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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 59 KB, 640x429, 1309587_3b1c324c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8477464 No.8477464 [Reply] [Original]

>MCM Manchester Comic Con
>July 25-26, 2015

>July 31 - August 2, 2015

>August 8, 2015

>Yorkshire Cosplay Con
>August 8, 2015

>August 14-17, 2015

>Auto Assembly
>August 21-23, 2015

>September 3-6, 2015

>September 19, 2015

>September 25-26, 2015

>Doki Doki
>November 7, 2015

>November 13-15, 2015

>June 17-19, 2016

>July 29-31, 2016

>> No.8477664

i hate myself for missing the tickets for kitacon. its not even that great, i just want to see my friends again and act like weebs.

>> No.8477805

trying to book tickets for kita this year on a shitty internet connection was actually hell.

though it beats last year, i was on a train up to visit a friend when reg opened. had to call my mum up to register me and two friends who were also on the train, she had no idea what she was doing.

>> No.8478584


>> No.8478967

Who /MCM Manchester/ here?

>> No.8479102

I. Cosplay on Saturday and Lolita Sunday.

>> No.8479862


>> No.8480159
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>threads keep getting deleted because /int/ is raiding
>/int/ keeps raiding because threads keep getting deleted

>> No.8480194
File: 176 KB, 989x894, Saddenki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who I hate more right now.
The faggots shit posting or the mods for deleting any thread with brit or UK in it .
Fuck this board.

>> No.8480201

Come on you lot, just power though and fully ignore the threads. They've already slowed down, just keep going.

>> No.8480229

New thread with Union Jack and UK/brit in title up. Most people won't look for brit threads unless it has those two things.

>> No.8480233
File: 1.67 MB, 250x142, violinbreakdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 minute in and lads are back on tour. Fucks sake, I just want to bitch about how shit the UK scene is.

>> No.8480247

But those with common sense will have figured out we've got a stealth thread. So at least those on this thread can do some original thought.

>> No.8480249

I don't know if I should be sad that they're being shitposted, or happy because they're actually active now

>> No.8480275

Well at least they're not doing this in the middle of any other drama shitstorm.

I was so let down by the Anon that promised drama the other week. Unless he means this nightmare.

>> No.8480278
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>thread deleted again

>> No.8480285

Getting sick of it tbh

>> No.8480291
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>> No.8480294

What a fucking autist, I just said I was sick of them raiding us, rude of u tbh

>> No.8480302

alrite birds

Also, it could be that both sides were rused by a fucking Canadian who got triggered by >leaf and used /cgl/ as a pawn to get /brit/ killed in the glory of /cum/.

Fucking hate Canadians. Also our Janny hates a German lad, and Germans are actually decent for being JF. Practically honourary brits. How's the Germans here?

>> No.8480313

Forgive him, it's the PTSD and panic setting in. Can't tell who to trust.

>> No.8480322


Nah, it was this guy


They'll get bored and stop soon enough. Just report the posts and as they slow down, it'll be easier to delete the posts as opposed to the whole thread

>> No.8480328

>announcing reports
that's against the rules lass :^)
and you got it the wrong way round, we kinda stay away from /cgl/ when things get too excited with the jannies, we pay either explicit or subtle visits here when we're bored.

>> No.8480351
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, ss (2014-07-17 at 09.28.38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokonatsu is slowly filling up but no where near fast enough, get on that.
Don't be fooled by the shitty website, It's a good weekend.
Friends don't want to go or you don't have any? Fuck it, make new ones.
Help your neighbor put up their tent and congratulations, you've got your self a con friend.

>> No.8480354

Excuse me this is a British thread thank you very much

>> No.8480357

me on the left

>> No.8480740

wasn't going to cosplay but I was thinking about going as paxman
i have a horsey face but do you think it would be recognisable if i had a sour face and was a cunt to people?

>> No.8481366
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>tfw tank costume won't be ready in time

>> No.8481418

That annoying Captain boy will be there though. At a small con, one unpleasant person can make all the difference. He does put me off going somewhat. Smug twat.

>> No.8481477

Who even is that? I've been going to Toko for years and I don't even know who you're talking about, so clearly it isn't that hard to avoid him. There's one twat who really hates me who goes there and I just ignore him, life's too short. That and just make loads of friends so if anyone is unpleasant to you, you have backup. Works for me, I'd just hang out with the pokemon lads I made friends with last year if anything unpleasant or dramatic were to happen.

>> No.8481519

If this is the Uk thread, Why do you have Eritakon listed when it's and irish convention?

>the british stealing irelands shit once again.

>> No.8481550

fuck off yank

>> No.8481560

get fucked britcunt I'll box you around
I'll sic a horde of pikeys on you

>> No.8481691

Badge names of said cunts?

>> No.8481762

I'd rather not say, the one I'm talking about browses here. But I suspect I might know who you are, are you involved with organising stuff at Toko? Because I'm happy to let committee know there's an issue, just... not here.

>> No.8481768

Go to Omegle and type "Tokoseagull" in the interests field and tell me there.

>> No.8481773

Forget that, I forgot omegle put you with a random stranger after a while. Don't be a pussy, Just say here.

>> No.8481776

Well, the person I thought I might be talking to wouldn't say that, so you're clearly someone looking for some juicy gossip rather than a committee member, and you're not getting it from me.

>> No.8481784

Whos active? Missed last thread if thats whats been carried on from.

>> No.8481787

I think they're talking about these threads being active in general. Shitposting seems to have died down now, anyway. So we can get back to our usual schedule of... shitposting.

>> No.8481789

yes, but its OUR shitposting. not /int/ shitposting.

>> No.8481790
File: 404 KB, 1169x827, ange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Micnax and ZomZom are the only two tripfags on that list.
Don't start shit then run away, follow it through.

>> No.8481803

I'm not starting shit, thanks, and it's nothing to do with any tripfags. Move along, you're not getting anything out of me.

>> No.8481808
File: 100 KB, 339x339, Preaching_billy_herrington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want shit to get done or not?

>> No.8481817

What proportion of the attendees are fat, unattractive or insufferable?

>> No.8481822

50% ish

>> No.8481827

How easy are they to evade? Also how prone are the fit, attractive and/or sufferable folks to interaction with new people?>>8481822

>> No.8481828

It's the friendliest con I've ever been to, I make new friends every time I go. But if you're the sort of person to make your event choices based on how attractive the attendees are, I think we'd all rather you stayed away. Too many fuckboys at cons as it is and Toko is one of the very few that doesn't have that problem.

>> No.8481829

As long as you're not a sperg you'll make friends worth keeping

>> No.8481857

>fuck off yank
>clearly replying to an Irish person

U funkin wot m8.

>> No.8481877

The attractive part merely regarded my hunt for a qt cosplay gf. I intend to go to events based upon their relevance to my interests, lest I suffer immense tedium.

>> No.8481885
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Make sure to wear your best fedora.

>> No.8481892

Oh, looking for a qt gf is fine in my book, I just hate those guys who come to cons just to try and get a one night stand with a cosplayer. I don't think Toko's the best place for that because a lot of girls seem to go with their boyfriends. Also, given how small it is, it might be a little awkward if you get rejected by someone and then keep seeing them around all weekend. Your chances are good in a 'friends of friends' sense, though, as it's so easy to meet people in general there. Find out which events look like fun to you, go do those, and get chatting to the people there. Here's a rough rundown of what events to expect, based on last year:
>lots of water fights
>Ready, Steady, Cosplay
>Cosplay Masquerade (it's very casual and you'll be seen as a dick if you bitch about people's costumes or performance, it's not a competitive thing)
>3DS gaming (mostly Pokemon, Mario Kart and Monster Hunter last year iirc)
>AMV Disco in the marquee (it's lame as shit but that's honestly what makes it so fun, it's like a school disco where you're all shitfaced)
>drinking around the bonfire in the evenings
>YGO, Magic etc
>the Assassin game

That about sums it up, I think. It's a pretty unique event and not to everyone's taste, so you should be able to make your mind up from that whether it sounds good to you. I personally love it just because it's so laid-back and social, and because I love camping.

>> No.8481902

Used to take part in the events but there's too many spergs that take part.

>> No.8481909

Jeez, why don't you chill about 'spergs'? It's not like they're going you any harm. People who freak out about not mixing with socially awkward weeaboos always sound so insecure. You're going to get them at -any- anime event, you might as well learn to live with them.

Obviously if they're actually causing someone an issue that doesn't apply (See: Spooner), but in general, live and let live. Their lack of social graces isn't going to give you cooties.

>> No.8481912

You're going to have to elaborate upon "the assassin game"

>> No.8481914

Me, how different is Sunday to Saturday?

>> No.8481921

Spergs suck the fun out of everything they touch.

>> No.8481923

I'm not really sure how to explain it, do you have an Assassins Guild at uni? Same idea as that, basically. Roughly similar to this, I guess? https://www.srcf.ucam.org/assassins/FAQ.html

>> No.8481926

Only if you don't know how to have fun, anon. Just treat them like children. Unless you're one of those autists who hates kids, which would explain a lot.

>> No.8481928

I did not know that was a thing. Does it still exist?

>> No.8481930

>Just treat them like children
You're the worst kind.

>> No.8481941

Yep! They do it every year. It's kind of a good way to get to know people, because you have to ask around for badgenames to find your target.

>> No.8481944

How so? It's a happier way to live and coexist than getting mad about them. Just smile and nod.

>> No.8481949

I'd rather just avoid them that be a patronizing prick all day.

>> No.8481951

That's called patronisation. They're aspies not retards. They may exclusively have issues in initiating conversation and would hence be offended by someone smiling and nodding at them as if they were a toddler after they've finally gathered the courage to speak.

>> No.8481955

>>8481691 Yo, I'm >>8481418, and not >>8481762
The douchebag is called something like JustyUeki or something. He's real good friends with Ashram.

He's hard to evade because he gets up in your grill. You could be eating a sandwich and he'll come and judge you for its fillings or the brand of bread you use or whatever.

Last few years, he's bought an 8-man tent with him. For one person.

>> No.8481966

>he's bought an 8-man tent with him. For one person
What's wrong with that

>> No.8481972

Well if they've got something interesting to say then I'm happy to have a proper conversation with them, but equally, I'm not going to lose my shit over some autist trying to tell me that he's breeding red Pikachus that can learn Meteor Mash. That's the kind of smile and nod situation I was talking about when it comes to tolerating aspies.

And if they're not talking nonsense... then what's your problem with them anyway? Like I said, harmless.

>> No.8481978

Spergs like Ashram who want to be the center of attention and in charge of everything ruin events.

>> No.8481989

I heard about that, the Committee hate him for it. Does he cosplay as a Jedi with one of those light up lightsabers?

>> No.8481994
File: 284 KB, 457x561, CreativeEdge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one's posted this yet...

>> No.8482047

Much quieter and chill. I think they have more guests on this year and will try to make it more interesting on the second day. The only interesting thing on Sunday last year was the masquerade.

>> No.8482052

Is this Spooner same as that guy who hangs around at Disney/Kingdom Hearts meets?

>> No.8482065
File: 92 KB, 958x714, youreabouttobespooned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8482068

That same bored expression

>> No.8482071

Yeah, this guy. He creeps me out, always seeks me out at cons even though we don't know each other and don't have anything in common besides a passing interest in Disney like 99% of the world. Is there a story I should know, is he as dodgy as the vibes he gives off, or is he fine and I'm just rude as hell?

>> No.8482080

He's just an extra creapy weeb. There was something about him doing upskirt shots a while ago.

>> No.8482106

Oh god. Not surprised she's done this. Needed a fresh source of attention.

Then again. These aren't her first nudes.

>> No.8482122
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>8-man tent
Well they did go to that summer camp thing so maybe that's what he was going for

>> No.8482150
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>> No.8482247

Does Manchester MCM have the same japanese food vendors as London? I have mighty need.

>> No.8482272
File: 714 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-07-15-19-21-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it has a very small section, obviously not as big as London.
There's a proper Japanese resturaunt not far away though.

>> No.8482274

I've never been to London but I'm taking you mean the types that are outside kinda like hotdog stands? In that case no, they do have a Japanese candy stall though. China Town is also just around the corner from the GMEX too so there are plenty of Japanese restaurants there.

>> No.8482323
File: 48 KB, 540x473, _20150715_194350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the most interesting shot from Tascha, but not her worst IMO. Never heard of the cosplayer

>> No.8482329

10/10 for generic

>> No.8482475

I seriously hope none of you gulls are doing his Patreon. It's as bad as cosplayers doing kickstarters. That guys got to be desperate now to sink that low, feature nude for Pateron.

>> No.8482487

Hes been know to do that, and don't talk to him, once he gets to know you, he will follow you about even outside of cons.

>> No.8482532

(it's an /a/ joke)

>> No.8482552

>gay village
Is this a city thing that I wouldn't understand?

>> No.8482592

Manchester has a very big gay community
So the area with all the gay bars is called the 'gay village'

>> No.8482705

It's like chinatown but with more glitter and rainbows.

>> No.8482770

And clubs that don't let people who 'don't look gay enough' in

>> No.8482794

Hahaha, that's a hoot.

>> No.8482815

Why would anyone want to patreon this? There are many beautiful cosplayers in the UK, despite what people say. This girl is not one of them. She is a double bagger. And even then, I'd be worried about the bag catching herpes.

>> No.8483809

That is so badly exposed.

>> No.8484058

Ah, well, fuck. Wish there was a way to be warned of creepers.

>> No.8484262

Who are the beautiful girls I can look out for then?

>> No.8484366

Speaking of which, is she doing this to prove she does her own work?
twitch tv /artyfakes

>> No.8484466

Last day of cheap toko tickets. Get on that shit.

>> No.8484692

Can I ask what everyone's beef with HJ was? Yeah, it was a bit weird having so many normies around, and a trek between sections, but comparing it to other cons I thought it was a lot better, but I haven't been to HJ in years. Especially compared with like MCM - there's just as much walking only everything's fucking confusing and crowded, the security at MCM have been way more rude than anyone I saw at HJ, no shitty bootleg merch that's at every con with slight variations, if the food's going to be overpriced, I'd rather get a nice meal, actual shows and events that aren't boring as fuck and a bit shit, the only major problems I could really see were overpriced cloakroom, lack of loos and the no professional camera thing. Yet a lot of people who went to HJ were bitching like it was the WORST CON EVER!!!!1111 which I think is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.8484960
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Hmm, looks pretty fun. I've not done that kind of thing for years. Is it pretty friendly then? The one friend I had who was even slightly into cons has left now so I'd be on my own.

Might pick up a ticket anyway. It looks like its going to sell out so I can always get a refund.

>> No.8485008

Super friendly. The guys on the committee are mostly really nice (the less spergy ones, at least) and in general if you pitch your tent next to people, you can get talking to them. I don't suppose you play Pokemon, do you? If so, come find where people are battling and I'll hang out with you [nospoilersoncgl] if you're not a scrub [/whywouldyouspoileratextandthenthrowitoutofaplane]

>> No.8485022

What about Smash Bros instead?

>> No.8485047


I don't play Pokemon, though thanks for the offer. I booked anyway. Something about it looks really fun. I like running around in the country side almost as much as I like anime.

>> No.8485049

I'm not into Smash, but I would imagine there'll be people playing it in the area where people generally congregate for 3DS stuff.

>> No.8485088
File: 185 KB, 681x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going to World Of Superheros Con next month?

>> No.8485096

I agree anon. I really enjoyed the new venue, it was nice having more food options than pizza in the hotel room or shitty chicken.

>> No.8485105


I thought it was great. The new live stage was a fantastic idea, I hope they carry that on.

>> No.8485119

Fucking hell, same weekend as kita. I would because I am poorfag and so I'd try and win.

>> No.8485158

Did you guys have any problems with staff, or see any? Apparently people had loads of problems but I thought they were much better than the people MCM put out, although inexperienced maybe. Would liked to have seem more cosplay but I actually really liked the j-fashion/culture aspect because there's no other con that really does that here. Lots of complaints about normies being rude but I just had a few grannies there for the Elvis thing ask what was going on, and they were polite about it. I'm seriously wondering what cons these people go to that have more seating, friendlier staff, better layouts and more food options, because the only one I can think of was Kapow in like 2012/2013? Whenever that was, anyway.

>> No.8485202

Good stuff
I'd play Pokemon but I only got half-way through OR/AS and I'm not a compfag

>> No.8485258

No problems with the staff for me. As long as you were respectful if they wanted to scan your bag or whatever then they were fine. The bag scanning was annoying but I guess that's just the venue because they do that for all their events.

>> No.8485266

I don't think they had any last year so I wouldn't expect any this tine either. I doubt the restaurants would bother hoofing it all the way up to Manchester.

At least the venue is in the city so there are plenty of food options outside the convention itself.

>> No.8485270


Not really. The security guys and O2 staff were mostly dicks, but that's a given for venues in London. Its the same at MCM. You can hardly hold that against them.

The middle of the day on Saturday when they kick everyone out was a total mess. That the only time I got pissed off, it was so disorganized. But that was pretty minor all things considered.

>> No.8485283

Yeah, I couldn't believe how many people were complaining! I had a great time.

The different sections were a little disjointed but I suppose that couldn't be helped (except it did seem odd to separate the food court from that main shopping area). My only real complaints were that the food section felt a smaller than previous events, the cash machines running out of money (HJ should really rent some in future like they do at MCM) and the loo situation - having to choose between shitty portaloos, queuing for 3 hours under the Cineworld or walking up Building 6 to those weird red light ones.

Nope, no problems with staff. I also had Elvis grannies politely ask me what was going on. A few stares from normalfags, but you have to expect that.

>> No.8485284

I figured as much. I'm in a bulky costume and it's going to be a headache getting around.

>> No.8485287

The beef was that it felt very disjointed and the price for what we got was ridiculous. The food was more expensive than usual, the stages were a bit meh in comparison to other years (I mean making people perform on a mat on the floor, really?). Although I loved the gigs at building 6 those were awesome. In general, it wasn't SHIT, but it wasn't amazing and the criticism is justified.

>> No.8485325


I think the stage at building made up for everything else. They did a really excellent job booking acts this time. I think that easily justified the ticket price.

>> No.8485326

I think the /brit/ are coming back. I've just seen a few shitposts on other threads.
Be ready, brothers, sisters. We will get through this.

>> No.8485331
File: 19 KB, 480x270, 11242989_971504522872658_1818553212439179158_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you lot been watching the 'Wtf is Cosplay' thing on 4OD?
I think it's pretty misleading. They seem to be focussing on the fetish side of cosplay a lot.

I mean they had two episodes on there dedicated to some burlesque dancer who isn't even technically cosplaying, she's just wearing various underwear with sci fi regalia on. And then there was some guy who was just basically from the BDSM comm. The fuck, Channel 4?

This just really rustles my jimmies because I don't want my family seeing this shit and thinking I'm some fucking weirdo deviant.

>> No.8485370

found one about Kelly Jean's streams in the suggested episodes of the 'WTF is cosplay' XD http://www.channel4.com/programmes/pro-gamers/on-demand/61242-001

>> No.8485381

One of the creators made a thread on the MCM group earlier today and everyone told her she was an idiot. She said the other episodes haven't even been finished yet but they would supposedly focus more on the 'craftmanship' and 'community'. I wouldn't hold my breath though.

>> No.8485599

Most people are pretty friendly. I went to toko without knowing anyone 3 years ago and now I know half the attendees. 1st year I helped the guys next to me put up their tent and just got talking from there. It's nice to have a con where you're not rushing around trying to see everyone or get to a certain event. Gophers are mega fun to fuck with as well round the campfire.

>> No.8485811

Shes just doing the rounds for click bait. She don't give a rats arse what it portraits the cosplay community, as long as it gets the viewers she wins. Don't give it the time of day is the best solution, that way hopfully she won't get another chance to send her garbage to C4. Shes the most hated person in the cosplay scene right now.

>> No.8486185

does anyone know who the camera crew at hyper japan with the tiny jap lady and the "on air" hats was for?

>> No.8486223

Can someone pls post Noctis' Nebula again?

>> No.8486239
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>> No.8486274

The eternal question.

>> No.8487008


>> No.8487162

What was the best gig at HJ?

>> No.8490388

Please don't double-bag, it increases the friction between condoms so they're more likely to break.

>> No.8491698

What jacket is he wearing? It looks like a shitty version of the N7 jacket from Mass Effect 3

>> No.8491707

The safest way is to just not do it.

>> No.8491767

This is a brit thread, go back to your backwater colony.