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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 62 KB, 491x585, Fatty-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8462604 No.8462604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am a fatty-chan, and yes I'm damn proud of it! Now before you gulls get all your frills in a bunch and pounce on me for such a blasphemous, tumblrific statement, hear me out!

I don't have a fat frame, my body and size is petite and slender by nature. When I was a little girl up to my mid-teen years I was slim and at a healthy BMI. I fully admit I got fat from my own doing unlike those lolcows who like to cover it up by being all like "M-MUH THYROID CONDITIONNNNN~!"

However unlike those un-kawaii disgusting American piggus who got fat simply because they munch on fast food and salty, greasy shit constantly I got fat for one reason and one reason alone.

My addiction to sweets:

Like a true lolita, I've had a sweet tooth ever since I first came out of my mama's womb. Sweets were always the one thing I could never resist, no matter how healthily I would eat otherwise. As young as 6 I would constantly be eating stuff like cookies, cupcakes and donuts. This was fine when I was little because I was still growing and thus the weight got distributed evenly. But eventually at around age 15, I unfortunately stopped growing, my metabolism slowed down and all that constant munching on sweets caught up to me and while I'm not considered MORBIDLY obese, I am officially in the obese range of my BMI.

I eat healthy otherwise, I detest fast food and think its gross, my mom always gives me home cooked stuff and the only meat I eat is chicken. I can't stand overly salty, greasy lardy foods, I don't overeat either. My weight is the way it is completely all due to my cravings for sweets. Sweets are like a drug to me and I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to wean myself off fully of the.

Not that I would even want to anyways! I'm a lifestyle lolita and I firmly believe having a penchant and preference for sweets makes me more loli-like and cute, I believe my gluttonous appetite for it reflects my true lolita heart, and thus I am proud. Take that, munchers of unkawaii foods!

>> No.8462617

My mommy feeds me...
Under 18& banned.
Run along little lump.

>> No.8462620


>> No.8462623

I'm actually 23, she just cooks for me cause I still live at home and I'm too busy with collage school-work, thus its more convenient.

>> No.8462627

Hey. Lifestyle lolita. Post a photo of yourself.

>> No.8462628

>I'm a true lolita!
>can't even fit lolita clothing
sure thing bbgirl

>> No.8462634

I personally do have a thyroid disorder. I inherited it from my mother who got it from her grandmother. My mother is a size 0 and I am a size 14. She used to be my size when she was younger. She has been on synthroid longer than I have and thus her hormones have been regulated longer than mine have. I have been losing weight since finally being put on the medication in the past 6 months. Until I was diagnosed I have always had trouble controlling my weight even when eating healthy which is most of my diet.

Seriously. A lot of people who talk about thyroid disorders aren't covering up their weight with just an excuse. This is hard bait, but also annoying to read as the top part of this thread.

>> No.8462636

That's where you're wrong cause I'm a richfag too and thus always buy two of every brand dress and take it to my local seamstress to get it altered to fit.

Stay jelly~! ^:)

>> No.8462638

Hey. Fattycow. Post a photo already. Being so proud shouldn't inhibit you to post images.

>> No.8462639

Thyroid diseases aren't as common as you like to believe. Just because you have it doesn't mean all the other fattys do.

>> No.8462640

You can both be fat and blog all you want there.

>> No.8462643

A lot of the people who talk about thyroid disorders don't actually have thyroid disorders. They just use "muh thyroid" as an excuse so they don't have to change their unhealthy lifestyle, but no doctor has ever diagnosed them with anything. My family is like this, completely sedentary and inhaling tons of junk food while complaining about how those quack doctors can't even tell how there's clearly something wrong with their thyroid, because why else would they be so big? People like this give the whole thyroid thing a bad name.
People with an actual disorder definitely deserve more leeway, even though it's still not a free pass to be morbidly obese. Good luck with your meds, anon.

>> No.8462646

How am I tumblr when I put down other lolitas that are fat for any other reason besides sweets addiction?

Lolitas that are fat due to fast-food addiction or greasy, lardy meat overeating should be ashamed of themselves and deserve to be shamed, those foods are disgusting and man-like!

>> No.8462647

It just really sucks to know that people use my permanent disease as an excuse for eating garbage. Its an autoimmune disease and really fucks up your whole body if not taken care of. Not just weight too. There are more serious issues it messes with like hormones, temperature, linking to other diseases. My mother has RA [recently diagnosed] and hoshimotos [our thyroid type]. That is an extra AID she now has. It really bugs me, anon. Its scary too. Being diagnosed is frightening.

>> No.8462656
File: 495 KB, 499x319, smilesmall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. My great grandmother had to have her's removed because we didn't have the medication we do now to help regulate HMT [Hoshimoto's Thyroiditis]. It skipped my grandma's generation and was passed to my mom and I. We worry it may go to my little sister as she gets older. She is already showing signs. She eats healthy, does water polo, but the outter corners of her eyebrows won't grow, she's always cold.. Simple signs like this. The doctor hasn't seen any unusual levels in her blood work yet, but because my mom and I have it, she has to be checked quite often. She already has a rare knee disease, Osgood-Schlatter Disease. My little brother had it and needed surgery. My dad too when he was younger.

My family is full of awesome stuff. Gawd damn I need to watch some fun videos. Im getting myself in a slump. Kinda feels nice talking about it though. Sorry anons. Thanks for listening/reading though. I try not to talk about this stuff with my friends at work and stuff. Its kind of a downer.

>> No.8462675

Ironically enough, Osgood-Schlatters was another "meme" disease that people I grew up around used to always use as an excuse. Back when I played football in high school it was a go to excuse for the fat kids to use when they failed sprints. In actuality it was probably just growing pains

>> No.8462682

You've got to be fucking kidding... I really hate people. I really, really hate people. I'll just stay home, with my cats, and think about how people suck. This makes me less sad and more angry now. I can't believe people go out of their way for OSD too. Or at least used to. Thats ridiculous.

>> No.8462684

I think more than anything it was just a misconception. Probably parents would who didn't know what it was told their kids who didn't know what it was, etc etc. was annoying tho

>> No.8462689

Nah, this is just a fatty-chan wet dream that they all have. Eat another cupcake poopsie, even your thread photo isn't lolita. I'm betting this is just a fat sissy dude porking to the attention in his petticoat.

>> No.8462708

>Not eating kawaii foods and then bashing them.


>> No.8462721
File: 34 KB, 598x615, 1395385791955294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8462781

OP, your post is disgusting.

I'm 5'6", 230lbs, and losing more pounds regularly.

Stop eating fucking sugar and work out. You should not be encouraging this behavior on people, and your mother should not have permitted you to eat sugar all the time.

>> No.8462786

>Being a lolita but not liking sugar

Just what kind of loli are you?

>> No.8462787

>your mom cooks
lol ok

>> No.8462792

I like sugar. I love chocolate. I just don't inhale it like a monster [anymore] like I did everything else.

I have to make sure there's no harmful food in my house or else I WILL go after it. I have a serious self-control issue, and my way of fixing it is simply not getting the things that are bad for me.

Chronically eating it is something you should not be proud of.

>> No.8462797

She has to because we're Orthodox Jews and my mom won't trust the always goy maids to cook kosher or even know how to handle a kosher kitchen.

>> No.8462799

Where are your picks, liar?

>> No.8462803

Maids don't cook, you get a fucking chef to do that.

>> No.8462809

Tomato, tomatto, its all the same to me.

>> No.8462813

So you can't afford a chef?

>> No.8462814

I can, but again all we can find are goy chefs who don't know how to cook kosher or handle a kosher kitchen.

>> No.8462816

To be fair, some do. But those are called au pairs or house aides/helpers

>> No.8462818

>cannot tell difference between tomato and tomatto
Not enough money for education either?

>> No.8462820

If you can't find whatever you are looking for in a chef, you are obviously not a richfag.

>> No.8462822

or live-in prostitutes

>> No.8462824

Its an expression nitwit!

>> No.8462826

You can be rich and own all the brand in the world, but you're still a tumblr-tier fatass that will never look good in lolita.

So yes, buy all the dresses you like. We'll be sure to all laugh at your piggu face.

>> No.8462833

And I'll be laughing at YOUR uncultured un-kawaii, un-loli ass that for someone that's so RORI~! you sure don't live like one.

>Not having tea parties daily and eating up all the cute sweets you can find.

Noob. Its not just brand that makes a loli, you have to think like a loli, act like a loli, LIVE and BE a loli!

>> No.8462837

Oh, that's where you're wrong. I eat sweets all the time and eat whatever I like, only I'm a size 0 at age 29 and will forever be a size 0.

Although it's obvious you're a troll now, but I appreciate this thread. It was a decent change of pace.

>> No.8462838

Go back to eating your un-cute, manly ugly health foods and crymoar about how rori you are even though you don't eat like one.

>> No.8462842

>Eat sweets all the time
>Still a size 0 at age 29

I don't think I'm the one doing the trolling here Grandma-chan. Please don't tell me that at your age you're still not wearing Sweet are you?

>> No.8462843

>People like this give the whole thyroid thing a bad name.
I appreciate that some people can acknowledge having a thyroid disorder is real.

Diff anon, but I too have hypothyroid. Finally got the correct dosage on my medication (about 6 months ago), started eating better and exercising more and I've lost 30 pounds. Before being properly diagnosed, I never lost weight and would gain very easily. With correct medication, even those with thyroid problems can lose weight, it just takes a little more effort.

>> No.8462844

>No pics

>OP's a liar
>OP's a manbaby living in his mother's basement eating tendies.

>> No.8462846
File: 4 KB, 188x188, 1426739369949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8462847

Nope, though I could pull it off if I even liked sweet. I have the face for it... Sweet isn't my thing though.

>> No.8462849

Uhhm, you know you're not a real lolita unless you have been approved by your local kawaii ambassador, right? and there is a size requirement.

>> No.8462850

You think I'd be stupid enough to post pics of myself on /cgl/, out myself to my Comm and then subsequently end up on BTB just because I take pride in my body and act and live more like a real loli then those jealous bitches ever could?

Nice try but no dice!

>> No.8462853

Maybe for you, eh dad?

>> No.8462854

>Size requirement
>In a fashion and lifestyle that prides itself on eating cute, sweet foods

What even? Western lolis really are such noob-lolis, did you know back in Japan lolita is known as the chubby-girls fashion precisely BECAUSE of the sweets intake?

>> No.8462858

>a fashion and lifestyle that prides itself on eating cute, sweet foods

No. It's a fashion and lifestyle about being a refined young lady, which you are not.

>> No.8462859

Yeah, your local ambassador picks out comm members, send their pictures to Misako as a final approval and then you get your lolita certificate.

>> No.8462862
File: 97 KB, 720x960, fwefwefwefwfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's a picture of gulls... You better believe I'm kawaii as fuck.

>> No.8462866

That's only Classic, Grandma-chans, with us Sweets its all about loving and consuming anything and everything cute!

>> No.8462869

Fuck she really is! 10/10 qt 3.14 chubby Asian Loli. Would twinsie with her sometime and buy her a closetful of brand!

>> No.8462870

>sweet lolita
Carry on then!

>> No.8462872


>> No.8462874

Looks more Mexican to me

>> No.8462876

>filthy Mexican

You will never be rori

>> No.8462881
File: 94 KB, 170x235, 2a3fb1c2fbf049680732eb2a176d3cd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.8462883


>> No.8462888

You act like you are better than other fatties while the fact remains that you are a fat fuck behind your computer coming up with excuses and explanations to make yourself feel better

>> No.8462890

You and your personality are ugly, and trying to compensate it with sugar only makes things worse.

>> No.8462893

I have PCOS and I am no where near fatty. Learn to fucking control yourselves. If your body needs you to eat less, eat less.

>> No.8462903
File: 51 KB, 500x598, tumblr_nc1iqcgkJB1sz54o1o1_500-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imblying healthy food cant be cute
do you know where kawaii culture originated? its entitled shitheads like you that make me glad i fixed my shit and lost 40lbs.

>> No.8462904

If you're a loli, you're totally a better fatty-chan if you're one just because you consume a lot of sweets then if you're one that eats a lot of fast-food grease shit!

One is cute and loli-acceptable, one is gross.

>> No.8462906

It can dress itself up as cute as it wants on the outside, but it'll never be really cute, sweet-tasting on the inside like sweets are.

>> No.8462908

>What is fruit?

>> No.8462915

Such brand
Much Bodyline
I don't believe this is OP but it's very interesting that she's putting on airs and then posts a photo of a basic Bodyline coord, hm?

>> No.8462916
File: 361 KB, 3000x1691, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is your god now

>> No.8462918

This thread is a ride

>> No.8462923

It's like a bait feeding frenzy

>> No.8462925

what is it made of? looks delicious

>> No.8462928

Sugar and Stevia

>> No.8462929

If you are rich then you could pay someone to make and send you healthy yet delicious food. Mostly the impoverished are overweight.

>> No.8462932

I have PCOS as well. I'd consider myself relatively fit but if I started eating junk food and didn't exercise regularly, I'd have an inner tube around my waist for sure. Just because I have a predisposition to gaining weight doesn't mean I'll let myself - I am not my ailments, and neither are you gulls. Stop blaming your illnesses or your love for sweets as to why you're not maintaining your size.

>> No.8462935

Ok so let me get this straight. You're not only a gigantic ball of lard pretending to be a person but you're also Jew. This is too much. Bye

>> No.8462937

strawberries and apple.

>> No.8462943

I had that problem too. And when you end up grocery shopping for yourself it's so hard to not just grab cookies and other junk to eat all day long. It IS about self control, which is something you have to teach yourself, and being overweight isn't fun or cute or anything like that. Trying to go outside in the summer heat with your friends and enjoy yourself while you're fat is a challenge, and you end up feeling miserable because you can't even do the most basic active shit.

Seriously, gain some self control.

>> No.8462949

My cousin has a thyroid disorder and has been on medicine for 6 years. Through high school she was really fat (Almost 300 lbs) but once they put her on medicine the fat slowly melted off over the course of a few years. She's hovering around a size 2 now because she still eats the same shit she the in high school but she eats slightly less of it. And that's why I don't believe fatties who say "muh thyroid" if my cousin who can't do anything for herself and has no motivation to even work or go to school or anything that involves leaving her computer can lose half her body weight from using her meds and eating less then they have no excuses. My Mom has PCOS and she hovers between a size 12 and 14 because she eats almost like a human being except for her love of Pepsi and sugary coffee. So I don't believe that excuse either.

>> No.8462951

*12 omg she's not a size 2

>> No.8462954

size 12 is still fat...

>> No.8462959

For real if your Mom loved you she would take a class on how to feed you right or since you're so rich pay a chef to come make you healthy food

>> No.8462962

Suddenly, this thread magically transforms into a kawaii, healthy food thread!
I hate troll threads and these both look delicious!

>> No.8462968
File: 694 KB, 848x470, 4d33ad1764f79e5795fbc39d9fb3fcbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watermelon cake

>> No.8462975

That's my problem but I'm living with my parents (Not OP) and they are fat Southern hogs who have the greasiest most unhealthy snacks you can imagine on hand all the time no matter what I say to them "You're on the diet not us, Anon."

I can control my portions in my lunch breakfast and dinner but sometimes I snap and just binge on snacks. And sometimes I get downhearted and after a binge just give up and stuff my face for up to a week before I realize I'm being an idiot. I just came off of a binge week a couple of days ago and now I'm pissed with myself. I was so close to one of my goals. It's severely slowed down my weight loss.

>> No.8462978
File: 348 KB, 854x474, 64b6433638de1e912f6b540c28da508a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sakura sushi
maybe switch the chee-kama for some sort of vegetable.

>> No.8462982

She obviously doesn't have hers otherwise she would know this

>> No.8462985

i think the point was that she doesn't really do ANYTHING to lose weight other than take meds, and she isn't landwhale size.

12 is at the top of the "regular" sizes until you start getting into plus size.

>> No.8462987

I've had hypothyroidism since I was around 16 (now 27) and I'm completely healthy in my weight. I think people just use it as a bullshit excuse to be lazy and eat whatever they want.

Also if it's so bad, get on Synthroid?? jfc

>> No.8462988
File: 682 KB, 852x474, 57d411047d9d8710762dc5e0f232a229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coffee jelly
not particularly cute on its own but its really nice when its hot and its by cooking with dog so its automatically kawaii.

>hai im furancissu

>> No.8462989

I bet you found this girl on google images searching "Cute Asian Fatty Chan" I would bet money that you're white and an obeast. This girl could probably fit into some shirred brand. If you have to buy two brand dresses and have them sewn together, you must be pushing at least 300 lbs or more. Nice try.

>> No.8462990

Study some more.

>> No.8463001

She's making a collage all day because she flunked out of college and it keeps her occupied so her parents let it slide. They are just happy that she no longer beats her monkey fists at them during the day asking for cake

>> No.8463008
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>> No.8463009
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>> No.8463010
File: 153 KB, 500x333, 4011180490_668077a04f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8463012

>za host of dis show, cooking with doggu

>> No.8463014
File: 96 KB, 400x318, dosirak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting so hungry now

>> No.8463016
File: 97 KB, 380x317, cute-food-sugar-bunny-bento-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8463020
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>> No.8463024
File: 129 KB, 500x333, 6087899591_47fbb14ef2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8463028

Jesus christ I thought you gulls were better at detecting bait like OP but I guess fucking not

>> No.8463029
File: 306 KB, 1937x2211, img_8121wtmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8463031
File: 83 KB, 500x333, 5316403416_c000a1a9c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8463034
File: 98 KB, 550x705, bento-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only cute healthy food now

>> No.8463036

To be fair, I have Hashimoto's and feel worse on Synthroid than I do with hypothyroidism. It makes me nauseous and I don't take it anymore. I'd rather be tired all the time than sick all the time.

I'm still not fat though.

>> No.8463037

Do you have pictures of any cute food that's not shaped rice?

>> No.8463045

That's an egg anon...

>> No.8463048

those are eggs.

>> No.8463049
File: 48 KB, 500x334, 1408442818815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8463050

I'll see myself out

>> No.8463052
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>> No.8463054

Fat people are gross and you shouldn't be proud of that. Seriously fat peoplle will never look as good as skinny people especially in lolita. Don't be proud of being a lard anon plus diabetes isn't cute but if you eat that much sugAryou are gunna get it.

>> No.8463056

I'm pretty sure I have hypothyroid but I've not been diagnosed yet. I'm getting bloodwork done soon, and with any luck I'll find out if this is actually what I'm suffering from.

I have all the symptoms and have always been on the heavier side since after 7th grade. There's been brief periods of time where I've been into the healthy weight range but it's very difficult to maintain and my body wants to stay heavier no matter what I do.

If I don't meticulously count calories and pay attention to carb intake and keep up on strength training, I will gain. At some points this is all I can do to maintain and it won't help toward losing. Going out to eat a few times a week will wreck any efforts I've made if I don't portion it out in half or most time thirds. If I don't pay attention to nutrition, I feel like absolute dog shit. I keep tabs on what I'm doing on myfitnesspal and it's saying I should be losing based on my intake. Nothing.

I'm always cold I wear hoodies in the middle of summer and two blankets with air conditioning going. Winter is unbearable, I can't wear enough layers. My hair has been falling out since I was in my early 20's. Most days I don't have the energy to work out despite sleeping plenty and eating right, but I push myself through it and I'm entirely beat the rest of the day and into the next. It also causes depression-like symptoms. So it's easy to fall into comfort eating, especially because you crave high energy foods like carbs and sugars. You end up sleeping too much and you want to be sedentary because you just don't have energy. It literally sucks the life and soul out of you.

I just want to be thin and fit and have my energy back. I love strength training, I love lolita and cosplay but this is sucking the life out of me. It's especially depressing because one year ago, I was only 15lbs away from my weight loss goals after losing 70lbs. And suddenly I have no metabolism what so ever and I've put on close to 25lbs in the last few months.

>> No.8463059

Don't feed the (literal) troll guys..

>> No.8463064

>tfw I have type 1 diabetes and get blamed all the time for my unpreventable autoimmune disorder because my disease shares a name with an unrelated disease that you can get from being fat
Thanks medical field

>> No.8463065

Why would I want to eat un-kawaii, not sweet food when I can just eat sweets every day like a good loli?

Its not a question of being poor the reason why I always chow down on sweets. I'm a cute sweet like a sweet, so I can't help having a sweet tooth!

>> No.8463070

OP here, Pizza is not kawaii and sweet and thus is not part of my diet.

Its disgusting manly, greasy lard.

>> No.8463071

Yeah, eating stuff made from boiled skin, bones and cartilage is toally kawaii..

>> No.8463074
File: 49 KB, 552x450, lifeurlive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love summer

>> No.8463075

>shape dough into a heart
>cut mozzarella slices into cat faces
>make bows out of pepperoni
>hearts made of tomatoes

>> No.8463076

Fatties aren't gross as long as they're like me and are only fat due to sweets addiction instead of fast-food addiction.

This is a fact.

>Captcha: Find all the cakes

My kind of captcha!

>> No.8463084

Still not sweet enough, needs more sugar to be cute.

>> No.8463090

I've been struggling with myself about weight for a while. I was really good in the fall/winter last year, lost 25 pounds, was only about 30/35 away from my goal, when I pulled off of my diet for the holidays. After the holidays I had a series of health problems and couldn't get back in the swing of healthy eating and exercise, and I've felt miserable. I've gained 15 of the pounds back since then and I hate myself for it.

No matter what I do I feel too miserable to fix it, and I know it's beating myself up that's making me feel so unmotivated, like nothing I can do will ever change it, and then when I feel like that I just say "fuck it" and go eat whatever I want for a week and feel even worse. I don't know what to do anymore, other than the age old advice of "just get over it and fix it;" which is way easier said than done.

>> No.8463092

>Why would I want to eat un-kawaii, not sweet food when I can just eat sweets every day like a good loli?

So your organs don't shut down and can't passed kidney stones by age 35.

Jfc there is just no way this is a real mindset. You are a sweet lolita so you only eat sweets?

>> No.8463094

I can't wait for classic or gothic to reign again . Everyone will finally stop using lolita and sweet lolita synonymously and there will be no more talk about letting out your inner princess.

>> No.8463096

I bet your teeth are half rotten from all the sugar. I'm actually glad you didn't post pictures so I don't have to see your flappy cellulite skin. I bet your comm secretly hate you. No matter what you say about having a sweet tooth it is weakness that keeps you fat. I know someone who eats snacks all the time but the also workout for an hour a day and are fit. You have 0 excuse to be fat

>> No.8463100

>gr8 b8 m8

>> No.8463113

implying rice is healthy...

>> No.8463132

I'm too delicate and dainty to do intense workouts anon. Sorry I'm not a buff, fit man but I prefer being a cute girl that adores cute and sweet things and is as dainty and delicate as a flower. :^)

>> No.8463137

Yes, I very scarcely eat regular, non-sweet foods and only when my mom forces me too such as for lunch and dinner.

>> No.8463152

How do you get the shape? Do you buy molds or do you do it by hand? I usually mess up and my kitties turn into blobs.

>> No.8463172
File: 32 KB, 310x306, Free-Shipping-Kawaii-Hello-Kitty-Little-Bear-Rabbit-3-pieces-set-Sushi-Rice-Mold-Mould-Seaweed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are molds you can buy.

>> No.8463205

I don't want to bother with molds so I only make bears

>> No.8463220

aw yes thank you anon time to make a taobao order
i know the feel all too well...

>> No.8463227

Um no it's 5" girl who I'm talking about. She runs and dances. If you can't even walk I feel really bad for you. Your parents must really hate you if they aren't getting you the proper medical attention. That's so sad :C

>> No.8463236

You can also find them super cheap on ebay with free shipping!

>> No.8463245

good to know racism is still alive and well on this board

>> No.8463254

>136 replies
>36 posters

I know some of you guys want to try to make your bait believable but this is just sad.

>> No.8463260

God forbid people actually talking to each other

>> No.8463265

I can walk, that's all I do though. I just can't do heavy, intense exercise like running or working out.

>> No.8463266
File: 1.57 MB, 400x219, 1425407591258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/fit/izen here.

it's so refreshing to hear an (self-described) obese person actually be honest about the causes of their obesity. i can tell you that the hatred and pushback that the HAES movement gets is not because people hate fatties, it's because people hate the victimized, blame-everything-but-myself mentality that characterizes that movement. if you choose to eat cookies and cakes and get fat because of it, that's completely fine as long as you don't go on Tumblr and complain about what is literally a physics equation that you have 100% control over.

gif somewhat related.

>> No.8463276

Then walk more. Walking is exercise

>> No.8463282

Dude are you even reading her shit. She's saying girls who aren't fat aren't real Lolitas because they don't eat enough sweets

>> No.8463283

Walking is the easiest way to lose weight.

>> No.8463286
File: 28 KB, 475x320, putin upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw have a thyroid condition
>tfw not a fatty chan
>tfw americunts and britfags always complaining that their food is making them fat ;_;
Git gud you fucking turds.

>> No.8463287

>what is bait

>> No.8463289
File: 94 KB, 625x803, 328898234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

>implying OP is even a fattie

Seriously, what the fuck does "liking sweets" have to do with cosplay or lolita?
Where's that worthless meathole of a moderator or janitor to delete this bullshit?

>> No.8463292


i'm ignoring that part and instead focusing on the the other topic that OP brought up which is
>i'm fat but i'm not a butthurt Tumbrlina and here's why

...to which my response is therefore very relevent.

>> No.8463296
File: 173 KB, 666x1288, THOSEAREWORKOUTLINES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'2 and 125
>feel too fat to be a lolita

>> No.8463299

Now get out ms. Fats McGee

>> No.8463304

>What does sweets NOT have to do with Lolita?

Confirmed for not being a loli, gtfo out of here you cosplay shill this is a frills only thread!

>> No.8463305

PT is like 5'1 and 190 though...

>> No.8463311

I feel bad for PT sometimes.

>> No.8463313
File: 40 KB, 482x355, MomokoBento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8463317

I know but I posted in /fit/ once asking about what parts I should work out and I got called a fatty. It really stuck with me.

>> No.8463318

these threads are always bait, never are they not
without fail every single time, people will file in to tell you about how much they hate fat people and how they're lazy and just make excuses
but let's be real, if you aren't going out into your community and helping, you're being useless as fuck
get off your ass and pick a charity, there's literally hundreds, and do some volunteering
start learning how to eat healthy yourself, because most of you don't really have a clue and probably shouldn't be telling people what to eat
start learning about free healthcare options (if you're in America) and options for low income families so you can help educate others
if you actually hate something do something about it instead of sitting at home all day being too afraid to leave the house because you might see a fat person outside

>> No.8463324

Fuck off you indian

>> No.8463332

>posting to /fit/
You should have known better, tbh. Just read the sticky and leave anything else about that shithole to rot.

>> No.8463338

Frills? A fatty like you doesn't need any frills if they have a celutilic stomach hanging from their bloomers.
Kill yourself bloated motherfucker.

>> No.8463360
File: 697 KB, 640x628, dSr82KL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's favorite.

>> No.8463362


Agreed, thyroid disorders get a real bad name from fatty-chans that are looking for a scapegoat.

I had ridiculously high TSH through college and my thyroid started getting larger in my neck. However I didn't start on Synthroid until a few years later when I started feeling depressed/loosing focus/sleep disruption etc. By then I had went from 110 to 160lbs. Now I'm on 100micograms and I just feel a lot better.

Hypothyroid disorders mess up a lot more than just weight.

>> No.8463390

I feel sick of everything.

>> No.8463395

How many dumb shits on this thread don't know what an egg is?

>> No.8463456

Yeah but I guarantee that stuff is a much smaller portion and much higher quality than whatever OP is eating. It's not full of HFC. And there's some fruit on there.

>> No.8463461

Is that ham and mayonnaise?

>> No.8463464
File: 10 KB, 194x259, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463474

This thread has to be bait. You can't seriously be 23 and think like this.

>> No.8463495

An obese jewish lolita. Awesome

>> No.8463506
File: 4 KB, 229x250, 1429673103942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler didn't die for this

>> No.8463551

Did none of you backtrack? This isnt OP.

>> No.8463558

No it isnt. Its easy.

>> No.8463578

>lines from working out
This is golden

>> No.8463593

To those of you who also have thyroid problems or have family members who have them, thank you. Its nice to know Im not the only one on here with it.

[Anon here, who first posted about thyroid disorders in this thread] I kind of wish they diagnosed me sooner, but my levels weren't showing up as irregular during blood tests. As of 6 months ago I have been put on 50mg of synthroid and my mother has been taking it for several years at 100mg. They are thinking of raising my dosage to 75mg since the last time I talked to my physician. Before that I need to have another ultrasound and blood tests to confirm it is working, but dosage needs to be raised.

It has already made my life easier. Ive been losing weight, hormones are better regulated, my period has been a bit finicky, but that should work itself out within the year. Other normal things like outer brows not growing, being extremely cold all the time.. Those things I don't mind. I am still constantly tired though, but when I am lack of sleep it doesn't make me as grouchy anymore if I need to wake up when I haven't gotten enough rest.

It sucks this is with me forever, but knowing other anons are in the same boat makes me feel not as alone. I really only have my mother to talk to this about because a couple of my friends have also heard the stigmas and, trust me, telling them about my diagnoses wasn't without a couple jabs. Its a scary disease. Knowing you have to take the medication at the same time each day [as close to the time as possible] and keeping it up to date with dosages based on levels is unnerving. I sometimes worry if my disease may turn into cancer and my thyroid will have to be removed like my great grandmother's.

>> No.8463615

Fucking pedophile...

>> No.8463633

Um, have you seen OTT classic? Ugly-ass veils, 5 underskirts, and Madonna crowns made from wooden skewers. Makes me want OTT sweet back...

>> No.8463905

That's not bodyline, it's white moon

>> No.8463949

Ham? What? No, thatfucking sick. It's bologna.

>> No.8463988

Wtf did I just watch? This is AWESOME

>> No.8463989

Here's what I hate: People who overeat and then suddenly stop to "diet". They end up overeating again and it gets worse. If you're a loli and want to lose wait, you must eat constantly or your body will decide to get more efficient and store more of the food you eat.

>> No.8464021

I prefer watching HIMG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNz1jDY1qO0

>> No.8464032
File: 312 KB, 1110x1096, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8464107


JEsus christ
i was not prepared

>> No.8464178

Someone photoshop a giant mochi on top of the pizza, stat

>> No.8464489

>tfw same weight but 5'11" so too big and too tall

>> No.8464526

It's just chocolate toxicity. Don't be a pussy.

>> No.8464546

I thought it was a pancake stack with a shit ton of butter

>> No.8464571


She would look better if she got a bra that fit her correctly. It might help with the "workout" lines too.

>> No.8464577
File: 752 KB, 508x553, HELL NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8464587

This fucking picture makes me laugh every time. They laid that mat out for him to barf on and there was just so much more than they expected.
I hope the dog was alright though.

>> No.8464806
File: 353 KB, 749x750, 7WOJn7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8464994

Question for you and other anons. When you and the other lost the weight did you have skin sagging or stretch marks? I have to lose 70 pounds and I'm so scared of sagging skin

>> No.8465004

"Obeast"... kek! this is just as bad as people who write WORST instead of worse and whatnot. Please... Obese is the word. i couldn't not reply. it hurt too bad.

>> No.8465021

Im fat and I know I am.
I just dont know what I want more, to be skinny and fit in cosplay and nice clothes OR a double cheeseburger.

>> No.8465033

I never got the point of "Fat pride," it's just as stupid as the term "Gay Marriage." It's just Marriage (that i fully support), and you're just generally proud of yourself. I'm overweight myself and i admittedly ate myself that way over my many high school years of self doubt, pity, and general depression about my home life. I grew up a bit and realized that there are many people who have it far worse and my confidence kicked in, but too soon. So there i was, an overweight person with a ton of confidence and drive. My weight never limited me, i could play sports and jog/walk 5Ks with my mates. But now, approaching 30 in a few years, i'm just tired of being fat. I'm working hard at it, it's taking time but i'm generally proud of myself that i'm trying. Am i proud of my Fat? Fuck no! I'm proud of myself as a person, my accomplishments that are many, and the amazing people in my life who support me. Being fat isn't like being a particular race, being gay, or being a part of a club. it just is a physical fact about your weight. Taking pride in it specifically is just perpetuating fat shaming and whatnot. You're still a wonderful person regardless of your weight. But if you find that you want to be healthier, striving for a better BMI is always a good thing. Just do it when you're ready.

TL;DR There is no sense in being proud of your fat, just be proud of you!

>> No.8465035

Not that anon but 'obeast' was obviously intentional as anon said 'an obeast' obviously combining obease and beast.

>> No.8465038

in general, if you work out, you can probably eat a burger here and there once a week. or whatever tickles your fancy. hang in there.

>> No.8465045

but dude, it just looked so stupid. In the context, it looked like you honestly thought that was the spelling.

>> No.8465052

One of the anons from earlier that lost 70lbs (and regained in part because because health issues). I don't have severe sagging skin. My boobs are sagging a bit, but it's probably a combination of all my weight going to my tits originally and not being a spring chicken anymore. They've always been shallow and all women in my family have shallow busts. It's nothing that a little support can't fix. Most of my stretch marks I've had since puberty, at least the more noticable white ones on my lower stomach. The rest from the weight gain are really faint, white, and I don't mind them much or even notice them. I may have more skin sag if I manage to reach 125lbs (goal, total of 90lbs lost) but I don't think it'll be too bad. The people who I know that have bad skin sag lost a lot more than me and were much bigger than I ever was, like in the 300lbs+ area. I was only 215 at my largest.

>> No.8465054

I always tought "muh genetics" was a lame excuse but... now I've diagnosed with hyperthyroidism...
Damn, I look fucking anorexic no matter how much I eat

>> No.8465057

>and regained
err... correction. I regained some, not all. Definitely not all.

>> No.8465060

Not the OP of 'obeast' but stupid as it looked, I see the thought behind the word merger. May have even been obease + hambeast.

>> No.8465382

Ok, offbrand cheap crap then. Bodyline has a very similar fabric. I don't keep up with this kind of stuff but op was bragging on her sewn together Burando then posts a pic of a chick in a cheap dress. No Bueno.

>> No.8465390

Fatty-chan says, "I ate a lot and now I'm proudfat"
Cool, I pooped today, admire me too?
Resorting to bragging about body function as a source of pride.
This is a new low.

>> No.8465496

Ew gross! If you're fat due to greasy, yucky fast food and not because of cute sweets then you're not a real lolita and don't deserve to be one!

Cheeseburgers are not lolita approved food, they are disgusting man-food!

>> No.8465513

People who eat too much sweets smell bad. They can bathe, use deodorant but they still stink. It's kind of gross to even be around them. It's 10x worse if they are fat too and when they sweat, which fat people often do more.
That shit ain't kawaii, honey.

>> No.8465529

Hmm. I wonder if this is a vendetta thread to try and frame the girl in this picture as some kind of sweet-tooth pride weirdo. Anyone know who she is?

>> No.8465530

She ain't that fat,more like thick

>> No.8465789


wait wait so IS there a defining silver line from just chubby/thick to fattychan whale?

im legit curious opinions pls.

>> No.8465808


i have a question, i have a thyroid disorder and i try to manage it naturally but i am really struggling. even though i eat healthily. and exercise regularly i may only loose 2 kg in a week not to mention my sweating is out of control even if i have goosebumps i am still sweating, i go to bed at 6 am and i dont wake up until 2pm still then i dont get anything done because the fatigue is just like fuckno.jpg, i dont have eyebrows their just non-existent, ive /heard/ of medications but i have allergies so is it alright if i can i ask what are the side effects of synthroid? if there are any and is it only for those who have the worst of the worst case of it? does thyroid disorders get worse over time? if i can remember right ive got the one that you get from drinking out of anothers water bottle, im sorry. i have dyslexia. and this is hard to type please forgive me.

>> No.8465812



>> No.8465817

Hmmm delicious ketone breath~

>> No.8465821 [DELETED] 


I'm sorry if this is too personal to answer but do you feel better? As in has your self confidence grown?
At the moment I'm at my largest, I'm 170lbs and my biggest fear is gaining weight I've...health disorders, I have been anorexic twice and now I am a bigger girl, even when I was that skinny I wasn't happy with what I saw and still now I am not.
I'm 17 and I'm really sorry if that question was personal but I'm just curious does it get better, do you feel better?

>> No.8465827

Not that person but as someone who has lost a lot and gained a lot and is losing again, confidence will not come to you unless you work on it. Losing weight only ever made my problems worse because I thought "I'm 112 pounds now and still fat". You have to work on loving yourself and being happy DESPITE your weight in order to lose it and keep it off.

>> No.8466056
File: 148 KB, 850x1200, 1411631233527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello yes tis I, an actual fat girl.

Fat girls can be confident, sure, but this person deserves to be made fun of because she's galumphing around asking for asspats and cupcakes for being fat.

It's not like you have to work that hard to shove food in your mouth OP, I would know.

At least get a degree in culinary arts like I did, so if you eat yourself to death it'll at least taste good and not like whatever prepackaged trash you're eating.

You make normal fat girls looks even worse than we already do by demanding more respect than you deserve. No one likes a attention whore. Go choke on some cake.

>> No.8466081

If your stomach is hanging, you're fat. If you got fat but everything is were it's suppossed to be, you're thick.

>> No.8466099

Obvious bait is obvious, but being fat makes you a worse lolita, no matter how much you want to delude yourself into thinking your inability to moderate your sweets consumption makes you more of one. It's pretty ridiculous that you're going on about how much of a better lolita you are when you can't even fit into brand.

There's nothing kawaii about obesity and the health problems brought upon by it.

>> No.8466128

I wasn't referring to that pic in particular

>> No.8466136

Um no. Fat shouldn't be normal or acceptable. It's an abnormality. Stop trying to make yourself feel better, no one cares if you can waddle 5 km in an hour. Lose some weight, then be proud of being in normal weight range again.

>> No.8466138

losing 2 kg in a week is really a lot.

>> No.8466167

Post pictures of yourself

>> No.8466179

If you're actually losing 2kg a week that's 14.000 kcalories. You are not losing that much weight in fat in one week.

Not that person but I'm a lot more confident now that I'm normal weight compared to the ~25 bmi I was before. I actually love fashion now and sports, because I'm not a slop ashamed of my body.

>> No.8466190

Personally when I got down to within a healthy BMI I was really happy. But mainly because I'd set a goal for myself and I made it there after a lot of time, trial and error. My confidence definitely went up. It's really easy to see in pictures from when I was around 200+ lbs to when I hit 145. By /cgl/ standards that is still huge but I felt great. I was in great shape and was really happy. I only had a little more to go before I felt like I'd be fully satisfied with my progress.

Did I still feel less than confident about my appearance? Sure, every day, I'd nitpick myself about things I can't change. While I felt more confident, I still disliked the genes I was given.

If you're only 17, you shouldn't worry too much about skin sag. Young skin has a lot of elasticity. If you lose the weight slowly (a healthy pound or two a week) rather than extremely quickly you should be fine. I started working on losing weight at 28 and I'm 33 and I'm not struggling with major skin sag. Unless your genetics are fucked when it comes to collegen and elasticity, it might not be something you have to worry much about.

Stretch marks on the other hand, everyone has them. Not a single woman on this planet, and many men also have stretch marks. It's a perfectly acceptable part of life. Most of the time, the people who actually bitch about them are basement dwelling euphoric fedoras who have never laid hands on an actual woman before.

>> No.8466197

Protip dont admit to being under 18 here.

>> No.8466200

like it's already been said dropping 2kg a week is a lot and actually rather dangerous, especially if you weigh less then like 136kg. I'm a little less then that now and I'm dropping maybe 1.5 kg a week at current and that's about the right amount without getting into the danger zone.

You have the exact opposite problem as me. One of my best friends also has an overactive thyroid and we're always joking that we could trade problems until it evens out.

Honestly I think it has to do with genes, manner you lost the weight, and speed it was lost. One of my best friends lost about 120lbs in 6 years and she doesn't have extra skin hanging. My mom has lost about 220-250 lbs over the course of the last 9 years and with her there are stretch marks and skin sagging issues but she's also had 5 kids (with the last pregnancy being twins), smokes, and is over 50. But even then it's not like she looks like she's melting. Meanwhile I know a family friend who has a gastric bypass done and she lost so much weight so fast she looks like a half deflated parade balloon.

>> No.8466215

>too big
I hope you don't mean that to say that you can't fit in Lolita because I'm 5'11 and 135 and fit in everything fine.

>> No.8466292
File: 34 KB, 403x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then blur your face you literal manatee.
6"0, 175lbs classic lolita here. I eat whatever I want but I also go to the gym 4x a week, doing a typical /fit/ 4 day split. (Legs/arms, shoulders, chest, back/arms). In 6 months time I aim to be >18%bf. I eat whatever I want so long as it hits the macros. I don't understand how westerners into Japanese fashion aren't also seriously concerned with their size. Japan has legislation against obesity and of course most of their clothes are aimed at short, skinny women. Plus size people aren't meant to wear what Japanese brands produce. What OP needs is to change her lifestyle completely. Thinking she can live with mummy and eat what she likes for the rest of her life like a special snowflake princess is just an indicator of how blind she is to the early death she is hurtling towards. All seagulls should occasionally lurk fit, if only for some lifestyle tips and healthy recipes. We all know they come here too from time to time. If you aren't fit you don't belong on cgl, because frankly you have no fucking hope. Being overweight is letting your sloth and greed take over what could have been a great, average lifestyle.
On second thoughts op maybe don't post a pic. If I find you or know you I will absolutely beat you until you turn your shitty life around.

>> No.8466441

As someone who has been struggling with their weight for a good 10-15 years it's hard to just do a life style flip and it takes a lot to do that. For me was diagnosed depression that once I had those mental chemicals under control I had the motivation to actually begin weight loss but that wasn't enough. Unfortunately for me it was being told that I am going blind from something that can only be revered via weight loss. And while I am upset that I was misdiagnosed with two things in my early teen years and I could have reversed this thing then but ultimately it's my own fault.

I've been where OP is before and while I personally don't care if someone is fat or not because it's their choice to do that the denial of people who are obese pretending that they are not actually living an unhealthy life style is ridiculous and what annoys me.

>> No.8466475

did you even read my post? I can run a 5K because i go to the gym every day actively trying to loose weight. get some glasses, love. Being an asshole shouldn't be normal an acceptable, but here you are. I said i am NOT proud of being fat. i am proud of myself as a person. grow up please

>> No.8466497


>> No.8466502

Hey, I have a question.

I grew up all my life gorging myself on fast food.

For the past year, I've made my own food every day. I've made sure there's little to no fats in them, plenty of vegetables, etc. I also eat considerably less than before. I exercise just about daily for two hours at least, yet I cannot lose the weight. What am I doing wrong?

>mfw 230lb fatty forever

>> No.8466506
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 916d296d69db7642afac68290c9278a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too still take depression meds but once I had the burning desire to not be a fat piece of shit I turned my life around, I take my meds every day and I run and lift as hard as I fucking can to fit into that glorious burando. No pity party here I used to be in a hole too. Starting to go to the gym was the best lifestyle change i've ever had. Becoming a lolita and fitting into anything you want is icing on the (portion moderated you fat fuck)cake.

OP's point about overeating is probably moot, if she eats as many sweets as she wants chances are even if they are home made they are overloaded with sugar and exceeds her caloric intake more than two-fold. Pic fucking related

>> No.8466510

probably overeating go to /fit/ and read the sticky. Portion control is key.

>> No.8466526

You are overeating. Try counting your calories. "considerably less" of something that is still very high in calories could still screw you.

I've lost over 30lbs eating all the stuff I normally used to eat, (sweets and all) but in smaller servings. It can be done. Just make sure you are counting those calories (I like to use My Fitness Pal). Oh, and get a kitchen scale to weigh your food.

>> No.8466527

I'm barely eating 1 cup of chicken per meal.
Fuck I've been counting calories and I average 700-800 a day. I'm con consuming burgers, popcycles, sugary tea, etc.

>> No.8466531

I'm NOT consuming burgers etc etc etc

>> No.8466536

Ask your doctor. Also what are you using to track your calories? An app? Anything?

>> No.8466539

You need to seek professional help then anon. Talk to a doctor or a nutritionist. You have the drive but you might be missing something that only a professional can figure out. Would recommend logging a weeks worth of your food and exercise before you go see one so they know what you have been doing.

>> No.8466542

>700-800 a day

anon, this really isn't healthy, especially if you are also exercising for 2 hours in addition to eating so few calories. Try to eat at least 1000 a day (but even that isn't super healthy...)

Definitely talk to a doctor.

>> No.8466546

I read the backs of labels and add some additional calories for good measure, since certain foods are higher calories when being cooked since more is digestible.

frozen chicken breasts are about 120 calories per serving. 2-3 servings per breast depending on breast size.

fresh green beans. I have to google calories in fruits as well. Mangos and bananas in particular.

I write them all down before cooking/eating anything.

>> No.8466547
File: 557 KB, 1024x598, 1432379347215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest even though this is an obvious troll post. Meant to rustle everyones jimmies (it worked good for you OP)! It irritates me to no end when fat ass landwhale tier people talk about their "conditions".. I've been using certain medications for years that are supposed to make you gain weight(it did but only 20lbs)and I never got morbidly obese in fact I never went over 150 while eating and doing what I wanted too? So the real question I have as someone who eats like shit is how? How do you even get that big? Inquiring minds wish to know!! Don't get me wrong I am still super chubby but not over size 8!

>> No.8466550

You don't even need to work out 2 hours a day, you need 45 mins of intense cardio a day. like go on an elliptical over a treadmill. you will burn more calories and use more muscles. Also, try weight lifting. Genuinely build muscle (safely) and you will burn calories all day. Echoing what the others say, make sure your diet isn't still in excess. try getting a portion control plate and stick to grilling lean meats. give up pork and beef for a while. you'll notice a difference. Good luck!!

>> No.8466556

You are starving your body. eat 1500 calories minimum. if you're seriously working out then eat 1800 but of good foods like whole grains. If you don't eat enough, your body assumes it's starving and stores 100% of what you eat as fat.

>> No.8466558

>If you don't eat enough, your body assumes it's starving and stores 100% of what you eat as fat.

This is actually a myth

>> No.8466611

Bingoooooooooooo! Again everything is fine in moderation. Even candy and cakes it just can't be everything. Also just eat around 1200 calories minimum. And drink lots of water

>> No.8466644

Those are literally just sweets anon

>> No.8466667

That's not true at all. Though not eating enough for long enough can seriously fuck up your metabolism in the future.

>> No.8466714

I agree with other anons, you aren't eating enough. Have you looked into what you need to eat to lose vs maintain? What kind of exercise are you doing for two hours? I swear you've posted here before talking about this very same thing, months ago...

>> No.8466791

>I've been eating no fats only vegetables
>I've only been eating one cup of chicken per day
More like you only eat one bucket of kfc per day. I can guarantee you're not eating 700-800 calories a day.

>> No.8466819


>> No.8466824

>super chubby
>size 8

stop with that humble brag bs, you sound underage

>> No.8466855
File: 1.61 MB, 314x178, 1433268924423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Size 8 for a short girl is pretty fucking chubs if you've got a problem with it take it to someone who cares. Wtf is a humblebrag anyway? (Some more tumblr shit) I.E. it's all bullshit!

>> No.8466864
File: 114 KB, 533x541, 1422833828759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I think about it I don't need to tell you to eat it you already do!

>> No.8466882

lifelong fatty here.
I was born with a normal weight and quickly began putting on weight. my memories from school include having white yogurt and fruit during the break while my classmates all had huge sandwiches and cakes. I was the fattest one.
I began going to doctors to lose weight when I was 3.When I was 10 I was already pretty tall and fat, I was the fattest and tallest of my class. that time I was around 220 lbs. people always thought I was older due also to using older people clothes.
when I was 15 I did an hyperproteic (sp?) diet controlled by a doctor that made me drop 60 lbs in 9 months, all while being ill, having to take vitamins every day ans still had hair falling in chunks, yellow eyes and sore muscles. I fainted in the shower too.
later on age 19 I was looking into bariatric bypass surgery. I spent well over a year from doctor to doctor, most of them discouraging me from undergoing it (it's a pretty brutal surgery) and in the end I began losing weight by eating smaller portions so I didn't have that surgery in the end.
I spent a couple of years losing weight with lots of effort, to the point I was obsessed with it. it wasn't healthy and I didn't want to fall sick again.
so now my weight has been pretty steady for the last 5 years which is great.
last year also I was diagnosed with lipedema and I lost a lot of volume off my legs (I have fat arms and legs but I'm average everywhere else) and gained a lot of mobility, not to mention my legs don't hurt like before.
I wish I had been diagnosed earlier, it would have saved me a headache.
soooo that's in my case how you "get that big"

>> No.8467082
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>starvation mode
>eating too less
>1500 calories minimum!
>dont exercise too much!
This is all lies.
I don't know why the ignorant bother posting about retarded fat logic.

What you should eat each day to lose weight is determined by weight and height. Anyone can lose weight, no if ands or buts. You're not a special and unique snowflake, slower and faster metabolisms are at most a 200-300 calorie difference. There are ways to boost your metabolism. Stop drinking calories.

>I'm genetically blessed I can eat anything!
This is as bad as fat logic, and equally retarded. Most people are unaware of the small portions and how frequent they eat. If you think you are a unique snowflake and cannot gain weight then try drink a gallon of milk each day and see where it gets you.

Eating healthy can be cheaper or more expensive then eating fastfood, that depends on yourself knowing what to buy and when to buy it.

>I don't have time to go to the gym/exercise!
No you do, because you're posting on 4chan. What this means is I don't have time to go to the gym because I prioritize everything else above it so, spending 3-4 hours being lazy in my room takes priority over going to the gym.

Did I miss anything?
kill yourself
>its hard
kill yourself, if it was easy everyone would do it
>is there a thing as eating too little?
yes but thats like if you went 3 days without eating anything. Eating under 1000k calories is perfectly fine and healthy as long as you get all the nutrients you need.
Also everyone saying this phrase in this thread please kill yourself.


If you eat more calories then you're burning you are going to get fat, end of argument. Going on a strict diet won't make you gain weight tumblr. Starvation mode doesn't exist.

Heres a calculator to help determine how much you should eat each day.

>> No.8467087

Get some fucking motivation in your life, if you want to be skinny. Would you rather people point and laugh at your fat body or would you rather them become insecure and jealous of how good you look?

Stop being ok with being average and normal you fucks.

>But anon you don't know about weight loss, you're probably some genetic freak whos always been skinny
I've lost 50 lbs, then gained 70 lbs due to depression and then lost it again.

>> No.8467165

Good calculator! Of course it is all about intake of calories most people just don't want to be hungry during the day.

>> No.8467279
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So what I got from your rebuttal was
>wahh I have a condition that makes it hard and I am super assblasted mad that you also had to try hard to stay under 500 pounds and managed to do it instead of making excuses like I do?
SMH people don't hate fat people we hate fat logic like this?
Mfw captcha asks me to pick all the bread!