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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 816 KB, 1280x768, Screenshot_2015-07-13-21-11-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8477682 No.8477682 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is saging. Y'all know the drill.

Sardonyx is precious.

>> No.8477688 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 1000x1502, Vq4L8Lt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8477691 [DELETED] 

First for banter

>> No.8477726
File: 136 KB, 540x540, Marina_album_final2-540x540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diam(andis) Authority when?

>> No.8477736 [DELETED] 


>> No.8477795 [DELETED] 


>> No.8477829

Sardonyx may be my favorite fusion yet.
Any ideas on what color she is compared to Garnet's original color?

>> No.8477979


>that dancing tho

>> No.8478035

>that ojousama laugh
muh heart

>> No.8478047

Just eyedrop it if you want a precise tone? She looks more like a brick red to me.

>> No.8478372
File: 167 KB, 997x712, ghfhhgj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the fuck is every dumblr artist giving Sardonyx stereotypical and racist Chinese buck teeth like from a 1940's Loony Toons propaganda cartoon? She has a gap in her two front teeth, sure, but oh my god what the fuck even is this ugly shit

And it has 20k+ notes on tumblr so no one is going to say anything concrit about it.

>> No.8478380

Calm down summer

>> No.8478392

bitch canon looks like a cross between the warden from Superjail and a praying mantis and you're calling racism. ok

>> No.8478399


gb2tumblr and cry fags

>> No.8478403

shouldn't you be calling the person with the itchy racism finger a tumblrfag?

>> No.8478414

Superjail was okay

>> No.8478440

pretty sure this is a cosplay board and not a "let's moan and whine about fan artists" board.

>> No.8478444

i hated her design anon its ok. youre not alone. i really dont get all the hype, this character looks and acted like shit

>> No.8478507

I was so hyped up about sardonyx but after seeing her I definitely got a weird vibe. There's something off about her.

>> No.8478534

Just wanna say I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished Peridot cosplay from the previous thread.

>> No.8478541 [DELETED] 


A poll just for fun.

>> No.8478542

This fucking show keeps getting worse and worse characters.

>> No.8478543

Probably because she's made of salt and thirst and pretence.

>> No.8478550

>forgot Sapphire and Ruby
I fucking knew I had forgotten someone.

New poll:

>> No.8478554

I think it's Pearl's needy nature that threw you off.
She wanted validation so bad for fusing with Garnet that Sardonyx was kind of oozing with that. She was pretentious to the max.
She's cute, though. I like the design okay. Personality not as much.

But this is a cosplay and J-fash board, so... Does this discussion belong here?

>> No.8478626
File: 22 KB, 263x395, 11701121_782437941870141_2721788129233721923_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was disapointing.. so much cockteasing for a satin frumpy dress and boring hime wig from glw

>> No.8478637

noooo not this again

>> No.8478852

It's been covered twice, don't bring it up again. Next?

Unrelated, did anyone attend a SU shoot at one of last week's cons? There was an anon here last month who said how her shoot devolved into tumblr baby singing circles and I'm curious if that was an exception or the new norm.

>> No.8478862
File: 90 KB, 540x557, tumblr_inline_nrdvczNy5g1t144en_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a tutorial for pic related while looking for cosplays in the tag;


>> No.8478936
File: 129 KB, 300x232, dead-horse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys this is ridiculous

>> No.8479001

How would you make the Crystal Gem weapons?

>> No.8479040
File: 352 KB, 960x1600, 5T8e0x4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8479052
File: 549 KB, 1207x614, sugilite b4 and after.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sugilite has big front teeth. it's not an unreasonable design choice. beside, exaggerated buck teeth are only racist on asian characters and the character is voiced by a black woman.

see pic. it's interesting she's about the same skin tone, when garnet got redder in complexion in the meantime

>> No.8479060

Honestly I think it was just Pearl's "LOOK AT ME" personality shining through that made the character so grating for me. It's not even that I hate the design, I just can't disassociate an obnoxious personality from an okay design.

Also I'm kind of tired of triangle hair.

>> No.8479173

She finally committed.

Though I'll say it makes me a little uncomfortable bc of the apparent fleece they used on their arms?

>> No.8479273

I don't think I liked any part of Sardonyx. Her outfit just doesn't seem gem-like at all, her character design in general seems...idk, half-assed? Uninspired? And the talk show host personality was a little too exaggerated in my opinion. I can understand Pearl's pretentious attitude coming through but it was too much. I'm just disappointed overall.

>> No.8479290

7/10, would cuddle

>> No.8479294


also i'll be that guy. i fucking loved sardonyx in every way and I for one cant wait for her design to be butchered via leftover doctor who bowties and cheap satin

>> No.8479301

>doesn't seem gem-like at all
Eager to hear this one elaborated on

>> No.8479313

Awww CRAP. Is Sardonyx "black"?? Would you...color your skin that light brown color/amberish? Dammit why are all the characters I want to be not a obvious yellow or purple or green color.

>> No.8479350
File: 266 KB, 642x1050, flowup6 garnet corrupted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the reasoning is that her outfit isn't modern/scifi enough. though pearl is basically a space ballerina complete with tutu and she calls herself a knight, so it works as an extension of her imo

>> No.8479351


>> No.8479381
File: 30 KB, 400x600, 2e444d187436017263308776cbc8516a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the crew's outfits are clearly based on modern fashion ex. this fashionable wedding dress has basically the same neckline as pearl's first outfit. but sardonyx's outfit is older, it's a visual throwback to at least the 50s? so it looks almost off, esp when combined with the more modern goggles. it's probably either a nod to pearl's 'it's been such a long time!' comment about their relationship, or a design sacrifice to ensure she truly came across as a stage magician

>> No.8479394

She's the same color as Garnet pre-change
So go for red body paint, not "black"

>> No.8479406

I feel like the only gull who like Sardonyx's attitude, it's like those bitchy 90's rich girls
>Like her more than Opal
>Sugilite is better though
>Garnet's still the best

>> No.8479412

>I feel like the only gull who like Sardonyx's attitude, it's like those bitchy 90's rich girls

Who also went to Oxford and knows magic tricks! I love her.

>> No.8479436

Oops, meant 90's anime rich bitch
>But it still works, Theater bitches are real

>> No.8479446
File: 100 KB, 364x810, tumblr_nrhbtewETQ1tjirbyo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see it, especially with the way she laughs

Also i really feel like Opal doesn't have her own personality yet, probably her being the first revealed fusion. That and along with the fact that Pearl and Amethyst must've been concentrating really hard in order to keep their form

To keep things on track
>go into tag
>see pic related
>honestly don't know how to feel

>> No.8479450

>Does this discussion belong here?
I think character design is totally relevant to cosplay discussion

>> No.8479453

Y'all started this as a Steven Universe cosplay thread right?

So now that it's not can you stop clogging up cgl with shitty Midwestern cartoon fan theory and getting pissed when people want to actually talk about the cosplays?

To all the people that said this was the new Homestuck, I owe you a dollar.

>> No.8479456

You seem grouchy.

>> No.8479465

what are those things called on tights? the top bit that starts at the legs that's the different colour?

i think opal showed up in at least one of the comics, doing fairground games with steven. maybe she gets more character in those?

>> No.8479483
File: 334 KB, 486x741, 1917-1921circa_ernest_beaux_wikipedia_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-shirt with a bow tie
my fucking sides

i guess if you wanted to do it 'right', you'd have a stiff-bosomed shirt and a star shaped dress stud?

>> No.8479506

Control top. Good for under normal outfits, bad for when your upper thighs show. Should've gotten dance tights.

>> No.8479517
File: 54 KB, 165x176, not buck teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her teeth look like this. No protrusion, just a gap.

>> No.8479528

leotard under a stiff white shirt with star buttons, white sash-whatsitcalled and then a short tuxedo.

>> No.8479545

Nah I like her. I think her design is tight too.

>> No.8479550
File: 116 KB, 633x840, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8479594

I got an Elton John vibe from her

>> No.8479640


til, thanks!

>> No.8479642

Niiice. Finally someone does have that 1000 yard dead stare with the painted on eyes. I think the little reflection helps with that. Want to give them more depth? Add a touch of gray to the corners. Eye whites aren't actually white.

>> No.8479648
File: 209 KB, 550x717, 1436859490205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

promising peridot wigs?

>> No.8479652


Very nice, and I like the visor. You gonna tint it yellow?

>> No.8479678
File: 57 KB, 338x600, nooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I found this on tumblr.

>> No.8479774
File: 928 KB, 718x897, 8637755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8479779

lapis/amethyst fusion??

>> No.8479801

kill urself, my man :^)

>> No.8479809
File: 10 KB, 183x183, 1436544699131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clean your mirror.....................

>> No.8479811

>the only peridot wig I think I will ever like
Well done.

>> No.8479814

haha that super cheap ebay elsa wig

>> No.8479817

Th-thanks!! I hope I do not disappoint

Her visor is white though. I bought lighter green makeup today so I will see how it all looks with that but I think at most I may just color my skin under the visor a little bit lighter green

>> No.8479831

If she wore it properly, it might actually look good. Pity about the glare on the visor, but I don't even know how she'd rectify that.

>> No.8479863
File: 703 KB, 1280x960, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2Ffbdf8494ec371f44827c1e987f368529%2Ftumblr_nrfu65DNgN1qjyq9xo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8479991

It was called "summertime amethyst"

>> No.8480016

More like summertime sadness

>> No.8480073
File: 35 KB, 250x384, 250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Sardonyx but I'm not black. wat do?

>> No.8480123

Change races.

>> No.8480128

i can't wait for all the white sjw tumblrtards trying to cosplay sardonyx only to find they'll be accidentally blackfacing.

>> No.8480133

paint yourself maroon

seriously though, i think you'd be fine with her. the hair's not black and not an afro(since peridots obviously isn't meant to be one), and she has that long pointy nose. though maybe don't draw the tooth gap on?

also i just realised, she has 4 eyes too but it looks 10x better than rainbow quartz, wtf designers

>> No.8480154
File: 234 KB, 554x458, 1436912384608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... You are the SJW.

>> No.8480157

I have a natural toothgap. So I thought it'd be a good bonus if I were to cosplay her. Ah! I couldn't seem to remember the name of the colour. Thank you anon!

I'll try my best.

>> No.8480177

Do...do you know a maroon-colored black person?
That color is maroon, not any spectrum of human "black" skin.

>> No.8480197

Go for a lighter red, but have you contour colour as maroon, you will have the hint of her OG colour without looking too dark.

Also don't worry because space rocks and shit

>> No.8480211

I kind of want to add a little more detail to Rainbow Quartz before I cosplay her, because her design is relatively simple. Hell, all the characters are very simplistic, so unless the construction is flawless I've found that the cosplays look mediocre at best. I thought that I could perhaps change RQ's design a bit so it's not so plain, but I'm not really sure what to do. Maybe adding some colored streaks or 80s-esque sweatbands? Here's the basics of what I'm planning so far:

1. Platinum blonde wig
2. light purple face/bodypaint
3. High waisted dark purple leggings
4. Fuchsia leg warmers
5. Pink strapless body suit
6. Iridescent/sheer shirt
7. Gems

>> No.8480450
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>> No.8480462
File: 489 KB, 830x917, 1436894624411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please put the gem underneath the visor.

Theory: Now hear me out. Wht if! What.if Yellow Diamond is Jasper and Peridot fused? Some fusions have a different personality and don't recall their other selves- ergo Pearl and Garnet with Sardonyx.

>> No.8480498
File: 27 KB, 220x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8480552

But Peridot calls out to Yellow Diamond for help directly.

>> No.8480652
File: 123 KB, 945x370, sardonyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some colour grabs of Sardonyx's skin tone. If you plan to paint yourself, lean toward a red, or a purpleish red rather than just a brown.

>> No.8480671

but the scene where Sapphire floats completely reminded me of hover lolis

>> No.8480730
File: 512 KB, 1063x688, peridotsheet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes on top. Well, obviously not literally on top but there is probably a hole in the visor there for the gem to go through. I think it's pretty acceptable to put it on top for cosplay as long as it's close enough to the forehead that it doesn't cast a weird shadow

>> No.8480786
File: 414 KB, 268x258, TOOCUTE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RubyxSapphire is too damn cute for me to handle!

>> No.8480795

How come no one ever does her hair like she has a cone head? But rather like shes fucking goku or something? Looking at these pictures the ends of her hair are at the bottom

>> No.8480801

my face when i see the posts your replying to

>> No.8480803
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>> No.8480870
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>> No.8480931

I don't mean to be a sourpuss, but this is a cosplay thread. Go back to /co/

>> No.8481008

Its interesting how Sugilite's clothes changed. They are more Garnet like and less shredded up in the second fusion when Garnet was in rage mode and amethyst was really reluctant to fuse with her

>> No.8481014

The fusion outfits change to reflect the gems post regeneration outfits. Her outfit is less ripped up because Amethysts new outfit is tidier

>> No.8481072

>see this
>get teary eyed
I can't handle all this cute. Though now Sapphire cosplayers have something new to add. They could just do the front bangs, but I look forward to all the failures of getting a non garbage cyclops eye.

>> No.8481345
File: 60 KB, 617x511, i can't fucking wait for her to fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking called it last thread
>mfw she's starting to get shit for wanting to paint herself for Sardonyx

She hasn't even posted any major wip pictures yet and this shit's already starting. I can't wait for all the little tumblrina sjw's to rip her to pieces.

>> No.8481409

Why would you hope for that? I'm actually glad she is addressing it and in this manner. Its more cringey that people, even before she has done anything, are already saying that she needs to pick what paints. They need to let her do some shit first then bother complaining. Man, I fucking hate tumblr. Whats more annoying is when people take it upon themselves to talk as if they are the chairman of a minority.

>> No.8481416

Me too!! That was my first thought

>> No.8481422

vendettafag pls go

>> No.8481475

that ask isn't exactly flipping out and calling her racist, it could be a comment from here

>> No.8481607


Wasn't she just begging for money/commissions? Is starting a new cosplay really a good idea?

>> No.8481624

since when has hanari been known to be anything but a fucking retard, anon? of course she's making bad decisions.

>> No.8481656

>one black person is a representative of their whole race

>> No.8481679
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>> No.8481737
File: 336 KB, 991x1280, tumblr_nrcg884rUS1ra6bb8o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on tumblr.

Looks pretty solid

>> No.8481740
File: 337 KB, 988x1280, tumblr_nrcg884rUS1ra6bb8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a work in progress from what the person said and it's going pretty well in my opinion

>> No.8481751

This has been posted before. But it looks fucking awesome, but the wig looks awful. Malachite has more flowy hair but she went for solid spikes.

But i'm still looking forward to seeing it finished, i really liked her make-up for them.

>> No.8481752

>"well someone's gonna be mad no matter what,"
>"BUT HEY LOOK, I got two blackies helping me pick out colors. I'm not a racist, see? I've consulted ambassadors for your people and since they're not offended, neither should you be!"

Jeez, does this girl know how to stick her foot in her mouth. Why even bother addressing SJW questions? Seriously.

>> No.8482060
File: 252 KB, 918x1632, zgfQAfW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482062
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>> No.8482066
File: 231 KB, 918x1632, cvlgBAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482069
File: 142 KB, 540x960, 1_by_kaylynphu-d8wmw80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482090
File: 66 KB, 540x464, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job becoming the new fucking homestuck and leaving bad reviews on a real motel.

Although what can you expect when your entire show is pandering to tumblrinas?

>> No.8482103

I can't help but wonder when we'll start seeing John Egbert-tier attempts at buck teeth from young cosplayers.

>> No.8482120
File: 97 KB, 360x640, tumblr_npy601Z9fl1renvgno2_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Connie is cute but she needs to smile instead of looking over her glasses and giving the Meryl-Streep-deadpan in every photo.

>> No.8482121
File: 54 KB, 1415x2618, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that so many Rubys and Lapises would look much better if they just used more than one shade for the entire cosplay. I'm yet to see a Ruby who isn't just a blob of tomato red like this pic, and something about it is very off-putting. This shade of red doesn't even appear in her design at all... where do people keep getting it from?

>> No.8482123
File: 492 KB, 500x200, 9otv3YS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damn it. I knew it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

>> No.8482148
File: 99 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nri8lvwJhL1s18suao1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH my god that's the most stupid thing i've ever seen ever.

Did homestucks ever do that? I'm sure people would've complained if there was grey left on the walls and what not

To keep things cosplay related, someones little sister as Sapphire

>> No.8482157

it didn't actually happen. They made fake reviews because of the latest episode.

>> No.8482158
File: 629 KB, 399x600, 11935625bb69836ef139e21adb45cebc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first thing that came to mind were the Cyclops kigu masks. If I knew how to make one i'd do it myself.

>> No.8482165

Oh thank goodness those were fake, i knew they were inspired by the latest episode, but knowing how fandoms can be i thought the worst.

As did i, maybe someone will go the length and get a blue one?

>just imagine seeing the half assed attempts at cyclops make-up

>> No.8482166

well I still think it's ridiculously stupid to leave fake reviews like these though. But yeah thank god it didn't really happen.

>> No.8482167


Because it's the generic red that most things come in when they only come in one shade of red and they don't want to look harder for better shades.

>> No.8482171

Yeah. People need to go to Google and report the fake reviews. What's worse is people are giving 5 star reviews to try to counteract it. But once the negative reviews are gone, you're still left with a bunch of fake reviews.

Now I want to experiment making one. Though I doubt I'd make anything wearable for a long time. The challenge seems interesting.

>> No.8482184

>be me
>have no reading comprehension

I'm a damn idiot, reading >>8482157 i thought it was actually fake (as in not on an actual hotel website) but meant fake as in none of what was described happened. Fuck i'm dumb and so is are the people who did that.

>> No.8482189

Fake reviews that still impact the rating and the image of the motel.
That's what happens when 95% of the fanbase are nonbinary, gemkin, demisexual tumblrtards

>> No.8482202

give this some context, nearly everyone in the fandom is pissed about this

>> No.8482306

I find this amusing and horrible at the same time. That poor business if this is real.

Just make it smaller and O shaped and I think it might work. Though based off the bandwagon Rainbow Quartz cosplayers, I wonder who will attempt face make up that forms the eye without trying to make a fake one.

>> No.8482341

from what i've learned from following hanari it seems she's always trying to put people at ease somehow. at least she's getting help and guidance instead of just going for it.

>> No.8482372

I still really like the take on the wig

>> No.8482391

best wigs so far

>> No.8482395

It's really interesting to see all the different ways her hair can be interpreted

>> No.8482409

I agree, even though i think some are better than others, it's interesting to see how different people perceive the "realistic" version of their hair to be.

>> No.8482420

That's not getting shit, that's helpful advice

If anything her response is very cringy

>> No.8482560

Damn that rose wig is so close to being perfect. If it just had more messy 80s poof and less hairspray it would be spot on.

>> No.8482631


I think I like this wig the best. It's less stiff than >>8479648 so it actually looks like hair, but it still has the original shape.

>> No.8482765
File: 55 KB, 408x512, stevonleg_by_aradlamegldo-d8tii5t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna cosplay this but I'm not sure if I can pull it off. Any advice?

>> No.8482784

Make a full body stocking
If you don't I will

>> No.8482928
File: 418 KB, 1080x1920, this bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there it is folks. just as bad as i thought it would be. the boot covers are atrocious.

>> No.8482931

Funny I was googling pearl and Garnet fusion and found a fan design(agate)

This was drawn back in February but I see a lot of stuff that ended up being in the canon fusion design.

>> No.8482932

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I was thinking it had to do with Garnet pressing the sugilite fusion to finish tower, that she may have been more in control

>> No.8482938
File: 94 KB, 720x1070, Screenshot_2015-07-15-16-51-42~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forgot the image

>> No.8482941

I like it so far honestly

>> No.8482943

her face makes me angry

>> No.8482951

You have a serious vendetta against Hanari. It looks good so far and is just a wip. Chill.

>> No.8482959

I can see some stuff that needs fixed(but it's a WIP)

The boot covers need fixed by having the black overlap the front rather then the other way.

But yeah. Doesn't look that bad.

>> No.8482977

Not bad, but why the titty window?

>> No.8482984
File: 418 KB, 960x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any on cosplaying ruby without looking like an idiot in a shitty afro wig? pic related because i'm not sure how to feel about the bob interpretation.

>> No.8482985

Looks fine but holy shit would it kill her not to be FIRST!!!!!! at something and take her time to make a great cosplay (instead of just an okay one)

>> No.8482986

>Titty window

That's not a titty window, it's the shirt.

>> No.8483192


>> No.8483232

The hands could use some work, but I know how much of a pain they can be.

>> No.8483347

Haha this is so cute, I love it

Could she have made that center gem any fucking sloppier

Damn, I'm feeling this wig

Make sure you get the eyes right, please. I feel like that's one of the biggest areas of fuckery with SU cosplayers.

The third one shouldn't be there; she's in shadow, so it's not actually an accurate skin tone grab for her

This would be so much better if she'd just made her lips a bit fuller

>> No.8483374

you're literally nitpicking a child........

>> No.8483380

You can't. Even if she is technically Maroon, people will say she is "Obviously a black character" since she's part Garnet, who is black. If you really want to cosplay her, go ahead, but be ready for a lot of negativity and accusations of blackfacing. Good luck.

>> No.8483381

Hardly anyone does the full lips which is sad it can really elevate the look.

>> No.8483394

She reminds me of an ant.

>> No.8483496

Yeah thanks I'm aware and I wish that the adult that spent all that time painting her blue had put more effort into her face makeup.

Right? It's not even like it's anything super challenging or time-consuming to do and it really makes all the difference. Same with Amethyst cosplays.

>> No.8483503

Is a scene where a character floats actually worth a spoiler alert?

>> No.8483896

The bob looks a bit off, I agree. Also Saph could have benefitted from some extra wig styling other than pulling the wig out of the bag and chopping the fringe straight... but other than that I think these are the best Ruby/Sapphire I've seen.

>> No.8483948

>>8483896 yeah these two are the best I've seen, but I think ruby's hair could be done better and I wish the sapphire had gone for the 90's anime fluffy bangs look

>> No.8483963

Thanks guys!
In my defense, I borrowed that Sapphire wig from a friend and I didn't want to put any product in it or cut it.
But we're redoing Sapphire and Ruby-- this time with my own wig that I can butcher, so I'll definitely be keeping these in mind.
Hopefully we'll have the weird looking stuff fixed up.
If there's anything else we can fix, please let me know!

>> No.8484000

You both look really good and I'm gonna be a little nitpicky, but with SU characters having such flat colors you lose some of your facial features without contouring. It'll make a huge difference in photos. Also my personal pet peeve is not doing the lips it's one of the biggest things Garnet gets from Sapphire and it'll give your face more dimension.

>> No.8484014
File: 25 KB, 250x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite rainbow quartz makeup so far.
I think its the falsies.

>> No.8484016

I like this one a lot too. The falsies make a big difference

>> No.8484025

Hands are difficult. Especially for fake arms that you aren't just buying discarded mannequin pieces to use as props, so that in mind I am impressed. She may be new to making this type of item, so Im really not upset. You can see she is trying.

>> No.8484033

She's not actually, she made Opal before

>> No.8484042

Then maybe she is using this as a different way to do the arms. I don't see a problem with it. People need to calm down. Its just a cosplay.

>> No.8484057
File: 298 KB, 550x641, lapislazuligem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a few threads ago about eventually making and selling resin gems and today I made a Lapis gem for my friend and I was wondering if I could get some opinions on it.

>> No.8484102
File: 232 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nr9yks7h8f1qjyq9xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's hope she doesn't fuck up the rest of the cosplay

>> No.8484108


this makes me cringe so bad.
like you could just buy actual facepaint/bodypaint with the money you used for this shit. not to mention youre going to have to take into consideration the mixing of your eyeshadow color + the brown tones of the foundation/concealer.
also smearing that mixture all over your arms is just gross.
i know people did this for homestuck too. it makes me sad that that bullshit is moving onto steven universe now

>> No.8484119

she made fake legs instead of just wearing green shoes..

>> No.8484128

why are there chunks of yellow in it? I get that maybe you're trying to replicate the look of actual lapis lazuli, but this just looks like a poor, cheap knockoff hunk of plastic. there's not even much point in casting it from resin when you're painting/dyeing the resin like this - for all it's worth you might as well just make gems out of sculpey if you're going to make them so opaque. the main appeal to casting gems from resin is their translucency.
i suggest going back and trying again with clear blue resin - maybe add a bit of pearl powder to make it only semi transparent?

>> No.8484143

Yeah, I'm definitely not happy enough with the result to be selling ones that look exactly like that. This one was pretty experimental and the reason I used resin for it was because I originally didn't intend to paint it but ended up not liking the color it was so I painted over that. Still, I wanted to see what people thought about it anyways and if a more realistic looking interpretation was preferable or not. Thank you for the feedback!

>> No.8484169
File: 762 KB, 1836x2448, P1hGlGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although i like that it's realistic. you should maybe find a museum, and look at gems there. you can get a better impression of how the light goes on them than just internet pictures

>> No.8484172
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>> No.8484173
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>> No.8484179

> no wig
> terrible shirt
> shitty paint
> small gem
> half assed whip
Did you even try, little girl?

>> No.8484186

It also helps that she has a long face - the eyes look much more proportional.

>> No.8484189

The first Rainbow Quartz face that actually looks quite nice. Also points for smart use of falsies.

>> No.8484387

Please don't do as >>8484128 suggests and use translucent resin for Lapis.
I get that this fandom is dumb but not all gemstones are clear/crystal-like/faceted and people should you the correct style for each gem.

I like some of the progress you've made so far but, yeah, I do agree that the specs are a bit too big.

>> No.8484421

Lapis Lazuli, as a gemstone, is not transparent. I actually really like the effct she got on it, it just looks a tad sloppy. If it was cleaned up a bit it'd be perfect for someone who wanted a realistic looking gem.

Personally I prefer the flat cartooney look, but I can see a market for something like that.

>> No.8484527

Alright, thanks guys. I'll try doing more tests soon and see what I can come up with

>> No.8484529
File: 143 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does someone do this and think "Yes this looks good enough to post online"

>> No.8484593


>> No.8484607

It would look nicer if the flecks had some dimension to them, on real lapis you can tell that they're not all just sitting at the surface, that some of them are embedded inside of the stone.

>> No.8484735

agreed with contouring, on both of you, but overall I really like your look. whatever you made your ball gown out of was a great fabric choice. I'd say the only thing to consider is a lighter wig, since the one you were wearing seems too aqua, I'd do something like arda's powder blue but that's just my own preference

>> No.8484804

I like the sour cream.

>> No.8484908
File: 218 KB, 450x668, fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thanks! I found a tutorial for making faux lapis lazuli with clay and gold leaf so I may try that out.

Also almost done Peridot (today is the last day can work on it) and ended up going with simple fabric tubes for the fingers. I think they turned out pretty decently but I'd like to be able to make ones that are a bit more smooth and refined looking in the future.

>> No.8484928

I like the fingers, I think they look pretty good (especially with the black glove for the palm, makes them look floaty)! I'm one who tends to lean towards functionality rather than accuracy so I think these are a better idea than totally useless foam fingers.

>> No.8484933

I think it looks great! A lot nicer than other Peridot fingers I've seen. The ones attached with wire, etc really don't do it for me.

>> No.8484939

I like it and this makes it easy, for you as a cosplayer, to not have to take their outfit apart just to do something like use the bathroom or to eat or hold items from dealer rooms. Its smart and works very well. Good on you.

>> No.8484959

>john cena fists

>> No.8484972

whats even more sad is that people that reply with "OMG! THAT LOOKS SOOO GOOD!" when people post such pictures.

>> No.8484980
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>> No.8485005
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>> No.8485017

She will not this fuck up, because i talked to her last con.

>> No.8485018
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>> No.8485028
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Did she paint an umbrella?

>> No.8485032

>that umbrella

at least its portable, right? god, my fucking sides

>> No.8485035
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>> No.8485040
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>> No.8485056

What's happening here

>> No.8485073
File: 618 KB, 1280x1734, tumblr_nrk18i0m0T1t1cfk5o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you get this fat

>> No.8485082

Rainbow Quartz ain't purple

>> No.8485101

real gems have curves

>> No.8485104

who is that
that looks uncomfortably familiar

>> No.8485114


Rose needs to give them poor shorts time and half for holding in that gut.

>> No.8485126

she can be interpreted as purple but it should be very light purple in that case if people want it to look good

>> No.8485168

I think this is the worst thing about SU, now all these fat bitches are just throwing on really poor outfits and calling it cosplay. Rose doesn't have rolls you fucking cows.

>> No.8485173

what cons has she been to?

>> No.8485184

Is she the one who does nudes for fat fetishists?

>> No.8485188

Is she the one who cosplayed Jane crocker and then squished her fat belly on video

>> No.8485196
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>> No.8485200

That Lapis doesn't even have body paint why is her skirt so dirty

>> No.8485201
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>> No.8485205
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>> No.8485206

I like this

>> No.8485210
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>> No.8485213
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>> No.8485219
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>> No.8485231
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>> No.8485233

I'm seriously going to find whoever started this umbrella shield trend and strangle them through the internet.

>> No.8485240
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>> No.8485242
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>> No.8485295



>> No.8485313

as opposed to all skinny cosplayers who would never ever wear mangled garbage and pass it off as cosplay

right one is pilot pearl

>> No.8485323


>> No.8485344
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>> No.8485372

The lion is great idea!

>> No.8485396

it's pear-chan. Google ber

>> No.8485440
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>> No.8485444
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>> No.8485447
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>> No.8485461

Would have been even better if he colored his beard pink too.

>> No.8485466
File: 1.04 MB, 710x861, Screenshots_2015-07-17-02-10-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8485497
File: 376 KB, 1364x768, OHOHOHOHOHO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of doing a Sardonyx cosplay. Think it might be best to have the upper eyes painted directly on the visor? That's how it seems to look in most shots

>> No.8485502
File: 220 KB, 1200x1200, googly_eyes_glasses_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think it might be best to have the upper eyes painted directly on the visor?

no, dont. its not going to look good as you might think it does in your head.

>> No.8485504

oh shit, i like the look of this ruby, it's the first time i've seen someone use a curled wig for her hair. shame she's probably going to get shit for not being black like so many tumblrinas think she is.

>> No.8485511

>shame she's probably going to get shit for not being black
>not native american


>> No.8485513
File: 426 KB, 1364x768, ELEGANT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn it, I wanted to get out of painting a second set of eyes on my face.

>> No.8485558

I'd like the wig more if it's wasn't black. Why can nobody get the colors right?

>> No.8485569

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSeu6VW5OIo Here they go again

>> No.8485570

The glasses will hide some prosthetics sins if that's doable for you.

>> No.8485573

not gonna lie, chuckled a little
but that blooper real being longer than the actual content
that petticoat skirt, yuck

>> No.8485584

I actually love her face for Rose, though. I think she'd look amazing if she put some more effort into the outfit.

>> No.8485620

Like her wig color, her paint looks aight, but she needs color on her lips and her costume is inaccurate. Plus the runs in the tights on her shoulder.

Her skin is way too bright.

>> No.8485628
File: 116 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nrl5gtuqRB1spfj8oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avert your gaze from everyone else but I like this Jasper.

>> No.8485629
File: 144 KB, 457x357, garnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest Garnet cosplay ever.

>> No.8485677

please put the eyes on (behind?) the visor. there is absolutely no way to make that good by drawing it on your face. fuck whatever anyone else says. what other ways are there to interpret that?

>> No.8485681
File: 115 KB, 500x281, tumblr_nrlradiPP51qa0n48o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one, welcome all the mopthyst cosplays

>> No.8485693
File: 1.11 MB, 1643x890, pawty hat poil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved this episode. I'm ready and actually waiting for party hat Pearls.

>> No.8485710
File: 81 KB, 493x749, Screenshot_2015-07-16-19-24-46~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also an excuse for guys to get on the fun. You can cosplay Jamie, cosplaying the CG.

>> No.8485712

has there been a good Jasper yet? Will there ever be?

>> No.8485886


>> No.8485900

put all the motherfucking eyes on the visor
it's the only way, anon, it's the only way

>> No.8485921

i actually really love that sapphire? the proportions of her dress are way more accurate than a bunch ive seen

>> No.8485934

Im actually pretty disapointed with this? CBC normally does a much better job. Idk what happened here

>> No.8485935


>> No.8485938

I wish I could see it off the wighead, but I wish more people would use that kind of curly style. The straight bobs always look so flat to me.

>> No.8485944

>that pinafore

>> No.8485979

Dat photoshop.

>> No.8485994

Oh boi, what is this shit?

>> No.8486064

cant wait to see all the lazy garnet cosplay now because of this episode.
its probably going to be funny the first time until you start seeing everyone do it.

>> No.8486319

isn't that the party hat in too many birthdays?

>buzzword instead of solid argument

>> No.8486486

There's already good jaspers, you're just a nitpick.

>> No.8486801

i hate this character, but I do have that exact gap tooth. (not that i want to show it off)
might consider it just because of that.

>> No.8486805
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>> No.8487317
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>> No.8487323
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>> No.8487326
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>> No.8487332
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>> No.8487350

>claudie judging anyone

>> No.8487362

Oh my god

>> No.8487388

holy shit
i go to tumblr for stupid jokes and shit and i kept seeing people who post about SU talking about the fandom doing some stupid shit but i didn't pay much attention because i try to avoid fandoms. is this what everyone kept talking aboutt? people were actually leaving bad reviews on a real business's page so they coudl make jokes about the show?
i don't exactly know how it relates to the homestuck fandom other than both being annoying though?

>> No.8487389

tbh i feel like there haven't been any good steven universe cosplays yet
every one i've seen looks retarded, like a 12 year old is cosplaying for the first time.

>> No.8487397

sardonyx looks fucking stupid. her scheme and outfit just don't fit in at all with the rest of the show. it seems like she's a fucking digimon that walked onto the wrong show.

>> No.8487403


Agreed. The character designs in SU are just getting shittier and shittier as the show goes on.

>> No.8487437
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>> No.8487447

They look like they're maybe 14 and they're enjoying themselves.

>> No.8487464
File: 80 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onion rings ears.

>> No.8487472

I like the fluffiness of their wig, would like to see someone use this texture with the right shape.

Everything else about this is awful though

>> No.8487475

this, and I feel like… it reflects mostly garnet's design and none of pearl's. I felt like they could have done a better job on it. I'm not even a pearlfag and I'm kinda mad it didn't look balanced out.

>> No.8487476


>> No.8487479
File: 94 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8487484

This is kind of cute, gives me those babbys first con nostalgia feels, man.

>> No.8487583
File: 430 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_nr2ptoMyQV1qjgjylo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Jasper bodytype.

>> No.8487596

... Wow

>> No.8487608

There have been a lot of bad cosplays to come out of this show, but nothing beats this. Nothing.

>> No.8487612

They're little and cute. I'd take this over 300 pound tumblrinas mooing about muh rose in a sweaty t shirt or fupa garnet and bad bodypaint any day.

>> No.8487665

>implying someone like that watches SU
>let alone cosplay it

>> No.8487699


didn't imply anything, just wishful thinking

>> No.8487785

Hey anon, I see you comment on every jasper related post, can we see a picture of your cosplay? Not trying to be snarky, im genuinely curious to see how yours is turning out.

>> No.8487888

Put more effort into your kid-sister's face makeup after spending hours agonizingly painting her blue and I won't judge next time

This just looks like baby's first cosplay, especially since they seem to be siblings. The do-it-yourself vibe is really adorable.

Even if this is just a progress pic, she needs to learn her angles

Why does this Rose have scene queen hair??

>> No.8487907
File: 85 KB, 744x548, 11224474_820542984730120_7797394905558002133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these cosplays make me sad.

>> No.8487910
File: 129 KB, 960x540, 11742744_820530448064707_388894797709143588_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8487912

For a second I thought this was someone's cosplay wedding

>> No.8487917


I hope they're planning on returning to sea once they've cataloged their horrible cosplays.

>> No.8487921
File: 148 KB, 528x960, 11695535_1000197726691449_7282797170843756286_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8487929

Who gave this child a sex whip with paper glued onto it???

>> No.8488197
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>> No.8488258
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Hope to see soon the complete photoset.

>> No.8488395

To laugh at?

>> No.8488398

homestucks were the gold standard of being annoying fandoms, anon

that was the point, pearl liked fusing because it meant she didn't have to be herself

>> No.8488424
File: 173 KB, 921x864, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fa66438002b28076173765fa146d14ef1%2Ftumblr_nrm49kU7im1sxwbs3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what nightmares are made of

>> No.8488556

>I see you comment on every jasper related post
Absolute lies. There's an anon for that and I ain't the one. Also, my cosplays aren't SU related so no.

>> No.8488669
File: 82 KB, 2544x2535, RainbowQua_SU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think I should make Rainbow Quartz' outfit? I always thought that she was just wearing a strapless leotard with a loose/sheer shirt on top but many people seem to think that she also wears a long sleeve shirt underneath the bodysuit. Should I go with just the leotard and loose sheer shirt, or do the skin-tight long sleeved shirt as well?

>> No.8488675

personally i think the loose fitted sheer top looks better and more canon!! the undershirts don't look as good in my opinion

>> No.8488681
File: 407 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same cosplayers

>> No.8488828
File: 67 KB, 640x691, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8488892

neither rose or pearls outfits had sleeves

>> No.8489535

There will never truly be a great lars cosplayer. And this makes me happy. He's the worst character and I'm under the assumption he was purely made for people to hate.

But the tumblr fake bois attempting him is hilarious none the less.

>> No.8489561
File: 1.66 MB, 1922x1280, tumblr_nrp906nhYX1qjyq9xo3_1280-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8489605

i know this person inrl, her whole tumblr is nothing but this godawful jasper cosplay now.

>> No.8489960
File: 108 KB, 540x720, peridork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8490032

oh man!! everything looks really nice, good job man
the only thing i can say is the diamonds on the elbows/knees could be improved by making them more 3 dimensional, but you're the cleanest looking peridot ive seen so far. nice!

>> No.8490035

Small nitpicks:
>I'm feeling a slight dissonance between the cooler blues of the fabric parts and the yellowy paint/appendage bits, but Peridot's colours are fucking ridiculous to try matching
>maybe look into nipple pasties, kek
>try tinting your visor a pale yellow?

But sweet god damn, all your effort really paid off; you look incredible anon. Saved, as proof that it's possible to make a good Peridot.

>> No.8490053
File: 759 KB, 1000x1333, isthatreallygarbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks guys!

lmao i put bandaids over my nipples in hopes that it would make them less noticeable because i had nothing else but the middle part of the bandaid just ended up looking like a nipple anyways

Definitely remaking some parts of this for next year (tbh i want to remake the whole thing hahah), one of those things will be the blueish bodysuit. It was unfortunately the only fabric I could find in time that would work.

After seeing some photos I got back today I'm going to try some different things with my makeup tomorrow like adding a little lighter green/white to the upper part of my face to simulate the white visor and a bit heavier makeup in general

>> No.8490054

Yeah heavier makeup will definitely make you look a lot better

>> No.8490076

It came out wonderful anon! Did you figure out how to fix the paint rubbing issue?

>> No.8490082

Thanks! I only sort of managed to fix it. The first pic posted shows the damage to them by the end of the day, although most of it happened near the beginning just from walking around a little bit. The second one is one I shopped a little bit. I'm going to repaint those parts tonight so I can wear them again tomorrow. I ended up using XTC-3D to seal it and it made a big difference compared to just a spray but clearly was not good enough. I'm planning to remake them for next year with a different design so that it won't be such an issue in the first place.

>> No.8490095

The silhouette and bodysuit look great. How was your maneuverability? I'm guessing making the boots in two separate parts made it way easier to walk around.

>> No.8490103

I had to still be pretty careful when walking and stairs took forever to go up and down. I had to get friends to help me up onto stuff a few times.The arms were removable very easily at least and I could keep some things in them but using my phone wasn't very easy with those gloves/fingers :p I feel like making the boots multiple parts is the way to go but the specific way I did mine definitely had its fair share of problems

>> No.8490107

Maneuvering problems i've noticed are a constant when it comes to P-dot cosplays. We'll figure it out eventually. It came out really great, especially the wig. You did a good job!

>> No.8490110

aaaa thanks :,) I'm really happy with it. And thanks again for posting your progress and stuff, it helped me a lot!

After Aug I will have time to start experimenting with other design ideas for the boots and I'll post progress for whatever I come up with for that

>> No.8490137
File: 145 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8490231

!! GOOD JOB ANON!!! That angle is much better for your face btw.

>> No.8490292

Fuck me, I think this is in San Diego. Jfc.

>> No.8490297
File: 300 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nrplvue8fu1suudhqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How horrifying.

>> No.8490492

It is in San diego, I can recognize the shitty rose second from the left anywhere.

>> No.8490517
File: 7 KB, 161x240, modesty-pads_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like...literal bandaids, or these?

>> No.8490589

Literal bandaids haha

Not a good idea, does not work

>> No.8490601

yeah do some rad contouring or something on your cheeks and maybe some eye makeup. Other than that you look great.

>> No.8490626
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 4567897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a con in my country right now and someone posted a picture of the sister of my friend's boyfriend as pearl and i'm cringing to much right now

>> No.8490647

Yeah, I have a hard time figuring out how heavy to go for makeup. I did do the contouring and eye makeup but it clearly wasn't enough to show up on camera that well. How do you know how heavy to go without it being too heavy

>> No.8490655

She's honestly not too bad? Spear could be a little longer and wig could use some work but she's not even the worst out there. Lmao.

>> No.8490694

i love that wig.

>> No.8491127

Not saying she's the worst but
>that gem
>those shoes
>those socks
>not using painting for her skin

>> No.8491128

What's your friend's boyfriend's sister's name? she's cute and like >>8490655 said aside from the short spear and lack of body paint its a good job.

>> No.8491650

I don't know her real name buy she goes by "skeleton akia" or just "akia" while wearing cosplay. Also, she used to be in a cosplay group and made vocaloid live actions
