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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 247 KB, 392x307, 1430867776443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8464926 No.8464926[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have some fresh or old cringe to share?

>> No.8464927


>> No.8464961

There's already a cringe thread. Check the catalog next time, maybe?

>> No.8464991

Fuck I should stop drinking, I'm deleting this shit now.

>> No.8469676

It's ok anon. We all make drunk mistakes sometimes.

>> No.8472849

Requesting the fat fem Loki with the green tassels and saggy tits

>> No.8472921

well that one is autosaging so now this is relevant

>> No.8472972
File: 920 KB, 500x500, ANGRILY MAKES PANCAKES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes wearing honey cake
>in my fav colorway

>> No.8474133


>> No.8474140

what even is this oh my god

>> No.8474143

"kawaii dess" oh my god

>> No.8474150

Don't forget her tips on how to become a living doll

>> No.8474156

how do people end up making such shitty coords/videos in fucking 2015

>> No.8474304
File: 480 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going on right now

>> No.8474309
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>> No.8474313

Holy shit

>> No.8474356

>sorry I'm hot

Jackie honey, you drunk. Go home. Maybe if you closed your mouth you would be semi hot.

>> No.8474362
File: 465 KB, 1366x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know this person besides her annoying posts on the convention page, but I looked at her profile pics and her face is pretty at least. But that is it, she legit sounds like a terrible person like the girl she was fighting with said.

>pic related, so accurate

>> No.8474376
File: 977 KB, 450x338, tumblr_mzm59x4oRP1qfo87uo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot as hell

>> No.8474411

Known as a creeper on conventions

>> No.8474497

>because I have colored hair in high school
So she's what, 13? Everyone was retarded at 13. I'm just glad YouTube didn't exist yet when I was.

>> No.8474502

^can have, what is proofreading

>> No.8474507

Don't know who any of those people are, but Kaiden sounds really lovely herself.

>> No.8474514

Yeah, why is Ohio so terrible...

>> No.8474526
File: 15 KB, 206x274, 11062914_10206902168983434_6647550641827471357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently this lady (who wanted the Tangled themed wedding and a 70ft long veil) isn't really engaged to the person on her Facebook, and there's a good chance that she doesn't actually have a fiancé. Did she just want to brag about her "Tangled themed wedding with a 70ft long veil #whatPunziewantsPunziegets!!!", or what?

>> No.8474601


>> No.8474612

I don't really see a line in the photo though.

>> No.8474665

Aw, she deleted it.

>> No.8474673

dumb fucks fighting on facebook, how great

>> No.8474677


>> No.8474678
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Continuing the saga from the last thread. She didn't learn a bit.

>> No.8474695

>basic white girl bag
>oozing glee over followers

God, I was one of the anons railing on her for acting like black was special and that she was stupid for acting like social media follows and likes mattered. It's great to know she literally took nothing to heart and was just trying to act like she was listening so we'd shut up. This girl is the definition of narcissism.

>> No.8474702

Idk what's worse: bragging about followers or bragging about that ugly, poorly constructed bag.

>> No.8474704

Why is she wearing that ratty ass wig out and about? She looked fine with her natural hair.

>> No.8474712

I wish people like this would shut up. She's just so casually racist over a stupid ugly bag. The bag isn't for white girls? It's a fucking bag.
Also, your whole gimmick is cosplaying a white girl and she apparently even wears the ratty platinum blonde wig casually. Way to show your shaky racial pride, but what else is new for black tumblrettes.

>> No.8474728

Derpy eyes? Ahegao?

>> No.8474756

>tfw think lolita girls are super cute
>tfw try to talk to them at cons but you're awkward as fuck and have horrible anxiety
>tfw just shake and stutter in front of them for about five minutes before sprinting away before they can call their boyfriends to kill you

I know one day I'll be posted in here

>> No.8474963

I'm going to follow here so I can laugh like I just did watching this

>> No.8474971

If she keeps her mouth shut normies will think she's just a goth

>> No.8474982
File: 604 KB, 320x178, wtf-ceiling-crawl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know actual humans could fall this deep into uncanny valley. The way she moves creeps me out hardcore.

>> No.8474987

I remember when I saw my first lolita. I was so impressed/nervous/awed I took her picture (asked ofc) and I thought she was so pretty. But then last year I found that picture and it was a fatty-chan in stretched to hell AP.

>> No.8474992

She's trying to be uguu kawaii animu girl

>> No.8475237


>> No.8475243

Does anyone have that one girl saying she's a cat? She's underage I believe.

>> No.8475255

>wouldn't it be itchy to wear dresses
>it takes a lot of time i mean you need to put on shoes and socks
Does she even know what she is saying

>> No.8475259

Fairy key.
This girl is so clueless.
I should know better than to come to this thread, it just makes me disgusted.

>> No.8475266

What is she even recording these videos with? A potato. Even my laptop's built in webcam looks better.

>> No.8475277

Is that a wig, or did she dye her hair blonde?

>> No.8475282

Do you really want to see her any better though?

What do you call someone who has not even achieved status of 'basic' yet? Surely there's a term.

>> No.8475285

>that dance at the end
I have no words

>> No.8475376


they look like weebs performing in a middle school talent show

>> No.8475389

>weebs in a middle school talent show.

God, they do. Is that a Milk shirt? Who is their audience supposed to be? This is some cringey little girl bubblegum pop filled with sexual inuendos.

>> No.8475399

you didnt know she was fat in the beginning?

>> No.8475400

Wow. They're really autotuned in this version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLYvOS1RmuM

It's my pet peeve when they can't even bother to get real-time autotune. Like if you're going to pretend you can sing, please keep up that facade live.

>> No.8475407

>sexual inuendos


>> No.8475415

Why are their outfits so unflattering? Why are they so bad at dancing? How did they get this much recognition being so bad at everything?

>> No.8475416

Holy shit, anon. I expect these kind of lyrics on a Beyonce track. Not this cutesy stuff. This is painful.
>here me when when I come
>when I pop my cherry ~gum~
My bones are rattled.

>> No.8475419

Too much auto tune, the lives seem pretty sucky in comparison. Those wigs though...so cheap and shiny.

>> No.8475462

why does she just scream "white trash" so much?

>> No.8475479

Because she is? Watch her makeup tutorial...

>> No.8475536


This is a mess of a watch if you can sit through it. Some highlights:
>meetup for my fans in Salt Lake
>an unwarranted 50 shades review
>jfc that dad yelling in parts of the video

>> No.8475558

Just saw a popular post on tumblr about how this fake-boi got triggered because she was called "cute"
>I'm done

>> No.8475566

First world problems, aye?

>> No.8475569

She's someone's little girl. She looks and sounds very young. You guys are some salty weird bitches, making fun of kids.

>> No.8475570

That and getting one ketchup packet when you just wanted two

>> No.8475574

That "little kid" has put herself out there on Youtube for the world to see. Jesus, am I glad I didn't have access to Youtube when I was younger. Kids are dumb as hell.
>someone's little girl
>>8475536 go to 9:43. That angry dad's little girl, yes.

>> No.8475663

Shame about her personality because wb/10

>> No.8475669

The entire anime matsuri facebook group at all times

A group of grown men and women who have not mentally progressed past "naruto headband wearing high schooler"

>> No.8475689

She's cute, she was being humorous and tongue in cheek and probably meta or some shit, I think that's what cool young people do or something. I'm not saying I get it, since I'm none of those things.

Can't be mad (unless we're discussing the untidy room complete with upturned basket, in which case yes, we need to talk).

>> No.8475712

Ah yes, the cupcake fashion incident

>> No.8475719
File: 41 KB, 643x960, FB_IMG_1436795582140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
Im cringed everytime someone does a shitty cosplay and said like this as an excuse.

>> No.8475733

That's her lacefront wig buddy. She never washes it but wears it ever single day

>> No.8475736

>you make me want to wommit

>> No.8475812

I'm the anon that started the fight with her. I'm actually surprised she didn't whine about it all over her Facebook or Tumblr or whatever.

>> No.8475826

When people go on rants about those "dumb white girls" it's actually just them shitting on women and pretending it's a race thing. Internalized mysoginism and all that (yes I know, that buzzword hurr). It's a pretty crappy thing to do considering how shit on girls already get for everything. Oh let me make fun of these girls for liking things marketed towards them, I'm not like those OTHER girls. This chick is fucking obnoxious.

>> No.8475914
File: 29 KB, 342x257, 51wJI2jOvVL._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That time she was cosplaying a wabbit

>> No.8475948

Well, she isn't lying. That is a good cammy bodysuit and she is hot as hell. She blatantly exercises in order to achieve that status, as is evident from the lack of flabby protrusions and her generally toned aesthetic.

This is not cringeworthy, you're just jealousy.

>> No.8475951


>> No.8475956

Did you know your dick is blinding you? I think you should get it cut off because it's poisoning you.

>> No.8475967

she sounds like her crisis is that of a 7yr old trying to carry themselves

>> No.8475968

But it is, the fact that she blowing her own whistle so hard is extremely embarrassing to read, she does have good craftsmanship and a nice body, but she also seems to be very far up her own butt.

>> No.8475971

merely appreciating investment into maintaining good health and aesthetics.

One of the most important aspects of cosplay is aesthetic accuracy. it is simply impossible to (properly) cosplay cammy without good physical fitness.

Don't worry, you oughtn't be demonised for wearing a costume that properly demonstrates the amount of effort you put into improving your body either.

I think it was an appropriate response to being (implicitly) called an attention whore for attempting to cosplay someone that is appropriate for her aesthetic qualities. She's merely aware of her superiority to the mean.

>> No.8475975

should you choose to do so, that is.

>> No.8475976

im gonna hate it if tomorrow i wake up with this on my head
even lolirock do better

>> No.8476001
File: 127 KB, 1080x823, Screenshot_2015-07-12-20-49-31~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl is insane. We are friends, but she's on my feed all of the time.

>tfw she's kind of funny looking

>> No.8476004
File: 131 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being physically fit means nothing to Cammy if you have such a sad nonexistent ass.

Either way she posts on the con page all the time, like an unfinished Starfire costume (the one with the straps) and her panel about fake gamur gurlz. I'm not any of the people fighting with her but she kinda is an attention whore. The other girl was acting trashy too but yeah.

>> No.8476006

eh, she is a bit over confident but not that bad. Looks an okay leotard but would have to see the rest to judge if that was bad

Even that Kaiden is not being that embarrassing just a bit petty

>> No.8476008
File: 54 KB, 1010x376, Screenshot_2015-07-13-12-35-14~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Aren't friends, sorry.

>> No.8476012
File: 458 KB, 1668x644, butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being physically fit means nothing
it really doesn't. And we didn't see her ass

I demand ass picks
plus sf4 cammy did only have a small but perky one

>> No.8476021

She just needs more squats and a hug. At least she has a realistic perception of herself (Hot girls that know they're hot are better than butter-planets that think they're hot).
Anyway what does "mayo that's been on the sidewalk for a couple days" mean?

>> No.8476071

She bitches about everything, jfc. How old is she? She acts like a bratty little high school girl

>> No.8476074

>/fit/ idiot
Well, that explains everything. Standards are low as long as she had meat, huh?
>merely aware of her mental superiority
Are you stupid? I guess as long as you life you're better than everyone else?

>> No.8476076

*lift. damn phone.

>> No.8476084
File: 993 KB, 317x178, 1426701611778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but hot girls who know theyre hot and brag about it are worse than "alpha" dudes talking up their aesthetics.
Like.... Bitch we get it you're physically attractive but you're still a cunt.
I dont get the ego cosplayers get just because they wore a revealing outfit.
First ones to post a pic of their "AWESOME COSPLAY" and totally not for this provocative pose shes in, also the first to bitch when anybody says anything sexual.

Hypocritical delusional e-famous wannabes.
seriously who dreams to be THAT.

>> No.8476085

>>/fit/ idiot
>Well, that explains everything
you really can't say that without sounding like a ham beast. Especially when going all "being fit means nothing reeeeee"

>> No.8476088

she looks like an oblivion mod gone wrong

>> No.8476092

so vanilla oblivion?

>> No.8476093


It happens all the time in bad cosplay threads too.

>> No.8476095

Aww, what's wrong? Struck a nerve?

Keep lifting. You have to compensate for the fact there's nothing else you have going for you.

>> No.8476098

You can easily be fit and have a life. You really do just sound like a jelly hambeast taking it out on others

>> No.8476113
File: 40 KB, 236x354, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that they actually modified the length of the dresses to make them shorter.

Also, one of them also wore a modified (legit) Sheep Garden in Pink.

>> No.8476120

ugh what's the song at the end? For someone so blatantly weebish I would have thought she'd have gone for a really popular song but honestly I can't identify it
sounds like every easypop song with luka in it tho
fellow vocaloid fags help me

>> No.8476121

>anyone not on my chan /fit/ board is a

>> No.8476143

She's going a little overboard but I prefer girls who are hot that know they're hot to that fake humble BS ugly girls try to force on all women.

>> No.8476151

it really is tangled isn't it

>> No.8476152

>I prefer
Nobody cares

>> No.8476176

as much as I don't think it was right for someone to say 'this looks attention seeking' on her post as a thinly veiled 'u r a slut' dig, it made her 10000x more obnoxious when she went on about being hot as hell

topkek when the other chick was like 'i never said you were hot' hahahaaaa

>> No.8476184

you know, people like this are often ones to post about how no one would say shit to them in person, but honestly I'm the sort of girl who would square up to this bitch in public
I'd like to see her try tbh, it's always the ones who talk themselves up the most that are the most scared irl

>> No.8476195

She has spindly arms (unlike Cammy) and almost no booty (VERY unlike Cammy).
Being attractive is not the same thing as being accurate to a character. Sure she's better than a hambeast, but that's not exactly success.

>> No.8476199

Not even a dude or a lesbian. I just want girls to stop the 'I'm so uglyyyyyyyyy' shit or not be able to respond to a compliment with 'TY I know'. Fake humility is the worst. So fuck you. I care.

>> No.8476222

>"I'm so hot!!"
>that ridiculous vacant mouth-breathing "sexy" expression
>that buttchin
>those sad overplucked eyebrows

No thanks.

>> No.8476264

Hope he gets banned on all cons soon.

>> No.8476266

where did I say mental superiority?
I stated that she bears superior aesthetics and craftmanship to the mean (average)

>> No.8476279

I lift and I'm a mathematics student in a prestigious university. I'm also an adept performer of avant garde classical piano pieces. My friends are fond of me due to them deeming me a legitimately interesting person. There is a hell of a lot of stuff going for me. The only thing I'm compensating for is the previously inadequate physique I possessed in my high-school years.

>> No.8476293

Please can the humane society to get that dog out of there.

>> No.8476305

I think Kaiden ultimately lost the argument. this bitch likes Onision. Both of them are crazy but Onision, come oooon.

>> No.8476331

comparing her proportions to >>8476012 she isn't that far off street fighter 4. People mistake having some stupidly fat ass making a good cammy

>> No.8476347

I know right. Im going to that con and I wanna keep an eye out for her to see how she acts in public. Probably either meek or ghetto loud crazy but won't "fight" anyone either way.

>> No.8476362

>won't "fight" anyone either way.
you are going to try and fight her?

>> No.8476368

Dude, she's dressed as Cammy. What else would you do?

>> No.8476372
File: 462 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is clearly some retard high school-esque dramu history between them


>> No.8476375
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 49681785_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not be a crazy bitch?

>> No.8476389


>> No.8476409

Im sorry, but the other girl is just as much a bitch. She sounds super jealous as hell. The main person, the Cammy cosplayer, sounds narcissistic with her talking about how hot she is, but her cosplay is accurate. There isn't much to Cammy except what she posted in the first place, the leotard and ass.

I don't find this much of a deal. The girl starting an argument is jealous and she just wants to try and tear someone with confidence down. The cosplayer is narcissistic about how hot she is [She is. Her body is very good looking and her sewing for the suit is nice.], but she does seem proud and is displaying the body suit accurately because front and side is really all there is to Cammy.

>> No.8476430

Well there are the gloves and boots which aren't easy to do nicely, but yeah in general I see little horribly wrong

I don't really understand why it has been posted. Neither seem cringy just both a little arsey

>> No.8476442

Just go up to them and say you like their coordinate
If you say coord or coordinate we will know you know about the fashion and are not just a random creeper
At a con it's fine to politely ask for a picture too, if you would like one

>> No.8476457

I think the girl trying to start something is the bigger ass. I don't know what she is hoping to get out of this argument. She needs to keep quiet and just ignore the post. She is trying to call someone out on their work because they look good in it and have sewed decently well. Bod suits are fucking hard. Especially to get them formfitting. This person did a good job. She posted just the leotard because it is a work in progress, but the main point of Cammy is done, so she has all the right to be proud of herself and want to show it off. This is also good marketing for photographers who may be in the group and would like the preview and offer to do a photoshoot ahead of time. More marketing for photos for her cosplaying page if she has one. This is what a lot of cosplayers do and I have gotten photoshoots for doing the same thing [less Cammy-esque though].

She talking about how hot she is, is cringe 100%, but the person trying to start something is way worse in my opinion because there was zero need for that. Especially when the caption to begin with was: >>8474304

>Cammy body suit is finally done woo~

I mean come on. This other chick needs to calm down.

>> No.8476472

>I think the girl trying to start something is the bigger ass.
she seems like it but there may be a bigger issue/more going on in that com. But I don't really care about some high school tier drama

>She talking about how hot she is, is cringe 100%
if you got it be proud. It is more eye rolling than cringe

>> No.8476496
File: 941 KB, 650x678, doyouevenfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't that far off from SF4
You mean the fact that you cant see her deltoids at all even though she's flexing? Her bicep on her back arm is sad. Her legs aren't toned at all. Cammy's got butt cheeks that could crack walnuts and those month old marshmallows she calls an ass aren't even close.
I know people carry fat differently but she's claiming to be this super fit viking and she's just kinda thin but still flabby. Nice armpit flab even though that cut could easily cover it. Also idgaf itty titty McGee needs to put on a bra because it looks like she's smuggling hamburger buns in her top.
If you think she's hot fine that's your choice but dont delude yourself into thinking she's even close to Cammy's physique because she's not.

>> No.8476498

Its just the fact that she is repeating it over and over that is cringey. The kid trying to say that a body suit for a sexual character is 'attention seeking' is hilarious. I personally LOVE the fuck out of Cammy and if I had the body I would cosplay her in a second, but I don't feel comfortable enough and she wants to make someone who does feel like shit. I'm glad the girl isn't taking any of it.

>> No.8476510

You sound so salty its embarrassing. Go back to arguing with this person, Kaiden. You look like a loser.

>> No.8476524
File: 66 KB, 150x361, butt that doesn't make sense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find me any cammy cosplay where they have the same exact physique, hell SF ones in general rarely get close

Cammy is not meant to be overly muscular so it is fine for her not to be. Killer Bee outfit would be a smarter choice to hide this but as it stands she looks fine, the gloves also help hide this. Also cammy has always been the chairwoman of the itty bitty titty committee, chun is the stacked one

Yeah her bragging about being super fit is pretty silly but she is also not in a terrible state. I've seen bigger girls pull it off fine

pretty much this >>8476510

>> No.8476607


Not that guy, but is coord a universal lolita term? I once saw two girls in full gothic lolita getup in the middle of the city in the afternoon, I smiled at them and they smiled back at me and i wanted to say something along the lines of "it's so fun to see someone dressed like that on a normal day" but I don't usually approach people.

>> No.8476622


>> No.8476685

Actually, what I said about them looking like (and being just as talented as) weebs in a middle school talent show is more appropriate here:

>Dolly Style consists of Molly, Holly and Polly, three “dolls” who come from a dollhouse in Dollyville. In the house, they formed the pop group Dolly Style with the goal of spreading joy in the world.

>They are inspired by Japanese fashion such as the styles fairy kei, gyaru and the lolita subculture but also street fashion from Europe. They love to mix different styles and to go there own way!

>The main source of inspiration for Dolly Style is taken from the Japanese Fairy Kei but also Lolita and Gyaru. The girls are incredibly interested in the style and love it!

>> No.8476712
File: 55 KB, 960x640, 11123596_10200094981693468_6377217258207937622_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw this is the "happy" couple.

>> No.8476764
File: 1.30 MB, 1020x1020, dolly style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inspired by Japanese fashion
>fairy kei

>> No.8476768
File: 1.03 MB, 290x218, 1435681451395.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW people take cosplay too serious.

>> No.8476772

They have colorful wigs, anon. That's completely japanese kawaii desu fashion.

>> No.8476957
File: 141 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just join the Matsuricon fb page, she posts at least once a week and there's always something to observe.

Btw only semi-related but why is everyone saying bodysuits are hard to make? I've only made spandex tops before but I thought it was way easier than regular fabric because you don't need to dart a whole lot. Am I missing something?

>> No.8477005

to be fair, when I saw my first Lolita I was so overwhelmed and amazed because I didn't think anyone else in the state knew anything about japanese things (13 year old weeaboo train of thought) so I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world.
Thinking back, it was a milanoo lace monster with a Chii headband.

>> No.8477009

Now I'm wishing they won MelFest just so that Sweden didn't win Eurovision this year and we can see the entire country cringe itself to death during the semi finals.

>> No.8477014

This should be the new "What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch? I'll have you know...."

>> No.8477055
File: 260 KB, 540x529, IMG__201507194__073931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did and apparently someone here doxxed her (?) except not really. Unless she thinks doxxing is someone posting a picture she made public in her work uniform.

>> No.8477059

page link?

>> No.8477068
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>> No.8477163
File: 432 KB, 511x553, kaiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked out Kaiden's fb, and she's just as attention-whorey and cringey. Plus like 15-16 which makes it way worse than an adult doing this stuff.

>> No.8477169
File: 45 KB, 577x720, kaiden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8477203

And this person was having a go?

>> No.8477228

Bodysuits are hard. Especially to get them form fitting without being too tight and crating strange rolls when put on. Im glad that you have no problem with making your items out of spandex, but for a lot of people it is difficult.

>> No.8477248

You would think someone would trim their wigs better.

>> No.8477272

Wait I was wrong, she's 14. Her tumblr url is also slutty-lolita?

>> No.8477285

This girl is a huge bitch. I dont know what her problem was, but I am siding with the Cammy on this one. Nothing in her post said anything about being hot and only did that start as soon as this chick attacked her. Sounds like she was threatened.

I am totally cool with cosplayers posting WIPS and completed cosplays onto convention pages. This is a chance for photographers to contact them and set up times to do shoots when the outfit is finished at the convention. Its a win-win and very smart. She wasn't being over bad with posting the side and fronts of the cosplay and her comment when posting it wasn't anything bad either.

This Kaiden chick is jealous and basically made a joke out of herself for calling the cosplayer out like she did where there was no need to.

>> No.8477295

Bitch hasn't changed one bit. She's still playing the victim card the way she did when she claimed misako was a racist bitch.

>> No.8477308

holy shit she's 14 and has a daddy porn blog, and she's the one calling people attention whores and sluts?
what the hell is wrong with children these days, I'm so concerned.

>> No.8477317

From thumbnail I thought she had a hair lip and felt bad.

>> No.8477331

am I the only one who's gonna point out how shitty that cammy bodysuit is? those glaring darts that run through the whole lenght when cammys suit doesn't have them...

>> No.8477335

>misako was a racist bitch

what? Any links to this past drama?

>> No.8477343

Holy shit, where are her parents?

>I'm glad
No you're not

>> No.8477358

misako said something like tanned skin was bad for lolita fashion, and she took it to mean NO BLACK PEOPLE ALLOWED IN LOLITA even tho she just meant like, the gyaru orange fake tan look

>> No.8477384

but there's a difference between a simple "Thank you" and "I knoow i'm so haaawt!!! OHH MY GAAWWD!!11 Look how HOT i am!!!"

>> No.8477385 [DELETED] 

this whole board is a cringe tbh

>> No.8477392 [DELETED] 

might unironically make a wank tbh

>> No.8477398 [DELETED] 


>> No.8477399 [DELETED] 

Good lad

>> No.8477400 [DELETED] 

just did a wank lads

>> No.8477403 [DELETED] 

Orchestrating a shitpost

>> No.8477404 [DELETED] 

who /MAISIE/ here?

>> No.8477405 [DELETED] 

just want a British bf tbh

>> No.8477406 [DELETED] 


>> No.8477409 [DELETED] 

asdfg asdfg

>> No.8477411 [DELETED] 

Hello lad...ies it is i, a big unironic fan of the following interests:
• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing

I am very much a fan of these and would like to discuss them but first may we discuss:






cheers girls

>> No.8477412 [DELETED] 

*starts singing loudly*

If I could fall
Into the sky
Do you think time
Would pass me by
'Cause you know I'd walk
A thousand miles
If I could
Just see you
If I could
Just hold you

>> No.8477415 [DELETED] 


>> No.8477417 [DELETED] 

finalising a wank

>> No.8477420 [DELETED] 

kpop tbh lads

>> No.8477421 [DELETED] 

*kisses you on the lips*

>> No.8477423 [DELETED] 

pakis out

>> No.8477427 [DELETED] 

got a big willy lads

>> No.8477433 [DELETED] 

>be me, a Polish girl studying in the UK
>Excited to be studying in this new country
>Even more excited for the cosplay opportunities on offer; above and beyond what we have in my home country
>Living in student residences with a few other people, including this one strange guy from pakistan
>He's always muttering about 'chads' and 'ribena' and seems to have a fascination with urination.
>Getting ready for Scottish comic con in Glasgow, preparing my best lolita look
>Go to the bathroom for a quick pee
>As I sit down, I notice the a glint of light reflecting off something
>Go over to the source
>Find a video camera
>Turns out this strange pakistani guy has been filming me going to the toilet for months.

I reported him to the police, but I fear he's too much of a criminal genius to allow himself to be prosecuted. What should I do?

>> No.8477435 [DELETED] 
File: 918 KB, 1304x5537, Rorke Report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rorke tbh

>> No.8477439 [DELETED] 

*kisses back passionately*

>> No.8477442 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 600x800, 99053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I had to hide my erection as I left the polling booth" said Angus McHaggis

A tear dropped down my face, a drip of cum dropped down my leg. I had just voted no. I had just voted for my country to be subjugated by another country. Yet I entered the polling booth fully intending to vote yes. Why you ask?

I entered the polling booth, was about to tick yes. Then I looked at the no option. At first I was angry that such an option existed. Angry that we had to vote on whether to be a country. Angry that some people would even consider voting no.

I asked myself why people would vote no to being a country. I put myself in their shoes. That's when it happened. I noticed myself getting an erection for no reason. The more I imagined myself voting no, the larger the erection grew. I imagined Scottish oil money being transported south to London and it grew yet more. I imagined English Tories deciding Scottish fiscal, social and health policies and my cock began to bulge with one of the firmest erections I've ever had.

I closed my eyes, ticked one of the boxes. Opened my eyes. I had voted no. I put my voting ballot in the box and walked out, the tears dripping from my face, the cum down my leg.

Later that night when I saw the result of the referendum, I immediately came, then started crying. The day after I bought a chastity cage which I wear to this day.

My name is Angus McHaggis. I am Scottish; I am a cuckold.

>> No.8477454 [DELETED] 

*starts kissing everyone*

>> No.8477459 [DELETED] 

top slag

>> No.8477468 [DELETED] 

>I fear he's too much of a criminal genius to allow himself to be prosecuted.
have you got any examples of his criminal genius?

Sounds like a real pickle, maybe you should do something to take your mind off things, I like to go out and eat shitty fast food, guilty pleasure of mine. You should go to Mcdonalds or maybe even a theme park to take your mind off things?

>> No.8477471 [DELETED] 

>nothing about scrubbing toilets in your story


>> No.8477472 [DELETED] 



>> No.8477473 [DELETED] 
File: 960 KB, 500x281, cakesstockings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. We've been infiltrated.

>> No.8477477 [DELETED] 

girls btfo

>> No.8477481 [DELETED] 

That's summer for ya.

>> No.8477487 [DELETED] 

Nope we are /b/ oldfags xD

>> No.8477489 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 550x386, cackling royalty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been blown out by the bishops of banterbury

>> No.8477490 [DELETED] 

i'll infiltrate ur bumhole tbh slag

>> No.8477492 [DELETED] 

That's summer for ya.