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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8424423 No.8424423 [Reply] [Original]

Are sukumizus too weeby to wear in public to the pool or beach? I want a cute one piece because I feel too bony for bikinis. Also j-fashion swim thread.

>> No.8424450


Fuck anon I wear my sukumizu and my weeby gym uniform [red bloomers and matching shirt you fucking bet] all the time at the gym. I actually have the sukumizu pictured and one with two white stripes down the side.

It's not like you're disturbing anyone and who cares? I find sukumizu really cute so if you wanna - do it.

>> No.8424454

I wear mine a lot for the same reason. To someone who's not into Japanese shit, it just looks like a generic blue swimsuit. I don't think you need to worry too much

>> No.8424460

what are you even afraid of? If anybody tries to call you out on being a weeb then just tell them it was a gift from your conservative aunt

>> No.8424462

It's ok as long as you aren't fat or ugly.

>> No.8424476

"hey, that girl's wearing a navy blue one piece bathing suit, she must be a huge nerd"

it just looks like a swimsuit to a normie

>> No.8424477

They're.. Totally plain blue swimsuits. The crotch is only partially attached so that you can go to the bathroom more easily. Hell, it's a feature that you see on a lot of children's one-piece swimsuits.

Why is /cgl/ so weeby?

>> No.8424481

Only other weebs would recognize it, so in outing you they out themselves OP

>> No.8424489

It just looks incredibly plain and boring to the average normalfag. I don't think anyone would take notice unless they're a massive weeaboo themselves.

>> No.8424655

It's better a sukumizu than a slutty bikini top and pants, which is basically the sort of thing a whore wears.

In before "TROLL!!!!", you know it's true. Why do you need to show off so much flesh?

>> No.8424663
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>> No.8424674

It's true and you know it.

>> No.8424679
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>> No.8425107

I've learned that people are really unobservant. I doubt anyone but a massive weeb would even notice that it wasn't a regular one piece.

>> No.8425112


Also this.

You're wearing a one piece and you think you're going to have an issue or draw attention? Kek. Nobody knows about your obscure animu references.

>> No.8425165

I actually need a new swimsuit, and these are really cute. What's the best place to get one?

>> No.8425203


19th century Puritan beliefs keep you from getting any meaningful sex, kid

>> No.8425212

goes both ways mate, do you think a man showing his flesh in a pair of swim trunks or briefs is shameful too?

>> No.8425251

Guys usually cover up more than some of the bikinis damn kids these days wear. Obviously they cover different areas though. I wish it was more normal for girls to wear briefs or tops that are more fabric than a bra.

>> No.8425256

I guess you've never had to suffer through a beach full of fat, hairy, old men in speedos.

>> No.8425257

really cause i wish it was normal to just always be naked at the beach, its just a fucking body and tan lines are annoying

tfw people think nipples are some sacred slut buttons

>> No.8425277

I never had that issue because there are designated naked bathing areas fucking everywhere in my country.

I've also seen a lot of fat women so yeah. Everyone would look prettier with swimsuits, fat guys very much included.

>> No.8425286



>> No.8425291

Yeah, other countries get those.

I'm in your boat. In fact, in my state they just decided showing female nipples, the head of the penis, and the vagina is a felony offense... because they can secrete.

Testicles and male nipples aren't included since testicles don't secrete.

Sage for not on topic.

>> No.8425307

>wearing underwear out in public
Why would you do this?

>> No.8425320

Male nipples can secrete milk under certain conditions, actually.

>> No.8425345

testicles can secret stinky sweat so they should count. On the plus side, think of all the ass and balls shots you'll get.

>> No.8425347
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Because this is kawaii as fuck?

Not to mention it doesn't even look like underwear. What's the difference between that and a bikini bottom?

>> No.8425369
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Or soffe shorts. Or the majority of gym wear that women jog in today like the body armor bra tops and leggings/hot shorts. (Here that is very popular, even jogging down the main part of town.)

During the 80s, hot pants and a t shirt was pretty common gym wear. Tiny shorts and a t shirt.

I personally find them quite sporty looking.

>> No.8425377
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This is what people here regularly wear exercising and even jogging in all but the dead of winter.

It is hot as fuck here, it can be hot in a gym. I don't blame them.

The issue of "something that looks like underwear" is more a personal matter.

I'd say you wouldn't wear pic related either which is what I'm saying is popular here.

>> No.8425447

>mfw you think those are bloomers

>> No.8425462

>mfw lolitafags

>> No.8425487

Why would anyone ever want to go running in those kind of shorts, I did once by accident and they rode up my butt the entire time. I've never seen anyone at the gym wear bottoms like that either, they're very impractical for weights or cardio that isn't yoga.

>> No.8425526

Hi, PT.

>> No.8425555

Everyone and their dog has a pair of Nike Pro shorts and I've seen plenty of girls lift in them at my local small town gym, it's pretty common. I don't personally think it would be comfortable either.

>> No.8425562

>at the gym
Are you sure anon

>> No.8425578

Where else would she be getting workout lines, anon?

>> No.8425593


Sorry for the language barrier but that's what they were called when I was growing up. I don't take bloomers to mean only underwear or whatever lolitas wear under their petticoats.

>mfw raised in a different country



>> No.8425625

>plural noun: bloomers
women's loose-fitting knee-length underpants, considered old-fashioned.
women's and girls' loose-fitting trousers, gathered at the knee or, originally, the ankle.
guess it really is a language barrier.

>> No.8425642


Guess I'll drop the bomb but I was raised in Japan [ugh now I sound like straight trash] and when I was little - they called the gym shorts buruma/pittari buruma. It's derived from the English word bloomers but had a slight different meaning for us. So it's a legit language barrier because it throws off people when I say it all the damn time.

Honestly though, I don't understand the big deal if I said they were bloomers or not? Other anons seemed to understand what I was saying except you.

>> No.8425649

For whatever reason, Japanese adopted bloomer (buruma) as a loanword for those little Japanese school gym bottoms. So it is the correct word, it's just a different use of it for a specific article of clothing that's not common outside Japan. (And has largely been replaced by regular shorts in school gym uniforms in Japan.)

>> No.8425665
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It happens. In Japan they like calling bike shorts spats (an abbreviation of spandex shorts) but in the west spats refer to boot covers.

>> No.8425675

I agree. Thong bikinis were starting to be seen more often here last summer but I don't care about having more of my butt tanned, I want to go to the beach without knowing that whatever top I chose, some part of it will leave a tanline that will ruin the look of something I want to wear. Summer here gets so hot that backless dresses are almost all I want to wear, unfortunately, I always have a gross white stripe or two across my back because the nearest beach I can go topless at is 2hrs away and the nearest normal beach is just up the road so we always end up there.

>> No.8425681

You should be wearing sunscreen, anyway. If you don't, have fun prematurely aging for an aesthetic that you can achieve very easily in a non-harmful way.

>> No.8425685

You still get a tan wearing sun screen unless you're super white and don't tan any way. It just takes twice as long.

>> No.8425691

That's why you reapply, dumbass.

>> No.8425727

I reapply every 1.5-2hrs, doesn't stop my skin from getting darker, nothing does. Some people have skin that keeps light if the put on sun screen and some of us have skin that goes from Scotland in winter to is your dad from Fiji as soon as it sees the sun.

>> No.8425836

I understood because in my little part of the south "bloomers" refers to underpants. Regular underpants, not the frilly long victorian bloomers.

>> No.8426073

Stay out of the sun? Some people are weak to things. Get a parasol, wear a hat. Shit.

>> No.8426100

It also depends on the sunscreen and how you apply it. I have to use a combination of chemical and physical ones to stop me darkening/burning since I live in the southern hemisphere under an ozone hole. I typically use a combo of Neutrogena sensitive skin which is zinc and titanium dioxide, plus Biore watery on my face and Skinnies on my body

>> No.8426141

You're probably not putting enough on. Recommended amount is a shot-glass full for your whole body.

>> No.8426209

Not op but bumping this question because I've only seen mediocre-looking ones on ebay and taobao.

>> No.8426224
File: 128 KB, 700x875, TB2LjTedXXXXXcHXpXXXXXXXXXX-666475850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this was talked in a thread but To Alice came out with that one sukumizu

>> No.8426229
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And it looks like they're planning to make some really stupid looking bikini one.

>> No.8426248

Yeah, it's just an area thing. When I was a cheerleader as a little girl, the spandex shorts/panties/whatever that went over your actual underwear underneath the skirts we called bloomers.

And, I live in Texas, so it might just be a southern thing.

>> No.8426364

where would you buy one of these?

>> No.8426367

It's also used as the name for the coverings cheerleaders wear under their uniforms (which are basically what are worn in those Japanese gym uniforms). Bloomer is just more concise than "an underwear shaped cover to cover your underwear from view". Basically.

>> No.8426372

Nah, not a Texas thing. I grew up in the midwest and did baton twirling. Our uniform was a cheer dress and ... wait for it ... white bloomers.

>> No.8426393
File: 77 KB, 560x414, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....Why did they decide to use the Star of David over a Pentagram?

A pentagram would at least make sense for that ~edgy kawaii~ that's in right now. But, a star of david? Will kawaii Judaism be the new in thing?

>> No.8426437

It looks like something Danny Sexbang would wear

>> No.8426450

No one except hardcore weebs from /a/ or /cgl/ would even realize it wasn't just a normal one piece bathing suit, you're going to be tanning/swimming with a bunch of normies. Stop being so self-conscious, who cares.

>> No.8426490

I remember when I used /cgl/ to find me a sukumizu so i'll try to help out

I bought mine at cosmates (they have multiple listings for the same product so just search for it, you don't need a direct link), and it fit comfortably and seemed pretty sturdy. The biggest issue i could find was that the padding for your tits moved about so you can either sew it or take it out completely

I don't reccommend wearing this if you don't have a defined waist/hip ratio because it might not have the desired effect.

I'll scour the internet for some pictures of non models wearing them to give you an accurate idea of what they look like

>> No.8426510
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gonna start posting

>> No.8426516
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I also heard the Jlist sukumizu's are of ok quality too

>> No.8426524
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>> No.8426528
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>> No.8426531
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and i think that's good enough for now

if you would like more, feel free to ask

>> No.8426534

Because I have a hot body and I want to show it off.

>> No.8426547

Christians have had their fun with Nun Lolitas, it's time for us Jew chans to have our day.

>> No.8426555


Who thought these things would go together?

>> No.8426578

because sukumizus, striped otks, ballgags, and cat ears are all part of a neckbeard's wet dream

>> No.8426648
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Thank you based anon!

>> No.8427274

Not OP but thank you!
>I don't reccommend wearing this if you don't have a defined waist/hip ratio because it might not have the desired effect.
Mind if I ask what exactly you mean?

>> No.8427328

kawaii star of david tan lines

>> No.8427343

The dark color and smooth one-piece is supposed to accentuate your curves. It will look ugly if you only have fat rolls or a flat butt. Also the old-style traditional school swimsuit with the fake skirt has long been out of circulation in Japan and mainly sold as a cosplay/fetish/interest item nowadays, so they're made quite rigid for a piece of sportswear instead of super stretchy, thus not forgiving at all if you aren't approximately the right size for it.

>> No.8427588
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