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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 400x400, AnimeMidwest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8417516 No.8417516 [Reply] [Original]

Two weeks till Anime Midwest.

What are your plans? Anyone going to bring fireworks?

>> No.8417577

http://www.gofundme dot com slash xdh2gc
Someone wanted to do a room party with team four star. It was removed from the am page but still..

Heading down Friday night of the con. Friend has to work that day and they won't let her leave early. I also did the mailed badge a week or two ago when they had that change available but I have yet to see an email stating it's otw. Hoping it comes this week.

>> No.8419663

I will be amused if something catches fire because someone got drunk enough to set some off inside a hotel room.

I'm quite worried because I wont have my own hotel for a change and the person I'm with isn't checking in till Friday. And I don't want to stand in line for hours in heels waiting to pick up my badge even though I changed mine to mail in as well. Hopefully my local post office isn't being retarded.

Really wish I could be there Thursday though since I like to not rush and have everything in order.

>> No.8419673
File: 68 KB, 600x450, 2w9h8s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm quite worried because I wont have my own hotel for a change and the person I'm with isn't checking in till Friday.
>Really wish I could be there Thursday though since I like to not rush and have everything in order.

Same here. I'm staying with a few lolitas at the Embassy Suites and the reservation is for Friday and Saturday. I'm coming in from Ohio and I don't want to wake up at 6am Friday morning to drive to Chicago on the 4th of July weekend.

>> No.8419820

>4th of July weekend


>> No.8419831

Is anyone else miffed that the tea party is on Sunday? I live four hours away, Sunday is my day to get in comfy shit so I can lug all my luggage to the car and gtfo

>> No.8419835

Hell, at least you got tickets anon.
Im out of luck and could not obtain one

>> No.8419909

No, not really. Having the tea party on Sunday is a great way to cap off a good con. I'm hoping BTSSB's tea party will be better compared to Chantilly's/Atelier Pierrot's tea party at ACen 2013. Last year's was good from what my friends said. I could not go due to work commitments on my master's.

>> No.8421742

>AX same weekend
>no one cares about Midwest
What an unfortunate time to have a smaller con.

>> No.8421766

Holy shit on a stick, it is in two weeks. Now I'm really freaking out on what I want to wear. I finally found a jsk I want and can easily afford, but idk if it's worth bidding since it's on a J-auction.

Going Thursday, most likely going to dick around Chicago proper after unpacking.

Panels actually look interesting this year. I'm seriously thinking about going to the feminism ones, even if it ends up being lulzy or cringy. I missed out on the maid cafe, so maybe I'll give it a try this year. How much is it to get in again? $10?

Right? It is oddly enough, one of the cheaper times of the year for the con to rent out the space.

I hope it ends up being fun and worth the price. I won't be going, but I'm going to check out the premier of When Marnie Was Here

>if I'm not terribly hungover

>> No.8422550

I'm curious if the shuttle that goes to O'Hare also stops by the outlets or if there's another way to get there that's not by foot or car (unless it's not far of a walk from the Hyatt)

>> No.8422571

It's only like a 10-15min walk but there is a shuttle that runs a loop that at least includes the front of the convention center and the mall. I've only taken the shuttle from the mall to the con, not the other way around, so I'm not sure where it all stops on that loop.

>> No.8422597

Whats the best way to go back and forth from Chicago and Rosemont?

>> No.8422732

Without a car? I think the blue line.

>> No.8423005

The blue line. There's a shuttle bus that runs from the convention center to a mall and entertainment center back to the train station which is the blue line. Shuttle runs every 10 minute or so

>> No.8425729

Well I just got my badge. Convenient how the event times are listed, but also could have been presented better with a chart that says Fri/Sat/Sun. Not really digging the art work after reading that encyclopedia drammatica article.One thing I can appreciate about Acen badges is that they're sturdy, the art is sfw, and they're a bit smaller. This thing is bigger than my iphone with the case on.

>> No.8425772

Cool. I just want to know if the company decided to add on a route which I figured it would. I live in a small town where these shops don't exist, and I thought I'd drop by when I don't see any panels I want to go to, and I'd rather not move my car from the garage just to make it easier to carry my plausible shopping spree.

>> No.8426590

So I actually glanced at the letter that came with the badge and it reads "Please don't take a picture of your badge and post it online" because of QR code reasons. But like, wouldn't anyone with sense just white out the sticker part in paint? Or is it a deterrence from getting the artwork out because despite being sfw, it's rather- well, just not good to show your grandma.

>> No.8426705

It's because so many people lobbycon that shitty con and have no problem copying badges for it.

>> No.8426983


Oh god no, what's on the badge this year?

>> No.8427220
File: 371 KB, 667x1000, 958a58c6ae2db3627b856fba317232d0-d7jwa1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female Dante from the Devil May Cry Series.I'd honestly post a picture anyway but too lazy to do so.

Pic related isn't the exact picture but it's the same female Dante.

>> No.8427909


Christ, I really do hate Kopf and his Dante friend.

Did anyone else see that the date auction is now 15+? Yikes

>> No.8428155

Wait what? 17+ I can understand, but 15? That's ridiculous.

>> No.8428341


That was my reaction exactly. I was going through the list with my boyfriend on the phone last night and was like "...wasn't the date auction 18+ in years past?"
Like how can you possibly make that sound ok.
They're a cute idea, date auctions, if the money goes to charity and if the people involved realize that it's totally make-believe. Unfortunately, weebs (15 year old weebs, at that) are really REALLY bad at differentiating reality and fantasy so inevitably people end up creeped out and clung to for the whole night.

Side note: /cgl/ meetup? anyone? I missed it last year and kicked myself forever.

>> No.8428696

I still don't know if I can go and if I do, I'm likely to hang out with close friends in a room party (some of us are gulls, too). It would be nice to hit up the sushi place at the outlet mall, otherwise, I'd probably be up for hanging out at the Hyatt bar. I can't remember if the other hotels nearby have a bar or not.

>> No.8428939
File: 64 KB, 637x960, lolitaselfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a party to go to on Saturday night and I need to make sure my burando doesn't get spilled by Framboise. I think it's wise to hold one on Friday night.

>> No.8428952


Friday night could be cool, since I'm paneling late on Saturday night. What time works for people?

>> No.8428981

I was thinking 9pm by the Hyatt Bar.

Hopefully Anime Midwest won't be as crowded the last time I was there for ACen in 2013.

>> No.8429994


Making things 18+ is a ridiculous impairment of free speech. People don't magically become smarter when they turn 18. From my experience, the date auction just included a date to the formal dance, which is the most prudish type of dance you've got. If you don't like your date, the con is big enough that you can get lost and never have to show up.

>> No.8430089

I said 17+ is understandable. And yeah, they kinda do. A 15 year old's brain is still developing and 17 is still kind of pushing it, but there is a difference.

>> No.8430922

There's a lolita programming schedule up! https://www.fb.com/notes/lolita-collective/anime-midwest-2015/824680104293717

>> No.8431351


Not to mention at 18 you /do/ magically become an adult. You might not be there mentally, but it being 15+ means that creepy adults can prey on children, potentially. Limiting it to adults (or, 17 year olds who can consent in IL) means that everyone is legally able to consent to everything going on (not that it's sexual, just implied romantic). Also this year it advertises as it being a date to the rave too, which is asking for mountains of trouble.

>> No.8431407

>anons claiming there are more adults than teens at Midwest
>see this
I don't want to talk about my animes with 15 year olds.

>> No.8433300


I sincerely hope nobody made you believe there are more adults than teens because holy shit you are in for a rude fucking awakening.
It's tons and tons of young tumblr kids.
There's a pretty healthy crowd of 20 somethings (I'm 22, I go with a group of early 20s people), but there is an overwhelming group of babies too.

>> No.8433312

The Hyatt bar last year was pretty empty. Like >>8433300 said, there's a surprisingly large number of younger guests at the con.

Even if it weren't for the allegations against Ryan, the very idea of lowering the age from 18 to 15 is just asking for trouble. Do they really want more drama?

Anyway, I won't be able to make it Friday night, but y'all gulls have fun.

>> No.8433323


I'm totally down for meeting both nights honestly. I'm running a panel late on Saturday night and it'd be fun as hell to get a drink with some gulls and then go do it.

>> No.8433350

I be down fo dat. What's your panel?

>> No.8433407


Garden of Eva. Second year in a row! I'm also guesting on a panel immediately before that too, so that'll be fun.

>> No.8433459

How are the raves at these things? This'll be my third con, but I never bothered to go to the raves. My friends are bringing acid this year so I kinda wanna go now.

>> No.8433637

On a semi related note since its in Illinois, whos going to STARCON AT UIS!?!?!?

>> No.8433900

What's the QR code do?
if you can it I can try to make a blank copy for educational purposes

>> No.8434495

They're fine. No where near as crowded as ACen's. I expect another year of anime/video game music remixes and dubstep.

>> No.8434978
File: 401 KB, 315x489, MAKE YOUR OWN BADGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of crowds, what is the crowd like? Drugged up white kids causing destruction to everything they touch? Or the S&M crowd who walk around in half rave half bondage wear right as the sun begins to set?

It's been mentioned a few times in the Acen threads. Not going for the crowd really but I simply want to attend more cons. A real shame AX is the same weekend since some of my friends are going to that instead.

It's for scanning and proof of authentication. Not sure when it would be put to use at the con since Acen had one and no one scanned my badge, but apparently if I posted my badge online as is, someone could replicate it like a bar code. But again, seems kind of useless since I've never encountered a time when it was absolutely necessary for me to prove the badge is mine and I bought it. I'm still convinced it's a ploy to deter people from posting the badge image.

>> No.8435019

Not as bad as ACen in a sense that there are less "ravers" waiting all day for raves. I saw a lot of the younger crowd for some reason and I think it has to do with the number of homestuck panels going on and how affordable it is compared to ACen (I'd be careful around the staircase - I've had to dodge a couple of kids screaming around and sitting on the lower lobby floor); the current number of feminism/sjw related panels might influence this. Cosplay wise is alright. It's pretty easy to spot the gems among the babby's first cosplay because of how much smaller AM is. I think people tend to treat this con as a test run for their cosplays. Lolitas will also be easy to spot because of Btssb hype. Even though there are a lot of younger people, it's also pretty easy to find twenty something year olds milling around, and people seem to be less stressed out because it is a smaller con.

>> No.8435989

Oh weak, I forgot they used the plastic badge, instead of paper. I should really invest in an ID maker sometime.
Out of curiosity, when you scan it with your phone, does it bring up anything?

>> No.8435995

The QR code is just the badge number.

>> No.8436001

so just the number shows up when you scan it?

>> No.8436014

Yes, it's the same as the number that's above it on the badge.

>> No.8436036

>The QR code is just the badge number.

Reg department here. That's what the mailed badges bring up, but the ones here it also contains your name, and they said something about adding more info. They demo'd the scannig app at the last meeting and it's legit, flashes red if there's a problem with a badge, and it brings up your name and birthdate as soon as it's scanned.

>> No.8436045

>I said 17+ is understandable. And yeah, they kinda do. A 15 year old's brain is still developing and 17 is still kind of pushing it, but there is a difference.

While true, they still know the difference between what they do and don't want to do - a 15 year old is smart enough not to go to a stranger's room. A supreme court decision making curfews illegal is what I'm quoting; the right to free expression isn't limited to when you turn 18. But yeah maybe 17 would be better.

>> No.8436127

So when will badges get scanned?

>> No.8436130

probably never. acen's badges had QR codes on them and no one even knew what they were there for.

>> No.8436150

Mine linked to the acen login page, then said "Welcome to ACen 2015!"
So to the point, if I buy a badge and if a friend used it, no one would ever know?

>> No.8436213


>a 15 year old is smart enough not to go to a stranger's room

Honestly, not a lot of them. Especially weeby ones that are starving for attention and feel "cool" when older people are like "hey come drink with us"
It's a really dangerous situation

>> No.8436422

This reminds me of the horror stories threads. In most cases, the cause of the humiliation and suffering are 12-15 year olds.

>> No.8436699


>> No.8436746

Yukako anon from Acen here, I'll be at the embassy with my boyfriend and his sister. I don't think I'll cosplay though, because I don't want to rewear Yukako until I make some improvements.

If there's a Saturday meetup, I'm down. I don't know when I'll be free Friday since I'm hitting the Brentalfloss concert.

>> No.8436767

that, and the date auction being 15+ means.... there are either 15 year olds bidding on 18+ or 18+ bidding on 15 year olds...
A friend of mine emailed AM about it, suggesting legal concerns and safety issues with the 15+ rule. They responded that they have some sort of way to check age so people should only be bidding for people around their age. However, it's not hard to fake an ID or lie, and since it's AM honestly I don't trust that they're gonna check ages that much at all. The requirement being to still attend a dance together is still serious trouble. Con dances are clusterfucks and honestly not that regulated.... someone's gonna get hurt.

>> No.8436863

I just read up about Knopf and fucking hell dude... if me and my friends werent super ready for the weekend I dont know if i wanna associate with amw anymore.

>> No.8436876

I honestly wanna take action against this crooked fuck. A lot of his staff bailed and will only return if he's gone so its not like the whole ship will sink if he's missing. Maybe we could petition for legal action to be done against him or something?

>> No.8436928

>if me and my friends werent super ready for the weekend I dont know if i wanna associate with amw anymore.

It's all bullshit started by the poster below you. Anyone can make shit up on the internet.

>> No.8437103


Yeah, I mentioned that above.
Like, what's stopping a creepy 25 year old from coming in and bidding on all of the little ones? So gross.

>> No.8437727

Whoo! I've found someone to take my shift on Saturday (just have to get it approved, but I think chances are good), so it's twice the drinking!

>> No.8437884


Hi, Erica.

>> No.8437995

hoo dang!!

>> No.8438789
File: 257 KB, 338x600, tumblr_nphe7zq2M31u182sno2_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplaying this
>run out of trim
>can't find red thread

The cosplay gods are telling me to go fuck myself.

>> No.8438840

Hopefully someone doesn't decide to pull the fire alarm like they did at this year's Acen.

>> No.8438932

it happens literally every acen

>> No.8438938


>> No.8439565

Don't pull the fire alarm during our tea party.

>> No.8439945

USPS lost my package with my contacts in them. Contacts I ordered more than a month ago. My rx is expired so I can't get emergency contacts from anywhere local. Why this, USPS? Why punish me now?

>> No.8439949


Probably should have mentioned they're for a group I've been planning to be in for a year for this con, to keep it Midwest related. Whoops.

>> No.8440609


Update: USPS sent them back to PinkyParadise because PP addressed the package wrong.
The package was returned 2 weeks ago.
They don't know why nobody told me.

y this

>> No.8440896

I'm gonna ruin your tea party.

>> No.8440901

I remember my red contacts from them came in the Monday after acen. What the fuck man. Fuck USPS.

>> No.8440927

Do you know when it is? Cause I'm not going to tell you.

>> No.8441092

>Do you know when it is? Cause I'm not going to tell you

You really don't need to worry much.

>> No.8443264

Is it dumb to wear a costume Friday? I only have one costume

>> No.8443383

Wear it the entire weekend or Fri/Sat. Get recognition and more pictures.

Why would it be dumb?

>> No.8443417

I just thought since most people work, Friday would be kind of empty and that it would be a waste. I also thought it would be tacky/dirty to wear both days or i'd be made fun of for only having one.

>> No.8443516

You worry too much. Judging by the attendance rates posted on their site, there's going to be plenty of people. Also, if the cosplay is actually good, I can't think of any reason someone would make fun of you much less openly. No idea where you got the idea of it being tacky or dirty since people will wear their normal clothes for 2 days.

>> No.8444072

What costume is it?

>> No.8444467
File: 1.17 MB, 1406x688, vw amw2015 lineup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are lineups a thing? Let's post 'em.

Gave pallette for Joseph cosplay, since I'm not doing exactly a "canon" one.
>inb4 there are no canon JoJo pallettes.

>> No.8444840


>> No.8444900

I go by Nicco now but yeah that's me! What's up?

>> No.8445124
File: 72 KB, 943x960, I ain't gonna have Lanas guns tho..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What day is the rave? Just Saturday or Friday as well? I most likely wont attend because of all the children, but I'm curious about it all the same.

My Quiet gun is currently broken and a friend claims he'll help me out, but if he can't come through, then no gun it is. Though, Sunday I'll probably just re-wear Quiet without the gun since it's usually a more relaxed day. Depends on the weather.

>> No.8445137

You're going to kill your feet with those Lana boots again!

>> No.8445280
File: 181 KB, 1920x822, 1434768015889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. I still have a dark spot on my toenail from Acen. Didn't have the budget to buy a pair of Pleasers. I think I'm not even going to make it to Saturday since I'm on medication for a little while and nausea is a side effect. I'll just have to time how I take my pills because I may very well keel over and vomit if it doesn't wear off while I'm at the con center.

>tfw skipped a pill today because I've been busy packing
>didn't want to be slowed down
>mfw the moment I take it

>> No.8446199

All packed and ready to go. So excited! Half my suitcase is booze. Probably gonna go through a healthy chunk as Misato.

>> No.8446351

Where's the orgy at?

>> No.8446686

These things don't actually happen, right?

>> No.8446973

If you look enough you'll definitely find one

>> No.8447141

my van

>> No.8447452

Can dudes auction themselves for dances? How do these things work? I just want to hold a girl's hand and make her happy ;_;

>> No.8447472

Just got to Chicago, hope to see a /cgl/ meetup happen!

>> No.8447834

Anyone wanna get together and watch the wwe special on Saturday?

>> No.8448533
File: 1.27 MB, 460x345, CHEWING NERVOUSLY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wig wont style properly
>completely ruin another by cutting it the wrong way
>have to arrive at con in cosplay (with heels) because no room and roomate wont be there until later
>feet already starting to hurt
Not even going to bother with accuracy until I can get into the room I'm in. Just hope too many people don't ask me for a picture. I'm half tempted to switch wigs and just have what would be the equivalent of having the character's hair down because this thing looks a mess now.

>> No.8448935

I think you can buy contacts there

>> No.8449099

DeadpoolCon confirmed

>> No.8449141

Anyone just not doing anything? At the Hyatt couches. A-and it'd be nice to talk to someone.

>> No.8449154

Didnt mean to quote.

>> No.8449200

I'm in Linecon if you want to chill with our group

>> No.8449742

Seriously though.....where the orgys at

>> No.8449786

>come in me bro!

>> No.8449859

When/where is the cgl meetup?

>> No.8449950


From an earlier post, at the Hyatt bar at 9pm and apparently both days?

>> No.8450351

Anyone at the red bar yet?

>> No.8450392

I'm sitting facing it holding onto my hat

>> No.8450484

Have to go out and buy a phone charger, maybe I'll hit a meet up tomorrow

>> No.8450526

Well if anyone sees a negro with her buttcheeks hanging out and wearing black and green, thats me.

>> No.8450558
File: 158 KB, 308x337, steeve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows the con so far? I forgot about it, but honestly i'm a bit glad i did, I didn't have reliable to go with and have to many people i don't want to run into.

>> No.8450787

I dressed up as Meow and the VA saw me and asked for a pic of me and my buddy dressed as Dandy. That was pretty fucking cool.

>> No.8451083

badge pickup was hours long so a lot of people ended up missing panels if they didn't time correctly... hopefully it gets fixed tomorrow! I think there's also an Indian wedding/convention happening this weekend too?

Things of note:
>bottom floor of Hyatt has free Japanese arcade, pay to play pachinko (Eva machine!), and video games
>maid cafe & free ramen on check-in level of Hyatt
>outlet mall has a food court, 10 min walk
>strawberry slut gallery on bottom level, get to see blown up paintings of anime girls getting fucked by brand logoed bodies
>use the shortcut from Hyatt to dealer's hall & con center via the Expoteria Restaurant
>BTSSB sold out of a lot of their good stuff today when they opened so slim pickings on Sat&Sun

>> No.8451128

I think I might've seen you around today.

>> No.8451315
File: 32 KB, 387x363, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never rooming with anyone again. Even if its at motel 6 I want to have my own terms.

>get in super late
>everyone asleep in beds
>sofa occupied by roomie luggage
>single sheet on floor with pillow
>not even a cot
>honestly would have been better at previous place

>> No.8451326

lol men are assholes

>> No.8451510
File: 266 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys. Didn't show up for the meetup. I was enjoying sausages and exotic spanking last night with some friends.

Oh, and I found a prince!

>> No.8451806


>> No.8451833

30 minutes in and the indie fashion show has not started yet.

>> No.8451944

I think it was just a single Toulouse cosplayer anyway. I would have went if I didn't have to replace a phone charger that fell out of my pocket.

>> No.8451945

Thanks Apple.

>> No.8451983

>Indian wedding/convention
Why does it always seem like conventions always fall during this

>pay to play pachinko
dam I always wanted to try that game out.

>strawberry slut gallery on bottom level, get to see blown up paintings of anime girls getting fucked by brand logoed bodies

I'm a little skeptical of that but I'm just gonna take your word on that.

>> No.8452061

So what is there to do here or where xan I meet cool people? I typically go to bugger cons like Otakon where there's a shit ton of movies and other things to do. I'm in town for the weekend and saw there was an anime convention across from my hotel so I got a one day pass. Besides e celebs and VAs what can I do or see?

Are cgls gonna go drinking anywhere nearby I usually show to the otakon meetups.

>> No.8452063

Dont play with my emotions anon-kun

>> No.8452074

how was the baby fashion show? Pictures? Anything good at the booths?

>> No.8452597

>3rd con in a row without any Aigis figures in the vendor hall
Just let me die already

>> No.8452626

Any good con parties going on in the hyatt tonight? Wife is being a thundercunt and I could really use an escape.

>> No.8452695

Anyone well versed in tactical gear available? Need a little help. At the hyatt if someone can.

>> No.8452722

What's broken?

>> No.8452724

I came with a group, but I always end up by myself. Is that weird?

>> No.8452734

Someone actually got to me first, its cool now. Just a messed up strap.

>> No.8452866

Meet up tonight?

>> No.8453504

Got fucking lit for two hours and was woken up by my friend who found me in con ops

>> No.8453936

>tfw ears still ringing from rave
God Ryan was a disgusting creep on stage. Also those dancers had some real lame rave outfits. Black one was cute but severely lacking neon colors. But at least I got a chance to dance on stage!

>> No.8454192

>Ryan on stage
Now this I have to hear

>> No.8454231

>empty tables at the BTSSB tea party

Someone just told me about this. It sold out and there was a wait list which I was on. There even food prepared. What the hell?

>> No.8454262

when isnt ryan a creep. i saw him open a door and i felt creeped out just looking at him and his pudge

>> No.8454348
File: 85 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1436125822670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overreacting much, Ryan?

>> No.8454395

At the rave he made an appearance from time to time. And he took off his shirt and had dry sex on stage with a dancer.

>> No.8454421

for a con that's run by a rapist, there sure are a lot of children

>> No.8454434

How the hell is it legal to setup dating for people not even old enough to consent especially considering the person organizing the dates is a convicted rapist? Mfw too bad I read this after the con is over so it's too late to literally call the police. Better luck next year I guess. #doinganythingbutghostingatmidwestwhatareyoudoing

>> No.8454551
File: 1.19 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will post more pictures when I get all this sorted out. Hopefully it wont post sideways.
>tfw it will anyway

>> No.8454558

...what the fuck is his problem?

>> No.8454693
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>> No.8454716
File: 335 KB, 1035x1280, tfw caesar wont toss ur salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open alcohol
>lipstick smeared from kissing qt3.14 Kira cosplayer
>too drunk to pose properly
I could have selfposted a more flattering picture but this really sums up the con well for me. BroJos were legit as fuck, hoping to see some pics from the 6pm meetup soon. I don't have FB so I'll have to get them through friends.

I love going to these cons but this. I would ghost if I didn't get comped for panels.

You were super nice and it was great meeting you!! Are you going to Con Alt Del?

>> No.8454901

Are you sure that wasn't DC Douglas? If he didn't have a pony tail then that was him. He always dances shirtless at raves.

>> No.8454907

I didn't even know about the allegations until this thread. How would the normalfag parents bringing their children know about something like this?

>> No.8454914

I'm guessing they don't look up who runs it

>> No.8454943

T-thanks. And not likely. I'm not a fan of the winter. Perhaps next year when or if I have a winter cosplay prepared.

Both were shirtless. At least he didn't try to molest the dancers that much.

This. I don't know who runs what. I just go.

>> No.8455009

I saw DC Douglas at the Hyatt bar with the bi/lesbian couple he kept implying he wanted to have a threesome with. Dunno where that went, but I can guess... Also what was with that out-of-the-blue rant about penis size? Does he show up at cons solely to fuck younger chicks with his self-professed 5.4 inch "average" penis? What is his deal? Has his past behavior been documented?

>> No.8455021

top kek

>> No.8455059

I think it had to do with how erotic fan fics (and erotica/porn in general) tend to exaggerate penis size (the one he was reading emphasized that) and don't reflect reality (then again, no shit, it's fiction). I'm surprised that he did follow up with the girls at the bar, but I don't think I want to know what happened afterwards. I doubt they did anything since he was at the rave pretty much all night; he took his shirt off again, too. Rocking the dad bod.

>> No.8455101
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Unless someone wants to get con famous or they were promised good compensation for their time I can't fathom any reason to ever want to even touch these men.

>> No.8455153
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>> No.8455160

this was really close! sadly those socks aren't orange..

>> No.8455161
File: 1.64 MB, 1936x2592, 20150703_IMG_1986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I again apologize for the quality. Thankfully a friend of mine had a real camera and I'm hoping she'll get me those pictures as well. Not keen on taking an entire minute to get a perfect picture on my phone.

>> No.8455174
File: 2.03 MB, 1936x2592, 20150703_IMG_1987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she was the cutest Honey. Glad to see so many girls cosplaying her since she's my favorite BH6 character. Also glad for all the Skullgirls. Hoping to do Parasoul (alt color if I can) when I learn how to props for the umbrella and/or gun.

>> No.8455203
File: 2.49 MB, 1936x2592, 20150703_IMG_1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea how the lighting did that, but I like it.

>> No.8455212


>> No.8455224

I'm pretty sure nothing came of it. Tbh even if you like a va that much, if you truely went through with it, theres always that possibility of someone claiming rape. I could be wrong since I don't know him on a super personal level. If anyone does any stories like this about him , I'm all ears. He was quite fucking trashed though.

>> No.8455228

Why were people yelling that?

>> No.8455233

memers gotta meme

>> No.8455236




>> No.8455238

Ho don't do it
oh my god

>> No.8455240


>> No.8455253
File: 2.50 MB, 1936x2592, 20150703_IMG_1989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric Stuart gives tight warm hugs. I was blushing furiously. But I was also happy. Wish me and my friend thought to use her camera to get like 10 pictures of us at his autograph booth.

>changing in room
>hear this
>ignore it because probably dumb dare
>it keeps going
>find sauce
>all my exasperation

>> No.8455262
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>> No.8455265

Urrgh. I actually flinched when there were guys bellowing that meme across the street from each other. I never thought it'd have a triggering effect from people cat-calling. Eventually, it just got cringy.

>> No.8455273

To the cute black chick that talked to me while I was playing Bloodborne, sad we didn't hang out afterward. Was too preoccupied with BSB to ask for contact info.

>> No.8455297
File: 1.32 MB, 1936x2592, 20150703_IMG_1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me. Told you I was a tripfag.

Email is decoyfaggopus@yahoo.com if you still care. N-not like I care or anything. Baka.

>> No.8455306
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>> No.8455322
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>> No.8455360
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>look through photos
>realize I've barely taken any
Pic related was probably my favorite.

>> No.8455379
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>> No.8455418
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>> No.8455429
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>> No.8455445
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This was my first year at Midwest and honestly, it was pretty nice in a lot of aspects compared to acen. Overall the weekend was really great.
>Talk with Brentalfloss before and after concert and was in the front for the concert/got some things in the madlib
>Give Chuck Huber 5 dollars to prank call my sick friend as one of her favorite characters
>Boyfriend's sister gets asked to do merch art for V is for Villains
>Hentai art show was actually pretty good from an artists perspective
The only downfall was my boyfriend losing his badge, but even then that was Saturday evening and the only thing we did today was the game room.

>> No.8455447
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>> No.8455451
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>> No.8455483
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>> No.8455486

Show of hands, more than the OP being Ryan, which is pretty damn obvious. How many other people in this thread are just Animecon.org staff trying to pimp Anime Midwest?

>> No.8455502
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>> No.8455618
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>> No.8455646

Did anyone get pictures of the Aigis?

>> No.8455882
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Assuming how very slow this thread has been is moving this week, I guess there wasn't much of anything happened this convention? Kind of regret going since I haven't been to a convention since last year, but considering how much of a bad time I had with the people i went with; which majority of them where IPG staff, and the people i met so don't feel as bad.

>> No.8455995
File: 1.58 MB, 1936x2592, 20150703_IMG_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to find pictures of cosplay
>plenty of people took photos
>can't find a single one anywhere
I'm scared that the ones that are posted, if any, will look embarrassing.

Saw it on tumblr, then it kinda got lost in the sea of selfies and memes.

Aside from Team Four Star and the other guests, the only memorable thing is the irritation of hearing DO IT screamed in your ear every 6 seconds.

>> No.8456001

>irritation of hearing DO IT screamed in your ear every 6 seconds.
A con is the best way to kill a meme.

>> No.8456010
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Unless you count a bunch of panels being canceled and things starting late cause someone ran over time or took too long to actually start, eh not much. Well there was that burlesque show.

>> No.8456014
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Self posting but, I really have to ask

Am I not a cute enough maid? I really try my best but I guess it's not enough, so I'm asking the people to went to the maid café and saw me, what I could do to make the experience better.

People pay $15 to go, and I always feel like they don't get they're money's worth if they're seated at my table... which I think is unfair to them :/

>> No.8456019
File: 1.89 MB, 1936x2592, 20150703_IMG_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finding perfect Colette

>bunch of panels being canceled
Yeah. The guys doing the Persona panel admitted to having 4 but didn't show up for like 2 and claimed multiple times they didn't even want to do the Persona panel either. Which could have been used perfectly for a series not discussed a million times.

They were extremely rude too.

>> No.8456052

Who was he cosplaying as? I really liked it, but I can't tell. I thought he was Tougane, but the hair was slightly different so I don't know.

>> No.8456059

Which one are you? If you're the dark skin lass then you have no idea girl, I'm feeling some type of way right now god damn

>> No.8456079

That's me, yes.
I feel like I don't act "cute" enough or something, so I was wondering what some customers would consider their "ideal maid" and how I could make the experience better...

Considering literally every other maid got rave reviews and I got no feedback at all lol. Just trying to be a better maid for you guys

>> No.8456094

I don't even know what the maid cafe is, I'm just looking at this thread because I'm from Illinois myself. You're cute as fuck though

>> No.8456480

I sat at your table and you were great! The other maids were try-hard weebs or were socially awkward. You were normal, cute, and funny. Our whole table loved you!

>> No.8456488

I saw waaay too many lolitas sporting Evillive bags at the Con. It was like Sugary Carnival or DDC fad all over again.

I then saw a lolita coordinating with a Vivienne Westwood bag on Saturday? Whomever it was, it was a breath of fresh air. I didn't take a picture of her sadly. You were awesome and I just wanted to squish your boobs if I hugged ya.

>> No.8456710
File: 3.51 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_1715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep it was Tougane. If I took it at a different angle then it'd easier to tell. Oh and his Dominator had audio

>> No.8456731
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dude, that was Funk Brothers... Also, evil live bags are the shit if you have to carry a ton of stuff to survive during a con. A lot of people were using Usakumya bags too!

>> No.8456736
File: 2.74 MB, 2160x3840, NMS_6564_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, there was a ton of Steven Universe cosplays considering that this con caters towards a younger crowd. My friend went to the Raj Ramayya concert and only 35 people showed up...

>> No.8456738

>burlesque show.
woah what? What was that like? Was this a pixel vixen thing?

>> No.8456746
File: 2.83 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_6448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the Btssb fashion show! I think a lot more lolitas travelled to this con compared to last year. Considering that there were 4 lolita booths at the con, I definitely heard more people talking about it because it was a big presence for a small con.

>> No.8456764

Last year there were so many lolita events/panels added that a lot traveled for it, as opposed to ACEN which is pretty barren in that category. I think lolita is a good way to separate the two cons, and hopefully Midwest will continue to gain more and more lolita related things in the future. Last year they were so successful that it's no surprise it's garnered more attention this year.

>> No.8456770

There were two actually. What was essentially amateur hour in a goddamn room they call a mini-stage on Friday then Pixel Vixens at Rosemont on Saturday. It was good although during the second performance lighting died for a few minutes but after it was fixed show went on.

How was the fashion show? I would've stayed for it but I was sent over to Rosemont Ballroom to watch over ;-;

>> No.8456774 [DELETED] 

That was me and thank you.

I've uploaded my photos from the Con onto Flickr. Here's the link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/funkbrothers/sets/72157655537501935

I won't upload any photos in this thread to prevent criticism/drama or anything that could be unflattering.

>> No.8456780

That was me and thank you.

I've uploaded my photos onto Flickr. You can check them with this link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/funkbrothers/sets/72157655537501935

I won't be uploading any photos on here to prevent any drama/criticism or anything unflattering.

/forgot my name/trip

>> No.8456789
File: 118 KB, 960x615, tumblr_nadtdjiy7p1snj55go2_1280 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was she in the show or was she one of the girls tending to the booth?

>> No.8456795

What kind of camera were you using? Your photos came out great and really clear for how dark it was in there.

>> No.8456806

I use a Canon Rebel T3i. It's an older DSLR model that I bought 4 years ago, but I enjoy using the camera. I used a 55-250mm lens for fashion show pictures.

>> No.8456808

Ahhhh sweeeet; T3i is my favorite from that line. The photos came out really nice; thank you for sharing!

>> No.8456818

this weekend i died and went to lolita heaven. the BABY designer called me cute on Friday when i was wearing AP and called me cute again at the tea party on Sunday. im over the fucking moon.

>> No.8456940

If anyone else has photo links, then dump them here. I'm itching to see more, especially tea party coords.

>> No.8456954
File: 1.88 MB, 2592x1936, 20150703_IMG_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda glad I went to Acen beforehand since I don't have post con depression for a change. Also helps that I don't hear Just do it all day and night. Ears finally stopped ringing too. Resuming photo dump.

>> No.8456955
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>> No.8456964
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>> No.8456968
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>> No.8456974
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>> No.8456985
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>> No.8456990
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>> No.8456993
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She actually might've been in the show. I didn't really have much time to lurk the dealers hall so who knows.

>> No.8457006
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>> No.8457010

Same from me. You were an awesome maid! At very first I was like "oh she's not going to put on a character?" but immediately after that I appreciated your realness. You were genuinely funny and cute and my whole table loved you too.

>> No.8457013
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I'd actually had liked this if the Gon had a spiked ponytail or an upside down version of his hair with a green headband since there's fan art of it like that.

>> No.8457016

She was so awesome and friendly. I want to write a letter to BTSSB to send her back next year.

How was the indie show? The brand models didn't get to watch unfortunately.

>> No.8457022
File: 1.31 MB, 1936x2592, 20150704_IMG_2027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8457030

The indie fashion show was better compared to previous one I went to at ACen 2013. Although there were fewer designers, the quality was better.

>> No.8457035

Not really fond of this picture. Snake gave me a CalorieMate and a knife and I decided to just wing it since I don't know Quiet's intelligence level or how aware of the world she is. Also wish I held it differently so you can see the brand clearly.

I-I'm bad at posing.

>> No.8457037
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>> No.8457591

I didn't have a chance to go this year, but I have a totally legit important question.

Did they keep the CarnEvil machine from last year? This is deadly serious.

>> No.8457652


>> No.8457743
File: 2.17 MB, 1936x2592, 20150704_IMG_2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw it. Their arcade is so much better than Acen's. Even Bloodbourne was there which took me by surprise. If they had Skullgirls I'd have given it a go.

>> No.8457758

I don't remember the name of the booth, but the one selling used lolita stuff on the west side of the con had some sweet ass deals and I got the Sweet Cream House socks in pink. Score.

>> No.8457761

that was Sweet Mildred!

>> No.8457806

Why is this thread so dead? I want more details of all the lolita events! How was the tea party? How was the baby show? Who was your favorite indies designer? What was your least fav indies look? What new and interesting stuff did you learn about baby from the q and a? Tell unfortunate me who couldn't make it all the goods!

>> No.8457834 [DELETED] 

well I have some time to burn so here goes
>tea party
just ok. felt kind of rushed since the translator had a panel right after it. several people didn't make it, leaving a table completely empty except for one person, who was told she couldn't switch to a full table, and left disappointed and upset. she was my friend and I felt terrible. really a shit show with how they didn't let anyone on the waiting list show up and buy a ticket to take one of the empty seats. it was really just a bad move, and showed how disorganized they were. also I had a food allergy I brought up that they didn't accommodate when they actually did accommodate me last year, but whatever. I was fine and the food was just ok. the tea water in each person's teapot was already only lukewarm by the time we sat down, which was a bummer.

Kumiko is the sweetest and picked the "best dressed" at each table, brought them up on stage, and picked the "best of the best" dressed overall. she picked a lot of pink coords and cute coordinates, ultimately a girl won who wore star mille-feulle. the tea party gift was a crown-shaped necklace that was really cute.

>the baby show
nothing really special there, cute stuff as usual, but what the fuck was with the music for the AATP show? also many of the models were not girls I recognize from the comm or nearby midwest comms, maybe they were just interested but not actually lolitas that applied to model. it was a cute showing though.

>> No.8457844 [DELETED] 

>favorite indies designer
loved basically everything but Kinki Kitty's giant gowns and Amy Marie Couture's custom prints really stood out. Mossbadger's stuff was fantastic as usual. that screenprinting had me rolling. gorgeous.

>least fav indies look
idk maybe just the Kinki Kitty model who stepped on her dress? she did a good job but wow that looked annoying to walk in.

>baby q and a
it was nice at least a few people asked questions in Japanese, but I learned that Kumiko loves taking pictures with her Usakumya mini-mini in them, as if the Usakumya was on vacation, and that she loves the color of Lake Michigan, and the architecture of the buildings on the museum campus. she was incredibly nice, I really hope she comes back. she is super friendly and more outgoing than Kano was last year. Kano and Isobe together though were really just super intimidating anyway, so that also might be why Kumiko was fun to interact with. She was such a sweetheart.

the coordinates from the weekend were stunning and the photoshoot on saturday was fun, they had cake and cookies which were cute.

>> No.8457909

like >>8456731
said, they're the shit. I bought mine last year and it still looks brand new. We did a joke shoot of us with them since people made a huge deal about it last year.

I didn't go to the tea party, but according to my friends, they didn't get a whole lot of food (some sandwiches, macarons, strawberries, and bon-bons), but they did get a pretty crown necklace from Baby and got to take photos with Kumiko, and there was a coord contest (someone from out of town won). I feel bad for one of the girls because for some reason, there were a lot of tables left and she ended up being seated alone at one of them. I wish that I could have been there so she wasn't alone and I didn't have to miss the event. It seems illogical to have so many tables and not enough lolitas to fill them (there was even a waiting list), but I guess they wanted to keep catering affordable and the gifts limited (I imagine baby losing a lot of profits from the necklaces).

The fashion show was great. They were running behind, but it was worth the wait. The indie show was quite polished. I literally cried watching Amy Marie's line. I liked the baby show, too, but I wanted to punch the sound person (they were playing some really weird shit that didn't transition smoothly, and by weird, I don't mean the Bjork song).

The Q&A was alright. There were some weird answers for some answers that could have easily been answered by the other lolitas watching, like this one girl asking about advise on wearing lolita and dealing with bullying. I think that part of it had to do with the translation.

>> No.8458023

Let's see what I else I can remember

>The translator asked a person in each row how they got into lolita and discovered Baby
>Kumiko said that her favorite theme is bears (I believe the Usakumya is her design)
>She has and don't plan to experiment with other styles and only prefers sweet
>Her favorite dress design is the Elizabeth OP from Kamikaze Girls
>She got into lolita through a friend who was into the fashion
>She got to visit Chicago and entailed her visit:

They tried to go to the Shedd Aquarium, but there was a long line, so they went to the Field museum instead (some of us joked about making a Sue print). She took a lot of photos with random strangers, and they went on the water taxi. And when they went to the Sear's/Willis tower, she obsessively took photos of her Usakumya on a glass balcony.

There was more, but I don't really remember everything else.

After the Q&A, we went to the fountain inside the Hyatt to take a group photo with Kumiko, and later that night, we went to an impromptu dinner meet at a German beer garden where we passed around a beautifully made photo album for Baby, and some of us participated in a beer (well, it was tea) holding contest (the lolitas who participated lost) and (some of us) did shots and got paddled. The earlier group left to visit a candy store themed bar across the street while the rest of us waited for our bill (which was a bitch to put up with because they gave us table bills).

>> No.8458029

Oh yes, we also did a photo shoot meet at the outdoor fountain (outside of the cafeteria) where some of the girls brought cake, cookies, and drinks.

>> No.8458040

Does anyone have any pics of the indy lolita show? My wife was in it and I missed getting pics of it.

>> No.8458086

Ask funk_brothers. He has a flickr album of the entire show.

>> No.8458149

Thanks, there were just a couple shot of my wife, but it is still better than nothing.

>> No.8458176

theyve done this (midwest) for the last 2 years. better thsn other shit I do, I cant afford fireworks..

I helped to set some shit off last year and the year before that. Security RAN when they went off 2 years ago.

>> No.8458212

they barcode scan the badge for the raves as theres where most people borrow badges from and whatnot. later on at nigh (1-2am) they stop doing that

>> No.8458220

raves and only raves where badge sharing is the strongest

>> No.8458240

lol I brought a 14 year old on her birthday to a room party. she didnt care, a friend was 'wana give her alcohol' and I was 'nooo cause i met her grandparents and theyre staying here (literally they had a hotel room at the con) AND is my ride back from the con and theyd be YOU HAD ONE JOB ANON'

>> No.8458254

Good thing no one gave her alcohol, because all of your asses could have got arrested as soon as she was caught leaving that room. That's not something to fuck around with, tell your friends to grow up; that alone should have been enough reason for you to say no, not because you needed a ride.

>> No.8458262


You sound like a total dumbshit for bringing a 14 year old to a room party.
For real. You're gonna get your ass arrested doing shit like that.

>> No.8458279

Vic Mignogna gets to do it, so why not anon?

>> No.8458293

Considering how fucking long the line was for the rave, there was no time to scan them anyway

>> No.8458294

Yeah, sorry. I gave up taking photos for the show since my camera is old and shit, but one of the model's boyfriend has a nice camera and was taking photos throughout the weekend, so hopefully, they'll be uploaded sometime this week. Everyone's still recovering from the weekend.

>> No.8458316

its not illegal to date only to fuck.

Well con drama always happens, this dude ripped a friend of ~$80 of weed and I had to help him get it back for him. Guy is skethy as fuck given he also took alcohol from a room party saturday.

>> No.8458334
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1434638030376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said friend broke some glass window around the same time, so yeah stupid shit. Also, given the grandparents didnt get asspained when we first met (we met at a con when she was 13 and i was in early 20s, her grandparents were amazingly unbutthurt when they realized i wasnt 17 or whatever) I would be relatively safe.

Also. Nigga, you know the saying? #yoloswag

>> No.8458339
File: 3.44 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_1727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's a VA and somehow has girls all over him. Oh and possibly more money just in case.

Also, this Miku led a conga line at the dome and had a decent amount of people compared to the Batman led conga line hours earlier.

>> No.8458423

Someone doesn't fucking know what cops in Chicago are like. No one is worried about what her grandparents would think, they're worried about having a whole hotel room being sent to fucking Cook county. Let me tell ya, not a fun place.

>> No.8458433

It seems like that awful translator ruined so many things, from the fashion show to deciding to have assigned seating at the tea party. I have no idea why she MCed the fashion show, it was ridiculous and unprofessional, as well as her jumping on stage to take personal photos at the end was super awkward and had people literally walking out. She wasn't good at translation either, there were so many times Kumiko stood around awkwardly because she couldn't speak English and her translator wasn't available to do her job. Throughout the fashion show, she would get a task from Kumiko and instead of translating back and forth, just run with it herself and start making decisions etc on her own. I felt so bad seeing Kumiko standing around on her own while Translator-chan did everything.

>> No.8458512

Was the translator some Jap female? Seems like any staff I talked to said she's a total cunt. She must give some great blow jobs to keep her job.

>> No.8458654

1. that con with 'stupid shit' was in NW indiana
2. my family is full of LEO, grandfather was at 1968 DNC beatdown in Chicago - I am aware of how shit pigs can be there
3. There are no 'real' anime cons in Chicgao, most are in Rosemont and Rosemont pigs are more annoying AFAIK because they can afford to be pedantic about minor violation
3. Dude is some decently well-off guy who was a trust-fund kid with a heroin habit. Literally, i'm not lying about that.

>> No.8458670

I saw that, that was righteous.

Uh, im pretty sure the grandparents would be the ones to report the party to the police. i.e. if the grandparents were 'meh' and didnt report it if their granddaughter came back hammered, no one would really do anything. (tl;dr 'what they think' would matter very much)

>> No.8458912
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Did anyone else get lucky playing pachinko? Unfortunately I was a dumb fuck and played a bunch of my winnings back into the machine before I realized how to dump them down into the little bin that lets you dump them into your tray. Why don't they just go straight into the bottom bin when you win to begin with? To enable addicts?

>> No.8458935

She also is why the indie fashion show started late. She was so busy trying to take over the Baby run throughs that it took forever, so the indie designers had to rush through theirs while she screamed at the con staff, insisting that there wasn't time and the show needed to start. One of the indie designers was in tears as a result. I really hope they fire her.

>> No.8458942

To be fair, the baby run schedule ran on time. That's just how the time was allocated the baby vs. the indie designers. They would have had enough time if they were just doing a simple walk, but a lot of them had little routines that they wanted to do, which is fine and cool, but what they wanted to do didn't fit into the time frame that they were given to practice. She didn't run that aspect, the con did.

>> No.8458949

All I know is that Baby did several run throughs and then we were all sitting around waiting for something while she got in a yelling match with two staff people. Then one of the designers was crying and our order got switched around.

>> No.8458958

I know, I know, but the show is like that every year. They give HUGE priority to Baby and make the designers scrape by with whatever is left. It's not something that was the translator's fault, it's just how they accommodate the guest. From what I can remember, the translator was pissed because they weren't watching who was trying to walk in and out of the Baby room (where a ton of valuables were) and that the backstage was so cluttered and crowded that people were tripping trying to practice. Before that, they didn't even have the runway cleared from the night before so they could practice.

>> No.8458962
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Selpostan my shit cosplay again but this Eli and Rin were so gorgeous. Does anyone know if they have tumblrs?

>file size
I'm on my phone.

>> No.8459012

She freaked out because one of the indy designers was backstage in the Baby area backstage and picked something up off a table to hand to a model who was getting her makeup done (not even a btssb item, a personal item). She asked the girl to leave and afiak security was called which I found was a ridiculous overreaction.

>> No.8459032

No, that's not what happened, I was one of the ones doing the makeup. There were indie models hanging out in the Baby room and she got nervous that they were going to mess up some of the Baby stuff and she called security to make sure that people weren't trying to get into that room to possibly take something. The model who got asked to leave made a big deal over nothing and ranted about it for days. It's so far from what actually happened, though.

>> No.8459047

The model who got asked to leave shouldn't have made such a big deal, but in their defense those models were told to wait in that room by a staffer. Also the reason the translator was yelling at people was because she wanted them to lock the room. They were trying to explain to her that they needed to have hotel staff do that, but she was insisting that they do it immediately themselves.

Basically a whole lot of drama over minor miscommunications. There are plenty of other reasons why the translator sucks (jumping onstage for pictures, overreaching her position for the tea party, and most of all being generally terrible at translations) but she's not at complete fault for the backstage shenanigans.

>> No.8459063

Personally I don't find her as awful as so many other people do, but some do have good reason. For example, she did wayyyy too much at that tea party and really messed some shit up, but it's very worth noting that there are a few people there who had personal issues with her and really went out of their way to slander her every chance that they could. That whole backstage mess wasn't her fault, though. If she acted too harsh out of pressure, then yeah, that was a bit much on her part, but there are so many rumors about what happened and almost none of them are true. The ones that do seem true don't have the full story, and I'm honestly kinda bothered at how a few people blew up over nothing and put sole blame on her for everything. I was there for it all, and believe me, the stories you hear are so much more dramatic than what actually happened.

>> No.8459119

I witnessed her being very rude to several people over the course of the con - staffers, attendees, and a guest (one of the indie designers). The backstage thing was not her fault but she did negatively affect the tea party (through bossing people around and being rude to attendees) and the Q&A (through her poor translations) so I can understand why people don't want to see her back again.

>> No.8459139

Yeah, this is all definitely worth bringing up to the con in a constructive manner from people who were actually there and had the experiences first hand. If enough people had a huge problem with her, then they should consider finding someone else. I think the reactions out of attendees were really exaggerated and immature, though, especially from those who were all just hear-say and didn't have any first hand experiences themselves. Even though I really respect these people, I wish they would have not started so many over-zealous rumors and actually went to someone about it, instead of complaining amongst themselves. Problems don't get solved by spreading rumors, they get solved by filing formal complaints and going to people who have power in the situation.

If anyone has had any issues with her, then please submit it to the Midwest feedback survey; it's no use complaining about it year after year and never taking any action.

>> No.8459163


Ok, Erica...

>> No.8459173

Erica is Kopf's girlfriend/wife? the one who threatened to arrest all ghosts last year?

>> No.8459176

Well, that's a first. Good thing that's not me.

>> No.8459188

Still curious what people thought of the indie show.

>> No.8459251

Sweet Mildred's stuff was very pretty and I hope she branches off into making some of these designs made-to-order on her etsy or puts a preorder out! Mossbadger had standard painting jsk fare as usual, Kinki Kitty was goth/lolita mix as usual and had the only male models, and Victorian Angel had an original classic print series and models had these lovely venetian masks. Overall, the quality was 10x better than in previous ACEN/AMW years.

>> No.8459651

Did anyone ITT get a picture of me? Name related. I herped a derp and forgot to get a picture of myself in costume. Much thanks to anyone who did.

>> No.8460049

I didnt know this happened and I was in the room. I was also watching the independant designer models practice too and didnt know all this drama was happening.

Nevertheless, it was nice to see the independant designers showcase their designs

>> No.8460108
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Is this one of Moss Badger's? I'm not sure how I feel about maid style in lolita.

>> No.8460210

oh you sweet summer child, "maid" themed lolita has been a thing since the beginning. and tbh this looks less "maid" to me and more "baker" themed.

>> No.8460428

I'm kind of jelly, she seemed kind of off at the tea party on Sunday. I didn't think I looked that bad.

>> No.8460447

It's a little bit plain for me, though i like the oldschool styling and the detail at the chest. I'd like to see on of the pies or tarts also printed on the apron.

>> No.8460807 [DELETED] 
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Did anyone go to the Fleur Royale Maid Cafe? I was the ticket seller at consweet and I really didnt't know much of what was going in the cafe

>> No.8461002

Hey, a staffer here with some responses from what I've heard when I relayed your comments and (actually most of these are responses to feedback on Facebook)

* The Tea Party was only limited because the con did not know in advance how many chairs would be set up. Last year it was 50 people, this year 60 people. Next year they could do up to 80 - but the question I got asked was "Do people want the event to be more exclusive, or would they rather we just sell more tickets?"
* On the waitlist, they planned for 60 tickets, and they sold 62 tickets just to be sure. But that would have taken 3 people dropping out to get anyone from the waitlist added.
* On the butlers, the butlers were told not to touch the food because the hotel would be serving. But the hotel didn't (they did last year... nobody knows why the mixup happened). Next year the butlers would be more than happy to serve, they do it all weekend at the maid cafe.
* On the seating, I am told they plan to extend the time next year. They also can speed up the sitting arrangements significantly.
* A few others have had problems with the translator, so that has been noted. I personally can understand what Midwest is doing - the translator is better at Japanese than English, which is a lot better than some translators I've seen at other cons who's Japanese is barely passable. It comes down to the guest being comfortable vs. the attendees being comfortable. I was told that anyone interested in translating should email molly AT animemidwest.com - minimum qualifications are at least four years of study.

>> No.8461079

Is translator a paid position? Or is it volunteer like the rest of staff?

>> No.8461162

Personally I'm all for adding more seats. Usually I think exclusivity is fun in a lot of aspects of lolita, but it would be nice for our comm if a few more people got to be included in the experience.

I also liked the butlers and I'd be happy to have them serving as well as greeting. And a longer time would be great. The whole thing felt really rushed which made the experience less fun.

>> No.8461247

I went to this year's teaparty and yes it felt very short and rushed so i'm happy to hear that's being addressed. I'd be very happy to have the seat count extended so more people can enjoy the event. Frankly it's more fun with more lolitas. I'm also fine paying more for a nicer experience and better food.

>> No.8461608

For fifty bucks I expected more than chicken salad sandwiches and bagged tea. Would have been cool if I didn't have to reach halfway across the table to grab something.

>> No.8461626
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>bagged tea.
What? Oh god was it Lipton? That's terrible! Only bagged tea I even touch is from Chinatown. You can have a nice meal at a decent restaurant for that much.

Hopefully things will go better for you all next year.

>> No.8461633

I didn't go, but judging from the pictures I've seen, they had Tazo teas. It was still limited in choices compared to the AP tea party for some reason. Price was definitely an issue for me not going and knowing that it was held at a convention/hotel space (with some heavy union restrictions), I understand having to lower some expectations. I'm just glad that staff is making strides on improving the event for next year in such a short time because I'd like to finally attend a brand featured tea party.

>> No.8461638

Tazo bagged tea.

>> No.8461821
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Got ya JP

>> No.8461827
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>> No.8461984

>a nice meal at a decent restaurant

I understand wanting more than we got for $50, but I look at it as paying for the brand guest and gifts more than for the food or tea. I'm never going to expect a convention tea party to have stellar food or service. For that, I will go to a nice tea venue (but there won't be a brand guest/designer there). It's a tradeoff as I see it.

There is always room for improvement though and I'm glad to see that being addressed.

>> No.8462146

>paying for the brand guest and gifts
Well, I can't fault you for that since that's essentially what I do for cons in general. I barely go to panels and only use my badge to lurk the game room or have access to con related areas. Really should buy badges when they're cheap though...

>> No.8462436

>Is translator a paid position? Or is it volunteer like the rest of staff?

I think if you're "fluent enough" they would pay you. I believe the current translator gets paid. With the way Midwest is run they I bet management would ask you to do a con first before you ask for pay unless you have some serious credentials.

>For fifty bucks I expected more than chicken salad sandwiches and bagged tea. Would have been cool if I didn't have to reach halfway across the table to grab something.

Have to keep in mind that the food is bought from the hotel. I think you can find the Hyatt's published "meeting menu prices". The cheapest thing on there was $25 a person (plus, yay, service charges) and that was like coffee and a muffin. That doesn't leave much to cover the other costs of the tea party plus the expenses just to get a Japanese guest to the con ($1000 flight, $500 hotel, food money, sightseeing, etc).

>> No.8462450

>I understand wanting more than we got for $50, but I look at it as paying for the brand guest and gifts more than for the food or tea.

I'm so happy someone else sees that. Imagine 50 tickets x $50 = $2500. Add badge cost ($50) and get $5000.
* Flights: $1500 (maybe less if booked early)
* Hotel: $500 (or more if they give important guests a suite)
* Food at $100 per day : $500 (the area is expensive, and you can't treat your Japanese guests like crap)
* Sightseeing: $500 (you don't invite people from Japan and not let them see the town)
* Shipping costs of fashion show or booth items: $1000 (maybe BABY pays for this?)
* Hotel fee of $20 per person (that's super conservative at a big hotel): $1000

Totals up to $5000 real quickly. Add in paying the translator, travel costs to and from the hotel, and the translator's hotel room for another $1000 maybe? I think they sold 60 tickets, so that means they did it at all zero profit to the convention. Now, of course, there are probably some lolitas who came who didn't get a ticket, so there might be some profit there. But most girls I talked to said they weren't buying a badge until they got a ticket.

Wow that added up pretty quickly. We should remember this at future conventions.

>> No.8462967

They brought in macarons and sweets thst I'm pretty sure the hotel provided. I get the whole cost factor but they could have jazzed it up a little bit more. Hell, I couldn't even get a water refill in my tea pot and water is free.

>> No.8462972

*did not provide

>> No.8463004

There were only six macarons to seven lolitas on my table. I was selfless and let the others at my table have one. Tea service would have been better.

Yes it was Tazo Tea.

Agreed. I remember the tea party at ACen 2013 for Atelier Pierrot and Enchanted Chantilly being longer cause we made cupcakes and the fashion designer came to each of our tables.

My only other complaint was picking the coord contest. It felt like a beauty pageant. There were a lot of great coords. I'm glad I wasn't picked. I just wanted to drink tea, chat with other lolitas, and have a good time.

>> No.8463221

>I was selfless

I wish you would take some lessons on how not to sound like a smarmy asshole. I'm not sure if you are on the spectrum or what, but you consistently misread the tone of conversations and sound like you are butting in. HTH

>> No.8463984

>I wish you would take some lessons on how not to sound like a smarmy asshole.

I got a different impression from their post, so chill.

>> No.8464956

Did you not read the post?

>> No.8466079

This is probably more about some recent issues with FunkBrothers in our comm moreso than that one particular post.

>> No.8466102

Met IRL, can confirm for stuck up ass.

>> No.8466235


Speaking of met IRL, I got to meet Anon's Sister IRL for like 2 minutes on Friday morning and fucking spaghetti everywhere. Sorry for being a nerd!!

>> No.8466457

N-no it's fine. I was more embarrassed because my wig looked horrible and I was a mess the entire weekend. Everyone I met was nice but I still wish I wasn't such a wreck.

>> No.8466577


Was that the wig you were concerned about? (I was the loser in the Tokyo-3 shirt who came up while you were talking to my friend, who was dressed as Misato)
I thought it looked just fine, I didn't notice anything off.

>> No.8467008

It was fine in the front, but the back was pinned up in a certain way I perfected at Acen but couldn't replicate for Midwest. I doubt I'll do Lana for awhile so I have time to get a new wig and better boots.

>> No.8467522

Hmm..he's just really shy and socially awkward. Kind of wish that he'd talk about other things besides his masters, owning VM, and traveling, but I guess it has to do with being socially awkward and not knowing how to relate to others.

I'm afraid that I've missed out on the cgl meet (ended up going to the lolita dinner meet and some panel on Saturday). How did it go, if it went on at all?

>> No.8468056

I just wanted to say that I was really proud of our local lolitas at this con. People were really looking good, especially at the tea party.

>> No.8468610

>I just wanted to say that I was really proud of our local lolitas at this con. People were really looking good, especially at the tea party.


>> No.8470080
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I didn't take as many photos and I would have liked, but I'll share what little I have.

>> No.8470109

Thread is dying and doesn't need another. Do you have a tumblr or something?

>> No.8470114
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>> No.8470116


That's too bad. I do, but I rarely upload things these days.

deleciel . tumblr. c om

Polite sage for dying thread,

>> No.8470603

She was in the show.