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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 348 KB, 1155x875, Ireland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8462788 No.8462788[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Irish Cosplay
Irish Conventions
Irish J-fashion/Lolita

Don't mention peoples' full names in relation to an ongoing police investigation, for the love of god.

Check this tutorial for a happier, non-toxic Irish general experience


>> No.8462793

I dont think the pictures are helping either, its most likely why the threads are getting deleted rather than posts.

>> No.8462796

If the general gets deleted again, I'll just make the next one with the Irish flag like the rest.

>> No.8462855

Potsy please stop replying to the retard that keeps baiting you. It's really tiring and always gets the thread deleted. You don't have to defend yourself, we are all aware it is just a troll baiting you.

>> No.8462860


Filtering Potsy doesn't stop the people replying to her, and even recursive filtering doesn't stop the people who randomly bring her up every thread. You can't just remove one scapegoat for a "non toxic" experience.

>> No.8462867
File: 93 KB, 695x393, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody ever said it was a perfect solution, but nobody wants Potsy here and she never contributes anything useful to these threads. She's outright said she hates this board/website, the people who populate these generals on top of saying she doesn't even attend any conventions or events in the scene anymore. Her tripcode serves no other purpose than to feed her pathological need for attention and to bait people into responding to her.

If less people see her posts, less people will respond, making for an overall better thread. If you want to talk to her, ask her for an email address and keep it away from here.

>> No.8462947


Using polls like that as "evidence" to back up your argument just makes everything look all the more immature. Let her post normally like anyone else and leave her alone. It's pretty obvious that childish bickering and sweeping problems away like this is already a big problem with this community, you're just making it worse. And stop trying to diagnose other people over the internet. You're just giving people reasons to attack her in the first place and making her feel victimised. If she isn't going to go away, then you're only pouring fuel on the fire.

>> No.8462950



>> No.8462969
File: 64 KB, 327x367, TFW nojobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got an email from an online store. An essential part of my cosplay wont arrive until 2 days after the con I was gonna wear it to.

Halloween is fun though, right g-guys?

>> No.8462986

There are Potsy apologists now? Christ, it never ends. Well I'm sure anyone with a functioning brain has filtered her already.

Worst feel. When is the con/how far in advance did you order it?

>> No.8462995
File: 344 KB, 1071x732, 2015-06-15-13-46-15_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She white knights without her trip.

>> No.8463000

There's always DCC

>> No.8463005

It was for DCC. I won tickets so I put in an order yesterday. I guess it's not the end of the world. God knows there's no lack of cons in this country.

>> No.8463006

What's the cosplay?

>> No.8463021
File: 59 KB, 576x429, dreddpropsmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge Dredd. Of course as soon as I confirm my order I find that there are stores that have the parts I need pre made (typical)

>> No.8463047

>Let her post normally like everyone else

Would you ever listen to yourself? Even anon, she'd blow her own cover and start waffling on about her 3 favourite topics.
>We're all awful and she's a poor saint
>bunself's internalized transmysogynoir

But I realise you can't have a general without her sticking her big unwanted head in, so really, best to stop with Ireland Generals overall.

What the fuck use are they anyway.

>> No.8463073

Just ignore Potsy and she'll post less. It's a really simple concept.

>> No.8463080

And what better way to ignore her than with a filter.

>> No.8463089

Dublin lolitas - What is it like being a lolita in Dublin? Do you feel you stand out? Does J fashion stand out? I'm thinking about moving there but one thing I like most about living in London is that I feel that I don't stand out very much.

>> No.8463098

I missed most of the last thread, how much do we know about what happened at Arcadecon?
I mean reports from people who were there, not claims & accusations.

Sweet, how much of it have you already?

>> No.8463101

Why would you move to Dublin out of London? That's downgrading from a PS4 to a PS2.

>> No.8463103

I'm not a lolita but I'd imagine anything that isn't a tracksuit or Ugg Boots would stand out here. London seems like one of those isolationist cities where you could be surrounded by a million other people at any given time and still feel lonely as fuck because nobody will stop to give you the time of day, whereas in Ireland it's not really uncommon for a complete stranger to sit next to you at a bus stop, go on about how the weather's been fierce lovely the past week and not be looked at like a complete weirdo.

A PS4 has better hardware but no good games. PS2 has older tech but it's still got the game library to back it up. I'd make a similar analogy with Dublin and London. We're nowhere near as big and fancy, but dammit, we've got character.

>> No.8463114

I have everything except for the vest and shoulders. Feels like cheating to buy so much of it but fuck it I have more money than time for once.

>> No.8463121

It's specifically for the type of job I want, which is in data science, and it seems like the technology sector is getting bigger there - a lot of companies are offering relocation packages as well. There's also so much competition in London, it's harder to get a decent and relevant job.

Thanks - that's too bad. It's nice that Dubliners sound very friendly but from my experience with smaller towns in the USA, even if people are nice, it just feels a bit odd to stand out.

>> No.8463122

Haha, did you buy the helmet? And have you any pics of it?

>> No.8463125

I saw a lolita in dublin 10 years ago. Though to me she just looked like a really OTT mall goth to me. I assume there's a few lolitas there.

>> No.8463129

You'll get way more attention in Dublin. I've worn it in London a few times, even late at night around pubs and we were pretty much ignored. I've never had anyone make a comment there. In Dublin in much less OTT outfits, I can feel a lot of people staring at me and I would get at least 3 comments each day and also people sneaking photos.

>> No.8463134

I would have assumed that acknowledging that you're going to stand out from the norm with your fashion is lolita 101, unless you were actually living in Japan.

>> No.8463147
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Yeah I got a pre made kit. so just sanding and painting to do.

>> No.8463180

Honestly, for me, it's totally fine. You get stares and the odd comment, but it's not that bad. People are nice for the most part, I've never had a bad experience. But yeah, if you like to totally blend in, you better start working on wearing another fashion.

>I'd imagine anything that isn't a tracksuit or Ugg Boots would stand out here
Kek, Northsider detected. We're not the fanciest bunch, but let's be real, that shit's only standard fare north of O'Connell Street.

>> No.8463185

>Clondalkin and Ballyfermot don't exist

Probably the worst areas in Dublin and they're on the South Side. The Northside has plenty of posh areas too in addition to the shitty ones.

>> No.8463189

Of course it does, I was just being a dick and generalising. And c'mon, especially if you're talking city centre, the fashion is dodgiest north of the Liffey.

>> No.8463190

>what is Dublin West

>> No.8463193

>implying the most suave and fashionable of Dublin's inhabitants don't hang around outside Doctor Quirkey's


>> No.8463380

You will stand out in lolita but most people wont bother you. Worst is you might get a few comments but usually they're pleasant. Also it depends on the type of lolita. Full sweet lolita is going to stand out much more compared to plainer prints with muted colours.

I should point out there are a number of lolita's here in Ireland. You can probably meet up with them if someone wants to post a link to their group page?

>> No.8463429

Jesus fuck, did an anon mention someone's full name?

>> No.8463485

>dammit, we've got character
so does Russia

>> No.8463502

Yeah, the incident made for an opportunity for assholes to try and frame people they hate.

>> No.8463607

Not from Dublin but I wear lolita around the south and the midlands. Generally very pleasant. 3 middle aged ladies stopped me today to tell me they thought I looked stunning/ask how long it took me to get ready/where was I going etc. I was in Dublin and wearing lolita and I got laughed at and people trying to take photos. I can't speak for dublin since I don't live there, but I've had much more pleasant experiences outside of dublin.I'm sure Dublins not all that bad but I wear normal fag clothes in Dublin and wear my frills everywhere else. If you're in a county next to Dublin as opposed to in the city centre I think you'll get a better response but that's just from my own experience.

>> No.8463623
File: 170 KB, 506x480, 1427803568242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no common as muck Northsider lolita gf to box faggots around with

>> No.8463629

>the midlands
They're so starved of anything interesting they're probably just relieved to see you.

>> No.8463642

Yeah probably but at least they're complimentary.

>> No.8463657

Yeah, fair. Even though I'm not from Dublin I've never dared wear lolita outside of it. My hometown would definitely not be receptive. There are towns nearby where I can definitely see people having a positive reaction, though. The boglands are a crapshoot when it comes to tolerance of non-normalfag clothing.

>> No.8464255

So do we have any examples of Irish itas?

>> No.8464258

Oh boy, do we. Literally just look through any con's photos, you'll find a few.

>> No.8465456
File: 23 KB, 500x376, 53ytegb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irishman here. First day on /cgl/ to have a little look around and I was just wondering: Why do Irish girls even attempt this Lolita shite? You'll never pull the look off as good as cute Jap girls do. It looks desperate on Irish girls with their potato faces and out of shape bodies. It reminds me of those people with an adult baby complex.

>> No.8465462

Speak for yourself fatso, I look lovely.
>Irish men
God's got a good sense of humour, I'll give him that

>> No.8465587
File: 82 KB, 540x960, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irish women

It says a lot when Amy King is our country's cosplay ambassador

>> No.8465679

Fuck off with that Amy King shit, what has she done on anyone lately?

>> No.8465774

Absolutely nothing. She hasn't even been at a con in a while. Plus she's fecking off to Japan in a few weeks for at least a year. Guaranteed some eejits on here will still be posting about her when she's not even in the country or having any involvement in Irish cosplay anymore cause everyone on here seems to love to hold a grudge.

We need some new material, the Amy/Potsy jokes are so old, especially considering they haven't done anything new in yonks.

So, anyone have any thoughts on Arcade Con aside from the whole assault thing? How did it fare as a con itself? Worth the 40 quid? What did it do good or bad?

What's everyone's next con? Gonna give Nom Con another shot myself this year, haven't been since 2012 I think.

>> No.8465795

>cause everyone on here seems to love to hold a grudge.

Including Amy herself, who called out people here like yer wan who runs the lolita panel who've never had a bad word to say about her even though there's a lot of bad that could be said. I have no problem with anyone taking the piss out of her after that.

>> No.8465834

>Tfw no one pays attention to that one busty girl that's always dressed as Juliet

>> No.8465865

Who's this now?

>> No.8465874
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>declan has press access

>> No.8465900

But Josephine Thomas was talking shit about her and it got back to her, it's her own fault for getting caught, it's been years since Amy has done anything note worthy.

>> No.8465906

I think he means DCC, no body actually noticed this but DCC really have ripped off the SDCC logo and there using Batman in their logos high I'm sure they don't have permission to use.

>> No.8465909

If you've got evidence, please share with the rest of the class, otherwise stop stirring shit. EVERYONE rags on Amy.

>> No.8465945

Oh not this shit again

>> No.8465957

Remember that thing we said about "no full names", vendetta-chan?

>> No.8465985

To be fair, that's only in relation to the ArcadeCon rapist drama. Everyone already knows who Amy and Josephine are.

>> No.8466060

I had no idea who she was until this anon started whining about her. I'm still not entirely clear on what her relevance is.

>> No.8466065

She's the Amy King of the Irish lolita circuit.

>> No.8466080
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 14754599033_b510fe56ca_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, there anon. Got you something to pair with all that salt

>> No.8466087

No, I don't mean it in a bad way. I mean she's probably the most recognised of the lot, though it's probably a bad comparison since Amy King isn't actually talented

>> No.8466106

No not everyone and it's still against the rules here which gets the thread deleted. Some people haven't any cop on.

>> No.8466127

No anon that's the rules of 4 chan

>> No.8466129

This entire thread does that. And seriously there is no proof. I'm getting sick of this thread just de railing. Can we ever have a good thread for once?

>> No.8466134

>Can we ever have a good thread for once?

We fulfilled our non-shitposting quota yesterday when we talked about lolita and how it attracts attention in Dublin and the country as a whole, so I'd say we're on track today with how the thread is going.

>> No.8466201

Bored so I'm going to take a quick poll from yizzer


>> No.8466230

Yeah that seems a bit odd. I know "fair use " is abused to fuck in this country but they are a large, profit making company at this stage. I can see them maybe getting away with the logo layout because Comic Con international may not have registered it as a trade mark here.

>> No.8466314
File: 428 KB, 696x368, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these threads have been a sausagefest all along

Lads pls

>> No.8466409

Well, I ain't getting my lad out. This isn't /b/

>> No.8466522

Josephine Thomas isn't talented either, she looks like an ugly 12 year old. How does buying clothes make her talented haha

>> No.8466541

what's with the vendetta anon? What did she do to you, to make you so salty?

>> No.8466557

Polls are indicating it's a clambake now, you'll be glad to know

>> No.8466562

The weird thing, she has done nothing on me, I just don't like her and how she goes on. She looks like a dog and acts like one.

>> No.8466566


Well, at least you're self aware.... Can you give examples of "acting like a dog"?

>> No.8466568

Not that anon but she's a tad annoying and preachy about SJW topics.

>> No.8466585

If it's historically a garrison town it will be more likely accepting of people outside the 'norm'.

>> No.8466590

>garrison town
U callin me a Prod m8

>> No.8466594

>not using Sarson's Malt Vinegar

>> No.8466597

I'm still surprised that we have more than even 5 lads here.

>> No.8466599

I am yeah. You and your bowler hat, marching boots, and brown sauce on your sausage roll.

>> No.8466608
File: 188 KB, 428x546, 1428622825492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who've never had a breakfast roll

>> No.8466609

>tfw my dad likes brown sauce
'Tis Prod blood running through my veins alright.

>> No.8466615

Can't bait brown sauce on a rasher sandwich though

>> No.8466618

>mfw I'm talking smack but I'm from a garrison town and like brown sauce too.

>> No.8466624

Hon the rasher sammich. Can't bate it at all at all.

>> No.8466627

If my dog ever starts preaching to me about SJW topics, the little bollox is being put down.

>> No.8466629

>not sangidge
Ah lads

>> No.8466634

I've been away from home too long. Hang sangwidges from Chicargo.

>> No.8466636

Most of tumblr are if that's what you are referring to.

>> No.8466654

Agreed, but she's still overall pleasant in person, it's not like she rams it down your throat at every opportunity or anything, it's mainly just on her Tumblr as far as I can see. In any case, pretty sad reason for going on a rampage of hate against somebody.

>> No.8466656

Another poll, lads and ladettes


>> No.8466704

Also forgot to say, share what other boards you visit if you like, interesting to know where everyone else's other interests lie.

>> No.8466712

Ok mine are /int/, /tg/ and /vg/

>> No.8466713



>> No.8466717

Yes, play as DE. Although not as much anymore, have moved onto DBA, Battletech etc.
Used to play fantasy as well, High Elves and Lizardmen were my thing.

>> No.8466731

Nice. Interesting army choice too.

I'm a big 40kfag but I stick to the vidya, novels and reading the Lexicanum. The tabletop is way too expensive for me to consider getting into it properly. Never cared for Fantasy, but everyone shitting themselves with rage over that Age of Sigmar stuff is hilarious. They look just like Space Marines.

>> No.8466740

/g/, /n/, /cm/ maybe
I can't stand 4chan retards otherwise and whenever I do visit some other board my eyes roll so far back up my head I can see myself think

>> No.8466749

I know! my partner was in a /tg/ shop today and said the very same thing! Apparently they all look like either space marines or chaos marines.

I was lucky when it came to my army, a toymaster was having a massive sale of Warhammer stuff(40k and Fantasy), I literally swooped in and grabbed anything DE related(it was 50 - 70% off)

But to steer this a bit more on topic, what other boards do people on here go to?

>> No.8466816

>always referring to her by her full name

Anon I've never seen a vendetta this hard over a nobody in these threads. I don't mean it in a bad way, but I've never heard of her before someone started referring to her by her full name. Saying she looks like shit without actually making a point just makes you sound like a whiny child. You're not contributing anything to the thread, serve us with drama other than "boo hoo she said things about feminism on her blog!! bloo bloo", or drop it.

>> No.8466830

Pretty much this.

>> No.8466843

>always referring to her by her full name

Is she the Steve Carlsberg of the Irish loli community or something?

>> No.8466847

>Saying she looks like shit without actually making a point just makes you sound like a whiny child

I agree. Ye wouldn't say no either, to be fair.

>> No.8466910

Josephine, go eat cereal or something lol

>> No.8466915

Anon pls. You're really embarrassing yourself.

>> No.8466973

Quick Question:

I'm trying to get into cosplay right now. I'm trying to build an armoured costume because I can't sew for shit. Here's the problem: Where the fuck do you buy EVA foam? It seems to be what everyone uses it but I don't know where to buy it. I'm in Kilkenny town and I've checked Woodies and Halfords but they don't have any. Is there anyone here who uses it who can help out? Somewhere that's preferably reasonably nearby?

>> No.8466974
File: 374 KB, 2122x919, archery at arcadecon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now call me crazy but was there a bunch of people at arcadecon with real bows? Not only that but they have them drawn?

>> No.8466984

Look on facebook for a cosplayer called called Anathiell. She lives in Ireland and I'm sure I saw that she sells it at cons. She'll probably post it to you or something though if you need it soon.

>> No.8466986

Order it over the internet.

>> No.8466991

dude safety laws in country are a fucking joke, The Gardi and general public seem to operate under the assumption that they are immortal just because there aren't too many guns or machetes about

The ammount of shit like that you see on halloween is frightening.

>> No.8467004

The guy on the right is my friend and said he made it himself. The arch thing is a ski yolk and the string is a rope

>> No.8467010

But we're not as dumb as yanks to get ourselves killed even so

>> No.8467015

Reminds me of the time when I was like 15 and was taken into the station with 2 of my mates after the Emergency Response Unit was called on us because somebody saw one of us with an airsoft rifle out in public and said we were walking around with real weapons about to go on a mad one

>> No.8467017

I'm curious as to what exactly the policy on weapons is, like I remember that Mega64 video were they were barred for having a whip etc.

>> No.8467020

We're pushing it man and we're very reactionary. Sure they banned "Samurai swords" after a lad cut a guys arm off. Imagine if "Manga knives" get banned after that assault at Arcadcon

>> No.8467029

It seems to be very inconsistent overall, but I'd like to see it clarified too. I don't think I've ever seen an Irish con say anything about prop weapon safety or anything like that.

>> No.8467032

Well call me crazy but walking around in public with a loaded bow was illegal last time I checked as it could potentially be classed as a firearm. The laws are lax on them but it's recommended that you only carry them de-stringed in public and ideally in a case or the gardai can and will stop you. Using them in a club or on your own property is fine as low as safety guidelines are being observed.

>> No.8467037

If I saw a bunch of knackers carrying around what looked just like a regular gun I'd call the police too.

>> No.8467043

/mu/ and /ck/ for me

>> No.8467046


Speak for yourself, Jacinta.

>> No.8467051

See there's the law and there's the law that gets enforced. Like you said anything that can fire a projectile falls under the EU firearm safety act, which means you cannot walk around with it in an operational state.
In practice however, the guards and the general public will just assume you have a good reason for having it unless you look like a scumbag.

>> No.8467065

Dude that's an actual bow. I've used ones similar to it. It's a beginner type used for training but still very dangerous if mis-used.

>> No.8467075

Message me, ye fuckin' mucksavage.

>> No.8467077

You're an idiot. Even if the guards didn't get called which they could, it's dangerous to walk around with a loaded bow.

>> No.8467078


If you think about it, someone who actually owns a bow is a lot more likely to know how to use it than for example the average american with a gun. Potentially that makes them more dangerous than someone with a gun, even though it's clunkier and less efficient.

It seems pretty crazy to allow someone to walk around with a deadly weapon like that.

Stuff like whips, staves etc. there's obviously less call for, sure they can hurt but they're designed to be non-lethal. There's still a lot of abusive potential though.

>> No.8467085

Was at a convention where someone brought a live rifle.

Unloaded of course.

Everyone assumed it to be an airsoft.

So long as you're not a dick, nobody gives a fuck. If you are a dick, it's just one thing they use to beat you with when they kick you out.

>> No.8467086

Buying online is kinda a last resort, I wouldn't say the shipping costs would be too forgiving.

Are there no shops in Ireland that I could buy some?

>> No.8467088

Just /tg/ for me. I read alot of the 40k books and fluff but never had the money for the figures. Anyone play the RPG games?

>> No.8467090

That's exactly what Im saying. It IS dangerous and the Guards SHOULD be called but as you can see from>>8466974 they don't because of apathy/carelessness

>> No.8467096

Nah sure parts of the ski still had its sticker on it. Maybe the base of it is a real part.

>> No.8467099

Jaysus lads, it's not as if some plank is going to walk around the convention floor with the bow drawn at all times pointing it at random people for the craic.

>> No.8467100

Here you go:

They usually have it in smiths toys too and I saw it in aldi about 3 months ago.

Try sports shops too, a lot of people use it for home gyms. Most places dont call it eva foam though, you want to look for "interlocking foam tiles"

>> No.8467101

Are you sure you meant the one on the right and not the one on the left?

>> No.8467102

I won't lie, I am /d/ regular. I go one it more than /cgl/ to be honest. People probably think it's weird but meh. I enjoy it for the random funny posts that are really too funny to fap to.

>> No.8467107

Ah ok, sorry misunderstood you there.

>> No.8467109

Yeah deffo. Not sure about the other 2, I don't know them.

>> No.8467110


General weapons policy at most cons is that you shouldn't bring real weapons. Also weapons that look too realistic or potentially dangerous will be confiscated while at the convention.

Eirtakon's policy is quite detailed while other cons might be more straight forward like above.


>> No.8467126

They don't allow realistic weapons not only because someone could abuse it say like threaten someone for money or rape. But also someone could call the guards and have the con shut down.

Thirdly there is no responsible person that would bring a weapon to a crowded con and walk around with it loaded or unsheathed. Accidents can easily happen.

>> No.8467143

Holy fuck!
Arcadecon really inspires safety

>> No.8467155

Thanks for this, it helps. Would the floor tiles not be too thick through? Halfords had some but they were about 150mm, from what I heard I'd be looking for around 7mm. I'll look around some more tomorrow anyway. There's a Ken Blacks in the same industrial park as the Woodies and Halfords that I checked today, there's plenty of sports shops in town. Thanks.

>> No.8467164

Missie Chan is my idea of a massive Irish ita

>> No.8467166

Who the fuck is Amy?

>> No.8467173

you can get 7mm floor tiles, they are just harder to find, If you need something even thinner go for camping mats.

You know I just remembered DealZ has eva foam Camping mats for €2 right now, its far too thin to make your entire suit out of but its a great deal if you need craft foam for accents or raised panels

>> No.8467179

It's like coming into a Catholic church and asking who Jesus is, anon. Get with it.

>> No.8467183

I love Dealz and now I love you, thanks.

>> No.8467190

I used to be on the Mass Effect General on /vg/ but then it got really shit, non-stop posting of some girl they called Claire Chan and discussing the numerous shitty OCs the board had invented.

It was more mature than Bioware's official forums at the time but now I go to Reddit for video game stuff

>> No.8467194

A dead Jew on a stick, I still don't see what the big deal is about him or Amy

>> No.8467196

Anathiell/Anathiel sells it

Plastazote is also similar to EVA foam and can be bought from here - http://www.ote.ie/plastazote

>> No.8467201
File: 115 KB, 720x960, 1434624346720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mass Effect

>> No.8467222

>>Mass Effect
>>Bioware Social Network

Fixed your post

>> No.8467233

She gets all her stuff from aliexpress or alibaba, you would get it cheaper it there rather than paying her over inflated price. She charges 3-4 times the price she gets it for,

>> No.8467243

All of them.

>> No.8467255

It scary what they let go on at arcadecon. I've seen people walk aroundwith airsoft guns at some other cons but they're actual weapons with one pointed at the photographer. Where were the staff to allow these in never mind loading them and pointing them at attendees?

>> No.8467312

Do you mean the girl with the lip piercings and the weird looking boyfriend?

>> No.8467328

I've seen them bringing actual weapon to Eirtakon too. Why don't any con disallow this to happen?

>> No.8467340

Because the con staff know them, and they know they're not going to dicking around with them.

>> No.8467343

I've never seen someone swinging a metal sword or pointing a loaded bow at any con before. What weapons did you see at Eirtakon and were they realistic looking or actually real?

>> No.8467359

Well loading a bow and pointing at attendees would be dicking around to me. What if their finger slipped? That's mad dodgy

>> No.8467365

I know one friend that cosplayed a fem Daryll Dixon from the Walking Dead with a crossbow before. The crossbow itself while looked realistic didnt fire anything

Judging by how far he's pulled back on the string that arrow isnt going to go far let alone hit anyone