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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8430065 No.8430065 [Reply] [Original]

Since the old one went poof.

I'll start: how do you navigate Y!J Auctions, is there a guide? Do they accept PayPal?

>> No.8430073

Y!J can change some words into katakana/hiragana so just type in whatever you're looking for and it will look it up. And you need to use Buyee or a shopping service for Japanese auction sites

>> No.8430077

Is crown label to meta as AATP is to BABY?

>> No.8430086


>> No.8430113

How long before a con begins is it usually appropriate to make meetup/General threads about the con?

>> No.8430150


Crown label is supposed to be the higher end stuff. Like Premier to JetJ.

Personally I haven't noticed a lot of difference, but I'm not a Meta fan, so.

>> No.8430165

If your circle lenses dry out and you rehydrate them with solution, are they still safe? They feel the same as before to the touch, but I don't want to risk it. The site FAQ has nothing on this.

>> No.8430172

Technically, no. People (including myself) have done this before, but when the lens dries out it can warp the shape or attract bacteria so you're taking a risk. Your lens could be fine or it could not fit anymore, and there's no real way to know without trying it on.

>> No.8430178


Aside from bacteria and warping, drying out the lenses almost certainly caused microtears in the lenses which you can't reallly feel, but it will make little scratches on your cornea. Don't do it, it's definitely a bad idea.

>> No.8430190

Depends how big the con is. I'd say 2 weeks for something big, 1 week for a local con.

>> No.8430876
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 04839840300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is girlyhoot? What did she do?

>> No.8430889

No, buy new ones, it's not like they are super expensive anyway. Don't be a cheapskate and risk your vision. You'll be more careful next time, I'm sure.

>> No.8430940


>> No.8431060

Is it ok to post k-fashion too?

>> No.8431085

She is the one who started the LACE movement when she realising how others felt when bullied after someone made a comment on this board about hearing her poop in a public toilet.

Would you like to know more?

>> No.8431104

hahahah yes, please.

>> No.8431121

Why are some AP tags pink and others purple? I don't remember any purple tags until recently.

>> No.8431124

LACE was started because of poop? Yes, I have to hear more too.

>> No.8431127

In a k-fashion thread, usually. I've seen 1-2 threads for it but they usually don't get so many posts.

>> No.8431146

iirc /fa/ loves k-fashion, so it's probably better suited on their board

>> No.8431161


In general, pink = sweeter, cutesy pieces
Purple = more classic, elegant style

>> No.8431174

Ok that makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.8431217

What the fuck is/was LACE and why is there drama about it?

>> No.8431314

Does pastel goth counts as a j fashion?

>> No.8431327

As much as I think pastel goth could be a thing if carried out properly, it became a means of self-expression of bored tumblrinas where everything is ok as long as you're edgy and urself uwu
So, my answer is no. I personally think it has potential, but you'll get shit if you start a thread like that.

>> No.8431342

Crown Label is stuff designed by the shop staff or at least with their input. It's not higher end.

>> No.8431365

I know this is becoming old news fast, but why is Deneice getting called out now and not just John? After reading all this stuff that's surfaced after AM it seems like her only crime is marrying a creeper, but I didn't follow the whole drama until now. Her coords are cute?
Do people have bad experiences with her, or is it just to make sure john gets out of the picture?

>> No.8431432

Which J-fashion style(s) do Liz Lisa and Axes Femme fall under?

>> No.8431449

She is the con's chairperson and she was just as involved in the bad business part of the issues.
Also, as long as she is still welcomed into the comms her husband might as well be.

>> No.8431458

Is it true that if you bid in the last 5 minutes of an auction on Y!J, the auction is extended another 5 minutes? Because I'm terrified someone is going to snipe me. I'm going to be watching the auction intensely before it ends but I'm nervous that a last minute bid will swoop in.

>> No.8431470

Yes for most. You can tell if you look at the "Auto-Time Extension" field on the listing. A lot of sellers will set it to Yes (あり), but for listings set to No (なし), you can bid in the last seconds without triggering any time extension, just like eBay.

>> No.8431475

When it comes to lolita what does OTT stand for?

>> No.8431476

It's hard to label a brand because they can be used for many styles, but Liz Lisa is usually himekaji and axes femme is often otome kei.

>> No.8431477

They are legally married (afaik) so each has a financial stake in what the other does, at minimum. They both have been at this game for a while and she tolerates his behavior. She needs to step down from anything Lolita-related. AM Lolita game is over. All but the gossip and fussing.

>> No.8431479

Over the top.

>> No.8431480

Over the top

>> No.8431486

> It says no
Well fuck me then. Thank you though!

Next question- I'm using FromJapan as my SS. When I go to set up a bid or snipe bid I see it mentions:

Bid increment : 500 Yen

Is that just the minimum? New plan is to just bid really high near the end incase a bidding war starts. (It's a dream dress so I'm willing to spend more than double what the current bid is.)

>> No.8431509



>> No.8431536

even if you bid really high, the person/people can just 1up you by making their bid 1 increment higher than yours, so the best bet is to be online when the auction ends (i usually set an alarm if it's between the hours that i sleep, then i just get up for a few mins to check on it)

you can bid way more than the 'bid increment', that's just a set number of yen you have to increase each bid by in each threshold (eg the item is at 1y, the minimum increment is 1y, but at 10,000y the increment is 500y)

>> No.8431557

I see. The auction ends in 8 hours so I'm stressing like crazy because I really want to win this stupid dress. I was definitely planning on being awake and watching it closely for the last hour.

I figured if I bid high, it'd make things harder for people to outbid me (Say I'm bidding at the same time as someone else, and the price is 10,000 yen. Instead of bidding 10,500 yen, I'd just bid 40,000 yen so they get the error that their bid is too low. This has worked for me on ebay but I have no idea if it'd work with Y!J)

>> No.8431656

>last hour
I recommend getting to the auction in the last 10 minutes and make a single, max bid at 5 min. 20 sec. before the end of the auction if it has auto-time extension or at 20 seconds before the end of auction if it doesn't. Last thing you want is to lose logic & reason and get caught up in a bidding war.

>> No.8431663

Thanks a ton!

>> No.8431698

if it's a popular dress, others may have their bids set to well above that in the last 10 minutes. if other people also want it badly, they will not get discouraged by a few 'your bid was below the current bid'

a wild guess, but are you TJ anon?

>> No.8431718

Y-yeah I am. I know people are sick of seeing me posting about it, and obviously I want to get it over with too. All these missed opportunities are annoying to everyone.

> Sage for OT

>> No.8432638

I'm going to sound really dumb here.

If a brand dress claims to have a waist measurement of 27 inches, does that mean someone with a 27 inch waist would fit into it, or is that the exact circumferance of the dress (meaning you would need to be a bit smaller than 27")?

>> No.8432656


I think it's sometimes better to be a little bit smaller than the listed measurements just for comfort.

>> No.8432710

If it's a JP site, usually it refers to the actual measurement of the garment and you'd want to be at least 2-4cm smaller for ease.

>> No.8432717

Ideally, you want to be 2-4cm smaller than the listed max measurements (providing they are accurate). This keeps you from looking like a stuffed sausage in a casing. Listed measurements are usually for the garment itself.
This isn't a dumb question at all. I wish more people paid attention to this.

>> No.8433125

How do I protect a styled wig if I don't have a wig stand mannequin head thing?

>> No.8433129

Why are some AP tags purple when others are pink? Is there a reason at all?

>> No.8433146

>>8433129 see >>8431161

>> No.8433185

>became popular by wearing HUGE fugly hipster teir glasses with uncut wigs while wearing AP sets
>after improving, she started LACE, not because of poops or some bullshit, but more likely because everyone made fun of her for her long face+ shitty glasses for a long time, and as a way to keep herself relevant.

>> No.8433290

Where can I find lolita advertisement scans from Kera posted the soonest after it is published? I try to look the day it comes out but I'm still almost always 2nd, 3rd or further behind with my shopping service. I need to see the scans quicker. I'd buy the magazine if my town stocked them anywhere. But I'd like to see the releases faster! It's just the ads so I don't feel bad to ask for those, not content scans. I do buy some JFash magazines, but slow post is slow, even by EMS.

>> No.8433313

Does Mary Magdalene have an actual store, or is it only online?

>> No.8433320

Online only sadly

>> No.8433322

Bummer. Thank you though!

>> No.8433657

Has anyone reconstructed a t-shirt from the craft stores into a cutsew

>> No.8433697

I have two questions. I really wanna buy something from BTSSB's summer sale. How long do their summer sales usually last? Also, how the hell do you buy from their website?

>> No.8433705

If your bust and waist measurements are the exact same as a dress's measurements, it's going to be a really tight fit, especially if it has no shirring.

>> No.8433723

read their overseas shopping guide
sales usually last for a few weeks, but things can sell out fast

>> No.8433978

A T-shirt is a cutsew by Japanese definition.

If you meant taking it apart and turning into a J-fashion piece, I'm sure someone(s) have tried and put the result up on Etsy. If you want a quality piece, it's better to start with a cut of the base knit fabric instead of taking apart a T-shirt, because there's nothing really you can use from it and the end result will more likely resemble a kid's T-shirt project.

>> No.8434512

Depends. If it's something kind of crushable like curls then you can put it in a plastic bag, but you will have to fluff up the curls some when you take it out.
If it's some weird, solid, spikey thing then I have no idea. good luck.

>> No.8434516

>A T-shirt is a cutsew by Japanese definition.
no...even in normal japanese fashion t-shirt is still used and cutsew is used to refer to fitted tshirts. i know cutsew actually refers to the way the fabric is cut and sewn which is the same for tshirts, but they're considered to be different items of clothing.

>> No.8434527

If I buy a replica, tag it properly instead of tagging as burando, coord it nicely and be honest about buying it, will I still get shit on?

>> No.8434536

If I found pants that have the style I'm looking for but not the texture could I sew/screw the fabric I want onto the existing pants?
I'm completely new to sewing.

>> No.8434537

probably. why not just get something else? the replica won't be the same, it won't.

here's how replicas work.

you admire a print for years, it's out of print and rare as a bluebird but replicas as far as the eye can see! so what do you do? you take the plunge! then it arrives, it's beautiful, that lovely print, gorgeous. the excitement is strong, but fleeting. you don't see those details, the tag is nowhere to be found, the fabric is off and the print isn't crisp. your enthusiasm starts to wane a bit, bit you put it on and coord it up. excitement comes back but weaker this time it fits(hopefully) and it looks good, but it's not the dress you fell in love with, just the print, just the idea, not the real one. you heart slowly sinks, you'll wear it, you'll take pics and be happy a little while, but it will fade and you'll just feel meh inside and then it will sit in your closet forever.

>> No.8434539

Yes, you will. I think the best thing you can do is be very open about it but absolutely don't make any excuses or try to explain yourself. Try to be silent about it or man up about your egoistic decisions. As soon as you get into an ethical argument, you're gonna get shat on.

>> No.8434589

I tried to order from aliexpress once and it said it didn't ship to my location. I live in Washington state, USA. So is aliexpress one store or have multiple sellers? If so I'm thinking maybe that seller didnt do internationally shipping.

>> No.8434609

It's multiple.

>> No.8434623


Really? Could've sworn I saw someone explain on egl as such.

Thanks for the correction.

>> No.8434727

>how do you navigate Y!J Auctions, is there a guide?
these two guides are your new best friends:
no, though you need a japanese shopping service (I use japonica market or FromJapan for example) and 99.9% of the time they accept Paypal

if it's something that can't be stored in its own bag, you can improvise a wig stand for the time being if you don't have one yet (check value village, etc the day after halloween, you can get a ton of them for practically pocket change).
Some people will use a 2L empty (CLEAN) pop bottles, a shower cap and some stuffing/newspaper), lots of methods. google "improvised wig stand" and you'll get a lot of options

>could I sew/screw the fabric I want onto the existing pants?
no,but what might be a reasonable alternative (though somewhat time-consuming) is to take off one piece at a time of the original pants with a seam ripper, trace that piece onto and replace it with the new fabric, then sew that back into place on the pants. I did this when I was a sewing newbie but needed to make a pair of pants in a really specific colour and it turned out great. You'll just need a bit of patience and a decent memory, but it's definitely doable for a newbie

there will always be people who vehemently disagree with the production and consumption of replicas, so yes. it's more a matter of planning how you'll take it rather than how to avoid it

>> No.8434738

Yep. I'm amazed people still ask these kinds of questions when even a little research shows that most of us don't like replicas in ANY situation for ANY reason. There is nothing anyone can do to make them more accepted. Ever. Period.

>> No.8434747

Wow. Reading this actually makes me feel like shit, that's exactly it: I want the dress with the print. It's not your fault tho, I'm grateful for this reality check.

You were also really nice. Thanks.

>> No.8434764

try weibo.com

The chinese usually post them in a matter of hours (that's still only for the most popular brands like AP and IW though), for minor brands you usually have to wait a few days more for scans to pop up.

>> No.8434767

Some physical locations like Kerashop stock Mary Magdalene though

>> No.8434774

Thanks lots, Anon. My mobile doesn't like weibo for some reason so I didn't even think of it. I'll check it on my desktop on the release day.

>> No.8435330

Are you supposed to tie headbow strings under your chin? How do headbows stay in place if they're not on a hairband?

>> No.8435539

Some people do but usually only for oldschool. You can tie them under your hair at the back of your neck, put combs or barrette clips on them, put them on a hairband or use bobby pins to hold them.

>> No.8435872

Is My-Lolita-Dress safe to shop from? I want one dress and I don't know if putting a taobao order in is cheaper than just buying off their site.

>> No.8436033
File: 355 KB, 1280x1280, extreme hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please respond quickly if possible? ;_;
i ordered a few things on bodyline and didnt notice there was a typo in my name until i got the confirmation email. everything else is correct though. will it still arrive to my house???

>> No.8436101

Yeah, it will. I've had bills come to my house with my last name misspelled multiple times. As long as you got the address right, it's all good.

>> No.8436123

build a bear boxes
for real

>> No.8436137

This, my surname had already been misspelled on my birth certificate and I always spell it correctly myself when entering it in the name field, it arrives every time.

>> No.8436207

I placed my first order from them in May and my dress arrived last week (it was a pre-order so there was a longer processing time) They're legit and extremely pleasant to deal with I'm definitely going to buy from them again

>> No.8436238

They sell replicas, I wouldn't give them a dime.
Also, Google for reviews they are badly reviewed.

>> No.8436596
File: 52 KB, 290x387, image 065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone know a place online that sells good quality fabric roses? Also in unusual colors like purple or olive green? It also has to be European since I'm a Eurofag, and I can't justify high shipping costs on such small items. Please help, I'm kind of clueless!

>> No.8436618

Why are there no steampunk threads?

>> No.8436624

Thank you so so much! Ive been dying to know and my questions usually get unanswered.

Im glad i own a few CL stuff now.

>> No.8436628

OP if you arent doing a huge haul (and if the item isnt restricted to japanese only) i would just use buyee. Above the auction there should be a overseas buyer button and itll put everything into english for you. Its pretty simple and no need to exchange emails and what not. The only negatives are they dont do quality control and im not sure if there is paypal or if its card only.

>> No.8436643

Because people don't have much of an interest in them? As a general rule, /cgl/ has never been too fond of steampunk, but if you want a thread, no one is going to stop you from making one.

>> No.8436669

Because it's shit

>> No.8436672

Because CGL hates steampunk

>> No.8436794

Thanks for the idea about the seam ripper and piecing it back together.
It sounds kind of fun just to see where alltat idea could go.
meant to thank you yesterday but I'm on mobile and my phone died.

>> No.8436915

Are sleeveless blouses suitable for Lolita?

>> No.8436925

Depends on what it's worn under and who you're speaking to, but if you have to ask this question you're probably not experienced enough to pull int off.

>> No.8437276

What do people do when their character has a very specific shoe design that's difficult to make and probably impossible to buy? My character wears heels with those snake sandal straps but I either find heels with the right size/shape/height or shoes with the snakes but no heel. I'm not sure what to do.

>> No.8437289

Almost never. You could post a picture of it in coord help thread and ask what it might go with though if you want specific opinions.

>> No.8437300

No, it's a western thing. And many people here dislike it. Ditto for nu-goth, soft grunge, nu-grunge, and the tumblr version of creepy cute, though there is some sort of cute-looking Japanese fashion using creepy accessories that is different but I'm not sure what it is called.

>> No.8437306

Commission them from someone who can make them.

>> No.8437313

Because Japanese steampunk aside from h.Naoto brand STEAM isn't very well known yet, maybe? But yes, CGL hates western steampunk pretty much.

>> No.8437364

Can you heat wonderflex to slightly reshape it after it has already been painted with spray paint?

>> No.8437406

Depends how slightly is slightly.
You should be good but it'd be best to test it out first.

>> No.8437464

Any recommendations?

>> No.8437499
File: 46 KB, 480x278, thisstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that stuff that looks like gauze that the swamp monster might use?
They wrap it around things like spear handles or guns.

>> No.8437616

Look for sport tape, it gets wrapped around hockey sticks and handles. You should be able to find it at any sport/drug store.

>> No.8437681

Hell yeah, thanks, Anon.

>> No.8437818

How do you order off of Taobao
I feel like a fucking idiot for not knowing this :(

>> No.8437825

Get a shopping service. taobao spree is an example of one. Each ss have different methods of ordering. Taobaospree has a video on their site to show you exactly how to do it. For them, you fill out a spreadsheet, pay for the items and shipping to their office then they send you a picture of the items when they arrive to make sure everything is good (and for proof). You then pay shipping from them to your door. It's really easy.

>> No.8437870

Use a shopping service. The taobao thread has a list of services you can try, though most people use taobaotrends or taobaoring.

>> No.8437958
File: 270 KB, 500x402, tumblr_inline_ncxh7xtOrn1s6lw3t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this style called?

>> No.8437984

I'm pretty sure it's himekaji

>> No.8438074

Why do people still think that bodyline is decent?

Not trolling. Hell, I remember years ago that it was always just "barely one step above Milanoo" like fan plus friend.

>> No.8438087

They got better

>> No.8438106
File: 1.94 MB, 320x180, Igotbetter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8438118

They haven't improved much, their selection is still a mix of decent, ita, and "why would you do that". However they are - or were - a lot cheaper than f+f and milanoo, so they come off as a good way to pad your closet. The recent price hikes are absurd, but their products are at least consistent (vs milanoo) and cheap (vs f+f), and any lolita worth their salt can put together a good coord using bodyline items.

>> No.8438191

What the hell is a "basic bitch"? I see people use that term all over /cgl/ now and I haven't caught on to what it means yet.

>> No.8438973

Something simple, easy, standard, run-of-the-mill, or otherwise a beginner should know. /cgl/ feels the need throw a curse word in there for extra impact.

>> No.8438974

Might be amakaji or "classic/feminine" by Japanese terms. I think himekaji is a little more frilly and over-the-top princess-ey in comparison?

>> No.8438982

Do you have some sort of reference photo? Hard to tell exactly what you are referring to from your description.

>> No.8438986

No, Yan. Still a newt.
Sage for being silly.

>> No.8438987

Cgl didn't make up the term btw

>> No.8438990

Does that include bodyline?

>> No.8439011

Bodyline sizing is all over the place, shoes included. You are better reading reviews for individual pieces to estimate the sizing but yes, in general being 2-4cm smaller than garment measurements is pretty much universal for Asian sizes listed on websites. Exception is F+F custom items and brand or TaoBao made to order items where they require your body measurements.

>> No.8439013

Thanks for your help!

>> No.8439023

Amakaji? Do you mean amekaji? Because it's definitely not that. Himekaji isn't more ott, it's meant to be the toned down casual version of hime gyaru

>> No.8439031

How do I wear eyelid tape/glue without my eyes drying out? I wear contacts and whenever I try to make a true double lid (I have hooded lids) I can't close my eyes properly and my eyes get extra dry. What wizardry should I perform?

>> No.8439043

Nope, not "American-style". 甘カジ is a substyle and if you google term, you can find plenty of example pictures.

>> No.8439049

Eyelid tape and glue are mainly meant for creating a fold in monolid eyes and giving them a slight enlarging effect. They have little to no desired effects on eyelids that already have a fold(s) like hooded lids.

>> No.8439589

Can someone post the actual regs for weapons of a con they're planning on attending or have attended in the past?
The ones I find are vague.

>> No.8439764

both are considered gyaru brands

>> No.8439772

bobon21 is meant to be himekaji.

>> No.8439916
File: 144 KB, 750x308, TyXfwdO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope that helps.

>> No.8439981

Each con is different. Almost everyone has their weapons policies online on the convention page. Some cons are fine with anything non-realistic/non-projectile, some have stricter weight restrictions.

>> No.8440010
File: 42 KB, 400x400, J5MIYzZF_400x4001..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where Meltia performs/their schedule?

>> No.8440016


>> No.8440029

How hard is it to actually make a decent looking cosplay?

I'm going to start cosplaying soon and I'm afraid it'll look like shit.

>> No.8440072

Not quite sure >>8438973 knows what they're talking about, they got it half right- if you are referring to when gulls call other people "basic bitches"

It means that the person is extra ordinary. Nothing special about them, but odds are they act as tho they are better than everyone.

The cosplays that they do are flavor of the month (fotm) or constantly the same, just a few details changed.

>> No.8440080

Depends on your definition of hard.

If you are willing to put time, effort and money into a cosplay, it can turn out great. But you got to be willing to stop something half way through and remake it when you realize it isn't turning out right. You have to be willing to spend money. You have to be willing to do research.

My first cosplay looked like crap because I did none of those things. Now I can bang out a relatively simple one in a few days. It takes time to build up skills, but as long as you work at it, it should be fairly simple.

>> No.8440123

What size should I buy Bodyline shoes in? I'm eu 40-41.

>> No.8440392

Why did Steven Universe all of a sudden get so popular?

It's been around for a long time but only started being popular within the past month or two iirc, and there are now SU cosplayers everywhere.

>> No.8440435

IIRC Washington also has weird bans/restrictions on online sellers because Amazon lives there. I live in California, but I've seen the Washington question come up a few times before. You might have a better time getting an out-of-state friend/seller to buy the item for you and then ship it to you on their own time.

>> No.8440449

Yeah, the reason for that is because the recent episodes have practically catered to tumblr, with the anime references, the "diverse body type" cast and the whole ruby/sapphire being lesbians same with pearl/rose. At least that's what I think

>> No.8440501
File: 469 KB, 1024x726, petg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propmasters, is there a big difference between PETG and clear polycarbonate? I want to heatform some 1.5mm pieces by hand with my heatgun to make a fluid wavy shape (no vacuum forming for me), but the only local store to me sells polycarbonate, not petg. Google is failing me hard; is the difference negligible, or should I shell out the shipping cost to buy petg online?

>> No.8440573

The new season just started with a Steven Bomb last week or the week before, so its been all over the internet because of that.

I think this is only the second con season that its been around (it started airing in Nov. 2013), so its not that surprising that the people are starting to jump on the band wagon.

>> No.8440891

Anyone knows what belts were used in this?


>> No.8440941

>Wanting lesbos in cartoons is now tumblr
>Thinking SU got popular because of lesbos


>> No.8440949

You can use an online shoe size converter but read the reviews of the particular model number to see how the sizing runs, Bodyline sizing varies a lot from shoe to shoe.

>> No.8441052

Is there any other gothic j fashion besides gothic lolita?

>> No.8441072

Japanese Goth, Angura, Aristo.

>> No.8441188

Wasn't there kawaii-goth or something like that?

>> No.8441233
File: 23 KB, 478x477, 1435352842512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the story behind this picture?

>> No.8441252

Idk, I think something a little similar to (but not as dumb and immature as) western creepy cute or pastel goth. I'm not into cute aesthetics but I seem to remember seeing something cute/goth but I didn't like it so I clicked it off. Some guro-lolita is kind of cute but still very creepy or has some gothic elements.

>> No.8441303

Where can you buy Kira Imai postcards? Are they for sale individually anywhere? Do you get them when you buy from Angelic pretty? Are they only available when you get certain prints? Someone please tell me how to get my hands on some.

>> No.8441341

here u go anon


>> No.8441456

Thank you!
Time to spend some money

>> No.8441541

Mr Yan feeds on our nightmares. Srsly though I have no idea and am likewise curious

>> No.8441552
File: 39 KB, 209x188, prod56I17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb question: Can crew/mid calf socks be good in lolita or would it look too off especially for an 18" calf?

>pic related, wrong color

>> No.8441607

The more I think about it the less I think they would work to be honest, I think they would throw off the flow and usual proportions of a lolita outfit. Also given how crew socks are associated with schoolgirls they may come across as ageplay.

>> No.8441663

He went to a convention (comic maybe?) as a wolf. And he got a pic with an Anna from frozen cosplayer and called her little red riding hood lol.

>> No.8444388
File: 354 KB, 1280x720, Trunks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How safe is putting scotch tape over leather shoes, im going for the shitty aesthetic of pic related. Will any permanent damage occur. I regularly clean my shoes so Im prepared to clean of residue

>> No.8444733


Nothing in this picture looks like leather or scotch tape, what do you mean?

>> No.8445070

Would it be better to go to my first (small) meet up in an incomplete coord or just wait until I complete it and go when I look less ita?
Right now I basically have a blouse, JSK, ankle socks, and shoes. Is that good enough or should I wait for my purse, headwear, and wristcuffs?

>> No.8445075

You'll look fine. Just because something inst OTT doesn't mean it's unfit to wear.

>> No.8445158

Doing a shitty poorcore version of it so it'll be black hi tops with yellow tape

>> No.8445182

Personally I would wait. That old saying about first impressions and all. I had a full cord for my first meet and was really glad I did.

>> No.8445185

18 inch calf too fat for these or other low socks. Please wear dark tights.

>> No.8445212
File: 72 KB, 600x800, HELP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to peruse DreamV and maybe purchase something but I can't do that without measurements, and I can't understand this chart at all. Google will barely translate anything on the page. Can some anon help? Pic related.

>> No.8445221

>Size: W3L
>Shoulders: 37cm
>Bust: 112cm

Damn son you fat

>> No.8445236

Bless you anon. What are the rest of the numbers? Is the 113 waist or hip?

>> No.8445237

I'm looking for an idea of what to cosplay as for an upcoming con in my city next month. I was thinking of going as an animu girl as it would probably offer a wider selection of who to choose, and actually be recognized too. Preferably something cheap/simplistic, if possible. I'm tall, lanky, and wear glasses. Any suggestions would be grand.

>> No.8445249

113 is the hem circumference.
Here is the rest now that I've gotten over the W3L size.

>Length: 60cm
>Sleeve length: 22.5cm
>Sleeve opening (has elastic): 28cm
>upper arm circumference: 48cm
>armhole (cuff): 56cm

>> No.8445251

Thank you SO much! And I'm working on losing weight, but fatties need clothes too.

>> No.8447864

would spray paint mess up tint on plexiglass? i need to transfer a simple x symbol in white onto a sheet of plexiglass tinted with the stick on stuff. i was planning on making a stencil and just spray painting it on, but i'm afraid the spray paint would ruin the tint? any suggestions or ideas?

>> No.8447935


I think it'd be OK, why don't you spraypaint a scrap of the tinted film first though?

The paint is safe on plexiglass itself.

>> No.8448077

LOL, this picture was taken in Poland, Pyrkon!

>> No.8448619

What do you guys think about cosplaying outside of your race?
It seems everyone can do it but white people. I really want to cosplay a Black character but since i'm deathly white i'm not sure how i can get around the whole "omfg u racist" thing.
Not as if i'm going to be wearing black face.

Stick with the character design wearing slightly darker makeup all over my body (nothing darker than 2-3 shades of my normal skin tone since i'm the lightest shade you got.) or keep my skin the way it is?

>> No.8448699

Does someone know which ones of the of the EGL sales mods are active and fast with replying? That availability list is outdated as fuck + I'm tired of having to wait weeks until a reply from a mod.

I'm having issues with a seller and I need clarification asap. Can someone recommend me a mod?

>> No.8448706

Holy shit, I never realized this. Thanks anon!

>> No.8448987

Please respond.

>> No.8449396
File: 40 KB, 422x500, c19752de53628c2930efc656e08afdd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a specific name for the skirts and dresses with the painting prints on them? Or a brand in particular that sells them? I mostly lurk here and haven't taken part in any of the fashion myself, but I love these dresses.

>> No.8449400

There isn't a formal name but people just usually call them 'painting dresses'. Juliette et Justine (JetJ) is the most known brand for them and I believe, started or at least popularized the whole trend but these days, even Bodyline has a couple.

>> No.8449457

The race isn't the costume. Don't bother darkening yourself for it. Make the costume to the best of your ability, and if anyone wants to give you shit over your skin tell them to fuck off.

>> No.8449577

Don't be stupid. White people do it all the fucking time. Do you think Japanese anime characters are white? No, they aren't. Just cosplay what you like, and don't darken yourself for it, it won't make you look more accurate, it'll just look really off. No one cares, it's a fucking character.

I can't even believe you suggested darkening your skin lol have you seen that done before? It always looks so bad, and that's usually when Tumblr comes out the woodwork. Just cosplay who you like. Would you tell a black cosplayer to lighten their skin to cosplay a white character? No? Then don't suggest it to yourself, you silly goose.

>> No.8449582

How do I sew stretchy material without permanently stretching the sewn bits?
I know I use a ball point needle, but what about the pressure foot, isn't that what stretches it out as I'm sewing?
Please help.

>> No.8449600

The sticky residue may be a lot harder to clean than you expect and cleaning solutions designed for removing residue may damage the leather.

>> No.8450043

Stabilize the fabric with either tissue paper or a wash-out stabilizer first to make it act like a non-stretch fabric under the sewing machine. Always test on a piece of scrap fabric first to make sure it works.

>> No.8450223

Thanks for the advice :)>>8449577

>> No.8450385
File: 66 KB, 513x873, ss (2015-07-03 at 08.59.56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a trench coat with no buttons like this, and that green coat he has under it.

>> No.8450442

I think I see the buttons on the other flap since it's unbuttoned.

And if you really don't want buttons, you can always...you know...remove them?

>> No.8450525

How do I join RC: U?

>> No.8450568

If you are pasty pale, I'd at least subtly darken a few shades with makeup and self-tanner. It's kind of a parody to be white as a ghost and playing a dark skinned character. But practice quite a bit so it's smooth and even and keep it very natural looking. And yes, I'd suggest a slightly lighter but natural makeup to a black person playing a white or Asian character too. And contouring for all, amen. And no, this is not black-, yellow- or white-facing, it's just an attempt at better character accuracy. If you were playing another race in a stage role, they would do your makeup like this so that's where my thinking is based.

But opinions are going to vary and you will likely get shit no matter what you do so be prepared for that.

>> No.8450592

Er, is it possible to remove fabric glue from, well, fabric? What's the best method if so? If I can't, I'll just cover it up I guess.

>> No.8450660

Try solvents like paint thinner, Goo Gone, isopropyl alcohol, acetone, etc. Test on a tiny area first. I've had good luck if applied within minutes of realizing that I'd dun goofed

>> No.8450728

I've ordered from them multiple times and their communication has always been great, and delivery always fast. Although they use DHL which often has fees.

>> No.8451116

What is the "yen trick"? I came across it in the Bodyline thread, is it a trick to buy dresses for a lower price?

>> No.8451170

Yes. Simply go to the section at the top that has the currency listed, then click it and select Japanese yen. BL's site isn't up to date on conversion rates (nor were they ever even close to begin with lol), so setting it to yen makes things significantly cheaper when it's actually converted back into whatever currency you usually use. So, for example, the unicorn dress that just came out is $133 USD. Setting your currency to yen on the site puts it at 9,999 yen. So, when I actually buy the dress, it'll actually charge me about $81 USD for it.

>> No.8451204

seconding this

don't use wonderfinch, she blew off my messages while posting around elsewhere

>> No.8451557

Ok, thank you!

>> No.8451719

What's the best shopping service for tiny auction orders?Like, just a couple of accessories or jewelry only. Europoor speaking.

>> No.8451763

Would it be considered ita to wear a face mask with a coord? Some people in my comm wear perfumes I'm allergic to and my nose runs and my eyes get puffy and I look gross in photos. Would it be a bad thing to wear a mask at a meet to hide the reaction?

>> No.8452700

Where can one get a seifuku that's better quality than Bodyline? Especially in cute patterns.

>> No.8453091

I want to try to do a shanks cosplay, anyone know the best place or way to get or make his sword

Everything else should be easy enough to obtain

>> No.8453103

Nah, just say you have really bad allergies or something along those lines. Masks aren't too uncommon in most other jfashions, so I think it would be odd, but not something too outlandish and weird.

>> No.8453136

Puffy eyes are just going to be even more evident with a mask. You won't be able to discreetly wipe your nose at all. Take an allergy tab and ask the meet host to take photos at the beginning of the meet before you react and to help you sit furthest away from the perfumed people that affect you.

>> No.8453173

If you want something that has wintry patterns or cherry blossoms, Taobao's a good place to look in stores that sell really weeb stuff like Vocaloid and/or shimapan.

Or, if you want an easier route but is a total ripoff, SpreePicky sells some for $60, last I checked, which was last year.

>> No.8453177
File: 18 KB, 265x265, ruby_red_265x265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to wear red contacts for a Gothic coord ? Would it just end up looking weird?

>> No.8453192

It really depends what you look like otherwise. If everything else is perfect and the coord is formal with nothing costume-like or weeby, you can probably do it.

>> No.8453548

Is it completely normal to buy the same exact blouse in more than one colorway?

>> No.8453693

When is the right time to ask Chibi Tenshi for am invoice? I know she's busy right now, so I don't want to bother her, but I also don't want her to think I'm a non-paying buyer...

>> No.8453698

she sends you the invoice when she receives the items

>> No.8453700

Ah, alright. Thank you. This was my first time using her as a ss, so I wasn't too sure.

>> No.8453897

I'm not a cosplayer nor a lolita, but I try to go to cons whenever I can. I have a question. Is it really that useful to take photos with a big and expensive camera? I just take photos for the memories and don't post photos of cosplayers online because maybe they don't want photos of them on the internet. I take photos with my smartphone, it's an android so it makes some noise whenever I take a picture (which is embarrassing) and sometimes it's blurry for no reason. But at the same time I don't think I can afford a camera, even a cheap one, right now.

So what do you think about it? Also, do you use a camera or a phone during cons?

>> No.8454173


Thank you guys! I'll take some with me, both masks and tabs, and try to find a balance.

>> No.8454210

Photographer here. The big difference between a smartphone and a basic DSLR are huge because of the sensor size. Photography is a game of light capture and manipulation, and the basic Canon Ti series (inb4 shilling for Canon) is able to capture much higher image quality than a basic iphone6/Galaxys6.

I use my old DSLR, and I even have a website (no time to shill though, its bad practice). Would you like to know more?

On topic, I'm a newish photographer (had my DSLR for 1 year, been doing cons for years, finally upgraded a year ago, I mainly do east coast cons when work permits,) and I have a question for you cosplayers, I assume you all like business cards, but would you sign release forms if say I wanted to use your image on a improved business card (currently my business cards are a shot of a battleship I took forever ago, but I would like some more weeaboo themed ones for my weeabo events.)

>> No.8454453

First time Lacemarket seller here. How does LS notify you when people buy your stuff? Is it through their message system or email or what?

>> No.8454475

You get sent emails when someone bids on/wins your stuff.

>> No.8454731

How do I order from Ank Rouge?

>> No.8455421

I ended up with extra money this month and need an overlock machine and a dress form but can't choose which one to buy. Which one should I get?

>> No.8455434

If you sew a lot of cosplay knits or things that need rolled hems, the overlock, if you need to fit your things better, the form. My regular machine does a couple of overcast stitches and I'm used to it so I'd go for the form over an overlock machine. My dresses started fitting better once I started using my form regularly, plus my skirt hems are easier to do and look nicer. Just depends on your needs, mostly.

>> No.8455567

Well, I don't know if it's the norm, but it's not unusual either. If it matches your wardrobe, who cares, just go for it.

>> No.8455673

I'm selling off some old cosplay shit on ebay, and it's my first time selling online. The auction ends two days from now and my starting price was $100, and I've gotten a few low early bids, the current highest being $107. The most recent bid, however, was $104. So my question is, what gives? What's the point of bidding lower than my highest bid? Are they just banking on the high bidder flaking out or something?

>> No.8455674

difference between indie brand and just brand?

>> No.8455915

Brand is the biggest Japanese brands (baby, ap, iw, etc) while indie brand is not as popular but still well known and decent quality, often times they're Chinese or Korean brands (ex. Haenuli)

>> No.8457001

You're probably reading the history wrong - ebay does not allow you to bid under the current price. In order of time your bids could look like:

Bidder A bids a max of $105. Current auction price is $10
Bidder B bids a max of $104.
Ebay auto-ups the price to $105 because that's what Bidder A's max was.

Bidder A technically put the $105 price in before Bidder B, so you can't just look at the timestamps.

>> No.8457176

any good petticoats from bodyline?

>> No.8457190

I know some people do it because s certain blouse looks much better on them than other cuts do or has a fit or sleeve they really like.

>> No.8457309

Totally. If it fits well, suits your wardrobe and looks good on you, why not get it in a few different colors? I usually pick up a black and ivory blouse in the same cut.

>> No.8457322

What is mbok?

>> No.8457351

Auction site. Originally made and meant for mobile phones (the flip phones). Just browse the site to understand what it's about.

>> No.8457362

Thank you!

>> No.8457882
File: 15 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you use fabric paint to paint polyester? Can you even paint polyester at all? I need to paint the sides of pic related grey but I don't know if it'll work.

>> No.8457957

Submit a request to be added like you would with any other fb group

>> No.8458327

Other than honeycolor and pinkyparadise where is it recommended to get circle lenses?

>> No.8458443
File: 73 KB, 762x570, bodysuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be pretty easy to modify this pattern so that there wouldn't be a seam in the front? I would move the zipper to the back.

>> No.8458455

You would have to re-draft the pattern to have side seams. I'd look for a different one.

>> No.8458462
File: 57 KB, 330x500, sango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to use it for a Sango costume. Any suggestions for how to make the part of the collar that comes down to the shoulder?

>> No.8458466

No. They are scratchy, too short and lose pouf or are too flat to start with.

>> No.8458475

Most people fake it.

You take some stretchy bias tape in the right color and put it on top of the turtleneck part and then extend it to the shoulder. Then just sew it in place.

>> No.8458552
File: 109 KB, 495x751, CONV_ZH_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the haircut, but I have no idea what product to use for Superboy's hair. Any recommendations?

>> No.8458782

If I get something printed on transfer paper meant to be transferred using a heat press, can I use an iron to transfer it??

>> No.8458788

Uh to clarify, I mean t-shirt transfer paper

>> No.8459603

can you use sock glue like spirit gum to affix fake stubble/wig sideburns?

>> No.8459630
File: 325 KB, 382x417, 1435626252656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I place an online order on a Japanese-based site that doesn't require an SS, I'm unsure on how to format a USA address.
Once you indicate the USA delivery address, the form changes to accommodate, usually by offering three separate bars labelled Address 1, Address 2, and Address 3, with only the first Address 1 bar being mandatory to fill in.
Below that are mandatory drop-down menus for state and zip code but usually not for city.

>After completing the state/zip, what exactly goes in the fill-in address bars?
Do you fill only the street address (12345 Name Street) in bar 1?
Or do you put the entire address in bar 1 (12345 Name Street; City, CA 54321 USA)?
Or do you put street in bar 1 (12345 Name Street) with the rest in bar 2 (City, CA 54321 USA)?

I know stores usually just use the Paypal address registered to your account so it doesn't matter that much, but it just bothers me lol

> How do you quell your retail therapy urges? );

>> No.8459644

You start big and get smaller basically, so the bar 1 would be City and bar 2 would be Street + Number. Sometimes they make you put it all on one line if you're buying international, so refer to whatever directions they have in their FAQs if those exist.

> How do you quell your retail therapy urges? );
Look at your bank account.

>> No.8459653

Quell retail therapy urges by having a fashion list and plan for your closet and just buy stuff from the list. Set a small amount aside for impulse buying if you like to do it but to me, it's more satisfying to have a cohesive plan and work within my budget.
Also, maybe don't window shop online as a hobby, the things fall into the cart all too easily.

>> No.8459740

If you live in Japan can you easily set up a mbok/yahoo auctions account? Do you have to have a Japanese card that works online (I have a Japanese bank card but it basically works as a cash card and works in only certain brick and mortar stores) or could I use my international Visa card?

>> No.8459802

Why can I go through dumblr and find giant girls wearing too-small JSKs but no one wants to buy my XL JSK or swap for a size down?

>tfw 'add 4cms!' put me in the wrong sizing bracket where the listed measurements were max not min or med
>can grab over a fistful of fabric around my waist/chest and it's ten meters too long

C'mon people, buy jsks that fit you. from me.

>> No.8459804

Post a photo and measurements in the BST thread here.

>> No.8459815

I've done that nearly every BST thread that has been around and I've been posting on local BST sites. At this rate I'd be happy to just find the M/L, buy it and sell the two JSKs.

>But seriously why aren't people ever interested in trading for LARGER sizes when their size doesn't fit?

I know it's not a ~help~ question thread, but I'd kill for a lolita dress that's a good plus size if the one I got was too small.

>> No.8459820

What brand is it?

>> No.8459826
File: 76 KB, 533x960, aomjsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haenuli. Apparently their shirring is purely aesthetic. I've selfposted before so I'll do it again.
>I'm wearing a massively padded bra to fill out the chest area, almost considered wearing a fatsuit
Also please excuse the lack of poof my petti gives, I wasn't prepared for so much fabric, obviously.

>> No.8460218
File: 62 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you go about making these belts?

>> No.8460308

Is it possible to order from DreamV without a shopping service, through the english rakuten?

>> No.8460406

I'd go with some with a flexible hold like sculpting wax. Do you have a hairdresser you see regularly? Try asking them for recommendations.

>> No.8460412

In a pinch it would probably work, but I would always go with a product that is meant to go on your face like spirit gum.

>> No.8460418

Get a white, flat, canvas/cotton belt and paint on the designs.

>> No.8460508
File: 238 KB, 308x464, Inazuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf does this guy has under the coat? It's not a normal shirt, that is

>> No.8460523

Looks like a dress shirt with a big ruffle attached sideways down the center. Girls' blouses sometimes have this.

>> No.8460548

Have you checked out AliExpress? It's not EU but it has "free" (factored into the price but still cheap) shipping and tiny cheap packages are less likely to be intercepted by customs.

>> No.8460562

Measure your feet from toe to heel, then go with the size same as/just above the size of your feet in mm. Also check reviews like >>8440949 said. RHS for instance run narrow and it's recommended to go a size up.

>> No.8460578

Maybe it's just me but I'd at least mention your allergy to the girls who are wearing the perfume, if you know who they are. If I found out that someone in my comm had an averse reaction to my perfume I'd stop wearing it to meets I knew they were going to be at.

>> No.8460685

Do Q-Pot items ever come back in stock or is it like lolita where once they're gone they're pretty much gone for good?

>> No.8460919
File: 478 KB, 1200x1702, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a lolita outfit similar to the pink one in pic related? And does this type of outfit have a name?

>> No.8460970

Sorry it took me so long to reply but I finally tested googone today and it worked! Thank you anon!!

>> No.8461007

I think all the fatties who wanted this print rushed in to order the black onepiece during the reservation. Maybe that's why. I rarely see anyone wearing this cut/color.

>> No.8461322

I have both colours of the JSK. I prefer the white, actually, it's such a shame. I can't see where to take it in that won't distort the print since it needs darts around the bust too.

>> No.8461337
File: 48 KB, 250x333, RoyalChocolateSalopette-pink1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not close to being lolita at all. If you wanted something similar in length and in style, I would suggest looking at salopettes instead of regular lolita dresses.

>> No.8461409
File: 141 KB, 322x628, Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 10.16.21 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because the dress has a ribbon and scalloped hem doesn't mean it's lolita. The green one is moreso than the pink one, but neither are lolita dresses. Try looking for pink sundresses.

Pic related. Sorta. It's the closest I could find in a minute.

>> No.8461417

Thank you for helping a retard such as myself. I wanted to find a lolified version of said dress, if that makes things any clearer?

>> No.8461464

A "lolified" version would be drastically different in cut and silhouette and the only thing it would share with your posted image is the color pink. Look around for solid pink lolita JSKs with white bow(s)?

>> No.8461474

Brace yourself for some more retard:
What does JSK mean?

>> No.8461483

Lurk more before asking for lolita advice, please.
But since this is a dumb question thread... Jumper skirt.

>> No.8461484

Jumperskirt. Sleeveless and shaped more like a sundress than a dress and it takes a blouse under.
I like this thread, people are learning a lot.

>> No.8461486

I think it's really rude to tell someone to lurk more in a dumb questions thread, sheesh.

>> No.8461496

It's just hard to find an answer to such a question regularly since everyone else here seems so experienced.
Thanks anon. Is an under blouse necessary, akin to the necessity of a petticoat?

>> No.8461497

it's a dumb questions thread not a retard who can't google questions thread.

>> No.8461518

You should be GLAD they are asking here instead of the lolita threads but whatevs.

Yes, blouse is required under or bolero/cardigan etc is worn over it (and don't remove it) or it's considered ita by most Lolitas. 'No bare shoulders' is almost as much a rule as 'petticoat required'.
You'll see people debate this at times but it hasn't changed.

>> No.8461529

Is a bolero/cardigan/shawl considered a necessary accessory with a jsk/blouse combination?
This is my last question, I promise. Thanks for being so patient.

>> No.8461534

an entire group of my friends (like 10+) started watching it after the lesbian shit so, yes.

>> No.8461550

No, one or the other is sufficient though you can certainly layer them in colder weather. I like having both so I have more ways to wear my JSK.
Don't worry about grumpy Anons, this is the right place to ask these things and most of us who answer do it because we enjoy helping.

>> No.8461553

Liz Lisa more recently is also being featured in Larme magazine, a new trend as well.

>> No.8461559

>You should be GLAD they are asking here instead of the lolita threads but whatevs.
Teach em how to fish con't coddle them and let them be stupid dependents forever.

>> No.8461563

>get angry over dumb questions in a dumb question thread

>> No.8461580

I agree past introductory noob questions so why don't you do something helpful and link to the sticky, a lolita wiki or current faq? Oh right because they are all super out of date.

But yeah, a couple of clueless noob questions get a pass from me and most others here and you can always just hide the thread so why are you here, exactly?

I pleasantly answer at least a few noob questions personally because 1. It's polite and 2. it fosters a friendly atmosphere so noobs don't get intimidated or scared away before they learn that the majority of us aren't grumpy cunts waving their canes to 'get off my lawn'.

>> No.8461616

Is this how Japanese shoe sizes are figured out? Because I measured my foot once and I thought the shoes would fit, but online size converter said it was 2 sizes above mine.

>> No.8461667

does anyone remember that one girl who always posted nice outfits she was plus sized and about 6ft
like I cannot for the life of me remember her name or her blog

>> No.8461722


>> No.8461793

you really should make an account. it helps.

>> No.8461799

I got something mailed to me as Miss Miss once. It's fine.

>> No.8461802

search for Mulberry Paper Flowers. They look fabulous, are cheaper than silk, and come in way more weird colors.

>> No.8461823


Shoes aren't standardized. So there is no exact match between different countries.

Since Japanese shoes are CM based instead of something insane like a lot of other countries shoes, Japanese shoes are actually easier to size than most other countries shoes, as long as you measure correctly.

This lolita blog has a guide on how to measure your feet: http://www.rainedragon.com/getting-the-right-japanese-shoe-size/

>> No.8461831

That's a great idea and I'm going to do it. I read that sign up is a bit of a pain but that it's fun once you figure things out. I'd like to give it a try.

>> No.8461835

Don't measure from tow to heel. You have to trace your foot on to paper and then measure the box. See >>8461823

>> No.8461838

Nor should you measure from toe to heel. I'm clearly need to stop typing and go to bed.

>> No.8461938

what's the difference between lolita dresses/jsk and skater dresses?

>> No.8461951

lolita dresses are designed to puff out more. so you have a petti underneath it and thatswhy there is more fabric. skater dresses you wear as is, and they have enough fabric to twirl and stuff but it's not nearly as much fabric as an OP or a JSK.

>> No.8462084


>> No.8462090

Different fit, cut, fabric, construction. There's no way to make a skater dress into a suitable lolita dress.

>> No.8462232

I actually really like the idea of a lolita wiki...

What >>8461951 said. Also the fabric is hugely different and construction is more solid. I've never seen a lolita op or jsk with plain shoulder straps or sleeves like a skater dress. A lolita JSK has a certain neckline, too, to allow for blouses underneath and OP necklines are modest in height over a skater dress.

>> No.8462254
File: 13 KB, 125x125, logo_premier_125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had anyone success with mailing JetJ? I mean getting an answer for a question?

I mailed them three days ago and still got no answer. Should I re-sent my question and maybe translate it into japanese?

>> No.8462267

Why are clothes from good quality lolita stores on taoboa still referred to as off-brand?

>> No.8462272

I meant Taobao, of course.

>> No.8462284

Because they're not from one of the major Japanese brands and they're Chinese brands. Probably laced with carcinogens and made with no real industrial or workplace safety standards.

>> No.8462337

Is there a visual difference between a JSK and an OP? I'm a little ashamed, cause I've been following lolita fashion for nearly a decade (never worn it for this reason, though) but the only thing I've ever found was the OPs have sleeves (even if they're tiny) whereas the JSKs have straps, and I don't know if this is universal or just limited to the brands I like. Is.. is that it or am I missing something?

>> No.8462502

Yup that's it. OP stands for One Piece so it's a dress you usually don't need to wear a blouse under unlike a JSK.

>> No.8462956

Will innocent world let you cancel an entire order if one or more items in that order is sold out?

>> No.8462981

Oh and will lolita stores generally allow requests to undervalue/declare as a gift for international customers?

>> No.8463166

What's the best way to color your eyebrows to match a wig?
>in b4 google it
I've tried many methods and they're either too harsh on my skin or my eyebrows are so dark that it just doesn't work.

>> No.8463209

Bodyline lets you mark down packages but no other brand is willing to compromise their business like that so be prepared to pay customs fees out the ass if you live in Europe.

To answer your other question, I'm pretty sure they will if it's the biggest item in your order (like a JSK or such) but not if it's just a small accessory in a big order.

>> No.8463214

Have you tried eyebrow mascara, anon? My eyebrows are really thick and dark brown but the right eyebrow mascara still lightens them well enough that a milk tea wig looks passable. Otherwise just cut your bangs so that they cover your eyebrows and no one will find out~

>> No.8463303

Should a petticoat be shorter or longer in length than the outfit you're wearing?

>> No.8463308

>live in UK
>all big brands force EMS shipping
>EMS is exclusively handled by parcelcunts
Welp there goes my entry into this hobby. I refuse to give those pricks a pound more of my money the way they've fucked me over before.

>> No.8463402

You can bypass this by using an SS that is willing to mark down your package and ship with another shipping method. I do it all the time. You do pay fees for the service, and there is still a a chance it goes through customs but I haven't had to pay anything for 1.5 years.

>> No.8463415

What is sissy style, and why is it bad?

>> No.8463418

Ah, never even thought of that. What SS do you use? I'm worried the fees with it may make me unable to afford it.

>> No.8463435

It's old men dressed up like and pretending to be toddlers or little girls. Lolitas dislike them because they often try to join comms to hang out with young girls, are generally creepy,and often steal photo's of actual lolitas to use for their roleplaying

>> No.8463444
File: 78 KB, 347x204, eugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuck. I just assumed it was traps who were into lolita, thanks for informing me.

>> No.8463467

Is mixing lolita and non lolita stuff looked down upon in this community?
Say I was decked out in brand stuff but my shoes were mary janes from a regular retail store, would that cause flack?

>> No.8463512

I use highlighter mascara and it works great. Eyebrows are supposed to be naturally darker than hair anyways, so it's totally fine that you don't get 100% perfect coverage & match. It actually looks better if your eyebrows are halfway to the hair color (assuming you have black or very dark brown base eyebrow color).

>> No.8463517

Shorter by about 1-2 inches. Petticoats shouldn't peek.

>> No.8464386

Usually, yes. When they email you, just be very apologetic and sad " oh, I only wanted those things to match with the dress :( can I cancel the order?"

>> No.8464394

taobao brands are typically poorly advertised in English or Japanese and were not well known outside of China until fairly recently. They also aren't usually featured in publications, so they don't have the same reach.

>> No.8464397

Not bog/reputable ones, and the reason isn't just to be mean or exclusive; it's that people claim things are damaged or stolen in transit and do charge backs and the company loses money because they couldn't insure it for the full value.

>> No.8464684
File: 117 KB, 280x373, glossary_salopette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stupid question is when it comes to salopettes, do you wear a petti underneath it or not?

>> No.8465512
File: 30 KB, 393x398, acacia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on this one. I kinda wanna go the extra mile and do the thorns as well but it'd be super cool if I could make something where I just press a button or use some other trigger and they pop out and wrap around me. Is that even fucking possible or is it a pipe dream?