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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8458633 No.8458633 [Reply] [Original]

canon and alternate designs welcome. does anyone have any upcoming cosplans? TouhouCon?

>> No.8458684
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>> No.8459056
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>> No.8459064
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>> No.8459071
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>> No.8459076
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>> No.8459079
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>> No.8459080
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>> No.8459081
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>> No.8459084
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>> No.8459088
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>> No.8459094
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This one always cheers me up for some reason.

>> No.8459096
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>> No.8459102
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Some koumajou densetsu

>> No.8459157

Any opinions on whether or not Touhoucon is worth attending?

>> No.8459177

I heard decent things about Touhoucon last year, and it's nearby for me, so I'll be giving it a shot. Plus, I can try and get an IOSYS cd signed by ARM.

>> No.8459185

Last year I found myself trying to find things to do, but this year has a ton of Japanese artists, both music and illustrators. I'm gonna see if I can get in as staff or something

>> No.8459192

Didn't go last year, but the guest list looks pretty good, even if it is small. Then again, it's only their second year, isn't it?
I'll be going, since it's only about a 30 minute drive from me. People also seemed to speak well of it on twitter last year.

>> No.8459254

Wow, this shot is sick!

I didn't attend 2014, but they have some really nice musical guests this year so I'm looking forward to it. After AX it'll be nice to attend a smaller convention where it doesn't feel like I'm swimming through a sea of people.

>> No.8460015

2hu for black chick and her yellow friend

>> No.8464052

requesting alt reimu designs!

>> No.8464156
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I found it really fun last year. It was small, so there was a lot of downtime I just spent chilling with friends.

>> No.8464160

What's the story with this picture? Is there any context to it?

>> No.8464277
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>> No.8464304
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>> No.8464322

This makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.8464324

I guess I should word this right.
My friend and I went to go as touhou characters, she's asian, and I'm black.
We were thinking Mokou and Kaguya. (myself being Mokou) but I feel like contrast would be off.

>> No.8464356

Pretty sure that guy gets permission before he does his stunts.

Which is good because that astonished face plus butt jiggle is SOOOO doing it for me

>> No.8464416
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>> No.8464418
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>> No.8465295

Just another day in Akihabara.

>> No.8465754

One day I will lose enough weight and cosplay ZUN carrying Yen bills with his face on it.

>> No.8467203
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>> No.8468748
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There's a shitton of guests the con is getting and possibly ZUN my sources say so if you like Touhou, it's music, and cosplay, I'd say do it. I haven't told my page yet, but I'm guesting, so if anything you can come talk to me and I'll nerd out with you.

Literally anyone. Every character has a ship, so just jump on one.
If you want a random recommendation, there isn't enough UFO characters ever. I have never seen a well done Shou or Nazrin.

Pleb with waifu taste in snow cone

This gif still makes me kek. I'm good friends with her so this gets brought up frequency

He does. Guys name is D.Piddy

I'll pour sake all over your body

And before someone asks
Cosplay the character you wanna do.
There is multiple designs for EVERY character
People will recognize you
We need more touhous at cons


>Where the fuck is Golem?

>> No.8468792

Which one is you?

>> No.8468803
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>> No.8468830
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>> No.8468873

>cute girl cosplaying best 2hu

>> No.8468878
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You have fantastic taste in waifus
She's mine too

>> No.8468928

>tfw people actually like mokou that isn't me
>my waifu is impure.

>> No.8468939
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So who's this Reimu chick again?

>> No.8469244

AWA's my September con this year, but I'm gunning for TouhouCon 2016.

>> No.8469280

Best Wakasagihime I've ever seen.

>> No.8470629

>I'll pour sake all over your body

Welp, I better start jogging.

>> No.8470938

There isn't a 2hu alive who doesn't have a shitton of fans.

>> No.8471133

Anyone have any recommendations for good sites to buy high quality Touhou cosplays from? Taobao and Japanese sites are okay too. I'm just tired of seeing the same shitty Touhou cosplays for sale everywhere.

>> No.8472645
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>> No.8473282
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make it

>> No.8473447


>> No.8473564

I've tried sewing. I just can't.

>> No.8473585

it does take a bit of time to learn, but if you want the details right and stuff it's your best bet. otherwise I'd suggest cosplayfu.com, ordered some stuff from there in the past and the quality is pretty good

>> No.8473609

I know I have a link to a taobao shop that focuses a lot on Touhou characters on my computer, I can link it when I get home

>> No.8473707
File: 73 KB, 555x640, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on how to do Suika's chains? I was thinking about something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeXdsY1n7vg, but sealing the foam afterwards.

I don't like how fragile it looks, but I'd rather not buy chains from the hardware store considering that there's also a chain attached to her hair.

>> No.8475044

I am almost positive you can find plastic chains in a decent costume store (think prison inmate with a ball and chain). Cut, melt, paint as needed.

>> No.8475083

>Dat corset
>Dem garter stockings
>Dem heels

>> No.8475138

They just sell plastic chains at Home Depot, right next to the normal chains. That's what I did.

>> No.8475791

Bodyline has a few. Their cosplays are hit or miss but I own the Youmu and my sister has the Flandre and they both look nice.

>> No.8476026

Fuck, I completely forgot plastic chains existed.
Thanks a bunch, I could've dove headfirst into some foam BS

>> No.8477503
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>> No.8478699

Warmly waiting for that link, anon! Thanks!
Dully noted! Will check them out.

>> No.8479699
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>actually bretty gud Mokou cosplay
That's the first time seeing one for me

>> No.8480106

Can someone identify these cosplayers for me?

>> No.8481342

The newer the touhou, the less love she gets. I think Sumireko isn't getting a lot of fans since her design is more general LN-based-anime-ish than classic touhou girls.

That said, my favourite is Mokou and I wanted to ask if anons here like her ULiL design. Personally I love it since it offically took the tomboyish asskicker route while still retaining all of her girly qualities.

>> No.8481351

anyone play the THDS touhou dota map
can never find a full game tbh :s

>> No.8481369


>> No.8481373

vidya gaems

>> No.8481447

Maybe. I'm just not fond of her design myself - too modern, maybe? I do love Ringo and Doremy, though. Can't wait for LoLK to come out.

Not a big fan of MOBAs, but it looks interesting.

>> No.8481535
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Of course. More artwork.

>> No.8481538

I have mixed feelings.
What >>8481535 is true, but as for the design itself, I think that those separated cuffs look pretty dumb. It also confirms that for some reason Moko-tan doesn't put her fireproofing talismans on the shirt, which isn't logical either.

>> No.8481850

>cosplayed Mokou but it's probably shit because I rushed it
>the only photos I have are shitty phone pics


>> No.8482973
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>> No.8483037
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>suspenders AND belt
>grey hair
>face of a junkie

>> No.8483995

I want to make a "fancy" version of Rumia. Am I on the right track or does this sound way off base?
>black waistcoat and red tie similar to her touhouvania artwork
>red beads become collar pins with a chain
>black knee length skirt with lots of poof
>sheer white crew socks or white tights
>black heels with red bows like in her HM sprite
Obviously her ribbon/ ofuda would be included.

>> No.8485382
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>> No.8485947

moar belts

>> No.8486996
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I appreciate her hard work and whatnot but holy fuck anon, you're hurting my waifu and me.

>> No.8487559
File: 439 KB, 866x900, 931af73cd36714c8a494f722a68ca9ce-shinoasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping because there needs to be more Touhou cosplayers.

Pic related: more Keine cosplayers for my ship

>> No.8488378
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>> No.8488507
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pls post Chen.

>> No.8489154

Had a photoshoot today with my old Patchouli cosplay. It was really fun and now I'm really in the mood to finish my Suika I have been postponing for over two years

>> No.8490943
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Anyone going to to this Touhou gathering that's happening a few weekends from now in the Bay Area?


Just learned of it yesterday.

>> No.8491060

OH NICE. I'm so going.

>> No.8491269

I want to cosplay one of the newer characters but none of their designs have really suck with me... Ah well.

That being said, are there any well known fan designs for the characters besides Kourindou and Koumajou?

>> No.8491479


Was going to check if that was an old photo of mine, but I guess anyone at AWA could've done it.

I'll be doing that and Touhoucon. West Coast Touhou people are generally nice if really introverted.

New England/east coast places like AB and Otakon have a lot of old people who think they're the official worldwide heads of Touhou, so I try not to see them these days.


There's color swaps and lots of old memes.

>> No.8492100
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I've never cosplayed before, but I want to Cosplay as Cirno for reasons. Does anyone have any advice on where to buy a costume or how to make a costume + where to find materials? Thank you in advance.

>> No.8492109

http://waterbottledesu.deviantart.com/art/Cirno-Crystal-Wings-Tutorial-460282407 wings
I know nothing about reputable shops so another anon will have to step in

>> No.8492127

Oh, thank you very much! I appreciate the help.

>> No.8492138
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Do it! More Touhou!
Her wings will be the hardest; but a lot of places like ebay and toaboa will have her dress and wig

See you at Touhoucon.
I actually adore the touhou Fandom here at the west coast. Everyone is so incredibly nice and welcoming. Some awkwards every now and then but not mean.

>> No.8492447

is this still organized by the guy who did the first one?

>> No.8493337
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I'm not a huge Touhou fan (I just play for fun), but will probably go anyway since I haven't been to a small con in awhile. I hope I don't get bullied by /jp/sies for being a casual.

>> No.8494141

Damn, I really wanted to go when I saw this, but I've got an interview that day. Guess I'll just have to wait for the next one...

>> No.8494168

I wish I could go but I do not live in the Bay area and I have work that day.

>> No.8494649

Was there something wrong with the first meet?

>> No.8494681

No, it's just that I chatted with Norcal Touhou folk years ago in like an AIM chatroom and was wondering how they were doing. IIRC one of those online friends had helped set up that gathering

>> No.8495040

Cons are too casual for the tru00 fans, so I don't think that's something you'll have to worry about.


From the reddit thread it seems like they're planning on doing at least one meet a month, which is nice since I don't think I'll be able to make it out to this one. I'll be sending them an email to keep me in touch shortly.

>> No.8495213
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>> No.8497058

There are lots of problems with Touhoucon, but this is the main reason why.

A good amount of the people who go don't even play Touhou. Theyre only in it for the fanart/music/cosplay sluts who also know nothing about touhou

>> No.8497389


Those fucking secondaries are the ones paying for renting the space and flying over ideolo and ARM.

>> No.8497404

if you wanted a con that only had people who play shmups you'd have a very empty con. i'm sure most of the people who 1cc the games (or even play the games at all) don't even leave their homes and aren't even a factor when it comes to attendance

>> No.8497546

There is supposed to be a general STG con this year in SF, of all things. But I find most of the fans at least give the games a chance, the hardcores on both end blow things way out of proportion.

>> No.8497600

/jp/sies don't go to cons
The last time there was a Touhoucon thread on /jp/, it was terrible. Just a bunch of people trolling those who did go to the con, and others who didn't go saying how terrible it was.

I don't get why /cgl/ suddenly decided it was a good idea to post con stuff on /jp/, even if it's Touhou related. Regardless, Touhoucon was hella fun

>> No.8497616

I feel like there were quite a few /jp/sies at the con last year, most of them just didn't show their full autism.

>> No.8497623


Too shymoe for /cgl/ and too outgoing for /jp/. Such is my plight...

>> No.8497648

Well, I know two people who are /jp/sies and went for sure, because they posted their pictures inside the thread back then.
The fat sinsack guy and the emo Asian kid.

Then there was that Renko trap from /v/, and I think there were quite a few /cgl/ cosplayers. But yeah, there were probably a few hidden /jp/sies who did not reveal their autism that day.

>> No.8497790

If ZUN was coming, wouldn't they have announced it already?

Otherwise what's the draw? If he was coming, I'd gladly fly over.

>> No.8497900




>> No.8499957

Speaking of conventions and gatherings what are the Otakon 2hu fans like? This is my first year attending (also my first major con) so I'm wondering if there's anyone I have to be wary of.

>> No.8500474


There will be a bunch of old crotchety people who've been around forever and might meme on you. At worst they'd just be rude though. The actual organizer Kilgamayan is a fine guy.

>> No.8501706

Hmm, maybe I'll attend the dinner then. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.8502020
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>> No.8502025
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>> No.8502030
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>> No.8502291
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>> No.8502295
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>> No.8502307
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>> No.8502313
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>> No.8504838
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>> No.8507311
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>> No.8510573
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Just got my banner today guys.
I'm very excited.

>> No.8510584

Nicee. You should host da seagull meetup for Touhoucon

Mokou is bes gurl

>> No.8510604
File: 64 KB, 850x897, FB_IMG_1436218894975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually totally down to do that. 2 months away.

>> No.8510630

Are you a host or something?

>> No.8510670
File: 149 KB, 470x600, 2hu17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like that. An ambassador. Staffing mixed with face. I think positions are still open on the fb page if you wanted to apply as well.

>> No.8510994

Is there a way to cosplay Touhou without seeming like a cosplay slut who doesn't play or doesn't know anything about it? This is probably a real dumb question but I cosplay and I'm kind of bad at talking and social situations in general.

I should also add that I'm not exactly an expert yet since I've only been playing for about one year now and I don't have too much free time.

>> No.8511009

Any advice on how jazz up a guy version of Okuu? I wanna cosplay for 2hucon, but want to look more impressive than just "wow white button down, green pants, arm thing"

Just because you're bad at talking doesn't mean people are going to take you as a cosplay slut or casual. Half this place is gonna be awkward when talking I bet... and if some stranger actually does think you're a cosplay slut, really that's on them being shitty.

>> No.8511766
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Well the way I look at it, there isn't a whole bunch of Touhou cosplays that are originally a "slutty" costume. Most of them are young to teenaged girls and while, of course, there's ways to make them slutty, ZUN's original designs don't normally imply much of that stuff. I've cosplayed Mokou and Wriggle before and both of those characters are in pants and button-up long sleeves, so it's your call. Meanwhile if your having social problems, as long as you don't annoy anyone, you're probably good, and that goes with any fandom.

Since her outfit structure is already really simple, I say a way to make you stand out would be to get really crafty with it. Do all the small details like the eye on the shirt, her star cape, the wings, her foot thing, and of course the matter rod. Then just translate the skirt to pants or shorts and maybe make the bow a hat instead.
If you are having trouble, I can jump on my computer and sketch you up something real quick. You have 2 monthes.

>> No.8511828

I went to Touhoucon the first year; like 90% of the people there had autism. Well,not autism, but they were all really awkward and... not very good at social situations. (But they were cool and really nice, so I don't mean it in a bad way or anythin'...)

You won't be branded as a cosplay slut unless.... well, iunno. You do something actually slutty, like have two gallons of fresh semen on your costume or something.

I mean, people cosplay the Touhou race queen outfits, the wrestling outfits, the Koumajou Densetsu Yukari, ect. Those are hella racy and nobody blinks an eye.

You'll be fine. If you're pretty and have good costumes, might as well apply for ambassador.

>> No.8511958

A Touhou I know got kicked out of the Starbucks at AX because her Shimakaze cos was too slutty.

So just don't go that far. Unless you want to! It's a free country.

>> No.8511963

How is she a touhou if she's shimakaze?

>> No.8511989

Any eurofags want to cry with me about not being able to go to Touhoucon? ;_;

>> No.8512003

I'll live stream that shit for you.

Only if you take a shot every time you see a Touhou cosplay, tho.

And 2 shots every time someone yells out a 2hu meme

>> No.8512042

oh shit that would be absolutely amazing

I'm ready for alcohol poisoning let's do this

>> No.8512156

Can't touhou 24/7, man.

>> No.8512187

Is it okay to cosplay a 2hu even if I'm a guy?

>> No.8512219

Ya. You should go above and beyond and be a traphu rather than a Brohu though.

Also remember; if a Momiji trap offers you blowjobs for $5, don't accept-- he has diseases. Do not trust awoo posters they are all whores

Daily reminder to beat off thirsty awoos with a stick

>> No.8512247

You can if you're not WEAK anon

>> No.8512342
File: 128 KB, 850x722, 1423521381636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in that limbo between not masculine but not feminine enough though...

>> No.8512387

this is what perfection looks like, yup yup.

>> No.8512404

4 shots if among the memes are Honk!Chen
(which of course... it would be)

>> No.8512486

I'm tempted to apply for ambassador, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make it to the actual con this year... Can we still apply and get in to staff for other cons?

>> No.8512504

Yup. Half of the work is promoting at other cons and events.

>> No.8512611

Plz do not bully Momiji. She is a good tengu.

>> No.8512796

Cosplay Renko then... but wear the skirt rather than pants.

And maybe wear a mask if you're afraid of people taking pictures of you wearing a fedora

>> No.8513051

I want to crossplay Aya

She's the best touhou and it gives me a reason to take pictures of other cute touhous

>> No.8513263

Pretty sure you'll be fine. It really just comes down to what your goals in cosplay are and how many resources you are willing to devote to it.
It might just be me, but I see about 50/50 male-female Touhou cosplay ratio at cons, alebit most guys are brohus rather than traphus.

I wanted to do this, but for some reason unknown to me toric lenses don't come in red.

>> No.8514539
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Just try it anyway. Get a /big/ wig and some foundation and concealer.

>> No.8516185
File: 598 KB, 1000x462, banpaisunaoshinoasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm fucking sold.

Proof: http://www.touhoucon.com/banpai-sunao-shinoasa

>> No.8517157

>Artist for Vivit Gray's group, Shinoasa
>Sunao, author of Akuma no Riddle and all dem Touhou yuri doujins
>Banpai Akira, Koumajou Densetsu's artist

Too based. I need my autographs; I hope they're not only guests of honor, but they're selling stuff as well.

>> No.8517209
File: 91 KB, 930x1024, 7e330a8423b8dbc3852042dbb17919ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /cgl/. Sorry to disturb you.
I'm looking for the woman who cosplayed "Leather Rebel" Byakuren during EVO 2015. I've seen her on a live stream, and now I'd like to know if there is more material of her to be had.
Thank you for your time, and I hope my request isn't out of place.

>> No.8517600

Sounds like they have a booth in exhibitors hall, so I'm assuming they're selling prints.

>> No.8519716

Awesome. I hope this year goes great so next year even has more guests and such.