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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8466669 No.8466669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread is dedicated to Chokelate.

Post your Chokelates.

>> No.8466671

Hahah wtf stop

>> No.8466673
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>> No.8466675
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>> No.8466678
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>> No.8466679
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Can we voice how we appreciate her childish tamper tantrums as well >>8466582? I feel better about my behavior every time.

>> No.8466683
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>> No.8466684

Can we talk about her shoe brand?

>> No.8466689

Her shoe design is kind of plain for me. I wonder how much she is thinking of selling it for especially since it's made out of quality materials.

>> No.8466690

She has a show brand now???

I'm interested in seeing it, even though this thread is hilarious considering how much of an ass she's making of herself in the AM thread right now.

>> No.8466693

I don't think many will argue that she's a lovely dresser and quite pretty, but her looks only get her so far here. Whenever she shows up in threads her attitude is awful (see: "oh you refuse to just take me at my word and blindly believe anything I say? ENTITLED!!!") and it's quite frustrating and even saddening to see.

Though some anons here love to harp on Lor for her face, which she can't help, at least Lor is nice and helpful whenever I've seen her talking to other lolitas.
>captcha those are croissants and you made me pick them as "cookies"

>> No.8466694

How about no? Why the fuck we should have appreciation thread for her, she's not Jesus

>> No.8466699

Because she made the thread for herself and is a narcissist.
>she did the same thing back in the day too and samefagged the shit out of them

>> No.8466700

I don't think she was saying that people should believe her, just that they shouldn't be rude about it when they want something from her. Seems fair enough to me

>> No.8466707

Do you have proof of this? Because we're going to need proof!

>> No.8466709

Nobody was rude until she called an anon "entitled" just because they said it was weird for her to not post the caps when everyone know screencapping takes relatively little time and effort.

She's in the wrong, but in good sperg fashion, won't admit that.

>> No.8466715

Stop being entitled anon, gosh, why am I being cussed? If you want the proof so badly then why don't you just look in the archives yourself since it will be quicker? I'll post them in my own good time :^)

>> No.8466723

Telling someone to shut their big fat mouth is pretty rude. Where are you from that that is considered normal? A trailer park?

>> No.8466729

Stop being such a terrible spergloid and kill yourself for not showing caps right away!!11

>> No.8466730

Lor is a better lolita than Chokelate, imho. At least Lor talks to people like people whereas Choke talks down to people like they're dumb, Amerifat cash cows for her wig tumbleweeds.

>> No.8466736

Wow..."big fat mouth." Well clearly, this is the worst kind of "cussing" that can happen on 4chan.

Yeah nah, that's nothing and she's clearly looking for a straw to grasp because she doesn't want to post the caps, because they don't exist. She wasn't going to post them before, and now she can use the convenient excuse that one anon was "rude" and slighted her highness so now she feels she doesn't have to.
What a bitch.

>> No.8466741

Confirmed for trailer trash.

>> No.8466747

Nope, sorry Chokelate.

>> No.8466752

Spergloid? 'Scuse? What makes you think you can talk to me that way on 4chan? Well now that you've been rude to me I'm definitely not posting caps, so there. Eat shit trailer trash scum.

>> No.8466757

Her outfits are so fucking mediocre. why people think she's a top dresser is beyond me.

>> No.8466761

Really? Then where were you raised where it's ok and not rude to talk to someone like that? Because I have some serious concerns for you, John.

>inb4 John is being a rude dick to Choke to provoke her into not posting.

Actually quite obvious

>> No.8466765
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>yfw everyone who cusses on 4chan is John

It must be uncomfortable being you.
Is this a troll?

>> No.8466777

He's the only one with an interest in not having her post the caps

>> No.8466783

Everyone is pretty interested in her posting caps.

She's the only one who refuses to post them here because one anon told her to do it or shut up about it. Does that mean Choke is actually John?

>> No.8466788

She posted that there won't be caps if people would be dicks. People continued to be dicks. Seems pretty obvious to me that those people didn't want caps posted.

>> No.8466790

>>inb4 John is being a rude dick to Choke to provoke her into not posting.

This is such bullshit.
If she's such a spergcopter that she demands that everyone on cgl worship her ass then that's her problem. If she doesn't post because of something someone said then that's her whiney choice, put your big girl panties on and stop ripping them off for your John hateboner.

>> No.8466794

>one person was rude
Now people are annoyed and frustrated with her because she called them "entitled." Nobody else's fault but her own. Deal with it.

>> No.8466796

If that's true then that's even more of a reason for her to post the damn caps.
Personally I think she does have them, she's just dragging this out in a bratty attempt to make /cgl/ look bad. "See, I had the caps all along! You guys are such drama whores, lol calm down! "

>> No.8466801

Thing is, she isn't making anyone but herself look bad.

>> No.8466808

If she has caps then there's no reason to worry about people believing her anyway. She can post proof whenever she wants

>> No.8466811

Oh please. She knows /cgl/ as well as you or I do. Anyone else who posted here "lol I'll give you something if you're nice to me!" would immediately get way worse. It's fucking 4chan! She knows this! Everyone knows if you ask people to do something on 4chan half the time they do the opposite.
Plus chances are good that the shut up anon isn't even invested in the drama, or they're John or they'er some rando passerby who isn't even a lolita. So basically she's withholding useful information because someone was a random jerk to her after she came to a website she knows is 50% random jerks who hate being told what to do and asked people not to be jerks to her. I can't over emphasize how stupid this is.

>> No.8466821

Just dropping in to point out that in the AM thread she never stipulated for everyone to be nice to her or else she wouldn't post caps.

An anon told her to post the caps or shut up, and it wasn't until that point that she called a bunch of anons entitled and then said
>"If you want something, don't be a dick to the person you want it from, pretty simple."

So no, not posting caps in response to a person getting touchy was a complete afterthought and sounds sketchy. If this were any other person in a huge drama situation we'd tear them to pieces and then call them idiots for not posting proofs. I make no exceptions for Chokelate. PT is my queen, she isn't.

>> No.8466831

Agreed. Lor may not be pretty like Chokelate but it is proof that personality does trump looks. If chokelate only posted pictures of herself and never talked, I wouldn't mind her, but her behavior now mars any pretty picture I see of her.

>> No.8466870

I had doubts about her being retarded but at last I truly see

>> No.8467023
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Weren't yall kissing her butt a couple of AM threads ago? I only read the first couple to get the scoop

>> No.8467024
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Tbh I'm really glad Choke is a lolita, and I'm glad her attitude is what it is. Because of her height, slender figure and pretty face she can make her mediocre coords look great. When I introduce newfags to lolita I like to show them choke, because everything looks so fucking good on her. Also, at least she put coords together herself instead of buying a whole set like ex. Milkyfawn etc.
Also, because of her sassy attitude she is actually able to handle criticism, unlike so many others. She has the confidence an efameous lolita would need, unlike others like Kate who had to start fuckings lace because of a poop rumour. Or that other girl... the one that made that lace video about what a wonderful lolita she was. Choke wouldn't need to do shit like that because she KNOWS that shes pretty. She doesn't have to prove it. She doesn't give a shit about what people on the internet says about her appearance.

>> No.8467028
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>> No.8467030
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>> No.8467039

Well at least she isn't up John's ass like Misako. Makes her x10 better in my book already.

>> No.8467044
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>> No.8467050
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This is one of my favorite photos of her

>> No.8467092

>she is able to handle criticism

It's like you haven't paid attention at all, because she doesn't and never has handled it well.

>> No.8467138

I'd say it's a vendetta thread because you'd have to be a complete retard to think this thread would end up in anything but bitching about her. Honestly the vendetta chan who kept popping up in the AM threads was creepy as fuck and I wouldn't be surprised if this were them trying to stir up more shit.

>> No.8467191

Her being a bitch in the last AM thread was not a vendetta. It's clear for anyone to see in the archives.

>> No.8467216

Nothing against Choke personally, but damn, she's really mediocre as a lolita. A lot of these coords would get no attention/wind up in nitpick threads if she wasn't thin and pretty.
Like the clashing shoes in >>8466675 >>8466683 and >>8467028
These would get so much hate if they were worn by girlytoot or even lor.
Do prettier girls really get this much of a free pass to post mediocre coords?