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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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[ERROR] No.8481460 [Reply] [Original]

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You can find it all here on Australia Cosplay General 32.0

>> No.8481462

who /supernovagc/ here?

>> No.8481559

Smash meetup
Email me at Galagastorm@gmail.com

>> No.8481597

>unironically living on the cold toast

>> No.8481745

What is everyone wearing to SMASH?

>> No.8481746

Nobody is going to your meetup.
It will be like meeting all the people who talk shit about you face to face tbh.

>> No.8481774

I'm going in lolita again, going for the weekend

>> No.8481795

Your mum

>> No.8481834

no one is going to your meetup

stop shit talking beethy or blondie or zeek

please be an interesting thread


also cosplay is for fucking nerds

>> No.8481841
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>> No.8481931
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Who /avcon/ here?

>> No.8481938

First time for me attending Avcon. Is it worth the $500 plane ticket?

>> No.8481965

I'm not sure if it's worth $500 for travel alone, but it's quite a good convention nonetheless. Tons of cosplays, most of which look pretty damn decent, plenty of vidya, as well as comps, tournaments, misc games like cosplay chess etc.

They've had some great guests in the past as well as amazing panels but they've got two cosplay guests this year for the first time, which I find to be a bit of a let down. But at least Jennifer Hale is there, which should be sick. I hope you find things to your liking though anon

>> No.8481971


>> No.8482039

Lol @ snaphappy Ian having a cow over people editing his shitty photos

>> No.8482064
File: 32 KB, 131x142, Muh Volk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit photographer is shit. Needs more volk

>> No.8482126

It's the photographers job to edit photos, maybe a retoucjer. No one else.

Let alone cosplayers with little to no knowledge of Photoshop/editing software.

>> No.8482261

Who gives a fuck. If a cosplayer wants to add extra shit to their photos then its in their power. Don't matter who clicks the goddamn shutter. Get over it

>> No.8482265
File: 461 KB, 357x753, mewtwo02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's aussie.

>> No.8482271

A photograph is a representation of the work of the photographer. People editing that isn't them isn't ok. If someone comes along and sees a photo that has been edited badly and see the so and so photographer did it, it reflects poorly on the photographer, but the reason it looks shit is because of some dick head who doesn't know what they are doing editing it, not the fault of the photographer and at the end of the day the photographer is responsible for how their image is used. If you want to edit some photos buy a selfie stick and take your own pics.

>> No.8482786

Couldn't have said it any better. People don't ask and they think it's their right to edit coz an image of them was taken. Yeah no, it doesn't work that way.

>> No.8482789

You can shoot better?

>> No.8482916

As long as the cosplayer links the original image, and makes it clear they did an edit on it I think it's ok.
Obviously ask first before editing any thing major, but if it's for something as small as eye colour edit (because they didnt have colour contacts in) then I don't think you need to ask first, just make a note u edited eye colour

>> No.8482919


>> No.8482933

Anything major depends though. Sure eyes as you say is one thing but where do you draw the line at "just this one thing" now this one....oh and this one.

>> No.8482956

actually, as much as I don't give a fuck, it is technically copyright infringement. The photo belongs solely to the photographer, and no one is allowed to use or alter the image without permission.

>> No.8482992

I actually agree with this. His most recent photoshoot was amazing.

>> No.8483007

Anyone seen Kiara's latest bitch sesh about Lorenzo so photography. Talking bout Kiara his exthe photog, not Kiara the cosplayer btw
Holy hell that's some crazy (and bull shit) allegations to be making against him, I wonder if he can sue her for defamation??!

>> No.8483015

Worst melbourne cosplayers?
I mean personality too not just their cosplays.

Katey smiles... I know she is one

>> No.8483018

Well we know they were dating for ages. Even if nothing else is true, the fact that she was underage and the fact that he is wayolder whether he is 25 or 36 is enough for him to be disrusted.

>> No.8483036

All Kiara's are crazy bitches.

>> No.8483039

15yr old dating a 35 year old....
what ever else is said I don't really care.
sleeping with underage people is fucked up

>> No.8483047

Wonder what kind of shit will come with Yaya being at Avcon?

>> No.8483064

It's only her claiming they slept together when she was 15.
For all we know she could have be 16 by the time they actually had sex...which is legal in qld.
It's only her side of the story, so don't be so quick to judge.
Their break up they seemed all friendly and fine...it's only now she seems to have started these rumours. If he was that bad I'm pretty sure the break up would have been a lot messier. Seems likes she is starting bull shit rumours to put Lorenzo down because he has moved on with new girls and she hasn't got anyone new yet.... she is an immature girl.

>> No.8483070

Also it's funny how she was more than happy to get into a relationship with someone significantly older than her at the time and was fine with it.

But now they've broken up he is a "creep" and "pedo", Kiara please you dated him knowing he was older you can't say he is a creep now just because you're but you are not together anymore and he has moved on.
Why do so many women do things like this??!!

>> No.8483071

Also it's funny how she was more than happy to get into a relationship with someone significantly older than her at the time and was fine with it.

But now they've broken up he is a "creep" and "pedo", Kiara please you dated him knowing he was older you can't say he is a creep now just because you're butt hurt you are not together anymore and he has moved on.
Why do so many women do things like this??!!

>> No.8483104

Wow, young girls are immature. No shit! I had no idea.

35 year olds normally don't date girls that young because they wouldn't be on the same level in terms of maturity and life experiences. There's a reason why it's illegal to have sex with a someone that young but even if they didn't have sex most people can accept people that age are not mature, and often make irresponsible decisions

>> No.8483119

Regardless of if it's ok or not, she shouldn't be posting stuff like that on fb. No one needs to know that much detail about her personal or sex life.

>> No.8483139

considering she is still talking about it months later says something about who she is...she needs to get the fuck over it. It only makes her look bad, not him

>> No.8483144


>> No.8483181

>35 year slept with a 15 year old
>Somehow she's the one who looks bad