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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8455636 No.8455636 [Reply] [Original]

Post sellers to watch out for, horror stories, etc.

Starting with Marie from ODIP. How are we all just sitting back and letting her sell in our sales comm again?? This makes me so angry and the mods are doing nothing about it.

>> No.8455659

Someone ask her if she ever finished refunding her former customers.

>> No.8455680

Kai Narita is back at it again too.

>> No.8455703

whats ODIP?

>> No.8455710

One day in Paradise (online shop)
>mfw the answer is in the pic

>> No.8458538

I've been wondering about this too. I've heard stories of people who had commissions with her who at some point just gave up on getting their stuff back/getting the money from them. That might have been before she flounced though, she's always been dodgy.

>> No.8458961

oh man i bought something from a store once and they told me to return it to gallery serpentine. didn't know they were related to odip.

>> No.8458980

Story here, OP? I thought Marie fell off the face of the earth and just disappeared with tons of inventory. She's back? What's happened between that gap?

>> No.8459023

She recently reappeared trying to sell petticoats. I believe she's also been using lacemarket. But she's trying to do it on the dl so no one calls her out after the shitstorm she caused. Some of her inventory was also being sold through another Australian shopfront while she was away iirc.
She really should be ashamed to show her face in the lolita comm tbh but with the sort of lolita "diaspora" after livejournal died people can get away with this shit easily.

>> No.8459342

Maybe she should pay her shop rent if it really was that good

>> No.8459353

Well, that'd require her to be responsible with money, as well as an honest person.

>> No.8459483

What was the initial drama? I remember the shop but I left lolita for a few years and now this? I can't find anything in GTFO EGL.

>> No.8459505

Huh, she's in Newtown. I live somewhat near there. I could pop in and ask around on the weekend.

really anon? All I had to do was google gtfomyegl marie and I got the results.


>> No.8459562

Odd. I searched ODIP / One Day in Paradise

>> No.8459641

Actually, from the looks of the ODIP facebook page she seems to have been back for a while. She's been selling through the Lolita Collective- it seems they've absorbed ODIP USA, and also through Gallery Serpentine which is your basic marked up goth stuff shop. They are also selling piecey, random brand items which looks to me like it might be the consignment stuff???
What's most fucked up to me is how she fucked over those indie designers.

>> No.8459711

>"That shop was the best shop I ever had"

>shit communication
>fucking over indie designers
>not paying rent
>not refunding customers
>general shady bullshit

>> No.8459794

I'm reading through these and Jesus Christ. I feel really sorry for everyone involved in that. How bad do you have to be to be to apparently shut down apparently 3 store locations?
Can you tell me about the indie designers being stolen from? I'm not seeing it anywhere here. It says she returned second-hand clothes, though.

>> No.8459883

*Jaw drops* Good grief, I once had a dress from them that was amazing. I used to drool over their dresses and corsets. Man, they've really gone downhill now! I wondered why they'd started carrying crap 'Lolita' stuff and different brands. It's a real shame.

>> No.8459885

Just to further clarrify - this was back when GS only carried their own label stuff.

>> No.8459890

They've been carrying Petticoats and Gallantry/Scarytales for ages, though. I bought one from them about three or four years back? But they only recently started carrying the ODIP stuff.

>> No.8459919

So this is a vendetta thread?

>> No.8459942

>seller scams large number of people
>disappears for months and closes down shop front without notice
>no proof of whether these people ever got their money or items back
>anon calls vendetta

seriously? are you one of the idiots buying a petticoat from her?

>> No.8459998

> scammer thread
> only posted to shit talk one individual

>> No.8460024

>New thread
>Only a few posts

>> No.8460034

Cosplay House. They will overcharge and send you a shitty, incomplete costume that looks nothing like what you asked for.

>> No.8460042

You must be new here, otherwise you'd realize why calling vendetta on a post about Marie is just straight up retarded. The Marie incident was one of the most massive shit storms to occur in the lolita world. She was a decently trustworthy popular seller for years then out of the blue scammed countless girls. Almost everyone involved in the community back then either has personal experience with her or knows someone who has. Hell, even I was inquiring about items and considering buying about $500 worth of merchandise from her just a month before that shit went down, but then one of my dream dresses popped up online and saved me.

With all the damage she's done, it would be surprising if people weren't discussing her bullshit in a scammer thread if she popped up again.

>> No.8460131

Lolita Collective was selling to help out the girl from ODIP USA who got screwed over by Marie.

>> No.8460149 [DELETED] 

marie is irl friends with my uncle. shit's awkward.

>> No.8460152
File: 616 KB, 1363x830, jesusch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Milkyfawn is hardcore scalping all my dream dresses on LM

$500 for a starting bid on Melty Ribbon or a BIN of $700

like jesus christ girl, you don't get to raised prices just because you are somewhat efamous.

>> No.8460173

It's what they normally go for/ what you would normally offer on a sales page. Pretty sure she's new to selling via auction/ lm.

>> No.8460180

Yeah, and Holy Night Story set for $400$/ buy now $800. What the fuck, man. I bought the OP for $250 or less

>> No.8460181

I wouldn't surprised if that works. You know people seeing the price, seeing her name and thinking she must be more knowledgeable on the matter than them. Kind of how all products endorsed by celebrities are sold.

>> No.8460183

She can always lower the price if it does not sell. This is common to start high, then lower. Some of us will pay more for the convenience to just BIN and not mess with searching, auctions, etc. Offer her a lower price if you want, or even combined offer for 2 dresses at a slightly lower cost or shipping discount, maybe. All she can say is no.

Also: scalping is buying only with intent to re-sell at inflated price to make profit, not buying, using in your wardrobe and then re-selling again at current market value.
Very few Lolitas actually 'scalp', they buy to wear a few times and re-sell. Some do seem to choose dresses that appreciate in value but that's more luck than a sure thing.

>> No.8460184

I saw the jsk go for $400 like 2 months ago. I understand she is offering the beret and otks too but how do they raise the price by $300?

>> No.8460191

Once again I think the BIN is wishful thinking/ a cap, the auction is the usual price and then anything on top of that is whoever's decision. Anyway I'm sure she'll put them down if they don't sell, but they probably will considering the interest, which is why she'd have put them on LM in the first place.

>> No.8460196

Like, she had feelers on facebook first and I think a lot of interest so she's letting them battle it out.

>> No.8460203

Yeah, she had nothing to do with Marie's crazy and was abandoned by her, left to clean up the US side of the mess by herself. It was cool of LC to help her out.

b-but anon it was worn by THE Milkyfawn!

>> No.8460217

Right. The same Milky Fawn that tosses her new things to the floor straight out of the box.

>> No.8460225
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>> No.8460227

are people still salty over this

Anyway the beret alone for MeltyChoc is around $90-100 usually, and the skirt for example is also around the 200 mark, ugly low waist cut is like 300, so I don't think it's that unreasonable for a good cut of the jsk and the beret though I don't pay over retail for things personally.

>> No.8460241

Of course. Though tbh I never saw the point of it. Throwing the rubbish fine but I didn't really see the point in throwing around the clothes

>> No.8460245

Not that anon and I love MF to death, but I don't think it's salty to be put off of buying her things from that.

>> No.8460252

Anyone gets to price anything however they want, if it sells it sells. Hopefully, people won't buy at the inflated prices, but if they do, then good for her. If she keeps them at those prices if they don't sell, then it's time to get annoyed.

>> No.8460261

In the first place why are people mad over throwing things onto a soft, clean, carpeted floor as a joke? Putting on the dress would put it through more wear and tear and it's not like she has some filthy/ neglected house.

Never saw the point of it? You just have a different sense of humor. So what, it's fabric.
They thought it was hilarious people were getting so riled up over it.

>> No.8460302

I paid 400 for the bitter jsk alone, the beret usually goes for 100 and the socks for 50, maybe add a 'convenience' factor for an added $50, I can see why she's pricing it all that way. I would probably try my hand at the auction if I didn't already have the other jsk.

>> No.8460795

$400 for that set is reasonable. I highly doubt she expects to get $800 for it, that's probably to keep the auction going higher - she'd probably be happy with $400. I do that when I want to see how much I can get for an item.

>> No.8461286

Can you guys not derail yet another thread with milkyfawn stuff? She's not a scammer, this doesn't belong here.

>> No.8461300

She was never trustworthy..

>> No.8461326

>Like a blast from the past
>Before I went on CGL, GTFOEGL was my home

>> No.8461349

Seems DS has quite a few differences in outlook and humor and their popularity and credibility have taken a pretty big hit from it too. But hey, as long as they are still laughing, it's all good, right?

>> No.8461377

This. People don't get what scalping means.

>> No.8461422

I go to Gallery Serpentine sometimes for chocomint and dokidoki stuff. Its fairly priced, considering how much I got screwed over with the us dollar last time. The store itself is pretty good, just...ODIP

>> No.8461480

The chocomint and doki stuff is probably leftover ODIP stock. I don't think they carried it before, did they?

>> No.8461491

It was about 7 or 8 years ago when I bought from them, but a couple of years later, one they started to change that I stopped following their site. It's just a shock to see how little it resembles what I used to look at.

>> No.8462440

The Australian dollar is doing extremely poorly (<75cents) against the US dollar. She wants dem USDs from you poor saps

>> No.8462443

GS is some overpriced goth shit honestly. They're a shady company too who don't pay their workers or commissioners properly. Makes sense why they're such good friends with Marie!

>> No.8464563

>don't pay their workers or commissioners properly
Well then. That does explain why they'd be okay working with her when no one else wants to.