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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8433922 No.8433922 [Reply] [Original]

How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
How often do you come on here?
Why do you come here?
Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?

>> No.8433947

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
At least 8 years for 4chan, 6 for cgl.
>How often do you come on here?
Daily. Multiple times throughout the day as well.
>Why do you come here?
Something to read that isn't "OMG this guy did this! click to see what happens next!" mom style clickbait on Facebook. Same goes for the unfunny gaymurrr youtube personality vids, baby pictures, etc. I feel like I'm among friends.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Probably, yes. I feel like my sense of humor has changed drastically through the years due to 4chan. I also have a lot thicker skin towards gore, rape. torture, etc le edgy shit thanks to lurking for so long as well. 4chan has also made me hate memes and the fact it's being capitalized on now.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
Only really when the site is down or during the gamergate shit. Other than that, not really as I'm obviously still here.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
I've learned more from cgl than I have just figuring it out/any tutorials. Despite cgl being catty, it's also extremely helpful.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Pretty heavily. I don't say or judge people to their face, but I do think about ways they can improve. I had a tiny lolita comm that was fucking awful and filled with people that didn't try. I stopped attending because I felt like no one legitimately cared about the fashion.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
Yes. I've shitposted about a cosplayer multiple times because she gets on my goddamn nerves.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here?
>Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Nah it's always been exactly as I was told. I met Yaya and she was really rude.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
catty, frilly, and full of women

>> No.8433958

Why are you asking all these questions?

>> No.8434001

I'm curious. I have never known a seagull IRL who wasn't heavily effected by long term frequent 4chan use in some way or another. Hell, there were two girls in my comm I correctly assumed were seagulls based on the way they acted. One was bitchy beyond anything you could imagine and the other... it's hard to explain... she just had this unspoken "I've seen some shit" type wisdom about her when it came to lolita that's exclusive to seagulls.

>> No.8434032


Because its something interesting to talk about besides the usual threads
>ita thread
>wig thread

>> No.8434052

How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
> I've been on /cgl/ for 2 of 3 years, 4chan in general for 9 years.
How often do you come on here?
>Once or a few times a day at most.
Why do you come here?
>Best place to talk about lolita.
Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
>Not /cgl/ in particular, but being on 4chan so long has definitely changed me as a person.
Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
>I hope so.
How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
>I'm more critical about lolita in particular.
Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
>Nah, I only like to read about drama and not be involved in it.
Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
>I don't believe a lot of what I read here, so I don't really jump to conclusions about people.
What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I think /cgl/ can be pretty nasty, but I find it's one of the nicer boards on this site.

>> No.8434053

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I went off and on with /cgl/, never really been a big cosplay fan, let alone a convention guy.
But been using /a/ for about 2 years
>How often do you come on here?
Way too much. roughly about 4-7 hours every day.
>Why do you come here?
Honestly, I dont know. I guess its because it's part of my regular routine.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
4chan has differently effected my personality, but cant really say in a positive way.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I've never tried.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
No, im pretty new to this /cgl/
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Not really.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
Na, i'm usually pretty chill. The most dramatic thing i've ever posted was a green text story on /b/ when i first started coming here.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here?
Maybe, I usually google it before confirming it as an possibility.
>Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
irl? Never really had that happen to me before.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I dont really have a take on 4chan in general.

>> No.8434069
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>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Probably 6-7 years
>How often do you come on here?
Daily when a con is approaching
>Why do you come here?
One of the sites I rotate when I'm procrastinating
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Can't tell if I was initially this jaded or if 4chan has molded me this way.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
A few years back my friend was introduced to /b/ and proceeded to become a huge fucking /b/tard. It annoyed the fuck out of me so I distanced myself from 4chan in general.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
I've saved a lot of tutorials but aside from that not really.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Having absolutely no interest in Lolita fashion whatsoever, I have a surprising amount of knowledge about it
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking?
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here?
Half and half, trolls are always lurking so I take most with a grain of salt. >Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I like the raw unfiltered quality of the community. It can be pretty dark at times but that's life, no bullshit.

>> No.8434079

Cute cat.

Fairford Avenue in Norwalk, CA, eh?

>> No.8434099

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
started on cgl, and it's been a little over a year
>How often do you come on here?
daily, it's always open in a tab when i'm doing other stuff on the computer
>Why do you come here?
it's fun and people post way more frequently. at the same time, it's easy to ignore people / posts i'm not interested in
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
i suppose, like some other anon up there said, i feel like i've seen some shit
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
yes, but at the same time i give less fucks about what other people say if i think it looks good personally
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
i'm more skeptical about people's motives for saying/posting things in general
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
i once posted an annoying ita from my comm but that was about it
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
i believe the things that get posted with caps, but everything else is just hearsay
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
cgl is like that two faced bitch everyone knows from high school, and 4ch in general seems to just be people who don't like to voice their opinions in public, so they resort to this anonymous forum

>> No.8434115

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
9 years. 9 years.
>How often do you come on here?
Once per hour when I'm working on costumes. Less than once a month otherwise.
>Why do you come here?
Ask questions, attempt to answer questions, find entertainment
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Apparently according to /cgl/, I'm racist. I'm still not sure how or why. Taught me to completely ignore standing out and just blend in with the crowd.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
Not so much as leaving as having no reason to visit when I'm not working on cosplay.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Helped out with advice for construction questions.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
That there are some pretty crazy/delusional people in both areas, and that there are people who will be mean for the sake of their own fun (though this applies to all areas in life).
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
Not interested in participation. Just reading the stories.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
I take general consensuses on con scenes with a grain of salt.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Brutal honesty when you look past the bait/trolls. A decent place to figure out what's hot or not and laugh at the bad cosplays/coords.

>> No.8434135

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
A Very Very Long Time
>How often do you come on here?
>Why do you come here?
To waste time
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Possibly, I'm definitely more distrusting of men but not full-on thundercunt
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I have, couldn't. Other boards are ten times more cancerous, lolcow is TOO catty and toxic (pointlessly so, even), normalfag shit is too boring and doesn't cater to my specific 'niche' fashion
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
I don't do either, but it's made me more thick-skinned which I appreciate
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Not much, I'm not nitpicky at all
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
No, not really. Maybe this John thing that's been going on lately.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
I don't, and I don't interact with any people posted here.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Overall positive but easily corrupted. I dislike that some people seem to have made it their mission to be as nasty as possible, but that just makes my skin thicker and dick bigger.

>> No.8434140

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
maybe 3 years? I started on /cgl/
>How often do you come on here?
several times a day
>Why do you come here?
it's just become habit; i like seeing what people have to say about lolita and cosplay
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
for sure; when i first started coming on /cgl/ i was fresh from tumblr and bought into all the sjw stuff. I don't really care much about all that anymore, and I know I'm more discerning about what I consider good cosplay
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
I started lolita because of /cgl/ and being bored enough to go into non cosplay related threads; I didn't really have that much of an ita phase because I lurked for around a year before trying anything, and I still posted in coord help threads before wearing the coord.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
I started going on /cgl/ when i considered cosplaying, so I guess I was molded into cgl views of cosplayers from the start. I know i thought lolitas were really weird before I became one, though
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I posted someone in the psycho thread and contributed stories when other people posted the person, too.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
I take most things here with a grain of salt; I only believe things that are fully capped
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
don't take things too personally and don't be an idiot

>> No.8434171

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Cgl 2-3 years. 4chan 6 or so years
>How often do you come on here?
For the past year and a half about everyday. Usually i spend any time im online on here.
>Why do you come here?
Lolita sales, ita thread, brand updates, indie brands, taobao and aliexpress threads. Id say before a few months ago it was purely for the ita thread and coord help.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Its helped my coording abilities by 100%. Honestly i think i would still be an incredible ita if it wasnt for cgl. I do love the drama thought and occasially add to the fire but my comm never gets any mentions so i feel like it wont affect me but i do judge my comm mates hard on their coords.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I tried because i was spending too much time online while studying in another country. I stopped but soon as i returned home to only a few friends ive been glued to it ever since.

>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Coord wise for sure. ITs also saved me money and taught me about quality
How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Not so much. If anything ive liked people more finding out they are gulls. The only person ive disliked because of cgl is rinrin after finding out shes Chinese? and American?
Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I posted the girl who modified atomic cupcake a few times. Ive vendettad once because i know she went on cgl and she knew who i was. I got great feedback so i was really happy when she posted my coords. My comm dislikes cgl too much for me to self post otherwise.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Usually yes. Im iffy on choke now. Nope
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I think its really helpful with a cup of salt.

>> No.8434174

>The only person ive disliked because of cgl is rinrin after finding out shes Chinese? and American?
But why? Why is that a bad thing?

>> No.8434176

A few gulls are legit but i can tell how many of you are whiney teenagers who think way too highly of their cosplay abilities

>> No.8434180

It was mostly disapointing.
Oh i ment to say "after watching all her snapchats and finding out shes...."
I thought she was a cute model who cared about her fans and always spoke in english.

>> No.8434183

Her twitter literally says she's from LA though... How big of a weeb must you be, sheesh

>> No.8434196
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... really?

>> No.8434354

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Found /b/ 10+ years ago but only re-discovered 4chan 4 years ago and realised there's more than memes and edge. I use cgl and ic.
>How often do you come on here?
1-3 times a week on average, but sometimes don't check back for a while. It's boring if you come here too often.
>Why do you come here?
Lolita and jfash image dumps, release updates, the creative threads and the honest feedback; it's also touching when anons help each other and connect. I like that lolita rivals could be saying 'here is the mbok link to your dream dress bless you anon'.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
I'm so much more critical of myself and everyone else inside my head, I just wish I had found cgl when I started lolita.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I wasted too much time on here when I was NEET and had to change that, I wasn't even interested in the things I was reading.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
The global community feels so much smaller to me, it makes it so embarrassing when girls new to cgl get drunk on the power of "anonymity" or sucked into bait, but at the same time you can see how varied the opinions are even in such a small scene.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I like reading OTT horror stories but I don't like when people bring up people in my comm in case it reflects badly on us as a whole, and so I don't talk about others in respect of people that feel the same. I don't dislike people that truly feel a need to speak out, I just prefer to be in the build-a-print threads.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here?
Take everything with a grain of salt. A niche community is not the whole world.

>> No.8434485

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Long enough that when I started the board was red

>How often do you come on here?
Usually once or twice a day

>Why do you come here?

>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?

>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?

>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Cosplayer, probably not. Lolita, yes. I feel like once the Lolita's started paying regular threads it was really easy to find examples of good and bad cords

>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Not really

>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
Yes. Shit about shitty people. I also like to troll lolita wedding threads

>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
I don't think so? I don't believe most of it.

>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Brutal honesty, which is sometimes helpful. 4chan in general is honestly a really interesting thing. Everyone wants to act like they're to good to come here, but then all use memes and jargon born here.

>> No.8434582
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>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Spring 2012 for /cgl/, sometime in 2007 for 4chan (not here consistently tho)
>How often do you come on here?
I binge, so I'll be here for a week or two and then vanish until I feel like lurking again.
>Why do you come here?
[see pic]
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
I don't think so.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
Noep. Cgl might be mediocre for discussing cosplay, but it's better than Coscom
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
For the most part, no, but it did introduce me to a few concepts I wouldn't have known otherwise, like Sharpie-dyeing wigs.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
I'm wary of both now because of all the passive aggression and other drama.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I don't really care about being part of it. Worst I've done is shitpost in a con thread that was being derailed by vendetta just so it would hit post limit and die.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Only if sufficient proof has been posted by multiple sources. If you believe anything posted here without some form of proof, youuuuuu may have been launched headfirst into a wall as a baby.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
[see pic]

>> No.8434631

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
ex-mod, I requested that cgl be made.
>How often do you come on here?
>Why do you come here?
Took a break from lolita for a long time, just starting to get more interested in it as money/life became more stable. Watched more anime and played more games so cosplay is becoming much more interesting now too.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Sort of. I notice the quality of clothing a lot more. Made me accept other peoples "aesthetics" a lot easier.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I did for a while, just by not being able to afford the lifestyle. Sold the handful of brand I had, Still have some custom pieces. Even some bodyline stuff in my closet. (that first dress I bought!)
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Infinitely. back in the livejournal days people were just kind of figuring out what to do with lolita. There was not a whole lot of good information out there. I think anyone getting into lolita now are better off, and cgl can be really helpful and honest when helping you.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
It hasn't. Regardless of where you are people are going to like/hate certain people. Drama will come and go.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
Nope. I'm not involved in any communities. I'll participate in drama discussions, but I'm never directly related to any of it.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
I only have an impression of people on the internet. I believe everything written in cgl is grossly exaggerated most of the time, but I'm never going to meet those people so...

>> No.8434635

>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I hated the board so much after the first few months of its inception. It would cause so much drama between this and the LJ community. But after a while it started to get its groove. I think a lot of people (myself included) just realized that deleting threads would just lead to more of a shitstorm. Kind of just let people do their thing and it turned out.. okay. There are still dumb threads that pop up here from time to time, but overall it seems to be a pretty helpful board for cosplayers and lolitas alike.

Lots of information and help regarding meetups and cons, it's nice to see what it's turned into. Sure there are shitposts but that's going to be everywhere on the internet regardless of what site you're on.

4chan led me to meet some really interesting people. People who have been my friends for well 6 years. Some people I wish I had never met in the first place too. But overall I'd say a lot of good came from using this site and getting to know the people involved with it.

>> No.8434679
File: 113 KB, 581x307, 1428448700476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
/cgl/ for about a year or so. I've been on and off 4chan for about seven years.
>How often do you come on here?
At least once a day, more if I'm following a thread.
>Why do you come here?
This is probably the best place to talk about lolita and be surrounded by people who share my passion for it. I'm on tumblr too, and tbh it's nice to get away from that. Also makeup and beauty tips.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
I'm pretty good with not letting it cross into real life and how I treat others. It's really easy to get into that seagull mindset though. It has affected my humor a bit, too.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
Nah, I've never seen it as something I had to leave.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
It definitely helped me avoid having awful first coords. It has made me more critical towards myself, which is good and bad. It's helped me improve my makeup and styling skills a lot, but also made me a bit of a perfectionist. I lost interest in cosplay because I was too scared to make mistakes and look bad. However, /cgl/ also gave me the push to finally wear lolita, and I've gotten so much happiness from that, so I'm grateful.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Not in a bad way. I think it's made me able to see each aspect of someone's cosplay/coord and what I like and don't, and learn from that.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I did shit talk one cosplayer, but it wasn't untrue, so I don't feel guilty.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Nah, it's all with a grain of salt.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I love /cgl/ honestly, it can be catty, but there's great people here. 4chan is whatever, could take or leave it.

>> No.8434804

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I've been on and off 4chan since about 2005 (ugh), but I've only come to /cgl/ as a board for about a year and a half.

>How often do you come on here?
>Why do you come here?
I come to this board to stay abreast of trends in the fashion, funny drama, and also just to have a place to talk about lolita that isn't Facebook or tumblr

>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Good question. /cgl/ not so much, but then I'm a lone lolita so I don't interact much with other people in the fashion. 4chan has changed me over the years into both a smarter and shittier person for sure, though.

>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
Before I was coming to /cgl/ regularly I hadn't been coming to 4chan for about two or three years. This is what's keeping me on the board now for sure.

>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Oh fuck yes it's made me better at the fashion.

>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
It hasn't impacted my opinion of lolitas too much, but I do tend to think of cosplayers and cosplay fans as bitches because of cgl
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?

I've never posted anyone's pics to cgl. I have commented in plenty of CoF and ita threads though

>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /
cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?

I don't tend to believe the shit I read here about people, unless they're huge drama posts (like now I know that John from Anime Matsuri really is a piece of shit, for instance).

>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I really like /cgl/ and I don't think it's as shitty or mean as people who don't come here often seem to think. 4chan sucks but I love it.

>> No.8434825

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?

Since last winter/winter 2014

>How often do you come on here?


>Why do you come here?

Not part of very active community, I like being able to talk to other lolitas. Cgl has the best discussions about lolita if you can deal with all the shit mixed in.

>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?

Not really. I was already a judgmental bitch before I got here. I just keep it myself. My coording skills have improved by leaps and bounds since I got here.

>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?


>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?

Yes, my coording skills have improved tons. I've also found a solid direction for my wardrobe.

>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?

>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?


>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?

I take everything with a grain of salt. Cgl has shown me people to avoid talking to or selling/buying from.

>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?

It's what you make of it.

>> No.8434856

>how much do you think I can get this brand dress for?!?!
>I can't wait till ____ comes out, I'm gonna be first in line!!
>Ugh what a fatty chan, might as well be a hamplanet

Yeah, that shit gets old real quick.

>> No.8434886

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
since 2010. A friend was a big /b/tard. I go on /cgl/, /ck/, a bit on /fit/.
>How often do you come on here?
No pattern really. When I'm bored or when some scandal breaks. Every few weeks, to read up on slower topics. I do use the archive.
>Why do you come here?
To quickly catch up with news, gossip and any breaking drama.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
No, but it's shown me that others are just as harsh in judgement and opinions, they just don't say so anywhere but here. So it makes me feel like a bit less of a bitch.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I'm not a regular so not really applicable.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Maybe. It's sharpened my eye for detail but it's made me too picky sometimes too.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
It hasn't really changed anything.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
No drama. I read and lurk mostly. Sometimes I'll answer questions, esp. in the dumb questions thread. The drama here is toxic and depressing. But it's a good site to read what's going on.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
I believe some things. It's more a guideline who to watch out for.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Don't take it very seriously overall and don't believe things without confirming them. Ignore shitty posts, get an eye for just skimming over them.

>> No.8434908
File: 62 KB, 576x202, ^397A0B3074CFE2494E27CA1D4A2029941BCE28AB93D1B2B572^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
6-7 years, only stopped browsing basic boards like /b/ and /v/ about a year in, started cgl maybe three years, after a break from 4chan
>How often do you come on here?
atleast twice daily
>Why do you come here?
enjoy talking to lolitas who arent as sensative as the ones in my comm (belfast comm is so bad, irish as a whole not as much)
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
when i got doxxed for making fun of gamergate and got a shit ton of weird letters from guys on here who i did not know and shit for a while i left but now i just dont care enough to bother with ir
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
i learnt alot about the fashion (unspoken rules in regards to tea parties mostly)
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
im slightly more judgemental, but only to those who critique other lolitas for doing stuff like wearing brand
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
i complain about my comm alot but they dont go on here so have never saw
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome? i dont hate people based on cgls opinion
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
i liked it alot but now that pol/gamergate/being super right wing and hating women in an attempt to be extra offensive has really grown on here i dont enjoy it as much

>> No.8434916

How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
since 2012
How often do you come on here?
2-3 times a day
Why do you come here?
for everything lolita related
Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
clg helped me in many ways. Before I came here, I was a whiny SJW who craved for attention and personal validation. The anonymity and cruel honesty on this board made me reflect on myself. I was finally able to see my imperfections and where I could improve myself without being a bitter cunt about it.
Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Cgl made me a better and more open minded lolita for sure, I received countless of live-saving tips and help on here.
How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
It made me take distance from the SJW- and tumblr crowd, also from people who shit talk about cgl in general. The lolita community is a fucking hug box, where everyone compliments on themselves, how great they are and everyone's acting like they are great friends etc. Trough cgl, I came to the realisation how two faced this behaviour is, and that real criticism often is frowned up upon.
Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
not really
Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Yes, it happened. I'm following most of the drama threads out of sheer curiosity, I don't draw conclusions from plain shitposting though. Before judge so. I try to find reliable sources on the accusations.
What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I value 4chan as a bastion of free speech. There's lots of nasty things and shitposting going on other boards, as well as on cgl (though to a lesser extent). But I don't regard that as an issue with being able to filter the content which you don't like.

>> No.8434935

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
9 years in general probably 7 or 6 for cgl
>How often do you come on here?
>Why do you come here?
originally it was for SDCC threads then drama and now a days horror, bad cosplay, and maid threads
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
>Have you ever tried to leave?How did that go?
what do you mean leave?
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
it has shown me the difference between good, bad, and great cosplay
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
its meh
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
nope, I haven't really meet anyone that was on the /cgl/ hate list
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
its gotten a little less dramu but still an acceptable level other than that not much has changed. in general some boards have changes while other have barely.

>> No.8435057

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
8 years 4chan, about 3 or 4 years /cgl/.
>How often do you come on here?
I take regular breaks, but when I come here, I check multiple times a day
>Why do you come here?
I'm a lone lolita with terrible social skills, so I like chatting anonymously, rather than attaching my name to things. Also, entertainment. Dream dress threads. I used to post in the draw threads, but not anymore.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Yes. I've never been posted, but it's definitely made me more self-conscious about what I post online.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I need some time off from 4chan regularly when I get tired of all the bitching and drama. It works pretty well for me. But I'm always drawn back here.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
I don't think so. But I'm already very critical of everything I do, so that helps.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
I've learned that a LOT lolitas either post or lurk here.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I read drama, and I respond to the ita threads sometimes, but I try not to stir shit up.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
I believe it if there is solid proof (caps, social media). No.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Some people are brutally honest, some use "honesty" to be complete assholes. I prefer it a lot to lolita facebook groups.
In general, 4chan is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be.

>> No.8435242

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
since 2008 I think. /CGL/ around the same time.
>How often do you come on here?
I take breaks now and again, but I check it once a day, more if there’s a con I’m going to has a thread.
>Why do you come here?
To quickly catch up with what’s going on, and t’s something to do.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
It has made me more humble tbh. Seeing how others are treated on here, I tend to go out of my way to treat others better.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I just stop coming around for a while, then return when I feel like it.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
For sure. It's sharpened my eye for detail, and made me try harder on my cosplay.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Like I said, it made me more humble.

>> No.8435274

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
almost 2 years now. checked into /y/ a few times years before, but never made it a habit.
>How often do you come on here?
depends. if i find a thread i like i'll check a couple times a day, otherwise it's about once a week.
>Why do you come here?
info and help.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
not really, but my boyfriend does. I never used to really care about petticoats etc until I came on here. I think it's made me a better lolita, but my boyfriend thinks it has made me bitter. Last con we went to I commented to him how some girls coord could have been improved and he gave me a look.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
yep. like i said earlier.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
yep. like i said earlier.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
not really. I just like posting in the positive picture threads and the help threads.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
i'm not in a comm yet, so i honestly have no contact with any other lolitas. but i tend to have an open mind when i meet people in real life, give them the benefit of the doubt. Except JNig, i fucking hate that bitch.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
some are assholes, some are the same a me. so meh. like most things in life.

>> No.8435279

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
/cgl/ for 9 years, 4chan for 10 probably.

>How often do you come on here?
It depends. Right now a couple times a day, when I'm busy with work though I'll maybe come once a week.

>Why do you come here?
I like looking at the progress threads and series threads I'm interested in (Love Live) mostly. I also know when I have a question about something cgl will be straight with me.

>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Yes, I know it's made me view how I cosplay in a different way.

>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I've never tried to leave. I just take long breaks sometimes when life throws too much at me.

>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
I think so for sure. I try to keep an eye on legitimate things people tend to complain about now and cgl made me start changing how I do my make up and actually caring for my eyebrows.

>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Not really at all.

>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I use a name, so I've come up recently and even a handful of times in the past. It's usually bullshit rumors with no backing to them. I take actual criticisms about my cosplay, even if it's harsh, to heart though and think on them.

>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Nah, I don't tend to pass judgement on a person until I witness them acting personally and like to give everyone a chance.

>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Really depends on the board since there's so many different cultures depending on what you browse. I'm not gonna lie, I do miss the old times with old trips and stuff, but I'm glad drama has been cut down significantly here and usually gets cleaned up quickly.

>> No.8435309

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?

being regular? under 1 year

>How often do you come on here?

every day

>Why do you come here?

i get bored

>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?

>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?

no.I do tell myself i need to stay away and not partake in gossip,though.

>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?

>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?

>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?

>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here?


>Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?


>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?

its a place to relax,talk,maybe even learn something I dont take it so seriously

>> No.8435320

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Pretty new, only around a year for both.
>How often do you come on here?
Daily or more, depending on the day.
>Why do you come here?
It started because I thought drama was funny but now it's because people here don't sugar coat anything and give brutally honest critiques. Also because cosplay is fun and I've been interested in lolita for about 8 or 9 years.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Meh. Maybe some day. It's making me want to get into lolita for real though.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Mostly just more self conscious in cosplay. I just hope I don't get posted to ita or bad cosplay threads, but that if I do I don't take it too hard.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
I get a little worried for nice people in shit cosplays now. It makes me kinda sad to see them get ripped apart on cgl.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
Not really any more than real life. I've posted pictures from a couple people I don't like, but they were wearing really bad stuff so it's kinda... not PURE vendetta.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Depends. I try to take everything with a grain of salt.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Pretty interesting place now that I've started to acclimate to it more. It's mean but kind of in an honest way a lot of the time. 4chan in general is interesting to me because nobody really cares for repercussions of what they say. I like that about it.

>> No.8438421
File: 373 KB, 500x405, mewmew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Been on 4chan for 7 years, and cgl for 6.

>How often do you come on here?
Daily, for multiple hours a day.

>Why do you come here?
Cgl is real as fuck. You guys give legit criticism on both cosplay and lolita. Both of which I love, so it's chill to see people discuss these things in such an open manner.

>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
I think being a seagull has helped me embrace my salty side. Bout it.

>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I took a break for a couple years. It didn't phase me. I was just really busy.

>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
I think so. I think looking at all of the mistakes of others, alongside the successes has helped with my own judgements.

>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Uhh, well I do judge others fairly harshly. I also try to give my close friends my unaltered opinion of what they should do in cosplay, and cringe deep down inside when they ignore my advice.

>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking?
I lurk during drama. I don't really like to post others, but I sure do like watching others be posted. Love the dramu.

>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here?
It varies, based on evidence.

>Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Nah. I don't hate anyone.

>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I imagine cgl to be filled with a large variety of weeby girls (who won't admit to their weebiness), a lot of whom are cute and fashionable. There are some chill cosplay dudes in here, with a peppering of creepy dudes that came from other boards.

4Chan in general, though? I couldn't say these days, I stick to my cgl.

>> No.8438491

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
About 4 years. I came on 4chan to see what the fuss was about, but /cgl/ is the only board I kept interest in.
>How often do you come on here?
A few times a day, sadly. Stupid app.
>Why do you come here?
I like seeing news, opinions, inspiration, etc. Mostly time wasting.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
I see myself becoming a sjw if I was never on 4ch. I actually made a tumblr after about a year on here, so I was pretty immune to the guilt-tripping. A lot of my friends use tumblr and not 4chan, and I can see that they resent some of my opinions.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I grew less interested in cosplay, so I spent more time on tumblr doing god knows what. I grew more interested in lolita, so I came back, and to my delight, the board is mostly lolita/beauty now. Nice.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Definitely. I love coord help and sewing threads. I love giving advice to others too! I like that everyone states their real opinion here too.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
I was never a cosplayer and not on /cgl/, really. Same with lolita. They've kind of been hand in hand.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I can't make myself do it. I'd feel too bad. I'm not so active in my lolita comm anyways, and I wasn't ever in a cosplay comm.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Yeah maybe if I had joined yesterday. I guess I feel better about people once I know they browse /cgl/. I feel like they'll take criticism/"cyberbullying!!" better.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
It's alright. I feel like /cgl/ is more civilized, for lack of a better word, than other boards. Only board I feel at home on.

>> No.8439647
File: 914 KB, 400x238, your waifus pantsu on breadu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Three years on /cgl/ and five years on 4chan
>How often do you come on here?
Practically every day unless I'm not around the computer or working.
>Why do you come here?
It's something to do.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
I find that I'm more judgmental about certain things.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I haven't tried yet. Nothing has really pushed me to try leaving.
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Yes, most definitely.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
For sure. I really enjoy community driven hobbies, but I was never aware of how catty people could be, especially lolitas. I also nitpick like hell whenever I see a cosplay or someone in lolita.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
No, I don't see the point in wasting energy on shit talking people.
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Nah, 4chan is full of liars.
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
It's a pretty good place to get advice, keep up with the newest trends or releases, and there are a surprising amount of really helpful people. 4chan in general is a good time if you don't take it seriously.

>> No.8439663

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
Too fucking long, my friend
>How often do you come on here?
Used to be everyday a few years ago, then I stopped for about a year, and now I just recently started frequently posting again
>Why do you come here?
Shit man idek at this point, this place is so toxic but it's like a car crash I can't look away from
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
Actually? I think it's made me nicer, since I see so many people picking on others here, and now I want to help others with cosplay/lolita instead of making fun of them. Also, it's helped me deal with bullies a lot more and I've learned how to stick up for myself.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
lol i'm back, so how do you think it went?
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
My standards are definitely a lot higher because of cgl, and it's helped me learn many of the cardinal sins of cosplay/lolita
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
Tons of respect for both, that shit is hard
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
Nah, I know better than to believe that shit
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
It's toxic but fun as hell

>> No.8439744

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
4 years on /cgl/, 7~8 years on /x/
>How often do you come on here?
>Why do you come here?
my country online comm is dead and LJ is dead too. I like to read about news, discussion, see coords/inspirations and true opinion about everything.
>Do you think it has effected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality?
I'm definitely more judgmental.
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
>Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer?
Yes, definetely a better lolita.
>How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
>Do you tend to believe the things you read on here? Have you ever hated someone because of /cgl/, only to find out they were really awesome?
never hated someone because of /cgl/
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
I guess it's a place to check different opinions and read about news and honest concrit.

>> No.8440576

>How long have you been /cgl/? 4chan in general?
5-6 years /cgl/, 4chan around the same amount. I dropped by /b/ a few times in high school for "lel edgy" but never posted.
>How often do you come on here?
Daily. I might drop off for a few days but inevitably I get bored and return.
>Why do you come here?
Cosplay threads (I'm a Homestuck/SU shitheel but I also dig the vidya/Disney/western content), contributing in help threads, draw threads. Sometimes I'll poke through a jfash thread.
>Do you think it has affected you on a deep level, whether it's how you think or your personality? Has /cgl/ made you a better lolita/cosplayer? How has /cgl/ impacted the way you see lolitas/cosplayers?
I'm internally more cynical and critical of myself and others (so I've improved somewhat), but I think encountering a lot of toxic meanness on /cgl/ has made me kinder to people when interacting with them, and I try not to leave insults about cosplayers when they get posted here (and avoid the "bad cosplay" threads).
>Have you ever tried to leave? How did that go?
I stopped visiting for a few months because I got busy and was occupied with other things in my life. Came back because I like how dense the content is and how it's one convenient place for discuss multiple things I'm interested in.
>Have you ever been part of any drama/vendetta/general shit talking? What did you post?
I have a mild vendetta against one person who's active on /cgl/ and off-4chan (Tumblr) and disapprove of her approach to cosplay. But being attention-seeking with zero improvement or regard for craftsmanship aside, she seems like an alright person so I've never posted about her (until now).
>What is your take on /cgl/? 4chan in general?
A toxic gauntlet. Run the /cgl/ challenge and find out if you emerge a bitter, mean asshole or a better and helpful cosplayer (or somewhere in between).