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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 48 KB, 480x640, B39HC312-09-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8484569 No.8484569 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a /cgl/ related wedding thread?

Like lolita weddings, fandom themed weddings (especially Disney), and I guess cosplay weddings would go here, too.

Nightmare mode: no sandy bitching about how tacky lolita/fandom/cosplay/etc. weddings are. Yes, some people see them as extremely tacky, we know.

I'm considering getting one of the BtSSB wedding dresses since they're about the same as a normal one and I like the idea of wearing lolita at my wedding. Does anyone own one? What's the quality like?

>> No.8484579

>Inb4 weddings are stupid
I've never seen any pics of Baby's wedding dresses outside model

>> No.8484584
File: 262 KB, 600x900, 1310866244866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8484587

>weddings are stupid
What? Is that like a thing? You'd think anyone who'd want one would be a lolita, just from aesthetics. Wedding lace and the dresses are amazing.

Speaking of that, can anyone post some nice lacey dresses? I'm not a fan of a lot of minimalism I see.

>> No.8484588

Far too short to be a wedding dress imo. If I were going to get that I'd have it altered.

>> No.8484590

Usually about how it's stupid to get married these days, or how anyone who wants to spend money on it is an idiot. Basically, ignore them.

I love it.

>> No.8484602
File: 807 KB, 500x755, Screen Shot 2015-07-16 at 10.22.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8484605

Depends on your height. I want to have a similar length dress because I'm 5"1 and long dresses look appalling on me. See your point though.

>> No.8484615
File: 52 KB, 900x450, alyss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you're short I think an alteration like pic related to the back of the dress would make it much more classy and bride appropriate.

>> No.8484616

Mullet dresses have never said "class" to me.

>> No.8484623

> too short to be a wedding dress

I don't need your pre-conceived notions

>> No.8484643
File: 80 KB, 459x395, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are opinions?

>> No.8484654

How about rings? I love seeing pictures of heart cut gems, crowns, and other frilly accents.

>> No.8484660

Yeah, a lot of people see spending a lot of money on a wedding as a waste, and tend to be of that mentality that since it's what they choose to do, it must be the only legit way to go about it and anyone who thinks different is stupid. Or they're just bitter and doing the sour grapes thing to convince themselves they don't want to get married.

>> No.8484663


What are you the only one allowed to have one now? You think mullet dresses are nice, and I don't it's not like anyone was being nasty about it.

>> No.8484665

Funny, I usually see the opposite. Girls who want big lavish weddings looking down on people who get married in a courthouse or have a small, intimate celebration because 'ew, that's so cheap, it's supposed to be the most important day of your life!'

And if getting hitched to a man is the most important day of your life I've got bad news.

>> No.8484670

Nah, your post just sounded like you hadn't ever seen an opinion other than your own before.
So I was just checking you knew what it was.

>> No.8484678


>> No.8484706

Yeah, I've seen that a few times, too. It's pretty fucking ridiculous to judge someone for not wanting to drop insane amounts of money on their wedding. I don't get why people are so judgmental over how others want to get married in either direction.

>And if getting hitched to a man is the most important day of your life I've got bad news.

IDK, I don't see what's wrong with it being the most important day of your life, it's committing to your lifelong romantic partner, the person you're going to build your entire life with. I can't imagine any day of my life being more important than my wedding and it's not because I have low ambitions or anything like that. What I don't like is that the "most important day~" thing is only applied to women, no one ever says it about men. My fiance often says how it's going to be the most important day of his life when we discuss it, and he's going into an Ivy League grad school with some pretty impressive career goals.

>> No.8484794

Thank you!

>> No.8484806

The beach would be the perfect wedding destination for lolitas. It has sand, salt, and seagulls

>> No.8484808
File: 95 KB, 341x459, 1297278708334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this talk and no dresses. I'll continue from >>8484584 so we actually get some content. I'll be posting from my gowns folder, so apologies in advance for any non-wedding gowns that may slip in.

>> No.8484810
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>> No.8484813
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>> No.8484819
File: 1.39 MB, 1200x1735, 1405614651_f_Spring2015_Octavia_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the dress I got married in.

>> No.8484823
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>> No.8484825
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>> No.8484827
File: 148 KB, 484x726, sugar09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how I feel about this one.

>> No.8484830
File: 198 KB, 460x690, IMG_2397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it for now. I'll post more later.

>> No.8484831
File: 282 KB, 1000x1000, madotsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that models teeth

>> No.8484843

Agreed. If there's going to be a 'most important' day of my life it'll probably if/when I have a baby because of how much my life would change, but getting married was a really big deal. Careers and other accomplishments are nice, but ultimately what matters to me is family, and making a legal and public commitment to someone and declaring that this was the family I was building for myself was very meaningful and important. More important than getting into an ivy, finishing grad school, whatever else I'll do in the future. And if anything, my husband feels even more that way, and he was the one who was more invested in having a wedding rather than doing the courthouse thing.

>> No.8484853

Underrated post

>> No.8484854

Do you have any more dresses with caplets like that? I really love the idea but that one just doesn't look that nice.

>> No.8484878


More of these. I never knew how badly I needed tacky OTT wedding dresses in my life until right now. Where are these from?

>> No.8484888

I fucking hate panini dresses. They're all so goddamn tacky. I can't stand them when they're on Say Yes to the Dress but they're ALWAYS there. At least once per episode.
Why do people spend $15,000 to look like a dolled up hooker?

>> No.8484895

I never got it either, that sheer bodice is so fucking hideous and makes it look cheap and like you're a prostitute.

>> No.8484899

That one is especially heinous as well. hi-low is really not the way to go for wedding dresses : /

>> No.8484909

Omg is this about that one fucking dress every daddy's girl gets on that show?

If so it's so, so awful. Please no.

>> No.8484914
File: 95 KB, 460x680, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, basically every one of her dresses with pic related as the bodice.
I'll admit I like watching the show (I have a massive weakness for wedding dresses) but I hate those bodices with a burning passion.

>> No.8484917

For myself, I hate the idea of a wedding. I think I look terrible in white, and don't want to deal with the older relative's dirty looks if I walk down the aisle in a colour I feel better in. I know it should be my day and all, but I still rather not deal with that on what is supposed to be the best day of my life.
A huge party where everyone is looking at me the whole time just isn't my style either. I'd find it nerve-wracking as hell and could never relax. I don't even like the idea of marriage for myself, but if I do change my mind one day, it'll be at a courthouse, or at most a teeny ceremony where the only guests are the parents/grandparents.

However, I love weddings. I'm only 21 and none of my friends are anywhere near that stage right now. But I'd love to be in a wedding party, help with planning, all that jazz. Hell, I'd probably get tears in my eyes when she walked down the aisle. I just love seeing people doing what makes them happy.

>> No.8484919

My fav is the girl who wanted the sheer panel to be lower. To its benefit, the lace is highlighted against the skin tone vs the white, but its so sexual for a wedding that you have to have that personality to match it.

>> No.8484920
File: 103 KB, 640x1136, weddingdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting married next October and this is what my wedding dress looks like. I originally wanted a lolita wedding dress and then I realized how silly that would look in 20 years or so. I decided on a vintage "prom" dress from the 1950s it's pink, poofy, and lacy and it makes me feel like a goddamn princess. As for our wedding my fiance and i chose to have Disney touches but not full blown Disney themed wedding.

>> No.8484923

I admit I find that sexy as hell. But man, sexy is the LAST thing I would want to look on my wedding day.

>> No.8484926

I did see a dress with this bodice on a gorgeous slender alt girl with gorgeous tattoos, beautiful black hair etc, and she had a very non-traditional wedding, and I really liked it on her, but it's SO hard for anyone to pull it off except a very specific type of person.

>> No.8484932


That internalized misogyny. Stop buying into the patriarchial belief that women have to be pure on their wedding day.

>> No.8484934

If you want sexy I honestly think there are classier options but to each their own. The best ones are the girls who want to look like a 'princess' and then pick that dress but with a huge ballgown instead.

And then look sadly at daddy if he wants to pay the money for it. Extra points if "Everything for my little princess" which is really creepy imo.

>> No.8484937

This is bait. Thread bump.

>> No.8484940
File: 428 KB, 200x183, 1405163955863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, I just don't want my bits hanging out in front of my grandparents.

>> No.8484945

I see no lies here. I just don't want to be sexy because family would be there, though. Imagine your father walking you down the aisle in that. That makes me cringe just typing the scenario.

>> No.8484946
File: 81 KB, 570x570, my wedding dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the dress I'm getting married in. I bought it a few years ago when I saw it on etsy, I wasn't even dating anyone at the time. I figured if I didn't end up married I'd still have a beautiful dress.
I'll be getting married next year, (we haven't decided on what month, he wants december, I want may), but unfortunately I'll have to have it altered before the wedding, I'm too short for the length, and the boobs are too big.
I feel kind of bad for having to alter it, but I love it too much to not wear it.

>> No.8484947

Not wanting to be naked and sexual in front of your parents is internalized misogyny, homophobia and trans hatred.

>> No.8484949


>> No.8484953

Go to bed, you're not making sense.

>> No.8484956

Now bait-chan, there is a lick of truth to your post. You shouldn't feel bad for being sexy, but there's a time and a place for that. It's called a Honeymoon and I wish some brides would get that.

>> No.8484964

It's considered cute in Japan

>> No.8484999

it looks beautiful, anon.

>> No.8485002

not that anon, but i feel like the day you met, the day you decided to live together, to have a kid or stuff like that should be more important.

that said, it's probably just because i don't see weddings as such a positive thing. i'm not big on either religion or symbolism to begin with, so to me it just feels like something you need when you don't trust your partner enough to believe they want to stay with you without proof or something...

>> No.8485004

That dress was bought by someone on the show too. I remember they made a huge deal about the girl's unlimited budget and that it was one of a kind. Fugly as shit.

>> No.8485036

I have pearls for it and I was thinking a long veil to match the train.

>> No.8485058
File: 463 KB, 601x900, TB2Irt3aVXXXXa2XpXXXXXXXXXX_!!52330505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8485062


>> No.8485063
File: 290 KB, 533x800, TB2dW44aVXXXXaBXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!52330505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8485072

Wasn't Girlyhoot supposed to wear lolita for her wedding? She never did.

Someone who is obsessed with lolita like Girlyhoot is, you probably shouldn't wear lolita for your wedding.

>> No.8485085
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>> No.8485095
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>> No.8485121
File: 375 KB, 580x850, weddinggown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romantic Threads makes beautiful historical wedding dresses. This is a replica of one of the dresses from the Marie Antoinette movie and I would love to get married in it. I don't want a lolita wedding dress simply because I like the idea of getting married in a ball gown, but I would probably have gothic lolita bridesmaids. More incoming.

>> No.8485122

that looks pretty nice, it's just the right proportions of lolita and traditional wedding dress

>> No.8485124
File: 179 KB, 588x784, futureweddingdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Romantic threads, but I'm in love with it.

>> No.8485127
File: 415 KB, 670x400, deadlambdress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would also totally be willing to get married in JetJ's dead lamb dress, as I affectionately refer to it as.

>> No.8485133


Romantic threads is kind of notorious for its subpar quality. Even in the photos, you can tell the make is cheap and they take shortcuts in the quality of their materials

Also you're free to like whatever you want, but that gown below is making my eyes bleed

>> No.8485171

I've never ordered from them so I wouldn't know. Eh. To each their own. I'm probably gonna end up making my own wedding dress or commissioning someone to do it for me. Mostly these are inspiration idk if I would ever actually buy a wedding dress when I could design the perfect gown for me for my special day.

>> No.8485175
File: 316 KB, 900x1056, stella de libero 2011c-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a few extreme wedding dresses

>> No.8485179
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>> No.8485183
File: 279 KB, 960x1337, stella de libero 2011d-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8485189


I wouldn't mind this particular dress. Honestly though, I just like the silhouette of a full gown for a wedding a lot more than the knee length silhouette. I would never wear >>8484569 because for a wedding, I guess my ideal is just a luxurious floor length gown i can prance in all night, dirt on the floor be damned.

>> No.8485190
File: 3.09 MB, 1654x2339, stella de libero 2012b-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8485204
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>> No.8485223
File: 126 KB, 671x950, stella de libero 2012c-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8485224

it doesnt look "chaste" enough because the dress isnt a mile long

>> No.8485225

I really miss the sort of simple and quaint look of older wedding dresses or ones inspired by them. They feel like they belong in a really warm, cozy old-fashioned wedding and it looks very wearable like you said. Just for me personally, I'd like to realistically be able to put on my wedding dress again, maybe for a cute Anniversary dinner in our house.

The poofy princess thing most wedding dresses have going on just seems very attention-seeking (it's a wedding, I know), while this doesn't totally overpower the groom. I like the groom in this too, even if it's kind of unusual. It looks more like a union vs. Her Special Day that most modern weddings seem to scream.

>> No.8485262

Ditto. I like simple elegance best.
Funnily enough, despite my country being 'Western' there's really no rule about only the bride being able to wear white. I even saw in my parents' wedding pictures that one of my aunts had worn a white/cream pantsuit and nobody gave a fuck because you could still tell who the bride was (by the horrid 70s puff sleeves, no less).
I do believe there's a rule about wearing black but many people wear LBDs still.

>> No.8485265

against wearing black*

>> No.8485274

I love this.

>> No.8485400

10/10 would wear on wedding day

>> No.8485417
File: 78 KB, 540x713, tumblr_mztpi5Ylcs1r2dbtpo3_r2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never be able to wear this

>> No.8485439


>> No.8485462

>i'm not big on either religion or symbolism to begin with, so to me it just feels like something you need when you don't trust your partner enough to believe they want to stay with you without proof or something...
There's actually a lot of really serious reasons to get married, as well as benefits. For starters, you become next of kin, meaning you have way more rights that you wouldn't otherwise have. For example, you're entitled to know everything going on with them if they're in the hospital, and you're the one who makes huge decisions like whether or not to pull the plug if they're in a coma they'll never wake up from. You also have lower taxes, your health care is cheaper, along with a bunch of other shit like that. So yeah, if anything, it's kind of a disadvantage not to marry your life partner. Also, as much as you can say "if you love each other, why do you need a legal document to keep you together?" you can argue "if you really love each other and plan on being together the rest of your lives, why wouldn't you want to legally commit when there's so many important reasons to?"

I mean, I don't know about you, but if my lover was in a permanent vegetative state, I would want the power to make sure his wishes as to what to do in that situation were honored.

>> No.8485463

i love these but can never find a seller

>> No.8485470

i will always love this pic

>> No.8485474

You do not need to be married for this though, common law has taken over most of that and is something you can apply for just by living together a certain amount. It also acts as a marriage when you end the relationship, you can go to court over who owns what and you can even have a prenup.

>> No.8485477

Not with medical decisions. If you're not married, their parents have say over you.

>> No.8485487

wasnt >>8484947 post sarcasm?

>> No.8485493

4chan: yes
tumblr: life or death serious

>> No.8485499

Holy shit, that's cute anon!

>> No.8485500

My dad is dead.

>> No.8485503

that is really adorable

>> No.8485516

>June May is that you?

>> No.8485521
File: 118 KB, 500x730, BtSSB - Mariee Eternelle OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any more pics, stock or otherwise, of Baby's wedding dresses? Google is only getting me so far, and from what I hear they certainly have more than one or two

>> No.8485545

Thank you!!

>> No.8485560

you're an american huh

>> No.8485563
File: 176 KB, 332x500, 5111589894_fefe307cc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a cute one on lj apparently inspired by BtSSB's Pocket Embroidery

>> No.8485565

Congrats on the pending nuptials, anon. That dress is seriously beyond gorgeous.

Did you just find it thrifting?

>> No.8485571

oh man, this is so adorable it hurts. it's so simple and cute.

>> No.8485583

That depends on where you live. I know where I am from medical is under common law as well. The main thing I know is usually not covered is property rights, as what is under your name is yours, instead of the 50/50 people tend to fight about with when they divorce.

>> No.8485660

Thank you!

Thank you, I wish I found it thrifting I found it etsy!

>> No.8485669


>> No.8485676
File: 579 KB, 850x850, New-Chiffon-Beaded-Alencon-Lace-A-line-Wedding-Dresses-Bridal-Dresses-Sweetheart-Detachable-Back-Cowl-size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE the back of this dress. If I ever get the chance to get married I hope I can have a similar back.

I love the fullness on that dress!

>> No.8485683
File: 677 KB, 2856x1920, Aire Barcelona 119 Ray side by side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8485690
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>> No.8486004

nah, in my country there's a legal contract that does basically the same thing, so it's really for the symbolism that you get married.

>> No.8486032

>wedding goals
All I need is the love of my life and a bridesque lolita dress and I'm good to go.

>> No.8486035
File: 81 KB, 480x640, 136344-w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This forever shall be my wedding dream dress, saw it once on MBOK for a little over 1000USD and wanted to bid so bad despite having little to no money and no bf.

>> No.8486192
File: 66 KB, 480x640, 005-1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get married this year and Lolita is a huge influence for it. I'll be wearing a Juliette et Justine dress, the location is a castle and everything from the accessories to the wedding cake will be romanticaly cute. I'm very excited and look forward to it.

>I am starting a pic spam now.

>> No.8486193
File: 71 KB, 360x480, 083-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8486194
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>> No.8486195
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>> No.8486197
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>> No.8486199
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>> No.8486200
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>> No.8486202
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>> No.8486204
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>> No.8486293

I've wanted this back style ever since I saw it on Game of Thrones. Love!

>> No.8486328

Didn't this one lolita get a custom made Juliete et Justine dress for her wedding that was really ugly?

>> No.8486357

That is ugly as fuck.

>> No.8486368

Cute af. I don't thnk I've seen another dress like this. I'd buy it just for lolita, really.

>> No.8486372

Anon stop defending your shit taste. Its like crumpled used tissues all sewn together. Thisll make even he skinniest girl look fat and pregnant on her wedding day.

>> No.8486380

Stay salty. More for me.
>inferring someone would ever marry a hag like you

>> No.8486408

Get on my level, tramp.

>> No.8486418

I have been dating my significant other for 13 years. We never made an official proposal, but are planning to get married next year. I love the guy, but I feel pressured about it, because of people who are making these arguments. Or they look down on me for being with someone, but not maried. "I am giving free milk," they say. Neither one of us have told our friends or family yet.

Now more related to the topic, I would not mind wearing lolita at the reception. (If I have one.)

>> No.8486423

I told a few coworkers about 2 years ago how long I have been with my boyfriend. Around that time it had been 6 years. They were all wondering why Im not married at the age of 22 and proceeded to make me feel bad about it and that I didnt have kids. Maybe its because I was a white girl working with a bunch of Mexican immigrants, but they apparently all started early and didnt understand why I had none of that.

>> No.8486439

Kek, it was the opposite for me. I'm 22 and have been married for 2 years. Most people just assume it's one of the following:
>He knocked me up so I married him to keep him from making a run for it (false, we aren't planning on having any children)
>He comes from a rich family (false, we're both hilariously poor)
>I need a visa or something (We're both from different EU countries, fairly prosperous ones at that, so that's a no)
>I have cancer
>he has cancer
>I'm cripplingly ugly (hopefully not)
The actual reason is we dated for 4 years before marrying and don't see ourselves being with anyone else. Also I'm Catholic.

It does get tiring going to college and having to listen to 'but don't you wanna EXPERIMENT some more??? Do you even know what you like???' all the bloody time.

>> No.8486440
File: 26 KB, 682x950, sX9Yiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree most of the time but subtle ones can be really beautiful

>> No.8486449

>horrible bacne for 7 years
>appalling scars
>want this so bad>>8486004

everyday i'm sufferin'

>> No.8486457

I feel bad in that sense that I have experimented and my boyfriend hasn't been with anyone else, but me. Its really sweet and I love him to death, but sometimes I feel bad even though he loves me and it has been basically 8, going on 9, years since we've been dating. Mind you break inbetween because jobs, and then he went to college [yeah.. still no one but me even during break].

I don't personally see myself ever getting married, Im fine with never being married. If I want a pretty dress Ill just buy one because I can, but I don't see me wanting to spend so much on something that is 3 hours and then never wearing the dress again.

>> No.8486464

oh also
i dont remember where it was but 3 single lady accountants figured out that over a lifetime a married woman would save about 700,00-1,000,000 dollars over her lifetime on various life things.
It might be just a piece of paper but so is a thousand dollar bill.

>> No.8486467

This looks like something a CLAMP character would wear

>> No.8486485


>> No.8486707
File: 50 KB, 460x680, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand corrected. This is really lovely. This is very elegant and beautiful, and it's done in a way that doesn't look trashy at all. I feel like you have to go very simple with this cut

>pic unrelated because why not.

>> No.8486933

My fiance and I are also 22, and are marrying in around 3-5 years (depending on our financial situations) so we could avoid any of this. We told people immediately after announcing our engagement and a lot of his family were outspokenly relieved.

>tfw kind of offended

>> No.8486937

Weird question, but doesn't anyone have a weeb wedding gone wrong(or super right)?

>> No.8486944

I must advise you to clean the sand out from your vagina before you get an infection

>> No.8486946

I saw this one ridiculously tacky cosplay wedding in a magazine once when I was 14. I think it was supposed to be Utena themed, I just remember the bride having a really awful quality pink wig.

>> No.8486971
File: 382 KB, 478x430, liefbridesmaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love the brides maid images from lief.

>> No.8486995
File: 63 KB, 253x250, 1437073115710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel this cunt

>> No.8487036

Yesss! I'm getting married in August and fell in love when I saw these...if only they had been released sooner. As it is, I'm wearing lolita for the wedding and my bridal party are in pretty but 'normal' dresses.

I might get one for myself, they're super cute.

>> No.8487085
File: 149 KB, 600x900, jill-stuart-wedding-dress-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8487526

I'm taken aback by this dress. It's so chic! Most of the ones in this thread are very nice but this one really caught my attention.
Oh and this one too >>8485190 but lol

>> No.8487548

Um did you just express an opinion about someone's opinion? Because we don't do that here.

>> No.8487618
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>> No.8487621
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>> No.8487622

can't find pictures right now but there was that Sailor Moon themed wedding

>> No.8487626
File: 30 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8487630
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Surprised no one posted this yet.

>> No.8487664

>that big ass logo
fucking disgusting

>> No.8487669
File: 518 KB, 2000x2725, Marine132981365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some great wedding dresses saved.

>> No.8487679
File: 23 KB, 232x197, 1434752589921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I don't like is that the "most important day~" thing is only applied to women, no one ever says it about men

I dream of getting married to the woman I love though, is this unmanly?

>> No.8487689

Yeah but you're missing the point, nobody is shoving marriage into your face and telling you there's literally no other point for your existence than getting married to a guy and giving him lots of babies. If you stay a bachelor forever people will just assume you're dedicated to your studies/work/whatever, but if a woman were to do the same they'd pity her as it would mean she's unlovable/ugly/lonely.

>> No.8487708

Are you sure? I never hear that

I mean, I hear a lot of people say that's true but I don't often actually see examples of it. Most of the time it's all about being the "career woman".

>> No.8487712
File: 486 KB, 2000x2725, ManonBack132935651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8487719

>Are you sure? I never hear that
Probably because you're not a chick and people aren't exactly willing to spill their family/personal affairs out in the open

>> No.8487733

No, I mean I hear the opposite from everyone, including women, all the time.

No one wants to have "lots of babies" because they're all dead set on the whole "overpopulation" myth, and anytime it's brought up people say having lots of kids is bad
Every girl I know wants to take years off to "discover themselves" by travelling or partying or whatever, and after that they talk about careers
And the whole shtick about getting married seems like this big overrated traditional thing in a world where everyone is trying to be as modern as possible

It's actually pretty sad, I don't know a single woman who has aspirations to be a wife or mother. The only people who still support that as a primary goal instead of some thing to put off forever is my own mother who's constantly on me about getting grandkids.

I wish I lived where you did.

>> No.8487748

I was going to grace you with a serious, mature response but I see I was mistaken.

>> No.8487752

I'm being honest though and I'm not from /r9k/

Go ahead and grace me

>> No.8487773

>womens only purpose is marriage
Uh, no one says that? It's the exact fucking opposite. It's like "this is he bride's big day because the groom doesn't care". It's literally like a woman's biggest party of her life if she so chooses. The man can almost be an accessory and just the icing on the cake. (Bad wedding puns, I know.)

>bachelors are cool, bacherlorettes are not
What era do you even live in? What is the #1 thing all single guys get shunned for, especially in the media? "He's a basement dweller that can't get a girl". Is that really an okay thing to say to men? No, but they do it anyway. If a guy can't get a woman, he's worthless and something is "wrong" with him. If a woman does it? She's a strong independent womyn that don't need no man. The stigma of "old maids" is dead.

But seriously, I know Feminizm 101 tells you to be an eternal victim and the patriarchy is trying to oppress you every time you blink, but it just doesn't apply anymore in the way most feminists claim ~oppression~. Maybe update your gender studies to this century sometime.

>> No.8487804

Now now, let's be civil. Some girls do get that pressure a lot, particularly from their parents. All I'm saying is that, at least where I'm from, the opposite seems to be the popular trend.

>> No.8487834

That's true. Didn't mean to be so mega salty, I just don't like it when someone seems to want to slants things for women only having the issue. Like you said, this can happen with both men and women. I think it depends on place, culture, and so on as well.

That being said, where are you from, anon? I feel like for the most part in the US, the women have favor in the "media" at least. Bridezilla programs seem to almost glorify big spending for the woman and having her say in everything. Maybe it's just the media being the media though. You're right about families varying greatly. Mine thankfully doesn't care if I get a future husband, but my best friends are just relentless and want her to pop out babies or she's a failure. I think it's wrong, male or female, to shame someone for not being with someone.

>> No.8487835
File: 178 KB, 600x800, jill-stuart-wedding-dresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop arguing and post more dresses

>> No.8487887
File: 92 KB, 736x921, e22fd0455bf65d7862408ef8b3f7b5a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North Alberta, Canada, and yeah we have those same shows but I've only ever seen part of one on the TV at the gym one time, didn't really catch my eye or anything it just looked like every other reality show

>> No.8487899

For one, feminizm 101 doesn't exist in my country, as is evident. I'm not too fond of the SJWs either, but they are not part of this issue.
Second, not everyone lives in America. And before you retort with 'hurr get out of Africa/the Middle East': I'm European.

Keep assuming everything is as it is in your country though, it's done you people a world of good so far, so much so that some of you don't even know which continent you're on when you come here.

>> No.8487905

lol at you thinking Europe is like third world, though. It's probably one of the most forward countries. What part of Europe, then? I seriously doubt it's even your culture, it's probably your ass-backwards family. You're not some poor third world African bride, so abloobloo.

>> No.8487915
File: 52 KB, 400x240, 1429559848412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy at the top, I'm sorry for starting this convo, it's not on topic and will only get worse

>> No.8487928
File: 233 KB, 980x690, jill-stuart-wedding-dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8487930
File: 75 KB, 600x849, jill-stuart-bridal-2013-romantic-wedding-dress-style-0131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8487931
File: 37 KB, 267x400, 1428023240560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's probably one of the most forward countries

>> No.8487933
File: 108 KB, 409x545, JIL0023_Purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8488043

>and thinking all of Europe is developed
I'm embarrassed. I try to defend Americans, but.

>> No.8488046

I don't want to derail further, but you guys made me laugh. Everything is a little bit fucked up.

This is gorgeous. I don't know what it is about it. Not enough purple wedding dresses.

>> No.8488080

aaaaaaa so cute anon i love it congrats!!!!!! <3

>> No.8488082

this shit is weirding me out

>> No.8488111
File: 152 KB, 1033x788, Grace-Kelly-lace-sleeve-wedding-dress-Rosa-Clara-Bridal-Musings-Wedding-Blog-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8488157
File: 41 KB, 500x791, floral-vintage-wedding-dress (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8488169
File: 51 KB, 736x491, 210d6ede4bb88e938b197cd409013f38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping all my frilly pink shit

>> No.8488170
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>> No.8488171
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>> No.8488172
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>> No.8488173
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>> No.8488174
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>> No.8488176
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>> No.8488178
File: 314 KB, 890x1336, 017-PIA-DRESS_BOW-BELT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dream wedding dress. i hate how difficult it is to find beautiful hi lo dresses like this. they always look so unflattering

>> No.8488179
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>> No.8488182
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>> No.8488183
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>> No.8488185
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>> No.8488187
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>> No.8488190
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>> No.8488191
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>> No.8488199
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>> No.8488200
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Annddd, that's all I have on my phone!

>> No.8488377

actually laughed out loud.

>> No.8488401
File: 41 KB, 500x294, 1436746123162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling Europe a country
>thinking everywhere in Europe is developed
>thinking everywhere in Europe is the same
>thinking there are no sexist places in Europe
>blaming feminism for everything
Literally anything posted on here can turn into a needless thread derail, it's not your fault.

Anyway, back on topic. Anyone buy/considering buying one of those official Disney wedding dresses? I'm thinking about getting one, not sure which one, though.

>> No.8489039

This is absolutely beautiful.

>> No.8489258

This dress is stunning. Congrats btw!

>> No.8489274

Don't derail, bait-chan.

>> No.8489286
File: 449 KB, 430x355, tumblr_l05od2u5P21qbvis4o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the Japanese ones and it's frigging gorgeous. Every one of my loved ones I've shown it too hates it. Gonna get a similar one custom made if I ever get married as the world's biggest, pinkest, Disney-ed "fuck you" ever to walk down the aisle.

>> No.8489293
File: 40 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.562468349_bus5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, spamming some of my saved nerdier touches for a hypothetical wedding.

My best friend adores Mary Poppins and since my flowers of choice are daisies, getting one of these made in a matching colour to her dress.

>> No.8489298
File: 77 KB, 800x535, sailor-moon-bridesmaid-proposal-gifts-will-you-fight-for-love-and-justice-with-me-803-int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8489304
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>> No.8489309
File: 40 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.644683409_debx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favours or drinks.

>> No.8489313
File: 53 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.440272310_fp8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor Moon's ring for those who don't recognise it.

>> No.8489320

the fuck are those

>> No.8489352


>> No.8489491
File: 124 KB, 525x378, BridalST_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny arpakassos as cake toppers would be the cutest thing.

>> No.8489755
File: 59 KB, 600x800, CFvwUpnUUAAvmm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could have the real thing.


>> No.8489760

>those two other brides getting photographed in the background
Way to ruin the image.

>> No.8489795
File: 35 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.769414958_13ql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found this and I'm tempted to drop some hints to my boyfriend. It's 5,000 but....so pretty

>> No.8489808

Can't expect better from someone whose logo spans half the image

>> No.8490384

dont you dare buy that.
Pink tourmalines are dirt cheap(about $100 for a good quality 1 ct tourmaline. i do admit the color depth is really good but i dont see any guarantees anywhere in the description that its natural, not lab created which would be more like a $10 tourmaline) and for less than half a carat t.w. of diamonds that is a major fuckin ripoff unless its set in 950 platinum, which is isnt. Even then it should cost less. You could get this custom made so, so, so much cheaper.
(sorry anon but as a gem freak this listing is irking me to no end pls go custom)

>> No.8490397
File: 15 KB, 489x395, Angry-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found a gorgeous vintage wedding dress in a little shop by my house
>its only 200
>parents wont let me buy it with a fraction of the savings money i responsibly hoarded from gift money during hs years and onward(about 1k)
>havent bought any lolita in like a year because saving up for wedding
>"oh no anon its still 2 years away teehee its staying in our account"
>dress already fits me
>so beautiful it hurts
>im about to lose it to someone else for no reason
sorry but i just had to vent
fuck my life

>> No.8490416

Buy it. It's your wedding. If your parents get upset then they can gift you the money for it at the wedding. Do you want to miss out on the perfect dress because someone who is not even going to wear it tells you no?

>> No.8490466

You're old enough to get married and your parents still control your finances?

>> No.8490469

Why do your parents even have access to your money? How will you get married and start a life with "gift money" as your income?

>> No.8490493

This is my new fav post. Ironically i would love this kind of wedding.

>> No.8490720
File: 49 KB, 600x900, house-of-mooshki-bridal-spring-jacqueline-bateau-neck-column-wedding-dress-sleeves-tulle-over-skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Well, just my savings. I'm still in college but I made the mistake of thinking my mom would stop being a control freak and help me out with a good high interest savings account. Guess not, ha! I'll probably just threaten to cut ties unless she lets go of my money before i go off to school this time because this is not cool.
(Ftr the future hasubando and I have been together 5 years so im really not being too brash here.)
Here's a pricier doppelganger of it from House of Mooshki.

>> No.8490853


>> No.8490954

thank you anon, could've made a huge mistake there so bless your gem freakishness. Could you recommend any good custom places?

>> No.8491075

if you stopped buying lolita for the wedding, how come you don't have that money ready? it's pretty much the same price as a nice lolita dress. or did your mother give you money for lolita, but won't do it for your wedding dress? that seems pretty fucked up...

>> No.8491175

>tfw no lolita friends to bridesmaid
>tfw no husbando
>tfw going back to /r9k/

>> No.8491184

this one made me tear up

>> No.8491313

weird, I work with a bunch of mexican ladies and they all encourage me to finish school first

>> No.8491320

I would like a floor length version of this

>> No.8491394
File: 50 KB, 427x640, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boyfriend and I have discussed it. I originally wanted a spring Alice in Wonderland inspired wedding. But now it's a Fall Mori/Halloween inspired wedding. (but not in the tacky way, more like pumpkins and vintage/retro style stuff)
I love lace dresses, so prepare your frilly buttcheeks for some pics.

>> No.8491406
File: 26 KB, 336x366, we.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General idea for groom....

>> No.8491411
File: 36 KB, 439x600, wed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8491420
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>> No.8491423
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>> No.8491427
File: 34 KB, 413x579, weddin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8491428

Is it sad that I want to have my dress custom-made by a cosplay commissioner? The dress I saw and loved, was too small and sold quickly, but I loved it. Cosplay is a massive part of my life and I want it to be included in that special day but not obnoxiously so. I'll get exactly what I want for probably the same price or cheaper than a seamstress or average store. Have a commissioner in mind who's done absolutely stunning Disney and anime princess gowns. I'm so excited.
>no bf and only 20 but wedding scrapbook

>> No.8491450
File: 296 KB, 736x2464, wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as you can tell by the file name. that's the last one.

>> No.8491670
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 09hn3d-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely LOVE this ring and want it as my wedding ring, but to this day I still can't single out where this came from and what company made it.

>> No.8492067

It was custom made by an etsy shop jewelry1910.
The source link doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.8492097

I never thought I needed something so badly as I need this dress.
I don't even have a boyfriend

>> No.8492104

Thank you so much!! Going to save the name of this shop for the future. Maybe they'd be willing to make another one, or very one similar.

>> No.8492112
File: 265 KB, 900x900, 531867606_MV_ZM_JAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love rose gold.