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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 1280x640, 1280px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8415850 No.8415850 [Reply] [Original]

New Aussie cosplay thread because the other one was derailed by a stupid baby picture

>> No.8416408

What happened to milkyfawn?

>> No.8416493

Look it up in archives. This has been discussed so many times.

>> No.8416778

Slutty cosplayers should keep their boyfriends a secret.
I can't fap to the image of the moonskank getting plowed by her hasbeen cosplay hipster boyfriend


>> No.8416799

LOL again!? Fark I thought 4chan was suppose to be along the lines of freedom of speech, not our fault lots of cosplayers in Aus are pretentious.

Sure Im a cosplayer but I don't think im better than anyone or self promote. Im modest.

>> No.8416801

Heya im the guy who was talking about Beta Bar last thread. It also occurred to me that it seemed like half the girls in that venue are bi or something along those lines.
Especially that Poison Ivy cosplayer grinding on soo many girls

>> No.8416805


She was probably doing it for attention.

>> No.8416815

That and very drunk, and her bf was there too? It was soo weird. Id like to think of myself as a nerdy type guy, I love all this stuff.

But I do have social skills? I don't know what it is but there are people in our fandom that make you cringe

>> No.8416816

> "especially" bi
riiiiiiight cause that's totally a thing....

>> No.8416820

I didn't say especially bi.
Might of been the alcohol but there was a lot of girls getting very close.

That and that creepy Loki guy yelling for them to kiss

>> No.8416824

He's controlling her

>> No.8416849

Yeah I agree. I went to Beta Bar ONCE and all night a guy kept on harassing me and showing me his new apple watch. I'd never go back, too much cringe.

>> No.8416856

Is there a beta bar kinda deal in Sydney? I want to meet some girls while gaming too.

>> No.8416862

Nerds get desperate when they drink? But common he has an Apple watch :P jk

>> No.8416968

Um, since when has he been a secret? She doesn't talk about him 24/7 on her page, but she has never made it a secret about being in relationships.

>> No.8416973

She was grinding up to my mates who felt very uncomfortable. She also kept flirting with all the guys and girls I came across.. she also came up and touched my hair then cheek. Walked around with a cig in her mouth at times and just looked so very slutty.

I'm a beta bar regular.. usually beta bar is amazing and I feel very comfortable and free going there.. but the marvel vs DC night was weird.. totally different vibe.. to be honest I hated it.. I left early when I usually stay near to the end. I hope it doesn't stay like that

>> No.8417017
File: 133 KB, 546x724, GGSupanova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG Supanova social media

>> No.8417115
File: 84 KB, 526x789, 11426364_1605813139699044_3886023610529282057_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a photo of the two guys, absolute creepers and not in the Minecraft sense

>> No.8417147
File: 27 KB, 450x600, devilish tactics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there was a volunteer cgull giving me the stinkeye every time I entered or exited the main exhibition hall at sydnova....

>> No.8417153

Everyone who wants to go to a SMASH! meet email me at:


We have 5 people interested already

>> No.8417156

i don't want to set up an email / use my real email -
Can you set up something else?

>> No.8417158

Just make a Gmail account, it takes literally 20 seconds. 6 people have shown interest and they're bringing people too. Come, it'll be a blast

>> No.8417162

I've been in contact with >>8417153 and haven't been signed up for any porn sites so far. Just go for it, it'll be good.

>> No.8417175
File: 216 KB, 2000x1333, 11411700_1605811016365923_5866886870880243168_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit you weren't kidding about that ivy chick.

>> No.8417186

I can't upload a pic from my phone but there is also a pic of her grinding up on a deadpool. Its so gross

>> No.8417187

Loki looks like a midget

>> No.8417200

did anyone see volunteer anon there? Wasn't sure

>> No.8417205

This is a cosplay thread you fuckwit.

>> No.8417211

Not only that, but you can set it as a forwarding address for your main account, meaning that any email sent to it is bounced back to yours.
This saves needing to check 90 accounts per day.

>> No.8417236

Sydney Supanova just finished and all we can talk about is some drunk girl in an eBay corset?

Let's have some actual cosplay talk. Best/worst cosplayers at Supanova?

>> No.8417241

There was a really good Katniss cosplayer on the saturday, has anyone got pics>

>> No.8417243

Got over the 200 harley quinn cosplays in 5 minutes

>> No.8417263
File: 118 KB, 1130x640, FB_IMG_1434892482657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Harley Quinn?

>> No.8417268

Is that a midget dressed up as batman?
top kek

>> No.8417279

no it's just some little shit with a store bought outfit

>> No.8417343

Has anyone else noticed that Beke Cosplay seems to exclusive try to cosplay characters that generally have massive tits, when she is clearly quite a modest cup (she obviously pads and contours)? It feels like she is trying way too hard to be "super sexy" in every cosplay and photo I see of her.

>> No.8417384

When you see a cosplayer in person you can really see the wonders of good lighting and photoshop

>> No.8417387

Not a lot of Marvel cosplay this year compared to last. I felt overwhelmed by the amount of batmans

>> No.8417395
File: 129 KB, 640x960, 10258674_1605811699699188_1690972858662265265_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>8417186 >>8417175
this one....
fuckin nasty as

>> No.8417412

At the competition?
1. Big Daddy / Little Sister
2. Cloud

>> No.8417473

anyone get cosplayers snapchats?

>> No.8417619

There's this hot guy at sydnova dressed as Gambit, he told me to add him and we talked about lolita comms and said feel free to tell my friends to add him


>> No.8417792

No fuck off

>> No.8417960

Emailed, can't wait to see all your coords and cosplay outfits

>> No.8418055

Are you serious? Kat is a ball crusher.

>> No.8418187

The Christian Weston Chandler + Sonichu cosplay duo was the best. Too bad I broke my phone so I can't provide pictures.

>> No.8418430

Hi Blondiee, seems youre still jealous she has bigger boobs than you?
I've meet Beke before...she has naturally big tits...get over it...there's no contouring there.
Also that funny you try to call her out on that, given all your photos have clearly been photoshopped to make your tits look bigger than they are you flat chested jealous bitch

>> No.8418439

What the hell started all the hate between Blondiee and beke....someone fill me in?

>> No.8418442

Don't most females pad and contour?
Who cares if she does that.....what's wrong with doing that to be more in charcter if the cosplays she does are spose to have huge tits....if anything you should be praising her for the effort to be more accurate.
Clearly someone is jealous of Beke or jealous of big tits. Get over it anon

>> No.8418519

and not a looker in the bunch

>> No.8418715

dat deadpool expression in on-point, tho XP

>> No.8418782

The worst thing about this picture is the fact that you can see deadpools face underneath the mask

>> No.8418824

okay that fucking symbiote suit spider-man was an asshole. All that silly string on the wall downstairs was because of him. Apparently he couldn't get his web shooters to work so he decided to make a mess

>> No.8418835
File: 123 KB, 960x960, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no no no no no no
the cosplay singles group has to be stopped

>> No.8418850

Why? Looks like fun to me :P

>> No.8418881

How does shit like this happen but I'm still single what the ever loving fuck

>> No.8418887

maybe if you're 14

>> No.8418888

>tfw I was able to go to Smash while in Sydney while on deployment

I'm so upset I brought normie friends who hung out by the escalators to look up skirts, I'm so sorry for that.

>> No.8418897

I just threw up in my mouth

>> No.8418929

You bring up being deployed ever single time, no one cares stop trying to show off. If you were really sorry about the up skirting you would've told them to stop.

>> No.8418937


But where does the problem lie?

I don't know the story behind this photo, is it just a cheeky bit of fun or is it the start of an actual sexual encounter.

Besides there being a moral question if it's an actual sexual encounter being documented and shared I'm not sure I understand why people have an issue with this.

And if it's about the perceived attractiveness of the participants...well to each their own.

>> No.8418941

can't tell who's autism is more severe, yours or the people in the photo

>> No.8419014
File: 100 KB, 848x327, singles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I might bite the bullet and go, just for the LAWLS and tell you cringe stories.

If I'm somehow lucky maybe Ill find a girl

>> No.8419029

I night go just to document the cringe too. It's not that hard to find.

>> No.8419038
File: 43 KB, 630x630, standing next to a psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this post real?
Do seagulls actually fight like they're in mean girls?

>> No.8419086

>Yellow arms

>> No.8419115
File: 68 KB, 579x1024, chrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got you, fam

>> No.8419123
File: 2.71 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_7600a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8419126

Why does she wear the mask? If I pulled it off, would she die?

>> No.8419132
File: 2.32 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_7616a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8419138

Sooo... Did anything happen with Adam Baldwin being there? I was expecting something like protesters getting out if hand. Everyone was acting like it was some big deal about the con being safe.

>> No.8419143

My vendor friend said alot of lolitas boycotted the event so she wasn't making much. It felt like it was twice as crowded as last year though. So fuck the boycott, did nothing. I went to support Adam Baldwin. Also that Tardis guy had a feminist that I wanted to spit on if not for the cute girls that worked for him.

>> No.8419150
File: 19 KB, 548x559, 10441152_10153545606917573_8398191260289130814_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least its not as bad as the porn version 'Strokemon'

>> No.8419187

Well, she is consenting to her butt being shown

>> No.8419212
File: 2.27 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_7635a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8419216

>Not actually taking the photo in WA

>> No.8419257

Is that you?

>> No.8419330
File: 57 KB, 600x600, not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the shit? This looks like still from some kind of C-grade porno...

>> No.8419331

Why is the part in her hair so massive? It's like a line shaved down the middle of her head...

>> No.8419340

A parent posted on the Supanova page about their 15-year-old daughter being grouped by someone dressed as Freddy Krueger and were clearly (and rightfully so) angry and upset about it, questioning if Supanova was really a family event or not. That's all I have seen so far, but let's be honest here probably a bunch of other incidents like this may have occurred, but no one reported them or only Supanova/security knew they took place. Obviously Supanova isn't going to advertise if some dick spent their entire time walking around grouping women and girls.

>> No.8419362
File: 100 KB, 720x960, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw some creepy old dude (who had his fucking son with him) blatantly take a picture of the ass of this chick.
Everyone around him was giving him dirty looks, but nobody told him to fuck off.

It's cunts like that that give the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.8419367

That shit happens every year.
When will people realise that Supanova only sees attendees as walking $ signs. They do not give a shit

>> No.8419371

Anybody here about the shit which Supanova did in regards to the DC Justin + Paul Tribute shoot? Putting their watermark over the photo, not crediting Variable for organising it, not even mentioning Paul and Justin by name, and taking credit for an event which didn't even tak place at their convention!
So over supanova

>> No.8419379

>people whine about that Baldwin guy
>say they won't turn up
>nearly full panel
>no cheeky protestor interrupting
Lel that boycott went well.

>> No.8419386

>no cheeky protestor interrupting
They were screening the questions idiot.

>> No.8419390

Why not just lie about your question or run on stage? Or the leftie uni protestors do it.

>> No.8419396

Because gamergaters are too stupid to think of something like that?

>> No.8419401

>putting a watermark on a photo that one of their staff photographers took
How very dare they!

>> No.8419416

Eve is hosting a panel this weekend. About working with lycra. I wasn't aware the bitch was capable of making costumes

>> No.8419423


>> No.8419436

seems a bit harsh. Salty anon?

>> No.8419439

her costumes are generally fine?

>> No.8419442

you mean her lingerie collection?

>> No.8419447

lololol so salty. Takes two seconds of viewing her page to see actual cosplays as well. You jelly? You seem jelly.

>> No.8419452
File: 81 KB, 750x600, whiteknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not going to happen guys

>> No.8419462

take your vendetta elsewhere, anon.

>> No.8419466

so much salt

>> No.8419470

Are we talking about evey dantes? Her duela was terrible

>> No.8419473

red head chick has no ass

>> No.8419531

Then what is he grabbing on to?

Who are these people anyway?

>> No.8419556 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 217x199, oh my fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to supanova as Jacket from Hotline Miami (guy with a rooster mask)
>first real attempt at cosplaying, having a good time with mates
>see another dude dressed as rooster Jacket
>laff, take a few jokes, have a few photos, seems like a top bloke
>"hey lets touch cocks"
>fucking do it because fuck it, everyone has a laugh even if the guy goes quiet
>tfw i realise a few minutes later that he was talking about the masks

>> No.8419561
File: 26 KB, 217x199, oh my fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to supanova as Jacket from Hotline Miami (guy with a rooster mask)
>first real attempt at cosplaying, having a good time with mates
>see another dude dressed as rooster Jacket
>laff, take a few jokes, have a few photos, seems like a top bloke
>"hey lets touch cocks"
>fucking do it because fuck it, everyone has a laugh even if the guy goes quiet
>tfw i realise a few minutes later that he was talking about the masks

>> No.8419565

If I lived down in Sydney (I assume that is where it is), I totally go to a panel about working with lycra because I have tried sewing only small things with it and it is the worst. Granted I have a really shitty sewing machine that doesn't seem to be able to really handle anything outside of cotton, but still.

>> No.8419596

Is it just me or is the majority of the cosplay community in Queensland? Is that why Queensland gets 2 supanovas?

>> No.8419652

Black Cat resharing the fake video of her "licking" the chainsaw

>> No.8419662

What? The majority is down in Sydney/Melbourne.

>> No.8419667

I don't get it...What's the point of that video?

>> No.8419668
File: 981 KB, 500x679, 1390646665146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your cosplay looked terrible

>> No.8419759

It's a Melbourne con

>> No.8420191

JustinWuCosplay is so hot I love his snaps

>> No.8420212

Queensland gets two Supanovas because it has two main cities, compared to every other states one. Melbourne alone has 5 cons a year

>> No.8420222

Melbourne a shit

>> No.8420248

>Neckbeard landwhale detected

>> No.8420282

Did mav and aya break up?

>> No.8420285

open season on aya?

>> No.8420780

Thats old news buddy.. they broke up like 1-2 months ago now. He is now dating sarah beech

>> No.8420929

Well, looks like that post about Freddy was taken off the Supanova page and Freddy is still active.

Having talked to and seen a lot of this Freddy's actions close up and from a distance, "groped" is probably not the most appropriate word to use to describe how he interacts with other attendees.

He's very passionate about Freddy Krueger likes to keep him fresh in people's minds. Using the word "groped" sounds like he was trying to cop a feel, which would damage his ability to attend cons, whereby he couldn't keep being Freddy and I don't think he wants to risk that.

>> No.8421021

This Freddy dude creeped me the hell out. There's a difference between being in character and not knowing basic boundaries. I told him to back off and he kept touching me.

>> No.8421087

that fucking brolaf in the back ground

>> No.8421391

I saw him with his claws over a girl's breast as a photo was being taken. Actually groping or not, without permission that's some fucked up shit to do. I would have reported him immediately if he'd done that to me.

>> No.8421467
File: 149 KB, 800x800, Freddy-Groping-Muh-Boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I saw him with his claws over a guy's breast as a photo was being taken. Actually groping or not, without permission that's some fucked up shit to do. I would have reported him immediately if he'd done that to me."

INB4 putting "it's different" and anything eluding to "equality" in the same sentence. Don't be that idiot.

A lot of his shots with people his claws are always about chest high and peripheral vision is shot to shit. Gotta include them in the shot somewhere and the face puts people at risk of coping it in the eye and ruin selfies. Over the stomach won't make it into selfies.

>> No.8421471

You just posted a whole heap of inappropriate touching photos and tried to justify it with "gotta put them somewhere!" GG

>> No.8421475

>being this tumblr
pls leave

>> No.8421483

I'll be sure to practice having a metre gap hover hand if we ever have a photo together. Better yet, I shouldn't allude to even touching you. We'll stand side by side like soldiers in a line-up, comrade.

>> No.8421498

That's a legit Freddy Costume, shame about the accusations.

>> No.8421598 [DELETED] 

Also I call bs about the groping.....someone people don't realise and accidental boob/butt bump is not groping.
I backed into a chick once while I was taking a photos and walking backwards to get everyone in the shot. She turned around and started accusing me of grabbing/groping her arse. To put it I'm perspective I'm also a girl, I had a camera in hand and had my back to her the entire time.
Yes there are some creepy assaults who do group girls, but there are also some unfortunate should who accidentally bump into someone (it's a crowded convention it happens) and next thing we know we are creeps/rapist/perves
Feeling like this is what's happened to this Freddy cosplayer

>> No.8421607

Also I call bs about the groping.....someone people don't realise an accidental boob/butt bump becuase you're being shove around by a crowd is not groping.
I backed into a chicks butt once while I was taking a photos and walking backwards to get everyone in the shot. She turned around and started accusing me of grabbing/groping her arse. To put it I'm perspective I'm also a girl, I had a camera in hand and had my back to her the entire time... Yet somehow she convinced herself I was trying to cop a feel.
Yes there are some creepy asses who do grope girls, but there are also some unfortunate souls who accidentally bump into someone in the wrong way (it's a crowded convention it happens get over it) and next thing we know we are creeps/rapist/perves

Feeling like this is what's happened to this Freddy cosplayer...someone's just gone over the top

>> No.8421624

If I was Freddy, I wouldn't go spending a bunch of money on that cosplay to ultimately get booted from cons.

I kind of get >>8421021 but when someone says they are being creeped out, a prankster, or variation thereof sees an opportunity to milk the fear. Kind of like feeding a troll.

As with >>8421598 the use of the word "groping" is kind of a "catch-all" term, but it's sadly attached to the stigma of copping a feel and people should be careful with the kinds of words they use, when making accusations.

I love nothing more than putting a predator in their place. I was looking out for that Kevin Pellew guy, because I would have loved for him to give me a reason face-to-face to put him down.

Freddy on the other hand, I haven't seen anything I wouldn't tolerate myself, especially in a haunted attraction in America (Australia, when?). I've had a few photos with him and felt comfortable with him. Slenderman syndrome, anyone?

>> No.8421625

* >As with >>8421607

>> No.8421631

She just has thin hair, anon.

>> No.8421635
File: 1023 KB, 1028x1403, thatbeergut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is zeek preggers or has he just had to much beer?

>> No.8421688

who was the harley quinn chick with the roller skates? 95% of the photos shes in look like the start of a porno

>> No.8421748


I feel like this is the case too. I've accidentally had people touch my boobs at cons. It's not hard to do, you're in a crowded place with people walking into each other constantly and shuffling. This could of been handled on the spot, rather than a huge social media outcry.

>> No.8421782

That's really strange to accuse a girl of groping her. Was she somewhat good looking or not so?

>> No.8421808

Wtf is this April's fools? How could anyone think this was groping?

>> No.8421951

We're not gonna talk about the girl getting a heart drawn on her ass..??

>> No.8421960

What about her? she looks like he's having fun anon :)

>> No.8421989

I saw katsuya in the city with another guy today, he was really buff and good looking.

didnt she post pics with her bf last night????

What a sluuuuut

>> No.8421994


She's a joke.

She got hot but she's still a poor replacement.

I wish her all the best for her relationship, she's going to need the luck for all of the incoming abuse

>> No.8421999

Talk about over using a cosplay till its worn out

>> No.8422001
File: 29 KB, 306x306, 4402308-fb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Troll bait

They seem like they're happy to me, does that bother you anon?

>> No.8422012

I'm not salty, I don't really know her.
I just know what's she's in for and I know his past opinions on her?

I don't care whether she's happy or not but he's going to use her, he had a good thing and he knows he can't get it again.

From everything I've heard I doubt this is anything serious

>> No.8422015

Girls and guys can't be friends now? Get off your high horse

>> No.8422016

Milk that cow until it's dry Zeek!

>> No.8422017

Girls aren't allowed to have guy friends? okkkaay then

>> No.8422020


Clearly a troll or you dont have her on facebook

>> No.8422022

Who are you to say anything about someone else's relationship?

They're really cute together and I think you're having trouble accepting that

>> No.8422027

I was using the word the father used to describe it anon. He, and I am assuming his daughter, felt uncomfortable with how he touched her. It is not a smart idea at a con to do something like that because even if it is in character, without asking it is invading someone personal space. It may not even be the same Freddy you are talking about, but I was just stating what I saw originally posted on the Supanova FB page by a parent who was clearly very upset and angry, and with a daughter who obviously was frightened by what happened.

>> No.8422032

I call bullshit

>> No.8422041

Kat really doesn't have a lot going for her tho

4/10 in looks, nasty personality, thinks she's untouchable now someone can stand to fuck her.

How many guys is she going to beat until someone likes her kek

>> No.8422068

Is there even a lolita comm in Sydney? Were there any at nova?

>> No.8422077

I saw quite a few at nova, and one of my friends seems to go to lolita tea things every now and again.

>> No.8422083

yeah lots of drama, i left after a week.

>> No.8422086

>he had a good thing and he knows he can't get it again.
> 4/10 in looks, nasty personality, thinks she's untouchable now someone can stand to fuck her.

Hello Matt's ex who clearly isnt over him and is unhappy Matt is now fucking the much hotter Katy ;) go have a sob somewhere else

>> No.8422115

whats with some cosplayers in the community acting like they're untouchable, only hanging out with their cliquey groups. Tried to get photos with them but they ignored me. Luv getting 1000 likes on your page doesnt make you a celebrity

>> No.8422125

Like who?

>> No.8422126

I'm assuming this happened to you at Sydnova Anon?
Who ignored you?

>> No.8422128

you did

>> No.8422131

Any pictures from it?

>> No.8422138

So many "Friends" bitch about their relationship and how they are not worth eachother.
But then again Brisbane cosplayers are the most saltiest cosplayers.

>> No.8422173

A lot of the comm boycott Supanova, but there were a few who still went (on the Sunday I think). There were also a bunch of lone lolitas around.

>> No.8422190

what sort of drama anon? I want to join the comm so I have an excuse to wear it out but...

>fuck im lonely

>> No.8422192

You'll see more at SMASH!

>> No.8422202

What? I think you mean the anti-people. Why would GGers be the ones running on stage to interrupt Baldwin?

That definitely sounds creepy.

>> No.8422203

backstabbing, rumours stealing guys etc

>> No.8422205

i emailed >>8417153 so i hope we can all join together and have one big meetup

>> No.8422712

Where can we find some supanova 2015 image galleries?

>> No.8422782

Yeah, there were definitely more lone lolitas than comms (was in ticketing, dressed in lolita during breaks)

>> No.8422975

went to Beta bar once for fallout night and I thought the guys where going to be creepy but the girls where next level. They kept trying to sit on my lap, feel me up and generally act like sperges. I'm frightened to see what singles night would be like

>> No.8423189

What were you wearing anon?

>> No.8423198

I was a volunteer too (not the ticket anon) but there were lots of itas there,it was hard not to laugh but I had to hold it in because I'm not a cunt irl

>> No.8423207

Bless. You tried.

Besides the many people they have both pissed on, the Matt ex club is so big they could have meetings. And everyone I've met hates him and have moved on. But if thinking people are jellies helps you get your rocks off, whatever man

>> No.8423402

The mother and her kid in the wheelchair in the Wrath armour were pretty good.

There was a pretty good Aria also about

>> No.8423456

I hate cosplayers in wheelchairs. If you're gonna cosplay it has to be authentic, go as doctor Xavier or something, don't waste my time by going as some random bullshit.

>> No.8423548

Oh god there were so many. I only saw a small handful of decent coords.

>> No.8423867

I want to give you a high 5.

>> No.8424098

I know what you mean man, a black child trying to cosplay Elsa?

>> No.8424120

He looks to be under 10.. leave the poor boy alone he looked like he was having fun, or is that not what cosplay is about anymore?

>> No.8424180

obvious troll

>> No.8424185

Are you talking about the right comm you fuckwit?

>> No.8424315

I was wearing whatever I could stuff inside a bag for volunteering. Bodyline framed roses skirt, liz lisa cardigan, star clip, black tights. I was going to wear a headband but I really didnt want it to get damaged in my bag. Um...and I was the hijab lolita

>> No.8424390

i think thats a child anon...

>> No.8424424

Black Cat
There were a few hanging around her
A lot of people at the front, i guess they only really care about getting photographed by professional photographers

>> No.8424432

Unrelated but I was supprised about the amount of Avengers cosplays or lack there of. I dressed up as Cap to get photos but only saw 1 iron man, widow and thor.

>> No.8424446

I don't know anon, I went up to her on the sunday and asked for a photo (using my samsung galaxy) and she seemed nice enough to smile and pose

>> No.8424448

I got a photo with Black Cat on Saturday. I'm not even a pro... u triggered?

>> No.8424458

Maybe she hadn't reapplied her makeup

>> No.8424459

lololol I got a photo with Black Cat & the whole group she was hanging around both days. Maybe you're just too retarded to actually ask.

>> No.8424465

When was this? Honestly, I've never heard of anything like. The comm is really chill and has been for a while.

>> No.8424479

I asked 3 times. I said her name twice, then her characters name. No reply, walks away

>> No.8424486

On the toppic of black cat, didn't realize how short she was till i saw her in person lol

>> No.8424525

Black Cat is only decent to people who are attractive or feeding her ego

>> No.8424546

have you considered that maybe the reason she didnt want to talk to you is something to do with YOU in particular? Are you creepy? do you smell like shit?

>> No.8424555

I was a Cap on Saturday. There were quite a few Caps. One suit Iron Man on Sunday and a Tony Stark on Sunday. There were a few Widows about and maybe three Thors. I was there a total of 17 hours over two days so maybe I saw more.

>> No.8424589

the facebook page is cringey enough as is,

>> No.8424602
File: 645 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were quite a few that I saw. I also saw a lot wearing the brown army uniforms from Captain America and one of the CA showgirls.

>> No.8424606

so they were boycotting because of that Baldwin who used GamerGate to gain a bit of notoriety?

Did they really think they had that much of an impact?

>> No.8424607

I was impressed with some of the Cap's this year. Wasn't that really hot Cap down from birsbane too?

>> No.8424610

How many people went to his pannel?
I was there all weekend and ive only heard about Nathan Filion

>> No.8424618

I doubt it was for impact, more to assert their moral standing. There weren't any protestors after all, and I heard that sydnova didn't lose many ticket sales + Baldwin's panel was still full of people.

>> No.8424622

??? The Sydney comm is too inactive for any of that to happen, maybe you're thinking of syd cosplay?

Seems like most of the comm is too busy with life to plan meets

>> No.8424626

It was always going to be full. I didn't see or hear a single negative thing about Adam the entire weekend. So much for a boycot

>> No.8424662

Was my coord...bad? Looking back on it...(it was my first time going in lolita in public)

>> No.8424667

I was the initial anon asking about the comm.

How often do you guys have meets? And where do you guys usually go?

>> No.8424669

There's one or two coming up in the next month

>> No.8424673

why did you have to tell her, i like it the way it is now, i don't want new people...

>> No.8424678


>> No.8424683

well now i'm even more tempted to join just to piss you off anon :^)


thanks anon!

>> No.8424686

it's okay i'm good at pretending to like people :^)

>> No.8424688

We can't tell without a photo anon.

>> No.8424690

we got the backstabbing part down at least

>> No.8424693

I didn't take a single pic of myself (I took so many of others that I forgot to take one of myself) about 5-8 people took pics of me in the couple hours I wore it so hoping there's one floating around

>> No.8424705

I saw a lot on both days. There were even a few black widows with lights on - hard to miss them

>> No.8424706

Don't worry about them. Everybody is actually really nice.
Just join, lets be friends.

>> No.8424709

I saw he came shirtless on saturday

>> No.8424712

iktf I hate when new lolitas joinour comm because it just ruins it for me

>> No.8424724

Do you have a stretch stitch option on your sewing machine?

>> No.8424728

I sure will anon!

>> No.8424735

What's the best place to buy a sewing machine in sydney?

>> No.8424753


>> No.8424754

Sydney lolita com has become pretty hard to get into, they wont accept interstate lolitas which is understandable.

>> No.8424756

Thanks Deerfuckers for reminding me you are still relevant to the Cosplay community - SOMEHOW-

>> No.8424757

no shit, i'm from sydney so I can get in

>> No.8424767

I got in quite easily ?

>> No.8424770

Im in sydney, so I'm okay. Just worried about meets, hope they aren't focused on the northern subs

>> No.8424777

>all that unnecessary slowmo

>> No.8424778

are you a retard? why would they do meets in the northern suburbs everyone knows that they meet in the cbd, holy cow people are so fucking stupid. use your brain for once

>> No.8424787

:^) anon, you got some period blood on your brand?

>> No.8424788

no im sick of these stupid bimbos joining our comm and it really annoys me

>> No.8424789

chill out anon, there have been meetups in the northern suburbs before

>> No.8424793

>dat projection

what's wrong? can't stand other ppl being in your niche nippon fashion?

>> No.8424797 [DELETED] 

There are heaps of people who don't even live in the country that got added.

>> No.8424809

One day i will be featured.... one day....

>> No.8424817
File: 524 KB, 489x950, wahbulance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplays a character who is terminally ill
>Gets upset when people treat her as though she is terminally ill and not in cosplay
>Must be a lesson in this for all of us

So sick of special snowflakes

>> No.8424826

she's dressed in casual clothes with a tube around her nose, what did she expect?

>> No.8424894

>dresses in regular clothing
>con staff are sympathetic and do their best to make sure she can exit easily if there's an emergency
>how dare they

>> No.8424902

Why didn't I think of this sooner? Next con I'm going as hector from breaking bad.

>> No.8424906

crappy clothesplay
wouldn't even recognize who she is meant to be if she told me

>> No.8424912

I'll focus on calling you an ita

>> No.8424920
File: 87 KB, 489x540, 1431610483580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never gonna see the pictures people took of your costume
>there probably just gonna float around on the internet forever

>> No.8424928
File: 15 KB, 255x326, Kill_yourself_desu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are a bunch of assholes.

>> No.8424974

what are you talking about?

>> No.8424976

check supanova photo find forum

>> No.8424988

A couple of people took photos of/with me and I kinda want to see them, but I doubt I'm ever gonna find them

>> No.8425438
File: 63 KB, 677x960, well fug mate loogs like another day without using the doilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were you wearing?

>> No.8425645

No, that's far too fancy for my machine. I mean, it says it has an embroidery stitch, but let me tell you...It is horrendous.

>> No.8425700

Spiderman from Saturday here. First time cosplaying

Is it really a common issue with the whole groping and false accusations getting thrown around? For at least half of my (surprisingly many) photos I'd lean over to the girl I was posing with and ask if she was wearing shorts or leggings or something under her dress. If they were, I'd scoop them into the air. They'd squeal, her mates would laugh and they'd get more photos and not a single person held issue with it.

Then again I wasn't exactly groping their arses or rubbing my hands all over them either. Plus I scooped up fatties and fit girls alike. No room for discrimination here.

>> No.8425712

Also, anyone got any pics of me from saturday?

If the two photographers who asked me to be in shoots are here reading this, 1. Thanks, you unknowingly made me feel increasingly,w for asking, and 2. Sorry but I was on roster for the quidditch demo, and it ran for fucking ages. Didn't even get time to look around the stalls.

>> No.8425766

you're a retard. Why would you do that? So what if they're wearing leggings? It's still harrassment.

>> No.8425798

Because it's fun, that's why.

Or is cosplay about being bitter and hating on people instead, I dunno I'm new.

>> No.8425805

Also, Spider-Man's strong. Anyone can pose with a douche in a spidey suit arms over shoulders and smiling at the camera, but it's not as interesting as a photo of you being carried sensibly by someone dressed as a super hero is it?

>> No.8426078

Sorry, I read it wrong. I thought you swept their dress up.

>> No.8426338

I was dressed as Kurisu from Steins;gate

>> No.8426342

This is harassment. If you'd tried that shit with me without explicitly asking if it was okay to pick me up first I would have immediately reported you to security.
Not only is it rude, you could easily damage somone's cosplay. Also just because someone is wearing leggings doesn't mean their body is up to being lifted up. What if they had a back problem you weren't aware of?

Cut that shit out. Seriously.

>> No.8426377

1000000% agreed. Uncool dude, untucking cool

>> No.8426766


I get you asked if they had leggings on, but couldn't you just ask "Can I pick you up for this photo?". You're lucky some girl didn't have an over reaction.

>> No.8426933

Please tell me that hot captain america dude is single. I just found his page...

>> No.8427015

Any really notable cosplays at sydnova this year?

>> No.8427038

Basically anyone in the Deerstalkers video.

>> No.8427072

he is single, but gg unless you're a perfect 10

>> No.8427082

The ramona flowers girl is back

>> No.8427137

... I thought she had gone forever :(

>> No.8427145

So is it just me or do all the photographer albums from sydnova have the same 10 people featured in each album....I wish photographers would stop only taking photos of the popular cosplayers and actually take photos of others who put hard work into awesome costumes.
Why is it so clicky in cosplay :(

>> No.8427159

Were you at smash2014 or pax2014?

>> No.8427185

likes are a drug
trust me
and when you want those little pings about people liking your stuff you want to go with the "hot people"

>> No.8427204

Nope, first time wearing the costume

>> No.8427233

It's the photographers choice who they wish to shoot with, Otherwise feel free to pay one of us or take your own photos.

>> No.8427240

Don't go cosplaying expecting praise. I didn't cosplay for the attention, I did it because it was fun and exciting getting dressed up and preparing for an event where everyone else was just as excited about dressing up. It was my first time cosplaying and seeing other people's attempts at the same heroes. But I didn't envy their better costumes, it inspired me to try harder and make mine better. If you're not having fun, then you should just attend casually.

>> No.8427248


>> No.8427251

I agree. If you're not famous, they dont have the time for you. I would have liked to see other people than the same people they shoot every con

>> No.8427442

It's got very little to do with fame. Lots of big photographers shoot with unknown people all the time.
It's really just about how good you look or how good your costume is.

tl;dr if you don't get your photo taken you or your costume probably looks pretty average

>> No.8427446

Just putting this out there but Will Robson's videos are so much better than Deerfucker's


>> No.8427460

Yes and no.
There are also alot of popular cosplayers who have average costumes that get their photos taken all the time

>> No.8427468

Dat Thorin

>> No.8427470

Okay no but seriously: why is Zeek featured? wtf does he contribute to cosplay other than his hairy man thighs and beer gut?

>> No.8427475

It's questions like this that keep me up at night Anon.

>> No.8427476
File: 703 KB, 816x1200, bark no you dont understand reverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed you in a crowd around the artist booths and though you were qt but steins gate is trash :^) and I was late for a presentation so I didn't bother to ask for a photo.

>> No.8427477

Probably because his Misty went viral several times? That's what I'm guessing anyway

>> No.8427487

Ohh thanks. Speaking of presentations, where were you supposed to go to watch the cosplay competition? I was trying to find it but ended up in a queue to see Nathan Fillion

>> No.8427489

The cosplay theatre.
Left after the wristband / ticketing entrance.

>> No.8427490
File: 34 KB, 276x277, confused anime girl 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were multiple entrances? Ahh jeeze I feel dumb, why did they move everything around

>> No.8427494

I want to laugh, but the kid IS only 12. When I was 11, my first 'cosplay' was jeans, an orange shirt, yellow hair spray and three lines drawn on each cheek.
The Fault in Our Stars is a relatively popular YA film/novel, she probably thought it would be enough but I wouldn't cosplay a disabled character unless I had that disability myself. I think it's pretty disrespectful.

Sorry for going full tumblrtard, I've got family who are disabled.

>tfw 4chan gives you pics of weed for verification

>> No.8427524
File: 95 KB, 720x960, nightwing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone tired of this guy's spam in mcc?

>> No.8427540

I'm not from Melbourne, so I don't see this, but... Not bad. I wouldn't mind this spamming my feed compared to other groups. Y U MAD THO?

>> No.8427544

Can someone give me a rundown on what Beethys done to make people hate him?

>> No.8427546

Anyone who's popular online gets a lot of hate.
Just write down a list of every famous cosplayer. Good luck finding anyone on that list who isn't bitched about.
That's my opinion on it anyway. When people bitch about Beethy it never sounds like it's anything concrete.

>> No.8427547

He groped my grandma's funbags

>> No.8427548

He triggered my triggers

>> No.8427551

He fucked Zeek while making me watch

>> No.8427556

Alright so this isn't a joke.

This happened at the last Supanova in Sydney. So there I was, minding my own business taking photos of cosplayers when I hear Beethy roaring in the distance. He sees my expensive lighting equipment and just starts licking everything. He licked it so much everything broke from water damage.
Sony says they won't replace the goods because PS3 has no games.

>> No.8427563
File: 99 KB, 405x412, 1385358897668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8427566

are there any other cons or cosmeets this July?

>> No.8427571


Not impressed by his kickstarter to fund a trip to the US so he could photograph with his American photographer bestie.

>> No.8427585

So I've been out of the cosplay scene for awhile now (about 5-6 years) and I was wondering if any there are any new cosplayers in Australia who are quite decent? What sites do they put updates on their cosplays? Is deviantArt even a thing anymore?

>> No.8427590

didn't someone post abusive messages from this guy in an earlier thread? abusive asshole extraordinaire

>> No.8427625

aside from the actual hateful vindictive shittiness he's spread for years, and the seeking to destroy someone's life just because he pissed him off. And the repeated accounts of him making cosplay girls uncomfortable. And the two faced ass kissery of Nigri after shitposting about her for years. Yep. Nothing.

>> No.8427642

>and the seeking to destroy someone's life just because he pissed him off
Whose life? Back up your claims Anon

>> No.8427682

It's ok, seems the two above you over reacted enough for all 2 dozen people I did it with.

Should probably add that Im not a fucking idiot, I wasn't lifting people that were wearing delicate cosplays or shit like that.

Also you two sound fat

>> No.8427686

Are you one of the girls who just joined? You're both cute, I think you'll like the comm.

>> No.8427691

not her but on the facebook what does members and other members mean?

>> No.8427692

>this out there but Will Robson's videos are so much better than Deerfucker's
This is a new tactic, Beethy.

>> No.8427696

anyone heard/done a shoot with roaming photography?

>> No.8427735

no i don't want to join your stupid club

>> No.8427749

God lawl whats consent lawl, they where covered so who cares if they wanted me to even do it lawl, if you don't want a fine specimen like me picking you up unprovoked you must be fat lawl.

Your a keeper

>> No.8428451


I don't think he needs to take advice from people with intellectual disabilities.

>> No.8428590

How come there is no pics here from supanova?

Where are some forums where anybody and not just the popular photogs can post pics?

Why the fuck does everyone dress as fucking harley quinn? stop it.

Everywhere you look fucking harley fucking quinn or fucking deadpool. Worst fucking overdone meme characters.

>> No.8428742
File: 734 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8428776

Fuck you

>> No.8428807

It's actually getting stupid now. Let's have some originality.

>> No.8428826

Yeah and you losers are so original with your lolita coords which are just pre bought sets.

>> No.8428839
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>> No.8429038

I have. he's great to work with 10/10 recommend. I felt super comfortable shooting with him

>> No.8429051

Which con was this?

>> No.8429136

ew, who would fuck beergut?

>> No.8429159


>> No.8429175


To be fair, the pink deadpool was doing something for charity and donating money to breast cancer research.

Deadpool is still a lazy as fuck cosplay, but at least it was good to see someone run with the "BOOBIES!" joke and make something good out of it.

>> No.8429386

Melbourne a best

>> No.8429519

Just worked with him on the weekend, seems like a really chill and nice person

>> No.8429523

Who is excited to see all the deadpools, harleys and tardis girls this weekend at ozcc? WOOOOOO

>> No.8429560

Thats what I thought. Really friendly and his shots came out really good

>> No.8429571

Melbourne a shit

>> No.8429575

Did anyone hook up last weekend at Sydnova?

>> No.8429577

Was it just me or was this year Supanova not that exciting. Like the guests were okay but the costumes weren't that exciting.

>> No.8429607

Oz Comic Con in Melbourne tomorrow! Who's going as what? Any guests you're lining up to see?

>> No.8429633

First local meetup on sunday and honestly not sure if I wanna go as it is at a fucking ice rink in the city.

>> No.8429646

Whats the meetup? Lolita? Ice skating in a dress sounds like a horrible idea

>> No.8429647

They are calling it cosplay on ice and I guess it happens every year and I have somehow missed it.

>> No.8429651

Where is this happening? Are you sure you belong in the Australian thread.

>> No.8429653

Canberra the place where cons go to die.

>> No.8429662

My mate just sent me this ahead of him coming down for smash.
>be me
>go to con with aussie friend
>rain expected, con is inside so we're good
>hours go by
>friend gets out huge bag and opens it up
>"why do we need that?"
>"the drop bears, duh!"
>koalas start falling from the sky at lightning speed

>> No.8429719

email me at galagastorm@gmail.com if you want to come to the seagull smash meet

>> No.8429731

Beethy employs misdirection by making up ott obviously fake shit about himself when people complain about him

>> No.8429753
File: 149 KB, 553x548, try on my sisters panties look better in them than her fuck im a sexy cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't handle him when he's bulking
You don't deserve him when he's cut s:^)

>> No.8429782

Is this real?

>> No.8429857


>> No.8429889

does Aly Cesca have a cosplay page???

>> No.8429910

Shes got a face book page and instagram. You just need to google her name and all her internet thingys come up.

>> No.8429924

Or you know, the place the world forgot
If you think it issuch a horrible place then fuck off we don't want you

>> No.8429962


>> No.8429986

cons are basically just a big titty bar

>> No.8430005

Hottest cosplayers in Australia? I need some eyecandy

>> No.8430011

you wont be finding them in perth

>> No.8431037
File: 185 KB, 2048x1464, 11417793_370216723184072_2544121879070238166_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431049

Not to sure if you got your answer but basically after Brisbane nova last year beke sent blondie a message saying her rengar cos was really shit and that if she is going to cosplay do it right. Beke also said she is so much better because she buys her cosplays.

Blondie posted a screenshot of the convo on her page and deleted the post soon afterwards

Personally I hate both of them but beke is just a down right cow

>> No.8431782

Lol he was purposely sticking his stomach out for that fun/silly photo shot

>> No.8431790

>It was always going to be full. I didn't see or hear a single negative thing about Adam the entire weekend. So much for a boycot
> Anonymous 06/24/15(Wed)18:05:06 No.8424662▶>>8424688
nope sorry, he's been taken for a few weeks already

>> No.8431795

facebook anon, every one is on facebook, and define new, 5-6? thats several generation of cosplayers

>> No.8431835

Omg please tell me someone has a screen shot or saved thus pic.....so wanna see

>> No.8431875

I'm sure its In the archives.

>> No.8431918

I'm a newbie...how the hell do I access the archives

>> No.8432008

Google "rebeccablacktech"
Hit cgl
Search cgl section for "Australia general"
Pick a recent thread and look for it.

>> No.8432104

Melburnians, anything good at OZCC?

>> No.8432107

I didn't overly enjoy it this year. Don't know what it was, but the vibe wasn't the same.

>> No.8432114

Oz comic con has really bad luck at mcec I feel. They've made it much better than the 2012 debacle but it still feels overcrowded and there are capacity issues with selling tickets again.

Captain patch-it is a saint though. Glad they gave him his own room.

>> No.8432149

You know what's bullshit? That Tayla Tomlinson has over 2000 likes on facebook. That's more then cosplayers who actually make their costumes and have chins.

>> No.8432152

Maybe She just needs a good dose of double penetration to knock her down a few pegs.

>> No.8432268

I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to say, but it makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.8432279

I'm saying she needs a good dicking, sir.

>> No.8432313
File: 14 KB, 197x218, Good Show.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its rather easy to get into, one could go as far to say it is a joke with over half of them not being able to name off the top brands or mam correctly.