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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8437210 No.8437210 [Reply] [Original]

Three more days!

>How completely unprepared are you?

Meetup Friday at 9:00 PM outside the West Hall, possibly another on Saturday TBD.

>> No.8437225

> hair paints and make up tests went well
> waiting on 1 jumpsuit that's arriving this Friday (terraformars cosplay for sat and sun)
> gonna make food at home and bring it in a lunch bag
> got plenty of weed for the fam and fellow con stoners
> got 200 bucks for merch (limiting myself this year)
I'm getting my badge on Thursday morning cus no way am I risking another day 0 fuck up

>> No.8437229
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What's the first thing you guys are hitting up on Day 1?

I'm gonna spend 5 hours in line to get into the exhibit hall

>> No.8437246

Hopefully GSC to get some limited figures they have.
If you ever see a Kaneda just ask and you shall receive
Hope you like Jameson

Will do if I'm not on shift, can't drink on shift or show up drunk/hungover.

>> No.8437248

I have a Premier badge, so I don't have to camp out in line for the exhibit hall on day 1.
However, I sacrificed a hotel room on day 0 to get said badge, so I'm flying into LAX at like 4AM on day 1. I'll be sleep deprived, but at least I'll have first pick at the KOKOkim and Liz Lisa stuff.

>> No.8437251

I remember Soto and his group of intoxicated weebs! Basketball Asians, none the less. Living my dreams.

>> No.8437267

Goodsmile for dem exclusive cheeky nendos.

>> No.8437283

see you there, look for the guy in a grey hat that says 5.11 on it.

>> No.8437290
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Join us this year man, the more the merrier

>> No.8437318

for MomoClo hype

>> No.8437322

I hope I'll be able to get some kokokim socks or accessories. I won't be able to get time to check out the shops until mid day.
I've been after kokokim socks for at least a year now.

>> No.8437328

Is there an entire list of what GoodSmile company is selling at AX?

What are the exclusive figures?

>> No.8437338

On their facebook page

>> No.8437353
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>that Hanekawa

>> No.8437358

So for a potential Saturday meetup, how are people's evenings looking? Love Live "concert" is at 6 and Masquerade at 8, is 5 too early? After the Masquerade might be too late.

>> No.8437360

I can't make it out to day 0, any ideas on what time should I arrive on day 1 to make the pre-reg badge pickup line as painless as possible?

>> No.8437363

Last year they still had socks left on day 4. It was the bigger items, like dresses, that sold out first.

>> No.8437371

Going to line up for MCZ early to get good seats

>> No.8437376


I've actually always found day 1 prereg pickup to be loads better than day zero. Not sure when it opens, but if you're there at the time they open you should be fine. I think it evens gets better later in the day, but if you're trying to make events, as early as possible is the way to go.

>> No.8437378
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I hope I don't do something stupid like impulsive buy.

>> No.8437405

So when are they gonna put up those Eva tickets?

>> No.8437425

>tfw first con ever
w-what do I do? I'm going on day 3 and 4 and don't know what to expect

>> No.8437427

>Until someone goes 'HEY THESE WEEBS ARENT AUTISTIC, THEY'RE JUST DRUNK' and kicks everyone out

>> No.8437430

What signatures are you trying to get, and what are you trying to get signed?

>> No.8437433

nigga, nobody is going to come up to you and yell at you for it being your first. There's a lot of cosplayers and a lot of cool shit but for the most part everybody is just doing their own thing. So just be chill and have fun.

>> No.8437438

Hoping Kimura Yu will sign her style book for me.

>> No.8437439

nothing, I think it's bullshit that they put a 70 signature limit.

>> No.8437440

It's kind of like going to the mall on Black Friday, except instead of cranky parents in pajamas fighting over TVs it's a bunch of nerds in costumes.

>> No.8437494

Is GoodSmileCompany going to sell it at release price or will they jack it up like every other retailer?

>> No.8437507


Reg opens on Day ZERO at NOON (hopefully), and will REMAIN OPEN for 36 HOURS STRAIGHT

>> No.8437518

pls >>8437028

>> No.8437519

Simple answer is to not draw attention. Housekeeping tends to not give many fucks unless you're actually destroying the room. So don't party too hard and you should be fine.

>> No.8437529

What are good places to eat near the convention center?

>> No.8437534

Everywhere in walking distance is pretty good. LA Live is all somewhat higher end dining such as Yard House, and on the other side of the 10 is all University Town stuff, so varies from fast food to personal baked to order pizza places that are popular right now.

>> No.8437536

I have class from 5pm to 8pm, unless I get let out early, on day 0. Would 8pm be a good time to get my badge? If I don't go to class will I have better luck not waiting in line?

>> No.8437542



>> No.8437548

Oh shit didn't see that, thanks anon.

>> No.8437549
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Hooters and food trucks

>> No.8437551



It's DTLA, so yelp your favorite kind of food, it's there. Learn the bus routes and timing if you're lazy.

>> No.8437555

if you're driving, head down to Phillipe's for some GOAT sandwiches, it's like a 10 minute drive from the convention center.

other than that, food trucks that will be there. most of them are at all the local events and have great food for a good price.
are they allowing re-entry? I thought they weren't going to allow it?

>> No.8437562

I'm hoping to hell that Ghost of Harlem is coming back this year and I'm super anxious to get at the Liz Lisa stall too.

>> No.8437566

follow the drunken cosplayers in large groups and you will probably end up at Denny's.
>is always part of said groups

>> No.8437584

plenty of good places to eat, but they're fairly expensive since they're so close to the convention center.

if you don't mind a train ride take the metro to Little Tokyo, there's a place called Kouraku that serves big portions for 10-12bux, open til 2am.

>> No.8437601

Can you take one of the hotel shuttles to Little Tokyo from the con if you have a badge but no hotel room? Do they just look at your badge as you get on?

>> No.8437608

God damn it. I specifically asked them if they had socks last year and the dumbasses at the table didn't get what I was talking about apparently if they did actually have socks.

>> No.8437613

re-entry to what? the convention center? of course they are.

>> No.8437615

So I saw that all Crunchy Roll plus memebers can get a free ticket to the Anamanaguchi concert. How does this work? Do you really only pay 11 bucks for a membership then claim your ticket with no strings attached? Do you get a special ticket that says you gotta make line outside Microsoft Theatre and if there is space they will let a few people in for free? How does this work?

>> No.8437623

It doesn't look like GoH is coming back, based on what I've seen on the website, but we get h. Naoto instead.
I'm also looking forward to Galaxxxy. Last year everything at their booth was like 50% off.
Does anyone know if the My Melody stuff will be any good?

>> No.8437624

Yes. You just need to show our badge. Waiting in the sun for the shuttle is hell though.

>> No.8437630

Parking re-entry.

Typically, no they don't allow it.

>> No.8437632

8pm should be fine. Remember, Day 0 badge pickup will be open all day, even past midnight.

>> No.8437637

First time at AX. Would a 200 dollar budget be good for the entire 4days?

>> No.8437643

Depends, do you like anime, or do you like eating?

>> No.8437653

I like both. If it makes any difference I live about 10 minutes away from LACC so i know the area well so no cost on parking and Ill probably be eating Jack in the box tacos the entire weekend

>> No.8437654

Pls respond. Someone. I really need to know to see if I can save some extra cash

>> No.8437655

200 expendable? Already have your transportation and lodging all squared away?

>> No.8437658

>live 10 minutes
>eating jack and tacos

If I live 10 minutes from AX I eat at home and save some money.

>> No.8437661

Yeah. Ill just take the bus for transportation (or get a friend to provide a lift) and for lodging, I got my house for that. So is 200 enough?

>> No.8437663

I never stay at big hotel before, do they offer free parking when you're stay there?

>> No.8437668

by entering in the code on the eventbrite page, all the tickets just become $40 less. 20 anything that costs $40 is free and the $45 tickets become $5 tickets. you get the same tickets as the people who payed full price. so i dont know why anyone would pay full price at all

>> No.8437670

you won't be eating good, and you probably won't be bringing much back, but yeah its doable. That's probably about how much I spent the past two years.

>> No.8437673

You'd better call the hotel and confirm yourself.

My guess is no.

>> No.8437675

ignore that random 20

>> No.8437678

damn, I was planning on taking only 100 for one day

>> No.8437679


Thanks, we'll be partying in another hotel with some friends but we ain't all arriving on Day 0 at the same time so I was concerned that someone would be pestered by hotel staff for just showing up and going up to a room.

>> No.8437688

Does Aniplex have a list of what they're selling?

>> No.8437692

Damn that sounds like a great deal. Hope they arent sold out. Dont want a CR account for nothing. Anyone have any idea who the special guest might be?

>> No.8437717

Scroll down for some stuff

Not sure if thats all theyll have.

>> No.8437726

Most have expensive valet only, a few will have discounted self-park. You can call or check the hotel website.

>> No.8437728

you can check the event brite page before you sign up for crunchyroll to check if its sold out or not. it will show which sections are still available. theres rumors the special guest is going to be some guy called Porter Robinson who i havent heard of before

>> No.8437745

if you're fine with parking your car outside there are some prepaid lots near the convention center. by near I mean at least a half mile walk

>> No.8437746

So, who else is intrigued that this year nothing will be printed on the AX badges... no name, no town, no nickname, nothing...

>> No.8437760

they are probably printing a label on the fly and slapping it on the badge with your name. at least that's how i'd do it. no need to hunt for a specific person's badge; grab any of them, stick label. nickname might be cool but i don't think AX has done that in a while.

oh wait I lied

you'll probably have to google for the actual prepaid site itself and the prices will probably flucuate compared to what it says because event pricing but still cheaper if you're willing to walk

>> No.8437768

Usually, the bigger, the more you have to pay.

>> No.8437771

>all this merchandise at AX
I want everything.
R.I.P. my bank account.

>> No.8437778
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>tfw will have 130 dollars for merch, food and drinks

I wish I wasn't so terrible at saving money. I could have easily had $600 if I wasn't a dumbass.

>> No.8437781

Believe me man, I know how you feel. I'm just barely recovering from last year, because during the entire fall/winter semester I was only pulling about 10 hours a week.

>> No.8437783

>have over 4k in bank
>too scared to spend money

>> No.8437784

same, horrible timing for me since I'm saving for a trip to Vegas two weeks after AX too

>> No.8437800


damn, 37 dollars for parking? that's bs fam

>> No.8437806

i have a good paying job, lots of money in my bank account, yet im scared that i might spend over $100.

a-am i turning into a responsible adult?

>> No.8437812

>credit card
>can spend a fuckton (probably won't)
>don't want to think about it til after con
>prepare for immense regret

projected expenditures: $150 on food and assorted sustainment
$200 on goods of some sort

>> No.8437813
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>tfw just got back from Vegas a week ago
Still got $200, but booze runs will make quick business of that.

>> No.8437814

you ever get your artbook in?

my EMS just cleared customs but I won't be in town. I have to have someone else pick it up from the post office and overnight it to me.

>> No.8437815

me and some other folks have SDCC week after AX
prepare for suck.

>> No.8437822

>tfw going to SDCC as well
At least I'll have a pay check by then.

>> No.8437826

>tfw staff at SDCC

damn i hope this year isnt as intense as last (it will be)

>> No.8437830

There's an order of Kryolan body paint I ordered on June 25th which I don't expect to be here on time and I'm worried.
I have a pair of Scarecrow fangs to be delivered tomorrow.
My flight leaves on Wednesday.

I could use some oni horns but I doubt I'll get that on time. I might be able to get it at the dealer's hall.

>> No.8437835

how many of you are actually cosplaying and what will you be going as?

>> No.8437837

Yes, they arrived this morning!

Hope to see you two at the SDCC gatherings!
>tfw legs are already dead after AX

>> No.8437845

I have to commend them for this. That is pretty baller status. Albeit kind of necessary after last year's debacle.

>> No.8437860

not that im doubting you but wheres the source of that?

>> No.8437865

SPJA sent out a mass email.

>> No.8437866

Alma on Broadway and Olympic.

Great food, decent prices, decent proportions. Not far from the convention center, either!

>> No.8437871

im sorry, im an idiot. just saw the email.

>> No.8437878

It's my first Anime Expo and I'm nervous and excited to meet all these new people~
My roomies wanted a quiet room so I'll be wandering around looking for hangout buddies!

>> No.8437880

Mass email and that I'm line staff.

>> No.8437882
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Will I meet my Seibah this year?

>> No.8437883

did they change it from being 32 hours to 36?

>> No.8437888

tfw unit has interview with her but I won't be there personally

>> No.8437890
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Will fire marshal-kun threaten to shut down AX this year again?

>> No.8437891

Aww fuck, i think it is.

I done goofed.

>> No.8437896

I asked a staffer how they were going to circumvent the 80,000 cap while expecting an extra 20,000 and here's what he said
>"We didn't have the entire LACC last year, this year we do. That means our exhibit hall is bigger, our artist alley is bigger, we now have Kentia hall for Autographs and tabletop gaming as well. The extra space gives us more room to put attendees as well as having some programming in the JW"
So hopefully that's enough space so Fire Marshal-sama doesn't shut us down

>> No.8437902

I'm staff as well, it's going to be crazy as always. But I stick to simple/casual cosplays for SDCC, so that at least will be easier.

>> No.8437909
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I hope someone somewhere has those Kill Me Baby puppets of Sonya and Yasuna

That's my holy grail this AX

>> No.8438044

What events, shows and panels are people planning to hit up?

>> No.8438063

Definitely going to try to make the Jojo panel. I'm just worried it's going to fill up super fast...debating getting in line extra early for it.

>> No.8438076

Release price

>> No.8438088

You should get it right now before the 1st. Why wait 3 more days and spend $20 more?

>> No.8438095

Basically all the Trigger stuff plus the Love Live concert. Might also go to the Sailor Moon panel.

>> No.8438097

A responsible adult wouldnt even go to AX when there is so much temptation.

>> No.8438100

Shouldve hit the gym and done squats

>> No.8438129

>meet up possibly on Saturday

I wouldn't mind meeting up

>> No.8438133

oh I bought it on black Friday
I'm picking up my badge is what I meant

>> No.8438137

What time is good for you, anon?

>> No.8438157

Im having minor panic attacks about AX. This will be the largest convention I am attending, ever, and crowds already give me anxiety. Especially in a huge venue like this. Is the overcrowding as bad as I am imagining it or not really? For those who attend Fanime, is it, like, 10x worst than Fanime?

>> No.8438163

You going alone?

>> No.8438168

Im going with 3 other people, but I don't want to bombard them with me tagging along with them the whole time because Im sure the 3 of them have their own separate agendas.

If thats the case.. How bad would it be if I were solo one day?

>> No.8438169

Yeah, Fanime is empty compared to AX. It's impossible to walk without bumping into people in the exhibit hall. There are generally some emptier spots on the concourse where you can take breaks if you don't do well in crowds. The lines for popular panels also get pretty packed. I'd see if you could get a friend to wait for you.

>> No.8438171

Does anyone go to AX alone?

>> No.8438175

Yikes! Try to think about it this way: Everyone there likes the same things as you and probably a lot of people are feeling the same way. In general, the people of AX probably are some of the most welcoming people you may ever meet.

>> No.8438176
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i'm going as summer uniform yui

>> No.8438177

All of my buds bailed out on me...So I'm probably going solo.
I don't know what to think about it.

>> No.8438178


>> No.8438180

I get the same bur rather than anxious I get agitated and tend to get violent. hence why I get high at every con.

>> No.8438182

going on sunday!

>> No.8438185

i am a photographer so it's easy to break the ice though

just don't be gamefan23
he's a total fuckup

>> No.8438206

>Visit PONY CANYON booth #201 cosplaying as a character from one of our titles, “Yuki Yuna is a Hero”, “ETOTAMA”, “Denki-gai”, “Sound! Euphonium” or “Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!”, and you will receive a special giveaway present!

>Asian with medium hair and glasses.

Great, I can go as Denki-gai MC.

>> No.8438222

any tbh, it's me and my friend's first time going

>> No.8438251

I'm assuming its gonna be Hestia-expo 2015 when I get there?

>> No.8438277

I think danmachi lost the casual fan appeal it had so probably not
it's going to be the usual of league and homestuck plus fate because of the event

>> No.8438288

>New guests
>Miles Jai
Lol what the fuck AX?

>> No.8438298

Going alone for the first time this year, hoping I'll make some friends! I've wandered about on my own for like an hour or two in the past but this is the first instance of being alone the whole weekend.

>> No.8438299

what in the fuck
they are obviously not paying for him but why would you even take him as an industry guest (they pay their own way)
at least I hope they aren't paying for him because of some last minute pride we need a gay guy impulse

>> No.8438314
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Is it too lewd to ask a cosplayer you're taking a pic with to hold hands with you?

>> No.8438315

what days are you going? I wouldn't mind meeting up and going around together

>> No.8438316

how the fuck is he anime related? i really wish cons would keep the guests related to the subject of the event jesus.

>> No.8438320
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>summer yui is my only figurine
I'll be too scared to ask for pic or compliment.

>> No.8438323

i've been trying hard to make friends at cons but its not as easy as it seems, but its doable try meet ups and gatherings of things you like, good luck!

>> No.8438326

it's weird but not very lewd
I'd be going "wtf?" in my head if I were them and I might reject you

>> No.8438332

If anything, AX 2015 will be KanColle-Expo

>> No.8438339

I'll be there for sure alone thursday, I have friends that are still unsure about friday/sunday so then it just depends. If you want to meet I'd definitely be down (and the offer extends to any seagull, tho I'm a lolita not a cosplayer if that's a dealbreaker for anyone)
throwaway email; nycanonloli AT gmail DOT com

>> No.8438345

"Special guest" at the Day 0 MomoClo event. There's no way it could be them or KISS, right? Who the hell would it be?

>> No.8438350

where'd u get this info

>> No.8438355

not lewd but I'd think you're creepy as heck and run away.

>> No.8438356
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Don't be scared, anon! I did the same cosplay last year and no one said anything to me. A-at least say hi?

>> No.8438358

You join and they email you a coupon code. You paste the code on the ticket site and apply it and you can then "buy" a free ticket which you pick up at the ticket line like normal.

>> No.8438359

I'm going alone for most of Day 1. If any seagulls want to hang out for a while shoot me an email. watapatap@gmail.com

>> No.8438366

what are you guys going to do after the expo? anyone wanna hit the local bars or are you guys all partying in your rooms?

>> No.8438369

sleep and prepare for the next day
autographs are going to suuuuuuuuuuuuuck this year

>> No.8438382

long time listener, first time caller.
Are you allowed to re-enter the convention center if you leave?

>> No.8438384

hoping something like a Yard House meet happens. That would be dope.

>> No.8438388
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Coincidently I saw the same cosplay last year too while I was holding my newly purchased Yui figurine and was too shy. If that was you good job on the cosplay it was Bretty gud.

>> No.8438389


>> No.8438397

all the panels look like shit this year...what is there to do if you're going alone and don't party?

>> No.8438419

play games
take photos
see concerts and shit
walk the hall
go to cosplay gatherings
<make friends>

I would hope that you're going to AX because you want to go to something specifically this year and not just because it's there. if you go without a purpose then you're going to have to fill your own time and if you can't you should have stayed home. The first time I went to AX was because I wanted to see a specific concert.

>> No.8438424

Dealers hall, dance circles, sometimes they have little music jams spontaneously, so i mean if u can play an instrument and know any nerd music thats cool too. Also just meeting new people, looking at cosplay and getting pictures, the arcade, video game tournaments, card games/table top gaming...and honestly even if ur not big on ur "substances" just being in a party atmosphere is fun so maybe try it?

>> No.8438426

no, I've always gone and there have always been things to look forward to, but I preordered my badge before any schedule was released and now I see the schedule looks bland.
I plan to walk around and buy stuff but it's kinda boring by yourself

>> No.8438428

That might have been me. If it was, thank you!

>> No.8438448

Holy shit, it's a Christmas miracle!

The tacky spraypaint on my prop is actually DRYING!

Won't finish the costume in time for AX, but it'll be nice to debut it at SDCC.

How goes your costume crunch?

>> No.8438451

Reminder that there will be a day zero gathering for badge pickup outside south hall between 2:00pm-3:00pm. Just look for a tall skinny dude with a miku expo shirt.

>> No.8438460

What even goes on at these meetings?

>> No.8438461

awkward standing around and an even more awkward small talk attempt

>> No.8438463

Ayyyy, anybody want a Wagakki balcony ticket? I'm selling mine for $50.

>> No.8438482

That won't be happening here. Most of us are gonna bring our 3ds and mtg cards while we wait in line. This wont be like a regular /cgl/ gatheringy.

>> No.8438485

Gotta finish one prop, some minor sewing, and cut/style three wigs. So close!

>> No.8438507

you could always push it to next year

>> No.8438514

How much money are you guys bringing? I heard there's been thievery problems before, how true is that?

>> No.8438521

Too obscure in America.

>> No.8438523

it's downtown l.a, people are bound to get mugged or have their shit just straight taken.
I did see a guy get stopped in the con for trying to steal some figure.
just use common sense and keep your wits about you.

>> No.8438526

Do any anons with a room still have a spot open? I scanned the last thread and didn't see anything.

>> No.8438527

How bad? How long should I wait before?

>> No.8438531

SAS counterterrorist from CSGO

>> No.8438539

100 cash, only going on one day anyway.

it's not too bad, just don't flaunt your wallet around and make sure youre not too uncaring with your bags. in my 25 years of living in LA, I've never been mugged or anything

>> No.8438546

Yep same here and i live in 18st hood. Never gotten stopped or mugged in my 24 years of living here.

>> No.8438552

there are 125 autographs per guest per day they are signing not counting anything separate by their management. AX is going to get 100k people. now not all of those will want the same guest or any autograph at all. let's say 1/500 want a specific person's autograph. that's 200 people, already enough to fill out the guest's tickets and then some.

how much sleep do you plan on getting? if you want to guarantee an autograph i hope you're going to take naps

>> No.8438560
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where the parties at

also my camera arrived

>> No.8438565

So do we just sit there until 3 and then we all go into the line?

>> No.8438568

Are not all the guests doing autographs???

>was really hoping to get Chris Sabat and Sean Schemmel to sign my 4 Star Dragon ball

>> No.8438571

I thought it was 70 guaranteed autographs plus 50 optional

>> No.8438573

I need to take a picture of you!

>Nova Master scrub

>> No.8438576
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Alright my first time going since I think 2009, going for Friday-Sundaywith some Friends. A few questions if you dont mind:

How busy do panels get on Sunday? The ryukishi07 panel is honestly the only panel I want to see, goign to allow an hour for line wait, should I allot more?

Are the 18+ panels and events funny? Those are the only other things I am even remotely interested in?

Do they sell doujins? How much stuff is left in general on Sunday?

>> No.8438580
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Good god, my long wig came in today and holy shit it's like the god damn ghosts in Mario - you look away from it for a split second and it's a tangled mess the second you look back! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.8438585

Please do!
No judgement on rank, I'm just some DMG scrub that makes surf maps instead of playing matchmaking anyways

>> No.8438594

Yes we will wait for people to arrive then at 3 we head to the line.

>> No.8438610

I'm thinking of going out with my friends (4 of us total) in full cosplay/lolita gear just to fuck with the normalfags in the stripey shirts.

Is this a good idea or bad? Buddy system.

>> No.8438618

why don't you just hang out with some people faggot
I'm literally a /jp/ recluse but even I can socialize and find a new group of people with similar interests each time.

>> No.8438655

it is. i was combining the two.

might be late additions but not all are. momoclo is not.

>> No.8438673

ahah awesome! I'm also bring my laptop and hanging out at the gaming area alone. Maybe I'll even get a team.

Alright! See you there!

>> No.8438675

How long does it usually take

>> No.8438680

I'd guess that we wait until 3pm.

>> No.8438698

first timer here, what's up with the arcade/gaming area I am hearing about? Can you guys fill a newbie in?

>> No.8438705

I'm also doing this, but I don't have the balls to go venture out into LA's public transit system in full cosplay gear so I'm just going to stick to my hotel lounge.

>> No.8438707

where you rolling to? or planning on rolling to?

>> No.8438715
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>AX 2015 is this weekend! O_O

>> No.8438719

If you mean the wait for the line in my experience its usually like 3-6 hours depending.

>> No.8438726
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The gaming area is in the exhibit hall. It's basically all the way to the right of the convention center. I'll post pic of the hall map. http://www.anime-expo.org/exhibit-hall/

>added name to be recognized easier

>> No.8438755

> tfw no news about the Eva event
> tfw day 0 is pretty much one day away

>> No.8438766

Yeah, no kidding. Glad to see they are finally starting to try and make up for previous mistakes and not messing up the same way every year.

>> No.8438783
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>> No.8438784

>Do they sell doujins?

Seconding this question lol.

>> No.8438787

It's been confirmed from AX that they will be on sale on site only.

>> No.8438790

Yes they do. I bought some last year.

>> No.8438797

Is there a lot of new rules this year?
Anyone know if you will still be able to get into the exhibit hall after a certain time with out buying a badge?
Also what/where else can you go without a badge?

>> No.8438799

Porter Robinson saying konnichiwa

>> No.8438808

Are you going to EVO?

>> No.8438818

I'm going to AX this year alone- last year I went with my best friend.

>> No.8438822

no free entry
they are trying to avoid the fire marshall and if you're getting in you are paying a badge. there will probably be ways into the convention center itself but not the exhibit hall

>> No.8438830

I'm going with some friends, and meeting up with more friends at the con. If you see a group of guys in latex animal masks doing hotline miami shit, I'm either the rat, or the tiger WITH the tattoo.

>> No.8438846


Nice, they're stupid hard to find at Comic-Con and the places that do have them keep bringing the same stuff year after year.

Last year I did find one of my fave doujinshi tho shit was cash.

>> No.8438862

Those picking up their badges on Day 1, what time are you getting there?

>> No.8438867

Stick it to the man! I tend to go with someone, but only am actually with them 10% of the time.

In my experience, if you don't try to make it serious, it's taken as a compliment and they're very friendly about it.

Like I said above, alone pretty much every year, even when going with people. I just find it easier to navigate crowds and set up a schedule on the fly so I'll enjoy my con more. Not like it's hard to make friends in line or around the con anyway.

>> No.8438871

>Dance Circles
Please tell me more. I know at Fanime there were some but I couldn't find it! The rumored dance circle was no where to be seen. From what I gather, AX is going to be 10x more crowded than Fanime, how is anyone going to be able to dance there?

>> No.8438874

confirmed where/how

>> No.8438886

it's actually 32 hours because AX doesn't know how to math/count.
12pm day 0 to 8pm day 1

>> No.8438887

There was one outside during the evening/night every day of Fanime. At AX, there's usually one on the concourse and another sometimes outside.

>> No.8438889

Thanks. I've never ghosted ax before, but I was too put off after last year's, so I refused to buy a badge. Do you know, Will the west hall or anything like that be available without a bagde?

>> No.8438898

nothing good is free. at best you can get into the lobbies by sneaking in.

>> No.8438936

what will happen eventually, you will say to yourself, ah I got money saved...I can live it up a little = watch that savings drop in half in less than a month.

Done it 3 times. bad bad bad temptation.

but omg spending just feeeels sooo good wen you let ur guard down.. =D

>> No.8438941

Thats what I ment, the entrances to the west hall has never been badge checked. I've gone every year since '06 I don't feel the absolute need to go to any of the panels or get any of the autographs this year. But I'm bummed that they won't have the exhibit hall available.

>> No.8438969

they might actually have door checking to avoid ghosts because of the fire marshall but there's always ways inside. at the least they have a badge pickup at west hall outside and may have people checking at the doors. at-con reg is at south hall but they're usually better at door checks over there

>> No.8438972

Oh hell yeah. I've been drooling over some h.Naoto stuff for awhile. I feel like every year I end up at AX mostly buying clothes and hair stuff.

>> No.8438978

plan to just use my credit card at booths with card readers mainly.

gotta save the cash. going vegas after ax lol...

>> No.8438991

Is there cheaper parking around the JW? Don't really wanna pay 42 a night

>> No.8438997

check parkopedia
overnight usually costs more than the prices on there but definitely cheaper than 42

>> No.8439003

Its possible, just don't buy 80 dollar anime trash and pack a lunch instead of buying it. There are booths that have really good items. Prices are also competitive so compare prices if you can between booths!

>> No.8439005

Does anyone have any horror stories from previous ax you've been to?

>> No.8439012

Nothing too bad. One year a guy nicknamed "Black Pussy" followed me and kept trying to take me out to dinner

if I was a girl I would probably still be freaked out

>> No.8439022
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Day 0 line

>> No.8439030

How does someone find out if there are any parties happening?

>> No.8439036

Be social and make friends with non-autistic adults. Or walk around hotels with liquor and knock on loud rooms' doors.

>> No.8439042

debating whether to go on thursday as well or just the whole weekend fri-sun, parking in downtown lots is hella expensive - any fun stuff to do on day 1?

>> No.8439072

Give yourself a food budget of $40/day. If you're under budget, then you have extra cash to use on day 4. Don't buy anything until day 4 unless it's an exclusive, and then try to barter the vendors down because they don't want to have to pack up and lug everything home.

>> No.8439073

Anyone know if cosplaydeviants has anything planned? I know they had that COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT thing going on.

I'm thinking of applying.... to be a model

>> No.8439079

>Food budget of $40 per day

God damn what the fuck you do eat, white truffles?

>> No.8439081
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>> No.8439086

What exactly does the 18+ dance entail

Is it like a rave or something or do they just want to keep the kiddies away

>> No.8439087

it's LA. assuming you're doing 3 meals a day, $40 doesn't get you very far unless you're hunting mexican hotdog carts or packing instant noodles.

>> No.8439090

>tfw chaperoning cousins this year
at least i got $500 to spend on but fuck picking up badges and those long lines

>> No.8439092



for real? i was planning on doing two meals a day with 20 bux

>> No.8439094

So I got a free Anamanaguchi ticket a from Crunchy Roll but I am scared to go. I am going with friends to AX but they dont want to go to the concert and I do so i will be all alone. I am a huge sperg myself and I am already getting nervous thinking about going alone. Never been to a concert so dont know the proper concert etiquette. Do I have to stand up or can I sit down? Do I have to dance? I feel awkward just shaking my head to the music when I am with others. Holy shit I am freaking out

>> No.8439101

I'm chaperoning my cousins too anon. Not getting paid for it tho :(

>> No.8439104

Do they have microwaves for food? LOL, or am I going camping food here.

>> No.8439108

It depends on the venue (some places have seating, some places have seats and standing room, etc) but at AX everyone sits.
No, nobody dances. People will wave glowsticks and that's it. You don't have to shake your head either.
Just go to the concert you fucking nerd. Bring earplugs just in case it ends up being uncomfortably loud for you.

>> No.8439110

anon i'll buy you something to eat holy fuck

>> No.8439114

Dw, if you trick me into thinking you're a cute Asian boy you can take advantage of how much of a shitlord I am and get free dinner.

>> No.8439116

Dont listen to that doofus. You can get by with 20. There are plenty of resaurants by Lacc. Hell going down Figuroa by USC is basically fast food central with restaurants everywhere

>> No.8439120


I'm on a tight budget this year I guess I'm gonna be hoarding free goods haha. I usually spend like 15 bucks or less on two meals at Comic-Con but I've been going there for 10 years now I know where to get food.


Sure if you like your asian boys looking like white-mexican versions of Ed Sheeran you're in for a treat.


Thanks anon I'll make sure to check it out.

>> No.8439141

Could more people confirm this? Would put me at ease.

>> No.8439142

concert goer and photographer here
especially if you are going to be closer to the stage or in line with one of the speaker stacks
if you are right in front you can, depending on the concert, only hear WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP because they've got that shit set too high

there's nothing pussy about wanting to keep your hearing
that shit does not come back

>> No.8439146

plenty of restaurants near the staples center, ofc. they're all pretty expensive though. there's a denny's about 4 blocks east on fig. assuming Anon is walking, west on fig is car dealerships for about 2 miles...

if fastfood is your thing, there's a Jack in the Box down Venice, McDonald's on Washington...

>> No.8439154

Anime con dances are bullshit. This is why I want to go out to hit up a real 21+ dance club while I am in fucking LA. And I want to do it in cosplay

>> No.8439171

Missing Day 0 and 1 because of work, though there's not much I want to catch anyways. Hoping reg isn't hell this year so I can get in line in time for Ishiwatari Friday, though.

>> No.8439180

Friday and the line should be gone

>> No.8439191

How are Sundays at Anime Expo. Seems
to me like nothing much goes on so I assume its the least busiest day. If not which day is?

>> No.8439194

everyone goes home on sunday so that's why they put the least on it
pretty much all conventions are like that

>> No.8439217

>finishing last minute merch
>no time or money to Cosplay this year
>naturally shitty skin decides to fuck me over twice as hard by developing a heat rash (?) all over my body a week before expo.
>as of a few minutes ago, allergies have arrived. I've had "AX allergies" for the last two years. Allergies that come and go once a year, always during AX weekend lasting around 2-3 weeks.

Maybe I'm allergic to fucking AX, this is pissing me off. Im going to be a sniffling, itch, rashy mess all weekend.

>> No.8439221

>tfw driving from san francisco to LA and then to Orange County on Wednesday morning

feels bad man

I probably should have asked around about carpool options with anybody else in the area because i'm really not looking forward to driving alone even though i've already done the drive 3 times

>> No.8439222
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Sinus allergies is preventing me from entering karaoke contest this year.

>> No.8439264

you can try to find some people for a last minute craigslist rideshare. make a few bucks for gas. $40 each way is the usual rate.

>> No.8439282

>keep the kiddies away
There you go.

>hit up a real 21+ dance club
Not worth the cover and douchebags imo.
A warehouse rave on the other hand...

In any case, the con dances are alright. I always check them out before getting into real trouble.
Just get drunk, don't expect too much and have fun.
You can't go wrong.

>> No.8439293

Are you supposed to be dressed nice for the con dances at all or do people just go to them in casual wear (or cosplay, lol)

would you look out of place with a button up and slacks?

>> No.8439296

you probably would
it's not a club, it's a room full of weebs and cosplayers

>> No.8439324

I posted a few threads ago that I'm driving from SJ to LA wednesday morning, I wouldn't mind giving you a ride if you need it

>> No.8439326


Is the dance/rave going to be as crammed as it was a couple of years back?

>> No.8439327

Maybe. Is it a potential problem if we'd have to leave early on Sunday? I have work the next day.

>> No.8439329

Depends on how early you're thinking, I've got work at 10 on monday so I was thinking of leaving LA at around 3-4 pm

>> No.8439331

Yeah that should be fine. It would only be a problem if you planned on staying longer. Are you leaving for LA on Wednesday morning?

>> No.8439332

fuck i can't read you said you are already

it is 3 am I suppose

A better question is how early are you leaving on wednesday

>> No.8439335

I'm planning on leaving SJ at 3 am so I can get there at 10ish for check-in and badge pickup

>> No.8439341

Sounds good to me

>> No.8439344

Shoot me an email and we can figure the rest out

>> No.8439367
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>would you look out of place with a button up and slacks?

>> No.8439371

Of course the middle is crowded, but I recall space on the sides and in the back to move around.

>> No.8439372

So much cringe in one image.

> captcha makes me select a latte as soup

>> No.8439428
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>> No.8439436

Why is she even going?

>> No.8439437

This is a troll.

>> No.8439438

what's the point of going to a con if you're just going to start crying and call rape if a man so much as breathes your air?? fuck

>> No.8439439


>> No.8439440


>go to a social event
>expect no socializing or any human contact

Gee someone is retarded.

>> No.8439442

I literally cannot tell if she's a troll or not. Going on her blog is just...what the hell man. My guess is she's mentally challenged in some way???

>tfw it's probably just an elaborate troll

>> No.8439445

Anon, cosplay doesn't give you the consent to TALK to someone. Especially if you're a man, that would be rape.

>> No.8439446

I dunno, look at half the weebs at ax. it not being a troll wouldn't even be farfetched.

>> No.8439449

oh my god he's raping her by forcing his CO2 on her

>> No.8439482

I got the free ticket also, I'll be in the Loge 300 alone. My friend coming to the con with me is skipping this concert. I think a lot of people will be there solo due to the free ticket.

>> No.8439486

She needs to wear a sign that has a middle finger going across a camera...and walk with it on all 4 days of ax.

>> No.8439593

gotta be a troll
gotta be

>> No.8439823

Sounds like it might be triggered by stress, either way that sucks.

What do you need confirmed? Nokia theater has seats. Sometimes if the crowd is really into it or the band wants you to, people will stand up at their seats for a while but you still stay at your spot. Just do what everyone else is doing and have fun. People will be looking at the stage, not you.
And like everyone said, bring earplugs unless you wanna go deaf.

>> No.8439841

Man. I screwed the pooch this year. Kept putting off working on cosplay in light off moving out of an apartment. Now I'm attending the con without cosplay. I'm trying not to kick myself too much in the head. What are some of the benefits of not being in cosplay during the con? Its been some time.

>> No.8439844

You can buy last minute cosplay gear at the exhibit hall if you still feel like being kawaii as fuck.

>> No.8439929

Eva tickets are now on pre-sale here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ax-2015-nge-20th-anniversary-celebration-featuring-yoko-takahashi-tickets-16906366397
Password: asuka20NGE

>> No.8439956

Anybody know if they are still offering exhibit hall only passes? Looked online and could only find 1 day passes, but I've been going for years and they usually have them at con for cheap (ish)? Don't want to pay 40 bucks to get in to buy more shit

>> No.8439957

>>8438818 again, me and her stuck together for the majority of the day (We only went up for the Saturday) besides a cosplay gathering I went to and subsequent trip to the Artist Alley.
This year she had to move out of town due to some personal issues and she's moving back on the weekend of AX which I'm glad about and since we're both San Diegans we're gonna bum around SDCC when I get back.

>> No.8439978

Hope to see you at both the AX and SDCC gatherings anon!

>> No.8439993

I'll try at the very least to make it to the AX gathering! I dunno if I'll make to the SDCC one despite being a local because I'll have my mom potentially breathing down my back. (I'm 18 but god is she clingy. I don't even know how I managed to go up to Expo with my grandma who's going to leave me by myself all day, I swear.)

>> No.8440012

Anyone staying at Doubletree watch out some homeless people are protesting with megaphones against the hotel/area. Woke up at 5am to them (on the 15th floor) yeliing about being poor.

>> No.8440014

What's your schedule like?

>> No.8440073

/k/ here, this. Protect your ears. If you can, get some earplugs made by a company called Surefire, you can take out an inner core that they have to allow some sound in. They're actually pretty popular with musicians.

>> No.8440090

any updates on who the Special guest is?
I'm gonna need to take off from work early if it's anyone good.

>> No.8440096

There's a Day0 MCZ event?

>> No.8440098

I'm so excited to party with you 'gulls. Maybe even snicker and comment on shitty cosplays together. Like real friends.


>> No.8440102

We gold block now.

You're the real MVP anon. Thanks a lot for sharing. I would be sleeping when it releases to the public cause of my early flight, so this worked out perfectly. You're such a cute!

>> No.8440107


New thread. We're going through these fast.

>> No.8440110

Seconded. You're the best anon, seriously. Thank you!

>> No.8440113

Fuck you, I'm gonna be in shitty cosplay

>> No.8440167

doh, just remembered to bring earplugs. gonna have to dig through my drawers or boxes to find my etymotics.

>> No.8440175

usually dead, but this year they actually put a big event, the evangelion thing, on sunday afternoon.

>> No.8440191

they announced it like 2 days ago. lol, thanks for the headsup AX.

>> No.8440678 [DELETED] 

I'm wearing a skirt this year. Does that mean I'll get invited to parties? I never get to go to parties.

>> No.8441159

But anon don't you want 10 likes on your shitty Facebook pages like all of the others?

>> No.8441171


>> No.8441340

Sorry for being a noob but what code?

>> No.8441675

If you purchase a crunchyroll+ account you get two discount codes.

>> No.8445651

Ayee bruh I also bringing weed let's meet up bruh