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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 136 KB, 830x623, room2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8410678 No.8410678 [Reply] [Original]

>What does your room look like right now?

>Where do you buy your decor from?

I went to go buy from the Ikea website, since the closest one is hours away, found something I really like but it's only available in store because it's a limited collection or something?
Kind of sad about it, can someone refer good places to buy bedsheet sets and curtains?

>> No.8410682
File: 100 KB, 500x669, original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8410687
File: 113 KB, 500x417, tumblr_lig8xuhETI1qi0xz3o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8410701
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>> No.8410727

someone posted it before, i forgot to save it. but my underwear drawer is all jumbled with tights and other stuff, what should i do to make it more organized?

>> No.8410748
File: 1.65 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-17-22-06-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just moved, so things are slowly being unpacked. I have a ton of fanart and whatnot to hang up.

>> No.8410778

>small and shitty
>local furniture shops
i want to redo my room since im moving soon, anyone know where i can get a dresser/bookshelf combined like this? this is my dream holy shit.

>> No.8410866

Is that a... lolita skeleton figure? On the bedside table?

>> No.8410870

Why yes, yes it is. I picked it up at a little shop in New Orleans while I was on vacation. It's a bit of an ita, but I thought it was really neat.

>> No.8410871

Mine looks like an actual piece of shit that you made into a room.

>> No.8410893
File: 86 KB, 720x714, Screenshot_2015-06-17-23-23-35~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this? I personally have shorter fabric baskets and roll my tights in it.

>> No.8410894

>tfw you want to be independent
>tfw you have to settle on ugly rental carpet from the 70s
>tfw still having a place of your own though

>> No.8410907

>tfw you have to leave your home for studies
>tfw your new flat is furnished with Ikea basics by the owner
>tfw they could've at least bought the cute natural stuff instead of those blocky black and red shit that doesn't match
>tfw after two years I get irrationaly angry at that awful black "case" thing
I wish I could've chose at least the coulours, bright red and black and mismaching white and brown furnitures don't help my sleep at all...

>> No.8410916
File: 78 KB, 540x810, 3ecc2172f29ff4b8746004b8e70430f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here fam
>move halfway across Europe
>apply for student housing
>'it's unfurnished lol, you'll need to spend 600eur to buy new* furniture'
>place is falling apartment
>recycling centre furniture is a mix of awful and terrible
>half of it is infested with fleas
>flat hasn't been renovated and hasn't seen a mop in at least 4 years
>mfw moving to my new gaff soon and it's gonna have a sauna and everything but the place'll probably be the same
at least there's always apocalypse-kei

>> No.8410919

>falling apartment

>> No.8410924

hit up target and ikea, cheap as fuck.
ohhh my god thank you

>> No.8410925
File: 17 KB, 379x400, Cool-Picture-of-Banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(thanks for the advice though)

>> No.8412184

I just moved into a new place last week. Still waiting on some stuff from the old place so I can finish unpacking, but it's mostly small stuff like game consoles and whatnot. There's a lot of hidden storage in this place so my room looks much more minimalist than it used to be, it's kinda neat. The balcony view is lovely too.

This place came fully furnished and while I like the white I'm not digging the green. I also want to order some new bedding.

Anyone know where I can get some nice lamps in Australia?

>> No.8412196
File: 301 KB, 1280x722, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand of course it dropped my image. There we go.

>> No.8412226


>> No.8412246

yeah, the chevron has got to go.

>> No.8412306
File: 87 KB, 1992x1048, tru_ade_carton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to use a wooden milk bottle thing similar to this, but then I bought a set of those plastic organizer drawers that have the perfect size mini drawers to roll up my socks in. They never get moved around because they fit really snugly inside.

>> No.8412326
File: 3.19 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_1883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm a weeb.

>> No.8412331

Oh gosh! I have that same Studio Ghibli watercolour poster! Where did you find the frame big enough for it! I went to Ikea and none of them could fit.

>> No.8412339

is this.. milkyfawns room? who's room is this I swear I recognize it

>> No.8412342

seconding this

>> No.8412347

that's her's, yes. she's changed it a bit though since that picture, since she sold off a lot of her wardrobe.

>> No.8412361
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1185, iamscum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level. I've added more posters since these photos were taken but I've yet to clean my room to a good standard to take new photos. I'm officially telling myself to stop buying magazines with anime posters as I have no more room.

>> No.8412440

I got it framed at a specialised poster framing place in my city. Can't remember how much it was... Maybe you could find a frame online or something, sorry I can't be more of a help.
I am jealous anon.

>> No.8412442

just ssaying... again.. that dresser is amazing. where can i get one like that?

>> No.8412445

The place we're renting is a studio from my husband's aunt. It wouldn't be so bad but the walls aren't properly insulated and his aunt is a cheapskate. I told her back before Christmas that there's termites in the bathroom ceiling. She said she'd come by with some "medicine" for it and still hasn't done anything.

>> No.8412447

this is disgusting anon

>> No.8412450

>All that white space
>no more room
kek, pleb.

>> No.8412455
File: 806 KB, 681x512, 7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice! what size is your bed?? and where did you get your desk? i really want it.

>> No.8412485
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I can't stand it. I can't nick a lamp from the other rooms either because the feature colours don't fit (red, blue). There's some really cute lamps on Taobao but I'd rather not deal with the trouble of shipping it and getting converters and shit.

The bed is a queen size! Finding cute sheets for it is so painful, argh. All the cute ones stop at double size.

I'm actually not sure, since the place is fully furnished the desk was already there when I moved in. I can try find out for you? It's pretty good, it has one of those keyboard draws and a tower to store a computer/sewing machine (pic related).

>> No.8412508

my boyfriend usually lets me do whatever i want, but the only thing he won't let me do is make our room a pink nightmare. so i'm gonna turn the office into one instead.

>> No.8412529

I feel like splinters would be a massive issue with one of these.

>> No.8412598

ah damn, how much was the framing?

>> No.8412604

goddamn where did you find that creamy mami figure? (the blue one!)

>> No.8412648
File: 166 KB, 972x1137, hmprod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw these on H&M. freakin adorable so I thought I'd share.

>> No.8412652
File: 1.03 MB, 5000x3846, 1429390645185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love modern and minimalist rooms but i will never get one bc i cant afford brand new furniture
m-maybe one day

>> No.8412655
File: 444 KB, 1600x1196, 1429227363353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my favorite room pictures, so cozy

>> No.8412657
File: 33 KB, 582x638, 1429390353778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8412693
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1429390780458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8412698
File: 351 KB, 1625x722, 1429390811161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8412702

How lame would it be for me to get a kotatsu? I love the idea of having one for winter and sitting at it while I dink around on my laptop or play some games.

>> No.8412715

I finally get my cute dream room already painted in my favorite color, all this nice storage for my lolita wardrobe and cosplay, and I can't even keep it clean and tidy. Everything important is stored away nicely and well taken care of. So it's not like I'm laying my dresses on bags of fast food or anything. I can't speak for craft supplies, random clothes, piles of things I haven't unpacked from the last few cons. At least it's not filty disgusting, just cluttered and messy.
>forever a slob

>> No.8412717
File: 986 KB, 2000x1333, 1429909776687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8412718

Forget about "lameness" anon, it's so fucking worth. My two roommates and I are weebs and we spend 90% of our time at home under the kotatsu during the winter. My dog loves it too. Really good for eating breakfast at when it's freezing in the mornings too.

If you can find one and afford it, do it. You won't regret it.

>> No.8412750
File: 377 KB, 1200x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just moved back from college dorms so I can finally put up all my posters; really sad because half of them got lost in the move and I missed out on the giant free! Manjuu pillow orders

>> No.8412801
File: 68 KB, 554x332, 1430790086835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did you get the shirtless rin dakimakura? looking for a makoto one for science

>> No.8412818
File: 30 KB, 236x354, 1430802387874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8412941

I'm not sure which shirtless rin daki you mean, but the full length one on top I got in an AA (But she only made Rin), while the one on bottom I bought from y!ja, but it's from the 2013 Animate Girls Festival lottery. There were also ones of makoto, haru, rei, nagisa, and nitori/seijuurou.

>> No.8412990

I have that entire bedroom set. The mirror and all. Ive had it since I was... I don't know.. 7?

>> No.8413005

fucking fujoshits

>> No.8413038
File: 43 KB, 422x640, 131173_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8413039
File: 186 KB, 666x930, 1432840529042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8413049

Unframed posters are extremely trashy.

>> No.8413064
File: 13 KB, 500x500, lill-lace-curtains-pair-white__0099862_PE242252_S4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these tacky for curtains?
im desperate to get them because they are on sale, i'm just wondering if the mesh looks trashy?

>> No.8413065
File: 210 KB, 1600x1066, 1433741479403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8413080

who the fuck frames anime posters

>> No.8413083

I do because otherwise it looks like a teenager lives in my house. And my cats have a tendency to jump up and smack at posters so it saves my posters from ruin.

>> No.8413300

This. Frames waste so much space - I only frame posters that have been signed.

>> No.8413307

it is milkyfawns room

>> No.8413316

people who dont throw a bunch of posters all over their wall like a kid in high school. It looks so much better and less shitty.
you lil kid

>> No.8413396
File: 136 KB, 900x485, 1361517096716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8413408

I dunno where you live, but maybe try craigslist? There's always a lot of interesting furniture on there.

>> No.8414426

I think it was about £15-£20. The guy that does it doesn't charge much. I don't know where you live but I'm fairly sure most cities will have some kind of framing shop.

>> No.8414525

She looks like a chocolate turtle

>> No.8414530

It's actually already pretty smooth, and, well, sandpaper. Probably depends on how well its been taken care of & not fucked up. It never snagged my stuff. I keep trinkets there now though, woo

>> No.8414541

>999 ost
I fucking love you anon

>> No.8414550

That sun window.
the fish tank.
The whole thing.

>> No.8414551

Aw I love the blanket! Sauce if possible?

>> No.8414552

>Kind of sad about it, can someone refer good places to buy bedsheet sets and curtains?
If people ask questions and not mention location, should we all assume it's USA?

>> No.8414566

>still watching and obsessing over cartoons
>not lil kid

>> No.8414574

this image inspired a search and... should I?

>> No.8414577

not the same anon but please do tell where the desk is from. I'm in the market for a new desk and love it's size

>> No.8414594
File: 135 KB, 352x334, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like an all pink room with kawaii shit doesn't make it seem any less childish than posters everywhere

>keep trying mate

>> No.8414687 [DELETED] 

>What does your room look like right now?

>Where do you buy your decor from?
The landlady and the guy who lived here before me (it came furnished). I have a lot of regrets. My year in this apartment comes to an end in six seeks, though, and my new place is gorgeous.

>> No.8414691
File: 2.20 MB, 1024x1024, rOII294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does your room look like right now?

>Where do you buy your decor from?
The landlady and the guy who lived here before me (it came furnished). I have a lot of regrets. My year in this apartment comes to an end in six seeks, though, and my new place is gorgeous.

>> No.8414698

or you just just not fucking put up shitty anime posters that you got from a magazine at barnes and nobles. i have nothing against posters, but at least get some nice prints or something.
hell, when i was in high school i had a ton of band posters but they were all from tours (aka not shitty magazine tearouts) and were framed and organized nicely on my wall. it's not that hard.
>sound meaner than i meant
>just really fucking hate walls covered in magazine posters
>sry if i sound angry

>> No.8414714

Fuck, I really love that bed but nowhere near me sells anything like that.

>tfw moving in a month and have to buy all new furniture

>> No.8414783

>How dare you decorate your personal space in a way that I don't like?!

>> No.8414822

hi, you're that girl that took rin to prom.

>> No.8414927

ahh so cute!! thank you!

>> No.8414953


must be hell to clean those crowded rooms

>> No.8414984

Requesting cute cheap organization ideas for crafting area.

>> No.8416135

Bless you anon, just bought one of these because my sock drawer is a battlefield.

>> No.8416175

While the natural light would be nice during the day, I'd constantly be looking for faces pressed up against the glass at night.

>> No.8416194
File: 139 KB, 720x480, sewing-room-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pegboard is very versatile, you can spray paint it to match your decor.

>> No.8416202
File: 110 KB, 625x833, Pegboard Pails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pails like this are cheap.

I'm also going to post some clever ways of storing fabric because it can become disorganized quickly

>> No.8416209
File: 96 KB, 500x750, enhanced-25296-1408983802-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is unit was intended for magazines, but it works to see all your fabric at once.

>> No.8416216
File: 71 KB, 640x480, fabricstash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can file them into clear bins.

>> No.8416218
File: 63 KB, 540x540, 51c8b7abd9127e2305000254._w.540_s.fit_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or file them in an actual filing cabinet.

>> No.8416220
File: 63 KB, 320x726, 475e3d4ac0d50debdb3912fcde203ef5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closet jewelry organizers for spools of ribbon.

>> No.8416221
File: 118 KB, 625x937, Paper towel holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper towel holder for spools of ribbon.

>> No.8416247
File: 126 KB, 660x858, deer-duvet-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for cute things but I somehow can't handle my room looking like a 5 year olds.
Going for a black and white fairytale forest theme but dont want it to be too minimalistic/clinical. Currently got this duvet and a sheepskin rug. Thinking a shitload of white fairylights and tree print wallpaper too. Any ideas in terms of furniture style? or anything really..

>> No.8416248
File: 43 KB, 440x748, 344e2de985b1613d407b8d37fa914995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does your room look like right now?

Anime as heck and am proud. I collect a lot of anime figurines and posters. I have a green/black them and it's really Asian, specifically Japanese looking, down to the lighting fixtures.

>Where do you buy your decor from?

I buy the posters and figurines at various anime sites. Everything else was fairly easy to get from Asian stores in malls and Pier 1 Imports or World Market. It probably doesn't sound good, but if you go with a strong theme it tends to looks much better.

Part of me wants to redo it from my earlier weeby phase in high school, but I find a gender neutral Japanese theme with toned down colors just so soothing. I also can't bring myself to totally lolita it up, since it'd look like my mothers room or my grandmothers house with any sort of victorian, effeminate or floral aesthetic. Anyone else in the same boat? If I blasted it in bubblegum pink I think I could escape that, but I couldn't stand to look at that single color all day.

Anyone have any unusual colors for a room? Green/black is still something I like and would love to see any of that. Maybe more sax, mint or lavender rooms too? Picture related is what I mean by subdued and soothing while still kind of being a "kawaii" room.

>> No.8416256
File: 293 KB, 525x392, IMG_2498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8416258
File: 280 KB, 525x394, IKEA planters on metal bar from kitchen organization section.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8416263
File: 78 KB, 512x768, 3207e3ef12d73931ed706eb16917bfe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8416265
File: 87 KB, 500x750, Ceiling Lighting Tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used a ceiling light tile to hold Copic markers

>> No.8416267
File: 105 KB, 650x479, How-to-Make-Cheap-Clear-Plastic-Shoebins-into-Cute-Storage-for-the-Craft-Room-at-The-Happy-Housie-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8416328

I'm not someone who does sewing so may I ask why there are so many pairs of scissors?

>> No.8416333

Bottom row might all be different pinking shears

>> No.8416339

Some are probably for different materials, I'd guess? I'm a sewing noob, so along with the pinking shear guess I'd only be able to guess a pair for fabric and a pair for paper.

>> No.8416345
File: 485 KB, 1656x1116, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8416349

oh man typed out a big response.. this was for >>8416247
The key to cosyness is lots of textures. Different fabrics in natural tones. chunky woolen and knitted blankets. I would go with grey rather thank black as its a lot softer. Incorporate natural elements such as birch branches, a terrarium. As for furniture style I would go with more classic/elegant styles in whatever colour you choose. Black, white, silvery or pale wood tones. cute idea btw. I had fun with it.

>> No.8416357
File: 1.05 MB, 2592x1944, paper-shapers-020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's a sewing and crafting room so I think they're decorative edge scissors that make designs like these.

>> No.8416381

>>8416357 again
Sorry I didn't see the middle row, but:
>small green look like thread cutting scissors
>pink and black ones are probably really sharp for cutting notches (or paper scissors for precision cutting crafts)
>right orange are the pinking shears
>one of them up there is probably for cutting paper/patterns

and the other ones might be
>tailors shears or dressmaker shears (not sure if there is a difference but they are marketed separately)
>embroidery scissors
>scissors for different weights of fabric

Do you need all these scissors? Probably not depends on how much and what you sew, but they can be useful.

>> No.8416569

They got bunny shaped lamps and shit.

They are way more expensive but I love their stuff. They do ship internationally but you have to order over the phone to get the best results.

>> No.8416626
File: 75 KB, 448x534, chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just ordered this chair
Soon I will be significantly closer to the princess room of my childhood dreams. Too bad I don't have the room for a vanity

>> No.8416764

no response, i think i might get them, i guess they don't look too bad.

>> No.8416818

any suggestions on cute bedding? I just got a new queen size mattress and i have no clue where to look.

>> No.8416884
File: 144 KB, 900x538, 1431400244321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8416901
File: 88 KB, 785x960, white-china-hutch2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me really want to make a kotatsu that looks like a purin!

Still looking for window seat inspo and I also just recently inherited a china hutch similar to pic related but black and white and I don't know what to do with it.

>> No.8416993
File: 71 KB, 500x500, falkhojden-desk-pink__0382516_PH124222_S4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


new and cheap

>> No.8417009

I have one and it's not hell to clean, just hell to navigate if it gets messy. The key is putting stuff back where it belongs.

>> No.8417012

>duck tape

>> No.8417030

I think anon means the dust which is all over uneven surface.

>> No.8417031
File: 131 KB, 600x600, f87982b3ed1033413ba36855617fcb44f04c1282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an actual brand of tape. They have a lot of different patterns, so if it's for crafting it's probably actual duck tape and not just random duct tape.

>> No.8417042 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 480x360, 1433533210876.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is lolita?

>> No.8417047

Still, not really. Most people who seriously collect anything usually like to keep it clean, at least in my experience. When you spend that much money on dorky shit you might as well spend some time with it.

>> No.8417052

r u a murderer

>> No.8417056

If I started dating a girl, get invited to her place and it turns out to even resemble any of these bedrooms posted here... I would abort and nope the hell out of there.
just sayin'

>> No.8417060

>all these fujoshit rooms
your joke missed before you even made it, anon

>> No.8417066

This is the reason that an immigration isn't accepted in Japan.

>> No.8417073

I just decided to block all sunlight from my room since i always have the blinds down anyway and i dont need the UV rays, foil for now (no fucks given atm) and I'm thinking of making something nice to cover my windows, like a giant pushpin board or something hmmmm

>> No.8417089
File: 64 KB, 593x607, 1344927039884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need your help.
I'm calculating how much money I need until I'm ready to move out.But yesterday my grandparents told me they would like to pay for my entire interior,no matter how much it costs.I said I can't accept such a big gift.
My main reason to move out is to feel independent.Am I betraying my own ideals if I accept?Or is it plain stupid not to accept?

>> No.8417105

Are your grandparents rich? If not, and you chose to accept their offer, go shopping at IKEA or similar cheap place. Don't splurge at designer-shops.

Either way, pay at least half of it yourself, regardless of what they say.
They are your grandparents, and if they're not rich, they just have their pension to live off.

>> No.8417107

That's more of an /adv/ question, but in my opinion yes you are going against your principle of independence if you accept. Personally I would look at the practicality of accepting- would letting them pay for the furniture make a big difference in letting you move out? If your calculations show you'd have enough money to buy furniture without them then you could pass up the offer at the expense of some luxury. But if you're only able to move out comfortably if you accept the offer, then you're still becoming more independent overall, just with your grandparents' help.

You should also consider their feelings and finances too - does it make them happy to help you out? Are they financially secure? You could always compromise and just let them pay for some furniture but not all.

>> No.8417112

When you first move out it's incredibly expensive, so accepting a gift is not stupid unless you're sure you can comfortably afford the initial expenses by yourself and not have to budget for the next few months. If you feel it's too much, maybe compromise by letting them get you one or two pieces? Like a bed frame or sofa or a fridge ie. things that you will definitely use and are on the pricier end.

>> No.8417114

My room is a giant mess where one half is a shitload of snake/gecko setups, and the other half is just a big electric eel tank with a bunch of huntsman enclosures sitting on top of it.

Living the kawaii life.

>> No.8417122

It's fine anon. The first step from dependence to independence is very expensive hence why it's normal for relatives to give you leftover furniture or pay for some of it.
in b4 someone posting that they worked really hard before moving and paid it all themselves

>> No.8417293

Do you (or does anyone) know what the quality is like? I know IKEA is usually fine, but that desk looks really flimsy.

>> No.8417332

Has anyone seen any white bookshelf a that has a bit of scalloping for sale online? For some reason that is proving harder to hunt down then I thought it would be.

>> No.8417342

>want to move out of parents and have my own place (and live there with partner)
>no idea how to go about doing so
>job is an internship with no end which is my only source of income
>what if things go wrong??? etc.
>now 22
Any advice?

>> No.8417346

I just got my own place on the first and accepted all the help I could get. Kitchen stuff and essentials ALONE cost me over $300, not including dishes that I bought second hand. I accepted all the help I could get in the form of hand me down furniture and such. The reason family does this is because of how stupidly expensive it is (figure two months rent + $500 if you don't have the basics like a microwave, towels, and coffee pot) and they remember their first place where they had a plate, a fork, a spoon, and a mattress. That's what my grandma told me anyways. It generally makes people feel good that they're helping you start your life.

Choose nice second hand furniture and you won't put them in an awkward spot. If they push you towards new, fuck it, get new furniture.

>> No.8417514

Have no clue what that means. I'm just a /fit/izen, getting lost on my way to my homeboard.

>tfw no gf

>> No.8417967

...put out resumes? WTF, you don't need advice for this. Get your shit together, anon.

>> No.8417979

No one should be able to say this, but you said it.
Someone took Rin to prom. Why? Why would you do this?

>> No.8418235

It's really sad how I know who'es room this is

>> No.8418257

>>tfw no gf

Isnt /cgl/ mostly girl?

>> No.8418266

>defending shitty interior decorating
you have to be 18+ to browse 4chan, buddy.

>> No.8418346

1 year and still going strong

why wouldn't you go to prom with your one true love?

>> No.8418384


>> No.8418391

Literally means pure, virgin grill in nihongo. :)

But basically they get off to anime dudes making out with each other and there's a 95% chance that they're awkward nerds that have never had a boyfriend.

>> No.8418402

"Fujoshi" is a term meaning "rotten girl," and refers to yaoi fangirls.

"Fujoshit" is a portmanteau.

>> No.8419672
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I spent several seconds looking at the dresses reflected in the mirror and thinking wow, I didn't know all of these also came in BJD size
>mfw it's a mirror, not a tiny cabinet

>> No.8420795
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I refer you to my previous statement.

>> No.8420819
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put china in it.

>> No.8420883

You kind of are in a way but just borderline?

They arent feeding you but they are making sure that you have furniture. Just pay for the smaller stuff like shelves and drawers but the bed is the biggest cost. Just accept that if not the whole thing. A bed with matress and all will set you back at least a months worth of rent if not 3 months.

>> No.8421528

Does anyone have some good closet organizing tips, especially your own personal tips for lolita and jfashion? I've been reading through articles online but I'm having a hard time translating normie clothes organizing to my wardrobe. How do you guys organize? I don't have much lolita so it'll mostly be generic jfashion. Should I organize it by each style? I'm thinking first by color, then by type so I can coord easier.

>> No.8421544

>interior decorating is serious business! You must do as I say and follow DA ROOLZ!
Fuck off cuck

>> No.8423356

Aaagh, I've been shopping around and actually considered starting a thread for BJD lolita dresses (and other J-Fashion), just an imagedump for fun and possibly inspiration, but wasn't sure if it'd be relevant enough to the board.

Now I'm wondering how much more goddamn money Angelic Pretty could make if they did limited runs of scaled dresses. I'd say doll fans are running on similar levels of crazy as lolita enthusiasts, at the very least.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.8423948
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Can I get some inspiration for desks?

>> No.8424503
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>> No.8424513
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>> No.8424517
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>> No.8424524
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>> No.8424529

Blehs so many cute fabric storing solutions are obvi made by quilters with small amounts, i was about to jump onto the filing cabinet one but i have some huge cuts :/

Any other adhd/organizing-challenged cosplayers/sewing people here? Hows your craft space looking? im redoing my entire setup atm, trying to prevent clutter and all that jazz

>> No.8424916 [DELETED] 

Any femanons here :C

>> No.8424918 [DELETED] 

I've got that chair except its black and stained with me sweat and cum

>> No.8424922

The rare "secret bj coffee table"!!!

>> No.8424925 [DELETED] 

this thread is deaad ass shit. CAn't access /b/ thanks to shitty local network

>> No.8426041
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>> No.8426190

anon target has some really nice simple lamps, and kmart too actually! kmart is off the chain when it comes to cute shit lately.

>> No.8426357

Seconding Target! I'd recommend checking it out in the summer and fall where they have a lot of cute, cheap shit for college students.

>> No.8426625

Jesus I did not realise that was a cutout.

>> No.8427333

Thank you!

>> No.8427542

Gonna move into my sister's attic room since she's moving out into a new house. It'll be pretty fuckin sweet to redo the entire room because my current one is a bit of a thematic mess, but the worst part is that it gets really warm up there since all the heat from this house goes up into the room

>> No.8427552
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>> No.8427555
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>> No.8427562
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>> No.8427567

I don't like TamashiiHiroka's videos but her living room is set up nicely imo

>> No.8427572
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>> No.8427574
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>> No.8427593
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>> No.8427607
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Self post of (half of) my bedroom. It's a work in progress, but it's mostly done

>> No.8427617

Very nice, I like the doll theme. My room is a mish mach of black and white ikea shit with different colored books and a tiny weird purple desk drawer thing. I need to get rid of all these YA books I'll never read again

>> No.8427623

I love your room! Shabby chic is my dream but I keep trying to combine it with my anime and kawaii shit and the result is... Jarring. Not sure how to meld my interests into something cohesive.

Anyway your room is adorable and I love your wall of peignors and nightgowns.

>> No.8431450
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Anyone know where I can find this bedding? It's so perfect.

>> No.8431454

Try secondhand sale sites like Craigslist/Gumtree/etc. Check local listings in the paper, and look for estate sales.

>> No.8431456

There are a few options so I will just tell you to google Sailor Moon bedding. You can get duvets on RedBubble or a fleece blanket on that human store.

>> No.8431461

There are a few on Redbubble and Etsy, I think. Just look for Sailor Moon Bedding.

>> No.8434451

It's actually the blanket anon not bedding. I have it myself and I can tell from the texture. You can get it from LookHuman

>> No.8434453

Here's the link!


>> No.8434455


Thank you all so much!

>> No.8436547

Room thread, please help me - I'm building a desktop (gaming) pc soon. Is there any way to make the computer itself cute? Or at least not stand out too obviously in a generally floral and frilly room.

>> No.8436555

I have giant plastic boxes shoved on shelves underneath my craft desk. I de-stashed recently and got rid of a whole lot of stuff though

>> No.8436563

You could get one of those stretchy cloth covers for the sides of the monitor, or cover it in stickers or washi tape.

>> No.8436581

Stickers are gonna look too cluttered (been there), washi tape sounds better

>> No.8436583

Washi tape is also easier to remove if you hate it.

>> No.8436585

whats up with the flying rilakkuma

>> No.8436753

its called "picking things up"

>> No.8436766


Just make sure you don't block any of the fan ports on the case.

>> No.8436962

I dont even watch anime, but I want a cute looking girl figure on my desk. Any recommendations? Something I can pick up off ebay preferably.

>> No.8436979

If you are building, there are cute/pretty computer cases, even Hello Kitty ones. Some of the prettiest I've seen are 'steampunk' because they look elegant/victorian.

>> No.8436987

Even if you keep it neat, dusting and cleaning is harder when there is so much stuff on display. I guess some people like it enough to do it but to me it just seems cluttery. I have 2 collections but I just display a few of the pieces from each and rotate them, storing the rest in a dust-free place.

>> No.8437020

i used to do this back at home and loved it but now I live with my boyfriend and he doesn't like anime and shit so our home is so bland and boring :(

>> No.8437053
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Some brands have done collaborations with doll companies, but I'm not sure if these count as BJDs.

>> No.8437696

Why are you dating someone like that? Come on, anon.
Fucking normalfags

>> No.8437748

Search "unknown anime figure" on eBay and pick something that looks nice.

>> No.8437801

yes, you should

>> No.8437823

I wish I could put posters up in my room.. My mom is super superstitious and I had a poster of kurapika up when I was a kid with his chains out and red eyes. she made me take it off my wall because she said he looked evil and possessed wtf.

>> No.8437854
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Selfposting. Do excuse the shitty cellphone quality.

I want to do something with the bed's posts, but curtains are not an option because we get a lot of ash over here.

>> No.8437864

I feel like it's not a big deal to accept. It's a common tradition for grandparents and family to help the younger generation out with furniture when they move out for the first time. They'd feel good about helping you, and you'd have some nice furniture. Unless they're in financial duress, I'd accept. Your grandparents aren't your parents, they're not the ones you're seeking independence from.

>> No.8438107

i really wish i had that wallpaper

>> No.8438114

Fairy lights

>> No.8438121

purple and brown together is so gross...

>> No.8438217

> a lot of ash

Do you live next to goddamn volcano?

>> No.8438235


actually, yes.

>> No.8438271

Give me your Hisoka plush pls

>> No.8438572

Fair. Does the ash get on everything?>>8438271

>> No.8438600


I have to dust fairly frequently (say, at least twice a week and do a more throughout cleaning every other week). Ash is relatively thick so I just shake my plush toys into a bag whenever they get dirty and scrub off the rest.

I'm against curtains because washing them is honestly too much of a bother for me and I already pay drycleaning for my bigger beddings.

>> No.8438624
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Here's my room, it isn't as cute or weeby as I would like it to be but it works for me. Mostly I wish my fabric storage was a bit cuter, but it's the best I can do right now. Also hoping to get a cute dress form.

>> No.8440802

wind flower garlands (the kind from hobby lobby) the canopy top. this bed would be perfect for that.

>> No.8441750

Does anyone have a bedroom with a sewing corner in it? I want to get into sewing, but I have no room besides my own bedroom. Need the inspiration

>> No.8442118
