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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8469024 No.8469024 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been posted to /cgl/? What was the context and how did it make you feel?

>> No.8469027

Got posted once in relation to Coscom. Wasn't a big deal and it was years ago so it didn't really bother me.

>> No.8469090

> it make you feel
like shit
but now i like to say im past that

>> No.8469093

I was posted in a good Bodyline thread once. That was fun.

>> No.8469101

Actually whenever I post to CoF I hope I'll end up on cgl because here I'll get the raw opinions to my cords instead of all the asspats. It has happened a few times by now (CoF thread only) and it was mostly positive, but the few things that got criticized were valuable help for me so...yeah. Keep it going! =D

>> No.8469111
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Yes, they said my ass was nice.

i am a man.

>> No.8469119

I was posted personal army recruitment style by someone who was talked about on here all the time. It backfired on her, all it did was feed the board's hunger for drama related to her, and remind /cgl/ why they all think she's crazy.

If it makes you feel better, it was probably a woman who said it.

Although, probably a fujoshi, which I guess isn't really better than a man saying it...

>> No.8469156

>Have you ever been posted to /cgl/?
Once in a favorite coord thread, a couple times in the good plus size lolita threads, and another few times in the CoF threads.
>What was the context and how did it make you feel?
All were pretty positive. I think there was maybe only one negative comment about one coord where the outfit was kind of boring and I used a filter, but it wasn't critiqued much more than that.

The only time my eyes rolled was this fight I read when some anon argued with someone else over my weight. They were debating on whether or not I actually belonged in the plus size thread because one anon said I didn't look fat enough. My fat is distributed in my upper extremities and lower belly so it's easier to conceal in lolita, but it is there and most people can tell I'm overweight to some extent. I think if I identify my measurements as plus size, and they are plus size measurements, then it shouldn't be up for debate just because a picture makes me look slightly thinner. But I also don't view fat as a death sentence so there's that too.

>> No.8469158

Yes, once, in the Anime Boston 2015 thread. It was apart of a con photo dump and it actually made me really happy because it was the only picture of myself that I could find online.

>> No.8469170

Yeah, but only for good reasons. Good Bodyline coord, good ILD coord, things like that. I'm not e-famous in the slightest, so it felt nice.

>> No.8469195

>Have you ever been posted to /cgl/?
A handful of times
>What was the context and how did it make you feel?
In a plus size doing it right thread and in the ita threads a couple of times.
I wasn't particularly bothered, any comments I received were pretty justified. Though one anon was convinced I was a bloke rather then just an unfortunate looking lass, but I'll live.

It also motivated me to practice a bit more with my make up and work on shifting the rest of my excess weight

>> No.8469214

I posted myself in the cringe thread, nobody said anything

Someone posted me to /r/fatpeoplehate but to them if you were even 1lb overweight you're a fat piece of shit

>> No.8469218


Haha, ding dong that bullshit's dead. Good, place was a shithole.

>> No.8469226

a somewhat mediocre halloween coord that i'd only posted in my comm's thread about halloween coords got posted to an ita thread. It made me feel hurt mostly because I know most of the people in my comm. i guess the upside is it makes me more cautious about what pics I post online

>> No.8469234

My cosplays have been posted a few times in fandom threads and usually there are none or only positive comments. I was also once included in a "canon fandom cosplayers" list and even though lots of the choices were criticized, choosing me wasn't.

So on the whole: Feels good, man.

>> No.8469266

I've been posted to a few themed coord threads, using pictures people have harvested from tumblr tags.
I've either been ignored or received justifiable crit so I'm happy. Someone even argued against crit I received once, probably someone in my comm, and even though I was worried it would look like I was defending myself it was still nice.
One of these days someone is going to post me to an ita thread or make fun of my face, but I think I'll cope.

>> No.8469270

go jog.

>> No.8469281

From time to time.

I pretty much look like a painted pig shoved in a dress half the time, so I'm cool with it.

>> No.8469283

>average people didn't hate that sub, no way
Btw I did jog, have you done so yet, anon?

>> No.8469327

posted to a nitpick thread. I posted about it on facebook when I saw it because it was funny. Someone from my comm or one of my non-lolita friends thought I selfposted.
The fact that they accused me of self posting pissed me off the most. I hadn't been near a computer or smartphone for hours, I was at work.

>> No.8469353 [DELETED] 

I've been posted a few times. A couple of times for being ita though that hasn't happened in a wee while, occasionally my coords have been posted in relevant threads (i.e. redhead lolitas or casual coord threads etc.) and I've been posted in a nitpick thread once or twice maybe?

>> No.8469480

Once someone mentioned me in a Fanime thread. No photos, though. I was happy about it but I was underage at the time so didn't want to say it was me out of paranoia.

>> No.8469495

One of our comm pictures was turned by anons to a hover lolita pic. Had a good laugh when I saw it and showed my girls.

I was also a few times posted as a good example for plus size lolitas. Someone wrote that he/she liked the way my ankles looked which was nice to hear as I really don't like my legs at all.

>> No.8469507

You know, skinny people hate that place too. The only reason to hate on fat people is probably if you were a former fatty or are one still. Got something to explain?

>> No.8469542

Can someone who's done it explain the appeal of self-posting, especially in a negative or neutral thread? (ita, nitpick, bad cosplay, cringe, etc.)

Maybe I'm just a true anon recluse, but I'd hate to be posted here. What do you gain from self-posting, anons? Confidence? Are you trying to build up e-fame? I just don't understand why some people do it in a negative sense. I think /cgl/ fame isn't something to aspire for to begin with, but why try to make yourself notorious in a negative thread?

>> No.8469552

I never have but I imagine it's for honest crit. People can be brutally honest on here, and even if it stings a little I'm sure it helps a lot.

>> No.8469593

I've been posted in Favourite Non-e-famous threads, and it made me feel like I should keep steadily improving my Tumblr game.
I haven't posted a proper OOTD on my tumblr in weeks due to circumstances beyond my control, but I'm looking forward to a few late summer meets, so I'll stop being lazy shortly.

I've self-posted in a few Draw Threads and once in a General when we were talking about alterations.

Pretty much all positive experiences.

>> No.8469606

Quite a few times. When I was younger I was made fun of for my mannish features but now it's pretty positive since I gravitate towards crossplay and selectively cosplay women.
It's all a learning experience. But I still try to keep low on the radar because I still have a fear of being made fun of.

>> No.8469614

A girl in my local comm has definitely self-posted in negative threads here to make it look like people hate her, I think she wanted people to whiteknight but it didn't happen. She also submitted a hate secret about herself but made it ridiculously obvious it was a self-post, since she hadn't posted the photo anywhere. Pure gold.

>> No.8469619

I was posted in a cartoon cosplay thread. Someone just went "neat!" And that's it. Someone else mentioned they'd seen this pic shared elsewhere and saved it for their own cosplay as reference. Flattering.

>> No.8469621

I've been posted once or twice in threads for specific series. People were cool - compliments or polite concrit. Nothing I like is too popular so the fanbases are pretty relaxed.

>> No.8469626

I got posted once in an ita thread, I found it hilarious because that photo wasn't popular at all and someone took the time to dig in deviantart to find it. Also I didn't check if the comments were positive or negative and that photo was when I was around 14 and was trying to start wearing lolita.

>> No.8469662

I posted some pictures of my costume in a capes thread because someone asked to see my attempt at a semi new character. It was a group picture though, so no one commented positively or negatively on me.

>> No.8469664

Once I self posted in an it's thread to see if people disagreed or not.

>> No.8469680

I feel the same way. I'd just self-post here directly if it weren't so frowned upon. I really wish CoF would be a little bit more critical of the stuff that gets posted there.

I don't want to stay the same, I want to *improve*.

>> No.8469689

>personal army recruitment

sage for being an idiot but what does that mean?

"I think if I identify my measurements as plus size, and they are plus size measurements, then it shouldn't be up for debate just because a picture makes me look slightly thinner. "

I agree with this entirely. A lot of space and time is wasted with gulls arguing over whether or not someone on the smaller side of plus size is "plus enough," it's kinda dumb.

>> No.8469698

I'm skinny and I used to visit it just to blow steam off by reading the nasty comments. I have fat roommates who have literally damaged/broken furniture from thoughtlessly flopping/leaning heavily onto it and one of them litters the house with her candy wrappers until I snap at her to clean up after herself. I don't want to say "you fuckers are fat, be aware of it!" because that'd be mean, so...

Anyway, I've been posted to /cgl/ once, in a cosplay thread. It was in a group photo so luckily there wasn't much attention on me, but a couple anons did say that myself and another girl in the photo were the best cosplays of the meet, so that was nice.

>> No.8469719

One of two reasons: a) they want asspats and "but this is good!" type of responses, or 2) honest feedback, because god knows you can only get that on /cgl/.

>> No.8469722

It means the person who posted anon was trying to get /cgl/ to be their personal army. For example, a lot of people post someone they hate here, hoping /cgl/ will give them lots of shit, but usually the response is "we are not your personal army" unless they have serious lolcow potential.

>> No.8469727

>>personal army recruitment
>sage for being an idiot but what does that mean?
They were trying to recruit a personal army from /cgl/.

>> No.8469770

Got posted once in the who wore it better thread using cinema doll.
comments were all expected like "boring" or critizing me for wearing a set. Which I love by the way.

I had mixed feelings. I felt happy for being posted in "who wore it best" but disappointed that not many people fee as I do about matching sets.

>> No.8469797

I'm pretty convinced of who did that, but I've been posted here as a "man". I felt a little weird about my appearance for a while- then I noticed a pattern where when a seagull hates another girl they spread rumors about her being a man so it's cool now

>> No.8469815

Never been posted that I know of. Always worried I will be some day for some of my outfits when I was a itaish newbie.

>> No.8470071

Post ass please.

>> No.8470089

>Have you ever been posted to /cgl/?

Once as I far as I know

What was the context and how did it make you feel?

I felt pretty good. My community got posted in the ita thread. I got a few nice comments about my outfit- which I hadn't been super confident about. I did feel pretty bad that the other girls got posted but I had a feeling they'd show up.

>> No.8470147

I've been posted to ita threads a few times, people call vendetta every time so I'm paranoid it's someone in my comm. Someone posts from the comm at times,it's weird seeing caps of new member posts in threads 5 minutes after they're made

>> No.8470159

Yeah, this is definitely a trend I've noticed too.

>> No.8470179

I've been posted here a few times, and I always like it, even if they are negative!
For cosplay - I sometimes get posted in threads about a certain series. This always makes me happy because it's almost always positive. I put a lot of heart into cosplaying from this series. Sometimes people ask how I did a certain thing.
The worst comment I got about cosplay was someone who said "thighs like KFC" which I was not really clear what it meant? Because it sounds bad but they tagged someone else with thinner thighs in the comment. Either way, it doesn't matter much. I like getting feedback, even if it's bad.
I selfposted in a real hair cosplay thread once and got fairly good feedback for that.
I got posted in a bad cosplay thread once, but the person actually just didn't recognize the cosplay - or maybe it was a vendetta, not sure. So that quickly got pointed out and I was pretty amused.
I also got bad feedback for being in a cosplay video - I didn't mind because the feedback was pretty spot on (bad singer)
For lolita, I don't get posted very often. It actually makes me kind of sad, like I am too mediocre to get in either the good threads or the ita threads. Oh well. At least one of my coords got some attention here with a mix of concrit and people liking what I did. I really liked that.
I also get posted for some of my comments on Facebook lolita groups. Some are positive and some are negative but I really enjoy reading both.
Overall I really like being posted here haha. Maybe I am just an attention whore at heart. But I feel there is almost always something to learn from it, or something positive, even if it's just a laugh or feeling like senpai noticed me. And I really love /cgl/ even when ya'll are sandy as fuck.

>> No.8470209

Been posted a few times, I had just started out and I got fairly depressed. I was moving, I wasn't doing well in school and had just gone through a really rough break up.

I threw all of my Lolita into a box and told my mom to get rid of it, all of it. I didn't even want to sell it, I told her to take it to a charity house or something.

She took it and a week later I regretted my decision and told her about it, she had put it all in her closet, knowing I would change my mind. She bought me my entire next coord, my first brand, and I got posted here again after that.

You can't please everyone I guess.

>> No.8470220

Yeah, I was posted but I also kind of deserved it. I didn't take offence to anything said since it's cgl but I'd like to say I'm doing better than I was then.

tbh I'm surprised I haven't been posted to an ita thread yet honestly. I wore a pretty godawful coord to a convention recently.

>> No.8470237

I've been posted before, but I think they're all the same person tbqh. They dont like me at all, thats for sure.

>> No.8470267

I've been posted a few times to nitpick, ita or local comm threads. Someone kept posting old photos of me which were only accessible on the comm page with terrible spelling and semi personal attacks. It was a bit weird and slightly upsetting to be honest and a lot of people defended me.
Even though being posted was not great I received a lot of good concrit from seagulls.
I've been posted in a positive way a few times in comm thread and themed coord threads etc.

>> No.8470276

I was only posted in name but they said I was helpful so it was a good experience.

>> No.8470322

I've had a few friends from my comm posted here both positively and negatively. As for me, other than the occasional self-post in draw threads, I don't really know. From what I've seen ever since I started going on here, I haven't been posted. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if some of my first coords did get posted here negatively because I admit they were shit.

>> No.8470338

Usually people do it in hopes of being whiteknighted to feel better about themselves, or to make people curious about them or think they're e-famous.

>> No.8470341
File: 20 KB, 375x281, 1413586190769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a group shot of me and a bunch of other girls modeling for Haenuli. The problem is, none of the makeup artists and a good number of the models had no idea what Lolita is. As you can imagine, it didn't end up looking the best. S'cool, though, someone cropped my face out of the pic and made an image macro of it. Made me feel special.
>mfw I first saw it posted, though.

>> No.8470419

I had a vendetta-chan a couple years ago who constantly posted me with made-up gossip. It went on for several months, and I ended up having to block 4chan on my computer for a while so I wouldn't read it because it was so upsetting.

More recently a couple of my coords consistently get posted to good threads, which is nice. I just always get paranoid that people will accuse me of self-posting, which I never do. I'm also worried about the vendetta-chan coming back, so the attention kind of puts me on edge.

>> No.8470455

You can usually find photos of mine being reposted here at any given time and people occasionally talk about me, but it's always positive attention and I'm really thankful for that.

>> No.8470498

Yeah I got roasted a few times but haven't been posted in a while. I don't have any vandetta-chans hounding me so that's nice.

>> No.8470501

>Have you ever been posted?
I was posted once as a new lolita.

I was freaking out as I read a story when I realized they were talking about me. But it was nothing negative, they said I had a cute first coord.

I felt pretty good and encouraged that a seagull didn't completely trash my first coord. I was honestly panicked when I started reading the story.

>> No.8470636

Yes, streamer thread, bad context, I don't really care.

>> No.8470649

I was posted on the ita thread with one of my first coords when I was still a newbie, I asked what was wrong it, they were so hard on me, and I am glad they did, because I learnt how to coord, and here I am still learning all I can.

>> No.8470667

A couple times in the favourite coord threads or threads requesting specific types of coords. One of my coords got picked apart and after getting over the butthurt, I was super grateful because it helped me improve.

I've selfposted a few times too and so far I can't say I've had any truly negative experiences.

>> No.8470672

I've technically been posted a handful of times, but only as someone who just happened to be in the picture. No one gives a shit about me and I'm okay with it.

>> No.8470711

At least a dozen times, but to be fair they were almost always the same three pictures more than likely posted by the same person because I was able to recognize the pattern and writing style of the anon.

At first I got really bent over it due to the nature of what was being said about me (most of it untrue) and I complained to my friends, but then I asked myself why I was even offended because even I knew they weren't my best cosplays. I take it with a grain of salt anymore if I ever show up in any threads. To be honest nobody really says anything negative anymore, and I still sometimes lurk threads just to see if I show up anywhere.

>> No.8470749

>Have you ever been posted to /cgl/?
>What was the context and how did it make you feel?
Twice each to substyle threads, I felt fairly neutral.

>> No.8470765

I just lurk usually, but I was posted multiple times in a current thread. No one called me fat, ugly, or said my outfit was shit, so I guess I feel relieved?

>> No.8470768

Very occasionally to lolita threads. Almost always in a positive fashion. Sometimes someone will comment on my face, it's long with kinda large everything.

Mostly I'm flattered and have to restrain myself from excitedly responding and being obnoxious.

>> No.8470772
File: 3.30 MB, 697x458, 101084-You-really-think-someone-would-HYhM[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted to /cgl/
>people respond with a bunch of rumours about me and make up shit as they go
>wait by my tumblr ask box, assuming people were ready to jump down my throat about said rumors so I could easily dispel them or whatever
>no messages

>"whatever, internet pettiness couldn't do anything to me irl"
>get banned from 3 lolita communities
>a couple of my lolita friends dropped me completely
>took it to /cgl/ and tried to dispel rumours
>"blah blah don't listen to her she's a lying cunt"

Through later investigation, I found it was one person with a major vendetta samefagging, since they followed me to a board with forced IDs several times trying to start shit.

Don't believe everything you read kid, especially if there's no source to it.

I'm curious if this has happened to others. To be fair, at the time I was pretty unlikable so it was reasonable why everyone was quick to believe it.

>> No.8470777

so are you Nia or what

>> No.8470811

Yea, no point denying it. I was pretty obnoxious. getting followed around just stopped affecting me anymore to be honest. I stopped feeling like shit about myself but moreso bad for whoever it was who kept posting "hi nia" even after 2+ years

I'm willing to accept my e-stalker as a lover as long as they admit they are gay for me.

>> No.8470823

I have twice. It was a shock to be looking through a thread and then see your face staring back at you. But luckily they were posted in threads posting cute lolita outfits.

>> No.8470824

I was posted once for a sailor lolita thread. As the OP picture. nothing bad was said so I was really flattered. like super duper flattered, made my month.
because little does /cgl/ know that was my first coord

>> No.8470833

I get posted in the ita threads, but only once, and only around Christmas time. It's from the same meet, too. The first time I was relieved because it was the first time, and I thought it would be awful but it wasn't. I seriously lived in fear of being posted to /cgl/... The weird part was that it wasn't a photo that had been posted or one that I had even posed for. Some weirdo took a picture of me while I wasn't looking for the specific purpose of posting it here. I feel kind of bad for that person, because they obviously have no life.
Anyways, the second time it happened, I was surprised, but not offended. I kinda laughed because I didn't look that bad.
Someone that comes only to that meet doesn't like me, I guess!

>> No.8470834

maybe if you didn't shit up every feels thread with your same sob since it happened people would have forgotten about you and moved on. If you really wanted people to stop focusing on you I think it would have been smart to stop trying to grab attention and sympathy at every opportunity.
There's no changing the past now though and hopefully others will learn from your mistakes.

>> No.8470846

I've been posted a couple times before, and whereas I used to get upset if mean things were said, now I just go lurk the self post thread and just think "lol. Kids."

>> No.8470850

if its the story I'm thinking about I've only posted it 3 times across a couple boards within the last two years and if thats enough to make you go into a rage I think that is rather petty of you.

>> No.8470852


I tried defending myself on another board against an ex with a serious vendetta. It didn't matter that I had caps proving he started shit. It didn't matter that 9 times out of 10 he was an attention whore looking to stir the pot. It didn't matter that people hated him worse. People just got sick of me by proxy because people tire of the same damn drama all the time, especially if it eats at someone else's thread.
It only stopped when I stopped giving it attention. It's the only way.

>> No.8470854

Occasionally reaction images I've made get posted here and I've seen my shitty high school drama blog posted about, but neither of those can actually be linked back to me so I see it as a hilarious and cringey secret.

>> No.8470856

Edit: that blog was made in my senior year of high school and has been inactive for about three years.

>> No.8470860


I'm a shitty photographer.

And I somewhat agreed. Oh well.

>> No.8470862

not raging in any way, it's just annoying when people stir up their own drama then cry that they're involved in drama

>> No.8470882

I'm thinking of something else entirely. Point is, I'm still followed by one person though. a single person. I was an immature summerfag who tripped due to some bad advice, I've learned from my mistakes, and I hope others have as well.

>> No.8470907

Someone posted me in a cringe thread saying I was ugly and had mental problems because I got mad at them for calling me a fakeboi. The whole thing flipped on them though and people were complimenting me rather than calling me cringey. It boosted my self esteem a lot, especially since the picture that was posted wasn't my best face.

Tbh whenever I feel insecure about my appearance I reread the archived thread to feel better about myself. :/

>> No.8470911

pretty much any time i post anywhere, usually positive. It's irritating though because when i selfpost (and say i'm selfposting) in a draw thread, or to contribute to the theme of certain threads when asked to self posts, people see it and assume i selfpost everywhere else too :/

>> No.8470919

I remember you, that person was nuts.

>> No.8470924

>trips of truth
Holy shit. Why can't this happen to better things?

>> No.8470930

Sf comm?
If so, damn that was ages ago

>> No.8470946

I know right

>> No.8470966

Your mom sounds so sweet. I'm glad you didn't quit.

>> No.8471020

I've been posted here quite a few times and it's always nice. Basically if you dress nice and are mostly quiet and reserved or reasonable on public websites /cgl/ will like you, but that's a lot to ask for some people (also being cute and/or thin helps).

>> No.8471112

i love match sets, so you're not alone anon

>> No.8471117

Nope, I haven't. I'm a little surprised too because there are a few people who don't like me and a number of my less-flattering lolita photos are public. Otoh, I'd like to post in the draw thread sometimes but since no one in my comm does, I'd feel a bit weird. I know they read cgl though.

>> No.8471118

i got posted in a cof thread recently cause i made a silly face in the photos i chose to post and people didn't like it lol. but most people were nicer than i expected and i honestly went away from it feeling motivated to smile more for special pics (since making a silly face is my go-to.) so i guess it worked out for the better

>> No.8471129

Just curious but if you know you look that way, why don't you fix it?

>> No.8471290

Got posted to an ita thread once for not wearing a wig. Bunch of anons defended me and called vendetta. Felt pretty good, actually.

>> No.8471333

Yes, in an ita thread. I felt like shit because I think I was told I looked gross too.
I also drawfag a bit and they still get posted around, so I guess there's something that I don't go wrong with!

>> No.8471350

Posted in a post-con photo dump once. One person said my height combined with my baby face was off-putting, and another complimented me. I was sort of disappointed by how painless my first time (and only so far) getting posted was.

>> No.8471381

I got posted in a black lolita thread. I try to avoid this by not tagging black lolita on any of my pictures on tumblr, but well, I am black so I guess it's unavoidable. I really wish people stop seeing me as a black lolita and as a lolita.

Also been posted in a convention thread.

>> No.8471414

I had a few coords posted in the ita thread, and looking back one of those coords was awful but the rest were basically nitpicks. I used the responses as crit to improve though Got posted to a favorite-lolita post twice though, that felt really nice.

>> No.8471427

A few years ago a girl who I used to be friends with got posted on here for her bad cosplay and shitlord attitude and I kind of got dragged in too since I was defending her.

>> No.8471433

I was posted as part of a group cosplay picture, but didn't get any comments on it since I was kind of blending in near the side (someone else mocked the person in front though)


>> No.8472149

I used to get posted quite often, only times it got any real reaction was when I was posted in the bad cosplay thread which got me to stop being lazy and being posted in fap threads, where I felt strangely happy that people found me hot enough for them.

>> No.8472159

>I think if I identify my measurements as plus size, and they are plus size measurements
What if someone whines about how they're plus size but they aren't? I knew a girl in my old comm who would complain about how fat she was and how she needed to lose weight and covered her facebook in "fat pride" and "fat acceptance" posts but was average/below average weight. As someone who actually is fat, it really pissed me off. It's liek one of those tumblr "transfat" troll posts

>> No.8472164

>I don't want to say "you fuckers are fat, be aware of it!" because that'd be mean
You must be a woman.

>> No.8472172

I had quite a bit of cgl drama concerning me a while back when I was a newfag. It got me chased out of my comm and I haven't bothered trying to go back because I tried apologizing once and they didn't forgive me.
In a way, I kind of liked reading all the negative comments about me. I have depression and horrible self image, so reading other people insulting me and saying how terrible of a person I am and how disgusting and ugly I am kind of justified all my personal feelings. Like "See? You're not the only one who hates you. You should kill yourself" kind of thing.
Maybe I'm a masochist?

>> No.8472207

Nope, me too.
Just remember that /cgl has a long memory. Being flamed on here killed my self esteem, but I try to keep reading threads here to remind myself that I'm not the only person that it's happened to

Some vendetta-chans are ruthless though. I have to wonder what it's like to feel that strongly about a stranger on the internet.

>> No.8472234

I've probably been posted in bad cosplay threads but I've never been around to see the posts so... indifferent, I suppose.

>> No.8472587

Had vendetta threads made about me. It was obvious pettiness (and samefagging) and cgl called them out on it every time. Had said vendetta stalk my platforms for a few years (and who knows currently).
Sometimes posted in fandom group shots. Nothing else otherwise said.

>> No.8472601

I was about to say I was never posted in an ita thread before but lo and behold my fandom coord from 2013 got posted just today
I'm laughing more than anything else because I've improved quite a bit since then.

>> No.8472609

someone posted a link to my unfinished storenvy that I had accidentally left open once...they added some really weird commentary pretending to be me and I was just...confused? It only got one reply. It seemed almost vendetta-y because I'm not that well-known and don't post myself a lot and what they said wasn't really in line with anything I've ever said. But I don't think I've ever done anything to warrant a vendetta so...idk.

>> No.8472621

A vendettafag with (justified) beef against someone I used to be friends with tried to shit all over me too. Liked to post me in hate threads about her and call me an ugly bitch and a hack, because she used to call me her "cosplay senpai" and I was apparently sullied just by association. It never went anywhere though, because I've got such a hard lock on all my personal info that people just straight up didn't have any info to bitch about.

Dude is fucking nuts, regardless of how deserved the bitching was about the girl I used to know. He's one of those freaky sociopaths or whatever that intentionally tries to sow misinformation between people to make them hate each other, just so he can have a good laugh. Nobody I know likes him.

>> No.8472623

I know who you are
na na na na-na-na

>> No.8472635

And...I think you know who you are?

>> No.8472639

Whats my name, then?

>> No.8472641

Well if you're who I think you are, I like you too much to post your name on 4chan lol

>> No.8472647

As a black lolita, I like to look at others for inspiration. I don't think it has anything to do with people not viewing you as simply a lolita.

>> No.8473201
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Salty bitches self posted me. I watched them post me repeatedly so they could "shame" my self posts and call me out. It was the weirdest shit I had ever seen. They just sat there circle jerking through every thread that way. Eventually got paranoid when anons chimed in so they cried to our comm saying I was picking fights with them. They still hold it against me to this day and blame me for most of their current "mental illnesses".

>> No.8473207

Thank you anon
>Lolita has made me the happiest I've ever been

>> No.8473256

>other people self-posted you

>> No.8473263

I think they meant they got posted by people pretending it was a self-post, which I've seen and usually people are smart enough to figure out its vendetta or a joke but not always.
Often it's because original Anon has done some shit to piss them off first, legit or not. it's Usually not just completely unprovoked, there's often more to the story.

>> No.8473265

Yep. Most have been positive but a few have been negative posts that I'm sure are two chicks I use to be friends with back in high school. Drama that I wasn't even apart of has made them salty as hell. High school was years ago ladies. Grow up.

>> No.8473301

Fap thread. I was admittedly happy until someone else said my face was too ugly for the thread.

>> No.8473304
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>Have you ever been posted to /cgl/? What was the context and how did it make you feel?

Yeah, I used to get posted a lot in a negative light for cosplay. It was kind of odd seeing people make things up about me and act like they knew me and it used to really get to me, but now I look back and cringe anyway. I'm glad I dropped my old online handle and moved on.

I also got posted in a good plus size lolita thread once and someone said they would bang me even though they don't go for fat chicks so, you win some you lose some?

>tfw someone I know irl who hates me was posted in an ita thread at the same time

>> No.8473323

Pretty much this.

>> No.8474452

I'd do it for honest critique since facebook won't give it to me.

>> No.8474478

I feel you, I never heard criticism until I was posted. I agreed and wanted to see what I should have done instead but you can't get that insight from Facebook. Cgl is getting better at spotting vendettas too so it doesn't stray off topic as much as it did before janitors cared imo. People still cry about this place but it's definitely a lot softer than it used to be.

>> No.8474518

Yeah, it made me feel really bad. They were discussing my bitchface and why I look pissed off in every picture. From that day on, I stopped posting my face online.

>> No.8474550

Holy shit I remember you! I've never seen an OP get BTFO like that before. So glad it worked out for you and not them. Oh my they were so butt blasted it was amazing.

>> No.8474563

Link to the post? I'd like to read. I like seeing bitter anons get beaten up.

>> No.8474577

I think they might be twisting it from average build in lolita brands tend to be from L to XL since Japan sizes differently. Probably using it to fuel their low self esteem

>> No.8474585

Yeah I got posted for a handmade dress. I got a mixed response part positive part negative but the thing that really made me sad was that the circumstances surrounding made it obvious that most of the posters were from my comm/ people I had on my FB. I deleted literally everyone from my friends list except for a few people I was confident wouldn't post me.

Overall my feelings are mixed. Glad I learned in a relatively painless way not to trust anyone but sad that people I knew personally were talking about me behind my back it would have been easier if I could have assumed they were strangers : / mostly just glad it's over.

>> No.8474645

A handful a times. Mostly nitpick threads but at least two ita threads. The criticism was overall really helpful with the exception of one ita thread.

>> No.8474689


>> No.8474705

Yes. As the boyfriend of a high-profile cosplayer. (Who I broke up with several years ago.)

Felt like shit.

>> No.8474914

Yes, mostly positive feedback from a con when I was underage and one person called me fat despite me being painfully petite.

>> No.8474924

>Through later investigation, I found it was one person with a major vendetta samefagging
Yeah it was shippou and everyone knows because he admitted it and posted shit about you on trip for months. good detective work, sherlock

>> No.8474977

You look pretty ugly to me but that's not a valid reason for someone to send you that weird email and post about it here. Wonder what their damage was

>> No.8475350

I think I know who this is about. Is your ex from Texas?

>> No.8475474

I'm pretty sure she just wanted to avoid names. She only told her name when you guys asked

>> No.8475495

Yes was posted and linked to the thread from ljs old plus size comm.
Ita thread probably but they just wanted to put me down over my measurements.
Made me realize I was getting fat and knew nothing of Lolita.
Now losing weight and well informed thanks to my fellow salty cunts.

>> No.8475498

well she changed the circumstances of the situation completely by doing that.
Nia was a huge autistic idiot who everyone knew they could fuck with by insulting her because she would ALWAYS defend herself and never give it up. And look here, she's still posting this story. Still can't give it up.
Move the fuck on.

>> No.8475506

I've been posted both positively and negatively. I usually laugh at the negative ones. Why would I get upset over anons on the interwebz?

>> No.8475524

One time. Most people really liked it but one person told me I was fat and... ok cool I don't care.
Nothing big really. I don't stick my neck out much at all. Mostly just lurk for cringe stories and knowledge/tips.

>> No.8475552

whenever I shared a lolita photo on any online community I ended up in the ita thread with people making really hurtful comments about my body.
I guess my coords themselves weren't so bad but the fact I have funny proportions made me stand out in a bad way so I always ended up being called an ita.
ever since I am not dressing in lolita anymore.

>> No.8475573

That seems a shame. It's not really fair to post people for things they cannot help. Is there any way you can maybe dress a bit better for your body type?

>> No.8475623

I try, it is already hard enough for me to dress in normal clothes that fit me (I have lipedema both on my arms and legs, people around here named me "cankle chan") and I am very tall to boot. so lolita dresses are too short for me, same as skirts. there's only one item of lolita I've left unmodified and still its a bit too short to wear without something opaque underneath.
I gave it up. I wear these items combined with normal stuff and I go to a lolita meetup once in a while (haven't dressed full lolita in years) . but I'm not taking part in the online community again anymore

>> No.8475638

Found the fatty.

>> No.8475925

Eh, they look average to me. A little makeup and a less stupid expression would help a lot.

There's no fucking way it's a guy though, so I can see why that anon would think it's a fakeboi, regardless of how retarded they were about it.

>> No.8475926

does btb once, it was only a minor thing that no one really cared about by the next line of posts

>> No.8475934

If you are the tall girl who posed in the lovely room by the window, I used to look for your coords. Even so, I'm sorry to hear it but I'm glad you go to meetup sometimes still.

>> No.8475946
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>> No.8475950

Oh trust me, I take in every bit of advice /cgl/ has to give, but some bros are just ugly. :^)

>> No.8476137

Once in the ita thread, but only as part of a group picture. Everyone seemed to think that I was one of the people who looked okay. It was still kind of weird, though.

>> No.8476149

Way back in the day when someone was having some living doll contest I entered it and my entry was posted on here. All I remember is being told I looked like a man, but a handsome man.
I never noticed I had masculine features till then, so it just kinda made me more aware of how I look.

>> No.8476525

Found the vendetta OP

>> No.8476539

I got posted on a skirt thread once. Made me feel happy that someone liked my coord.

>> No.8477727

Posted quite a few times for one cosplay, once or twice in another. Reactions were pretty harsh but the design had a bit of an ambiguous scheme and I chose what was more flattering on me before pre-made wigs and costumes set the standard. It stung for a while but I was able to dig some concrit out of it eventually.

>> No.8477731


>> No.8477835

I was posted to a bad cosplay thread a few weeks ago for my Paradise Live Kotori. All that was really said was that I'm a fatty which I admit, I'm a bit chubby. I've been working out though!

>> No.8478170

Same, some people are just bitter and need someone to lash out on. It is unfortunate if it happens to you, but you can't take it personally.

>> No.8478184

Right? I don't even go look at the cosplay groups I've been in for years on facebook because no one is allowed to critique without sugarcoating it to death. Sometimes people need blatant truth to improve.

>> No.8478620

One time our group pic got posted to a series-specific thread, and they just mentioned that they only liked someone else in the pic and no one else. Oh well.

The other time was a well-meaning, good concrit plus someone defending from an obvious vendetta-fag. However, most of the other posters (or 1-2 angry samefags which I'm sure was the case) in the thread were dissing my cosplay pal so it didn't make me any happier, especially when most of those things they said about them weren't even true.

>> No.8478627 [DELETED] 

Nah, it was some chick actually.
I could tell because his vendettas have a "fuck u you skank whore" tone to them which anyone could smell from a mile away. Hers were.. different. after I retreated, dropped trip and apoligized she'd chase me down, and sent me an essay of an email basically saying "all you have to do is change who you are completely and I'll stop, honey, I care about you, but what you're doing is really deserving how I treat you~"

I'm posting this story in a relevant thread though after not talking about it for years... are you my lover? again.. I'll accept you if you just accept you're gay for me.

>> No.8478629

Nah, it was some chick actually.
I could tell because his vendettas have a "fuck u you skank whore" tone to them which anyone could smell from a mile away. Hers were.. different. after I retreated, dropped trip and apoligized she'd chase me down, and sent me an essay of an email basically saying "all you have to do is change who you are completely and I'll stop, honey, I care about you, but what you're doing is really deserving how I treat you~"

I'm posting this story in a relevant thread though after not talking about it for years... are you her? again.. I'll accept you if you just admit you're gay for me.

>> No.8478633

>and I'll stop, honey, I care about you, but what you're doing is really deserving how I treat you~"
god don't even care about any drama you may have but let me just say it makes my blood boil when strangers on the fucking internet who apparently have nothing better to do start stirring shit and chastising some rando, and then have the gall to excuse it with 'oh I just care about you~' or 'you deserved it, and it is my job as an anonymous stranger to tell you how to behave and lecture you so I could feel better about my own shortcomings'.
Bull fucking shit.

Same goes for idle pricks who make themselves feel better about their miserable lives by shitting on fat people/'lolcows'. I'm underweight and they sometimes piss me off with their fatvangelism but I don't make it my life's mission to insult every fatty and then say I do it because 'I care about their health/taxpayer money'

>> No.8478636

Been posted in cof threads a couple times, feels pretty shitty but also kinda funny because a couple people dislike one or two things about me and call me gross then there'll be multiple anons calling them salty

leaves you not knowing where you stand though

>> No.8478659

Been posted only once, as an example of properly wearing lace underskirt in Lolita. It made me feel very good!

>> No.8480460

I've been posted probably 3-4 times. Once good in a theme lolita thread, and the others in nitpick/ita threads. I feel like it may be someone I know posting me because the pictures never really get any comments other than "this isn't ita" or some small suggestion to change. I think it's just jealousy, so I laugh and take any constructive criticism that is actually useful.

>> No.8480643

/cgl/ confirmed for biggest bully board.

>> No.8481496

Posted in ita thread anytime I get creative and use offbrand pieces.
Post creative coord with brand pieces, no one posts me anywhere.
(this is when I post to CoF. no one steals my photos from comm or personal FB or Tumblr)

At first I felt shitty, but then I realized the pattern and now I really don't care.

>> No.8481501

Offbrand is one of the biggest vices and easiest way to ruin a great coord. If you have brand, why don't you wear it? If it's off pieces like vintage blouses, honestly just buy a second hand brand blouse and that'll solve your issue.
>I tend to rip apart weird offbrand choices
>sorry if that was ever you, anon

>> No.8481508

I guess cause it's fun to wear offbrand and mix things up? I like the creativity factor and sticking to purely brand is limiting.
Mixing in offbrand is a challenge, and one you can do on a budget.
It's no big. I like using unusual things, you dislike them. Apology accepted (assuming it may have been).
I also mix in elements of other styles, and I know that is often not accepted well either.
Basically, I do this for my own expression, and if others don't like it, that's fine. I just wish people could express their dislike without being so rude sometimes, even if it is anonymous.
I do like the honest concrit when people aren't being super mean about it. (That's not to say I always agree.) And I lurk here to learn things.

sorry that was super long

>> No.8481514

No, I definitely get you. If I'm going off and doing daily lolita, it's honestly easier and a better idea to grab offbrand at times. I'm not going to use a brand new IW blouse when it's hot outside and I'll just want toss it into the wash later.

You just have to be really careful with it in lolita, especially when you're putting yourself onto CoF which is sort of the lolita spotlight. If you get posted multiple times, I don't think you're as good as you want to be with it. Maybe look up someone like Fanny for an example of using non-lolita pieces in lolita. It can be really beautiful like that, but not always totally lolita is the issue.

Keep polishing yourself if this is the route you want to go, though.

>> No.8481516

Got posted as an example of the type of cosplay the person is looking for. Why they couldn't have just posted a pic of the character is beyond me. It still weirds me out because it was only my second time using a wig for cosplay and I didn't style the bangs properly. Thankfully they weren't bashing me or anything.

>> No.8481517

Some people get their feathers ruffled when people post a coord that breaks rules in order to be creative or use offbrand or if it mashes up with another style enough that it's debatable that the style posted is still clearly lolita. Could that have been the issues?

Because I've seen gulls praise both when done a certain way. But then, still gulls, you know?

>> No.8481527

Yeah. That's pretty much it. I post my daily outfits (or used to before I got lazy) and people seem to only post their more perfect coords or at least fantastic photography of the less perfect ones.
I'll keep working on it, thank you for the advice and encouragement.

Yeah I do think that's a big part of it. I take a lot of inspiration from quirky Japanese lolita coords that are more experimental. Post a model in something similar and people love it. Non-Japanese girl does it, and it's not following the rules.
If you have any advice or other lolitas who do this that you'd recommend I follow, please let me know! I do want to improve, I just don't want to lose my creative artsy side while I do it.

>> No.8481532

got posted once in a lolita waifu thread.
was pretty gassed.

>> No.8481554

Yes, in the good Bodyline thread, which felt really nice

>> No.8481686

Old famous who doesn't get that much attention anymore but still pops up from time to time. I'm really expressive so any candid of me looks retarded. I have all of them saved, including when people photoshopped me into porn. Best advice is to tell yourself you are doing well if you get 4chan infamous.

>> No.8481705

I'd recommend starting a blog, Instagram or tumblr and only tag your coords lolita (and post to COF) if they follow the rules BUT to certainly continue using lolita pieces very creatively otherwise, it's one of my favorite things to do and to see. I think the gripe is more in what you are calling it if it bends the rules too much but you are still calling it a 'Lolita coord' and posting it in a place that really only likes coords that follow the rules. I get both sides and I understand it but I can see why it would feel frustrating to both sides too. My favorite person who mixes lolita with other stuff is Lauran, and for Classic, Fanny Rosie of course. I follow MySubarashiiLolidays as well. I like what they all do with Lolita pieces.

>> No.8481981

Thank you for the advice! I have actually been considering doing that instead, so this is like confirmation. I like Lauran's coords a lot. Fanny Rosie has beautiful outfits too, I've seen a few of them. I'll have to look at more of hers. I'll check out MySubarashiiLolidays too, I haven't heard of them yet.
I appreciate the feedback.

>> No.8482000

Been posted once when drama exploded in my comm. some anon thought it would be a great idea to tell all of cgl that I was a rape victim. Plan backfired and while some people were cruel a lot of the girls ended up giving me love and support. It was a nice plot twist for a situation that I thought was going to be a lot worse.

>> No.8482072

ass or gtfo

>> No.8482092

there are no men on cgl
post ass or leave

>> No.8482114

I was once posted to a favourite coords thread. I was wearing a nice and simple coord and it made me feel good! Not too often do simpler coords get attention as people deem them 'casual'.

>> No.8482115

>If people hate me I must be doing something right!
Or maybe you're just really annoying?

>> No.8482124

Unfortunately they all migrated to /fit/

>> No.8484116

Someone once posted my cosplay and praised it to be the best cosplay of this character ever and of course it was declared as a self-post. I guess the person meant well but I really wanted to punch them for making me look like I spend my days posting and praising myself on /cgl/.

>> No.8484429

Posted in plus-size Jfashion, which was a nice surprise, I was expecting to get ripped apart if I was ever on here.

>> No.8485933

Been posted in the ita threads once or twice for questionable decisions I made for my coordinates. Been posted more in good coordinate threads and such. Recently though, I've been all over in that infamous Tifaret/butchered CTP photo.

>> No.8485948

nah I just like to keep up with lolcows and followed your antics as they happened. It's been desperate times since PT shut down.

>> No.8488235

I see this happen occasionally and wonder if it's a weird kind of vendetta.

I've never been posted here and I don't post other people so that's a good balance. I think it's a shame we have to read cgl to find out what's going on now since almost all other lolita groups and sites are bad. I didn't used to come here but now when I dont, I kind of feel out of the loop on news.

>> No.8488244

i wanted to be an legendary lolcow
didnt work

>> No.8490984

there was a drama thread about me at least five years ago due to some shit talking I had done on another site, I was young so I replied in the thread like an idiot

>> No.8494507

Nope, probably because I don't shit-talk or post people. But it will probably happen eventually because of a nitpick or someone's opinion of ita. I'm not going to hide away my photos though and if I get some meaningful crit, I'll use it.