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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 3.61 MB, 3118x3500, Avatar_FE14_Male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8424863 No.8424863 [Reply] [Original]

IF is about to be released

Fire Emblem General thread? Btw anyone have a pic of the YATO's Handle or the full sword itself?

>> No.8424968

Anyone else sick of the wrath the game has been getting? Especially because those people will buy it anyway.

Anyway I would like to cosplay Felicia at some point, she's cute and I have a weakness for maid cosplays.

>> No.8424971
File: 2.87 MB, 2172x1772, holy shit IF kids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vg/ has an ongoing stream

also have the KIDS

>> No.8425025

We have full body pictures yet ?
I gotta get more references to do one, because I'm seriously interested.

>> No.8425041

>marrying Luna to Tsubaki and making her give birth to the splitting image of her mother and making her feel inadequate all over again

But yeah with >>8425025 waiting for full body portraits when the artbook gets released probably. And then the waiting game continues with waiting for the actual game release to actually meet all these characters before deciding to cosplay anything.

It's only going to get worse once more people get wind of the Avatar's two same sex marriage options.

>> No.8425057

Does anyone know how the timeskip works with the kids? More time travel BS?

>> No.8425085

I just hope a ripped girl will do Rinka.

>> No.8425192

I'm still confused about some of the character designs, what's up with the recolors? Like Grey (I think is his name?) is Gaius in dark colors? And Shara is Tharja with white hair?

What the heck, IF? Did the artists use all their imagination on the mains then give up on the kids? I'll still play it but that stuck out as odd to me.

>> No.8425194

There's reasons for that, but that would be a rather important spoiler.

>> No.8425201
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>> No.8425563


Like in Awakening, the kids will inherint one of the parent's hair color.

In If, children are tied to to father instead, so they take on the hair color of the mother instead.

>> No.8427451
File: 1.55 MB, 2016x2442, 1435222722260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the ultimate chart edit

>> No.8427511


/vg/ you have done it again

>> No.8427533



Found out what I want to cosplay.

>> No.8427591

Oh man... So many of the designs are so cute.

>"Nohr all the way!!"
> hoshido has the megane and gaius
why live

>> No.8427597

What version are you going to get /cgl/? Im kind of leaning toward Hoshido first, but I'll probably end up getting both.

>> No.8427754 [DELETED] 

If anyone crossboard to vg you'd know its probably best to get the 3rd DLC route.

I cant really pick anyone to cosplay atm but they all look pretty darn nice this time around.

Also the Severa, Owain and Inigo 'clones' are confirmed FE:A timeline kids. Rest of the look-alikes are reincarnations

>> No.8427757

If anyone crossboard to vg you'd know its probably best to get the 3rd DLC route.

I cant really pick anyone to cosplay atm but they all look pretty darn nice this time around.

cgl doesnt allow spoiler tags for some reason so Ill just refrain. But its in regards to Lazward, Luna and Odin

>> No.8427763

Nohr, love most character designs there

>> No.8427764
File: 1.94 MB, 1198x1101, Fire-Emblem-If-Box-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the diehard FE fans are in a huff because they're pandering to otakus and not them. Boo fucking hoo IMO. It's a smart move to make what was a much less popular franchise more accessible. The game has ALWAYS had the option to make it super difficult, now it just happens to be more playable for casual players and literal children.

The real question is, does anyone know what version they'll play first yet?

>> No.8427768

>when you're feelin Kagerou but then Yuugiri

>> No.8427772

Guys, I feel like Morgan was cuter than Kanna.

>> No.8427777
File: 3.26 MB, 5000x5000, FEi_Apr012015_A02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide but I think.... Thiiiiink I'll go with the Nohr first. Camilla's tits, man. B-but then there's Yuugiri. But also Nohr lets me gay fuck Zero...

Honestly I know I'm gonna buy both and probably switch between the two. Nintendo's ploy to get my money has totally worked damnit!

>> No.8427798

Shara is just a blatant ripoff of Tharja
Similar names too

>> No.8427807

You shouldn't judge your children like that. Love them all.

I'm gonna go with Nohr, Wolfboy looks hot as fuck and I wanna bang that.

>> No.8427809

Shara is apparently an anagram of Tharja's Japanese name, so they did it knowingly.
I feel there's more to the plot too, considering Owain/Odin, Inigo/Lazward, Severa/Luna and Gaius/Grey are actually in it.
(Luna confirmed for Severa, so... time shenanigans?)

>> No.8428186

Tharja's Japanese name is 'Saliya' and sounds a hell of a lot like Shara for a reason.

>> No.8428201

I'm really feeling coplaying Lilith's human form right now, but Ophelia and Eponine, I also would like to cosplay. Velour is kawaii af but I can't do her justice and I initially wanted to cosplay Foleo, but I can't do a moe trap justice. I'm really enjoying how much simpler the designs are for this game. They are still engaging and interesting but not as intricate which reminds me of the older games and also makes it easier to cosplay from.

>> No.8428206

My syntax is garbage holy shit

>> No.8428262

I really want to do human Lilith as well.... But need a better image of what her whole outfit looks like.

>> No.8428332
File: 257 KB, 375x691, lilithwig copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just bought a wig in hopes that it is the right color blue. Now to figure out the red ombre on it.

>> No.8428339

that already has a blue ombre, bad choice. Dropped in as a hair colourist to tell you that the best way to do the ombre on a wig would be hand-dying a white wig with blue, purple and red.

>> No.8428355

I have never dyed a wig before, I was hoping to try and fade in a red weft during the braid. At least this wig is cheap and I can experiment.

>> No.8428361
File: 380 KB, 297x642, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and the wig isn't already an ombre, it is weird shading in the picture.

>> No.8428381
File: 164 KB, 512x512, 1435121149768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of now I'm really leaning toward Charlotte to cosplay.
She's crazy and has nice abs

>> No.8428391

pls do

>> No.8428404

Hoshido 100%, but I'm totally going to buy Nohr too. There's supposedly a discount for the other once you buy one, or something like that

>> No.8428421
File: 158 KB, 880x520, 1433102600775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... who gonna cosplay Rinka ?

>> No.8428715

Wish there were more options for same sex partners.

Not trying to be sjw, I'm just saying I'd go gay for Orochi but I guess I'll make a guy just to marry her.

>> No.8428741

I want to but I'm not a qt. We have the same skin tone too.

>> No.8428758
File: 205 KB, 618x893, Flavia_Official_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this thread is leaning more towards if, but has anyone seen any flavia or basillio cosplayers? I really want to do flavia one day.

>> No.8428787

Never saw one.
I only saw Lucina and Tharja cosplay of Awakening.

>> No.8428788
File: 63 KB, 501x397, d856a79542cb0577bd4cc72d08ee652d26118d21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not siding with Nohr

>> No.8428834

Same. It would be really nice to see people other than chroms and tharjas but oh well

>> No.8428859
File: 91 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nq3mlo80am1rp7luyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were some good ones at Metrocon recently. Posting afew because we are on /cgl/ after all.

I actually saw 3 Olivia's over the course of the weekend. They were all pretty good, though I wish people put more effort into the bracelets and neck piece.

>> No.8428864
File: 402 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_npsttdqQ411rdnnepo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiki and Nowi

>> No.8428867
File: 287 KB, 1024x764, tumblr_nq1z5yF4kp1r0luxwo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Olivia and an Inigo. Costumes arent the best but I'm 100% jelly because I desparately want an Inigo when I cosplay Olivia.

>> No.8428873
File: 391 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_npwmhyW9iL1rkosy7o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously I'm crazy because that Olivia's bracelets and neck piece are nice, but anyway.

Gaius. Again not the best but its nice to see other characters.

>> No.8428886
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>> No.8428953

Apparently in game, when she confesses to the PC, she claims to be Tharja reincarnated.

>> No.8428957

Careful with your spoilers friend.

On that note if anyone wants to get cray head right over to /feg/ because shit is so real.

>> No.8428966
File: 84 KB, 539x960, 11536070_943977835653408_5350474938259657825_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also contributing a few less seen FE cosplays.

>> No.8428971

>but I'm not a qt.
So ?

>> No.8428974
File: 211 KB, 1150x2048, 1537745_785427571508436_1495009306055805326_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8428976


I really like this gaius' belt, leg armor, and shoes.

>> No.8428979
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>> No.8428986
File: 201 KB, 1150x2048, 10608711_785428994841627_7902741150347145644_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could've sworn I had more but this Gaius always impresses me, wish I knew who they were.

>> No.8428992



>> No.8428997

I would if I were crazy ripped, but I am not. I might do Velour, Lilith, or Kinu.

>> No.8429001

I thought being cute mattered in cosplay?

>> No.8429006

If you have good craftsmanshit /cgl/ will appreciate it either way.

Being cute will get your recognized otherwise.

Just depends on whose opinion you value more.

>> No.8429009
File: 1.24 MB, 1600x1067, 89317-1da096d0371fa604a50c75d653895886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8429023

If you're having fun, who cares ?

>> No.8429027

it is a nightmare in that place.......

>> No.8429068

I just want to have fun and cosplay FE, which I enjoy but I don't want to end up being made fun of because I'm not really a qt. I have sort of a man face so I'm self conscious about it. I might do it anyway because it seems easy for a black cosplay or >>8428758

>> No.8429094

IMO do whatever you want anon. I'm chubby but I want to cosplay a lot of thin characters. Haters gonna hate, etc.

Just put effort into your cosplay. No one is exactly perfect for their character, (wrong skin color, weight, nose whatever) but everyone can put effort into their construction. Dont settle. Ask for help, look up tutorials. Mistakes are mistakes, but bad construction is a choice.

Sorry, I tend to ramble a lot, but you feel me?

>> No.8429105

Oh and also nice makeup and a good wig can work miracles. Dont put all your effort into the costume then go cheap on the wig and not wear any makeup.

>> No.8429131
File: 19 KB, 770x513, shialabeouf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what you have to do.
Just don't give a fuck about people, and do what you wanna do, it's not like you want to hurt people or something.
Just make a nice costume, wear a proper wig and makeup, and nothing can go wrong.

>> No.8429179

Pls no I remember this girl. Her contouring and crossplaying makeup still give me nightmares

>> No.8429199


>> No.8429266

Uuuugghhh I need a release date for Fates like now.

>> No.8429270

I don't think not being ripped should stop you.
I mean, she's has a professional athlete body level, very few people could do her. Being just /fit/ should be enough.

>> No.8429275

so how many people cosplaying rinka or zero are going to get shit for not being "dark skinned"?

>> No.8429287

I feel like this kind of drama is rarer than you think. Theres like 50 light skinned characters for people to choose from, so its likely that theyll pick one of them than one of the 3 dark skinned characters.

Of course theres the people that do shitty brown face, but its not too common.

>> No.8429293


What about light skinned people that want to cosplay rinka or zero. They're looking like popular characters

>> No.8429298

So what ?
There's black cosplayers doing white characters, and it's perfectly fine, I guess the reverse is true isn't it ?
Plus Rinka isn't that dark.

>> No.8429302

Im not saying it doesnt happen. Korra was the main character of her series, so of course she was popular. People of all skin colors cosplayed her, people that did bad brownface got shit on.

Im not saying it wont happen, Im saying that even if light skinned people do cosplay them, if they do it well no one will care except for extreme sjws from tumblr.

And yeah, none of them are actually that dark.

>> No.8429340


So would you even try to tan or bronze yourself or literally do nothing

>> No.8429388

I would do nothing. just make a nice costume

Anon if you want to ask a question you dont need to use hypothetical situations

>> No.8429399

ima tan myself for rinka

>> No.8429408

Draj looks cute, I should add her to my cosplay list.

>> No.8429566

omg she's cute! does she have a page?

people always say this but if you're ugly they're like "ugh look at this nasty shit cosplaying muh waifu"

>> No.8429623

"Working on" (more like staring blankly at sewing machine) Takumi. He is cute but I have plans for Californian cons for a while and the fucker practically wears a pelt buttcape. I haven't lived here long enough to be used to the heat in Normal clothes and thinking about his layers is making me a little homesick. I'm self motivating by the prospect of making his pretty weapon and that's about it.

>> No.8429724

Same. Especially since our only two options are creepy gays. Ah well, I'll live vicariously through the unit.

>> No.8429871

If you read the supports Zero is actually pretty cute. Also has the most lewd lines in Amie

>> No.8429900
File: 2.97 MB, 2872x4207, 1435318170787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some female characters in "skinship mode" recreated by /vg/ using the game files, so it's not perfect but can be useful.

>> No.8429908
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>> No.8429920
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NotTharja full.

>> No.8429997

B-but Foleo is a boy...

>> No.8430157

We're in 2015 anon, bisexual is the way to go now.

>> No.8430254

Finally, I can see whats going on with Charlotte's bottom half. It's...hm.

>> No.8430282
File: 2.00 MB, 2592x1936, 20150515_IMG_1608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of those casuals and I loved Awakening. Tried playing Classic, everyone kept dying. Also Sumia, Ricken and that turbo nerd mage who's name I forget seem to be death magnets.

Only things I didn't really like is that there's no dark skin option and you can't make the female look battle hardened. Also the sameface and anime trope personalities. But even with it's faults, I still enjoyed playing..

>> No.8430305


Are there male ones of these? I could really use the refs

>> No.8430313

More conservative than my judgment, which was "ugh"

>> No.8430330

The issues the hardcore base have (that I know of) are the following

>Removal of weapon durability
>Greater emphasis on relationships
>Character design are straying from the grounded and practical to the overly ornate/fanservicey

>> No.8430334


>> No.8430359
File: 85 KB, 640x960, 1658162_1568333283380280_2882606409355015756_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a bunch of FE:A cosplay.

>> No.8430364
File: 122 KB, 960x960, 10154002_387119671412668_7388738423302683771_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jinglebooboo has been working on a really nice Cherche cosplay. No finished photos yet but I've enjoyed following her progress.

>> No.8430366
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>> No.8430367
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>> No.8430369
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>> No.8430370
File: 78 KB, 638x960, 11136639_1083644151661023_638316066603870589_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't a huge fan of the satin this Lucina chose, but I really liked how she made her pauldron and Parallel Falchion. She was really detailed with her progress shots. (Alchemical Cosplay on FB)

>> No.8430373
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>> No.8430376
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>> No.8430378
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>> No.8430380
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>> No.8430382
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>> No.8430384
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My personal favorite Chrom

>> No.8430386

There's controversy, but overall I'd say people are rather happy about the new game.
When there's change you'll always hear some people who aren't happy about it, If the game would be more classical you'd have people whining it's always the same game without any new stuff.

Also, cosplaying Charlotte will require quite some guts.

>> No.8430395
File: 78 KB, 640x960, 10985220_725311110910752_4246251365055229916_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lot of great Cordelias out there. This one took liberties with the design but at least they're a bunch of consistent, conscious design choices, rather than one or two blatant inaccuracies. She has a nice look for Cordelia too.

>> No.8430405
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>> No.8430409
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>> No.8430412

Isn't he a poster on cgl.

>> No.8430416
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>> No.8430421

I have a friend who wants to do all the Fire Emblem cosplays with me, and it makes me so happy!

First we are going to cosplay from awekening, me as Nowi and she as Say'ri. We will also cosplay from IF, i will do Elise and she will do Sakura

>> No.8430422
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>> No.8430428
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>> No.8430429

Have any Aversa?

>> No.8430432
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>> No.8430440
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I've only got a few photos of this one. It's a tough costume so I'm not surprised there aren't a lot of great ones.

>> No.8430443
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>> No.8430448
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>> No.8430460
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>> No.8430462
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I'm sad that the only shots I've found of her are group shots, but this is one of the few solid Lissas I've seen.

>> No.8430467
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>> No.8430469
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>> No.8430472
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>> No.8430481
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>> No.8430484
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>> No.8430486
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>> No.8430488
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>> No.8430491
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>> No.8430492
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>> No.8430496
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>> No.8430497
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>> No.8430504
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>> No.8430506
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>> No.8430509
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>> No.8430512
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>> No.8430514
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>> No.8430517
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>> No.8430520
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>> No.8430521
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>> No.8430525
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>> No.8430527
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>> No.8430533
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>> No.8430538
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>> No.8430541
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>> No.8430542
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>> No.8430547
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Cinnabunny's Emmeryn is lovely. Another good person to follow for detailed progress shots and construction notes.

>> No.8430549
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>> No.8430553
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>> No.8430556
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>> No.8430561
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>> No.8430566
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>> No.8430570
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>> No.8430571
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>> No.8430576

Ohhhh man that's pretty clever.

>> No.8430577
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>> No.8430580
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>> No.8430582
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>> No.8430587
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And I'm more or less spent.

>> No.8430609
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I find the lack of Tharja disturbing.

>> No.8430666
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>> No.8430812

Yea, I'm not a huge fan... I'll probably still cosplay her but I'd like to see more art and see her in game as well before I start.

>> No.8430828
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>> No.8430846

Way I see things is that the changes open up for different types of gameplay mechanics. I'm cool with weapons no longer breaking as now we can actually use our money to upgrade things and not stockpile rare weapons to be saved for the final battle in which we keep them in storage.


If you' love the old games so much then just PLAY THEM AGAIN. What's the use of making a new title if we're going to repeat the same thing?

>> No.8430848
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>> No.8430851
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>> No.8430856
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>> No.8430858

>All these storytelling photos and lack of glamor shots

Is this just me seeing really good examples or is it that the super fame whores haven't peeled themselves into this series?

>> No.8430859
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>> No.8430860
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>> No.8430862

yeah, he selfposts his shitty chrom everywhere

>> No.8430865
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FE isn't mainstream enough.

>> No.8430869
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>> No.8430874
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>> No.8430881
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>> No.8430887
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Aaand, I'm done.

>> No.8430928

wow I love all of these. all for different reasons, but most of them are because of construction or how they portray the character.

>> No.8430967

Photo dumper who stopped before the Tharja dump here. I think the biggest costumes for series casuals are Tharja, Robin and Lucina, mostly because you can buy all the parts online, or almost everything is fabric-based. So many of the costumes involve a lot of armour, accessories and complicated techniques, so any self-made costume other than those (and maybe easymodo like Donnel) would be a labour of love. Fire Emblem cosplay isn't typically something you can just slap together in a couple weeks, and it's fairly obvious if that's what you tried doing. (Example: a handful of these Tharjas. Yikes.)

>> No.8430972
File: 638 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n6498wAYIY1rtll7do4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always a treat to see nice Emmeryn cosplays.

>> No.8430985

she looks like a potato

Robin, Lucina, Tharja, and Chrom are all really easy to find online.
Tharja is the one attention whores go for.

>tfw captcha thinks oranges are bread

>> No.8431013

>Tharja is the one attention whores go for.
Come on now.

>> No.8431026


Making robin's robe is far from easy

>> No.8431031
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Except it's true...?

>> No.8431040

Do you have any fact to support that assumption ?

>> No.8431069

more old school fire emblem cosplay pls

>> No.8431084

Tharja dresses scantily so girls like cosplaying her to show off.

>> No.8431119

That's stupid but it's hopeless.

>> No.8431278

bc we already see her everywhere else. lol gg

>> No.8431595


So Nohr gets ara ara nee-sama, pig explorer (a fat older lady that actually looks badass, A+), cute slut, trap, and most of the better husbandos?

That is the biggest A v B landslide I've ever seen in vidya. If you could trade Nyx for Rinkah and wolf guy for fox guy it would be perfect.

>> No.8431630

keep the tharja spam going <3

>> No.8431669

imo if Orochi was on Nohr's side everything would be perfect.

>> No.8432252

Who do you think will be the most cosplayed in FE14?

Most of the designs have armor of some sort so theres no dodging it (unless rip off Tharja)

>> No.8432286

Expect a lot of Nyx, Ophelia and Shara (aka Tharja 2.0).

Kinu, Oboro and Rinka are popular while not wearing any armor.
Camilla is super popular but... well you need to body type. I think the sisters will be done a lot overall, not armor too except of Camilla.
Super attention whores will do Orochi and Kagero.

For the guys, Odin, Grey and Nishiki are already populars amongs fujos, and are relatively easy to do.

>> No.8432291
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Anon you replied to here

Yeah I realised theres a handfull of good looking characters that dont wear much armor. Then I remembered people will probably do swimsuit versions as an easy way out.

>TFW not cosplaying your husband

Realised some of the kids arent too bad either like Foleo and Eponine (tbh most kids arent too bad at all....)

>> No.8432294

from just looks, i'm considering kanna, foleo, elise, midoriko, lilith, mitama, possibly velour if i want to do a non dfc loli. Further consideration will be determined based on personality and how difficult the bottom halves of their outfits are

>> No.8432303

The kids are very nice overall.
Foleo is a trap's wet dream.

I doubt people will do swimsuit versions though, FE Awakening had bonus missions were characters were in swimsuits, even in yukata and I never saw someone cosplay that.

>> No.8432304

Though Im sure bg tittied kids are going to want to do camilla but not want to make her armor so....
who knows.

Im scared for Foleo because tumblrs gonna fuck him up. Then again the fat lady is probably no1 choice as hailed tumlbr god.

>> No.8432310

Sadly there isn't much old FE cosplays.
The series pretty much got popular with Awakening, only Roy and Marth were a ting before.

>> No.8432326
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Waifushit pretty much saved the series. Salty that the fandom doesn't go shitbonkers making art/fic content for the ones I cared about, but still pretty appreciative I guess.

Also the art style before 6 was what I like to call "classic elitist fugly" and doesn't really lend itself to what most people like to cosplay.

Seeing pic related makes me wish I was still a fatty though, because I am in love with this bitch and know nothing about her. I hope she's cool.

>> No.8432678

I agree, but it's still a bit early to do that, the game isn't even released in the west yet.

>> No.8432784

I was a salty elitist at first but honestly I'm happy it's opened up the series to others. The hardcore modes are still there, and even though I do prefer the old school fugly western fantasy inspired designs, I never cosplayed any even though I've been looking for one for years. The new designs are a bit more fun cosplay wise.

And there was an interview with Iwata recently basically saying they were ready to put a stop to the FE series, and although I don't want to see the series die a Final Fantasy death at least we get another few decent games for now. It's a really risky balancing games for the developpers to open up a niche series and still keep the old fanbase, so I can respect that.

Not gonna lie I do love the dating sim slant it seems to be getting though, I was so frustrated over ambiguous supports in some of the older games.

>> No.8432847

>tfw when not big enough to really pull her off
>too chubby to do the slimmer characters

Awkward medium weight wah. Atleast there are plenty of characters.

>> No.8432906
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Hey girls heads up, we got some husbandos here.

>> No.8432995

Ye all the princes look great.
>tumblr super buttmad over "incest"
Theyre not even blood related fucks sake. I'm so done with tumblr's shit.

>> No.8433244

lose weight then.

>> No.8433458

didnt say I wasnt trying.

>> No.8433500

>tumblr super buttmad over "incest"
That's kind of weird to complain about when it's a recurrence in most of the games.

>> No.8433506

>implying anyone complaining about it on tumblr has played more than just Awakening
Come on anon you should know better.

>> No.8433511

sjws are just mad because theres more potential 'incest' than gay options.

Which I get. Its shitty for a western audience, that has made a lot of progress in regards to LGBT representation in western games, but this is a japanese company writing for a japanese audience. I'm surprised we got it at all.

I dont want this to develop into an argument, but yeah. Why cant we all just have fun and play video games. And accept that different games are made to pander to different people.

>> No.8433642
File: 199 KB, 600x800, no wig raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was so frustrated over ambiguous supports in some of the older games.

I think this is what flusters my fanny the most. 7 in particular had so many pairings to get into arguments about, jfc.


I don't really get the outrage, it's not like what happens canonically is going to get in the way of their fanfics/art. Especially in this era of "more than half of a fandom's content is original fiction masquerading as AUs"

>> No.8433811

tumblr is super extra special EX edition buttmad over the gay romance options, because "they're sadists and that says so much about what Nintendo thinks about gay people!"

Like, I get why you might be upset but holy shit do you want to play the actual game or are you in this for a dating sim?

>> No.8433937

not to mention a bunch want to start a petition to make More Gays in the localization. Do they not understand how game mechanics work? And what localization teams actually do? (also that petitions are stupid)

Anyway, some of the Fates characters seem a bit overdesigned (or questionably designed). I am super hype for the game, but from a costuming perspective, I don't know man.

>> No.8434388

>do you want to play the actual game or are you in this for a dating sim

Oh we all know the answer to this anon. It's a factor in why Persona 3/4 knocked the other 2 out of the park.

>> No.8434543

>tfw medieval trans/trap in cast
same sex fucking but i can't have my male character fuck Foleo!!!!!! Why!? Would picked Nohr in a heartbeat if I could.

Anyhow a lot of the girls are adorable
Hinata is my favorite guy design and who i want to cosplay from the character list

>> No.8434557

this has been a problem with most of Bioware's dating s- I mean, RPGs. More effort and attention is put into gay romances and how ~progressive~ the games are than the actual story and gameplay which is bland and meh at best.

>> No.8434574

tumblrtards always complain about this shit and will never be happy
>we need more gay representation!
>this representation is wrong!
>we still need more!
>the ones that -i- think are gay aren't gay? fix it!
>they're using gays as a fanservice plot point, lets boycott!
>proceeds to write smutty fanfics about their shitty gay ships

>> No.8434584

It's not incest, technically, but it's still very close family still. It's "moral incest" if you catch my drift.

Still ridiculous to hear to liberal idiots about every petty thing, if you don't like incest, marry the tons of non-blood related characters there is.

>> No.8434858

exactly. And I like Dragon Age, it was fun to play and experience, but I think I could have beaten Inquisition even if I fell asleep with a controller in my hands. I'm not saying FE is particularly hard (the older ones probably are) but its more challenging and, dare I say, FUN just to sit around and play.

>> No.8435171

I want to cosplay Velour so bad.

>tfw no cute Kinu to cosplay with you

>> No.8435909

Are these official art? They look so cute!

>> No.8436181

I might cosplay Kinu, since a friend is cosplaying her dad.

>mfw you're stuck between Shara, Kinu, and Kagerou

>> No.8436332

Kind of wished it was blood incest tbh.

I wanted the taboo.

>> No.8436348
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Saw this on tumblr. Attention whores already panicking to be first.

>> No.8436376

Yeah it's official.

Attention whore or not, I find that pretty rad.
It's just a bit risky, I'm not sure how she got the references of her bottom half.

>> No.8436406

A body like that picking the most fit character... I'm shocked /s

>> No.8436434

Yeah I agree, but I highly doubt it would have passed.
I mean it's already pretty big considering it's a Nintendo game, and everybody fear the game get butchered when it comes over in the west.

>> No.8436472

I wanna cosplay Kinu as well! But I live in Europe so we might never meet.

Might go to Katsucon though, would Kinu be warm enough for Katsu?

>> No.8436474

>attention whores

Jesus anon, way to be presumptuous.

That cosplay looks sick as hell so far, I'm excited to see the rest.

>> No.8436477
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>tfw oniichan fetish and would finally get to marry my oniichan
>tfw its not really my oniichan after all

God fucking damn it if you're going to do this at least go through with it the whole way and not half-ass it.

>> No.8436482
File: 1.11 MB, 1915x1078, c362229818cbf71165a85f429726b4e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can have interactive FE waifus on my desktop.
What a time to be alive

>> No.8436565

It's fine, I mean she's jacked as fuck, not much people could cosplay her. Being just fit is enough I think.

Next game probably.
You can easily play "let's pretend" with that one anyway.

>> No.8436576

Not ripped enough.
but rinka is weak shit anyway.

>> No.8436959

Ahh awesome! Nishiki is one of my favourites so far.

Velour-Anon here, I actually live in Europe as well!

>> No.8437025

But that cosplayer isn't even fit. Being not fat =/= fit.

>> No.8437029

>Velour-Anon here, I actually live in Europe as well!
Say whaaaaaat? Any particular EU cons you wanna go to then?

>> No.8437077
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A lot of the pictures higher up in the thread seem to be from dutch conventions, so I definitely want to go to Animecon. Not sure what other cons I might visit though. Where are you located Kinu-chan? Any cons you had in mind?

Postin' more references so I don't completely derail the thread.

>> No.8437096

Are there any refs of Lilith's bottom half?

>> No.8437104
File: 2.13 MB, 298x460, mitama2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else in the /vg/ thread the other night when everyone discovered live2d? it was wild.
anyways, i'm definitely looking to cosplay mitama at some point, she's absolutely adorable and one of the most underrated girls that i've noticed so far! i'm just waiting for more official art to be released for better full body references; a lot of the designs in this game are really nice in general though, i'm a fan of kinu, sakura and velour as well.

definitely could be more /fit/ but this doesn't look too bad otherwise!

>> No.8437143

Not yet, we gotta wait for the artbook scan.
Should be anyday now.

>> No.8437175

Well, I want to go to Katsucon so I am hoping I can finish the costume sometime before then. I'm in Scandinavia, so I can do any Scandicon really, but they're pretty poop all of them. I've never been to Animecon before, is it any good?

>> No.8437263


>cosplaying a game that isn't out yet

>> No.8437454

It is out.....

>> No.8437590


Not in a playable language for most people who would attend Katsucon.

>> No.8437736

True, but the game gained popularity quite fast It seems.

>> No.8437897


>cosplaying a game you haven't played

>> No.8438241

/r/ing more classic and pre-Awakening FE cosplays because I'm sick of seeing all these newfag cosplays

>> No.8438301

Not many female designs catch my eye cosplay-wise compared to Awakening. Kinda interested in Hana and Yuugiri but still waiting of course.
>tfw you're set on the Nohr side though

>> No.8438537

how can you like a character which has barely anything on her? Has her supports even been translated?

RE: all of tumblr.

>> No.8438544

calm down anon, i think they just meant design wise like the majority of people talking about fates cosplays so far. on a related note, i have seen a bunch of support translations floating around, though.

>> No.8438555

Take a trip over to any of the fire emblem generals on /vg/, anon.

>> No.8439009

>translates for /vg/ so at least I know were not all horribly misinformed.

Yeah probably. I'm just being horribly elitist. sorry. (already saw kins for Velour on tumblr before i posted the translation for supports up)

>> No.8440546

Has anyone seen any FE cosplays using the Smash 4 designs? I'm planning on doing Roy soon.

>> No.8440578

>Playing on doing Roy.

My nigga thats my main. I wanted to do Roy myself.

>> No.8441115


Wait, what? How?

>> No.8441126


>> No.8442754

I really like the character design and I'm gonna play the game anyway. I already have her on my desktop looking cute as hell. (´・ω・`)

>> No.8442896

If you cosplay Pieri I hope you like psychopaths

>> No.8443022

Do you have a guy version of this?

>> No.8443028
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>> No.8443616


>> No.8445522

>get on tumblr
>literally everyone is furious over Soleil X Kamui having "gay conversation therapy"
>2 hours later everyone is running damage control because the translation was taken out of context

For fucks sake, I might just stick to cosplaying and talking about Awakening at this point if any If discussion is going to make everyone around me spontaneously explode into a mess of trigger warnings and "THAT'S PROBLEMATIC AND VILE! FIRE EMBLEM IS AN AWFUL FRANCHISE!"

>> No.8445569

I'm not even a Persona 4 fan and I feel bad for anyone who was a long term fan of the franchise.

Speaking of Persona/Megaten the crossover game with FE trailers make me feel sick. Atlus ruins everything.

>> No.8445583

A lot of the supports have potentially 'triggering' stuff for SJW's. You just have to turn a blind eye to it anon.

>> No.8445595

Dude SJWs on tumblr don't actully play these games you know that right.

>> No.8445656
File: 93 KB, 482x468, 1435823489584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the ones who think having the A+ ranks between same sex supports means being regarded as inferior to S support ranks that are hetero (with exceptions). It's not like these ranks indicate gameplay mechanics. Nope, what are those? Functions in a game? Not in my personal shipping sim that should include everything I want! The moment they gain sense and realize everything doesn't revolve around or cater to them is when the world ends.

The cost of becoming popular during times like these. There's worse shit coming from Japan all the time but those slip under the radar.

On topic, I hope people attempt the royals' normal outfits first and not take the easy way out and do the swimsuits from the DLC.

>> No.8445783

Oh shit I thought Kisaragi looked really bland from his crit portrait but he is actually really cute. I hope he is well received.

Also, all the exposed pecs look really awkward and kinda bad? (Art wise, I mean.)

>> No.8445837


Yea and there's a lot of it too

>> No.8445841

>Not saying 'Special delivery'
God damn it anon, you missed a golden opportunity

>> No.8446050

Yeeeessss, thank you based anon

>> No.8446070


Who are you cosplaying anon?

>> No.8446457

>>2 hours later everyone is running damage control because the translation was taken out of context
Can you give context on this? I was a little unhappy with the gay conversion thing because people literally commit suicide because of it in real life so I thought it was in very poor taste.

>> No.8446938

Yeah from what I understand the actual crossover game got nuked and became that weird ass "inspired by FE and SMT" thing

>> No.8447255

Basically, Soleil is bi and she asks for Kamui's help because she likes girls so much that she literally faints in battle from being near them. Kamui puts a spell on her that makes her see men as women and vice versa without her knowing it, which somehow levels her out and she later thanks Kamui for doing it once the spell wears off. At S rank, she falls in love with Kamui as well. That's about it - nobody was trying to "cure" her of homosexuality, she asked Kamui to help her be a better fighter and that's how he did it.

It might all change once it gets localized, but jumping to conclusions based on the first draft of a fan translation taken out of context isn't really a great idea either. Now the FE fandom is being used as a battleground by a certain journalism integrity movement that shall not be named and you know what fuck this man I just wanna play video games

At least I still have Valkyria Chronicles.

>> No.8447675

I'm actually thinking about cosplaying Hana, but I wanted a full roster to help me figure out who will be my Avatar's husbando lol.

>> No.8448490

Jesus christ, this isn't as offensive as the initial post implied it to be, but that's some really shitty writing right there. Undermining bisexuality like that is pretty shitty too.

>> No.8449280


This is the first time in my embarrassingly long fandom memory that weeb stuff has ever amassed a fandom so large that it overlaps with the "we're going to badger the shit out of the devs until this is changed" crowd that the western industry gets sometimes. Do they think they're going to "win" or something? Do they know Japan doesn't give a shit as long as the otaku + fujo bux keep coming? Are they gonna not buy the game and go do something else with their livehahahahahahahaha

>> No.8449319


Fire Emblem games have been changed a lot between English and Japanese releases for years. It's very likely to happen with FE:F too.

>> No.8449951
File: 257 KB, 549x701, f2b5bf1ae2587bdb60decadb300b7578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art for the other units are starting to come out. Meido class outfit came up on booru.

>> No.8452379
File: 397 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went through the tag on tumblr and someone cosplayed Camilla for AX.

>> No.8452477

Exposed inner thighs, the game.

Her bottom half is cuter than expected. I'm digging the shoes, even though they have nothing to do with maid outfits

>> No.8453608

Japan are suckers for ZR and thigh-high.

>> No.8453616

Tumblr is super butthurt over incest in FE but a lot of people I follow who are against FE "incest" are also into Devil May Cry and are perfectly fine with Dante/Vergil cuz twincest uwu

>> No.8453690
File: 275 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nqzav7ZWe21qduoh3o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rinkah cosplayer from before poster a couple of new pictures.
It's a good start I guess.

>> No.8453732

looks pretty solid but I feel like something is missing or not right? Maybe its the wig...

>> No.8453737

Yeah proportions are off.
On her portraits you see way more of her chest, the sarashi is smaller, beads biggers, the hips armors things larger, and the pants are too high, they're supposed to be way below the navel, they're also more puffy.

She probably did that cosplay a bit fast to be in time of AX, so that's why I think it's a good start, it definitely needs more polish though.

>> No.8453980

Oh my god I hate that wig so much

>> No.8454219
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less wank more cosplay

>> No.8454225
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>> No.8454238

I'm working on some older FE cosplay right now, but hoping I like the new game enough to cosplay something. Maybe Camilla? I don't like planning costumes until I play it or see it myself, though.

>> No.8454963
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>> No.8454982
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>> No.8455816

For random units they are pretty stylish.
Especially the top right group.

>> No.8455836

i agree the generics are looking so good in this game, damn

>> No.8455867

I preferred so many of the generic enemy units in the last game too, but these really take the cake. Especially with full references like this I might just cosplay one.

>> No.8455870

I saw her at AX this weekend and it looked pretty bad imo. She's a lot pudgier than she photographs

>> No.8456374

>She's a lot pudgier than she photographs

>> No.8456384

I'd almost be tempted to cosplay one of these, it looks so good and comfy.

>> No.8456483

GodDAMN that second from the left! I think the class's name is Adventurer? Looks really good! I'll see how the class is in the game first, but the design is really tickling my cosplay nerves.

>> No.8456485

Err, from the bottom line, I meant. But looks nice, anyway.

>> No.8456540


Yes Draj is that class.

>> No.8456767

Fuuuuck that Archer is cuter than any of the main character designs....
Would anyone even recognize me ;_;

>> No.8456994

That dark mage outfit is rather interesting in bottom right.
Very interesting, I'll keep a eye on this.

>> No.8457481


Just cosplay Zero?


Just cosplay Odin or Ophelia?

>> No.8457508

I don't have the good face structure for Odin, maybe cosplaying a random would help.

>> No.8457561

I ain't a big buff scary guy I'm a small frail female.

>> No.8457631

Dude his daughter is the same class and she looks small and frail. Eponinne. Did nobody look at the actual character list?

>> No.8458134


Anna is that same class too.

>> No.8458730

I was agonizing over this too let's be generic archer buddies since I also don't fit any of the nohrian archers

>> No.8458767

That's the trickster/thief class you two.

>> No.8459946

Her hair is ugly.
Oh, neat.

>> No.8460595

Artbook where ?

>> No.8461671
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There's already cosplay of Kamui