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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 79 KB, 829x1024, San_Diego_Comic-Con_International_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8461123 No.8461123 [Reply] [Original]

Who's going?

>> No.8461211

im going all week, been going for a total of 16 years now
was gonna cosplay but didnt finish my stuff in time, so i guess im gonna chill the whole time

>> No.8461230

Year 11
Think I'm sick from AX. SDCC is going to suck for me.

>> No.8461365

im still pretty tired from AX mentally and physically, but I'm healthy enough. Might reuse my cosplays from AX since I didn't feel like I got a lot of use out of them or maybe even use one from last year. Might just go casual though idk, I'll see how I feel.

>> No.8461427

I'm also going all 4 days splitting a room with one of my co workers from last year. this will be my 8th year. I didn't budget a cosplay but still going to be enjoying myself.

>> No.8461439

I had a cold thing k got from AX it was gone in under 2 days don't worry bb

>> No.8461813

I'm only going Saturday. This will be my 9th year but I'm not really looking forward to it whatsoever. My step dad spent $700 on tickets in an auction so I feel compelled to go but it just gets worse and worse each year.

>> No.8461828

this year shouldn't be to bad its doesn't seem like there is going to be a lot of Hollywood this year

>> No.8461900

going but not a cosplayer

7th sdcc since 2006

surprisingly excited this year. can't put a finger on why. maybe it's actually being in a good financial situation for once.

>> No.8461914

has it been easier to get comic con tickets? or do they still sell out within seconds of them going up on sale?

havent been to comic con since '09. havent really bothered since then since after that year, tickets have been near impossible to get.

>> No.8461919

Lottery. Takes longer

>> No.8461926

Really? Surprisingly I haven't heard about a lot Comic Con in general so maybe that's why. Not that I don't expected to still be surrounded by normies only there because of the hype but maybe it'll be a bit tamer.

>> No.8461931

can you at least buy multiple tickets if you somehow get picked?
seems like it would suck if youre trying to go with a friend and you end up getting picked while your friend doesnt

>> No.8461971

yes you can buy for others provided you know their name and comic con ID

I bought saturday passes for two friends, while i got the 4+prev (I could not have bought 4 of those, there were only 2 available)

>> No.8461987

you can buy up to three which also means if you have a group of more than three you might be screwed. it's luck of the draw which is annoying as fuck.

>> No.8462002

I find best results is to go in as a group and buy tickets for everyone, but other than that its the same as always.
Like its seems more about animations this year. the rumors is that Hollywood didn't much to show off and didn't prepare anything so they're skipping this year. the only big I believe is maybe one or two tv shows and lucas films.

>> No.8462005

also FYI the odds aren't great

of the 8-9 people we had in a groupchat sitting in the waitlist i was the only one who got in early enough to

i believe two other in the group got fri/sat and a couple solo fridays before it was down to the thurs/sun. a couple people got those just to be eligible for next year's prereg.

>> No.8462018

man, that sounds like shit. maybe i shouldnt even bother with comic con at all anymore.
i remember back in 2009, i casually bought preview night+4 days a month or two before the con started even though the passes have been on sale months before that.

>> No.8462024

feels like that was the last year

i remember 2010 being something of a shitshow. was that the ticketleap year?

that fucking frog...

>> No.8462032

yeah, seems like after that year, comic con was impossible to get into.

>> No.8462036

honestly there are a lot of other good cons nowadays all over the place which are just as good and are far easier to get into

between hollywood shitters bringing in whole entourages and press gangs, comic con gets worse every year as it just fills up with leeches and people who want to be seen and less honest people actually make it in

>> No.8462043

its just sad because a few fuckups like the original online fiasco really made people go crazy and all of a sudden people thought tickets were super rare even though the demand probably didn't change that much from the previous year

>> No.8462092

Honestly it went to shit because it had to be fair.
>first you could buy your ticket at the con and pre-reg during the con for next year
>then online registration happened and this is where it start to make everyone feel it was elitist
>then popularity hits like stereotypical nerdy girl who gets a sexy make over and a lot of people couldn't handle waking up early and understanding that its an online waiting room
>after the few years of complaints they came up with a lottery so that it was perfectly fair and once again the complaints never cease.
>so they upgrade the lottery system that didn't matter what time or place in line you got in at. it stacked the deck then splits them into three other decks and the top card on each deck goes in at the same time.
the ride will never end

>> No.8462101
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I'm pretty glad I'm able to find a thread for Comic Con since I rarely see them here.

First timer here! I've heard a lot of negative things about Comic Con in the recent year, but I'm still excited I finally get to go. I figured I might as well go as soon as I can before it gets worse, as people say. I'm trying to pack up stuff right now actually and I hope I'm well prepared. Do you guys think there will be enough people for a meet up?

Finally, after waiting 8 years I'm actually going.

>> No.8462104

nevermind the fact that you can kind of game the lottery system where you couldn't do as much when it was first come first serve.

>> No.8462107

there will be a few people from /cgl/ or who used to be on /cgl/ there but not that many show up for meetups anymore
hasn't been a good once since.. 2012? 2013? you'd have to ask freeman. numbers have dwindled for sure.

hope you like lines

>> No.8462121
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I figured Comic Con is being more of a husk of it's former glory, but I just wanted one experience of going there. I really hope the rumors of San Jose Comic Con come through, because that would be way easier for me to go to.

I've heard to avoid the more popular panels and just stick to the small niche stuff. Actually, I hope people avoid the artists booths because I really just wanna go meet some of the industry artists.

>> No.8462141

oh they definitely avoid the artist booths
most people attending don't even know that area exists because they don't care about artists

you could probably talk for hours to the artists in that zone

>> No.8462153
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Aw dude yes. Meeting industry artists would be amazing, that's actually the number 1 thing I want to do there.

I realize now I just want to check out weeaboo things instead of the comic book stuff. I do want to see what Dark Horse and Blizzard Entertainment have to offer, but I'm hoping there some good pvc statue figures to buy there.

>> No.8462160

you rarely see SDCC threads because its pretty much only a handful of people who actually go or that seem to go.

my advice is avoid H hall at all cost its a lost cause, read the book because their events that aren't advertised mostly some signatures and special events. if there is a popular panel you want to see, go two panels before that one. have a fallout plan and don't be afraid to talk other con goers you never know who your going to meet and what they do. I scored some free tickets one year because I talked to him and his son about the con, what they wanted to see, hope to do, and wished them the best luck on everything they wanted to do.

I plan on at lease stopping by and seeing what the plan is for the meet up. emmet report in

>> No.8462170

Jesus christ what is happening to that woman's body.

>> No.8462185


I'm not sure, ask Brittney Lee when you get there.

>free tickets

Wow, what a real nice guy!

At least the people in this thread all seem to be going so that's a handful I suppose. Would be cool to meet other /cgl/ people since I really didn't get to go to a meetup at Fanime this year.

>> No.8462196

This will be my 6th Comic Con, and it's going to be a fun year, since I'm taking some friends from out of state who've never been.

No cosplays, for the first time this year, but I will be attending the j-fashion walk on Sunday.

>> No.8462303

here are my tips/observations as a long time attendee

- the majority of people there are now there for celeb gazing or most of the other popular media things like movies/video games. If you are there for comics, you will be in the minority

- Idiots line up for Hall H the day before, so unless you really want to see something, just forget it and enjoy the rest of your time there. If some reason you happen to pass by Hall H in the middle of the day, you can check it out and maybe there is a chance some popular panel emptied and the room is more open

- There will be lines for pretty much anything (but the comic lines tend to be short unless its someone really popular). As a favor to everyone, do not randomly ask "what is this line for" because you just look like a clueless idiot

- the majority of cosplayers can be found in the main lobby area (between the glass outer doors and the actual doors to the hall) and upstairs...the reason is the hall floor is cramped as shit so any attempt to move in a complicated outfit sucks and any attempt to take pictures also sucks

- do yourself a favor and come up with a general plan, and do not waste too much time in lines, especially if its your first time. There is a lot of shit all over, between the huge floor space and shit outside and shit in the neighboring hotels. I think you will be happiest if you pick your niche panels and just wander around and discover stuff

>> No.8462308

god i hope frank cho has a copy of his spidergwen picture.

>> No.8462320

>weeaboo things
well, you're kind of limited there. there is a very small presence at SDCC compared too AX or Otakon which bookend SDCC. a few booths (Viz, Square, Bluefin, Namco). maybe a guest or two (Ultraman creators this year). panels are almost nonexistent although I somehow always find myself going to the lost in translation panel which is just J->E translators

there's wristbands this year for Hall H or some shit distributed the night before. Now you can wait in a line to wait in a Hall H line! ps. fuck hall H, fuck Ballroom 20.

>> No.8462349

wristbands were there last year...it is only for the first panel of the day, but still pretty stupid because idiots just go and stay all day

last year you could line up after the last panel line ended (so maybe 7-8pm) and then they handed out the wristbands at some random point after. Someone could hold the place in line overnight, and then they let whoever was in line with a wristband in. It was a little complicated because the wristband didn't guarantee entry so someone had to stay in line all night

this year though, it seems you can line up during the day, and if you get a wristband, it guarantees you entry, so you don't have to even suffer over night

anyways its all bullshit, but if you are really dedicated to getting in, please read the official directions and do your homework and all that

>> No.8462365

I am now packing. More like repacking since I'm already halfway there from AX

>> No.8462369


Same here friendo.

Is it a good idea to bring a poster tube along?

>> No.8462375

a poster tube is always good to bring to any con

>> No.8462376

if you have the space yes
I bought one from Daiso for $3 and just carry it to every con

>> No.8462377
File: 35 KB, 322x600, 15405-2427-5-3ww-l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him youre replying to but i always bring this with me.
prety damn expensive, but fucking worth it if youre the kind of person that buys lots of prints and posters.

>> No.8462405


Nice you have a Daiso where you live? Bay Area?

>> No.8462469

they have them in LA too

>> No.8462724

OT, but it always seems like in America they have a million cons to be able to go to, like there's a new one every month
I live in Belgium and the only shit going on is Made in Asia and FACTS Expo, except if I wanna travel to MCM London in the middle of school term
I'm jealous ;_;

>> No.8462827

Yeah but unless you live near them travel is not always feasible.

I have a few friends from France/Germany and they did agree that one of the culture shocks when visiting America was how fucking far apart things are. 6 hours by car gets you across pretty much any country in France but it only gets you from SF to LA (which is about 2/3s the length of California)

>> No.8462848

>any country in france
fuck, meant Europe

>> No.8463261

It's already preview night and my wig hasn't even arrived

>> No.8463271

America is kind of huge though. To put it into relative terms, I can only easily travel to cons in LA and southern California. Going to something like, Dragoncon in Georgia would be about the same amount of travel.

I won't pretend we don't have it pretty good. Maybe you should come vacation in the states during con season?

>> No.8463285

For peoples first time I reccommend that they stick to the main con floor and extras spaced around the convention center. Trying to navigate panels as a newbie is overwhelming

>> No.8463310

Did anyone of you hear something about some trolls that are plotting to cause mayhem during the convention by throwing eggs and stuff?
Seems there has been offered quite a bit of money to do so....

>> No.8463319

No but that's a really easy way to get your ass kicked.
People at comic-con don't take shit from bullies, this is their most massive gathering and they know they have the numbers advantage.

>> No.8463350

Not at all- it's harder in fact, they do a lottery system now. You wait around from 7-9 to get put in a random spot in line.
I tried when they first implemented it with mine and my grandma's account to get in early, didn't even get sloppy seconds Sunday. And then they didn't do a second round of whatever tickets got refunded because there were so little of them.
This year I did it with mine, my mom, and my grandma's account on three devices and logged in at random times (I the earliest, mom's the middle, and grandma's at the tail end), and again, we didn't even get Sunday.

>> No.8463361


Personally would not spend a single dime to troll around in the first place. But it seems it has happened already a couple of times in the past. So I guess you never will be able to get it 100% troll proof even with some good security walking around the place, If there is a substantial amount of money involved they will just try to do it no matter the outcome.

>> No.8463489

Advice for cosplayers going to SDCC: Go all in, or leave it at home.

Cosplaying at SDCC is much different from cosplaying at other conventions.

1. You will be forced to move with foot traffic a lot. There won't be a lot of places for stopping.

2. Your costume will wear you down physically. If your costume does not have adequate footwear for walking, you are going to that much more drained.

3. If your costume is "large" be aware that hall space is limited. If you try to walk in crowds, you WILL be an obstruction to others, and tire yourself out trying to get around. Also, plan on missing anything cool if you are lumbering around in a costume.

4. Have friends around that can carry stuff like your bag-o-swag and food/drinks/wallet/purse.

5. If you are keen on getting your picture taken, find free time to hang out in designated "cosplay" spots, like the stairs or places where there's lots of foot traffic.

>> No.8463496


5.5 Be welcoming to photography. People are shy about asking. Especially do this if someone comes up to compliment your costume. You should offer them an opportunity. "Oh, did you want to take a picture?". Some people will feel like they are inconveniencing you, or they are too shy to ask, even if they compliment your costume. Take time to engage with people. Make it fun. If they say "nah, I don't want one" then that's that. But always lead the offer. It'll help you get pictures of yourself online, and helps ease the photo takers tension about asking.

Reason I mention above "Go all in, or leave it at home" is because wearing a costume at comic con is really stressful and tiring compared to other conventions. You will get tired faster, you will have to travel longer, you will be a burden to others if your costume is too large, and you won't really have a chance to unload your costume at the hotel room (unless you are rich as fuck and can afford the $700 a night rooms across the street from the con center). Be prepared to be exhausted more so than usual, and that carting around your costume "is" going to stop you from doing other things that day.

If you can handle all that, go for it. It's a ton of fun, and you might get special treatment on one thing or another (like ending up on tv, or getting photo ops with well known people). Otherwise, if it sounds like too much, leave your cosplay at home and enjoy the con and rest around San Diego. Lotsa good places to wine and dine.

>> No.8463608

god help you that you get stuck in LA Traffic that put you about an hour or two behind schedule if you plan on passing through
usually they don't show or do anything, last years I heard rumors someone was going to commit suicide by hangin themselves on the railing at the con. tho my favorite was someone want to shoot up the convention center.
no matter the situation its going to end in an ass kicking

>> No.8463618

I heard there are a bunch of things to do outside of SDCC, but i'm not local so I don't know about them.

What are some other things you can do around downtown SD?

>> No.8463651

its pretty much go across the street to the gas lamp for side attractions and events that are open to the public, then go next door to the con for adult swim carnival.

>> No.8463654

>Your costume will wear you down physically. If your costume does not have adequate footwear for walking, you are going to that much more drained.
So I guess you where one of those people wearing a fucked up Godzilla looking suite last time?
>You will be forced to move with foot traffic a lot. There won't be a lot of places for stopping.
Sounds indeed like you have some proper experience with being a fucking annoying obstruction.
>spots, like the stairs or places where there's lots of foot traffic.
Exactly what I just mentioned. --> be irritating and annoying in our way.
>unless you are rich as fuck and can afford the $700 a night rooms across the street from the con center.
Exactly where or whenever I please, can have a chill in my room, actually the $700 is only for the shitty rooms available here plebs.

>> No.8463664

>So I guess you where one of those people wearing a fucked up Godzilla looking suite last time?

Lol no. My costumes are actually regular "fits like a glove" sort of costumes.

I was more calling out other people who "do" wear walking obstruction costumes.

If you are going to wear something inconvenient to everyone else, it better be fucking awesome. Or else leave it at home.

>> No.8463665


Sounds like fun to have a look at too.

>> No.8463672
File: 74 KB, 550x305, speedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My costumes are actually regular "fits like a glove" sort of costumes.

Ur gonne wear a speedo? :)

>> No.8463754

>Rumors someone was going to commit suicide by hangin themselves on the railing at the con.
At every convention you will be able to find them.
Them Irritating attention whores, trying to expose them selfs with some quality air time. Trying to be some sort of annoying cunt if they are not in the middle of it.
>no matter the situation its going to end in an ass kicking
Agree, If I would be in a situation like that I would not go before bringing them down in a fight.

>> No.8463882 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 472x472, get a load of this plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look out for a Warboy from Mad Max:Fury Road

>> No.8464002

Nigga, I won a baby speedo pageant when I was like 3 or so years old. Or maybe it was Hawaiin Tropic.

Point is. don't tempt me. I could rock that speedo better than you could imagine.

>> No.8464008

Tfw it's SDCC, I'm tired as fuck, and I have PR people breathing down my neck for content from AX

>> No.8464020

I'll be ther

>> No.8464179

markiplier is going and he's going to cosplay.
Why was I born in a shitty 3rd world country?

>> No.8464330

my neice wants me to get an autograph from him but I didn't know who he was until I looked him up.

>> No.8464400

I'm not into youtubers but I've seen a markiplier vid or two before and he seems like a cool enough guy. Maybe I could grab a signature or something for you if that's what you want?

>> No.8464404

ANON!!!!!!! Not the original person you replied to but I WOULD LIKE TO BUTT INTO THIS OFFER

>> No.8464432

>J-Fashion Walk
Panel or meetup?

>> No.8464433

that would be lovely, tho I'm going to stop by the panel on sunday and just get exclusive from that for her.

>> No.8464435

its a panel being hosted in the Marriott I believe

>> No.8464524

It's literally a fashion walk, meeting outside the convention center and going to Seaport Village. There's a FB event page for it. It's hosted by the local Lolita comm.

>> No.8464643

I'll look for a time because I'd like to meet William Stout or Peter Bagge and I may not be able to make it if it conflicts.

>> No.8464689

The joys of walking around the hall aimlessly

>> No.8464724

are any of you guys parking near mission valley and taking the trolley into town? how safe is that area to leave your car there for a day?

>> No.8464727

You could rig something like this pretty easy with a regular portfolio and a poster tube.

>> No.8464758

its pretty safe I've parked right near the trolley station and left it there till midnight quite regularly but i'm unfamiliar how they treat cars during comic-con season. it is also a tow lot but I rarely see any car get towed but I park far where no one would park. if your worried about burglary its not poor part of town or crack head territory. tho if your worried about being towed safest bet is to park at qualcom and take trolley.

>> No.8464897

All right, anyone just get done with Preview Night?

>> No.8464965

Yup, doing nothing while waiting for rest of my group

>> No.8465073

Is ticket scalping and squatters still a problem?

>> No.8465151


whats a qualomm?

>> No.8465179

Yes to the former and not sure what you mean by squatters. Camping outside?

>> No.8465180

The ballpark

>> No.8465267

Qualcomm is the football stadium. You're thinking of petco park.

>> No.8465683

Its the football stadium near mission valley it's free to park during comic-con and is close to a trolley station.

>> No.8466085

I just learned that there are two doubletrees in Mission Valley and I'm in the one without free breakfast. Well fuck. That was the whole point of picking this place.

>> No.8466227
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I'm sure you are anon.

Captcha: Pizza.......

>> No.8466408

When are the meetups again? First time making sdcc since after I started browsing /cgl/

>> No.8466595

We were doing them nightly near one if the stairs (the c/d ones? Or the ones past that, can't remember). Haven't seen Freeman post in the thread yet though.

>> No.8466834

i tried parking at Linda Vista this morning but it was all full. there was on spot available but some fat jerk was sitting on the space. he mustve upset a lot of people cause when i exited there were 5 cars lined up behind me all staring at the fool

>> No.8466928

Gatherings 8pm every night on the stairs, usual spot.

Hope to see you guys here!

>> No.8466983

This is my first sdcc and actually one of my first cons that i have attended alone can a fellow anon help a giy out?

>> No.8467003

Depends on what you mean

>> No.8467006

I mean hang out at some point

>> No.8467074

Cgl is full of underage weebs

They dont go to comic cons, thank god.

>> No.8467264

Emmet report in I'll be skipping Thursday since I like kung fun extravaganza

>> No.8467265

People who wait at panels that they aren't even interested in so they can get a seat for the one they want. I heard they don't clear rooms.

>> No.8467355
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>tfw this year was supposed to be my 10th year going

oh well at least anime expo was great idk

>> No.8467422

Oh of course they are still there.

>> No.8467428

We used to have a lot of people going to meetups before it got hard to get badges. Used to be a lot more cosplayers on general going to the con too.

>> No.8467440

Original anon here. Only if there's a way you could ship it to Brazil, sadly.
Or you could just take a pic too, would be more than enough to make me really happy

>> No.8467943

Heading to the stairs now!

>> No.8467959

On the stairs between halls C and D, wearing a blue hat.

>> No.8468046
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What is this?

>> No.8468066

Maybe I'll go one year...despite not really being a comic-book person

>> No.8468128
File: 8 KB, 209x234, a56193dd5802b8e4e433a549886ead82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me this
I have a subscription to sdcc email service to be able to register for passes, every fucking year I get nothing.
I guess only people who have gone the year before are allowed to go? How the fuck am I supposed to go?
Do I seriously have to buy an overpriced ticket on craigslist from some guy who doesnt seem legitimate?
Sorry for rant Im just really sad I cant go.

>> No.8468146
File: 93 KB, 720x960, dank furb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im putting a fucking bounty out.
What does comic con tend to do with props?
If anyone sees this fucking furby and can ask them if i can buy it off them after the con (assuming its gonna be thrown out) I will seriously paypal you money if i really get my hands on the thing.

>> No.8468262

How was it? Would have gone but I had to head out.

>> No.8468302


Do you have an register user account with a con membership? Those are free and you need an account before you can buy a pass. You will then get emails when you buy passes

Even if you didn't go everyone gets a shot during the March/April period while the passes for everyone.


Er....usually giant props like those are made by the company and are actually owned by them. You probably can't buy it unless you have several thousands dollars

>> No.8468305


Oops, meant to say that March/April is for everyone who didn't go the previous year while usually the fall is the time period for people who did attend

>> No.8468567

my feet hurt

>> No.8468595

I'm in the overnight line
Super fun.

I'm regretting it already but am already committed.

>> No.8468657

OK, so I'm desperate to go to SDCC (now that I've discovered there's going to be one thing that really interests me there). I live in LA. Anyone driving down from there? Also, I need a way to get into SDCC itself. This will be my first time. Any advice or actual help would be appreciated.

>> No.8468662
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So question.
I'm heading down there tomorrow to visit some friends who are attending. Is there anything my boyfriend and I can do without having a badge?

>> No.8468671

Won't happen to be passing LA will you? I'm the person who posted above you. Would be interested in knowing about the badge situation as well.

>> No.8468736

Actually yes! I'm up in Burbank.
But as much as I would love to help, I don't think I would be your best bet. I'm not leaving until around 4-5pm, and I'm coming back the same night, most likely late.

>> No.8468745

Oh I see. Actually, I was just hoping to clock in an hour or two on Saturday or Sunday. And I'm in Westwood, so not exactly on the way there. Thanks for the offer anyway. Though if you don't mind, and I can't find anyone else for a trip there, I'd be very up for it.

>> No.8468876

There's free stuff you can do around comic-con.
They have one of those rides where it takes you up and then drops you lol
The adult swim place is really fun and they give out free t-shirts.
If you're into fighting games, the place where the xbone stuff is they have tournaments next to that place.
In the marriot hotel nintendo has something in there (didn't get a chance to see it)
I think in the same hotel as the xbone place they have shows and sometimes anime playing.

>> No.8468913

Money or friends with badges. The badges are worth looooots of time and money so I don't know if you can find someone to lend you a badge out of nowhere

>> No.8469051

Going, haven't met anyone yet to hook up with like the past 3 years so guess it'll be very casual.

>> No.8469233

Did you get the hall h tickets?

I was front 200 of group c which puts me in the 3000 range, but when I first got in line there were only 1200 people

yeah I haven't done outside stuff I might be down to show you around

>> No.8469246

Sister tried for a wristband. 7 hours in that line. Didn't get wristband.

I keep telling her to rethink whether it is worth it.

I got hasbro and Bandai so my side was a success

>> No.8469265

Worst part is I don't even care for walking dead and game of drones but I would not have gotten to star wars otherwise...

My friends and I took shifts from 1-8:30 and then befriended an out of town couple to hold our overnight spots. I didn't even get to do offsite stuff yet.

I want to do the AC obstacles course and I'm not even into AC

>> No.8469276

Yeah my sister has no team to back her up. I don't bother with h so she did those 7 alone. Spent about nine hours in the everything but h line and waiting for hall to open now

>> No.8470013

In GoT and after Star Wars, which means I obviously missed yesterday's meet up due to the ridiculous fucking lines.

Should be down to meet up tomorrow.

>> No.8470663

Nvm the surprise star wars concert ...

>> No.8470665

is there any way I could buy a Saturday or Sunday pass off someone? will return pass if multiple day and you leave early

>> No.8470780

So how about dem fireworks?

>> No.8470794

>go to cgl meetup
>play love live on phone

>> No.8470812
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Cause baby you're a fiiiiiiireworks

>> No.8471093

>only 2 days done
>still 2 more to go
my feet feel like they're about to fall off

>> No.8471544

I'm trying to get a party going tonight. I've got beer, vodka, weed, coke and Molly. If that sounds appealing to anyone let me know and we can meet up.

>> No.8471562

That was pretty cool. I plan on hitting the meet up tonight

>> No.8471640

Dawn of the third day

>> No.8471688

Somebody go to the UDON booth and get pictures of Ushijima for /jp/, please.
Booth #4529

>> No.8471714

Will do, or try

>> No.8471751

What time? Not there now

>> No.8472078

She'll be there tomorrow if what twitter says is right.

>> No.8472102

What time?

>> No.8472231
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, chiana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

star wars fireworks, conan shenanigans, got trolling, alan's con man panel, great art everywhere
Must work out press thing for next year, i've always wanted to cosplay pic related.
would be complex but great...

>> No.8472241

New here?

>> No.8472260

Ushijima get

>> No.8472318

Doesn't seem to have a time listed.
If you tried to stop by sometime and get pictures, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

>> No.8472355

Just post the time tomorrow and I'll keep an hawkseye out for

>> No.8472504

Throw some fucking eggs too.

>> No.8472507

Get them eggs ready!!

>> No.8472518 [DELETED] 

Already not showing up on Saturday.
Better not showing up at all.

Like for instance the meet and greet in Taiwan where she fucked up everything, also for others that where at a local University.(And blamed afterwards other people for it despite of being warned several times for not trying to be an annoying cunt.) https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2012/02/17/ushijima-iinikus-taiwan-exposure-very-great-indeed/

And for this meeting in the US, she has not been invited for the event by the organisation either.
Well I at least was not able to find it on the event timeline during this writing.
Check: http://www.comic-con.org/

Also this what she calls "cosplay" of her is also over exaggerated hence you will not be able to find her anywhere on the lists of official recognised cosplay authorities in the world nor Japan.
Be my guest to check: http://jp.curecos.com/ , https://worldcosplay.net/en/ranking/good , http://www.worldcosplaysummit.jp/en/

>> No.8472554

A business trying to capitalize on SDCC. Cosplayers work for free.

>> No.8472579
File: 215 KB, 765x1024, IMG_0856_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somebody go to the UDON booth and get pictures.
Like hood of her getting thrown with eggs on the venue and create a new flavoured Udon meal called: "Ushi-Bukkake-Udon"


>> No.8472585

She is dressed as Sakura today. She was there during akiman's signing sessions and not sure how much she'll be there besides that. She might be wandering the hall later

>> No.8472602

Pics or it never happened.

>> No.8472603

Fuck off you salty fucking shitposting faggot.

No idea about time. Whenever you can stop by is cool.

Get any pictures? I was more interested in seeing her Lilith than her Sakura, though.

>> No.8472610 [DELETED] 
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Restricted closed session.
surrrrr. 0/10
U mad?

>> No.8472611

I only selfied with her so I'd rather not
If I see her tomorrow I'll take a couple shots

She was pretty chill. Talked a little with her in Japanese.

>> No.8472616

Post pics or GTFO fake.

>> No.8472620

I'm jelly. Thank you for the effort!

>> No.8472626

Meeting tonight?

>> No.8472628
File: 414 KB, 1102x1036, summer-splash-sun-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Restricted closed session.
>I only selfied with her

The summer is strong in this thread.

>> No.8472631

I pseudo worked the UDO. booth today and can confirm Sakura. No pics though, as I didn't realize she was semi-famous or something.

Anyway, I'm at the stairs, eagerly awaiting the final SDCC cgl gathering.

>> No.8472636

Than we consider it fake.
yet again.

>> No.8472642
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>> No.8472648

Fuck off cunt, I trust Freeman's word over yours.

>> No.8472665
File: 12 KB, 300x100, 96.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is simple as always.
Pics or it never happened.
Because obvious trip fag troll is obvious.
Deal with it.

>> No.8472742

Welp, cgl gathering is over. Seeing what parties I can get into tonight by abusing my contacts.

>> No.8472766

I'm amazed that somebody was actually dressed as Paul Stanley. He even had a proper Iceman PS10 with him.....
booth 4529...Nothing of value seen.

>> No.8472866
File: 100 KB, 960x960, tmp_22287-FB_IMG_1436675805240-970759980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vampi posted a pic

>> No.8472944

How good was her English?

>> No.8472947

Wut? Linda's English is superb.

>> No.8472951

Damn guys, some of my friends are going a bit nuts at geek & sundry and nerd HQ so I'm gonna miss the /cgl/ gathering. Maybe next year.

>> No.8472953

If you mean ushijima either you spoke Japanese or went through the translator

>> No.8473027
File: 2.47 MB, 4128x2322, tmp_16185-20150711_230054-970759980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abandoned Carrie copay in the Tailgate parking area.

Fucking creepy.

>> No.8473062

That...is ridiculously creepy.

>> No.8473100

>1 more day
we're gonna make it

>> No.8473257
File: 74 KB, 601x402, 1433002214753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not original poster.
FB shit.

>> No.8473525

any girls for fem guys interested in a hook up on the last day of comic-con?

24 6'2" and 7.5" looking for some fun with a cosplayer

>> No.8473566

posting to /x/,see how they react

>> No.8473586
File: 75 KB, 500x449, Midgets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'2" and 7.5" looking for some fun

>> No.8473595


>> No.8473600


>> No.8473625

Sounds like mister sax is playing for exhibit hall line in sail pavilion.

>> No.8474056

Ushijima not at udon when I checked. Probably wandering around with akiman since there's no signing today

>> No.8474100

You are the thirstiest motherfucker, aren't you?

>> No.8474268

Ushijima just popped by the udon booth in partial Lilith cosplay.

>> No.8474290
File: 152 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nrdt1nwtaa1qldhpzo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8474399

I missed her again, quite upseting but o well

>> No.8474625

And so another year draws to a close. See you folks next year

>> No.8474765

until next year evrabahdy.

>> No.8474854

Having dinner with Ushijima. I'll try to get a pic with her later.

>> No.8474894

tell her emmets got a crush on her

>> No.8475175

Even if you don't, you're my fucking hero, Freeman.

>> No.8475177

>Try to get a pic with her

Fucking beta. Give her the dick.

>> No.8479316


Dangit I wish I knew Ushijima was there. I would had loved to get a picture with this internet meme.

>> No.8479393

She was cool. Exchanged cards with her and all that jazz.

>> No.8480363
File: 118 KB, 1032x581, get_a_load_of_this_dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look awful and like a complete dork, but delivered.

>> No.8480426

not gonna lie I'm pretty jelly

>> No.8482332
File: 1.68 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150710_10_48_43_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one's been posting any photos in this thread. I'll throw a few I took out there.

Quick question as well: assuming I get tickets to go next year, which would be the best hotel choice to book at (the main factors being price + a location on the shuttle route)? Been staying at the Sheraton waaaay out on the purple line, but that changes next year considering it takes 45 goddamn minutes to get to Petco and also to the fact that I suspect I got a mild case of pink eye somewhere in that hotel.

>> No.8482363
File: 1.64 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150712_15_32_12_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482374
File: 1.44 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20150709_16_52_32_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482400
File: 1.74 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150709_20_40_28_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumped into Angi Viper doing Veronica Daring from Hullabaloo. In what was probably close to the worst photo taking environment possible.

I really need to invest in a serious camera, this windows phone ruins almost every 3rd picture.

>> No.8482411
File: 1.70 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150711_16_39_23_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482413
File: 1.12 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150711_12_09_16_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482416
File: 2.07 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150710_12_01_07_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482509
File: 1.63 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150709_16_21_57_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482559


That Beast is incredible. I hope they get some photos taken in a more atmospheric setting.
Thanks for sharing!

I know this guy! He's super great irl, and we're all freaking out that this photo of him is making the rounds on the internet.

>> No.8482581
File: 1.59 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150712_14_52_34_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482589
File: 1.20 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150712_14_40_46_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482596
File: 1.94 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150710_11_52_15_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482599
File: 1.67 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150711_11_02_12_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8482612
File: 1.50 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150712_13_53_37_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to take a break for a bit. Really didn't get that many pictures this year which sucks.

>> No.8483490

These are friends of mine! The girl dressed as Gregory made both costumes and their props. :)

>> No.8483598
File: 1.18 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150712_14_42_19_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8483602
File: 1.37 MB, 3072x1728, WP_20150712_12_16_25_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a pretty kickass Bebop, unfortunately the only useable photo I got was the one with me in it.

>> No.8483606
File: 1.35 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150712_12_20_50_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8483614


I never get bored of seeing this dude every year

>> No.8483616
File: 1.29 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150712_14_44_26_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8483620

at first glance, i thought that was Alf wearing some purple shades.
also if thats really you in the picture, you look like Adam Baldwin. you should have gone as jayne

>> No.8483633
File: 1.67 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150710_11_12_38_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, that's really me. And honestly the only time I was ever told I looked like "that guy from that show", I was being compared to Tony Robbins in Shallow Hal.

>> No.8483640
File: 1.57 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150712_12_20_26_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8483650
File: 1.14 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150711_15_30_26_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8483657
File: 1.46 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150711_16_32_27_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm amazed they haven't been mass producing Majora's Mask like they do for Link's shield and the Master Sword.

>> No.8483664
File: 1.68 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150710_12_32_21_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8484416

Does anyone have a picture of the Grand Admiral Thrawn? I think I saw the same person both Thursday and Saturday but from a distance, and lost them in the crowd both times.