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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 3.76 MB, 3000x1876, irish fleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8444593 No.8444593 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see how long it is until we can get this one deleted as well...

So what cons are you going to in Ireland this summer?

>> No.8445512

What got the last one deleted?

>> No.8445554

Some idiot posted a link to someones facebook page

>> No.8445605
File: 26 KB, 406x422, 1421701587532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Irish cons for me this Summer.

Drama last thread was great up until the Facebook post though. Some people just don't know how to shitpost properly.

>> No.8445643

Who's page was it?

>> No.8445747

check the archives

>> No.8445800

I'm heading to nom-con at the end of the month. My panel application got accepted so i just have to finish it putting it together

>> No.8445960

What's your panel gonna be on?

>> No.8446018

The guy who ran the cocktail panel at Eirta (Trial by Bar) supposedly

Someone said he was a kiddy fiddler, I asked for details and someone responded by posting a link to someone's FB profile which didn't show contain any details about kiddy fiddling

>> No.8446049

He probably did go off with a 16-17 year old tbh.

>> No.8446087

Probably Nom-con for me. I likes my anime and most other events over the summer focus more on western animation or comics which is good for anybody who prefers that kind of thing.

>> No.8446093

Less than 24 hours until the convention and still no word on Troy Baker?

>> No.8446094

I used to think of Nom-Con as the sad babby con, but it really is the one that focuses most on non-Western media these days. Pity the guests are kinda shit, though. I don't give half a fuck about cosplay guests, I wish cons would stop bringing them in.

>> No.8446104

Doesn't one of them get guests from Japan?

>> No.8446155

Last year with Ian Sinclair and co. was fantastic.

Apart from the flooded hallway or whatever that was....

>> No.8446161

Yeah not mad about english voice actors myself. A lot of the time I want to slap them and tell them to act and not just speak in their own accent/voice. I can understand getting cheap cosplay guests especially here in Ireland where cosplay is still taking off. Don't think it's a case of oh my gosh I need their autograph but usually they are skilled and can offer tips as well as displaying some good cosplay.

Akumakon usually gets Japanese guests which is great. This year they got the guy that directed Haruhi season one which was quite cool.

>> No.8446198

Yeah Akumakon does, but I've never actually been so I didn't mention it. I'd love to go sometime, though.

>> No.8446283

Akumakon used to be great. Now it's just boring. They're another crowd that fell into the cosplay guest crap, who really gives a shit about someone who's famous because they know how to put on a costume?

>> No.8446376

Akumakon is ok like it's always been. Cosplay guests are usually semi-famous for making and portraying good cosplays. if it was just putting a costume everyone that cosplays in Ireland would be famous.

>> No.8446574

Well it looks like he's attending as he's already in the country

>> No.8446630

Hopefully someone will take pictures this time so we can lol at it

>> No.8446640

Sad that he's attending this instead of Eirtakon. I would like to meet him but not paying €40 + signing charges + travel + food + dignity to go to this just to meet him.

>> No.8446663

Probably just eirtakon for me this year. Maybe not even. Cons are starting to lose their appeal for me.
I'll definitely follow any inevitable drama tho.

>> No.8446706

Yeah, but would Eirta have him? Remember he jumped ship to attend MCM Expo in London instead

>> No.8447456

But isn't London expo on at the end of October where Eirta is on in November?
I'd say it was more likely he had work.

>> No.8448470

MCM have been known to impose conditions on guests that they can't do another convention within a certain distance and certain amount of time before or after their event.

Like for example they get a guest, that means he can't do a convention in, say, Scotland for three months before or three months after MCM's event.

I can't remember if Eirta was two weeks before MCM or two weeks after but that would fall into the time conditions and Dublin could fall under the distance conditions.

>> No.8448544

Declan apparently said this in relation to autograph signings on facebook:

"I'm just going to step in here - there will be a fee, we're doing our best to make it as accessible for everyone but this is a nonprofit event.

I nor any of the team here make money from this - it's done out of a love for our community. I sold my 3DS this week just so I could have a bigger budget for decorations - you might think that's dumb? It probably was but I can't wait to see how people react to the Ballroom on Saturday night - it's going to look mega and that means a tonne more to me than the console.

Once we settle on a price or plan for signings we will post it! Doing the best we can folks!"

Now hang on he's so desparate for money he's selling his 3DS to fund it? Me thinks he just wanted to sell it. Also he's declaring it a non-profit which is total bullshit when it's well known he pays himself a wage.

Also figures flying around say €15-€20 for the autograph and he still doesn't know on the day of the event? WTF

>> No.8448589

I'm calling bullshit on this! According to the game stop website the trade in value of a 3DS is €100 at most. If you're budget is so exact that €100 makes a noticeable difference to anything, then you are fucked! I mean what if someone throws up or breaks a window? How will you pay for it?

>> No.8448626

All of it sounds like he wants to be a Martyr. We all have to feel so bad for him cause he has a hard job. You know what isn't hard: Giving a straight answer to a question that should have been answered weeks ago.

>> No.8448634

Well, duh he always acts the martyr, thats his stick, so to speak. How else will he get all the weebs on his side, and love him endlessly and mindlessly?

>> No.8448650

He's so smarmy and what a pile of shite.
His love of the community!? He only loves himself and you can sure he'll be paying himself back as soon as the first tickets sell. So yeah Deco I do think it's dumb. God it's going to be desperate if he's resorting to selling a 3DS to decorate the con.

>> No.8448665

I saw that thread. People seem to be under the impression it's a common thing cause DCC and MCM charge (they are large trade expos) but's not for a fan-run con. Someone even said that they pay for their own flights and accommodation so they got to charge. Con's pay for the flight's, accommodation, and a fee normally so they don't need to charge for signatures

Seriously some people will just eat up what Declan and co tell them.

>> No.8448668
File: 25 KB, 500x81, AC logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anybody actually going to be there for this trainwreck?

>> No.8448670

I always wondered about that. What happens to a person that leads them to seek the love and attention of a group of ADHD riddled man children with more money than sense?

>> No.8448675

I fucking lose my shit everytime he pulls the "martyr" card, what's that Declan? I don't understand how hard it is to be a gay man in Ireland? Yeah because it's so fucking easy to be a lesbian with catholic parents, you shit eater.

>> No.8448686

If he even did sell his 3ds for €100, that the price of 2 and a half attendees, are the attendee numbers going to be so low that the committee has already started to sell their shit? Not much of a confidence builder.

>> No.8448688

I'll be there in spirit, for the lulz.

>> No.8448702

There's a lot of people here ATM

>> No.8448705

Ellen McLaine was charging at Kitacon last year and that's a fan-run con

Troy charges at US cons

>> No.8448729

Oh you mean Ellen who donated all her signing fees to the charity auction? Don't think anyone would mind paying if it went to charity.

Guests charge typically at large events. At smaller events like fan-run cons here and in England they usually don't as they get a fixed fee instead from the con. Basically everyone pays for the guest when they buy a ticket into the con.

>> No.8448741

Are the balls (heh) any good? I've always avoided them but I don't really know what they are

>> No.8448756

There were people bitching about having to pay on the forum afterwards, complaining that the con hadn't stated on the website that there would be a fee

People bitching over 1 pound for a personal item

>> No.8448769

OK, shitlord reporting in.

I'm at AC, so far so good. There's a fair few queuing for pre-reg. Ducklan is currently behind the pre-reg desk.

There's a Dunnes and an off-licence (hurrah!) across the road.

Queuing for pre-reg was a bit irritating though as the hotel have a pair of lovebirds and they won't shut the fuck up.

I won a pair of free tickets to AC so I'm not out of pocket

I'll report back if there's any drama

Naomi's looking miserable as usual

>> No.8448785
File: 203 KB, 531x332, arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say trainwreck?
Gimme them pics! Plenty of room aboard the fail train.

>> No.8448820
File: 497 KB, 250x140, tumblr_inline_mlmd99dURP1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit it is on today!
I'd better fucking go!

>> No.8448920

With conventions there's two ways of securing guests.

1) Pay for their flights, hotel and an appearance fee.

2) Pay for flights, hotel and let them charge of signatures. They usually want a guaranteed amount, so if Troy wanted a 3k appearance fee and only made 2k on signatures, Arcade would need to pay him the extra 1k.

Eirtakon paid the appearance fee and that's why Troy wasn't gonna charge.

Arcade Con thought they were smart getting guests cheaper than other cons and letting them charge but it really has backfired, also I called up Crowne plaza and got a quote on their rooms, they are paying fuck all for them.

I want to also mention MCMs voice actors didnt charge last year and aren't charging this year. You pay 3 euro for the MYM magazine and the signature is free.

>> No.8448933
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>> No.8448947


>> No.8448949
File: 167 KB, 1500x938, arcadecon fail train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should add Naomi with her moon face overseeing it all

>> No.8448956

Make sure to add a cuck sign for Cucklan

>> No.8448959
File: 214 KB, 1500x938, arcadecon fail train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs an arcadecon on the side

>> No.8448983
File: 426 KB, 1500x938, 1435938161001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuck sign

>> No.8449000

Be careful with MCM. Thats how it was last year but at MCM Belfast that only counted if you got signed the print they gave you. Want to get anything else signed? That will be an extra 20.

>> No.8449015
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>> No.8449034
File: 215 KB, 1500x938, arcadecon fail train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god lol! how about rainbows filled with money for all the shit he tells people to make more money?

>> No.8449100

That's exactly it. Most cons in Ireland pay the guest an appearance fee so they don't need to worry about raising extra money. I get that he was maybe more expensive but they raised their ticket prices so that should've easily covered that. How does everyone else afford guests without raising ticket prices and having attendees pay for the guest inside the con?

>> No.8449121
File: 621 KB, 1500x938, arcadecon fail train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget all of his adoring fans.

>> No.8449133

Has the thread about the autographs been deleted from their FB group?

>> No.8449146

It was posted by grainne in the closed group. Still there as afar as I know.

>> No.8449162

can anyone get caps?

>> No.8449187

I can't see it atm but I'm on my mobile and I far prefer browsing on my laptop

>> No.8449215
File: 59 KB, 477x192, doody cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?

>> No.8449222


Isn't it normal for cons or events to post as the con and not a personal facebook page?

>> No.8449225 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8449228

So what's been said is Declan raised the price of the ticket so he could get more money in his pocket while getting attendees to then pay extra inside the con to foot the bill of the guest?

>> No.8449235

>that cropping


>> No.8449243

Holy shit though. What an actual rip off. 40 euro, then guest fees on top if it if you want anything?

Is there even any events on? There looks like fuck all games room stuff, and why in gods name is there a "Go take a break" for one hour plastered on the Saturday? Are they that lacking of events? Holy.

I dunno. Seems shady as fk. Not going. Money rackets like that can go die.

>> No.8449249

So many adoring weebs. I may puke.
Nobody has a complaint against Troy. The man needs to be paid but I just don't like that Declan has the balls to charge extra for his con while making attendees cover the guest as an extra charge. It might be understandable if not for other similar cons managing to get big guests without them needing to charge, and while charging less in the door. Also he failed to properly announce this fact and still hasn't told people how much extra they'll need to pay which is really sly of him.

>> No.8449258

This really is the year Arcadecon needs to die. What a fucking disgrace, and what a slap in the face to the con scene. I hope people refuse to pay the signature fee and Dicklan ends up well out of pocket, be good enough for him

>> No.8449259

We need the Pubcast on the this train!

>> No.8449263
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They finally announced Troy's fees. 20 euro for a signature, 10 for a photo and 10 for a voice recording.

That cost from a non-profit convention is such an ungodly rip-off. I just can't believe people would be willing to pay 40 quid for entry. Just to pay for more shit that's included at every other convention

>> No.8449268

10 yoyos for a fucking selfie? You're having a laugh.

>> No.8449271

They are not registered as a non profit, he's trying to say because supposedly all the money made at Arcade con is invested back In which is bullshit of course as he pays his rent with the money sometimes.

>> No.8449274

They most likely added that in to make more money to guarantee they don't have to pay Troy a penny or they might get 50% of everything that comes in after 2-3k.

>> No.8449286

They are saying they have no power over how much Troy pays, even if they paid him a small bit he would have reduced his signature fee and fucking charging to take selfies with him? I know 100% they came up with that. I really hope Troy or his agent sees they're trying to pass the blame on to him..

>> No.8449291

The worst part is that this would have been in his contract long before the con, they knew the whole time but didn't want to announce because it would stop people from going and handing over their money. I hope some people are smart enough to demand a refund and get the hell out of there before they start charging them for seats at panels

>> No.8449298

So I went to the arcade page but noticed the post with the photo isn't on their main feed? Have to go looking through photos to get to it.

That's kinda dodge hiding it like that?
Oh but the comments under it are just gold! XD

>> No.8449302

How the bloody fuck did he get 35 likes for that. Bot accounts?

Not in a FB group, no. That and Arcadecon got rid of their FB page by merging it into the main Arcade page a couple years ago when they were in a bit of a "likes race" against Eirtakon.

Might be worth reposting after censoring your identity, perhaps.

I gave out about that "break" a couple years ago. I can understand some timetable gaps to help for setup purposes and in case of overflow, but not the entire fucking con all at the same time.

Seriously fucking steep. Maybe Arcade should've stooped up the appearance fee, rather than pissing it away... actually, is there even anything of note they can piss away their money on?

>> No.8449338

Bit ridiculous. The prices are so fkin dumb. Like are they paying taxes or what? Is that where this money is going? I highly doubt it. Must be lining that organizers pockets.

Wonder if it's actually Troy/Agent charging, or the con trying to pass the buck onto them. Holy shit.

>> No.8449340

I guess Troy wasn't happy being paid with just Declan's old 3ds

>> No.8449344

People are actually trying to justify the cost on the arcade like he's the best guest any con's ever gotten. Steve Blum didn't charge for signatures, Johnny Yong Bosch didn't charge for signatures and I'd rate them way better guests than than Troy Baker

>> No.8449352

Absolutely fucking right, the only reason he's charging is because he's not being paid and they would have known this months ago and are choosing now to announce it.

>> No.8449353

Steve Blum even stayed and hosted/endured the cringefest that was cosplay blind date

>> No.8449360

Steve Blum was a fucking boss. I really can't believe some people are stupid enough to accept this bullshit from arcadecon

>> No.8449362

I'm making this my desktop background.

>> No.8449366

He voices like 4 major characters from one of my favourite games ever so he's a sound lad in my book. I never asked him to do a personal voice line for me though, really should have.

>> No.8449370

Veronica Taylor never charged either and she's the voice of Ash from Pokemon! way bigger than anything Troy has done.

Seriously though I don't think it's Troy's fault. Sounds like they couldn't afford him in the first place so he has to raise the money himself. Didn't they cancel a guest to get Troy?

>> No.8449383

But why get a guest you can't afford and then piss off the people you're trying to impress?

>> No.8449407

Because Dicklan want to retire with full pockets, he doesn't give a shit about the attendees, never did.

>> No.8449410

I thought we agreed on Cucklan (tm, OC donut steel)

>> No.8449418

Is it a pretaken photo or why is it cheaper than a signature wtf

>> No.8449446

Arcade Con could well afford to pay Troy Baker but choose not to. They don't have any other guests that would cost them much, guests and the venue are a cons biggest expense.

>> No.8449467

It's a photo of you with Troy taken with your camera

>> No.8449472

Yeah, what that anon said. They mean taking a photo, with Troy, with your personal phone/tablet/whatever. Totally laughable.

>> No.8449556

Eirtakon, Nom-con, Akumakon, and Kaizoku-con have never had guests that charge for signatures that I can recall. Anybody saying this is a standard is talking through their arse.

>> No.8449576

Yer man Nathan is chiming in saying it is on FB

>> No.8449592

That's probably because there's no way in hell Otakucon could afford to pay their guests an appearance fee. On the arcade they're currently claiming that they had no control over this whatsoever and had no idea until today what the price would be. Sure guys, that's totally believable. He would have had to sign a contract long before now, it's pretty shit that they keep blaming him

>> No.8449593

Some people trying to defend the prices are social climbing fucktards. That's all.

Seriously. Arcade con are trying to pull a fast one and pull the wool over peoples eyes that they did not know in advance how much he was going to charge? Get real. This is the sort of stuff that is organized and planned and discussed when initially getting a guest. Shower of bastards couldn't organize a pissup in a brewery without charging people an arm and a leg.

>> No.8449608

Declan's about to do a striptease as Princess Peach

>> No.8449618

I saw that. He's a fucking idiot.
As he said he paid Veronica Taylor some money and she reduced her signing fee. I mean they don't come for free. They need an appearance fee which a lot of cons over here pay. Cons that don't are cheap and trying to make more money for themselves.

DCC and MCM are profit making events so if they can get a guest for cheaper then they will. That's how they can have so many guests as well.

>> No.8449625

NomCon Nathan or autist Nathan?

>> No.8449631

Fat Catwoman stripper on now

>> No.8449635



>> No.8449637
File: 27 KB, 467x78, quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely, people like this idiot are blaming Troy. I'm sure he loves his fans but he's not there for free. Blame arcadecon for not paying his appearance fee which other cons in Ireland manage to do so along with cheaper entry tickets.

>> No.8449642

autist Nathan, he's the only one active now, he'll also do anything to plug his own shitty cons when he can.

>> No.8449654

Nom-con also had Veronica Taylor but she was free cause they paid her an appearance fee. Autist Nathan had over for some shitty event a few months back but didn't pay her much. Feel bad she had to attend that.

>> No.8449659
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>> No.8449665

Why don't one of ye put it to ArcadeCon on that update then about the contract? So far the comments on the status are either people telling Troy to go fuck himself because of the prices, people saying "Ah sure you'd pay more at other places" or people saying it isn't the con's fault, lel.

>> No.8449667

Where tho?

>> No.8449670

Pics so we can add them to the fail train

>> No.8449674

The arcade's post was shared. Look there in the comments ;)

>> No.8449697
File: 113 KB, 487x644, arcadecon joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Troy Baker is in the same league as Sigourney Weaver according to someone... Honestly were does arcadecon find these people?

>> No.8449708

This is absolutely the con's fault. I've been on the committee for one of the conventions that does not and has never charged for signings. Every year a guest is contacted. The guest gives their terms - usually accomodation, flights and an appearance fee. The con then tries to negotiate down the apperance fee (this is standard practice). They usually hit a number where the guest will say "Ok, I'll take a reduction of 500 in my appearance fee OR I take a reduction of 700 but I will charge for any signings/photos". It is then up to the con to choose whether they pay the extra appearance fee and allow attendees 1-2 free autographs/photos or they pay the cheaper fee and make attendees pay for the photos.

Most of the cons choose to just pay the bit extra in the appearance fee as it makes attendees a lot happier.

Arcade Con are a shower of scroungers who chose to pay the reduced fee. They also would have signed this contract months ago - it is an absolute and outright lie to say they only found out the price of signings today. Disgusting behaviour.

>> No.8449711

Post this to the event.

>> No.8449726

Aidan Murphy is a cunt

>> No.8449729

What happened to Nom Nathan

>> No.8449740

Retired from con organising as far as I know.

>> No.8449752

It's sickening that they're trying to blame this on Troy and act all innocent.

>> No.8449759

Can't wait to see the backlash from this being posted on The Arcade, bout time someone posted something like this on there

>> No.8449766

Kudos to Gareth tho for pointing out what needs to be said. I'd be looking for a refund for this if I was going.

>> No.8449771

A lot of strippers with love handles

>> No.8449778

It's horrible to blame a guest for their greed. There is no excuse for that.

>> No.8449793

Who are they even? :p

>> No.8449870

Ken you are very obvious

>> No.8449883


>> No.8449933

lawl <3

>> No.8449944


He's actually not that bad to be fair. He's a funny one sometimes. :p

But yeah, cmon lads. Gimme something worth 40 and we'll see. Seems worse than last year tbqh.


You're probably right. :p

>> No.8449952

Can he charge for autographs too now, since you seem to recognize him on a random anon board? :p

>> No.8450058

Is that the guy who dated Kerrie years ago and after they broke up he tried to hold her down at an Arcade Con?

>> No.8450079

I heard that too, the word rape was thrown around but you know how people in this community over react.

>> No.8450089

Details please

>> No.8450101

He used to hang out with all these weebs at the time and was in a Cosplay group, it was years ago, he start dating Kerrie and after awhile they broke up, she is now currently lesbian I believe, apparently after they broke up while he was drunk he forced himself on her or well tried to, I heard it from a few people over the years, this is all I know.

>> No.8450127

It's like EA, the Convention.

Late. Broken. Overpriced, and all the cool advertised features are 'Premium' or DLC.

>> No.8450148


I'd have gone with WB,

Arcaddecon Knight, needless features that can sometimes look good in theory but upon release are broken and overpriced... BUY OUR DLC!!!

Also Featuring Troy Baker.

Rated W for Weebs?

>> No.8450263

I saw those two hugging and talking at Eirtakon just gone. Seemed like good mates. Whats up with that then?

>> No.8450293

She might tolerate him now, I can't see them hugging though. But there was major uproar over him trying to force himself on her at the first or second Arcade.

>> No.8450369

Check her facebook. Whoever spreaded that shit should feel fuckin horrible about themselves. gn

>> No.8450431

You can't hide the past especially on 4chan even if two people have made up since. No drama dies in these threads.

>> No.8451191

Surprise surprise, they deleted this comment on facebook.
I can't believe the dickweeds trying to defend arcade.

>> No.8451221

Serrrriously. Do they honestly believe that at every con Baker's ever been to the staff only get notice of signing fees the DAY of the con? Either they knew and were hesitant to release the info, or someone didn't do their job and get all the relevant information from Baker's agents.

>> No.8451235

So is ArcadeCon any good? I'm referring mostly to Traders Hall.

>> No.8451245

He forced himself on Kerrie at the Arcade Quinton Flynn was at, I know this for a fact and I will never forgive him for it because you don't fucking do that to anyone, that's sexual assault ffs

>> No.8451252

Any more con news?

>> No.8451279

You got extra points in round 2 of the pub quiz if you drew a cook on your answer sheet.
In round 3 you got extra points if you drew a dragon fucking a car.

>> No.8451345

Hi Potsy

>> No.8451355
File: 25 KB, 624x525, 1324092891807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reposted the comment on the status again. Feels free to give le upboat

>> No.8451376

thank you

>> No.8451388
File: 422 KB, 268x288, tumblr_inline_mjkcg4GSir1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my comments got deleted and I was blocked from the main page, so now I have to post on the event page.
And I can keep reposting it, Declan.

>> No.8451401

Talk about making it worse. Everyone in that thread would've gotten a notification of what was said anyway and most people wouldn't see the comment. Now many more people will see the comment on the event page. Well done!

Also it wasn't trolling. Everything was true with valid points. Dicklan just wasn't prepared to accept responsibility for the fuck-up and wants Troy to take the blame. And yes I've seen a lot of comments around facebook blaming Troy for this which is really shitty.

>> No.8451417
File: 501 KB, 714x541, 1433356951442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who almost came from a foreign country just to go to ArcadeCon because of Troy Baker and I convinced him not to. Unfortunately, he has other friends who went and he said it sounded like they weren't having a great time at all.

If this farce of a con is never repeated, it'll be too soon.

>> No.8451430

10/10 rare pepe

>> No.8451465

What a douche, I knew someone else would know more about this.

>> No.8451476

I'd hate to be one of the people that forked over €80 for VIP entry and then being told they gotta pay extra for signings

>> No.8451479
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Like this girl? It's pretty shit that this happened to her but it's hard to have sympathy for people willingly spending more than €20 to go to this farce.

>> No.8451507

How is that an amazing first day exactly? Not even getting your VIP stuff after paying 80 euro, why are weebs so fucking stupid to keep putting up with this shite?

>> No.8451531

Mix up's happen but the right way to deal with this is first apologise for messing up. Then refund the €40 extra that was paid, and thirdly do what they can to give her as many of the VIP perks as possible. Doesn't sound like that happened but yeah hard to believe there was some idiots that paid €80 for a entry ticket

>> No.8451629


Don't talk about natasha like that

>> No.8451732

was working at a t-shirt printing stand there on friday, will work again on sunday, but is arcade con shit?

i've only sold shirts at conventions and never got into the con scene but it's really depressing here, isn't it?

also what's up with naomi. Is she like a mid-washed ghoul from fallout or something

>> No.8451855

Quick first report:
Troy Baker signing started at 4pm. Queue up started at 3.30pm. Troy was 15 minutes late. It took until nearly 5pm to get through all the V.I.P.'s

>> No.8451970

Christ how many VIP's was there? Some weebs are fucking mad paying that much and for what?

>> No.8451981

Jaaaaaysus. And did VIPs have to pay for all the signature bullshit on top of everything else?

>> No.8451999

he is dating Beatrice now apparently.

>> No.8452002

Was there many people there today?

>> No.8452086

So report from Arcade. Updates will come as and when. This is all I know for now.

A fight broke out in the screening room involving at least 2 staff members. A female staff member was crying in the bathroom screaming "get him away from me" and one staff member or attendiee was knocked out.

I eagerly await more.

>> No.8452093

Oh my GOD anon, this is golden. Were you there? Where are reports coming from? I'm on the edge of my seat!

>> No.8452100

A friend was there.

>> No.8452105
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>> No.8452107

Bless you and bless your pal.

>> No.8452108
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My body is ready

>> No.8452115

Fucking hell, someone was knocked out!? Bad enough if it was a staff member, but so much worse if it was an attendee!

>> No.8452120
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I knew something entertaining had to happen. Hope we get more details

>> No.8452171


>> No.8452179

God i hope it was Naomi.

>> No.8452182

Omg dont leave us hanging! Finally good drama!

>> No.8452223

Oh god that's just beautiful. Craterface as the moon was a nice addition.

>> No.8452228

Believe me I would love to dish more, but that's all I have for the moment.

>> No.8452381
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Can we get a Punch Out TKO somewhere on the train in light of new news?

>> No.8452382

Thanks for the update. Probably wont hear much more.

How is the con aside from the random brawl? Did many turn up? Are people having a good time or is it boring as fuck? What's good? I imagine Troy's panels were good at least but anything else?

>> No.8452411

Gardaí were along with ambulance services. didn't see the ambulance staff being used at all ? don't think it was needed. was just there incase I guess. Everything was on shut down, like organisers of events couldn't get into the staff room. Panel hall was closed off.
All members of staff were questions by the guards. No idea other than that. didnt stay much longer after it all.
Was hardly gonna hang around for the "black and gold ball"

One of the few Irish cons in which i don't have friends on staff to ask about it !

>> No.8452415

well. "everything" on shut down is a bit much. like people weren't ushered out or anything. just top floor was kinda shut off.

Personally i expected to be able to come home here to all the popcorn.
but alas. not much info.

>> No.8452428


Can we have the Gardai added to the train also?

>> No.8452432


Sorry but Pokemon ain't bigger than anything Troy's ever done

>> No.8452438

Nice trader's hall this year

>> No.8452443

oh please yes

You keep telling yourself that, mate.

>> No.8452444

Oh yeah! I left the fanfiction beasts panel (they read an excerpt from Alan Shatter's erotic novel) and knocked on the screening room's door, a gardai answered and I asked if there was anything on and he said no.

Went up to a guy nearby and said 'there's a guard' and he replied 'an attendee assaulted on of our staff'

>> No.8452446

Are you actually serious? Most of the anime-loving population grew up with pokemon, what's Troy been in that's bigger exactly?

>> No.8452449

Veronica - one big thing

Troy - a lot of big things

Sorry but a lot of big things trump one big thing

They're both shit guests, but Troy was slightly less shit than Veronice was at Nom Con

>> No.8452454

hahahahahahahahaha Good one mate

>> No.8452456

Ugh that Nom Con, the guest liason spent most of his time sucking up to Veronica and ignoring the other guests

>> No.8452457

There's a difference in saying that and saying that everything he's been in has been bigger than Pokemon. What about Johnny Yong Bosch then, or Steve Blum, neither of them charged for signatures and they've been in way stuff than Baker

>> No.8452463

Neither did Christopher Sabat

>> No.8452467

>still liking Pokemon

top kok

I'll never understand why friends of mine consistently gobble that shit up year after year. It got boring for me very quickly after the first three or so generations.

>> No.8452490

There's loads of people here. The hotel is far better than the D4/Ballsbridge/whatever the fuck it's calling itself this year.

Great makeup panel (how to make yourself grimy and dirty a la Furiosa in Mad Max), fanfiction panel where they read out a smut fic which featured the Giant squid fucking Hogwarts, Declan doing a panel about how to make yourself look badly wounded.

Troy performed at the ball, he was great.

>> No.8452500

If someone was attacked, they should be asking for witnesses.

>> No.8452514
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Got you covered fam

>> No.8452524

He has a reputation of trying to talk to people that socially outclass him greatly, but he's oblivious to the fact that no one can actually stand him.

I manage to avoide him most cons by being too far away for him to see. XD

>> No.8452528
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Ah you beat me to it

>> No.8452530

ha ha ha much better

>> No.8452540

This argument is irrelevant. I know for a fact that Troy wasn't going to charge for signings at Eirtakon cause they paid him. Everyone saying it's Troy's fault or this is normal needs to STFU

>> No.8452553

I see the arcadecon committee is active again. That or one of Declan's weebs.

>> No.8452572

Its standard practice for guests to charge for signings if the con is paying them in full. It would also be part of the contract and the con would know well in advance, unless they are complete spastics and didnt read it all.

>> No.8452591

It ain't Dec he's currently wasted in the bar

>> No.8452604

Does anyone have deets of what the fight was about? Was anyone nearby or did anyone hear anything? Attendees fighting is one thing, but con staff fighting is beyond unprofessional. Between this and the drop in numbers because of the awkward location, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people give it a miss next year, or those planning to go tomorrow don't bother.

>> No.8452606

>implying weeb retards care about professionalism and won't just come back again anyway

Declan could have shat in every VIP bag personally at the registration desk and it still wouldn't have deterred any of them

>> No.8452622

Fair point. I guess a lot of older attendees might be deterred, I think I'd rather save my money for another con next year, but yeah, the younger (or stupider) weebs will flock like always.

>> No.8452645

Is there any pictures of the trade hall? What's there?

>> No.8452660

Last I heard it was an assault on a staffer by an attendee, not a fight. I heard something about the guy having a weapon too but I'm not 100% sure about that part.

>> No.8452665

Sounds like my wish came true and the Corduff skangers *did* show up after all!

>> No.8452674

It's a bit of rough neighbourhood down in blanch. Not the best place for a con unless you're a hardcore batman cosplayer.

>> No.8452679


I'm sure ye'll get more information when someone more in the know than I comments, but I have an strong inkling it wasn't a skanger, but a con regular.

>> No.8452725


Even Bats tends to avoid dealin' with dem westies.

>> No.8452759

So games room was a bit cramped with Player1 games trading in it and maybe 10 TVs. Mostly the same crowd sitting at the consoles all day.

Trade hall was balls. Dublin city comics and Sub city are fine but you can go see them any day in the city centre for free. Rest was just artist alley people

>> No.8452776

Vendors were the usual overpriced bullshit, no different from any con. I usually just buy from the artist alley so idc, and the standard was pretty good this con.

>> No.8452787

Except other cons get more vendors from abroad with shit we can't just pick up in city center. Also they have more variety and a lot of the same artist alley people.

>> No.8452800

It was also much smaller than other cons.

>> No.8452882

So pretty standard for Arcade then?

>> No.8453018

Well no Replay Games which is a plus but yeah same old. It's an ok trade hall if not coming for the trade hall, but if you are then prepare to be disappointed.

>> No.8453049

Dur-hur, good one Declan!

>> No.8453533

I was considering going but it sounds like a bit of a train wreck tbh. Also if I had found out about the guest charges on the day of the con I'd have been fucking pissed at Arcade for not divulging it sooner!

>> No.8453569

>the Giant squid fucking Hogwarts
I remember hearing that one for the first time at LeakyCon... interesting to say the least

>> No.8453573

Christ, I was on the fence before because of the ticket price but I'm glad I didn't go now, I only just saw about story's fee. They don't make it very clear.

>> No.8453580

Troy's fee* damn autocorrect

>> No.8453618

Was there yesterday. Been a few times and to a few cons (I'm by no means an expert) and and Arcadecon is always an embarrassment.

Trade Hall was nothing special, didn't go to any of the talks/ panels because in my past experience they're always poorly organised and amateurish.

Troy was nice but I didn't pay anything because I was just queuing (not really into signings) with somebody but he was very chatty and personable.

Staff were as moody, grouchy and put-out as ever. Not surprised a fight broke out. They always have an air of 'you're lucky to even be here' about them, like your intruding on some sort of get together. I've never had a good or at least civil interaction with any of them. Left when we saw the Gardai and Ambulance arrive. The manager of the hotel look rightly pissed when they came in.

Would really love to know where the money is going if it's a "not for profit" convention. I've seen better events put on by SUs on a shoestring budget with no entrance fee.

>> No.8453689
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Any opinions on bro con? Considering setting up a stand but is it worth it

>> No.8453706

You mean a trade stand? I haven't been but they usually get about 200 people? They got too many traders last year or so I heard. Can someone confirm?

>> No.8453714

I feel like a dodged a bullet with this. Really wanted to go meet Troy and get something signed by I don't think I'd pay for the signature. His panels were probably good but after paying for entrance, travel and accommodation it just wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.8453718

I heard the venue had narrow corridors and was a bit cramped even though it was probably only a few hundred people there.

>> No.8453731

Yeah I heard as much. I was just wondering about the crowd but if it's only a couple hundred I won't bother

>> No.8453761

Replay are here with their usual shit. Trade hall isnt great but that's not unexpected.

Everything that was meant to be in the screening room today has been cancelled. Gardai are still in there. Dying to know the full story of what happened yesterday!

>> No.8453763

I would say skip it. Brocon is one of the more chill events but its also one of the lesser populated ones. Maybe try Dublin comic con. Much more commercially focused with more family's in attendance. I hear the stalls are a rip off but the extra foot traffic might make up for it.

>> No.8453766

Looks like the bender's deleting my comments again.

>> No.8453790

Replay are there so? Well that really blows.
How are the gards still there? Holy shit was someone stabbed or something? Normally they just take a few statements and anything else can be done at the station.

>> No.8453796

It could be a sign that shit hit the fan or it could be a liability issue. If someone broke shit or bled on the carpet it could be a problem for the hotel.

I was bottled while working in a bar last year and all they did was take statements and leave, I'm not saying this is worse but they probably have the suspect identified and in custody to say they are still gathering intel.

>> No.8453798

I went Saturday, didn't go today, yesterday wasn't even worth the bus ride. I'm really sore I paid for a weekend ticket but I guess it's a good lesson for next time

>> No.8453824


Yup they're definitely here with the same bootleg shit as usual.

I don't know what the story with the guards is. I walked past the screening room round 12 and the door was slightly open. There was a guard in there looking at a laptop and then a staffer went in and hastily shut the door. Bit weird theyre still around today, must be more to investigate so. All events cancelled in there too as I say.

Other than that it's fairly shit. Theres just nothing much going on. Everything is...lacking is the only way I can describe it. Maybe worth a 15 to 20euro for the weekend but defo not 40 quid.

>> No.8453832

They livestreamed his panel yesterday, I imagine you could find it on youtube if you were interested in it.

>> No.8453845

>>ArcadeCon's always an embarrassment
>>Goes anyway

Talk about wasting your money

>> No.8453853

I only went cause my friend gave me their weekend pass from yesterday. No intention of paying into this site.

>> No.8453939

Oh my god someone took a pic of Troy's butt and put it on Facebook, that's not creepy at all :/

>> No.8453943

So if the Popo is still around and investigating, either someone got seriously hurt or there was a rape/attempted rape.

>> No.8453947

Yeah really shouldn't post it: ArcadeCon will charge them for it retroactively!

>> No.8453953

Nah it sounds like they were just reviewing security footage. It's probably a liability thing between the hotel and staff with a Gard there acting as a mediator

>> No.8453966

Was it a butt selfie or a stalker shot

>> No.8453978

Stalker shot during something by the looks of things

>> No.8453981
File: 76 KB, 960x540, 11222021_892607464152101_5374225537314800063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice hoverhand Troy

>> No.8453982

Ah that's the perfect description of the atmosphere, felt like that the one time I did go and that was purely to see Riot

>> No.8453983

>not wanting to touch an Irish weeb

Can you really blame him?

>> No.8453986

If it is built, weebs will come

>> No.8453990
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WHO is this pole privateer?

>> No.8454001


That's assuming I paid for the ticket... which I didn't.

I go to accompany somebody which is why I said I'm by no means an expert on any of the cons I go to

>> No.8454063
File: 40 KB, 540x960, 11209661_10206970388958952_3929306618808696495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a stalker shot, kinda gross to do that tbh

>> No.8454067

That's not kinda gross, that's real fucked up

>> No.8454071

Wouldn't be posting that if it was a female guest.

>> No.8454073

Looks like Tina from Bobs Burgers took this, what with her obsession with butts

>> No.8454074

It's not even that amazing a butt

>> No.8454075

Where was it posted on facebook? Which page?

>> No.8454094

Some guy called Aidan Murphy, I don't know him but friends of mine liked it so it was on my feed.

>> No.8454100

Poor Troy. He's been raped by those dirty weebs

>> No.8454195

Oh Aidan Asshat, used to be nice now he's a huge arse

>> No.8454275

2600e raised from the charity auction

>> No.8454286

That's not bad. At least something good will come out of this unless the charity is Declan's retirement fund.

>> No.8454300

Last year didn't ex Arcade staff come out and say they were keeping some of all of the charity auction money?

>> No.8454309

Shit yeah, that's right!
I deffo hear it from a staffer at a session, but does anyone have screencaps?

>> No.8454318

I had heard through the grapevine there was an attempted rape

>> No.8454320

In a Screening Room in the middle of a public event?

I highly doubt it. Unless they were the only 2 people in the room or something? Still seems fairly unlikely though.

>> No.8454324

Sexually motivated assault maybe but a literal rape? How would anyone even attempt that?

>> No.8454327

Does anyone know who was involved in the dramaroo yet?
Arcadecons trade hall is always shit anyway. It's packed full of bootlegs and pillowfaces circlejerk. Glad i didn't waste my money this year. Only went last year because of pen ward. arcade sure won the award for worst con now with what appears to be an attempted rape to add to their long list of con fails. They really go above and beyond to be the shitest they can be.

>> No.8454347

What I find really scary about this is that the rooms where the con was held had inside locks, and they were being used frequently during panels.

I was there yesterday and found at different times of the day, the screening room along with panel rooms were locked from the inside.

>> No.8454354


Sexually motivated assault might be a better word for it. I also heard the rumours of a weapon involved like the anon from earlier.

I've been in the Crowne Plaza before for work things. The doors of the hotel conference rooms automatically lock themselves when shut with force.

>> No.8454361

Jesus that's actually scary. No wonder the police are still there, that is a clusterfuck of liability, between the weapon, the unattended guests the doors that I assume, do not meet safety regulations.

>> No.8454364

True, imagine if there was a fire or something. There's no way those doors are safe.

>> No.8454368

No one can actually be that shit.... Can they?

>> No.8454390


Also I'm curious to know. Anyone here do a workshop or panel there? I wanted to know if you had any arcade staff present for any of it, even for setting up or stand by assistance? Had none at all for mine and didn't notice any at the ones I attended.

>> No.8454416

I was in a panel and there were one or two staffers helping with chairs and sitting in, and one bringing water to the panel guys. They could have just wanted to go to the panel though. Or were exceptionally helpful.

>> No.8454428

Well must have just been my luck. No harm caused, just never had that before at other cons.

>> No.8454444

That speech at the ending ceremony actually made me wanna wretch, jaysus.

>> No.8454455

Wow don't blame whoever did this, what a great ass

>> No.8454458

It's creepy as fuck though, just imagine the uproar if someone posted a female guest's butt? This is just as bad.

>> No.8454461 [DELETED] 

Upskirts are so sickeningly common I wouldn't be surprised anymore.

>> No.8454480

Upskirts are so sickeningly common I wouldn't be surprised at all.

>> No.8454509

Details please

>> No.8454515

My friend was charged 25 for entry on Sunday, and there was nothing happening. That was terrible.

>> No.8454547

What was said? Is there going to be an con again next year or are they finally letting it die?

>> No.8454549

Wasn't a lot happening overall at the con the whole weekend.

>> No.8454575

Just a big fucking cheesy lovey dovey speech from Declan's wife to him and congratulating him and stuff. Nothing about the future I don't think though? Usually I don't mind such speeches but it went on seven minutes or so!

>> No.8454615

Declan's wife?

Can't believe so many people fall for his act to point of giving him a rim job. He's such a manipulative weasel.

>> No.8454624

Not really versed in the gossip, why is he not rim job material?

>> No.8454766

They actually sound perfect to each other. Someone who will lick his hole on the drop of a coin.

>> No.8454843

I thought he was gay?

>> No.8454925

They are taking at least a year hiatus meaning it would be another year two years for another Arcade Con but a lot can happen in 2 years.

>> No.8454951

he is, they mean his man-wife

>> No.8456092

A lot can happen like Declan can easily spend all the money in two years, tracking down that 3ds.

>> No.8456228

It's the Acquired Brain Injury charity, Declan's father was in a car accident and ended up in a coma

>> No.8456233

I don't like Arcade but that sounds like a case of sour grapes and someone bull shutting.

>> No.8456238

Declan was crying over his dad and said he couldn't take any credit for AC 2015 as he didn't work on it much due his dad's accident.

They're taking a break

>> No.8456248

Sounds like the arcadecon committee is finally online.

>> No.8456270

Nah, one of his friends bought him a new 3DS

>> No.8456276

2 former Otakucon committee members were at the Surviving ArcadeCon panel, they said they jumped ship before the con and Nathan refused to listen to the advice of any other committee member.

>> No.8456282

I love you kirstine

>> No.8456304

I'm not surprised, the man practically lives in his own universe

>> No.8456316

He is not dating Beatrice. I'm sure he'd love nothing better but she sure as he'll wouldn't lol

>> No.8456322

Does anyone know that dude that cosplays as a 40K Commissar at most cons around the country? Current reports suggest that he was the guy that went after the staff member.

>> No.8456353

It's not autist Keith with the trenchcoat? He's weird but cant picture him beating anyone up. I can picture someone else beating him up though.

>> No.8456358

No idea of the dude's name. He's about 30, got shoulder length hair, greasy, clean shaven, no glasses. Shows up to every con in the country.

>> No.8456370

You're describing Keith, but I call bullshit that it's him. By the way he's been the last few months, he's been trying to patch up and repay for all the things he's done in the con scene.

>> No.8456377

What has he done in the past?

>> No.8456380

As I said, I haven't got a clue if it is him but current reports have him as the main suspect. We'll probably see more information soon if the con heads decide whether to release any information publicly.

>> No.8456383

It'd be a really bad show if they didn't. Frankly surprised they haven't addressed it so far

>> No.8456386

I'd say the ultimate decision is up to the poor girl, and what the police allow them to say.

>> No.8456387

From what I've heard he wasn't afraid to speak his mind publicly about things that bothered him. Caused an incident a few months back that he took the blame for and stayed away from the con scene for a bit. Now he's back and apologizing to everyone he was a dick to.

>> No.8456391

Nah, a whole bunch of staffers were saying Declans been robbing money from the start. Some long time staffers too.

>> No.8456399

Isn't he married?

>> No.8456404

I remember last Arcade Con there was this bloke following around some girl everywhere and she told everyone he was a stalker, months past and he was commenting and liking all of her stuff on facebook with bullshit like "I'm there for you", typical white knight bullshit. Then he invited her to his birthday which was bowling and she felt sick later that night and she told everyone she was convinced him or his friends had out the date rape drug in her drink. Then when he was told what she was saying, he didn't block her, he continued stalking, he start telling people he would give his life for her and kept telling people he had panic attacks over her not talking to him at cons. Lol

>> No.8456406

Why the fuck did she even go to his birthday?

>> No.8456412

Just heard from a guy I know who is a close friend of Keith's that on Saturday another friend phoned him to tell him about the incident, and that said friend suspected it was Keith that did it too. He said that he has a history of "trouble" with women.

>> No.8456415

Jwas he balding?? Cause that sounds like fergus (bladeous something or another) he's a proper creeper. And i could well see him do somethig like that. He got kicked out of his house for something similar . Keith is odd but i couldnt see him do that.

>> No.8456419

She was loving the attention like..

>> No.8456421

Keith has said some nasty things to people but I've never heard of him getting physically violent. Let's not start throwing stones when there's still very little information to go on.

>> No.8456423

Keith has skitsophrenia, he hasn't taken his medication in months so he's not doing well, someone was playing with his head saying he was suspected, with his condition he would actually believe he did something and couldn't remember. He probably told a few people he was suspected when that happened, There are no suspects, Arcade knows who it was. If Keith had did it they wouldn't have let him attend the sunday.

>> No.8456425

If he was there on the Sunday then it definitely was not him. No way would someone who had assaulted a staff member be allowed back in.

>> No.8456426
File: 74 KB, 1275x697, Hatred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Image of the suspect. Reports say his name isn't important

>> No.8456428

Personally I don't want to know who did it, I just want to know the facts and if something did happen, the proper people are alerted of it. If something did happen, I don't want it swept under the rug and to happen again at other cons. But nobody is talking or has even mentioned it outside of here. Hopefully it's for the sake of privacy and other cons have been alerted.

>> No.8456429

I told Keith as a joke I could be his long lost brother and he had a freak out trying to not let it Im to his head because he would end up making himself believe it. He also convinces himself he said something to offend people all the time when he didn't, his mind let him to believe that. Thats why he apolagises to people, every time he sees them. So yeah it wasn't Keith.

>> No.8456431

Yeah, unless provoked or manipulated by others, Keith would never do anything like that. At least he's in a more stable and happy now.

>> No.8456439
File: 111 KB, 740x756, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot of said person when he found out she was telling people he was a creep. I have really fucked up ones from this incident, but I'd only post those when I decided to leave this community.

>> No.8456445

"This incident" being whatever happened Saturday?

>> No.8456450

No last Arcade Con..

>> No.8456451
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>> No.8456452

What a sad bastard

>> No.8456458

This is fucking pathetic, hahaha

>> No.8456462
File: 552 KB, 1234x1024, 1427803880858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be this much of an omega male

>> No.8456491

I just heard that the reason the police were at Arcade Con was because one of the volunteers was raped..

>> No.8456493

From what source did you hear this from? Any more details?

>> No.8456496
File: 81 KB, 669x627, e7563643581779f8d137d0a0be9ee97d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when she will never sit on your face.

>> No.8456520
File: 229 KB, 231x460, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this is the level of cosplay to be found at arcadecon

>> No.8456523

Probably felt sorry for the guy

>> No.8456529

Lulz, didn't see them myself. There were some excellent cosplays at AC and some not so excellent

>> No.8456549

Kind of a direction change but how long are skits usually? Considering doing one at Eirtakon this year but I need to figure out what I can fit in

>> No.8456552

ECG selections?

>> No.8456556
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>> No.8456562
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>> No.8456573

Sounds like my hangovers

>> No.8456582

Skits are usually 2-5mins. It can be affected by the amount of participants. If there isn't a lot taken part, then you can have longer ones to fill up the time.

>> No.8456590

Cool, thank you anon

>> No.8456596
File: 54 KB, 672x376, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8456601

I still have the emails I sent to my internet girlfriend on the other side of the world back in 2005 when I was 14 and they're still nowhere as cringeworthy as this. Is he a grown man?

>> No.8456623

This is the reason why I go to cons, so I can feel good about myself and my social awareness

>> No.8456633

He's 25, he still kept this up after she accused him of spiking her, everyone in this thread would know him, but as I said I would only post the name and the more sickening screenshots until I left the community or if said person pisses me off again.

>> No.8456637

Is your source reliable or just what's going about? Any more details?

>> No.8456645

Pretty reliable as I heard it from someone pretty well versed with Commitee but I need to 100% confirm as I heard that from my mate who asked this person, will update when I hear it from this person directly.

>> No.8456655

Humanity never ceases to amaze me. Is he like this asides from thing with her?

>> No.8456673

Yeah haha He was buying some girl he wasn't even dating like 60-100 quid on Valentine's day gifts.

>> No.8456732


>> No.8456745
File: 87 KB, 576x960, cosplay arcade con4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This being one of the excellent ones IMO, she was the overall winner of the masquerade

There were quite a few boner condoners in nice cosplay too.

>> No.8456754

Please for the love of god, if something happens to you report it to the police! What's to stop the person doing it to someone else down the line?

>> No.8456778

Nice one, trying to derail a discussion about rape with some average cosplayer with a shit ton of bootlegs in the background.

>> No.8456796

To be fair whoever that is, is pretty cute and the conversation is terribly depressing with no facts its all he said she said. If we have facts then fine

>> No.8456797

Are pre-made cosplays allowed to win the masquerade? In most cons you have to make them yourself.

>> No.8456817

Fuckin' A.
I love how easy it is for some people here to be lead simply by conjecture.

>> No.8456820

It's okay anon, I think she looks good too

>> No.8456823

How do you know its premade?

>> No.8456838

Well you tell me what the facts are, at least on person posting here is on the arcade committee

>> No.8456841

Exact same fabric pattern as one on ebay, not a very run of the mill pattern.

>> No.8456850


>> No.8456855

Some of the details aren't as good on the cosplayer but that's not unheard of from an ebay cosplay.

>> No.8456860
File: 107 KB, 499x560, 1433549986388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've no idea sure, a rape accusation is just a big deal and I think It's stupid to go around naming random names when people don't know for certain what even happened. If something happened I'd like to know who did It obviously but our community is small and I don't want someone's reputation ruined when they might have done nothing at all.

>> No.8456889

The pattern is called sayagata, not easy to get that print outside of Japan(It's mainly used for kimono). So I doubt she made it herself(unless she travelled to Japan and bought fabric/somehow managed to get it from Japan)

>> No.8456901


Presumably she didn't know

>> No.8456902


>> No.8456927
File: 43 KB, 150x150, ireland-memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're auto saging lads...

>> No.8456931

Someone make a new thread

>> No.8456953

Holy shit we made It

>> No.8456975

or she bought the fabric on ebay and made it herself?

>> No.8457045



>> No.8457196

eBay one looks a lot better than the one on that cosplayer, something about it yells 'handmade' at me.

There are places that will make custom fabrics for you, expect to pay out the nose for them though

>> No.8457205

Who didn't?

>> No.8459131

Well the new tread got deleted

>> No.8459145

Fuck that, seriously. We have actual material to discuss for once, maybe everyone try not shitposting potsy for once so we can sort this info out

>> No.8459433

Alright who got the other thread deleted

>> No.8459792

New thread... again...


>> No.8461447

New thread got deleted again.

>> No.8461453

Was probably >>8461372 that forced the deletion, since it named a name...

>> No.8461458

Well hopefully people will stop accusing the wrong people and getting these pulled down.

>> No.8461498

Unless you've got solid facts, shut the fuck up on the subject. We all crave a bit of drama but there's no need to accuse someone who was only named in the first place because someone had a vendetta. Let's be reasonable.

>> No.8461514

I can confirm Amy King sexual,y assaulted the staff member at Arcade Con.

>> No.8461567

I heard it was that one guy from that one place, you know the girl who did that thing in the yoke when that other person was there with the one from that thingy.

Wonder if that's vague enough.

>> No.8461632

Okay being serious now, I know who was raped.

>> No.8461641

Declan Doodys ego, its not doing the best, the doctor said it needs two years to recuperate.

>> No.8461723

Just because I don't know the poor girl personally doesn't mean I'm not being serious. What I said perfectly describes the situation, in a way that will not get the thread deleted.

Believe me, I'm taking this seriously. I'm horrified that this happened and ashamed that someone in our community would do something like this at an event that I have enjoyed attending.

>> No.8461824


that's not funny.


We don't need to know. The worst thing would be if the victim's name got out before the rapist. if some shitty ass MRA blog gets wind of it she'll end up a target all over again.

>> No.8462397

Tbh what happened is of no concern of anyone here, it's in the hands of Arcade Con and the police.

>> No.8462453

So I called Keith this morning, he was sharing a room with 3 people that whole weekend who confirmed this, your all sick bastards.

>> No.8462494

Just stop. You just to want a name so you can publicly shame them. You are just as bad as everyone else here. We still don't know anything that happened. I have heard it was rape, that it was assault, that someone had a panic attack, that she attack him. The only way we will know anything is if someone makes a statement. The last thing we need is someone latching on to a name and destroying their life. I have seen it happen in real life and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. So until get something concrete, can we all stop trying to throw someone under the bus

>> No.8462607

At this rate that we keep losing new threads, we might want to start numbering them like the Aussie generals are...

>> No.8462655

>At this rate that we keep losing new threads, we might want to start numbering them like the Aussie generals are...

Is there a new one up ATM?

>> No.8462662

Yes, I can also confirm, we are in fact sick bastards. Such is the cross the animu weeb must bare.

>> No.8462693

No one knows for sure who did it. Some people have seen him, but no one has a name to put to the face. Even the con directors don't have a name. We aren't just flashing around pictures, for obvious reasons.
The description matches this Keith guy, but that's a motherfucking generic description to go by "Socially awkward, dark hair, kinda scruffy looking." That's 50% of a convention's male attendees right there.

Whoever it is, the Gardai are involved and there will be a restraint on him attending cons.

Nothing more can/will be done until everyone involved has had time to recover and the Gardai have finished what they need. That's pretty fucking reasonable, right?

>> No.8462706
File: 474 KB, 727x420, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't forget to vote if you haven't already lads. We have a grand total of one person (Other than Potsy who voted for herself) who would tolerate the beast in these generals.

When I make the next general, I'll be sure to put in instructions in the OP on how to filter her properly.

>> No.8462709

without knowing who he is, how are other conventions supposed to know who to look out for? What if something like this happens again?
I think it is pretty shit of arcade con not to address what happened. even just to reasure con goers that this sort of thing won't be stood for at conventions.

>> No.8462718

There's absolutely no talk of not making a statement, just delaying until everything is sorted.

Any public statement wouldn't have a name in it anyway. But it needs to be acknowledged that something happened. I think it's hella hypocritical of the Arcade's fairly SJW stance to silence this, regardless of it being handled.

Police will have an official restraint on him attending cons anyway, whoever it is.

>> No.8462740

The person who supposedly knows who it was was bullshitting and that description is most likely fault. Keith was the only 40K cosplayer and spent the weekend with a Belfast crowd and was at the con Sunday, who ever assaulted the staff member was taken in to custody Saturday night.

>> No.8462751

That description definitely matches they guy. But that doesn't mean it was Kieth for sure. As was said, the description matches half of a conventions attendees. If you're so worried why not just ask for a statement to be made?

>> No.8462754

That was the suggestion before the last thread got deleted, but doubt if someone would ask or get a response.

>> No.8462756

That description is bull crap, Anyone with a description but no name is lying.

>> No.8462757

Can people stop bringing up Kieth, it wasn't him. Jesus. The guy is a bit weird but he's harmless.

>> No.8462761

I know, he didnt even know an incident happened at Arcade con..

>> No.8462764

To be honest, it starded to sound like someone was suggesting keith just because they had a vendetta. like so many said, it's not his style. i could see him having a shouting match with someone but not lifting a finger.
Who ever it was, i do hope they stay away from conventions. It's scary to think how that could happen with staff members around. I hope the girl is okay after it, and i hope arcade do eventually make a statement.

>> No.8462766

The thing is Keith isn't the only person to do 40K cosplays. I have seen at least a half dozen other people do them including two other commissars.

>> No.8462767

That description is from a member of staff, but no names were ever mentioned.

If people ask in bulk even via pm they cant ignore or delete everything.
At the very least some other people will get suspicious.

>> No.8462773

bullshit..fuck off with your vendetta, you talked to no staff member.

>> No.8462776

Someone would have to be really shallow and pathetic to have a vendetta on them. He's literally apologizing to everyone he felt he may have offended in the past. That's not satisfying enough to whoever is out to get them?

>> No.8462777

are you illiterate or just a spastic?

they never said who it was and even said that the description matched lots of people

>> No.8462779

The staff description matches the scruffy, long hair thing, not that they said it was the commissar guy.