardest.

>> No.8486555

Had baby's first jfash this past weekend.

>am guy
>hang out with friends who are lolitas and oujis pretty often
>lowkey wanna be more a part of it
>finally decide to go for it
>friend helps me pick out nice atelier boz Vest
>wear that to meet
>big group photo time, I'm hanging out-of-shot out of habit
>"anon! Don't you wanna be in the picture too?"
>be in group photo and get a couple solos taken too
>when pictures show up on FB everybody says I look nice

I did it. I ouji'd. And getting invited to be part of the thing actually meant so much so thank you y'all.

>> No.8486556
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>Always suck at sewing, don't get much practice because I only attend one con a year and therefore only need enough cosplays for that one con
>Frustrated by my lack of skill, procrastinate sewing because I don't want to see my awful products
>Con ends up being a few days away, ohshit, better get to work
>Cosplays turn out pretty damn good for myself and my bf, we end up being the best of our respective characters.
>feels good man

>Saved money all year to spend at con, therefore broke all year except that weekend
>tfw you finally get to binge shop

>> No.8486559

>Apparently it's not that uncommon to experience depersonalization or derealization at least once in your life (usually as a response to extremely stressful situations)
It's extremely common in people who suffer from severe anxiety or panic disorders (as anon above mentioned)

>> No.8486589
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>Find a JSK I want to buy on Japanese secondhand site
>I can't order/pay for it til a couple days from now at least
>Meetup I want to wear it to is on the 26th
>Even if no one else buys it it might not come in time

>> No.8486592
File: 130 KB, 1207x500, 1436306603560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading your story

we're all gonna make it, bro

>> No.8486596

I'll buy it for you next time it's in stock.

>> No.8486614

how much is it?

>> No.8486619

>teenagers abusing our healthcare system to get titjobs
Where on earth do you live? I know that here you can qualify to get a reduction for medical reasons if your boobs are causing you back pain or other complications, but that sounds a little unbelievable.

>> No.8486633
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I have it in white size 80 selling from the UK

>> No.8486642

Is this similar to children who lie about things because their situation at home is terrifying? I used to do this when I was a child because I was being severely abused and forced to live in poverty type housing, parents were hoarders, etc. I would lie about things and not know why other than it got me some positive attention outside of home.

>> No.8486646

They probably pussied out when they found out what it's like to ship things overseas, hah.
Sorry about your loss, anon.

>> No.8486648

why not just practice sewing more often anyway? You're a grill, I'm sure you could find some kind of clothing to sew for yourself or even other people.

>> No.8486650

Not that anon but a girl on here from Sweden (iirc) once said that her cousin got a boobjob after complaining to a board of doctors that it was making her ~severely insecure~ or something. They approved it.
Same girl got her self-harm scars lasered off for free.

>> No.8486659

>Had a rough last semester because of depression and putting retail job before school to afford school supplies
>end up losing scholarship
>can only afford to go part time now
>Having to give up lolita and cosplay for a little while to rebound back, still go to cons because that's the only time I really socialize
>Things are looking better for me, but still depressed
>Mom actually handled the scholarship thing with ease
>Have a con next weekend, get to see crush and going to ask her out
>Worried she's going to lose interest in me when I drop cosplay

I am full of mixed emotions, on the one hand, with going part time I get to ease my workload, but on the other hand it's still embarrassing I got so bad depression wise that I lost my scholarship. I'm still going to graduate on time but I'm just really upset with myself, and self punishing myself even though my mom didn't even care.

>> No.8486664

UK, maybe? Not from there but I've seen a lot of daily mail articles (quality journalism) that seem to show a lot of bizarre loopholes and flaws in their healthcare.

>> No.8486665

I used to do the same for similar but less severe reasons but no, that's not it.
Depersonalisation is sort of like an out-of-body sensation. It feels like you've just woken up from a sleep you never knew you had and everything around you feels alien, but not really. Like a sudden realisation that your boyfriend is just some stranger you happen to be intimate with occasionally or that your surroundings are just a dream. It sounds more fucked up than it is, but it's something like waking up from a daze you never knew you were in.
It often goes hand in hand with a panic attack but goes away once you've gotten rid of the anxiety/panic disorder that's causing it so it's not permanent or anything.

>> No.8486668

>finally legalising abortion is a more pressing matter than gays and trannies getting hitched
I'm 99% she's Irish.

>> No.8486674

Don't be too sad about it anon. It was super ita anyways.

>> No.8486683

Depersonalization/derealization isn't about lying, it's just a very bizarre feeling. It's a little hard to explain. In the case of depersonalization, it's a feeling of yourself being unreal, and with derealization, it's the feeling that the rest of the world isn't real. It's like you're not actually living in the real world, but are instead watching life through a TV screen. But the entire time, you don't lose touch with reality. You know that you and the world clearly exist. But somehow, emotionally, it doesn't feel that way. Somehow, everything feels weirdly disconnected. People who have this often think they're going crazy, which, as it is often triggered by anxiety, can make the problem worse.

It is similar in that it can be caused by traumatic experiences.

>sorry you had to go through all that as a child

>> No.8486690

Not /cgl/ related, but...
>Have gallbladder troubles for over a year
>Don't qualify for medicaid
>Don't qualify for Obama care
>No way to pay for a doctor
>Go to charity hospital ER
>After seeing a doctor, they make me an appointment with the surgery clinic for a consultation
>next day go back to hospital
>Fill out application for free health care
>Receive a $1,000 bill for the ER
>mfw I'll still get charged for all other appointments
>May have to cancel the surgery I've been hoping for, because money

>> No.8486696


>> No.8486697

Anon where the fuck do you live?
You definitely don't live in the US since abortion is legal here and tit jobs aren't covered by any sort of insurance.

>> No.8486704

Uh I have that often. Like sometimes several times a week. On the other end I have anxiety problems from severe depression. I guess I should go back to the doctor then.

>> No.8486712

>What retarded pigshit American said this to you or where did you hear it from?
You've never heard that before? A lot of rich or upper middle class Americans believe that.
They're the same people who think that when you graduate university, you should be able to find a job that pays $40k/year with no problem. If you don't get a job like that, you're a lazy bum who deserves to only work at mcdonald's.

If the only reason why she likes you is because you cosplay, then you shouldn't be in a relationship with her anyways.

>> No.8486715

>just started new job
>it's great!
>but very busy and quite out of work hours intensive while I'm learning
>two cons and two costumes to make in the next month
>I'm fucked

I should have done more work on them while I was on sick leave. The worst bit is I've brought everything so if I don't get it finished I'll have wasted all that money.

It's definetly happened in the UK, but I think that 'loophole' was partly there to help transgirls and it's been closed now thanks to too much bad publicity.

>> No.8486723

Eh since I'm here I might as well feel

>been diagnosed with severe depression nearly 10 years ago
>tried to kill myself twice as a teen, got sent to the mental hospital, got heavy medication and years of therapy
>Lolita helped me to recover, find myself a group to fit in and stop hating myself so much
>stopped therapy two years ago but still have heavy mood swing and depression related problems (extreme fatigue, spasms, anxiety! hallucinations etc.)
>deadly effraid of doctors and hospitals since I spent so much time in these as a kid and got really bad experiences there.
>I really wanna go back on therapy because I feel like I belong for the first time of my life in a community and don't wanna fuck it up
>I'm awfully scared that my comm would know it, judge me or change their behaviour toward me because of this
>please let me be just normal for once

>> No.8486725

I want to love cosplay, but I just can't anymore. It was only fun because my friends did it too, but now it's different. They suck up to the boring, slightly more famous cosplayers in the area, they'd rather stay at the hotel and do last minute alterations instead of go out for dinner, they'd rather stand in the crowded hall for pictures instead of playing games or helping friends with a table out. I only make 1 mediocre cosplay a year now, just to have something to wear at cons, but it still makes me sad. I first found /cgl/ for cosplay, but I feel like both /cgl/ and I have segued into lolita over the past few years. I don't really like wearing lolita at cons (though I do anyways lel) because 1) it's not a costume, mom!! 2) I can wear this any other day of the year.
I sometimes want to quit going to cons altogether. It's not like I'm anxious or awkward around other people, I just feel like cosplaying and cons are more about meeting people and making friends, but I'm not really interested in either of those anymore. I just wanted to have fun with friends in a nerdy space. At least our cosplay prep days are fun, even if I just eat pita chips the whole time because mine's already finished.
Sorry for rambling, I've just kind of come to a sad realization recently.

>> No.8486729

>They're the same people who think that when you graduate university, you should be able to find a job that pays $40k/year with no problem. If you don't get a job like that, you're a lazy bum who deserves to only work at mcdonald's.
In part this is what contributes to the swollen egos of STEMtards, most of them think it's perfectly reasonable to expect a good job straight out of college because it's a highly employable area and start throwing tantrums when reality doesn't meet their expectations.
Oireland, as >>8486668 anon said.
It happens from time to time here as well, our resident pet lolcow is living evidence of that.

>> No.8486755

>boyfriend is roommates with his friend
>visit boyfriend's house
>his friend is always nice to me
>we start talking and find out we have a lot in common
>we're both into cosplay and fitness
>we make costumes together
>we spend a few weeks working on a cosplay togehter
>when we got done we dressed up and posed for a picture together
>ended up kissing him when his face got close to me
>seconds later I push him off and get teary eyed
>realize I just cheated on my boyfriend
>friend regrets betraying my boyfriend
>we confront boyfriend about it and apologize
>he breaks up with me

>> No.8486760

Girl just go and get what needs to be done
I have a little brother with aspergers and depression, and he doesn't get help and doesn't want anyone to know, but he suffers in silence in vain. Because everyone can fucking tell. And chances are, it's the same for you, too. There's probably people who've speculated to themselves or quietly to others, but it's probably just because they also grew up around other people with depression/have depression themselves. Especially in such a special snowflake community as lolita and j-fashion, I really don't think there's anything to worry about. Don't deprive yourself, please, anon.

>> No.8486761

kek you shouldn't have told him anything

>> No.8486768

Holy shit is this what Americans deal with?

>> No.8486773

Yeah, America's health system is fucked, because Obamacare was supposed to turn it into what the rest of the developed world is using, and then the republicans decided it wasn't American enough and fucked everyone.

I'm super lucky to be on my mom's insurance, which she has through the college she works at, because I have a lot of health problems. I dread the day when I have to get my own insurance and can no longer afford my doctors.

It's sad that a first-world country has one of the shittiest healthcare systems of the entire developed world.

>> No.8486780

Wait, can't not treating your gallbladder kill you?

>> No.8486790

This would made a great sitcom

>> No.8486803

America is hardly a first-world country, at least by Euro standards

>> No.8486808

This. The US is right down there with the shitty asian countries.

>> No.8486815

If you are still developing stones, there's a potential risk that your gall bladder might rupture, left untreated you'll go septic, as in you'll have an infection in your bloodstream. The infection would kill you. Alternatively, her body might go into shock and organs might shut down when it ruptures, do to bile being where it's not supposed to, which also might kill her. She could also potentially live the rest of her life suffering with the abdominal pain and have no other complications, just status quo. It won't get better until the gallbladder is removed, but I hope OP can get treated sooner rather than later.

>> No.8486833

OMG, Frances just proved on Facebook that she is a vile, racist old woman and I happen to agree with those who say she is ignorant and closed-minded.


>> No.8486834

I wouldn't really go that far but it's quite close to what life in some Eastern Euro countries is like, except even they get free healthcare and universities.

>> No.8486880

>been really hurting for money lately, not just for lolita
>can't seem to get any more hours at work
>seriously tempted to try something like this

>> No.8486903

Will it ever come back to stock anyways? I'm not familiar with F+F. Maybe it's gone forever?

I need it lady 75 in black, but thank you anon.

No. It was pretty.

>> No.8486909

I feel you anon, considered going into financial domination myself.

>> No.8486924

I was iffy about the morality of it for a while. Then I realized, the way I see it, I deserve that money more than some lonely pathetic men who will just spend it on anime and video games. And I think it's justifiable payback for the hundreds of years of abuse women went under men's rule, I think it's time they pay us back a bit.

>> No.8486929

The only thing thats stopped me from going into it is that you need to build your own website and blog about pay pigs, often showing off your purchases with photos and stuff. If I ever decided to get out of it and get a regular job, that shit is traceable and non removable.

>> No.8486958

What is this website? Is it buyable? http://fan-store.net/silent-hill-gothic-square-neckline-jacquard-summer-dress-op-hairbow-2colors/

>> No.8486962

Whoa this
I've also been itching for spending money recently. I can spend about $100 a month on lolita stuff, which isn't bad at all, but especially with the meta releases and that dang scheherazade print... I was showing the new aatp print to my bf, and he offered to buy it for me, and I felt really bad. I don't want to take money from a hard working, nice boy with a chronic illness, I want to take it from men like Donald Trump and whoever the fuck pays cam girls so much money.
My boyfriend said he's be really distressed when I mentioned the possibility of doing internet-sex-money things, and of course I'm worried about employers seeing that stuff, so I suppose it's not in my future.

>> No.8487018
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>feelin good
>decide to browse /cgl/
>read this
yup, the internet is right about women. you truly are soulless whores.

>mfw there was a time in my life where i would call people out on their misogyny
no more.

>> No.8487022

I'm always trying hard to do the right thing, not bother anyone while still being myself but I'm so socially inept I always end up doing ill. I try to share my lolita outfits because I like sharing with other people and making friends around that, but I'm not able to properly manage my medias because I'm obsessed with being genuine and people not getting a fake idea of who I might be or anything, and it always end up with me looking either cold or stupid and people holding grudges about me even when I do my best to explain it all and solve the problem I caused by my incompetence. I just want to let everything down, but I don't want to lose the connections I made worldwide with awesome people through the years. I know that if I stop posting outfits or lolita related content, people will eventually get bored of me or find less things to talk to me about. Lolita is my social life, I cannot just let it go. But I'm a cry baby who can't deal with negative attention and the idea of deceiving someone.

>> No.8487024

Eh, the guys enjoy it. If they want to be taken advantage of like that, let them.

>> No.8487028

F+F dream dress
Lolita low standards.

>> No.8487030

Lol okay /r9k/. You're the typical man these days and worthless pieces of shit like you deserve to have all your money stolen and to be findommed for life. Try getting a girlfriend you stupid virgin

>> No.8487034

Whatever. I don't like many brand designs, especially newer ones. Main point is I can't even afford F+F, fml. Living in a poorfag country sucks.

>> No.8487045

I could literally get hundreds of dollars from men just to touch my feet. I'm starting to think it's not a bad idea, if they're willing to pay, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.8487049

I don't know if you know this but if you're in the US most hospitals will settle for a 75% discount if you're paying in cash. Call their HR / financial department and ask them if they'll be okay if you only pay _ amount, chances are they'll say yes.

>> No.8487055

Planning this convention for over a year now. Booked a room 8 months in advance with 3 friends. Slowly over this year, people are dropping out. I keep finding replacements, "Oh I may not have any money to go." It's stressing me out so much. I just hope the convention is worth it.

>> No.8487062

I hand out business cards with my url and e-mail on them
If they're a professional photographer, or anyone else, I ask if they have a website, Facebook page, or a tumblr that they will post them to

>> No.8487073

lmao fuck off /r9k/, nobody cares about the problems of loser men

>> No.8487081

Was going to go to a con today, just for today. Going means a 1 hour bus, then 2 hour train, then use the subway for an hour to get there, and then back at night.

Stayed with my mother last night, she forgot I have some food allergies and used one of the things I can't have in dinner. It's a herb so you can't really taste it's in there.
So she forgot, put it in, and about 2am last night I starter to get really sick. Shaking, trouble breathing, migraine, nausea, and a bunch of other things.
So I took the meds, but i'll be down and out until the allergens have cleared my system. Which is about 24 hours.

So I didn't sleep, and this morning I had to tell my cosplay group i couldn't come. Let the leader know, and for the first time ever she seems to have just ignored my message.
Let a few other friends know too.

Then the girl who the group leader (who doesn't like me after I called her out on letting me down on a commission, and now has a vendetta) was staying with went around the con telling all my other friends how bad a person I was, how I always let everyone down and generally shittalking me all day.
Thanks girl.
Also, thanks friends who actually knew I was sick for standing up for me.

>My health has now stopped me going to 2 big cons in a row
>Feel like everyone there is always shit talking me
>Feels like all my friends now don't care about me
>Because not a single one ever sticks up for me
>Thanks friends

>> No.8487099
File: 26 KB, 432x433, 1436709998503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /r9k/ because no friends and job etc for a few years
>come here occasionally in hopes of finding someone from school who dresses this way now because I'd have something in common because we'd both be freaky losers who post on 4chinz
>been niceposting for a few weeks here
>someone meanposting fellow robot
I know I'm pathetic but have a heart, also anyone seen this girl I knew from school? She is very qt and dresses EGL, thin and very tall

>> No.8487103

never cosplayed, never done lolita,
now 24, wish i had done it when i was younger, feel too old now and like i've missed my chance to get involved.

>> No.8487104

I said fuck off misogynist

>> No.8487105

And which school is that?

>> No.8487118

Hey If you live near México you can get birth control pills without prescription and cheaper. They are totally safe, you can get Diane or Jasmine and cost like 17 dlls. They helped me a lot with my cystic acne, hope it helps.

>> No.8487124

I feel like this too. I didn't even attend conventions until I was 22. Wish I'd known sooner!

>> No.8487127

You guys are still plenty young, there are lots of cosplayers in their mid 20's-early 30's

>> No.8487129

Try findom.

>> No.8487136

but I think everyone here is very cute I don't hate women I've just never had one as a friend
*touches nose*
I'm not pedo, we're both 21 now, she's currently in S.Korea studying and I'm a big fan of hers because she has a cool instagram even though she's robot but she's really cute and I think the fashion is jazzy

>> No.8487142

>*touches nose*
Just fucking creepy man, go back to /r9k/, you're not wanted here

>> No.8487144

why so aggro, you got man problems sugar?

>> No.8487152

*action* shit is either done ironically or by completely autistic losers, and that sure as hell wasn't ironic. Only a stupid aspie from /r9k/ would do shit like that because he's never talked to a girl in his life.

>> No.8487164

top fucking jej, you're calling me aspie but if you think that was serious then you must be pretty autistic yourself, your welcome to come join us on brit/feel/
also talking to girl =/= having one as friend

>> No.8487180

I've experienced stuff like that, like after being with my ex for 4 years and then suddenly realizing what an asshole he really is and all my memories of that relationship are pretty surreal, especially when we were living with my dad still... I have almost no recollection of that other than really bad things that happened.

I've had it a few times since too but I feel like I've always had trouble with reality due to the awful childhood experiences.

I really need to go back to therapy...

>> No.8487189

literal shitposters tbh lad
enjoy your loneliness you fucking beta loser

>> No.8487205

That's not it.
This is literally me sitting in my boyfriend's lap and all of a sudden feeling as if I've just snapped out of a trance and there's this stranger who I KNOW is my bf touching me but it still feels weird as fuck and I wanna run away in fear. That's how it feels.

For the reference, we're still together and he's a stand-up lad so it's not really his fault, just a panic attack.

I don't get why it happens to some people but it does. I've never really had issues with my parents but they got divorced at the same time when there had been some bombings in my city when I was young but outside of that my life has been fine so far.

>> No.8487209

You guys my cute friend asked me out an hour ago. She has cosplayed once so it's time to convince her to cosplay all the lesbians.
>tfw gf

>> No.8487211

Aw :) that's exciting.

>> No.8487213


>> No.8487216

Honestly if it sounds that bad it sounds like you should break up with him, if he's triggering those kinds of feelings it might turn out bad in the long run

>> No.8487222
File: 152 KB, 400x399, 1423327571770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just drove home from work doing the same thing
>mfw everytime this happens I really wonder if I should be driving
>mfw I'm such a fucking mess

>> No.8487224

Anon, are you me?
Tell me if you'd like to talk, I'll give you my email.
No one should feel alone.

>> No.8487225

It's been happening since before I met him. It has nothing to do with him, it used to happen randomly. I know what it is, it's already been treated, I don't experience it anymore, I was just explaining what it is to that anon. Panic disorder, panic attacks etc aren't made out of tangible fears. You don't know why you're afraid or why what's happening is happening, you just are. It's not the same as your boyfriend being abusive, most of the time it has to do with something that had happened a long, long time ago.

>> No.8487240

I've been getting this kind of shit for a few years. I think chronic illness and multiple surgeries have kind of left me feeling like I'm piloting a really shitty meat robot. I spend half the year living alone while my parents are on holiday, so I think the isolation isn't helping. I'm inattentive-type ADHD though so maybe it's just part of my mind wandering.

>> No.8487288
File: 877 KB, 300x200, 1434009361538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get perfect material for dress after months and months of looking
>Just the right shade, right kind of material, perfect for what I'm making
>Go to sew it before con, in rush, sewing machine starts jamming
>Sewing machine creates runs in the fabric
>Item is ruined and there's no time to repair it, don't know if I'll ever find same fabric again

Thankfully I had a backup outfit for that character, but damn it hurts knowing I'll probably never find that gorgeously simple but perfect fabric again.

>> No.8487295

tfw janitor chan deleted my comment referring to their level of salt.

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

>> No.8487302

This just seems like abuse of lonely men to me, it even says in the article some of them are trying to get help from therapists. I don't know, it just comes off as really manipulative and terrible.

>> No.8487307

This girl is real and trash. She wasn't trans.
She said being flat chested gave her psychological issues, and blagged a tit job. Then suddenly she was a glamour model.
She also sold tickets to watch her give birth.
After she said she was going to abort the child to go on Big Brother.
She's known as the most hated girl in the UK.

Google "NHS boob job girl" and you'll find her

>> No.8487315

>She also sold tickets to watch her give birth.
What the fuck I thought that only happened in my japanese doujins

>> No.8487320

>making a hat
>doesn't look like total shit
>pleasantly surprised

>> No.8487330

We've always had a bad janitor.
Could be worse, there's one on ic that's the embodiment of r9k and rules accordingly

>> No.8487336

Tfw I'm such a waste.
I work part time, have a good metabolism, a nice boyfriend... And I let it all pretty much go to waste.
I could do anything with my days off, I have so many creative /cgl/ hobbies I could use the time for, but instead I waste the days in bed eating junk food and doing nothing. Getting old, fat and less interesting.
I don't want to have these stupid neet behaviors but after all these years I haven't improved.

>> No.8487349

sounds like you need a better bf to motivate you

>> No.8487354

40k yen before ss fees

>> No.8487355

are you trolling

>> No.8487358

I just feel like if he really cared about you he wouldn't let you languish like you are

>> No.8487366

I've had similar things; it really has nothing to do with the other person. For me it was more of a constant thing that went up and down in intensity rather than distinct episodes. Sometimes I would look at people, and they would seem so distant and alien, and I couldn't feel any connection to them at all. It felt like they were NPCs in a video game. Sometimes I would lose even my sense of self as a real person. It was extremely bizarre and distressing. It wasn't like realizing someone is an asshole, it was more like completely losing the ability to emotionally connect with people or my surroundings. At some points I felt somehow disconnected from myself. All while knowing that this clearly isn't how things are supposed to feel, but having no idea what was happening.

I'm better now.

>> No.8487373

damn. where can i even find guys to fin dom.
>tfw you even like bdsm/s&m so this actually sounds fun

>> No.8487377

Maybe /r9k/ or somewhere else where beta virgin males congregate

>> No.8487381

I'm overweight so even if I make something great, it will just look disgusting. Gotta focus on losing weight this summer instead of sewing. Maybe I'll look in to adult fat camp or something

>> No.8487399
File: 107 KB, 365x330, 1407102210783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>customs fees cost as much as one of your boleros
>tfw it costs almost half of your order

>> No.8487418

>tfw no job
>tfw can't find any jobs because small town + crippling anxiety combo + no previous experience + no degree makes getting one impossible
>tfw doesn't even want a job, it'd just make me misreable to do something like shitty retail with my anxiety and the reactions i often get for it
>tfw therapist is kind of shit, have little faith i'd find a therapist who actually gets me
>tfw takes medication, it only helps so much, already trying my third medication + a second (higher) dosage amount for it
>tfw lonely as fuck, meets tons of potential friends at cons and the like while cosplaying, none of them ever follow up even when i get in touch with them
>tfw seriously, never invited to anything, probably because i live so fucking far away in a shit town
>tfw even when trying to plan things, always get fucking flaked on to the point where i just end up losing more money
>tfw would rather just stay hidden in my room forever than face the truth and loneliness, or make my anxiety worse/give myself reactions
>tfw going to cons and dressing up in cosplay and lolita are actually among the only things giving me happiness lately, because it's nice to know i can do something where i can overpower my anxiety, but earning money for them is a struggle and making friends at them is even more of a struggle
>tfw will be a lonerfag at cons forever
>tfw will never make dream cosplays
>tfw will never have dream wardrobe

>> No.8487423

Was this from anxiety or? Did any particular changes in your life help you get better?

>> No.8487436

I am praying to every God up there that this doesn't happen to me. Or, even worse:
>customs fees cost just as much/even more than your order
With parcelcunts, anything is possible.

>> No.8487442
File: 930 KB, 448x252, 8308[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See other people online cosplay the same thing I have
>I am the best one

>> No.8487445

>tfw therapist is kind of shit, have little faith i'd find a therapist who actually gets me
Training to be a counselor myself here, could you possibly go into detail about what makes her "shit" in your eyes? I could really use some real life accounts of what makes for a shitty counselor. I don't want to end up one.

>> No.8487454
File: 10 KB, 441x408, 1310408064982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see other people at con cosplaying the same thing
>I look better than them
>they know it, judging from the dirty looks

>> No.8487467
File: 136 KB, 290x293, 1410567146422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to a cosplay contest (official ankama panel) that was announced less than a month before the con
>because of this, all the cosplays were thrown together and shoddily done, but there were a couple good ones
>not to mention because of this barely anyone showed up
>Judges picks a winner
>they pick the guy that hot glued the seams of his costumes and are talking excitedly about how creative that is
>"Hot glue, who'da thunk!"

I wish I never attended this everything was terrible

>> No.8487478

It honestly still coulda been worse, thank God Obamacare did what it did. my sister got a heart condition and needed serious surgery. Even though we'd had the whole fam on a really good plan through my dad's job for like, decades, they weren't gonna cover it as it was "pre existing" but under the law change they had to. Surgeries would have bankrupted my family otherwise.

>> No.8487486

you can get a bf pretty easily

>> No.8487488

More depression than anxiety. I graduated high school and moved away from my family and hometown, started volunteering at a convention, made some new friends, and got a job. Things slowly improved, and I'm feeling pretty good right now.

The main thing was just getting myself away from a bad environment. My family was dysfunctional, I had a mentally ill parent, I was constantly walking on eggshells at home, and a lot of people at my school hated me. I left that, and it was an instant relief. I started talking to people more, slowly increased my social skills, and working at my job and volunteering at the convention made me feel like I was a capable person.

Over the course of a few years, the depression faded and so did the derealization. I feel like I'm really living now. I got into lolita, and it's made me feel so much more confident in myself. I'm still very introverted, but that's just my personality. I don't talk to my family much anymore, but I have close friends, and I'm happy. Honestly, life just keeps getting better.

>> No.8487499

The main thing was just getting myself away from a bad environment. My family was dysfunctional, I had a mentally ill parent, I was constantly walking on eggshells at home, and a lot of people at my school hated me. I left that, and it was an instant relief. I started talking to people more, slowly increased my social skills, and working at my job and volunteering at the convention made me feel like I was a capable person.
This, this exactly!

I'm the anon who wrote about it upthread (with the bombings) and this is exactly what made my life immeasurably better. Although my parents are, for the most part, mentally sane (albeit bitter).

I'm so glad to hear you're doing better, anon, as was I to hear that I wasn't alone in this.

>> No.8487544

>"NHS boob job girl"

Damn she's ugly.

>> No.8487549
File: 343 KB, 500x375, damn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want a local Jfashion friend
>Have a personality that meshes better with guys
>every now and then I'll make really cool guy friends but bf will notice signs of 1 or 2 of them wanting to bone me and state he feels uncomfortable hanging out
> understand why he feels uncomfortable with me hanging out in a sausage fest that has a couple people wanting to bone me so I end up just dropping them

>have a total of 3 female friends with personalities like mine
>the closest one is one and a half hours away

fuck I don't know what to do. I don't want to be shut in

>> No.8487550

Your bf sounds like a prude, just hang out with the guys anyways, he can get over it or get lost

>> No.8487590

maybe it was too strong wording, she's a nice therapist and did give some advice that helps, minimally enough - when it comes to the physical effects of anxiety, anyway. (the advice doesn't always help, believe me, i've tried methods for calming down that she taught me consistently, and again they only help so much.) but she's older than me, harder to relate to as a result, and i'd feel embarrassed as hell to talk about my interests more than i already have. she gives me the impression she's really only doing this because it's her job, and i can't blame her. i felt much more comfortable back when i was seeing an assistant in training therapist because it felt like she actually took a genuine interest in me (and my interests) and wanted to help me improve, but then she moved to another state to finish schooling. idk, it's weird and i'm probably sounding ungrateful but i'm one of those kinds who always feel like i'm wasting therapists' time by rambling about shit, too, so when i feel like i'm not being as much of a burden (i.e. with the trainee therapist) it feels much more effective in helping me. it's kind of hard to explain.

haha, i've never been asked out on a date (nor kissed, hit on, etc.) in 26 years despite knowing lots of guys through cons, animu interests, and gaming. not even after i lost a ton of weight. that's funny.

(seriously, i wish i could get a bf, but even that's looking unlikely...)

>> No.8487595

Hanging out with people who want to bone you? Disgusting.

>> No.8487606

Good luck ever making any friends of the opposite gender

>> No.8487607

You just need to meet new people. Dress girly, wear makeup if you don't already. Most of guys are pretty desperate, some of them'll certainly hit on you as long as you keep breathing.

>> No.8487610

I have one friend and we bone each other, that's enough for me, thank you.

>> No.8487613

26? you're approaching the age range where there's a ton of desperate guys who have never known love and will provide for your every need if you just exist. i sincerely doubt not a single person took interest in you unless you have some god-awful facial aesthetics

>> No.8487620

She may be a tomboy. I have a friend who is a tomboy, she is not ugly but she wears boys clothes and never wears makeup. She has tons of male friends but never had a bf. She is 23 but doesn't look like she wants a bf or anything so I let her be.

>> No.8487635

>dress girly
>wear makeup
trying to with lolita, but only just starting...
I did have some girly normalfag dresses I'd wear occaisionally along with doing my hair nice but I doubt they made much of an effect if any.

>god-awful facial aesthetics
normal face, Asian looking eyes (to the point where an actual Asian asked me if I was Asian), pale as fuck skin, but at least it's clear with no acne, and small ears. I did have an issue with my teeth but I got braces so hopefully they will fix them.

really, aside from a bf, I just want friends that actually care and the chance to go to more cons + make dream cosplays + build a dream wardrobe with all of my dream dresses. but for that i need fucking money. a fucking job even if i hate it/myself for settling for it. something.


>> No.8487636

It's scary as fuck when it comes on driving, but at least driving is pretty instinctual.

It helps if I try to really concentrate and look at what's ahead of me and going into autopilot. I also sing along to the radio and try to move my head a lot.

The worst is when your whole day is like that though. I used to just think feeling like everything was behind a pane of glass was just something everyone dealt with, kek

>> No.8487638

I was a bit of a tomboy when I was younger but not nearly as much now. I get that though, for a long time I didn't care about having a bf, though I never stated such or anything. I always kept the possibility open just in case anyone wanted to approach me. Now though...

>> No.8487655

And now you can date his friend.

>> No.8487674

Oh man here we go
>two days before con
>working my butt off on making this prop for like 3 weeks straight
>prop is like the size of my body and it looks fucking great
>spent like $200 on expanding foam and gold paint to make it look gold and not fake yellow crap
>leave it outside to dry
>go out to dinner with family, notice it's fucking pissing down with rain as I'm eating
>panic and go home in a rush
>look at my prop, it's fucking destroyed by the rain
>paint has leaked everywhere, newspaper from paper mache has peeled off
>"oh well it's not that bad, I can totally fix this!"
>realize that the expanding foam has been broken into pieces by either the wind or someone else
>bawl my eyes out
>start remaking prop out of cardboard and do details with hot glue gun because the con is like two days away
>looks like shit, feel like shit, it doesn't look as good as the original
>tfw i can't even look at the fucking pictures of that cosplay because it makes me depressed

>> No.8487687
File: 97 KB, 915x960, 1430437310168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I planned to meet up with a bunch of people to work on costumes for Otakon tomorrow at 11AM, some of them I haven't met yet. I'm expected to be there and I don't want to miss it.

My biggest issue is that I have this really bad stomach cramp, that is more of a dull pain but still feels really uncomfortable, and it hasn't gone away since yesterday morning. I've been having other symptoms related to it for weeks and I looked up online and it looks like I have a peptic ulcer, which would make sense because I drank a lot of alcohol while I was on vacation last weekend and kind of went overboard on painkillers while I was on my last period (desperately).

God damn it hurts so bad and I can't sleep, wondering if I should go to the hospital now and spend the night or wait until tomorrow morning and miss seeing my friends. FML.

>> No.8487692

Sex is one thing, but over a kiss? Jesus, he's too sensitive.

>> No.8487694

Once had a 100+ customs hit for 1 dress. Tried to file a claim and only got 5 dollars back. Those goddamn whores.

>> No.8487696

Gotta agree, if I was in that situation I would have at least asked about trying an open relationship.

>> No.8487716


>> No.8487721
File: 485 KB, 134x179, tumblr_lno48gqKc11qfq39h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw exited about first taobao order
>pay everything and everything seems to be going fine
>mfw usps sends it back to china
>mfw will probably have to pay for shipping twice
i mean at least im making enough money to pay for it but fuck i will end up paying almost 600 on a 400 dollar order

>> No.8487724

Jesus Christ people...

>> No.8487726

>have to stop Lolita purchases for a con
>I can do this.png
>coworkers slowly quitting
>I get more hours
>coworker dies
> I'm starting to think this position is haunted
>hired the old bartender back
>shes probably next

>> No.8487751


>> No.8487757

Oh anon I'm so sorry! What was the cosplay?

>> No.8487760


>> No.8487764

It was Sona from League of Legends. I made her shitty etwahl/harp thing. I'm still shattered about it. :(

>> No.8487780

>My siblings slack off on their work and I'm the only one who seems to care
>Feel the burden of stress instead of them, it's so stupid
>Family laugh at the fact that I love Disney and wear lolita
>Lolita keeps me happy but only my friends seem to respect that
>I don't even buy brand, just bodyline yet they complain that I spend too much
>Cry all the time for stupid reasons
>None of my family understands me

>> No.8487806

>love Disney and wear lolita

Me too, anon! I know it's not that uncommon but you're definitely not alone. My mom doesn't get it but my dad came around and is happy to do Disney stuff with me now, and likes seeing me dress up in lolita. I hope your family comes around too!

The most important thing is that you're happy, don't avoid things you love for other people.

>> No.8487813

>Be on disability for PTSD
>Lolita is the only thing that makes me happy
>Wont spend disability money on lolita
>Try to do something with my time
>Work on art/comic
>I'm too shitty for this anyway
>Puts on dress
>Feel shitty
>Take dress off
>Goes to sleep
>I will try again tomorrow
>Everyday is a failure

>> No.8487819

be strong anon
you will get through this shit son

>> No.8487832
File: 51 KB, 720x610, Screenshot_2015-06-18-13-41-10~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good feels time
>Finally starting a new cosplay after having not made anything in over a year.
>finally getting the Hell out of this crappy ass apartment, in-laws are letting us stay with them for a while to save up for a new place. Mother-in-law is cool with me sewing in the downstairs office.
>Good friend of ours is trying to land work in our area again(she works as a student counselor) has agreed once she lands a job we'll all spilt an a apartment together. She also happens to be a fellow cosplayer and better seamstress.

Just gotta make sure we get everything in writing so it helps protect everybody. Better to be safe then sorry if living together doesn't work out.

>> No.8487868

Anon, I don't want to freak you out about this, but my dad nearly just died from not having his gallbladder out and it is a very silent, but huge issue. It's a slow, silent type killer and if you are having problems, get it out immediately. It could be life or death for you the longer you wait.

His was swelled up twice his size because he put it off too. He had all sorts of weird symptoms from of it. It basically poisons your body slowly. If something happens where you do any physical activity and it just pops, you're basically dead.

Don't be like him and wait on it anymore than you should reasonably do. I know blowing that money on it sucks, but it'll be a non issue in the long run.

>> No.8487883

OT, but I have this constantly. I've recently been diagnosed with severe depression, so I guess that has something to do with it. Glad I'm not the only one, I always thought I was just a nutcase.

>> No.8487902

I'm sorry anon, if I could, I would give you a huge hug. Be strong, it'll get better

>> No.8487922

cheating whore fuck off some people have morals thanks

>> No.8487934

No, he's not. That's fucking cheating.

>> No.8487937

Slut just because you have low standards for relationships doesn't mean other people should

>> No.8487960

Wait can I get breast reduction on the NHS for dysphoria? I fucking hate my boobs, they make me feel exposed and uncomfortable.

>> No.8487971

Tbh Anon, I've been in a similar situation, but my boyfriend didn't leave me. Then what happened? I kissed someone again. Even if it's just a kiss, you're clearly not in the right mind for a relationship. I wish I could go back and not break his heart. He's doing 10x better and so am I. It's for the best.

>> No.8488004

why'd they send it back?

>> No.8488007

This weird open relationship scuffle reminds me of some issues.

>I have a ton of poly people in my local scene
>idk why the fuck even
>i respect it tho, openly show I don't care about their sex lives
>lots of openly BDSM people too?
>gets a lot of requests to join in with both things
>n-no thanks
>states i'm a monogamous, timid girl, doesn't want some kinkfest openly sexual lifestyle
>all my friendships seem to keep adding me as like a platonic quasi member of their group
>this causes me a lot of drama between conflicting poly groups
>by being with my three best poly friends, my ex thought i was cheating on her with them
>never did this, barely even went over to their place because it was a huge mess?
>figure out the poly best friends said I was in an open relationship with them
>things blow up I cut them all off, ex included
>years later, get back into the scene
>i somehow just replaced everyone with even more poly people without me knowing it originally
>tfw I try to be chaste as a nun and very sternly keep my boundaries around these people
>same issues are looking like they are boiling up again and have even multiplied exponentially

I just want platonic friends so badly in my life right now. Is anyone else's local con scene anywhere close to this? Or did I just fall into some kinky BDSM pit?

>> No.8488011

Tell them to seek out your man Jesus and get the hell out of there. Poly relationships are drama bombs waiting to happen.

>> No.8488020

They really are. I've never seen so much drama than I have with these specific people. One person is hard enough to handle, so I can't imagine juggling five.

Some of them thankfully leave the scene, because honestly, they break up with people so fast and burn so many bridges, they have to go elsewhere.
>one group is going to Texas
>the other is going to BC
Please stay there.

>> No.8488040

Just spent a bunch on a really cute IW dress.
jfc I should have seen that one coming.

>> No.8488078

Buy yourself a binder.
>Binders save boofloafs

>> No.8488147

>Go into costume contest for first time in a year
>Girl in same cosplay is a couple people after me
>mfw mine is clearly superior
>I go on stage and the crowd goes nuts
>She goes on stage and barely gets golf claps
>The smugness of being better stays with me the rest of the day
>mfw cosplay isn't a competition until its a competition

I feel horrible about being so happy with how much better I was than her.

>> No.8488162
File: 52 KB, 231x315, 1435020017628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working at local family-owned diner
>they hired me in as a barista, lol jk we don't know shit about coffee and we don't care!
>playing babysitter for owner's toddler while at work, dealing with sexual harassment from customers that the owners refuse to deal with
>speaking of, owners are brother and sister and constantly get in loud, physical fights that can be heard throughout the restaurant
>we have no schedule or request book, coworkers just announce if they can't work the next day, screw everyone over
>one woman literally told us the day before she was going on a two week vacation, owner just let her
>mock me for being "timid" for not wanting to put up with any of it
>being paid $8.50/hr + $15 - 20 in tips/night to deal with it, ok fine I can handle this
>they cut my hours and have me working one night a week

I finally got another job, thank fucking god. When I put in my two weeks they tried to guilt me into staying, and told me how "shitty it will be to have a corporate job, it won't be a 'family' like this! Why are you leaving us?"

I'm sorry it's kind of OT. I haven't been able to pay bills in weeks, let alone buy fucking brand. I can't wait to be done training at this new place so I can actually start working on my wardrobe again.

>> No.8488165

>Spend ages looking for dress to answer question on mentoring page
>find it! message mentor
>doesn't answer
>someone get's there before me

I hate that group, I don't get why I bother

>> No.8488167

You take pride in your work and you were given acclamation for your efforts. It's not something to be ashamed of, just keep getting better as a cosplayer and don't let the praise change you.

>> No.8488210

How do you do it anon?

>> No.8488214

Being friends with guys who are almost certainly attracted to you but can keep their boner well under control. It helps having other girls around, too. After enough years (or after you get a bf) you enter the sacred 'one of the guys' zone.

>> No.8488223

Original >>8487349 human waste here.
Thanks for inputting, but I don't agree with you and I don't think you understand how people work.

>> No.8488228

You can only do this if you're a little fat.
It happened to me at my job. I'm one of the guys, because any time a skinny girl was around, they'd start doing all the guy things like being ultra nice, and one tried to fuck a skinny girl.

And I have a boyfriend, so I'm of limits to them.

>> No.8488238

Not really /cgl/ related but:
>This dude in my uni, let's call him A
>A is really socially retarded, doesn't shower, won't respect personal boundaries, lies constantly to appear intelligent, fun or well-liked, has tried to hook up with every single girl in campus (even with the lesbians), will say creepy stuff like "Oh, I hope when you die I can manage to rip off your skin! I want to make a dakimakura out of your skin y'know" completely seriously
>I try to tolerate him because I'm pretty fucking weird as well and I don't have many friends
>Some day he just walks up to me and tries to strike a conversation by saying "SO YESTERDAY THIS GUY AND ME TRIED TO SPIKE A GIRL'S DRINK.."
>This is it, I'm done with him. I just walk away on him.
>Somehow, our friends interpreted this as me being a complete bitch and have walked away on me.
>I have had to do all the uni projects alone, no one includes me in their meets, no one has wanted to hang out with me this summer.
>I'm seriously considering apologizing to this creep so I don't feel this lonely
Wat do, /cgl/

>> No.8488240

Is she black? There's a tall thin black girl studying/teaching in S.Korea who regularly posts her lolita outfits that end up here, but I'm not sure if she posts on 4chan herself.

>> No.8488252

There's a lot of one sentence long posts here that don't really contribute or even read like gull humour.
I'm not saying all of these are the same person, there's also more similar posts I haven't quoted, but it feels like there's someone here that doesn't know how these threads really work.
Dear enthusiastic anon, either give a proper replies or go use an IM chat room.

Are you sure he's being serious and not just making deadpan 2edgy humour? The daki thing sounds like standard weeb chat. If you have a mutual friend that will level with you, talk to them about your concerns.
But if you're really sure he was being serious, and the rest of your friends are choosing a potential date rapist over you, it might be best to just find some new friends without starting any arguments. It doesn't sound like you're losing anything there.

>> No.8488253

I'm often this way too. I feel bad about it but I guess not bad enough to change.

>> No.8488257

In my case it's not even my bf, I personally don't like hanging around guys who are trying to get into my pants despite knowing I'm already in a relationship. I still get along better with men than with women for whatever reason but all my male friends are gay and/or married.

>> No.8488260 [DELETED] 

> Mum's a bitch, dad's an alocholic
> They've been together 15 years
> Start arguing every night and are going to break up

I feel like I'm too old for this to be happening. It's also fucking me up, I can't be in my house at night because my mum just constantly yells at my dad and they argue. Thank god my boyfriend always lets me over but some nights I can't and I feel like on those nights I'm spiraling back into a bad place because of the arguing and general tension.

>> No.8488266

> Mum's a bitch, dad's an alocholic
> They've been together 25 years
> Start arguing every night and are going to break up

I feel like I'm too old for this to be happening. It's also fucking me up, I can't be in my house at night because my mum just constantly yells at my dad and they argue. Thank god my boyfriend always lets me over but some nights I can't and I feel like on those nights I'm spiraling back into a bad place because of the arguing and general tension.

>> No.8488272

>shittily-run small businesses that excuse their shittiness as "but we're one big faaaaamily!"
Yeah, fuck those. Fuck those especially hard when they use it as an excuse to hardly pay you.

>> No.8488284

>And I have a boyfriend, so I'm of limits to them.
thats not gonna stop the thirst
only time I've entered the "one of the guys" zone was when I hung out with guys that had the "3dpd" mentality

>> No.8488288

I've felt like this almost constantly for years. I didn't know this was a thing?

>> No.8488333

hey anon, stay strong. Parents are divorced and the arguing led me to have a break down and consider suicide. Take care of yourself anon, put in your headphones, watch some funny youtube vids, hug your bf.

>> No.8488336

>Currently do four different styles of lolita.
> Enjoy all of them although wardrobe is not very cohesive.
> Love oldschool lolita, the aesthetic is probably my favourite of all the styles as is the material used.
> Enjoy wearing oldschool the most aswell as gothic.
> Recently had to leave full time job and return to university.
> Won't have much money to spend on lolita anymore.
> Seriously thinking about selling all/most of my other pieces, saving some of the funds and solely doing old school.
> Oldschool is a lot cheaper and more toned downed than current styles.
> I feel happiest wearing it and the most 'lolita'
> I can see many points as why I should but I also enjoy doing other styles, have some lovely pieces and love having many styles represented in my wardrobe incase there is a themed meet etc.
> No one really wears old school in my comm and I feel like some people would be quick to label it ita although.
> I don't know what to do anons.

>> No.8488338

Four styles?

>> No.8488341
File: 107 KB, 609x749, 1425950332068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to anime expo
>boyfriend's friend loses my schedule
>there's a panel really important to me so I keep calling him to confirm when and where it is
>I'm unsure as fuck because anime expo was a mess
>super anxious about him and keep texting him when (asked him 10 times that day)
>right before the panel, he scolds me in front of all his friends, tells me he wishes that he never brought me since I'm just a burden and interrupting his events all the time
>I go to the panel alone
>Can't enjoy it, contemplating offing myself since I'm nothing but a burden at this panel I've been looking forward to for a year
>really depressed at the panel (which was horribly managed by the way)

>talk to boyfriend after the con about how that was maximum not ok, apologized ten times over for being a burden
>stopped telling him I love you
>he apologized and told me how upsetting it was that I stopped saying "I love you"

I'm legitimately considering breaking up with him for ruining this panel for me.
we live together, have been dating for almost 3 years

I don't even know..

>> No.8488344

> dad cheats on mom
> mom finds out and tells me, but asks me to keep being nice to dad so he doesn't fuck me over in his will
> they fight all the time but won't get a divorce
> start overeating from all the stress
> dad obviously feels guilty so he gives me a lot of spending money
> I can finally buy all the brand I want, but most won't fit
> fml

>> No.8488350

Yes besides old school I wear gothic, classic and aristocrat.

>> No.8488351

>pretty good at managing funds, work two part time jobs and am bio major
>No luck finding dresses for a while, offer to buy gull her dream dress and hold it til she has the money
>Exam time so tell her I can't post it straight away so she doesn't have to stress about the money straight away, but also have to stop one of my jobs
>Already shaky health takes a dip, have to spend money on health related activities/meds,stress over friends, bro passing away, moving so expenses are piling up
>Message anon a few times about sorting out payment and shipping of the address
>no reply
>Don't want to sell the dress I got for her but it was a few hundred dollars + shipping and I could really use the money right now as I've had to move home to help out
>Feel guilty about wanting to sell it but it's over a month since I had communication

I'm sure this isn't the worse thing in the world but stress.com

>> No.8488353

>usually clear face
>big meet coming up
>suddenly a huge red angry pimple right in the middle of my face
>oh shit, maybe if I leave it alone I'll be able to cover it with concealer
>scratch it open in my sleep

Not that anon, but I've gone through five different less-than-helpful psychologists/therapists/counsellors in my life so I might be able to answer. I've been seeing mental health professionals semi-regularly for anxiety/depression since I was about twelve years old, and they all had the exact same playbook.
>"So when you're in [situation that causes anxiety], how does that make you feel?"
>scared, sad, hopeless, etc.
>"And why do you think you feel that way?"
>I don't know.
>"Why do you think you don't know?"
>"Why don't you know why you feel that way?"
>"I can't help you if you don't answer my questions, anon!"
With every single one of them it seemed like they were hardly listening to what I said, they were just repeating how/why over and over again and then accused me of not wanting their help. I spent over half a year doing this little song and dance routine with my second-to-last therapist before she decided to have me transferred because she wanted to follow some kind of course. The next person who was assigned to me actually wanted to have a conversation with me, and within 30 minutes she asked if I’d ever been tested for being on the autism spectrum. Boom. Aspie. Explains everything. I’m doing infinitely better now, thanks to the one therapist who actually bothered to try and get to know me. If the one before that didn’t go on that course I would probably still be stuck in the infinite loop of “BUT WHYYYY”

>> No.8488355

Asking 10 times is just excessive anon. Why didn't you just put it in a reminder note on your phone or something? I get irritated when someone asks me the same thing a few times within a few days, ten times in one day would probably make me snap too. Sucks that he did it in front of people but I doubt he was thinking about that when it happened.

Also cons usually have extras of schedules that you can ask for. I'm amazed that by the fifth time neither of you thought to get an extra schedule, do the note-in-phone thing, or hell, have you take a photo of the schedule with your phone.

>> No.8488399

Oh god, I wanted yo ask how that went at AX but now I regret hearing about it

>> No.8488400

I'd totally be willing to pay overseas shipping since I've been looking a long time for these items. But it's whatever now, I'll still keep looking.

>> No.8488422

>mfw skin condition makes makeup look like shit
>look like a bitchy fucking hobgoblin with tear troughs the size of china and awful malocclusion
>never finished school
>mentally ill
>cant get ssi or job

the best thing someone could do for me right now is shoot me in the fucking head

>> No.8488426

usps couldnt find my apartment (taobao is no longer responding to emails or messeges what can i do/ do i file a claim with pay pal or something what if they keep my packaged im freaking out )

>> No.8488430

>scared of cosplay competitions like hell
>work hard on costume this time, so kinda confident
>decide to compete
>there are 10 competitors
>half of them gets some prize (first place second place best original costume bla bla)
>even shitty costumes get stuff
>I get nothing
>fml never competing again

>> No.8488433

i'm sorry to hear that anon ...

>> No.8488443

Distance yourself Anon, he sounds like a shitbag. Don't dump him yet though, see how he is next time you're hype for something. If he's still a dick then, cut them ropes yo.

>> No.8488447


I had a similar experience.

> enter contest
> half of the people gets prizes
> get nothing
> first place is takn by someone 'cosplaying' their OC
> group picture is hogged by attentionwhores wanting to be on the front
> I don't even appear on the damn group picture

>> No.8488448

I feel you anon
every therapist/psychiatrist fucking does this to me, except they say it isn't an autism spectrum disorder. neither of us have any idea what is wrong with me.

>> No.8488453

They're not the same person, I'm only one of the people you quoted. And I know how these threads work, I just don't think it's necessary to write lengthy replies for everything and give everyone asspats. Stay salty.

>> No.8488455

>tfw no bbc to suck

man we're such whores arent we cgl looooooooooool

>> No.8488458

Anon, you have no obligation to some anon who doesn't answer your messages, especially if this was a gesture of kindness. So sorry for your loss, you'll get through it.

>> No.8488461

Neither of you do, because it's not her bfs fault she is a lazy pos and its not his job to motivate her. Even if she does get a 'better' bf she'll stay a lazy pos and whinge about how pushy he's being. There's no helping people like that unless they help themselves first.

>> No.8488463

I feel so shitty... When they announcing the winners I'm like
>I'm not 3rd? Wow maybe I'm 2nd?!
>No 2nd? What am I 1st?!
>What? How? I guess they'll give me some best craft award or something
>nope, nothing

>> No.8488466

I didn't think anyone would actually be sympathetic. Thank you. Today I will try to work on my comic again. I'll probably fail and give up again but whatever.

>> No.8488505

That's kind of how counselling works anon, they keep asking you why without giving any input. The point is you're meant to be honest with yourself and then work from that information yourself.
It's either psychologists that give you their own theories and opinions.

>> No.8488510

There was a really good masqueraider cosplay though. they didn't win.

anime expo fucked up the panel so it overlapped with a league of legends panel, not to mention they had the line outside and it was really really hard to find.

During the panel they had a bit of technical difficulties, it was emberassing.. practicly empty panel, shitty quickly thrown together cosplays,technical difficulties, discouraged looking staff (they brought the head of animation over too!)

they announced some more dubs but they actually looked/sounded good. Dofus is getting a dub too!

>> No.8488513

>some lolita a while ago makes a post about how some guys called her little red riding hood and asked where her sheep were
>think it's hilarious
>on my way to a con in gothic lolita some guys call me mary poppins and ask where my sheep are
>instantly remember the other lolita's story and have to try as hard as possible not to laugh
>end up pulling the most awkward snicker and smirk in my life

>> No.8488518

Just to say you misread my post, I'm the original lazy anon (as I said in the post) and I was also disagreeing with the anon who said a better boyfriend would fix me.
I know the only person that can fix me is myself.
Have you tried any self help or motivational books/cds? It seems so cheesy but I can't think of what else to try

>> No.8488520

>mary poppins

>> No.8488526


Thats the thing. It's mary bo beep who lost her sheep.

You'd think they'd know because she was in toy story but I guess not.

>> No.8488536
File: 141 KB, 680x694, 1402361315895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some shopping stories

>Go thrifting after hearing stories of lolita finds
>Looking in the kids section for bodyline maybe
>worker looks me up and down
"are you sure you want to be looking in the kids section? the young adult section is over there"
>tell her "yes I'm sure"
>she semi follows me around giving me the stank eye the entire time

Jesus fuck what the fuck crawled up her ass and died

>summer comes around
>yes, summer, time to go to theme parks, pastel clothes are in stock, good
>go to the mall
>every clothing store is selling dark clothes
>in summer

who the fuck decided this!?

>> No.8488549

Anon, please, just sell it. If she wants it that much she'll buy it back when you sell it.

>> No.8488565

>Fiance gave me a nice wig for my b-day
>Night before a meetup
>Tries to cut the bangs before going to bed
>Accidentally cuts them too short

Maybe I can be a kawaii Yolandi?

>> No.8488578

Tell her you're shopping for your baby sister next time.

>> No.8488625

>frugal and try to save over half of income a month
>only make 2-2.5k a month
>way more sad than usual
>stop pinching pennies
>$300 worth of retail therapy so far this month
>redoing wardrobe
>feel great
>love everything coming in the mail
my bf and i have talked about it, and he has encouraged me to stop saving so aggressively and start spending my money on stuff that makes me happy. we are planning a trip south korea and japan in february, and i'm so excited -- it's part of the reason why i'm redoing my wardrobe. been considering getting 5-10.5k worth of plastic surgery before my birthday next year, though. not sure if i should, though.

>> No.8488642

Yep. They told me "You aren't going to find another place like this!"
>Ok that's kind of the point

My favorite part is when I returned to work after a con and
>"Anon, we're using a new solution to mop the floors, let me show you how to make it!"
>white vinegar
I don't know how people so clueless could run a business. Never again.

>> No.8488680
File: 276 KB, 400x501, 0ciyaZG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to loose weight to fit into a specific dress before Rufflecon
>Posted in one of the last feels threads in a particularly depressed moment
Anon that recommended music during my work outs, I FUCKING LOVE YOU.
I don't know why my dumb ass did not think of it but I don't listen to music much and it has just made everything so much better.
THANK YOU anon, I'm down 5 lbs and you are the best. 30 still to go but I got this, it has gotten easier the more clean I eat.
>I will wear that fucking dress

>> No.8488684

He sounds like a dick that's trying to emotionally abuse you so you become more dependent on him. Oh and off-topic but it's weird to see that female Wojak image posted unironically, for me at least.

>> No.8488691

>introduced to 2 people who cosplay in my area
>they're engaged
>super excite because they're super talented
>found kewl cosupurei senpais who live relatively near me
>planning to ask them for crafting help
>guy starts hitting on me
>feel super uncomfortable, wondering what i should do
>girl messages me
>"anon, sorry if he says things that make you uncomfortable, he just doesn't know boundaries"
>super relieved and tell her what happened
>she seems cool with it

>months later, haven't talked to guy in a while
>he messages me
>start talking about cosplay, he offers to help me with my props
>he implies she'll be happy to hang out with me
>figure i'm hanging out with the both of them
>figure everything was resolved and i get to soak up their cosplay knowledge
>turns out he hid it from her
>he had to sneak me out of his house because she was coming home early from work to catch us in the act

This is the second time I've almost broken them up and I feel really horrible about it. Tfw all I wanted to do was hang out with some cosplay senpais but the guy insists we have a "mutual attraction" (lolno, he's also like 12 years older than me) and the girl views me as a threat. She unfriended me and made him block me but he's still trying to contact me through other channels. I don't want none of this drama so I just stopped talking to both of them.

>> No.8488726

yeah rightly so wtf
people saying 'it was only a kiss' sound like they've never been in a relationship/never experienced betrayal
sorry anon, I'd dump you too if I was in your bf's place, but you did the right thing to tell him. Every relationship is a learning experience, use this one as a note to not cheat on your bf next time

>> No.8488730

I agree
tbh if there is a market for it, why not go into it?
At any time the men can back out and say no, so the anons saying 'poor men! all women are evil!' have no clue about how consent works

I researched this a few years ago when I was broke, but alas I decided not to because I was underage (thank fuck for that) but honestly I'd do it if there was a way to not have my face out there as a findom, as the line of work I want to go down doesn't really meld well with sexual internet stuff

>> No.8488732

this. it's not like a fucking anime where they tripped and fell into a kiss. there were obviously feelings behind that kiss. i am glad that the anon told her bf, though. i have no problems with my bf being friends with other women, but if he starts to develop feelings for them, i expect him to end their relationship if that shit can't be controlled, and i certainly wouldn't want him always hanging out with her alone. once i started having thoughts about a male coworker of mine, i stopped talking to him. it's just not fair.

>> No.8488733

the point of the fetish is that guys like this. If the women were scamming them then sure, they're not nice, but the guys literally consent and get off to this.
>it's like you didn't even read the article

>> No.8488737

My ex and I talked about similar situations and came to the consensus that if someone kissed us, like forcibly, and we shoved them off with a "wtf", that wouldn't be cheating. Mutual kissing is cheating. Straight up.

>> No.8488741

But it even says in the article some of the men are seeing therapists for help, they're clearly not mentally sound. It just comes off like exploitation of mentally ill people to me, degrade and abuse them until they feel like they need to give you their money to feel good about themselves. She just comes off as a sociopath to me, she tells them to eat out of the dumpster if they need to eat and she seems purely motivated by greed. I don't know, findom just crosses a line for me, treating people like ATMs just because you can seems heartless.

>> No.8488775

>been considering getting 5-10.5k worth of plastic surgery
What exactly do you want to have done?

>> No.8488799

All these horror stories make me glad and sad I don't have a boyfriend at the same time. It seems so cynical these days. I'm probably too naive, though.

>> No.8488800

>too deathly scared to speak to people in order to get a job
>literally flight instead of fight when prompted to speak
>want to fund cosplay hobby

I'm practicing small talk with classmates and cashiers but how I feel in that environment is drastically different for some stupid reason.

>> No.8488811

omg no that's totally creepy even if it is his humour
too many guys I know will play off harrassment as jokes (and spiking a girl's drink is not 'just humour)

>> No.8488814

oopsie she has a fiance (or is married? idk) so poor r/k/9 anon has lost his chance if so

>> No.8488817

who cares what people in your comm think?

>> No.8488821

god he sounds foul
a true boyfriend (or even friend) would see how important that panel is to you and be considerate
fuck that noise, consider getting out

>> No.8488832
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>tfw the canadian dollar is at $0.77 USD
>everyone selling stuff online prices in USD

>> No.8488837

not all of them are mentally ill, and tbh a lot of people in the world do suffer from mental issues. If you're selling alcohol and an alcoholic buys from you, is it your fault for continuing to make them worse? No. She is selling a service which is pretty transparent, the mental states of people who buy from her is not her concern.

>> No.8488844

>only have one friend because old ones were pretty much horrible
>friend doesn't like lolita
>borrowed my birthday money with no means of paying it back (I make it clear that my savings are p much for lolita)
>friend is really intimidating
>kind of makes me feel crappy 50% of time (constantly insulting me in jokey ways)
>don't want to be alone though??? ugh

I'm usually the sort of person to tell others to drop toxic people (and in the past I've dropped others) but now I'm alone and don't have a stable friendship group I cannot. idk what to do I just feel weirdly useless wtfff

>too scared to wear lolita in public
>tfw no comm for miles and miles and miles

>> No.8488848

Can you even read? It said one guy had to go to a therapist because he had more than person fin domming him.

>> No.8488855

These responses are so depressing. If he's shown other signs of abuse or manipulation then that's one thing, but snapping at her for being annoying after she was, you know, annoying and hounding him constantly because she kept forgetting something (instead of taking personal responsibility for it) sounds perfectly human to me.

Like man, newsflash, your SO isn't there to hold your hand and be a crutch for you. He was nice to tell her when her panel was TEN TIMES, just also rightfully upset that she never took steps to actually make note of the information he was giving her. I love my SO dearly but if he was constantly calling me during a con to ask me the same question over and over I would probably snap at him later too!

Honestly it sounds like anon is the one being emotionally manipulative - she confronted him, apologized, and he apologized as well. And yet she is withholding affection to continue punishing him. If she doesn't actually love him any more over that then by all means she should dump him. But acting like someone getting upset once because they had reason to be upset is a great reason to dump them is just weird.

>> No.8488871

Rhinoplasty and face lift (droopy cheeks and includes fat grafts). Kind of thinking about breast augmentation. I'm a 28G or something like that but wear whatever sister size with a b cup that fits. Problem is that my pecs are overpowering my breasts. I won't be able to bench heavy anymore though so I likely won't do it.

So I'm probably only getting rhino and a face lift which would be around 8k.

>> No.8488880

Are you seriously victim blaming her?...

>> No.8488881

triggered tbh

>> No.8488887

I'd break-up with him for having the gall to be that big of a dick to me infront of all his friends. He sounds like an asshole, anon.

>> No.8488889

>come back from a con to find that my fish feeder was dumping in way more food than it should have
>on top of that the apartment was too hot
>so in the past three days I've lost half of my fish
>spent most of the morning crying
>don't want to work but go anyway
>manager tells me I can't have the day off at the end of the month I asked for
>guess no lolita meetup for me either
>would have been my first
>I want to die

>> No.8488890
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>convention in 1.5 months
>my friend and I were gonna be Lord Shaxx and Xûr from Destiny
>I've been working on Xûr for months, will be pretty much finished soon
>he hasn't even started
>now no chance of fun cosplay adventures with my buddy

>> No.8488891

Don't be ashamed, a lot more people get therapy than you know. Even if you don't have many problems I always recommend going just to have someone to talk to without judgement. Good luck, anon, and hugs!

>> No.8488899

i feel you anon. I have one "main" friend who i feel closer with than anyone else, but at the same time i feel like I am the only one who actually puts any effort into the relationship

>> No.8488900

Thing is that I was being perfectly honest with myself and I truthfully honestly had no idea why being in a room full of noisy strangers would turn me into a sobbing ball of misery. I honestly had no clue. I wish I did. It took 10 years before someone accepted "I don't know why I feel this way" as a real answer and actually worked with me to find an answer rather than just telling me I'm being uncooperative and see you next week.

>> No.8488907

>offer to buy gull her dream dress and hold it til she has the money
You've already done more than you had to, why feel guilty if someone can't keep in contact especially if you have all this shit going on.

>Buy anon dress
>no contact
This is why we can't have nice things. This shit right here

>> No.8488926

You're not the one breaking them up, he is. Sounds like she'd be better off without him, actually. Though I agree it's probably best to keep your distance.

>> No.8488930


I'm kind of iffy on what kind of old school you do and why you're so worried people would label it ita. Most of the lolita rules were based around old school, it's very easy to look good in a paint-by-numbers sort of way. Although it's also the one style where if you got too creative or added too many loliables, it does look bad really quickly.

Anyway, if you're not wearing lolita everyday, instead of deleting three styles in one go, why not start by paring down to your absolute favorite pieces in each style? It can be as little as one main piece, with enough items to do two coords with it. That way if you miss the style you can still pull out this favorite piece and wear it, or if after a few months it's just sitting there gathering dust, it'll be much easier to sell it off since the everything else from that style is already gone.

>> No.8488936

I know it's not cgl, but I have nowhere to vent about this

>tfw not sure if you're friends are more PC then you or if you're just more of a close-minded dick
>tfw I feel like I can't always disagree because it'll make me look bad
>tfw every now and then sudden heavy political shit into a discussion out of nowhere

How can I possibly tell them I don't always agree with their views without looking like the bad guy? I feel like in these type of discussions you're always on the losing end if you disagree with what would be the most political correct answer.
Nothing is really SJW-tier, but I do admit after losing a few close friends to the social justice crowd, I'm absolutely more defensive towards thing that seem like they are from that crowd. I really wish it didn't though, I feel like I did really lose some open minded-ness I'll never have back.

>> No.8488944

You think they're right and you're the one being close minded.

You should think of your self of as the open minded one as you are probably more willing to laugh things off as opposed to the SJW type who can't handle humor or think "Only certain things can be funny as long as it's not hurting anyone's feelings"

>> No.8488947

Losing friends to the social justice crowd? All they're asking you to do is not be a dick man, you're losing friends because you choose to say problematic things and you value that over friends.

>> No.8488954

And an even bad movie like Freaky Friday or body snatchers

>> No.8488957


>> No.8488961

I'm not saying anything problematic though? When I mentioned 'losing friends to the social justice crowd" I mean friends who went from being able to talk about the latest video game to only talking about 'do you know how many women get raped in america each day?" and stuff like that.

That's a good point, I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.8488965


>> No.8488967

What's the problem with that discussion?

>> No.8488975

The problem isn't that discussion on it's own, it's that such things started to be the only thing they'd talk about when we'd meet up. They also started to have massive white guilt and talking about things from a very america-centric view (which you often see on tumblr) despite not being or living in america.

>> No.8488978

If someone's got 84,000 to give out like the guy in the article, I doubt they're hurting.
This is no different from gamblers. At least in the US, I don't know about other places but we're built out of whether someone has money or not. Most people's lives revolve around trying to obtain money. You can either try and keep your money or you can give it to whoever for whatever you want. That's how it works here.

>> No.8488980

Because, why can't anyone be interested in things that aren't completely awful? Why do people have to look for the bad shit in everything?

Yes, there is lots of bad shit, all around. It's good to be aware. But unless you're talking about changing things, you aren't really doing anything. What points are you gonna cover that haven't been covered in a million blogs and social media sites already?

Think about it. Do you really have something new to say about rape aside from your own life experiences?

>> No.8488984

Maybe they got tired of just talking about the latest video game and wanted to make a real change in the world.

How long do we have to keep turning a blind eye to awful things in the world? Even just raising awareness is helpful.

>> No.8488985

well you'd never guess what, my friend JUST messaged me to tell me that she feels me asking for the money back is selfish. Shitty timing but I think she's essentially calling for a friendship breakup. Perhaps I've been inconsiderate in the way I've asked for the money back, but idk I just want a friend who doesn't mooch off me. Friend count zero!!! I'm a decent enough person (I think) I just have the worst luck

It's kind of bittersweet that you know the feel. I hope you get more lovely friends that treat you right, and that you have a great mutual relationship with your one friend.

>> No.8488988

>Even just raising awareness is helpful.
About what are you gonna raise awareness that people aren't already fucking aware of?
Do you really think people aren't aware of rape? If normies are aware of it, than the rest are too.
The only people who don't know about rape are the ones who doesn't think it exists and they're probably religious or something.

Do you have a job by chance? Do you deal with people on a regular basis?

>> No.8489000

People know about it but the problem is half of the time rapists don't even think they're doing anything wrong, they think rape is only when you flat out kidnap a girl and make her your sex slave or something. It's so much more nuanced than that, and people need to know about that.

>> No.8489002

Yeah I don't think I need to be told that by another woman who's also in her 20's.

>> No.8489005

Sometimes reinforcement is necessary, especially in cases where women have internalized misogyny (usually the ones trying really hard to fit in with men). And for the record, yes I have a job and I deal with people regularly.

>> No.8489007

While true, this doesn't mean it's ok to just bring up rape with your friends while they're talking about other topics. It just shows a lack of tact and awareness of your friends' boundaries - seriously, at least consider the fact that it's very likely that a female friend has experienced some form of sexual assault and realizes how it can happen.

There's a time and a place for that kind of discussion and over lunch while your buddies are discussing the latest video game release is not it.

>> No.8489010

I think the problem is you're probably preaching to choir. Are you really out there telling people who are ignorant of this about these things? Do you casually bring it up to people?

The original girl complaining just wants to talk about fucking videogames but can't because sexism is such a real thing that we should all live in a panic over, right? Can't enjoy anything because bad things exist and you must absolutely focus only on those bad things until they are gone.

That's ridiculous anon.

Take me for example, I'm well fucking aware that rape exists. If I want to discuss a movie I just saw, I do not need to be fucking told about how women everywhere are getting raped. I am not turning a blind eye to anything, just trying to have fun jesus fucking hell.

>> No.8489016

>people need to know about that
Most people are well aware.
>but the problem is half of the time rapists don't even think they're doing anything wrong
They won't think they're doing anything wrong no matter how much you yell and bitch, on the internet or irl. Being irrationally angry about some eejits' moral poverty is only going to hurt you, and piss off everyone around you in the process. Bitching on the internet and amongst your friends is not going to change anyone's mind, but petitioning for direr repercussions might. This way you're after creating a toxic echo-chamber.

>> No.8489019

You sound like an SJW.

>> No.8489020

I mean, if you think someone has internalized misogyny, talk to them about that. What the fuck does talking about rape have to do with that?

Don't get me wrong, I talk with my friends about rape sometimes. But when it's fucking necessary you know?

Like I said, you probably don't go to your co-workers saying shit like "Do you know how many women get raped at work?!" It's fucking inappropriate. And if you do that sort of thing, people are gonna talk mad shit about you behind your back.

It's happening to one of my co-workers right now. He's a super crazy nerd feminist who likes to talk about racial issues all the time. All his bitching and moaning does nothing but make people not like him and talk about how silly he is for saying those things in the workplace.

Same thing will happen if you go to parties and what not. People mostly want to have fun. If something happens and it's time to talk about how many women are getting raped, like say someone you know got attacked recently or something - then sure. Definitely bring it up.

>> No.8489027

>They won't think they're doing anything wrong no matter how much you yell and bitch, on the internet or irl.
This too. People who do bad things either, don't care that they're doing something wrong in the first place or don't think it's wrong to begin with.

Everyone does this in a way, too. I do it at work. Sometimes I'll do something even though I know I was told not to do it. Then a boss of some kind will say "Hey don't do that, it's wrong" And I will do it anyway cause fuck everyone else.

The real problem is the "fuck everyone else" mentality that most of society, where I live anyway, has. People will do nice things for each other but at the end of the day, they will do whatever they want to do because that is what makes them happy. And they don't really care if it affects you or not no matter how much you cry about it.

>> No.8489030

Will you both please shut the fuck up with your completely-unrelated-to-cgl bickering? This why Der janitor won't let us have feels threads. Seriously, moaning about political/social issues has nothing to do with Lolita, cosplay, or any other type of fashion. You're not even bitching about money or boyfriend problems, which can at least tie into the board topic. Cgl is not your personal blog, so either learn to stay on topic or gtfo.

>> No.8489033

Speaking of janitors, this is the first feels thread that hasn't gone the way of the Irish general in a while. We're almost in autosage, would you look at that!

>> No.8489035

Considering the amount of bait threads they've let stay up for a long time I feel like they aren't really that active as of late

>> No.8489036

Orrrrr he could not be an impatient dick and show a little compassion to her. He's blatantly in the wrong here, I dunno how you can contest this.

>> No.8489037

The thread is almost in auto sage anyway. The only way to get a feels thread left up is to make it at the perfect time when the board isn't being watched. The fucking /fit/ thread is still here too. ITS BARELY FUCKING CGL RELATED. But I know why because we can't go to /fit/ without getting laughed at. Same with these threads and being told to take it to /adv/.

It's not hurting anything and it's hard to keep any thread on topic on 4chan. Shit. I saw a fucking Alice and the Pirates thread get derailed.

You sound fucking new.

>> No.8489040

>But I know why because we can't go to /fit/ without getting laughed at.
/fit/ crossboarder here, it's extremely difficult to distinguish between bait and actual questions. So for most people they L O N D O N first and ask questions later.

>> No.8489043

may their hot pockets ever be too hot

>> No.8489050

I would say he was showing compassion the first 8 times he stopped what he was doing to answer the same question... Seriously, theoretically she's an adult, not a little baby who needs her hand held every step of the way. You're saying you'd be perfectly patient and caring if your adult boyfriend hounded you with the exact same question 10x, interrupting your activities constantly with it?

>> No.8489055

And to prove my point, everyone steered the topic elsewhere because no one wants to talk about rape anymore because it's been talked about to death.

>> No.8489061

Our mutual hate of hungry, hungry janitors unites us.

>> No.8489062


>> No.8489067

Of course I wouldn't be, an adult man acting like that would be childish as hell, I probably wouldn't be dating someone like that in the first place. You can't treat men and women the same in a situation like this.

>> No.8489087

Oh right, because women need to be babied and treated like idiots and are allowed to put their own desires before their partner's. Silly of me to forget that.

>> No.8489092

No, it's not like that, but men should be more patient and understanding of their girlfriends. We put up with enough of their crap as is, they should be willing to give us some leeway and sacrifice for the relationship too. It's immature to expect otherwise.

>> No.8489095
File: 13 KB, 172x232, 1436967604638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop

>> No.8489102

What, am I upsetting you?

>> No.8489107

I feel like you're probably not a woman posting this..........
Honestly idk how any self respecting person believes they need to be treated like a child due to their gender
>inb4 'evil feminism makes women want to be treated like babies'
am a feminist. no.

>> No.8489111

It's not about being treated like baby, it's about respecting your partner's feelings. She made it clear in her post how anxious she was, he had no reason to make her feel even worse.

>> No.8489124

I just still don't know why she didn't just write down the time of the panel....
also withholding affection is a shitty tactic, if she loves him she should say so, would probably strengthen her argument:
>"I love you but when you do ___ it makes me feel____'

>> No.8489126

She had zero respect for his feelings and was behaving selfishly though. There were many different ways she could confirm the panel time and location instead of constantly interrupting his panels and socializing.

>> No.8489218

Then he should have politely told her to write down the time and ask her to stop after the 2nd or 3rd time, not scolded her in front of her friends and embarrassed her for the sake of it.

>> No.8489242

Why couldn't she have thought of that herself? Why is it his responsibility to manage her, and not her own? He was wrong to lose his temper, but she was also in the wrong. It's also wrong to act like him losing his temper is a sign that he's some sort of monster, and it's wrong of her to withhold affection to keep punishing him after they've both apologized.

>> No.8489251

Complain to the manager about the customer service. It shouldn't be the worker's personal business what a customer buys nor should they make a customer feel unwelcome especially since it can hurt the business.

>> No.8489335

It's not your fault anon, you were kept in the dark too. He's the one being shady and unfaithful and her fault for letting it slide.

You're right about stepping out of the drama although I'd advise you to keep proof that he's the one initiating it and trying to contact you just in case she confronts you about it later or tries to tell people to hurt your reputation (esp. in the cosplay community)

You know these people more than me though so I'm not sure if you feel that would be necessary so otherwise just keep avoiding/ignoring them.

>> No.8489403

I am trying to refine my wardrobe into two styles, one is lolita and other is something more comfy. And I have no idea about what style the comfy one will be. I wish comfy kei was a real thing.

>> No.8489422

I probably should have made myself more clear. All of the old school pieces I own are by Baby, Meta, IW or Moitie and when I coord old school I do it simply with all brand pieces besides nice bodyline shoes. I was slightly worried about the comm as modern sweet or OTT sweet mainly AP is the most commonly worn style and almost everyone wears prints. It's actually rare to see anyone in a non printed piece. Most of the members are young aswell and have little concept of oldschool. Headwear is another reason I'm a little concerned as in the few years I've been in the comm I've seen a singular person wear a rectangular headdress besides myself.

That's an excellent suggestion anon and I think I might just do that it would work out for the best.

>> No.8489558
File: 513 KB, 800x450, 1390929209351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good feel
>Just won an auction for a really pretty brand dress for dirt cheap
>Can't wait to wear it and feel all pretty

>Bad feel
>I keep thinking about this AP dress I have
>Posted about it here before
>girl lent it to me, then cut off all contact when it came time to return it
>no idea why, but her boyfriend dumped her and she deleted all social media and wouldn't return text messages.
>literally no way to return it since I don't know where she lives
>It's been years now
>Still feel like I stole it and don't have the heart to wear or sell it.
>Everytime I get a new dress, I think about this one and it makes me feel like I'm a bad person.

>> No.8489675

>hang with friends who are cute
>None of them attracted to me romantically
>hear after con that a bunch of strangers thought I was hot

Damnit if you want some fuckin tell me at the con, not the week after when everyone flies home.

>> No.8489689
File: 40 KB, 535x577, 1436749049294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no /cgl/ gf

>> No.8489701

Same, breh. I am 500% to chill with someone cute/cool while she works on her cosplay and gets livid salty about shit some itas did online.

>> No.8489880

Thanks, anon. I'd probably be your friend if we weren't just two anons on 4chan. I wish you luck in finding non-shitty friends

>> No.8490018

If the dress makes you feel bad, don't keep it. Chances are this girl has no desire to have it back either.
The best thing to do would be to give it to someone who doesn't know its history and will love it; or, sell the dress and donate your earnings to an organization you care about. There is no reason to keep something you have such negative feelings about. It'sfoolish and like I said the girl likely doesn't care anymore. Just get rid of it. It has a chance to bring happiness to someone but instead you're letting it sit in your closet and bring you down. No one's happy in this situation.

>> No.8490118

>Made order through Japan SS
>Got invoiced
>Holy shit it's 100$ more than what I thought
>Still pay
>Paypal shows me a message that the bank refused to allow me paying
>Tfw I have enough money on my bank account so why
>Ask gently SS if the invoice can be split in two
>Pay half
>Tfw the other half is refused
>Tfw reached the limit of my bank account even though I have no idea how much is it and when I could finally be able to pay
>Explain gently to SS that I would need to wait a week and apologize
>Passive-agressive answer, I upset them
>Tfw maybe it isn't even going to work in a week
>I wanted to buy the last IW release as well but how the fuck am I supposed to ?
>Why live
I probably will need to ask help from my parents but I don't want to rely on them anymore.

>> No.8490513

Yeah I've had this stupid fantasy that one day I'll be fine with it. My biggest fear is that she made a new account with a different name, or lurks lace market and would know it's me selling her dress and she'll track me down and confront me irl. If she did I'd just give it back, though. But confrontation is a big fear for me...
I'll probably hold onto it until I find someone who was like me when I was younger, aka saving up desperately for brand.
Thanks for the idea, I wouldn't have even thought about that! Thinking about the dress gives me a lot of anxiety so I usually don't think too long or hard about it in order to avoid that.

>> No.8490776

Likewise! Good luck fellow anon

>> No.8492546

>comm is 50% itas, 50% really good lolitas, not sure how to feel
>everyone is really nice
>kinda want to say something about the itas, because some are just dreadful
>don't want to piss off the cool lolitas, or the itas really, just want them to improve
>everyone is SJW af so i just pretend there's hope

>> No.8492795


It would be easy to just call him a douchebag, but it sounds like you have some serious issues with yourself that you need to work out.

>texting somebody the same question 10 times as if the answer would change
>considering suicide when somebody gets upset at you for the above.

Besides the obvious details, the whole story feels vague and missing details or as if it is skewed in your favor.

>> No.8492880

SJW stuff isn't "making a change in the world". Why do you think it has the name "Social Justice Warrior"? I'll give you a hint, it's not meant to be a title of honor. It's a derisive stab originally coined by people who care about actual social justice.

SJW is slacktivism of the worst kind. Important things like the atrocities committed against women in middle eastern countries, or the fact that gay people are burned alive in Africa, and even that being gay is basically illegal in Russia are competely pushed aside for "important" issues like hurricanes not having enough "ethnic" names, or how Lord of the Rings is racist for not having enough blacks in it.

They don't fight for human rights, they bitch about how this video game or that comic is misogynistic. They rarely do anything in real life, the majority of SJW action is online comments.

They think that the way to bring about equality is to tear down the one on top, but they competely ignore things like corporate entities which profit off of inequality.

They try to promote harmony by attacking, hassling, and even going so far as trying to get people fired for not agreeing. They let themselves be swayed easily by their emotions, and there are a ton of con artists and scumbags taking advantage of them.

They constantly seek to avoid any challenges to their ideas, any objections to their world view, and anything that causes then stress. This is behavior which is venom to personal growth, anathema to what it means to truly live.

On top off all of its shortcomings, SJW use the movements they're hijacking and leeching off as a shield for criticism (if you disagree with me you must just be misogynistic) and operate as if they're on some Moral High Ground.

SJW are worse than /pol/, because at least with /pol/ you can hate the whole thing. SJW corrupt an otherwise noble ideal with their caustic behavior.