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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8433663 No.8433663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Comic Con

You can find it all here in Australia Cosplay General 19

>> No.8433695
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Any pics from Perthnova yet?

>> No.8433838

I'm setting up a SMASH! meet and anyone who wants to join in email me at Galagastorm@gmail.com

Currently 8 people + friends are joining us

>> No.8433893

Is this a lolita thing or for anyone?

>> No.8433907


>> No.8433923
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>> No.8433924
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part 2.

Her bathroom makes me want to vomit. This whole cosplay is below shit-tier.

>> No.8434018

She looked like 3 ahris squished together today

>> No.8434022

Glad I didn't go to see her face to face, honestly it terrifies me. Also angers me because it's super fucking inaccurate and I'm sick of people cosplaying from league and getting it wrong.

>> No.8434024

Haven't ever seen her play league.. or talk about league... and her league comissions and cosplays have been very inaccurate

>> No.8434081

Can we take a moment to recognise that Twerkin Gherkin is now 18 and can no longer cry pedo?

>> No.8434095
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Game on boys.

>> No.8434100

I've heard her talk about her commissions, I saw the Lucian one and it was fucking shit. I haven't seen her play league and she's tried to talk about it in front of me knowing I play, but she quickly made a mistake and I stopped talking to her.

>> No.8434102

I've never been able to find her very attractive. Her personality is very obnoxious imho.

>> No.8434148

She's cute

>> No.8434153

Annoying got slutty pics of her? I want to fap

>> No.8434199

Anyone go watch the champs of cosplay? Was barley anyone enter thought more would register. The blizzard cosplayers were mad though

>> No.8434206

This thread needs more volk.

>> No.8434212

Contestants needed to pre-register online with a picture of the completed cosplay and be accepted to compete, probably why there wasn't that many.

>> No.8434215

Yes....yes it does...

So Perth had Supanova and Melbourne had OCC on one weekend....that seems like it was a bad idea...

>> No.8434225

I am glad JM won, very well deserved imo.

>> No.8434246

I agree she puts a lot of time and effort into her cosplays and they turn out great.

>> No.8434253

She's also pretty nice.

>> No.8434256


>> No.8434259
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I think its pretty crappy, but want to hear what others think.

>> No.8434260

the cosplay itself is average at best and the prop construction is not the best. However the size of the prop is so large and looks decent enough it has a wow factor which probably gave this cosplay a lot of attention.

>> No.8434261

Construction wise it isn't that great, but given the size, I say it's kinda alright.

>> No.8434274

Mind you he did this in 5 weeks, and rushed it in the last week to get it done for this con. So I think its great for how little time he had - he did say he would revamp it and make it more.. portable and useable and more easy on the eye. For a rushed cosplay I think its pretty amazing. He got a lot of attention and I thought it was hilarious when he got introduced on stage by "a guy who is definitely over compensating" . Really nice and friendly guy! He let me chat with him for a while and let me try pick up the weapon (was about 30kg)

>> No.8434277

I think its cool. He must have put a lot of effort into it so I appreciate his cosplay for that.. and how he carried it around everywhere

>> No.8434289


link to cosplay page?

>> No.8434294

Looks like my logg roll shit I left in the toilet this morning. Fucking sucks. Attention seeking fag.

>> No.8434298

100% agree. Wasn't that fucking great. Attention seeking at its finest.

>> No.8434304

Anyone going to pax?

>> No.8434324

No. No one is going to PAX.

>> No.8434334

JMCosplay on facebook

>> No.8434342

best and worst cosplay photographers you worked with at the melb ozcc photographer area?

>> No.8434344

who is that?

>> No.8434348

Worked with Brett Woolgar and Anita G. Both were really good and I mean for free shoots there's nothing to loose, Brett got lots of different angles and seemed really interested, I'll wait to see Anita's shots before I decide.

>> No.8434379 [DELETED] 

Jamie Connor, or /MioKitsuiCosplay on facebook

inb4 i get banned again, kek.

>> No.8434441

Her cosplays are below average at best. How she ever got over 1.5k likes baffles me.

>> No.8434447

Lol, go fuck yourself you dickhead, calling him an attention seeking fag. I'm going to ram through you like a steamroller so HARD that your dick will turn into a vagina and the only source of income you'll get is performing in a Ping-pong show in Thailand. You little bitch.

>> No.8434448

Also, go fuck yourself you cocksucker. Calling him an attention seeking fag pfft, you little pussy.

>> No.8434456

It's clearly attention seeking. The prop has barely any finishing on it, the cosplay itself is pretty fucking sub par at best. It's a shitty oversized prop to go with a shitty cosplay to make it seem better than it is.

>> No.8434457

She share4share'd her page heaps and heaps. You can always see shares on her wall.

>> No.8434460

And now she thinks she is top shit, what a joke. She is a hypocritical and self center. She claims to hate drama but she is the cause for almost all of the drama she is or was involved in.

>> No.8434461

Isn't it the point of Cosplay to seek attention? There are many other reasons as to why people Cosplay also, but you're lying to yourself if you think you cosplaying is not seeking the attention of others. Good on him.

>> No.8434974
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>Twerkin Gherkin

>> No.8435475

https://youtu.be/hXIlFSEQF5o Ardela complains about conventions

>> No.8435503

Anyone following the SS Nazi cosplay drama on the perth cosplayer page?

The guys profile is full of nazi propaganda

>> No.8435563

who are some good new Brisbane cosplayers? I need something new on my feed :/

>> No.8435573

Saw a girl thor at ozcc on the weekend taking photos with a kid and letting her hold the hammer and telling her she was worthy. fucking adorable I love cosplayers who know how to make kids happy

>> No.8435615

I believe that was Princess Sparklefingers Cosplay, she's an absolute sweetheart :)

>> No.8435693

link? or recap if deleted

sounds like perthnova was a fucking party this year
groping and gun nuts everywhere

>> No.8435712

She is lesion and has a fiance, gg boys
She's so up herself amd looks like shit without makeup on
There's alot hotter and nicer cosplay girls out there

>> No.8435718


>> No.8435724

This question again.....google brisbane cosplayer or even qld cosplayer... It's give you some fb links to follow

>> No.8435882

Here's a question.

If you had to pick a cosplayer to be "the face of australian cosplay" or to "represent us"

Who would it be and why?

>> No.8435894

Lmao he is not a good person

>> No.8435898


Katyushka Moonfox

>> No.8435966

A guy dressed as a SS officer was there all days. Staff asked him to take the nazi labels off his costume on the friday, he was asked to leave on the Saturday, and banned on the sunday.
He asked a photog to take his photo and the photog got pissed and said no, then posted about it on the wa cosplayer page.
Ensue shit fight between people that understand that dressing as characters that have negative associations can be upsetting to the public and ignorant teens that think it was fine.

Had a look at the cosplayers personal profile and it was full of modern day nazi propaganda and antisemitic posts.

He claimed he just does historical reinactments when asked at the con.

>> No.8435982

Lol tits on legs as our representative? Please no. Let's choose someone who can actually talk and write articulately.

>> No.8436163

it literally doesnt matter, hes dressing up in a costume, and one from the real world at that

there is literally nothing wrong with dressing up in an outfit that is historically accurate, removing or censoring any imagery just makes you look like a twat for trying to pretend history never happened

there was one security guy who just went on a full anti gun rampage, not only the nazi guy that got caught in it, the military guys got it too, but they had cops with them and they said it was fine

whether or not the dudes a legit nazi doesnt really make any difference whatsoever

was he walking around with a lighter setting jewish people on fire? was he shouting hate speech at people?

>> No.8436196

Cosplays that are now totally okay to do:
Naked cersi lannister

as long as they are accurate kek

>> No.8436243

But genderbending and faggots are okay? Fuck this world.

>> No.8436310

It was an alright comp. The MC gave the audience everyone's life story whilst the cosplayer was standing awkwardly on stage.

>> No.8436323

Best: Mark, for directing cosplayers and not rushing them through
Worst: Ian, for taking two photos and then complaining that he 'didn't like working like this'

>> No.8436336

My god, never knew she was that young

>> No.8436371
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She's so fucking fat and the costume was so totally wrong. Fucking cunt.
Yeah I'm back and fuck this shit she is hands down the nastiest shit. From the wip photos this costume was grey and she painted the fabric. It's fucking sick. Disgusting. Wrong. She's not wearing the right shoes or the choker, she has a permanent wedgie front and back and just.... Disgusting.

>> No.8436372
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I know right. Kek look at her fat hanging out of the costume. Fucking slut.

>> No.8436377

her breasts confuse me. the line continues on past the cleave? did she draw a line down the middle?

>> No.8436378
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Chill out anon, your vendetta is showing. I'm not saying she's good but sameposting? Really?

>> No.8436380
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Vomiting. Kek. Her makeup looks smudged and fucked up and just plain wrong.

>> No.8436384

perthnova was really fun. pity about the pcec staff. i hope some of them get fired.
also nazi guy can go to hell what a fucking psycho. his personal fb is a bucket of lols.

>> No.8436386

Miss Snape Cosplay!!!!!

>> No.8436387
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>> No.8436388


Holy fucking shit. That is horrible. Why the fuck are the ears so big? she's a fox not a rabbit.
The costume is so badly constructed. I don't understand how people who commission her are happy with their results.

>> No.8436389

Miss Snape Cosplay

>> No.8436392

forgot to mention my reason ...

Miss Snape Cosplay because she's pretty, she's a sweetheart, and she looks great cosplaying anything ... I bet she'd even look yummy dressed as a brussel sprout

>> No.8436396

Idunno, i would say someone like Major Sam. Her cosplays are always really well made, shes nice and polite, and hasnt resorted to modelling and lingerie shots to keep followers interested

>> No.8436398
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>> No.8436401
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and another one :)

>> No.8436404
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one more :P

>> No.8436408

Arcadia Rose Cosplay can talk and write articulately

>> No.8436415
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Implying he is a person to begin with.

>> No.8436420

Still better than deerfuck

>> No.8436423

Closer to the jessica nigri of australia and she isn't even all that active.

When I saw her fb like count skyrocket I thought she'd go all the way but seems she's content with it being a hobby for her.

At least with her she's natural and for the most part she's truthful in how to deal with how her cosplays on her look ie sexy.

...apart from that one deleted video but I think even she knew that was a little too far, unflattering too if I might add

>> No.8436465

>Ian for taking two photos

at least he took photos of you. he's notorious for being really really selective with who he shoots. scott was the one actually doing most of the shooting during ian's timeslot and when it was my turn, ian ignored me completely. scott's photo turned out lovely though

>> No.8436475

I am really glad to have photographer like Scott in the coscom.

>> No.8436492

I had the same thing happen to me.

>> No.8436500

waaaaiittt... who is ian?

>> No.8436503

Yes, because being gay or cross-dressing literally hurts no one. Unless you keep acting like a shit cunt and end up having some 6+ foot drag queen beat your ass like you goddamn deserve.

Inb4 "but dressing as a nazi doesn't hurt anyone!1" You would be wrong. Naziz committed genocide, they killed millions. Many of the people who were affected (directly and indirectly as in family members who lost or had someone affected by it) by Nazis are still alive, and it is offensive to dress as a person associated with mass fucking murder that happened only 80 or so years ago. The same as how Pedobear is not appropriate for a con, because there are fucking children there, and the character is a paedophile. Or being a naked version of a character as it is straight up against the law to be naked in public.

>> No.8436504

Nah Volk Photography.
Best photographer ever.

>> No.8436505

Nah it HAS to be Beethy
I love his beard

>> No.8436506

He's so good he's like a Volkano

>> No.8436507

What abut Timothy Souter? More like Tomothy Super!

>> No.8436509

Agree, anon.

>> No.8436513

Fukin decade three photography, more like dankade weeb nopeography

>> No.8436516

Saw the line and attitude and didn't bother.

>> No.8436529

That Sunday guy likes to hang outside Beethy's house and sneak in and stroke his beard at night.

>> No.8436536

Ferret Cosplay smokes dank weed all day erryday and that's how she gains her super meme powers.

>> No.8436540

what video?

>> No.8436546

yeah ... what video?

>> No.8436551

So apparently someone quit the supa cosplay comp because of fart noises? Was walking past the rego desk thing and heard shit going down on sat afternoon

>> No.8436566

Snap Happy Ian.

Couldn't agree more with what's been said about him. I personally think his work is highly overrated for what he eventually produces. I don't understand why he's so popular in the community but oh well.

>> No.8436569

She is actually so stuck up.. thinks she is an amazing sewer and her comissions are amazing. She is so over priced. I asked her how much it would cost for a plain high waisted skirt.. $90... $90 fucking dollars... I could get one for $10 at supre for better quality.. she is so fucking slow with coms too.. 8 months for a simple long jumper.. uughh she knows nothing about ahri and her cosplay was horrible and her body doesn't suit it at all. Too fat.

>> No.8436573

Scott is so lovely.. he loves when people come up and ask for photos.. I hope it stays the way he is snd doesn't let popularity take over his work and personality and becomes to be picky.

>> No.8436580

Yeah I agree >.<

Did you find someone to make your skirt for you? Or are you just going to buy one?

>> No.8436584

Didn't she recently "purge" her friends list because there were people who tried to tell her how to improve?

>> No.8436587

I think she purged her friend list trying to get rid of people who were posting her stuff on here, but she didn't successfully identify who it was and she'd honestly never guess who it is.

>> No.8436590

I decided to make it myself haha.. even though it took me a few goes I was very happy and turned pretty well for $20! XD $90 my ass...>>8436584
Well im still on there hahahhaa.. its funny just laughing at her stupidity and crying and horrid cosplays ...

>> No.8436592

Aw that's good! I was gonna offer to make it for you :3 I used to do commissions but stopped cause people annoyed me haha. It's so rewarding making things yourself.

Yeeeah, I deleted her ages ago, kinda regret it cause she was always funny to laugh at.

>> No.8436593

what I don't get is how she thinks she's top shit?
Just because some good cosplayers feel sorry for her fat jelly ass and are nice to her, she thinks she's a five star idol.
Grow up girl. You're horrid. Take some sewing lessons, make up classes for your Doritos face job and get some fucking brains.

>> No.8436600

Oh please share more, I would really like to know more about what is going on with her

>> No.8436620

On the topic of photographers; what would you like to see improved on in general at cons. Communication? etc

>> No.8436626
File: 32 KB, 131x142, Muh Volk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become volk.

>> No.8436627

the idea of the cosplay photobooth was brilliant, although some photographers tended to rush through their shots due to time constraints

>> No.8436634

wow I didnt know he was popular. he took a few photos of me at comicon last year and he spent a good 20-30 minutes shooting with me and even showed me the previews on his camera. Gave me his card. Never got photos back....

>> No.8436645

little pig face annoys the shit out of me. She has a point but you don't have to act like you're gods gift to cosplay

>> No.8436655

whats the Nazi guys name?

>> No.8436661

Adolf Hitler. They don't teach you this shit in year 8 history?

>> No.8436673

I did Nazi that coming.

>> No.8436690

who was it?

>> No.8436691

The booth was a really great idea. Maybe getting more of a variety of local photographers with a 60-90 minute time slot for each one. Full length mirror and being next to the change room was also A+

>> No.8436697

Theonius Aurelius Aquila Caesar??
didnt see any comments about it on the WA page

>> No.8436700

4.57 Blondiee the "award winning cosplayer" needs to listen to this

>> No.8436798


These are all the ones I know, sorry it's QLD wide not 100% where they live Sunshine Coast/Brisbane/Gold Coast etc.

Achlime Cosplay
Aurelius's armoury
Baby Got Cap Cosplay
Beke Cosplay
Bianca Cosplay
Caedan Lee
Calibre Cosplay
CB Studio's Cosplay
Gabrielle Louise Cosplay
Geek's Guild Entertainment and Cosplay
Gwendoleen Cosplay
Hard Knocks Cosplay
I-Artemis-I (Natalie)
Iconic Vest Cosplay
Katwoman Cosplay
Katyuska MoonFox
Kiara Kirameki
Kisimul Cat
Kyle Parmley Cosplay
L.A Cosplay
Libjumper Cosplay
Major Sam Cosplay
Middle Earth Barbie Cosplay
Nicstar Cosplay
Shiiva Cosplay
Siren's Belle
Stress Cosplay
Talia Mira Cosplay
The Artful Dodger
The Unrecognisable
Thrakks Art and Cosplay
Twerkin Gherkin
Vicky Vic

Couldn't write all the links - was flagging as spam

>> No.8436813

Looking like the Doctor
Soulless Cosplay

>> No.8436825

Kay Niner Cosplay and Photography

>> No.8436830

Smilesarebetter Cosplay

>> No.8436850

She's from Canberra

>> No.8436859
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Is Shiiva Cosplay single?

>> No.8436890

Nope, she gots a bf. :(

>> No.8436898

lol what who? (I didnt ask but i thought she was)

>> No.8437785

Does it matter who? She's not single and that's all that you need to be concerned about

>> No.8438028

Thrakks Art......so damn hot

>> No.8438038

He's from WA.

>> No.8438093

isn't she saying that you shouldn't act like god's gift? I'm confused

>> No.8438116

She started acting like she is top shit ever since she got more than 1k likes on her page. Afterwards she started talking about how cosplayer said should not start drama and all that shit.

>> No.8438240

Dude, what's your issue with her? I thought her costume looked good I even stopped to take a photo of her. Stop throwing this vendetta in every single thread.

>> No.8438267

Smells like samefag in here. If you're going to vendetta, at least be subtle about it.

>> No.8438633 [DELETED] 

fb / theonius.tan
read his posts. they certainly are something.

>> No.8438683

Holy heck.. This guy is nuts.
As someone with grandparents who fought and died fighting again at the damn Nazis, I swear I will smack this dick square in the jaw if he rocks up to a brisbane con in that gear.

>> No.8438688

Died fighting against**

>> No.8438795

Oh fuck me, you gotta be kidding me with the shit this guy is spouting, what an absolute dickfuck.

>> No.8438861

If you wanna cosplay a Nazi character that's ok, but don't wear Nazi insignia to a con...jesus christ.
I don't see any issue with him wearing the rest of the outfit but ffs remove the Nazi symbols.
If he is worried about it not being accurate, and then he should organize a private photoshoot instesd and wear tge insignia for that....not out in the public where you are going to offend people for legitimate reasons

>> No.8439095

>eroding traditional values that have kept western civilization for centuries
>m-m-muh progressiveness

>> No.8439111

Lol if she squishes her boobs together anymore they will become just one boob....

>> No.8439118 [DELETED] 

>not realising that people and their societies
>m-m-muh tradition

>> No.8439125

>not realising that people and their societies change
>thinking that having a different wardrobe will bring our cities to its knees
>m-m-muh tradition

>> No.8439128

M E L B O U R N E|

>> No.8439130
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>> No.8439167

She's trying way too hard to make her mosquito bites into double Ds

>> No.8439172

Is she cosplaying or is that just her work uniform?

>> No.8439195

She's cosplaying from a TV show called Two Broke Girls.

>> No.8439196

All that boob still can't distract from that train-wreck of a face.

>> No.8439200

Are you being serious? She's quite pretty. Reminds me of Kate Bush.

>> No.8439201
File: 78 KB, 960x640, 11059404_924814310895347_6148277180767236247_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she actually looks pretty good here

>> No.8439204

yeah, she actually is pretty tho ... just not to everyone's view of pretty

>> No.8439208

Not without 30 layers of make up

>> No.8439228

Give her some cred for her make-up skills c:

>> No.8439258


Oh god :(

>> No.8439263 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 319x395, 11665464_482573928558845_7000323274472566319_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone get sharing

>> No.8439265
File: 41 KB, 319x395, 11665464_482573928558845_7000323274472566319_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone get sharing

>> No.8439267

I'd rather share her aound if you know what I mean.

>> No.8439271

That's the same thing she said you moron

>> No.8439276

I'd rather have sex with her if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.8439361

Too bad her face is the same as every other photo and selfie she takes
jfc stop with the stunned fish face and for gods sake pull your chin up, it will look way more flattering and less 'double-chinned'

>> No.8439370

Is she supposed to be doing a card flourish? That string lol

>> No.8439384

Yeah, because Western Civilisation has not changed at all over the last few centuries, and peoples' lives have definitely not improved because of them.

Are you actually this fucking stupid? Things have changed a lot even the last 50 years. I'd rather live in today times than in the 50's or 60's...Hell things even changed radically between the 1930's and the 1950's. You know, when that pesky WWII started, and then ended and changed basically the entire world. Things change, anon. Societies and cultures evolve. Stop being such a fucking shit cunt and clinging desperately to "traditions" which die out, and usually for good reason.

>> No.8439420

Sounds like you need a good volking.

>> No.8439462

Camel toe?

>> No.8439464

Yup she deserves the win. So much effort into her cosplay

>> No.8439466

You're forgetting mashing 2 cosplays to make 1. Example: sailor avengers

>> No.8439477

tha fuk, also her at the cos comp was fucking hillarious when she didnt win. you can tell she was pissed

>> No.8439516

*George Bush

>> No.8439537

I thought they looked pretty good :)

>> No.8439552

let's see some tiddies

>> No.8439586
File: 88 KB, 640x960, 11220474_442332692604242_8976530998732926047_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really wouldn't recognize this as Ahri if i didn't have prior knowledge. Dem rolls & that face. She doesn't even try to pose/look like Ahri in photos. She's meant to be a super sexy fox and Jamie just looks like a 5lb sausage in a 1lb bag.

>> No.8440399

With an attitude like that she doesn't deserve to win

>> No.8440549

Hah totally. And now she's bitching because she was insulted in a league group for being so fat.
Maybe if she took better care of herself and made better cosplay she wouldn't be the BUTT of all jokes?
I mean it's pretty damn obvious she brings it all on herself. Fucking cunt.
And she never looks accurate. She never poses for anything. She's a fat useless turd with no brains!

>> No.8440610

i want... to add her as a friend on facebook. I wanna see. Does she add new people?

>> No.8440653

Shut the fuck up you useless samefag. You keep posting your shit about that girl on here and no one cares.

>> No.8441142

Yeah, generally she does.

>> No.8441174

Actually we do care, is pretty hilarious.
Also, hi Jamie.

>> No.8441323

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8441428

It's amateur but it's recognisable.
Don't be so hard on her

>> No.8441655

What's the best cosplay or cosplays you got to see at Ozcc?

>> No.8441782

Wouldn't be so bad if she was acting like top shit.

>> No.8441805

>wasn't acting like top shit

>> No.8442268

I have to agree and say this cosplay makes me cringe way too much, it also made me laugh seeing it on the league page and people commenting "who fed ahri" I honestly understand the whole "express your body, don't give a fuck what people think" .. but she always seems to do slutty cosplays, and thinks she is top shit. Maybe she should try something that covers her up. I haven't ever seen a cosplay of hers thats been 3-4 inches from the knees or lower.. its quite disgusting seeing her walk around with her tits/ass out when I really don't want to see it. Dress to your body type.. and your cosplays could be SLIGHTLY more appealing to the eye

>> No.8442273

Super disgusting! Who lives like this?

>> No.8442276

What's wrong with her boobs just above the zipper? They look...dented?

>> No.8442294

any screen cap on her bitching?

>> No.8442299
File: 61 KB, 470x122, sfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go m8

>> No.8442392

any screencaps of the comments hahaha

>> No.8442393
File: 69 KB, 640x960, IMG_229886897703762..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me now

>> No.8442397

whats with the facial expression - it looks like she can smell shit every time someone takes a photo

>> No.8442429

So dank. Seeing him made my day

>> No.8442474
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bruh just friend her ok, I've just added her recently because I wanted to see the dramas but she accepted me so easily

tbh, she shouldn't even post her cosplays anywhere but her own fb account if she hates being criticized...
I'm cool with her posting shit, but not accepting bad comments and bitching about it is a big no no ffs

>> No.8442478

Hey matt how r u m8

>> No.8442485

I always see her at meets with super short cosplays, I honestly wouldn't care if she knew how to bend in a skirt, but she doesn't. She will bend at the waist and you can see everything.

hahahah I know right.
her whole house is like this, all her siblings including her and her dad(i think) have some form of autism and there house is like an episode of hoarders. I feel so sorry for their dog.

>> No.8442494

its a case of bad photoshopping to make them look bigger

>> No.8442520

Who is everyones favourite cosplays. Skill or otherwise (nice person, up and coming etc)

>> No.8442527

Everyone on the league page is acting like its the best cosplay in australia, and anyone who tells her the truth gets shut down. Stop spending too much time playing league and start exercising

>> No.8442539

Really? Caps?

>> No.8442566

Literally so much cringe. I don't know who's supporting him to keep on doing that cosplay.

>> No.8442576

People with autism have a block against cleaning? I never knew! You are right, poor doggie!

>> No.8442581

I wasn't really trying to get at that, haha. I was just pointing it out, maybe her mum is super overworked because of all the kids and that's why their house is horrible.

>> No.8442673

Jamie is a hypocrite. She goes on preaching about being honest and how she hates people lying to her. But she doesn't want to hear anything she disagrees with. She constantly talk about her friends behind their backs and acts like she is the victim when people does the same to her. Her commission business is a joke. $200 for a school uniform is insane. The worst part is, unless you want to have a dramatic shit storm coming your way for the next week, you can not tell her the truth. She will start playing the victim role and tell how people are bullying her about her weight, or the fact that she can't sew to save her mothers life.

>> No.8442701

where does she do commissions?

>> No.8442737

faerie tail cosplay or something like that
I think she's only been doing commissions for herself though lmao

>> No.8442750

lol about a month ago she accepted a commission, went out and spent the money and then turned around and said she couldn't do it. Then she pretends to act like the victim when someone complained about it... ummm...

>> No.8442761

Any recommendations for commissions in melbourne?

>> No.8442772

I don't think she has updated that page after that thing with Kathleen Todd

>> No.8442791

Kathleen who?

>> No.8442835

some girl that ordered a costume from jamie and got ripped off

>> No.8442850

Some dumb slut who ordered a costume from Jamie

>> No.8442857

bitch, wanna talk about a post I saw on Jamie's timeline saying that she's gonna be buying a fabric that's $35pm???
I swear to god she hesitates to spend money for anyone but herself

>> No.8442899

Anyone watch the ozcc Melbourne cosplay championship? We're there any good cosplays I missed out on?

>> No.8442911


There was some pretty good blizzard cosplays.

>> No.8442923

Yeliz didn't win and it was glorious

>> No.8442929

is she not very nice?

>> No.8442931
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speaking of yeliz....

>> No.8442933

..she already has an ego the size of a house, we don't need it growing to a small apartment building.

>> No.8442944

maybe when someone gets a tattoo of her

>> No.8442960

Video? Would love to see that!

>> No.8442982

Regardless whether it's a drawing or an image, she still doesn't credit. Must be proud of herself for bragging that she doesn't need to credit

>> No.8442998

I loathe the fact that she added the stupid ponytail to her Scorpion. Wtf man Hanzo doesn't have blonde hair and if he were female he certainly would not wear it out as a yankable ponytail

>> No.8443005

how in the fuck would you even transport this tho? shit, how would you even get it in the door???

>> No.8443006

I saw Yeliz on Saturday at the start of the day she came up to my group then hit someone with the end of her gauntlet the claws snapped off and she raged it,

>> No.8443009

He transported it in a ute and it could fit thou the doors.

>> No.8443017
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Can we please talk about this chicks cosplay O.o i just don't understand what is going on.

>> No.8443026

lol saw her on the floor and couldnt stop laughing. also the wolverine has tiny ass eyes hahahaha

>> No.8443054
File: 77 KB, 640x960, 11698595_442332902604221_3450880956605967089_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she always have the same facial expression in every single photo?

>> No.8443057

look, we get it, the cosplay isnt great and you didn't like it or her. But there were probably 100's of other shitty cosplays, and probably a tonne of amazing ones i'd like to hear about rather than just bitching about the same old one

>> No.8443070

Ok, that's a bummer

>> No.8443075

I HEARD ABOUT THAT! then she went back home and changed into a tight midriff-bearing top and skin tight pants

>> No.8443090

Can anyone pull off a good Zero Suit Samus cosplay? I've seen too many people get the outfit design wrong.

>> No.8443575

all I can say about yeliz is that she's a dumb bitch that needs to get bitch slapped with a chair to get some reality nocked back into her. So happy she didn't win the cosplay comp

>> No.8444234

I have a friend who loves Yeliz as a cosplayer but I've only just learnt who that is, can you guys tell me more about her ?!

>> No.8444312

Stuck up and a sore loser when she doesn't win things like recently the cosplay comp at ozcc last weekend

>> No.8444385

I felt bad for thinking it afterwards but I saw her and suddenly felt a hell of a lot better about my armour I was wearing. There were a few lumps but it wasn't this train wreck.

>> No.8444389

Is all this hate about yeliz because she doesn't credit people - is that seriously your guys problems? I would be sad and dramatic if I spent a shit tonne of time on a cosplay and it broke at the begining of the day.. to be honest I went up to her both days and she was lovely to me and my friends. She talked hugged all of us and was generally really nice. It just sounds like people are very jealous of how little time she has been cosplaying for and how big she is. She honestly doesn't need all this hate.

>> No.8444432

Some of us have just as many, if not more likes, but we don't act like this haughty, high and mighty Yeliz. She never credits, she thinks she is better than she is, and it is infuriating because there are way better cosplayers or ones who deserve as much attention but who don't get it.

>> No.8444485

Remember the time when she posted in MCC asking for any constructive criticism, and when she got it, she threw a shit fit?

>> No.8444565

Hahaha yup. She asked for it. To her it must be positive feedback.. And oh boy, on her page.. Say one bad thing about her cosplay and you get the boot. That's saying something about someone whocant handle it

>> No.8444704

I have more likes than Yeliz. I don't act like I'm the King of cosplay. Yeliz's ego is bigger than her hair. When I went up to her once she was incredibly rude, dismissive, like she had better people to talk to than me.

>> No.8444853

when she came up to my group on saturday she stared at me for age's i thought she wanted me to say something about her cosplay... it was very awkward.

>> No.8444912

At melbnova I was standing next to her at a stall. Had no idea who she was at the time. She kept staring at me like it was an insult for me to be in her vicinity.

>> No.8444937

That's the thing. I know people who have more likes then her but doesn't have that same attitude as her. She can learn a few things or is that asking too much lol

>> No.8445029

Which version? There's three.

>> No.8445152

The first version

>> No.8445260
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What do we think

>> No.8445305

Can't pose for shit

>> No.8445324

Is this something you've found talking to her in person or on her page? I haven't really seen anything negative, but then again things can get deleted...

>> No.8445326

did she paint on a camel toe?

>> No.8445342

Kill it with fire.

>> No.8445462

Was gonna point that out xD

>> No.8445551

ahhhh good times....and she did it to beethy, of all people.

>> No.8445560

>Is all this hate about yeliz because she doesn't credit people
Mostly, yes. Because if people took the time to take photos of her and make her costumes, the least she could do is to give them a shout out as a way of saying thank you. That makes her look like an ungrateful, entitled bitch? Did you know that her AC costume was commissioned and cost about $1000 in total? Most people don't, because she never mentioned that the costume wasn't made by her, or who she commissioned it from.

> It just sounds like people are very jealous of how little time she has been cosplaying for and how big she is.
Do you know how much she self-posts onto the MK official site hoping for a feature? She spends half her life self-posting on fan sites hoping to get noticed, and most sites will post any fan-submission regardless of quality anyway, so it really is no big deal for her to be featured in 'hot geek girls'. And oh, she's not 'big'....nobody knows or cares about her. If people have heard about her, it's because of the negative things she has done. None of the good togs in Melbourne will work with her now after she screwed Trung over with the photo that was featured in the new MK game

>> No.8445702

Does anyone see that 'Jaiden Ciminelli' dude in the melbourne cosplay community anymore? Think he deleted that Jai Wei Pon Cosplay Page he made, gosh he was really shocking.

>> No.8445711

Hi Jaiden.

>> No.8445716

I'm not even him you shit cunt

>> No.8445739


>> No.8445749

Nothing against this bloke but like, this cosplay was pretty hilarious the first time he introduced the cosplay and now he just keeps going at it? Like even the music he was blasting at the con I was cringing so much.

>> No.8445797
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What did you think of the cosplay comp contestants? Who was your fave?

>> No.8445802

Saw her singing his praises the other day in a comment on some chicks photo.

>> No.8445816

which cosplayer do you most want to fuck?

>> No.8445818

The Blizzard girls were good, not too sure as to why Anna and wonder woman got into the comp...

>> No.8445833

Looked shit close up, one of them couldn't bend their legs because of the armour and the other had really dark skin paint on her face and had it sooooo patchy around her body.

>> No.8445835

Who are the blizzard girls?? Any ideas?

>> No.8445842

Must of been pretty good if the only thing you have to complain about it the fact blizzard design isn't meant for the real world and the fact someone's paint has sweated/rubbed off their body. Little bit of vendetta there anon?

>> No.8445843

Would be the barb, the sorceress and the death knight

>> No.8445846

Picks on only 2/4 of the Blizzard cosplayers, pretty sure both of them are close friends too. Umad you suck at cosplay anon?

>> No.8445850

Little bit of self posting lmao? The finishings were terrible, you could see their underwear and bra straps and all the armour looked messy. I don't know anything about blizzard but I know they are both from it and I assume they are together. The cape on the red one had unhemed seams and was just a pretty face. The other had a dodgy wig and body paint was shit. Ever heard of sealing your paint?

>> No.8445855
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Had a closer look because obvious selfposters here. The wig is so frizzy and deserves a good brush. Makeup on the face is patchy and the rest has obviously been photoshopped because I saw it irl. Paint job on the arrows and quiver is horrendous and don't even get me started on the armour. Obviously no sanding done and what I can only assume is hot glue bumps everywhere? How this got into the comp I will never know :/

>> No.8445859
File: 95 KB, 720x960, 11052238_802017503230313_7132032082318447629_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to go on?

>> No.8445871

Gotta love crushed velvet toothless

>> No.8445873

Heyo! I'm the cosplayer getting posted about and I would just like to say that I honestly do not appreciate the way I'm being spoken about. I have been cosplaying for a little over a year and this was my first time paint major things, using body paint and making armour. Yes I used hot glue on my arrows, yes my bow was not primed properly, yes my body paint was patchy, and yes the wig was frizzy. I didn't place or win in the competition not have I proclaimed this was the best cosplay ever, so I'm unsure why you are complaining about the comp. I'm very proud of myself with what I achieved and I'm super keen to see what I can do in the future. Thanks for the critiques, next time say it to my face or not at all. If you do however care as to how I do progress as a cosplayer you can check me out at Jennifer Cosplay. If you want to continue to critique me on ANON go ahead because honestly I don't know who you are and what your personal cosplay skills are so that makes your point 100% invalid. Have a nice day :)

>> No.8445877

You arent special on here, no one cares.

>> No.8445886

didnt even notice it till you pointed it out hahaha lol just looming in the back

>> No.8445890

Way to dig yourself into a deeper whole.

>> No.8445892
File: 49 KB, 320x279, 4db77_ORIG-look_at_all_the_fucks_i_give.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wooo oh noes, fucking call the 4chan police, we have cases of people pointing out the obvious and having absolutely no points! At least pick on people who deserve it, not young kids who haven't placed

>> No.8445902

Whole, WHOLE, W H O L E
Learn to spell cunt

>> No.8445906

Neither are you, so go fuck yourself, you little midget.

>> No.8445911

they weren't picking on anyone, get a life.

>> No.8445912

Your cosplays may be shit but at least you're attractive.

You'll never have to worry .

>> No.8445913

Someone's salty about getting advice.

>> No.8445915

meh it's late~

>> No.8445923

Fuck you cunt. Bullshit they weren't picking on anyone. I'll pick on you, you stick insect with a weak mid section.

>> No.8445925

i think its time to start a new thread....

>> No.8445928

They were just saying that saying shit like that here is just going to make people pick on you harder.

You sound like someone I know hahaha.

>> No.8445929

Advice? Here's some advice, NOBODY ASKED for your advice and nobody gives a fuck about your advice. Fuck off, you mental midget.

>> No.8445933

Hahaha get over it, its CGL no one asks for advice but everyone gets it. The world isn't a happy sunny place and your cosplay was shit. And what's obsession with calling people midgets?

>> No.8445934

Eat's popcorn
someone needs to calm down

>> No.8445940

I ain't even that girl, but her cosplay is amazing and she has a valid point in that you should say this shit to her face. Alas, none of you will.

>> No.8445947

All i have to say is, it's 4chan get over it

>> No.8445949

I now understand what CGL stands for.. Cosplay gossip line.
First time on 4chan and this is nuts!

>> No.8445954

>ain't even that girl


>> No.8445965

Hahahahaha, you silly little cunt. Someone defending someone else is such an unheard of concept to you? You must have no friends.

>> No.8445966

fucking imbred cunt. Go back to your mums basement and keep jacking off your family reunion photos fucking prick

>> No.8445969

You think this is nuts? You're fucking right about this being you first time on CGL. Dumbasses.

>> No.8445972

Too many white knight cunts who haven't been on CGL before. Time for a new thread.

>> No.8445974

Time for a new face. Ugly cunt

>> No.8445980

Nice insult, where'd you get it, the toilet store?

>> No.8445982

white knighting wont get you anywhere on here and maybe don't insult people, because it will get out of CGL and will be bad for your name, soon people won't want to know you because of how you act.

>> No.8445987


Good god, anon, you're obsessed. Her cosplay is crappy, sure, but you are butthurt over it and her to an insane degree. Seek help immediately.

>> No.8445988

And insulting people will? Everyone on this thread is poison and the comm doesn't deserve crap like this. If ya'll got shit to say say it to one another faces

>> No.8445994

the cosplay is done badly, deal with it.

>> No.8445997

i'm sorry but you have been insulting everyone on here for there opinion and starting shit.

you're the one over reacting and abusing everyone.

>> No.8445998


Obvious samefag is obvious.

Go be retarded somewhere else.

>> No.8446000

Dat Satsuki

>> No.8446001

saw your fb status jennifer feeling bad for you and coming to defend you, read this, no longer feel bad :') dont be such a sook

>> No.8446002


>> No.8446008

Why does anyone even care about this bitch? Who even is she

>> No.8446010

PM me? I'd like you to discuss how I'm being a 'sook' :)

>> No.8446011

Jennifer Moraitis

>> No.8446015

What an ugly bitch

>> No.8446021

nah man she was a nice girl, she's just acting a bit soft on this thread. nothing against her

>> No.8446031

ok, thats enough children

>> No.8446043

If you even had one iota of self-awareness you'd see the evidence in your own behavior.

>> No.8446083
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is getting rowdy so my dog is here to calm you all down.

>> No.8446086

How cute, what breed? Can I steal him/her

>> No.8446088
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Anyone else think she was a bitch as well as stuck up?

>> No.8446099

She seemed nice to me, but everyone was my best friend after the comp

>> No.8446106
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>> No.8446122

Lab/boxer & no

>> No.8446205

I actually agree! Met her at Brisnova last year, she was really nice, and she actually engages with her followers on her facebook page to a certain extent. Also, her construction is pretty consistently good.

>> No.8446553

Arcadia Rose most definitely ... I'd bit that ass ...

>> No.8446791

Let's face it, some of us are here saying these things because we want to tell the people involved in their face what is wrong. But unfortunately they will over react, start drama and play victim and we will never hear the end of it. Is not our fault that some people are over sensitive about the smallest things