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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8408679 No.8408679 [Reply] [Original]

I'm surprised by the number of communities that have a sort of blanket ban on members going on /cgl/ or talking about it, because our community make no secret of browsing or posting.

>Why does your comm ban it?
>Did something spark the ban?
>Do you suspect the admins browse while enforcing this?
If it's a recent development:
>Do you feel disallowing it has made the comm atmosphere better or worse?

>> No.8408684

how the hell will they do that? some kind of lolita Big Brother or something? A /cgl/ witch hunt similar to the McCarthyism of the cold war?

>> No.8408706

No idea, honestly. I guess if one references a particular thread from 4chan either on the comm page or at a comm meet, any comm mod who is on a power-trip could remove them from the Facebook page.

But no smart mod would do this. 4chan isn't a hive mind.

Usually if a mod bans a person from a comm, it's because that person already has built up a history of being a scammer, or has been harassing other comm members, or has been acting inappropriately at meets.

>> No.8408712

I'm 99% sure that the regulars in my comm are seagulls. I know one member who sadly left was one of us for sure though.

>> No.8408769

My comm hasn't officially banned it and admins will pop up here once in a while if there's a significant community discussion going on that they want to add their two cents to, but overall it's definitely frowned upon. You won't actually get kicked out or officially ostracized if people know you're a seagull - it's much more passive-aggressive than that. You're basically labelled a meaniepoo and likely to be blamed any time someone from the comm is posted or discussed here in a negative light. Worst case scenario some dramallama decides 4chan is full of rapists, pedos and racists and labels you one by extension.
I have noticed it's mostly the younger girls who act this way, though. I suspect that the majority or at least a large minority of the old guard lurk here.

>no official ban, just rumours and highschool-tier pettiness

>> No.8408776

I've never heard of a comm banning CGL. That's incredibly backwards and controlling and no one should ever do that. If you join a comm and they want to control your internet access and private conversations, then get the fuck out.

>> No.8408779

For sure one of our comm leaders posts here, I don't think it's a huge deal but our comm in general is fairly relaxed. We don't have much drama to begin with, and I've never seen anything negative about our comm posted here, so I don't think anyone minds much.

>> No.8408786

Remember when CGL got a certain crazy kicked out of her comm for being a total fucker off CGL? kek. See, sometimes CGL acts to remove the IRL drama.

>> No.8408803

Mods and members alike brows cgl. No one gives a shit because were all pretty chill. We have a few shit stirrers here of course, but not any of the regulars, just a couple of people that are no longer in the comm or who are barely active who thrive off the drama. Of course it's those few people who like to point fingers and scream cyberbully and meanie to anyone who comes here. "If you self post or brows on cgl you OBVIOUSLY post other people on here and harass people" is always followed by "what do you mean? I NEVER go on 4chan! Only meanies and racists go there!"

You bitches aren't fooling anyone. Quit spreading lies and maybe work more on your own personality instead.

>> No.8408810


;) you sound familiar

>> No.8408819

I wouldnt be suprised if similar situations were common in other comms tbh

>> No.8408823

I know a few people post here, that became more apparent when ILD photos and self posting occurred.

>> No.8408876

browsing /cgl/ is ban-worthy now apparently
/cgl/ is honestly one of the most tame boards on 4chan, why do they have their bloomers in a twist over this?

>> No.8408893

I've had admin from this comm tell me they stir shit on CGL and yet they always end up banning anyone who self posts here or posts pictures from meets. Hypocritical much? Why are they causing drama if their job as admin is to make sure everything goes smoothly, without drama?

Our comm is utter trash, to be completely honest.

>> No.8408905

It's completely bonkers that communities and people like that exist. Like, what the actual fuck?

Most of our regular members go on cgl and not a drop of drama has ever come from it, it's crazy that some people are so scared. Maybe she's afraid she'll be posted by someone? Which would be hilarious bc she's pretty deserving of it with that attitude.

>> No.8408922

/cgl/ is honestly one of the most transmisogynist places on the net

don't even know why I keep going here for all of the thinly veiled hate trans people get you're all worse than goobergob

>> No.8408924

that's true, but its still more tame than most of 4chan

>> No.8408934

I wouldn't want to be apart of a comm like that. That's ridiculous. Power trippin' bitches. Pretty much my entire comm are gulls thankfully.

>> No.8408935

how would they know someone was posted or talked about, if they did not also browse cgl...?

>> No.8408964
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>communities and their feelings about /cgl/
I had a really funny experience with this recently at a meetup:
>everyone mingling and talking
>somehow 4chan gets brought up
>a cosplayer-recently-turned-lolita mentions she browses here
>room goes silent
>bodyline-newbies chime in and say how 4chan is always so awful and mean
>the older admins are in the corner of the room being silent (but clearly guilty since they're e-known) and judging the people openly talking about cgl
>I kinda feel bad for cosplayerchan
>say that I browse here but it's completely possible to avoid the negative threads that go too far
>cgl is good for print releases, coordination tips, and embarrassing questions
>that seems to ease some of the tension

Idk, I don't claim to be innocent because I've definitely purposefully shitposted and said some less-than-pleasant things about people here. But honestly, I'd rather sooner talk about a secret from behind the bows or drama on rufflechat with my comm. To me the topics are more tangible and discussion-worthy than some rando ita posted on cgl, or cosplayer drama. Some of my exaggerated posts are in response to exaggerated drama, and in no way reflects how I would actually behave or treat somebody irl. People just say what they want her unabated (unless they trip...), and everyone should keep that in mind.

I certainly don't hate the people who say they browse here, but if there's any unnecessary/excessive drama I do kind of prod for details about the poster just to see if it's them posting. And it's not to necessarily use it as a pawn to dangle over their heads, I just like being in the know.

>> No.8408978

Many of us are on here but I wish it was more socially accepted. I would love to self post someday.

>> No.8408987


Simple. Someone who does browse cgl goes and tells them. Sometimes it's their friend who happens upon cgl and decided to let their friends know, sometimes cgl anons directly tell these people to stir shit up.

>> No.8409072

...wait, what? What are you even talking about? Because cgl outs creepy sissies it's automatically branded as a transphobic space? There are tons of trans lolitas and brolitas who are posted here and most people say nice things.

>> No.8409097

Any chance of the good ol' name & shame? I feel like an admin like that should be outed.

>> No.8409104

IMO there is a big difference between posting on cgl and posting your comm on cgl. I wouldn't ban anyone from being on here, I do enjoy some of the threads.

>> No.8409121

One of my greatest pet peeves is how the same people who think anyone who goes on here is a drama mongering spitelord almost always regularly check BtB, and even will discuss it at comms. BtB is worse, vendettas are actually allowed there. I will never understand the double standard.

>> No.8409174

It's not banned, but very looked down on. Seagulls should never ever ever reveal they go on here unless they know their comm will be chill, or you will most likely be blamed anytime someone gets posted. I learned that the hard way. Luckily, my name was cleared because I was on vacation for a week when it happened and the admins were able to verify the place I was at had zero cell or Internet service, otherwise they would have banned me. They never figured out who did it, but I'm 99% sure the person's intention was for them to blame me because most of the pics they posted were ones I had taken. Still, pics from my FB that the entire comm has access to and the fact I go on here were not solid enough evidence to ban over, if they had, then I really would have gone full vendetta.

>> No.8409186
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>Getting offended from an anonymous chinese shadow puppet forum
> seriously suggesting people fear your shitty life choices
>implying you have the moral high ground
> making wide sweeping generalizations about an entire community
> preaching against sweeping generalizations
> demands acceptance regardless of personality or temperament
> expects respect from members of said community that dont gove a shit
> Focussing Personal growth internally, instead of experiencing externally
> Bitter that deep down, there isnt anything interesting or unique about you
> upset that all your thoughts are vapid and common
>steadfast and stubborn in your shit ideologies
>Forgetting wanting a community to cater to you is selfish and retarded
> Actually believing you're whatever you say you are.

You're a massive faggot, it's you who is my pet peeve anon.

>> No.8409195

bitter shit-stirrers pop up now and then and make ignorable posts that some might take personally. no one worth their salt would pay attention, though.

>> No.8409207

>Why does your comm ban it?
Our comm has had some crazy drama in the past and a lot of it was posted here. No one actually cares about the ban, though, we just pretend we don't and never post anything here that would give our identities away.
>Did something spark the ban?
A girl in our comm had her Iron Gate skirt stolen straight from her bedroom during her birthday party, which was essentially just a big meet up at her house. Someone came on here, claiming to be the thief and it sparked this giant witch hunt in the comm. Some comm members joined in, fueling the fire. A few different people were accused, two girls even left the comm. It was this giant cluster fuck and to this day, the perp has never been confirmed.
>Do you suspect the admins browse while enforcing this?
I know for an absolute fact at least one does.
If it's a recent development:
>Do you feel disallowing it has made the comm atmosphere better or worse?
Worse, without a doubt. I see stuff about our comm way more than before and always in a negative light. It's hard to feel great about your comm when the admins will ban you just for browsing a site they disapprove of.

>> No.8409210

Not that anon, but you are far too mad.

>> No.8409256

Our admins discourage /cgl/, myself included, because it can be hurtful to more sensitive girls if they see themselves posted, plus sometimes the negative attitudes of what you've read can also rub off on you if you're not careful.
However, I'm pretty sure it's no secret that some of our respected members self post.
Basically, the rule is pretty much if you get caught making a negative post about someone or posting comm drama, you're banned.
I would never ban someone for browsing through cute photos or asking questions in coord help or anything like that.

>> No.8409274

I ain't no snitch. As much as I hate our admin, I'd rather not start more unnecessary drama.

>> No.8409279

You're a better person than me, I would have outed her so fucking fast.

>> No.8409289

A lot of my comm goes on /cgl/ and everyone is pretty chill about it.
I once added a girl on /r9k/ because we ended up bringing up Lolita somehow... and she ended up being in my comm, it was pretty hilarious.

>> No.8409293

Oh man that drama, I'm so sorry Anon. It's also a shame they never found out who did it either it's really fucked with your comm.

It will recover in time, until then hang in there gull!

>> No.8409324


>> No.8409337

Yeah, the main reason it's still an issue is because so many common members just had to throw their two cents in about who may have done it to the point where it was ridiculous, and people are still understandably bitter about being blamed out of nowhere. One person accused someone who wasn't even at the party, one girl also was who wasn't even there, and another tried to say it was the victim's best friend, who didn't even leave her side the whole night. It wasn't until the girl who got her skirt stolen literally broke down crying at a meet and begged everyone to stop pointing fingers that it died down.

One thing that's nice is that one of the comm members gave her het Melty Mermaid Princess OP instead of selling it when she left lolita since she felt really bad for her and it was one of her ultimate dream dresses.

>> No.8409341

Sorry, I meant "one girl was who wasn't in the comm at that point" after the one who wasn't at the party

>> No.8409373

The magic of hypocrisy.

>> No.8409394
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>Why does your comm ban it?

No ban. Cgl and btb are regarded and called by some mod "unwanted gossip forum". People are young, but well tempered, and mentioning you browse it in person is ok, but keep it cool

>Did something spark the ban?
>Do you suspect the admins browse while enforcing this?
If it's a recent development:
>Do you feel disallowing it has made the comm atmosphere better or worse?

Once there was someone posted, during those days it was awkward, but nothing that silence wouldn't clear - pic related. As long as you keep your cool, is fine.

I have mentioned I browse it and I just get silence, no need to explain too much or justify my acts. Clear consciousness, no need to explain.

>> No.8409407

> if you get caught making a negative post about someone

This is a stupid rule, though. This is one of the few places where people can vent about their comms without facing backlash or whatever. Someone going on 4chan and saying "I don't like X" shouldn't be a ban-able offense

>> No.8409432

Gulls don't take this bait. Numbnuts here has been posting SJW bait on certain threads just to derail

>> No.8409445

What comm was the Iron Gate scandal even from?

>> No.8409448

Ok. Bye then. The great thing about cgl or any other website is you don't have to look at it. You can... Just turn off your computer. Crazy concept, right?

>> No.8409453

It must suck to be in that hostile environment though when you're just trying to have a good time. Sounds like there should be a coup d'etat in order, but as you said it'd be a whole lot of inner community drama.

>> No.8409458

Fantasic. New board meme?

>> No.8409470
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>mfw the thief probably feels like they pulled off the perfect crime
>tfw never gonna know
At least the comm member was nice enough to give her a gift to make her feel better. What a sweetie

>> No.8410066

Who are you referring to?

My comm rules state that participating in "wank communities such as /cgl/" can result in a ban, but I'm fairly sure that means if you are actually shit talking or posting about other members from the comm. I know a lot of other girls in the comm make it evident that they lurk /cgl/, and I myself am transparent about it. Most of the girls in my comm are super cool and well-dressed anyway, so I doubt anyone would bother stirring shit up here.

>> No.8410140

Dom; CGL outted her as being an IRL bully and doing some really backwards and cruel shit in her comm. Sometimes even CGL can't stand to see people be that awful, so really, there are worse things than posting on here, like doing this shit in real life. I feel like a lot of mean posts on CGL are people who don't actually believe what they say, but just want to bitch about anything they have at hand.

>> No.8410141


You forget that cgl is home to the ita thread and nitpick threads, and there are girls in there who will and do bash someone's looks in addition to their coords. No one really wants to go to tea parties or post photos on facebook if they know there's someone in the group who will post them to cgl's mean threads.

You also forget that there are trolls and shit stirers on cgl who can and do make up stories just to get a reaction out of people. If the comm admin has to keep explaining on multiple threads in cgl how this or that story is completely untrue, then that wastes the mod's time, plus it gives the comm a bad image.

At least, that's my take on banning someone for making negative posts. Neither of these things are venting, both are petty and destructive, so I'd say I agree with banning someone for making negative posts like this.

>> No.8410203

>Neither of these things are venting, both are petty and destructive, so I'd say I agree with banning someone for making negative posts like this.

In my comm you can and will be banned if it comes to light that you are posting members of the comm here or causing unnecessary drama. There has been at least one person to be banned since i joined my comm a few years back. But honestly if you can't quietly bitch to your friends and have to air out your dirty laundry for all to see i can't say i have much sympathy for you.

>> No.8410213

Sorry i worded that weird. I agree with you >>8410141 Because there is a large difference between venting, and shit talking on 4chan. I mean everyone bitches atmt last once in a while

>> No.8410304

Obviously I am not talking about cases like that where someone has a vendetta or whatever, if someone is that determined to stir shit then yea, a ban is warranted. But venting I feel should be fine.

>> No.8410316

Nah i agree. Sorry if i fucked up my wording it's getting pretty late here

>> No.8410392

There's a girl in my comm who admittedly browses here and at least used to post. Every time I talk to her, it seems like we are very like-minded as far as lolita opinions.
I want to get to know her better but I don't want any marks on my "flawless record" in the comm
(She's been crucified more times than I can count for posting to cgl and btb)
What do?

Tl; dr I'm a bitch and want a Lolita friend who I can be bitchy with but I don't want the flack for it

>> No.8410401

Crucified in what way? I say go a head and be friends with her and if anyone gets hotty say something about being "the bigger person"

Honestly would you rather hang around a group who get offended by a website or make a friend with someone you can connect with?

>> No.8410470

I know that happened in my comm but I don't know if that is who this is referring to. Is it HT?

>> No.8410477

Get out

>> No.8410481


>> No.8410565

Wait so Iron gate-chan never got her skirt back?

>> No.8410590

Who gives a shit? If you can make a cool friend you actually enjoy hanging around who cares what everyone says?

>> No.8410596

Ugh yes, sorry I'm a tired dumbass

>> No.8410597

My comm has been upsetting me recently, they express opinions that I don't agree with. I've also noticed how cliquey it's become despite how they brag about how it's so open and friendly. There is always problems in comms, but it's just been grating me lately.

>> No.8410598

>tfw you finally join your local comm and recognize the admins and several members from years on /cgl/

>> No.8410631

I think comms understand the difference between "I browse /cgl/" and "I shit talk everyone I know all the time on /cgl/". I'm a mod of one, and at one point we figured out and got rid of a girl in our community who used /cgl/--because she constantly insulted everyone member of the community on /cgl/ for no reason.
But recently at a meetup we overheard a high school girl talking about /cgl/, and we just rolled our eyes. Pretty much all of us know we browse it at least sometimes, sometimes just to read the entertaining drama. Our community never has issues that move past passive aggressive facebook statuses, so we can easily tell no one is trying to start shit here, so it doesn't matter who uses it.

>> No.8410650

My comm is the same, cliquey yet they say cosplaying is for fun. People wanting to be "cosfamous" and others latching on to them, some of them get mentioned on these boards for stuff that's generally true about them but guess they have more say in the comm, if that's even possible?

>> No.8410660

Not in reference to HT; I don't know who that is.

>> No.8410706


>crucified more times than I can count for posting to cgl and btb

idunno anon, you're obviously here and have a flawless record, whereas if this girl is so easily found out, she seems like a bit of a blabbermouth/speak before thinking type. I'd be wary of trusting her, it's one thing to like her opinion, it's another to trust her not to blab to other people about your bitchyness.

Obviously I don't know this girl, maybe she's just the scapegoat after slipping up once and in reality is a total cool bro. I'm just saying to proceed with caution. There's no reason you can't make friends with her without mentioning cgl, get to know her a little better first, and see what her behaviour is really like, before confiding your deepest, darkest bitchyness to her.

>> No.8411207

Yes this is what I meant by "posting something negative", thank you for the clarification of the difference between the two.
I would say if all you want to do is vaguely vent and ask for advice or something, leaving off names and locations is still probably okay.
We've had people post photos and bring up personal details of people's lives.
Someone picked on for her facial features and weight when her coord was so cute.
Things like this, we do not tolerate

>> No.8412649

lol you all brought her up twice in one thread
What do you do after you've been booted from a comm? Isn't it awkward to show up at cons or anything in the area? You can basically only post on /cgl/, but even then, Dom was shot down in a draw thread.

>> No.8412650

daaaaammmmn that was a draw thread they got her in? She must of fucked up hard. I thought it was a secrets thread.

>> No.8412671

we get it, you were posted here and people called you out on being a transtrender. quit spreading your shit to others threads now.

>> No.8412674

If you're sane, you just carry on with your life and stay out of the way of the people who've got beef with you. Having said that, most people who've been booted from a comm are pretty fucking batshit, so they do the opposite.

>> No.8412677

/cgl/ makes fun of fat people, ugly people, minorities, disabled people, and poor people but being transphobic is where you finally drew the line?

>> No.8412678

I don't know what my comm's stance is. I know a few come here. I'm not sure if the others are just playing dumb or what. I don't deny I come here, but I'm not worried considering as far as I've seen there's no real drama in the comm apart from stuff with an underage/just legal member that I don't know anything about.

>> No.8412683
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>> No.8412709

I'm a mod of my comm. Most of the more active people in my comm post here. Almost all the mods are on here. I'm a regular. I'm on here every day. I make it a point to never shit talk anyone or post pictures of anyone, especially in a negative way. But on an anonymous image board, you can't really defend yourself. I don't get involved in the catty drama but I enjoy watching it unfold. Also watching people type angry replies to my shitposts is pretty funny during summer.

There are probably some people in our comm who hate this place. We don't ban it. There's no reason to ban it. But if you start shit and throw shit enough, we sure as hell will find out.

That's different from vauge-venting like "I wish people would stop showing up to meets in cosplay wigs" which is totally fine in our book. But the moment you're like "smear __ comm everywhere because I'm holier than thou" isn't tolerable. We had someone do this and she ended up selfposting and got laughed off the site. It was entertaining to watch.

>> No.8412743
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Uhhh... I think you're misunderstanding who I am.
I don't know who this person is.
My community's person was just blocked from the facebook group, so she couldn't come to meets. If she posted us on /cgl/ was just responded "hi, [name], this is why we blocked you" or something, and that was enough to scare her into stopping.

We purposely never turned it into massive drama, I don't understand why anyone would do that.

>> No.8412812

>considering getting serious about lolita
>considering joining a comm
>scared to because I've learned 70% of what I know of lolita from 4chan
>feel guilty because everyone would auto hate me if they knew
>reverse bullying ensues ???
>no lolita would be my friend
>no pretty clothing and tea for me

I like seeing anonymous criticism, people are so much more open about what works and what doesn't.

>> No.8412820

As long as you're not a dick irl or shit post people online, nobody that matters will give a shit about you going on the 4chins

>> No.8412824

I know I probably wouldn't get in trouble for being a casual browser, but I am a fragile person irl. I fear.

>> No.8413295

You don't have to let people know. Or only bring it up if there's a discussion and you feel like you can talk about it. Just don't be the asshat posting pictures of others or giving deets about all the itas in your comm and naming and shaming them because they don't dress to your personal standards. Your comm might mostly be on this site too, you don't even know.

>> No.8413576

You have to attend 3 meets in my comm to get accepted into the group where all the meet photos are posted. Apparently we had an issue with people posting others here

>> No.8413613

Just want to say that I missed all that Dom drama somehow, went back in the archives and read through it, holy shit, 10/10 so satisfying. Good work, gulls.

>> No.8413824

My comm has no ban on /cgl/ and I know for a fact that a good few long time members lurk/post here, but the only time we've had a problem was when we found people shitposting about other comm members. /cgl/ is pretty much regarded as what it is in our comm - a website where people post anonymously and there is drama.

>oh no so scary

>> No.8414415

Hey Houston comm, I just saw what Buttcape posted. Is AM really destroying your comm? You need to kick that guy out. He's a fucking predator to all the lolitas

Does anyone else have experience with comm sexual harassment? I got stories (oddly mostly with girls) I had to go through a lot to cut the people out of the comm. It only let's them get to other people if you let them prey on people in the community like this. I think you guys needs to cut off the rot rather than fracturing off and go about your business.

>> No.8414418

He's been kicked, afaik.

>> No.8414442

I love it when that shit is brought up, because when you're that terrible to your comm and people IRL, you deserve to be named and shamed an equal amount to the deeds.

>> No.8414445

Heads up, Jebus of /a/ just tried joining Rufflechat for no reason, he's a creep and doesn't need to have access to impressionable young girls

>> No.8414474

Same for my comm, basically. Half the mods are regular gulls, and a good portion of the members as well. Our comm rarely comes up, and when it does its mostly positive. We're also all really open about being gulls, which I honestly think helps keep the drama low--when we all hang out here, no one wants to be the one to be caught shitposting.

>> No.8414582

Tell us the stories anon?

>> No.8417589

MtF here, /cgl/ honestly seems to be one of the more pro-trans boards on this site. There are a couple of people who say dumb things sometimes but they're usually just trolls and probably come from another board or something.

/cgl/ does make fun of sissy fetishists a lot but I'm with them on that cause those dudes are creepy as hell and make legit trans people look bad

>> No.8417666

comms need to ban drama much as possible.
the less shit stirrers a comm has,
the better.
were not in HS anymore, right?
i still dont know how they enforce it though.

>> No.8417674

i bet you all like to sit around and make fun of people

>> No.8418007

this could apply to sf comm too

>> No.8420634

My comm doesn't ban anyone from looking or posting either on btb or cgl, but it is somewhat looked down upon. I doubt that anyone would get banned for posting themselves on the self post threads, but since I want to keep that I go here a secret anyway, I wouldn't dare do so. There has been a couple of incidents of people shitstirring or posting our comm here in the past, so I don't really blame the attitude, but I don't want to get blamed for shit I didn't do.

>> No.8420682

I think being a gull shouldn't be banned, but if you get repeat vendettas in your community, you should definitely be kicked. The local shit of your community is usually for them to deal with. If you're just trying to stir the pot no one wants you.

>> No.8421365

because she's an asshole and everyone knows she is, so wherever she posts, someone will rise up and shit on her

>> No.8422873

>tfw live in Kentucky
>tfw poor college student
>tfw no idea how to start Lolita fashion, so just wear cute clothes
>tfw literally no comm in my area

>> No.8423230

I feel you Anon.

>WV right on boarder of PA
>wants to join comm
>which state?
>don't matter
>both +1 hours away

>> No.8423292

Which border? You can join us in Pgh. We are pretty friendly!

>> No.8423320

Mason Dixon line

>> No.8423421

Well, you are welcome to join our FB group - we arrange most of our events through group invites. If anything strikes your fancy, you'll know where we'll be when. Like I said, we are pretty friendly. (plus you can make fun of girlyhoot's glasses in person)

>> No.8423559

The kind of comm mods who "ban" cgl and BtB are almost always itas, scammers or relatively new to the community.

>> No.8423592

>New girl in comm, browsing lacemarket scammers list one day and realize she's blacklisted
>Know for a fact that she's scamming again under a new lacemarket account name.
>View her new LM account and she already never paid for a 400+ dollar dress and got bad feedback.
>unfriend her
>"waaaaah! why did you defriend me and my boyfriend?!? I thought we could be friendsssss"

Bitch, why do I want to be friends with some low-class, whiny little spoiled, lying bitch? On another comm-related note, I'm so tired with trying to be social with a lot of the girls in my comm. So many of them seem like they're trying too hard and it's very uncomfortable.

>> No.8423735

Our comm doesn't ban it but we don't focus on it either. We have not had much comm drama at all, just a few secrets here and there. We will mention something interesting in passing once in a while at a meet but most of us just privately read or post in general threads and aren't into any kind of trouble-stirring. We do a lot of really fun things together offline in our group though and strive to improve our lolita hobby though so I think that greatly minimizes the importance of most of the online lolita cultural/social phenomenon to us, good or bad. And I like it this way!

>> No.8423777

Thanks so much! I need to build up my wardrobe but I'll be sure to check in to it!

Also girlyhoot is in Pgh? Small world I guess, never expect people well known online bad or not to live so close
>"hi im kate"
>yes im aware