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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8454771 No.8454771 [Reply] [Original]

Thread 10
Previous thread >>8451174

-Day 2 Friday meet was successful

-Seagull meet on Saturday at 5:00 PM outside West Hall was a success

-America's birthday

-Jw-Marriott requiring purple wristbands (maximum of 4 per room) for elevator.

-Linecon 2015 cancelled for Days 0-4 for badges,

-Linecon for events very real, they were apparently not clearing

rooms though.

-Weather is a cool 74/61

How was your con?
share pictures, stories, and general experiences.

>> No.8454789

>seagull meet

I've seen the pictures. Looks like only thirsty fucks showed up. There's a reason I avoided you. Same shit as last year, "tfw no gf "cross boarders hoping and flocking to meets and driving actual seagulls away.

>> No.8454793

>drunk for most of the con
>feels like I left for AX just yesterday

Still was fun as fuck.

>> No.8454798

Just got home, 2015 was a good AX. My only disappointment was not getting into LWA because the fashion show was garbage.
Had good luck at the dealer's hall tho, found everything I wanted and ended up w/ a sweet haul.

>> No.8454803

Exactly why theres a offline meet up

>> No.8454812

>fashion show
How did that go? I was going to check it out but there was still a fuckhuge line outside like an hour after it was supposed to start so I bailed. Saw the models walk down a hall though and their outfits looked ugly.

>> No.8454813

Stuck at booth way too fucking long this year.

Saw Freeman
Hasekura remembers you btw or at least your art book

>> No.8454817
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LWA 2 saved AX

>> No.8454826
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Anyone have any fun at the panels/events?
I got to go to the Dungeon Master thing. It was pretty fun.
What did the seagulls check out this year?

>> No.8454849

dating show had NTR. that was neat

>> No.8454850

Expelled from paradise
Pretty decent
Kill la kill panel
Titmouse panel was chill
Comedy show was hilarious
YouTube panel was too peppy and kinda cringey but I could see how people would enjoy that
Dating show was decent

7/10 for panels/events
It was my first con

>> No.8454852

Whose line was alright, trigger panel was pretty good and LWA2 was AMAZING! I got to see Freeman too, for about five seconds before I left. My legs are super tired. Spending some time around Little Tokyo for a while before heading to the place we're staying

>> No.8454885

I was only inside the convention center for a few hours total, because it was way too crowded, but I feel like there wasn't as much great cosplay as previous years.

Aside from that, the parties were good and the security at the Westin deserve major props for being okay with us partying on their pool deck until 5:00 AM every night.

I didn't find all of the seagulls I wanted to, but hopefully I'll see you guys at Anime California or Yaoi-con.

>> No.8454889

MomoClo show was good once they finished all that award bullshit. KISS didn't do shit, they shouldn't have shown up at all. Venue was also way too big.
Fate event was really fun, Kawasumi yelling EXCALIBUR!!!! was great, she is so cute.
IA/Wagakki Band was amazing despite the delay. Great crowd energy made it feel like a real concert.
Eva event felt like a Bang Zoom commercial, but Yoko Takahashi was cool. Would have been nice if they could have some more Japanese staff or cast though. I don't really care about the dub cast especially since the dub is old and shitty.

>> No.8454891

the smell of BO was really killing my vibe.

>> No.8454900

I had a lot of fun and thanks to the rest of the meetup seagulls who put up with all my boat shit. It's fun just to have people to talk to and I don't see why some of the anons were so salty about the meetups.
Home now but I had myself a good wander con which is exactly what I like. Can't wait to see pictures starting to pop up.

>> No.8454905

First off the line was the worst. It was hot as balls outside, they let us in an hour late so everyone was exhausted and super unenthusiastic. Also apparently most people thought it was some sort of cosplay fashion show? So there were a lot of people just talking and being annoying during the event.
The translator for Junyan only translated half of what he said so he was having a hard time communicating with the fashion designers/hyping up the audience
JapanLA was a joke, terrible styling and the girls couldn't walk in their shoes (to be fair they were huge and most of them looked about 2 sizes too big for the models).
The Liz Lisa show was rushed because JapanLA took forever, everything ended up being pretty washed out.
The other designers were fine, but at that point i was so tired that I couldn't really enjoy it.
Kimura U was adorable as fuck tho, 10/10 would waifu.

>> No.8454908

>tfw beaniekun and his squad of qt grills corner you in the bathroom at a party and chant 'show us your dick'
terrifying experience at the ac party

>> No.8454909

Trigger panel was glorious. Everyone was so damn hyped for every little thing so the guests were all really happy and chatty! And the parody inferno cop x LWA clip they played was so damn funny.

>> No.8454910

>Trigger saved anime and AX

Would expect nothing less

>> No.8454912

Just got back.

Stopped by Little Tokyo because friend's little sister wanted to get ramen.

The stores there had better deals than most of AX.

>> No.8454913

Amen. God bless those folks they are doing kami samas work

>> No.8454915

Yeah I walked by it and didn't recognize anyone. Just random thirst lords went

>> No.8454917

Good to be home, but no rest for me, time to work on cosplay for SDCC, FUCK!

Shoutouts to all the anons who put up with all the shit when we tried to figure out what to do after the Friday seagull meetup.

Oh wow, really? That's really cool, thanks for letting me know!

>> No.8454920
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GG Anime Expo. See you boys next year, possibly in red.

>> No.8454921

It ate my trip?

>> No.8454928

SDCC meetups go

>> No.8454933
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Nothing was enforced this con

Badge policy not enforced, walked in to literally everything and no one checked my badge. Cut in line multiple times for events and no one stopped me

Wristband policy not enforced. No one checking at all just empty threats

Pool guards at the JW did not give any fucks about anything and just left their post for most of the con allowing anyone and everyone to bring anything to the pool. Multiple groups of people were there to drink, smoke, and probably fuck almost every day.

Seagull meetup was so dead and boring compared to previous years that not even 200mg could make it fun.

>> No.8454934

>put up with all the shit when we tried to figure out what to do after the Friday seagull meetup.

Isn't it usually just go to someone's room and drink?

>> No.8454937

There were, like, 30 of us though.

>> No.8454939
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went to some meetups, took some pictures, hung out with some friends, got some merch, drank a bit. prolly my favorite year so far the last 4 years ive went. see yall next year

>> No.8454941

Its was a great con for me better then last year. Got to meet and talk to lots of people. Its was what I wanted. Meeting new people. Wish I could got o SDCC but can't take any days off anymore. or I'll get fire. I'll see you guys next years.

>> No.8454945

Holy fuck I wish that was the case for before hall opening. Couldn't get my last minute workers in even when escorted by exhibitor badges. The redshirt convention center staff are dumb as fuck

>> No.8454950

when has that stopped it before
the one year I don't go is the one year everyone loses their shit

>> No.8454953

We really should find a way to book rooms next to each other or just across door. That way we can fit everyone and get drunk.

>> No.8454960

hall opening seemed random. I just walked in before they opened and I wasn't questioned. It was some shaniqua checking the doors but still

>> No.8454964

Were you the trip with the pink haired girl at the pool

>> No.8454968

did that professor namefag ever hook up with that girl he was skyping on Day 1

>> No.8454969


>> No.8454970

I had to call ax staff and even then the con cent staff didn't want to let us in

>> No.8454971
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>Friend was a horrible smartass that complained all weekend
>Didn't meet a single new person
>Missed Trigger panel
>Saturday night spent in the hospital
>tfw worst year since 2007

>> No.8454979

if anyone finds a black iPhone 5 in the convention centre please let me know. I lost mine and am offering a monetary reward to anyone who returns it. I will be checking this thread off and on.

>> No.8454980

Great I never wanted anyone on chan to see my cock

>> No.8454985

God damn AX was fun this year. My only regret was not talking to this qt Yukiko cosplayer. We were in line waiting for stuff but she had her headphones on playing love live so I didnt want to be a bother. Actually my other regret is not getting better seats for Anamanaguchi x Porter Robinson. That was fucking amazing.

>> No.8455005

It's okay anon, they all kind of blur together.

>Help-I-lost-my-phone Expo 2015
It seems like a fuckton of people lost their phones this year.

>> No.8455023

Now I'm sad as fuck.

>> No.8455028


Post con blues are real.

>> No.8455034

>wahh i didnt meet a cute waifu
there were literally thousands of women there and you chose not to actually try and hope one just landed in your lap
fuck yourself

>> No.8455040

>people acting like meeting Amanaguchi and Porter Robinson at their concert or before it like its an achievement

I seriously saw them and shot the shit with them more than ten times each just randomly in the JW or at various parties

I don't even like Porter Robinson's music at all

>> No.8455041

who are you quoting?

>> No.8455042

all the thirsty shitskins at the cgl meet up

>> No.8455047

I would have love to see you say that in person at the cgl meet, asshole but I know you dont have the fucking balls or elze youd get HEEMed

>> No.8455048
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I am back, watched space dandy on the flight and did some nice drawings of the sky. you got a great sky california.
My highlights were LWA2, which was truly great, trigger does it again. I did not attend any board meetups, i had a large group of my own to try and wrangle/keep up with. The jojo's gathering was also very cool, i need to amp it up and build a stand. I really like California conventions, the weather can be murder during the day ("the day star burns!" was a con catchphrase) but the night was very lovely. I may be going to saccon, yaoicon, and ala if funds permit, i have a lot of friends in cali (went to college in davis)
i really hope to trim down the people in my room to get more freedom too, maybe even coordinate some seagull cosplays, who knows.

>dem con blues

>> No.8455051

who even was that guy and why was he at the love live gathering?

>> No.8455052
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some cosplay pics?

>> No.8455053
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You're making me glad I didn't go.
You'd think they'd go be thirsty at that dance or lounge 21.

>> No.8455057
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>> No.8455058
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who saw / met Jnig
any stories?

>> No.8455060
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>> No.8455061
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>> No.8455065
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>> No.8455070
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>> No.8455073
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>> No.8455088


>> No.8455099

Whats up with the dealer hall? Everything that wasnt from an actual company (Atlus, Good Smile, ect) looked so fake. Also everyone seemed to have the same 20 figures of the same overrated shows. It was like swap meet. I expected more for my first time.

>> No.8455102

Lol kid this is every dealers

>> No.8455103

If you're actually into collecting figs then you'd know to buy everything online cheaper. You're no different from the people who buy from the exhibit hall.

>> No.8455105

sorry miku man for being too autistic to say hi to you the multiple times i saw you today

>> No.8455108
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This summed up my year pretty nicely.

>> No.8455114

That got annoying quick. Everywhere I went there was always a group of fucking assholes screaming "Just do it!" That got old really quick.

>> No.8455117

I only bought shirts and key chains and novelties

Everything I didn't get but wanted to was horribly over priced

Thank god I live in downtown LA and thank god for amazon

>> No.8455118

I physically cringed the second time someone tried to start that shit.

>> No.8455123

Has anybody ever talked to this couple? They seemed like zombies every time I saw them.

>> No.8455124

I was doing the artist alley. Broke even so I'm pretty happy about that. Heard that they are expanding the exhibitors hall and moving the AA downstairs.

>> No.8455129

First con. Kinda shy about it overall but at least I talked to a few new people

Hopefully next year ill get more comfortable about it

8/10 for me bought cool shit, saw cool shit, had fun

>> No.8455131
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>> No.8455133

Dont know why people even go to Artist Alley. Everything I saw there was fucking DeviantArt tier and overpriced. The people there were nice though

>> No.8455135

Wait are you the Asian guy from Saturday?

I forgot about finding out who that was.
Anyway, nobody was too autistic.
Also that white guy I was with was like the sweetest non-fake person I have ever met, which I wasn't expecting at a 4chan meetup.

>> No.8455136
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Saw this qt couple down in the pit.

>> No.8455137
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>> No.8455138

Copying existing characters takes no fucking skill. Fuck fanart. Why buy that shit when I can buy official.

>> No.8455147
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this new captcha system sucks

>> No.8455149


>> No.8455151
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>> No.8455154

did you ever find out who fondled your ass at the meet up?

>> No.8455162
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anyone know what show this is from?

>> No.8455165
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>> No.8455166

Did she cause a ton of traffic? I have never been to AX but last year Instagram was flooding with #jessicanigri with pictures with her at the sentai filmworks booth and now there is barely anything popping up, was her line much smaller?
Is her fame actually finally dying or no.

>> No.8455172
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>> No.8455173
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Wtf Beanie's sweet ass belongs to all of us, we need to find this heretic and force-feed him kerosene.

>> No.8455182
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I'm not the same anon, but here is a somewhat shitty pic of the gathering at the capcom caravan. He is there in the front.

Hmm that would be interesting, downstairs where? When ax was at the long beach convention center I remember AA being in a hallway of some kind do you think they will do this again?

Where a re you visiting

>> No.8455189

Idk then

Did that happen? A lot of people were going for my ass at the Westin, but I don't remember anyone at the meetup doing it.

I like this Morgana but I can't figure out why

>> No.8455196

The best part of the con today was getting the Steins;Gate pins from JList for $5, the guy literally had a crate full of them with empty limited edition boxes.

>> No.8455198

Shiiit, what happened to this guy? He used to be such a cute kid, now he looks like a serial killer.

>> No.8455202

>Is her fame actually finally dying or no.

Been on the decline since she starting changing herself for her shitty unfaithful boyfriend but tits will always sell so no.

>> No.8455204

you havent heard? hes become a meme

>> No.8455210


>> No.8455213

>but I don't remember anyone at the meetup doing it.
Oh you didn't notice, well now you know. It was pretty meaty.

>> No.8455215

Good artists usually show up.
I was mad salty I couldn't go this year because Reiq came. Fuck.

>> No.8455220

>bought a grab bag
>got shit

Gave it all to friends
Never again, I learned my lesson


>> No.8455222

You have to learn some how.

>> No.8455223

Saturday made the entire weekends worth it. Thursday and Friday were just line after line, and my gf got raped by ants or something, so she was uncomfortable the entire weekend. But she got selfie with her cosplay senpais so that was fun. Trigger was amazing

>> No.8455225

I lost mine for four hours.

>> No.8455229

>First year at AX a couple years back; first con, totally fun exciting adventure
>Start going to more cons, always go alone but end up with a group of new friends I can hit up anytime
>Feel free; take pictures, go to panels, hit up people, ect
>This year, go to AX with group of close friends
>Shittiest experience on the planet

nobody told me about this. How can going with people you've known for nearly a decade suck so much

>> No.8455230

saw you walk by yesterday in the entertainment hall. was that hot/uncomfortable?

>> No.8455234

It was pretty good.
Brought friends to their first AX but they didn't go to concerts with me cause of funds and ended up going home early cause of reasons.
Wagakki band was amazing and IA was a little disappointing. Shoutouts to the cool chick that offered to eat with me while trying to find the line even though I wasn't hungry.

>> No.8455242

I am le shitlord.

>> No.8455243

i was sitting next to this guy charging my phone in the entertainment hall and he did kept spinning that fake meat for nearly the entire time i was there which was like at least 30 minutes and he was still going when i was leaving

>> No.8455246

I actually don't go to cons with my friends that often. Half the fun is meeting new people and sometimes having to wrangle a group of people just isn't conducive to that.

>> No.8455247

Wanted something to eat on saturday after mega64 panel. Decided on pho and taken my car, bad idea. End up not getting pho, got subway, went back to the room and cry like a bitch. I wanted pho that day. I die that day.

>> No.8455248
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>> No.8455249

Its funny every time!!!!

>> No.8455251
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>> No.8455256

oh shit I recognize the dude on the left, he took the meanest shit in the bathroom stall next to me

>> No.8455259

>Go with friends to con
>Have to wait for their asses to get ready, if you rush or didn't wait they get all mad and shit
>Con end up shitting
>Go alone to con
>Meet new people, wait for no one, have fun
>Wake up with your pant down

>> No.8455261

Holy fuck I did not see these guys for more than once and I forget to get a picture with them

I was taking every fallout cosplay I saw, even a first day Joshua graham.


>> No.8455263

yeah i thought the same thing and didnt bother with it at all until some guy told me that some were selling clothes and other merchandise like hats and bags and i was able to find some stuff from franchises that dont really have any official merch. i didnt buy any but i thought that was cool and a much better way of utilizing the artist ally

>> No.8455264
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>> No.8455266

I have con friends who I meet up with while I'm at the con, but don't actually talk to them outside of conventions. It's way better being on your own as long as you have things to do.

>> No.8455267
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>> No.8455272

yeah my main friends complain so much and always want to leave immediately after the hall is over. they can't even comprehend how i could possibly be enjoying myself at the cons

>> No.8455275

Everytime I see a girl cosplay as link, that what if zelda is a girl pops up in my head.

>> No.8455285

That's some dedication.

>> No.8455286

Any cool con sex or tumblr shit stories?

Anyone wanna repost the one about the girl that wet the bed?

>> No.8455287

Break off then. It's best to go solo during the con and meet up after to go to a bar or party

>> No.8455288

Oh yeah that reminding me, whatever happen to pepper spray and her yellow belts?

>> No.8455293

I figure this is a good opportunity to ask: if I want to go to my first AX next year, how should I prepare? Could people share their total cost to attend, especially those who flew in?

>> No.8455299

KyoAni every year has a dogshit, hidden, uncaring booth with indifferent people working it

They must really hate America

>> No.8455303

I live near downtown LA so even though I should have went by bus each day I roomed with out of town friends and spent 250 for a hotel at the Westin totaling 1000 dollars
Then 100 for food, nothing to pricey. Usually from the restraints and shops
around the hotel
65 in January for the 4 day pass unless you get it earlier, right after ax ends its 50

Then the rest of my cash for weeb shit. 200 dolla

But you get by on 10 for food a day

>> No.8455307

Who doesn't?

>> No.8455308

>tfw back home in Mootxico

time to get comfy

big shout out to all the /cgl/ guys who received us at the westin on saturday

>> No.8455310

Are any anons who went to ax going to San Japan?

>> No.8455314

Oh also you can prepare by getting everything done early
Like right after ax ends early

Buy your ticket, research hotels and round trip airfares, estimate your income for the following year if you have a job. Check with work to see if you can call the 4-5 days off for ax etc etc

>> No.8455316

This was my first year at Anime Expo. You know every year during AX, that faggot that post "hurr durr im too autistic to go alone but I wish i went "? Yeah thats me. Anyways my friend wanted to go this year so we did

>Day 1
>Spent 1 hour waiting in line to get in
>spent 3 hours walking around the dealer room hot, sweaty and pissed off
>Friend and i are regretting coming here
>Meet up with other friends in entertainment hall and stay for 2 hours
>I had enough and was bored so I leave around 5 pm

>Day 2
>Dealer room again with friends
>Decide to go solo and explore
>check out dealer hall for a bit
>Went to entertainment hall and played yugioh with randoms, was fun though I didnt talk much
>Walked around insde LACC and got lost on the 2nd floor where the manga room was
>Took pics of random cosplayers
>Walking for hours and tired as fuck so I rest in that hallway that goes to the theatre room
>Stay til its time for Ananamaguchi concert, have a blast alone then go home

>Day 3
>Friend has enough so doesnt go
>I decide not to go because dont want to spend 20 on Parking (we were splitting it)

>Day 4
>go alone and stay at the dealer room until they close
>Have fun, danced a bit at that crunchy roll shit and sperged out like the awkward neckbeard I am and bought stuff

All in all it was ok even though I didnt do shit. I thought being alone would suck (kinda does because its a bit boring) but I had more fun by myself. Only thing is I didnt talk to anyone new. I wanted too but was so shy and I wanted so bad for the other person to start a conversation with me. Also I wish I went to at l least one panel. I guess Ill go next year and do more shit. I woulda gone to a cgl meet but I heard the people who go to those are very picky about who attend so didnt bother with that

>Inb4 not your blog

>> No.8455318

yeah they ended up just taking an uber home. was pretty relieving because i thought they were expecting a ride from me

>> No.8455324

Does anyone have the number of that cute girl that was into LoL at the meetup on friday night? She kept rubbing my thighs and whispering lewd but weird lewd stuff in my ear.

>> No.8455329

It's alright mang. At least you were here and found some enjoyment out of it. That's all that matters in the end

Go to the meet ups, they're a lot more friendly than you think. But some do tend to be picky. If you're not super autistic and can at least hold small talk then you're good

>> No.8455331 [DELETED] 
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Probably the best year since my first time in 2013.
-every concert i enjoyed
-made really good friends
-got a good haul
-Free hotel and all to my self
-i had a shitton of pics taken of my cosplay
-almost got laid
-Mech designer of Space dandy ran up to me and said if he could take a pic with me. Said zombie Dandy was his Favorite episode.
-He later on uploaded the pic on his twitter
-Hosted a small party at my hotel on saturday passed out everyone was gone.

im getting really sad. i dont think i will ever have such a good time at AX ever again...

>> No.8455333

I live in Cali so..

$1500 for hotel
$500 for food and stuffs
$100 for gas since I drove.

Spend $2100 still have 200/100 left. If I bought foods then I spend less.

>> No.8455335
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It's cool bro.
Mine too
>Day 1
also lines for exhabition hall, but i got to meet the editor of mikufan. Pretty cool guy, but a total jew with the scavenger hunt stickers. Got tired and headed back early
>Day 2
Tried out my sadistic music factory outfit, nobody recognized it and it was a flop. Saw some cool cosplay though and talked to some cool people. CGL meet was fun
>Day 3
maid walked in on me changing, but i got alot more good photos this day. Bailed on the 2nd meet after i lost my way in the backstreets, and got hit on by the wingstreet casheer
>Day 4
my morning started off horrible, but my day got tons better. I forgot my bag with my wallet, and i had to drive all the way back to fucking lomita. Then i nearly missed the exhibition hall, but i made it in the nick of time to buy my sister something nice. I found good ramen in little tokyo that doesn't taste like gross ass boiled bones, Some chick gave me a mini hand-made miku, and i found a sileighty model kit in little tokyo!

All in all i had a blast. Wish i had some friends to go with.

>> No.8455337

White guy? Cosplayed from watch dogs, brought a bottle of jack, cleaned up a bit when people left?

>> No.8455339


Good luck.

>> No.8455341

who the fuck are they suppose to be? i literally see them in every single california convention both comic and anime types.
their costume reminds me of something straight from warhammer but im sure im wrong.

>> No.8455347

OC donut steel

>> No.8455352

i was at some dealer that sold video games.
saw some guy buy an english copy of jojo all star battle for ps3 for 40 something dollars.

bandai namco booth was selling the game for $20

>> No.8455358
File: 93 KB, 540x500, 1432104051483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the best year since my first time in 2013.
>every concert i enjoyed
>made really good friends
>got a good haul
>Free hotel and all to my self
>i had a shitton of pics taken of my cosplay
>almost got laid
>Mech designer of Space dandy ran up to me and said if he could take a pic with me. Said zombie Dandy was his Favorite episode and said he really liked my cosplay and never seen anyone else doing it.
>He later on uploaded the pic on his twitter
>Hosted a small party at my hotel on saturday.
>passed out and everyone was gone in the morning.

im getting really sad. i dont think i will ever have such a good time at AX ever again...

>> No.8455361
File: 415 KB, 643x476, no thank you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See a yukari yakumo daki cover

>> No.8455366

its warhammer

>> No.8455368

so do they just hang out and stand in the same costumes or variants every year then?

>> No.8455371

>redshirt staff yells at everyone not to sit on AA floor along the walls that have no doors anyways and a humongous path between wall and booths
>proceeds to stand in the doorway of an exit

How much do LACC staff/redshirts hate their lives?

>> No.8455374

Because fan art you can get the characters you want but in a different, style, pose or just general layout that the official stuff can't give you.

>> No.8455378

what is that from?

>> No.8455380

Was that the booth that had its display covered in plastic?

I remember seeing an obviously used copy of nocturne being sold as new for $40 and thinking that the atlus booth had actual new for $20

>> No.8455386

yeah. the booth had the table, and then that rack with amiibos.
atlus had nocturne for $12 new.

>> No.8455388


>> No.8455392

>atlas selling nocturne new for $12 u fucking wot m8?
I didn't see that shit at their booth

>> No.8455393

Still waiting for those AX upskirt pic uploads, bros

Need to stock that 2015 con folder

>> No.8455394

who is the zelda? she's quite cute

>> No.8455396

same exact fucking costume. been to wondercon in anahiem the last 3 years and they were there.
anime LA last year, and AX2014.

i dont fucking get it.

>> No.8455399

No, the one with the shirt/jeans and not much facial hair.

>> No.8455404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8455407

At first I thought it would be, but surprisingly it wasn't too bad. Just a little sweat.

>> No.8455408

I spent 640 for my room (booked it in april) and 60 for food and booze. plus 75 for the 4 day badge, 40 for parking, and 90 for random stuff.

Then I went to bars and probably spent a few hundred on more booze and food.

If you got AAA look up deals for that. 11$ for a buffet was p.sweet.

>> No.8455409

Didn't cosplay, but met a girl from here, she was cool

didn't do much as I either had to guide my friend, who's first time was this year, or guide my little sister this year.

Friend was boring as fuck as he didn't feel like doing shit, but holy tits do I love wakfu and have fun with the raffles and the panel.

Picked up a shitload of wakfu merch.

>> No.8455410

probably sold out then. it was definitely there on day one.

nocture, digital devil saga 1 and 2, person fes were all $12 each. there might have been another game or 2 that i dont remember though that was also that price.

>> No.8455416

Yeah buddy

There was also that chunky chick in the thong and skirt that appeared to have nothing on from behind
Never saw her from the front

>> No.8455417

That was probably me. I took the cosplay off at some point. Tried to talk to that mexican dude until he walked off

>> No.8455419

So when do premier tickets start selling? I heard it's tomorrow but not sure the time. Or are they going to do that Black Friday thing again?

>> No.8455424

tomorrow at noon PST

>> No.8455428

No, this guy was with me until like 4 AM and wasn't cosplaying.

I heard tomorrow, but not time. Source isn't totally reliable though.

>creeper anon
I saw that, too, though and was a little confused

>> No.8455440
File: 947 KB, 500x388, tumblr_mqetxaljhw1s56tjio1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because of some extreme jew shit AX staff robbed a friend who is one of the nicest and hardest working person in the local community out of more than $2000 close to $3000 if you include potential profit
>decide to never give AX any money until she's repaid
>get free badge and copy it so others can go for free
>friend who is a mutual of the girl that got jewed by AX and uses her astro city cabinet on a bi-daily basis gets buttmad about me copying badges

>> No.8455444


I thought it was pretty annoying at first but as it kept going on it just kinda became hilarious.

You can even play a drinking game with it.

>> No.8455448

>AX staff preying on nice gullible people and taking large sums of money from their pocket

Yup this happens regularly. Usually its one person looking to line his pockets then fucking up the paperwork intentionally so higher ups don't understand whats going on.

>> No.8455450

Ah, well my mistake then. Was fun though

>> No.8455466

Any updates on the masquerade?

>> No.8455467

how do they do this?

>> No.8455468

Hey are you guys doing any thing tonight? First time on the west coast dieing to try that LA wiid I here so much about

>> No.8455484
File: 103 KB, 300x226, 1435729674369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

story pls

>> No.8455489

How do you manage to $2000-3000 anything at AX?

>> No.8455493

i bought some merch from artist's alley, paid for my friends and my hotel, and ate out at every meal and still only totalled around 900 bucks

>> No.8455495

General corruption and graft. Con staff always follows this weird hierarchy of cliques and horrible incompetence that ensures two things:

1.) Certain people will never be subject to oversight because they're best buddies with their supervisors.
2.) Everyone else can generally do what they want because the supervisors are too busy doing other shit.

>> No.8455497

I heard something about them goofing and giving the prizes to the wrong people

>> No.8455500

How much do you want?
I deliver

>> No.8455510

Comic con in 3 days....my bruised and broken body from aX cannot handle it.

>> No.8455514


>> No.8455516
File: 58 KB, 604x604, 1435707975009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who pissed you off this year?

>> No.8455518

I'll take your ticket

>> No.8455519

Seriously? so who were the ones that got jipped?

>> No.8455520 [DELETED] 



>> No.8455525

Painkillers and jack daniels will ease my pain.

>> No.8455527

People who shouted out

>> No.8455529
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Live texts from a masquerade meeting

>> No.8455531
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Hey, I was just at AX and took some pictures I need help identifying this guy, I think he might be from dark souls but not sure. please help!

>> No.8455534

>friend is out at a bar
>dressed as Terry Bogard
>cholos tell him to flush his hat down the toilet (red hat)
>he doesnt back down
>they bail out when he goes to bring his homie over

Dont drink and cosplay.

>> No.8455535

As much as I hate meme-spouting, most of the time it wasn't that bad. It only got annoying when it was the same dude just yelling "DO IT" until they would finally get a response.

>> No.8455536

I present to you:Mace-Chan

>> No.8455538

did they say which prizes?

>> No.8455540
File: 234 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nr07th2U4t1u1joi2o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God what an unfortunate face

>> No.8455550

my AX so far is
Day 1
>walk around scanning the dealer room especially artist ally
>meet up with friend and go to the dance

Day 2
>hang out with 1 seagulls before dealer room open
>I was near the group of ppl that waiting for funimation line to finish so we can form a line for LWA 2 and accidentally form an unofficial line
>met Mr. freeman and greyhound anon after LWA 2
>went to the meet up and got some good drink
>after that been drinking with a small VN team that finish their KS in the westin

Day 3
>was walking around drunk in the morning
>was mostly taking pic form cosplayers and stay in the gameroom
>gone to the meet up again and talk to a lot and exchanging drunk cons stories
>gone to drink with some anon again at the westin

Day 4
>mostly walk around with friends and buying stuff from artist ally
>after that when home

9/10 con experience still waiting for pic or vid of proof that mace chan did mace someone to be 10/10

>> No.8455551

What happened at the Westin? Someone make a false call to the cops?

>> No.8455559

I lost mine on Space Mountain, luckily I remembered where I sat and they caught it the next go around. Shit was spooky

>> No.8455560

Does this have anything to do with Arcade cabinets from Vegas?

>> No.8455562

Ax man from resident evil series

>> No.8455564

Quick question. What lens? Just curious.

>> No.8455565
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>Following this one mexican chick in the Exhibition hall
>Kinda chunky
>Line stops
>Engulfed in the stench of menstrual blood
>Follow her around for the next couple of minutes savoring every whiff
>Get back to the hotel and furiously masturbate to the thought of her smothering me with her fat brown thighs

>> No.8455578
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>day 1
>waiting for exhibition hall to open
>chilling with my lesbian bros
>some sperg next to me didn't brush his teeth
>tried masking it with mint gum
>he's breathing right onto me

Fuck me, that wait to get to the escalator was awful

>@mega64 panel
>@second row
>good seats with a bro, and the next 4 seats to my left are empty
>"We are expecting a full house, please take up all the seats, no seat holding for this event!!"
>Some sperg with his iphone 6 and macbook takes a seat 1 seat away from mine
>goes to tweeting and posting whatever
>the stench hit me
>this guy genuinely did not shower in at least a week
>bro to my right doesn't notice until i tell him
>he takes a wiff
>he gives his condolences
>luckily, the guy was aware of his smell and left the spot between us empty

panel was fun as shit 10/10 would reccomend

>> No.8455579



like everyone who fucking bumped me would say "oh sorry" or reply something whenever I said sorry

except lolitas like 3 or 4 bumped into me and gave me a shit look and left

fuck you i dont care how much your shit costs learn some fucking manners

>> No.8455580


>> No.8455581


Very easily as long as you aren't some random bumfuck attendee

>> No.8455582
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Dude I dropped mine on Saturday on the street across from the con. I noticed like several minutes later and was on the brink of an anxiety attack because all my IDs and cards were with my phone. (I also don't know anyone's phone number except my own and I was alone, haha.)

Thankfully some Aoba cosplayer chose that exact moment of me freaking the fuck out to ask for my picture and I used that as an excuse to borrow her phone to call mine. Couple of minutes later some dudebros called the Aoba cosplayer back and I got my phone with everything intact. If any of the guys who helped my phone are magically on here, I owe you guys one.

>> No.8455585


I forgot about this and put on red jeans, red sneakers and a burgundy shirt, my friends nearly lost their shit and I had to go back to the hotel to change my shirt.

I still threw gang sings when taking pictures inside AX tho.

>> No.8455586

I lost a part of my cosplay at the convention and the seller said it would be $20 to replace. Kil me ;_;

>> No.8455588

I used air bnb this year with just my gf instead of a big party. Bought a bunch of hentai, read it together and fucked for hours each day.

pretty damn decent year.

>> No.8455589
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Lolitas are the best ones to bully at cons

>> No.8455590

Damn, should'a hooked me up too. I'd love to help them lose money because of that bullshit.
She's too nice of a person to be fucked over. I hope she didn't send cabinets this year.

>> No.8455592

Who won anyway?

>> No.8455593

I swear I gain a new beta orbiter almost every con now. Normally I hand out my personal fb like candy but I'm getting sick of it. Any tips cute gulls? Thinking of just walking away and making up some excuse to not participate in small talk from now on.

>> No.8455596
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Greyhound anon, I had many stories and good times. Just started eating dinner at home, I'll start uploading the cosplay pictures I took. And put in stories when I'm done eating.
First up is out of character Jinx on her phone.

>> No.8455597


>> No.8455598

Also, She did get paid back. It a really stupid, public way, when it should have been done privately and I don't know, LAST YEAR?

>> No.8455600

she didn't, AX found a different arcade from Arizona I believe to scam and gave them the same empty promise.

People really gotta stop assuming cons are made by people that do it because they enjoy anime.

>> No.8455601

She got paid back but not by AX. An indiegogo had to be setup which is fucking retarded

AX STILL owes her money and is denying it ever happened

>> No.8455602

Make another cosplay fb page and just give out that one. Say it's new and that's why there isn't that much stuff on it.

>> No.8455605

Yeah like I said I had an ok time. I guess I expected too much (and no I am not one of those retards who thinks AX is a 4 day orgy). Next year Ill go again and by myself and try to be more outgoing. Hopefully Ill finally get some balls and attend a cgl meet

That sounds fucking awesome and its cool that you had a blast there during your first. Also just wondering, is the male Miku in that Pic you? If so I think I saw you

>> No.8455607

>i can't believe i'm getting attention for a cosplay i put effort into specifically so people would notice it

>> No.8455609
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What's your FB?

>> No.8455612

did they say anything funny?

>> No.8455613

As far as I know...
> Arcade lends AX the cabinets, Only wants transport of the cabinets paid for. Not looking for the money they make.
> Sends the cabinets.
> Never gets paid for the truck/gas to send to the Cali and back.
> Owner is the sweetest person on the planet.

Did I get it all?
Also, Yes, complete and utter bullshit that it was though an indiegogo, but the community did step up try to donate beyond what she is out. I don't think she's going to accept the extra money though.

>> No.8455614
File: 1.20 MB, 1836x3264, 2015-07-05 15.30.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had a bunch of people recognize me from miku expo, And i even ran into the snow miku i gave my prize bag to last year when i accidentally won the cosplay contest.

Here's the mini handmade miku i got. It's got derp eyes but i'm just beside myself i had such a blast.

Now to get this damn nail polish off.

>> No.8455615
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I got to meet that based Canti anon but didn't introduce myself. FLCL is one of my favorite shows too but oh well

>> No.8455625
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Did anyone see that one guy with the monkey face disorder?
I felt sorry for that guy ;_;

>> No.8455638

Executioner from the Resident Evil movie

>> No.8455639
File: 169 KB, 391x282, 1436144818618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW $350 Premiere passes for AX 2016

So who's buying?

>> No.8455640

tl;dr stupidly nice old lady that ran one of the last real arcades in the west coast that closed down got scammed by AX to use her machines. We're talking she donates her machines to other gaming lounges and carries them around without asking for any help from any one (people offer to help lift them 100% of the time though). She's just a really nice old small woman that likes her fighting games and rhythm games.

So AX in 2014 hits her up asking to use all of her rhythm machines for a pay to play arcade. She didn't want any money from them but the deal was that AX gets 100% of the money from the machines (when she should really get a fraction of it) but AX has to pay for the costs to bring the machines out there. It ended up being around two grand to bring out the machines. So all the DDR, Technika, ITG, Pump it Up, Beatmania, and Pop N Music machines you saw at AX 2014? Those were hers brought right from her house and anyone and everyone that went in the game area that year saw that those machines made mad money

So AX 2014 comes around, AX staff says they can't get the money out to her now but they say they'll pay her back if she pays for it herself. So believing them to be honest people she does it. A month rolls by, no money from AX. E-Mails and calls were made and they keep pushing the date. More time rolls by, AX tells her that they need the initial paperwork they wrote up when the deal was made. This is the first time any paperwork was brought up, it likely doesn't exist. More time rolls by, AX story changes to no deal of the kind was ever made and that eventually became ignoring all calls and e-mail. The arcade owner herself assumes it was an honest mistake of paper work on their end and not someone that scammed her.

Its AX 2015
No money has been given to her by AX.

>> No.8455643
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>giving money to jews
>giving money for things you can get for free
>willingly being a piece of shit

>> No.8455644
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x1836, 20150704_132250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some uncultured photographer tried to flatten mai waifus ahoge and triggered my autism pretty hard

>> No.8455647

Are you serious? It was talking to me briefly on Saturday night and I had no idea.

Nothing that affected the party happened at the Westin, afair. I was there all three days until 4:00 AM.

Just dismiss them and walk away. I kept getting gay guys putting their arms around me and trying to start conversations with spaghetti, and it worked pretty well.
My friend had the same problem, got sick of it towards the end of the night and just started going 'You're fucking creepy and we're trying to get dick, can you just go away?' It was wonderful.

>> No.8455651

so glad I ghosted this year

>> No.8455654

anyone get pics of the swole pikmen bros?

>> No.8455655

no but saw a guy with only one eye. dont remember if it was his left or right eye but that entire part of his face was just skin.
thought it was just really fucking good makeup but it wasnt.

>> No.8455657

Saturday night? He's everywhere.

>> No.8455661
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Well she's tumblrscum, so she's probably a "Girlfag" and wanted to make your face stinky.
Fuck yeah I did

>> No.8455665

yeah. ;_;

>> No.8455667

yes, im actually dumping my card right now so i can go through all my pictures. will post it as soon as i can. im sure others will post it before me though.

>> No.8455668

Yup sounds typical

Never trust AX, especially to all you newcomers. Your con is run by jews, don't assume incompetent staff, assume staff out to make money and rip you off.

If they ever wanna work with you be it hosting a panel or anything like that demand your pay upfront and have everything written in a SIGNED contract, with a copy for yourself.

If you read this post and still work with them then you deserve to the bullshit they will pull on you.

>> No.8455669

Who was that shimikaze qt at the westin. I think she liked me since she kept staring at me but i was to beta to talk to her.

>> No.8455675

Spent most of the con seeing little tokyo
pre-gamed at the hotel, browsed the exhibit hall, saw the skull girls panel and checked out angel city brewery (disappointing)
met a mormon girl cosplaying as poison right down to the package, went to the funimation panel because friend really wanted to go, sit through a 2 hours of some boring hosts, but end up meeting a qt at the dance
saw the mega 64 panel (great panel), hit up a few bars and got some p.good ramen from a place that was still open after 2am
browsed little tokyo and the exhibit hall

Solid 7/10 wished I had went to Eighty Two

>> No.8455676

>If they ever wanna work with you be it hosting a panel or anything like that demand your pay upfront and have everything written in a SIGNED contract, with a copy for yourself.

I work with one of the major publisher booths and this is how we operated 2014 and this year after some last minute shady shit they pulled on us in 2013.

I really wish we could just drop the con all together and just make a huge video talking about how its run by terrible and greedy people.

>> No.8455687

joined a room from one of these threads
paid for
person sketchy as fuck avoiding texts/not responding
confront em after dealing with shit

I never had a bad time with randoms till now

>> No.8455688
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>That fucking Wagakki band concert
holy shit i was blown away.

>> No.8455695

the fucking idiot who decided to not clear the rooms after each panel

>> No.8455698

>tfw didn't make a seagull friends at ax

Opportunity wasted

>> No.8455699
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Need to know what character this is, and if you know her name personally that too, thanks!

>> No.8455702

yeah I was at the front of the line for the mega64 panel and the fucking room was half full already, it was bullshit

>> No.8455704

All the best in show winners, runner ups and all. All the ones we all had expected to win, did not win (Including the Gundam mobile suit).

A lot of the winners were questionable. The judges did not even bother explaining on stage why they won. They just announced them, handed theie prizes, and had the audience applaud.

I mean, in interpretive dancing beautifly gijinka won both best in class AND best in show, with the cumulative prize amount of $8000. And that's only one person.

>> No.8455705

It seems AX copied some shit from SDCC.

>> No.8455708

They actually let people in while the previous panel was going on.

>> No.8455712

yeah and i felt bad, over half the room was there for mega64 and everyone was talking over the beta japanese lesbian panel

>> No.8455720

I was in for that panel too, waiting for Mega64. It was funny because whenever there was time for to applause for some reason, all the Mega64 fans cheered as if they were excited about the shit going on. It was funny.

>> No.8455727

what was the previous panel

>> No.8455731


Wow after reading these I agree with >>8455651 I've been going to AX every year since '06, but I got sick of thier crap last year. I ghosted this year and borrowed a bage, and had a blast. Don't think I will be giving AX money any time soon. There are smaller up and coming cons that I'm going to checkout instead.

>> No.8455733

Some female shoujo mangaka or something

>> No.8455735

some shoujo shit, the mangaka either wasnt miced or was wispering the while time and it was boring as shit

>> No.8455739

I saw that, there was still room around the front too when the panel started

>> No.8455740
File: 21 KB, 414x405, sooo cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these the same people who did the diglet cosplay?

>> No.8455744

but how do they make money off of this?

>> No.8455745

Did anyone else meet up with some online friends only to be horrified by how cringey they are?

>> No.8455746 [DELETED] 

Did anyone get mad diarrhea from the Sushi Burrito from the Food Truck? Or maybe it was because I drank alot the night before.

>> No.8455749 [DELETED] 

Did anyone else get mad diarrhea from the Sushi Burrito from the food truck? I can't tell if it was that, or the drinks I had the night before.

>> No.8455751
File: 105 KB, 420x288, 1309416566650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any recommendations of smaller cons that are worth checking out? What separates AX from all the baby animay cons anyways.

>> No.8455756

Im thinking of going to the anime california one. Interested in going as staff if they accomodate with free hotel room. Im broke as fuck after this so its the only real way for me to check that out.

>> No.8455757

Money, reputation within the industry, and Japanese guests

>> No.8455759

Fanime in San Jose. What separates AX from the smaller cons is that lots more money is put into it, so anime industry people come, so the guests and booths are better.

Cons like Fanime are more based on the fans, so better parties are thrown. They're most likely to be run 24/7 too.

>> No.8455760

I've been ghosting since 2010 when I realized there was nothing to do at the con that needed a badge and how stupidly easy it is to sneak pass the red shirts or just print a badge out

>> No.8455763
File: 159 KB, 528x304, 2015-07-05 22.33.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> The judges did not even bother explaining on stage why they won. .
> cumulative prize amount of $8000. And that's only one person.

We all know why it happened that way.

>> No.8455764
File: 306 KB, 399x606, kipi_asuka_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for not posting over AX aside from the emergency drink meet, but I had a good time this year. I'm actually enjoying being a dealer than being an AX staffer. Anyway here goes

>Day 0
Setup booth. Took lunch break which ended up taking a picture with Momoiro Clover with their fan club mate. Shit's fun when you know nip. Ended the night with ramen at Little Tokyo

>Day 1
Helped on sales. Got the OK to wait in line for concert tickets. 4 FUCKING HOURS! Thanks Nokia/Microsoft for the speedy delivery! Caught the trigger panel, well a good part of it before I had to report to work. Went to Momoiro concert which I highly enjoyed and hung out with some friends who came from the east coast.

>Day 2
Worked for majority of the day. Brought 3 water containers of gin tonic with me that way and only drank one. Ate bacon wrapped hot dog. Ended up missing a good part of Anamaguchi set because of that. Then again the bassist didn't give no fucks. Porter Robinson was great although felt he just played the album all over again. However it's nice to have both played for a cheap price really.

>Day 3
Worked ALL DAY. Missed out on the concert! Also missed seagull meeting since hung out with co workers and more east coast people. Fun times though. I hope this seagull meet was better than the last for you guys!

>Day 4
Worked, got the OK to see the Eva concert. It was a bang zoom commercial but Yoko was awesome. Tear down and setup for comic con. Goddamn why are these two cons only 2 days away?

Also I thank you seagulls for helping me out after the Amanaguchi concert. It was short, but you know, shit happens. Hopefully it'll be better next year.

>> No.8455770

see >>8455640
>saved a lot of money by getting free cabinets on rental
>maid a shitload by pay2play cabinets with over priced games.

$1.50 for the random shits, $3 beatmania. It was retarded.

>> No.8455775

What was the setlist of IA's part in the Wasabi + IA concert? Or was it more of a Wasabi Band thing.

>> No.8455777

Anime California is my next con and I thought it was pretty cool last year.

Don't have to deal with so many people either.

>> No.8455778
File: 35 KB, 366x343, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prizes equal over ten thousand bucks
>mix up masquerade winners
>not gonna try to make this right
That is some fucking grade-a king-sized bullshit right there, dawg.

>> No.8455779

>I-I think i might know who you're talking about

>> No.8455782

1. Inner Arts
2. Circuit Arts
3. We gotta run
4. See the lights
5. Shooting Star
6. Children Record
7. Outer science
8. America we are alright
9. Otsukimi Recital

Wagakki band? Can't remember. They did tengaku, Senbonzakura twice, Iroha Uta and some others i don't recognize because i've never heard them before and i came for Ia

>> No.8455784

She must have amazing "skills" to justify $8000 in prizes.

>> No.8455786

Where did you stay with air bnb?
I was interested in using it, but some things came up and I was only able to go one day anyways. Looking into it for other cons tho.

>> No.8455790
File: 351 KB, 800x700, tumblr_nosachUOBG1r1qmzno4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Ia's animations were good in some songs, and dogshit in others.

>Miku Expo prize bag is a fucking vinyl record of sharing the world with a paper fan and a nice bag
>Ia concert prize bag is a sticker sheet and a wristband
Cementing her as the poor man's miku

>> No.8455793

They also did Children Record IIRC. Think they did Six Trillion Years too.

>> No.8455794

God that girl is so annoying

>> No.8455801
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, idig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys?

>> No.8455803

Aw. Was hoping to see Setsuna Drive on that list. That song doesn't get enough love as it deserves to have.

>> No.8455806

>Porter Robinson
literally who
>after the show

>> No.8455808
File: 3.33 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_0504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told myself no more fucking plushes.
Didn't listen to myself.

>> No.8455809

Yeah she must. I'd like to know exactly what they are and see how she uses them.

>> No.8455810

I'm glad that people left the concert as new Anamanaguchi and new Porter Robinson fans. I love both of them.

>> No.8455815


I was sitting right in front of the guys who got told to shut up it was funny.

It was even more funny cause they were friends of an old internet buddy I had literally just met irl like an hour before.

>> No.8455818

If those Mario and Luigi Bros from Day 1 AMV contest line are here, thank you for letting me cut in line with to catch up to my little sis after I left the line to use the WC and then ran and fell down trying to get back in.
That act of kindness made my shitty line con day better.

>> No.8455821

I was sad that Wagakki and Mega64 conflicted. Wasn't able to go.

>> No.8455823

I found out that all the LP panels except 3 never gets cleared out unless its before a main event. What is up with that?

>> No.8455824

These arent the eevee bros as well, right??

>> No.8455825
File: 34 KB, 227x367, tumblr_inline_nlbylakpP71speybs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forget pass at home
>live an hour away but 2 and a half with LA traffic
>go to pre-reg and tell constaff you never got your pass
>free 4-day pass
>anime expo, hacked.

>> No.8455826

Spoiler alert: They showed off a new Ignaxio video (WHICH WAS FUCKING HILARIOUS) and alternate endings to the Nintendo E3 2015 videos that will never be put on the internet.

>> No.8455827

Ive always had really bad experiences with lolitas. it's like if you arent dressed lolita they don't want to bother with you and look at you like youre shit.

>> No.8455828

I spent $356 for my hotel a few miles away,
used uber when I made it to the city, each way it was about 10$ so in total I think around $90 during my stay on uber.
$100 on shit food.
$300 on Super Sonico Merch.
$25 on the Sonico figure I traded to a Sonico Cosplayer for a one night stand in cosplay.
So at a minimum expect to spend $900 I'd say.
O yeah and $15 for her uber ride.

>> No.8455833

>alternate endings to the Nintendo E3 2015 videos that will never be put on the internet.
>which is already posted on the internet because people recorded it

>> No.8455835

Anyone get a photo of that dude that was caught by officers sneaking upskirt photos near the hallway between the entertainment and exhibitor halls? It closer to the exhibitor hall near the escalators during Friday around 2-4pm.

>> No.8455840

>forgot pass at home day 3
>had to drive back to get it
I made pretty good time though, about 20-25 minutes each way. Really wish I would have thought of just saying I never got it though.

>> No.8455843
File: 199 KB, 574x410, 29702-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seven deadly sins figure series

>> No.8455844

Every year ;-;

>> No.8455845

I found a 4-day pass on the floor at the con on day 1, and I gave it to my Lyft driver when I went to LAX. Kinda feel bad for the person who left it, but oh well.

>> No.8455853
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x1836, 20150704_131931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My long ass day 2 greentext didn't post, getting off my shitty phone soon. Fucking stupid captcha

>> No.8455857
File: 435 KB, 1222x797, idk-girl-no-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this character? and her name if you know it! thanks

>> No.8455858

Character: Weiss
Show: RWBY
Production House: RoosterTeeth

>> No.8455859

Now that the dust has settled

How much ass did you guys get?
How much dick?

>> No.8455862
File: 11 KB, 320x319, 1434585054003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AX fucked up big time this year imo with badges. No names. Some dickhead in a black morph suit stole my premier badge while I wasn't paying attention during the AX dance. Ripped it right off my neck and ran into the crowd.
Staff: "don't worry, once he tries to use it, they'll scan it and catch him red handed."
Luckily, my friend got called into work so she gave me her 4 day badge. Missed allot of stuff I wanted to attend because panels and rooms were packed.
No one ever scanned my badge so that asshole probably had a good weekend.

>> No.8455868
File: 69 KB, 636x960, xocvfqcn4a3csqclgnmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet cute grill at JoJo meetup and talk about stuff
>some how get on the subject of weird /d/ shit
>she's into a lot of the strange fetish stuff I'm into
>don't know if she's actually into it as in she's turned on by it or if she thinks they're entertaining
>spend a lot of the con with her
>think she subtley is dropping hints she wants to do those /d/ things with me
>have no clue if she's gay or not.
>mfw the entire con

>> No.8455869

Everyone I spoke to had a boyfriend. No luck this year. :(

>> No.8455872

wait i thought it was just a monkey mask that looked well attached to his face like in goosebumps

>> No.8455874

>Staff: "don't worry, once he tries to use it, they'll scan it and catch him red handed."
If only their system they implemented only worked well for this.

>> No.8455879


More stories of con beta orbiters please. I need to fill my daily dose of self loathing.

>> No.8455880

>Had to turn down offers to head to the Westin because too lazy to make a trip back to the Luxe.
Maybe next year I'll book there instead.

>> No.8455881

Con was amazing, seagulls were more fun than my friends. Watching beanie try so hard for my friend was pretty funny.

A little sad I didn't see any of you on Sunday. Post con blues starting up and I'm drinking them away. 4chan meetups feel very anon (heh) with no way to contact anyone.

>> No.8455884

tfw know the guy personally, went to highschool with him.

Don't talk to him anymore because college does that, but mutual friend still does.

>> No.8455885

What did you cosplay?

>> No.8455887


Hooked up in cosplay for the first time. I liked it so I guess I'm bi. Was pretty fun but we were both pretty shitfaced.

>> No.8455892

Did anyone even get their badges scanned?

>> No.8455897

Don't think so.

>> No.8455898

Got to the JW on Wednesday, freaked out about wristband policy, said policy was not enforced. Badges might have well not even been required for the con, people walking all over without them. Anarchy with lines, no room clears, etc. So many problems with the overall organization of everything but who gives a shit? This con was fantastic fun, met so many awesome people, got to see LWA2, got to get drunk at the JW's pool with a ton of other people, and we killed the awful "Just do it!" meme once and for all.

Will come back next year.

>> No.8455900


>> No.8455904

pffft hardly. Those codes would be useful if they were being utilized to begin with. Only time I got scanned for that was the first day to pick up concert tickets and that was about it.

What an investment SPJA!

>> No.8455905

also west hall side entrances never had bag check hehe. Or if you entered from the parking lots
story of my life lol

>> No.8455907

i didnt see a single person with a scanner.
im guessing the only time they will get scanned was for those ticketed events?

>> No.8455908


>> No.8455909

Nah, I guess it was too much of a hassle since every line was crowding up hallways.

>> No.8455910
File: 1.15 MB, 2456x1380, DSC02789 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year was bout the same. Their badge handout this year was solid. Sadly many of us were ready for a linecon'15. You meet some okay people during the wait

>> No.8455913

The people I roomed with this year were the result of coming alone last year and meeting them in line.

>> No.8455914

>tfw first time going to AX
>not 24/7
at least in fanime some shit is 24/7

>> No.8455917

Your friend is a fully qualified shitlord (but I still love him)

Rofl, this came up so often at parties. We'd gang up on Asian guys, then they'd pull me aside with empty promises and start grilling me on what they can do to get a white cosplay girl. I'd just kind of look around and be like 'uh, yeah, everyone here has a boyfriend'

A lot. But not enough.

>> No.8455919


>> No.8455923

AX needs to utilize the JW to really create a 24-hour con experience. They were close this year with the video rooms being open til 4.

>> No.8455929

I tried scanning it myself and it's just a number. Theoretically they have a database that ties the numbers to names but hell if most staff have access to it.

>> No.8455930

Yeah, I was at the Luxe and my legs/feet are totally done. I wouldn't hold out on the Westin being the party spot next year, though

>> No.8455932
File: 235 KB, 399x574, kipi_asuka_sundress_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AX did do 24/7 a couple years back, but that was when the people who were higher up cared and "redemption" from the horrible job done from Long Beach

Would do a Sunday hang out, but got fucking busy at the dealer's hall. Lots of people want that "last minute haggle." Happens every year

They did have staff members with scanners at hand. It's useless if no one is enforcing the scanning rules. It's really a placebo honestly.

>> No.8455935

got sucked by a chubby asian chick and she swallowed
fingered her just to return the favor
got sucked again by this fuckoboy i meet in the dealers hall

>> No.8455939
File: 1.10 MB, 2456x1380, DSC02834 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up missing a lot of the later panels and shows since I worked overnight. Really hope they do more like stuff like that. It looked like it could have been a good way to meet fellow nightowls or something.

>> No.8455942

If that's the legit price people are getting dicked.

>> No.8455946
File: 81 KB, 560x840, kipi_haruhi_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want AX to do the 24 hours again, complain about it on their social networks. It's really the only other way to get their attention. However it's highly unlikely that will happen again with their current staffing status. Too much internal bs to make progress happen.

>> No.8455947

Theres always been partys up there since forever. First time i went there was when the 24/7 video rooms, 24/7 tabletop rooms, and the ax dance was hosted there. Like in 09 i think. The ax dance was really good when it was at the westin. Been shit ever since though.

>> No.8455951
File: 162 KB, 972x1296, beaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooooh boy

>> No.8455955


anon please im eating

>> No.8455956

Why do you think they signed another contract with the LACC? So they can fucking rip people off for VIP passes. The market exists for it, they know people will pay or else there's no fucking way they'll get through the autograph line or even into most events without spending 4 hours standing in line.

>> No.8455958

I...I would of jumped her...

>> No.8455959
File: 1.05 MB, 2456x1380, DSC02839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a bunch of interesting chatter really. Still too spaghetti to make anything of note with other con-goers. Have to overcome this considering that I am the camera guy for the group I go with.

>> No.8455962

You have to get past her yellow belts first.

>> No.8455964
File: 67 KB, 600x400, kipi_asuka_sundress_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget those 24/7 karaoke! 09 was a superb year for AX.

>> No.8455965

i saw the one Nonon chick that was there last year

she was super hot man

if i can make it to ax next year i'll definitely cosplay and strike up a convo with her

>> No.8455968
File: 1.16 MB, 1380x2456, DSC02846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that was her on the crunchyroll stream for Day 1?
Which version of Nonon? I got a couple this year and I remember getting one from last.

>> No.8455971

Oh yea completely forgot about that. Me and my twin bro used to hang out there a lot. Never actually sang though. Lot of friendly people in there.

>> No.8455972

Yes. Thats her.

>> No.8455974

How do you initiate these things?

Should i just talk to everyone i see?
Is the dance the worst place to pick up chicks?

>> No.8455978

Your bro is more effay than you raf fag 8)

>> No.8455979

Well you would always buy one and then "loose it" and pay 1/2 the price for another one then I guess it'll be worth it right? Right? nope ;_;

I had friends who worked at the karaoke for a few years before getting off the AX bandwagon. Those were magical times.
>Singing Journey music early in the morning
>Apples to apples with other con goers

>> No.8455982
File: 15 KB, 343x232, 1429486820740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went as Bell
Glad I avoided this Hestia and only got photos with the cute Hestias.
All those cute bare-feet Hestias!!!

>> No.8455983

How long before AX moves to San Diego?

>> No.8455986


Nudist Beach version


that would be best for me since the sd con center is less than an hour away from me

>> No.8455987

When San Diego builds a bigger convention center so they can keep Comic Con home. NTR is getting real.

>> No.8455988

>All those cute bare-feet Hestias!!!
i thought i was the only one man
thus a field weekend for me

>> No.8455989
File: 534 KB, 990x1829, Nonon14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I was right to have a right kek at that stream then. That fucking yellow-belt thing.
In the end did anyone actually get maced?
Here's one I got from AX'14.

>> No.8455990

Not for another 4 years because they entered a contract to host AX @ LACC until 2019

>> No.8455992

lmao.... SD Con center would be worse. .

>> No.8455993



yea this isnt her but she's fuckin nice too

i gotta get on the cosplay game fams

>> No.8455996

Says the crunchyroll shill.

>> No.8455997

Eye candy expo to the max.

>> No.8455998


Hahaha when you left with him I was certain he was gonna hook up with you. Such baiting.

It's a shame I ain't asian

>> No.8455999
File: 632 KB, 1035x1842, Se1oVUu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, let's see.
This was the only Nudist Beach one I found.

>> No.8456004

Wow that sucks. I go to cons with close friends I've known since elementary school and I've always had a really great time with them

>> No.8456006


Not her anon, but thanks.

I think she was NB Nonon AX14 too from the pics I saw idk.

>> No.8456009

Nah, eventually everything will move to Las Vegas to take advantage of that sick convention center.

>> No.8456011

wanted to but i missed the parties (not sure how a gay white male would do at those anyway) and i couldn't really find people otherwise. i was half looking for sex and half just looking for new friends (i lack gay friends)

>> No.8456013
File: 595 KB, 1104x1965, PRPioHr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something will come up as the /cgl/ threads continue for the next couple of days.
On the topic of Nonon's this one was my favorite of the year. Something about her face, that tinge of smug.

>> No.8456018

that's implying that if SPJA gets new board members who aren't full jew that's if there is new board members

>> No.8456021
File: 2.34 MB, 3872x2592, DSC04361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know who this is?

Or what she's cosplaying?

>> No.8456022

Ahahahahahahahahahaha no.

>> No.8456023

>Post highschool
Only had one friend able to make it this year.
Total shit head, bitches the entire time, openly mocks someone with a bad cosplay, makes a dumb face and dumb sounds loud when he sees a cute person, he didn't like the Anamanaguchi X Porter Robinson concert because there wasn't any Scott Pilgrim songs, went to every booth asking if they had "X" character merchandise even though the booth didn't have anything even related to it. It was funny to watch him almost get scalped on amiibos then have his card declined!

>> No.8456025
File: 1.19 MB, 2456x1380, DSC02857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much Hestia this year.
I wonder if the series is actually good or something.

>> No.8456026

No idea of their name.
Character is Hestia.

>> No.8456028

first time this year.
First time on /cgl/
I am going to cosplay next year.

>> No.8456031

I went with my boyfriend and got lots of dick from him. Was really sad when he left because LDR.

>> No.8456032

Kinda new to the con hook ups.
So basically Asian guys get all the attention?

>> No.8456034

It's Horseface cosplaying Flatchest!Ribbonsack

>> No.8456035
File: 1.89 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20150705_12_49_21_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promised one of you gulls that I would post pictures, but the thread is sinking so I'll wait until the next thread.

You know who you are.

>> No.8456036
File: 128 KB, 1080x1080, 11358243_916043805100376_675915323_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8456040

She did Catherine and was on Call to Cosplay I think

>> No.8456041

Not even close. Youll get beanie tho~ otherwise most things are as normal.

>> No.8456042

If anyone has pictures of a school uniform Honoka, post 'em! I'm looking for myself!

>> No.8456043

From that one tripfaggot yes. From everybody else no. Although you don't have to be asian. He was staring at me like he wanted to rape me and i ain't even asian. The pink haired girl he was with was qt though.

>> No.8456055
File: 614 KB, 1104x1965, DSC03306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this is her as Catherine.

>> No.8456056

Are you boy or grill?

>> No.8456067

Anyone got more pictures of this chick who is cosplaying Mamimi? First time I saw her I thought she was so fucking cute but now idk. More pics of her pls

>> No.8456068

That's what my friend/roommate was telling me. I have experience talking with women so I don't spaghetti like most of the guys were doing. Talked to them like normal people and allot of them had "boyfriends".
At that point it felt a little suspicious but I wouldn't know since I am new to this game.

>> No.8456074

Some may have boyfriends in a legit sense. Others just say that to get guys off their case since that's an easier and faster way to say "I'm not interested" or "leave me alone." If they say they have bfs, k whatevs, but hang out right?

A lot of times they just say that to find out if you're not a creep. It takes time to get a girl.

>> No.8456075

>"Where can i find boyfriend free girls"

>> No.8456077


Was that this year too? I took the Hestia pics on Saturday

>> No.8456078

nono that's not her. I just remembered that >>8456021 goes by Miss Macross on FB
As a chick with a bf, I casually mention him because I know my friendliness can be misunderstood as flirting and I don't want to lead anybody on.

>> No.8456082

What do you expect people are just peope except in costume. You have plenty of green texts about hookups just cause there's so many people at the con your chance of finding someone like that relative to just a random crowd is better. Keep chatting people up gl.

>> No.8456083

Found her on FB


>> No.8456088

Fuck off memer

>> No.8456095

Oh, she's pretty but something about that mouth of her's.

>> No.8456099

Not a couple. That's his mom or something and they seemed like zombies probably since she's old and sick and it's hard for him to talk in costume

>> No.8456108
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x1836, qtanniepose-didnotstalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay home to save money

>first ax
>get to con around 4
>staff is beyond useless directing me to little witch academia line or even badge pickup
>cool guys holding me a spot and get pushed into funimationshit
>linecapped when I find it so I cut 100+ people to secure my entrance because I was solo
>can't find people that held me a spot, so I sit in the very front
>have an amazing time at the premiere
>meetup with the people I'm looking for right after
>check out this cool new artbook by Kouhaku Kuroboshi
>get a qt blond staffer's number at foodtrucks
>says she wants to meet up for the hentai panels next day
>drink together before meet
>excited to meet seagulls but spill alcohol on myself and talk really loud
>get embarrassed but I'm still helped out
>trade drugs for drugs later
>party that night and get too fucked up
>more embarassment

>> No.8456117
File: 106 KB, 577x573, ax over meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.8456119

Con was great, def a solid AX.
Got a comped badge, panels went great (the LCS Roast and Tough Crowd).
My jungle juice came out great, though I got way too drunk off it.
The meetup on friday was nice, the anons were more social than usual, probably because it wasn't all tripfags (Only myself, Freeman, Meishi, Velociraptor, Space Cowboy were there of the old school crew I recall). Last year I planned it at 8:30 so it didn't conflict with the LCS, but I got caught up and it happened at the traditional time, so the old school crew was all at the panel. Small amount of spaghetti present but overall cool people, and def less cringy than the normals that go to cons.
Party scene was cool, I didn't host this year because I was sharing my room with people who had early shifts and stuff, so I didn't want to keep them up. I made it to the westin pooldeck on sat night, total sausage fest but cool vibe.
Next planned con is anime california, met a lot of cool anons last time (and Beanie Kun before he joined our secret club). We should do that again.

>> No.8456141

Westin parties have been dropping in number though

>> No.8456196


> On day 3 my allergies start to act up while in crowded space of AA
> I turn to see a woman had brought her cat with her and was posing it with a sign of her instagram

> Stand at AA booth waiting to make a purchase
> this group of girls come from the left and are pushing into me, shouting in my ear and touching the merch trying to get to it
> keep pushing me, have to jerk my shoulder back hard to get them to back the fuck off

> Went to a draw meet and tumblr sat next to me

These girls would not stop talking about how they don't get along with other signs, what illnesses they have, and just talking so loudly when they should have been doing trades with other people. In general they were just super rude, having planted themselves in an already crowded spot and not even drawing, just having their own little circlejerk about their lives.

> "My ex best friend was a libra and she was a bitch."

Why the fuck are you at a con and spending your money cosplaying and on merch if you are that fucking poor? I tuned it out for the most part because I was having fun exchanging sketchbooks with nice people, but I ended up leaving because those girls were just so annoying. Its super weird though that the girl who said she was on foodstamps actually keeps showing up in my instagram recommended, so it was so surreal that I recognized them.

>> No.8456607

I finally got home, and I'm so excited to tell you guys about my time at AX and I have so many bitchin cosplay photos to upload. But I'm going to be very awesome and upload them to my computer first and not from my phone so they're not horizontal. I had post con blues when I had to step onto the subway platform and watched the convention center pass me by. I was on a train full of normal people again and it felt awful.

I'll post after I get home from work. I have so many fun stories! Until then .

>> No.8456854


That is brinni cosplay

>> No.8457174

tfw looked forward to seeing her at the con and never did
tfw she is my cosplayfu

>> No.8458002

the panty looks like her bones would break with a sudden gust of wind.