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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8433757 No.8433757 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT:Why cosplay is objectively better than lolita
Cosplaying requires skill and dedication to make excellent costumes. Lolita consists of buying outfits which takes no skill, and acting like you're special because of it.

>> No.8433762

Except that a lot of cosplayers buy/commission stuff and some Lolitas make some of their things too? Not very objective.

>> No.8433763
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>> No.8433778

I know this is bait, but apples and oranges.

>> No.8433783
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>> No.8433810

Wow that's a shitty Vergil. I know she's supposed to be fem!Vergil, but she didn't even try with the hair. She could've gone for long hair with slicked back bangs.

Iirc she got really popular on tumblr for just throwing on a black wig in the same style, a white tank top, jeans, and combat boots and called it "fem!reboot Dante cosplay". No coat or Rebellion or anything.

>> No.8433815
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>> No.8433820


See >>8433762. OP, you'd better be making all of your cosplays and props if you wanna compare it to lolita since there are lolitas who can literally make a whole coord (blouse, JSK, petticoat, accessories) from scratch. People also know how to make hats, bows, wrist cuffs, some lolitas know how to cast their own resin jewelry or make decoden jewelry á la QPot. People build props in lolita too. Scepters, oversized silverware, etc.

>> No.8433827
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>> No.8433833

I know this is most likely bait, but enough cosplayers actually have this kind of hilariously misled sense of superiority to lolitas or participants in other J-Fashions, so I'll bite.

First of all, cosplay actually doesn't require any more skill than lolita, you're just saying that because it's more common for cospayers to make their costumes than it is for lolitas to make their outfits. Many lolitas actually do hand make their clothes, just like many cosplayers buy their costumes. I can't tell you how many times I've fawned over an incredible costume just to find out it was bought/commissioned online. It's also typically much harder to make lolita than making a cosplay, unless you chose a particularly challenging character. Virtually any school uniform is going to be infinitely easier than even the most basic lolita outfit.

>and acting like you're special because of it
This is how I know you're a troll, because if you knew anything about cosplay, you'd understand why that's so overwhelmingly laughable. Speaking as someone who has spent ample time in both hobbies, while I won't deny that lolita certainly attracts a lot of special snowflakes, cosplay without debate gets the crown in this category. I mean ffs, so many people in cosplay are so self-important that it's over all socially acceptable to create crowd funding pages to pay for your costumes and con expenses, and many succeed at them. In the lolita world, that shit isn't in the least bit tolerated, the one time anyone ever tried, it was a newbie that immediately had their post deleted and was viciously made fun of over it. Cosplayers have enough of that shit to merit entire threads dedicated to the topic.

>> No.8433842

Oranges are citrus and apples aren't! Who knew, right?

>> No.8434124

shut up. she's perfect.

you fat lolita ass is just jelly.

>> No.8437331

Obviously bait but
OP is actually right. Lolita is literaly just about buying things and then presenting them in a aesthetically pleasing way. You can't get better at lolita-ing. You can get a better eye for coording, get better at presenting yourself as a person, and buy/make more shit, but those aren't skills that you can practice. It just comes with time, and it happens outside the fashion too.

>> No.8437457

That doesn't mean it's better, though.

>> No.8437504

>as long as she's thin and okay-looking in the face SHE'S PERFECT
so can we at least agree lolita has much higher standards for perfection