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8428495 No.8428495[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

AM Sexual Harassment Love Story

>> No.8428525

Lol, this is truly what happened. they belong with each other

>> No.8428543

Holy shit that's funny!

>> No.8428549

On a more serious note, has his wife Deneice resigned as manager of JLA? This corruption in our community needs STOP and giving her the boot is the most logical first step. Also remove her from HLC.

>> No.8428551



>> No.8428563

Does anyone smell samefag?

>> No.8428568

Remove Kate Womack, Jessamyn and Becky. they are all pawns in Deneice scheme to rule Lolita Community

>> No.8428572

Who are these two and why should we care

>> No.8428577


Remove Daniela as KA too since she has already been corrupted

>> No.8428581
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>8 replies
>3 posters

OP wasn't even trying.

>> No.8428618

You know something we don't know, anon? Spill.

Otherwise, I'm going to assume you're John or one of his AM circlejerkers aka "staff".

>> No.8428630

Didn't he also pay for Misako's trip, food, and for other expenses?
Does Misako owe him sex too?

>> No.8428648

A true and beautiful story of love. It's so sad it had to end.

>> No.8428663
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>> No.8428721
File: 777 KB, 900x1227, tumblr_mxp5r4xYOY1soc8jno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point!

>> No.8428727

This is fucking hilarious.

>> No.8428730

Ok, i've seen so many of these posts i don't even know where the start is, but if this John did pay so much for this chick and she accepted, surely she should return the favour right? If she wasn't intending to actually have sex with the guy then she should not have accepted his all his offers. Shes basically leading him on in the whole scheme of things. Btw i don't know the full story and its in like 4 parts with other threads spread out on cgl too. But its what im getting from OPs meme image. Lol

>> No.8428731

Did I miss something? Why are people against Choke now?

>> No.8428739

What are you talking about? SHE appointed him. Although John said Misako would do anything he tells her to, the fact remains that she is the president. He was just a manager.

Maybe that seemingly innocent face is the mastermind behind it all.

>> No.8428740

Hey, not her fault he was irresponsible with his money and his hope. He shouldn't have been so stupid

>> No.8428756

i spit out my soda
this shit is too funny

but i still love choke so idkkk

>> No.8428764

I'm one of those people that'd take all that and totally turn him cold when he'd want sex. You're giving me things? Cool, they're mine now. I don't see any contract. A "gift" is a "gift" even if he thinks he's owed something as stupid as sexual favors.

>> No.8428852

OP's image is vendetta and in no way reflects reality. they samefagged hard for the first few posts to grant a semblence of legitimacy, but it's just choke hate plus john hate giving OP a massive hate boner.

>> No.8428865

there have always been people on the "choke is a cunt" train. anyone who is a bit famous and/or uses a trip gets mad salt thrown at them.

the more /cgl/ loves someone, the more /cgl/ hates that person. few people will go against the flow by liking someone others hate, but plenty will buck against perceived popularity.

>> No.8428866

This is a pretty ironic gif considering he killed the guy he's quoting.

>> No.8428906


Hi Choke, we know that's you posting. Please tell us if you ever delivered on your promise to send him photos in the expensive lingerie he took you shopping for. Inquiring minds want to know.

>> No.8428916

i gotta start keeping a list of all the people i get accused of being

does anyone else get "hi X" an unreasonable number of times?